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A realtime order book for trading Spot on the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange using the pyhton-kraken-sdk
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2023 Benjamin Thomas Schwertfeger
# GitHub:
This module provides an example on how to use the Spot websocket
client of the python-kraken-sdk (
to retrieve and maintain a valid Spot order book for a specific
asset pair. It can be run directly without any credentials if the
python-kraken-sdk<=v1.5.0 is installed.
python3 -m pip install python-kraken-sdk
The output when running this snippet looks like the following table and
updates the book as soon as Kraken sent any order book update. The
stdout refreshes every 0.1 seconds.
Bid Volume Ask Volume
27076.00000 (8.28552127) 27076.10000 (2.85897056)
27075.90000 (3.75748052) 27077.30000 (0.57243521)
27074.40000 (0.57249652) 27080.80000 (0.00100000)
27072.90000 (0.01200917) 27081.00000 (0.00012345)
27072.80000 (0.25000000) 27081.70000 (0.30000000)
27072.30000 (4.89735970) 27082.70000 (0.05539777)
27072.20000 (2.65896716) 27082.80000 (0.00400000)
27072.10000 (2.77037635) 27082.90000 (0.57231684)
27072.00000 (0.81770000) 27083.00000 (0.38934000)
27071.50000 (0.07194657) 27083.80000 (2.76918992)
This can be the basis of an order book based trading strategy where
realtime data and fast price movements are considered.
This example is obsolete, since an orderbook client was added
in version 1.6.0 to the mentioned sdk.
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import binascii
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
from import KrakenSpotWSClient
class Orderbook(KrakenSpotWSClient):
The Orderbook class inherit the subscribe function from the
KrakenSpotWSClient class. This function is used to subscribe to the
order book feed will initially send the current order book
and then send updates when anything changes.
def __init__(self: "Orderbook", depth: int = 10) -> None:
self.__book: Dict[str, dict] = {}
self.__depth: int = depth
async def on_message(self: "Orderbook", msg: Union[list, dict]) -> None:
The on_message function is implemented in the KrakenSpotWSClient
class and used as callback to receive all messages sent by the
Kraken API.
if any(key in msg for key in ("errorMessage", "event")):
# ignore heartbeat / ping - pong messages / any event message
# ignore errors since they are handled by the parent class
if not isinstance(msg, list):
# The order book feed only sends messages with type list,
# so we can ignore anything else.
pair: str = msg[-1]
if pair not in self.__book:
self.__book[pair] = {"bid": {}, "ask": {}, "valid": True}
if "as" in msg[1]:
# This will be triggered initially when the
# first message comes in that provides the initial snapshot
# of the current order book.
self.__update_book(pair=pair, side="ask", snapshot=msg[1]["as"])
self.__update_book(pair=pair, side="bid", snapshot=msg[1]["bs"])
checksum: Optional[str] = None
# This is executed every time a new update comes in.
for data in msg[1 : len(msg) - 2]:
if "a" in data:
self.__update_book(pair=pair, side="ask", snapshot=data["a"])
elif "b" in data:
self.__update_book(pair=pair, side="bid", snapshot=data["b"])
if "c" in data:
checksum = data["c"]
self.__validate_checksum(pair=pair, checksum=checksum)
def get(self: "Orderbook", pair: str) -> Optional[dict]:
Returns the order book for a specific ``pair``.
:param pair: The pair to get the order book from
:type pair: str
:return: The order book of that ``pair``.
:rtype: dict
return self.__book.get(pair)
def __update_book(self: "Orderbook", pair: str, side: str, snapshot: list) -> None:
This functions updates the local order book based on the
information provided in ``data`` and assigns/update the
asks and bids in book.
The ``data`` here looks like:
['25026.00000', '2.77183035', '1684658128.013525'],
['25028.50000', '0.04725650', '1684658121.180535'],
['25030.20000', '0.29527502', '1684658128.018182'],
['25030.40000', '2.77134976', '1684658131.751539'],
['25032.20000', '0.13978808', '1684658131.751577']
... where the first value is the ask or bid price, the second
represents the volume and the last one is the time stamp.
:param side: The side to assign the data to,
either ``ask`` or ``bid``
:type side: str
:param data: The data that needs to be assigned.
:type data: list
for entry in snapshot:
price: str = entry[0]
volume: str = entry[1]
if float(volume) > 0.0:
# Price level exist or is new
self.__book[pair][side][price] = volume
# Price level moved out of range
if side == "ask":
self.__book[pair]["ask"] = dict(
self.__book[pair]["ask"].items(), key=self.get_first # type: ignore[arg-type]
)[: self.__depth]
elif side == "bid":
self.__book[pair]["bid"] = dict(
key=self.get_first, # type: ignore[arg-type]
)[: self.__depth]
def __validate_checksum(self: "Orderbook", pair: str, checksum: str) -> None:
Function that validates the checksum of the orderbook as described here
:param pair: The pair that's order book checksum should be validated.
:type pair: str
:param checksum: The checksum sent by the Kraken API
:type checksum: str
book: dict = self.__book[pair]
# sort ask (desc) and bid (asc)
ask: List[tuple] = sorted(book["ask"].items(), key=self.get_first) # type: ignore[arg-type]
bid: List[tuple] = sorted(
key=self.get_first, # type: ignore[arg-type]
local_checksum: str = ""
for price_level, volume in ask[:10]:
local_checksum += price_level.replace(".", "").lstrip("0") + volume.replace(
".", ""
for price_level, volume in bid[:10]:
local_checksum += price_level.replace(".", "").lstrip("0") + volume.replace(
".", ""
self.__book[pair]["valid"] = checksum == str(
# assert self.__book[pair]["valid"]
def get_first(values: tuple) -> float:
This function is used as callback for the ``sorted`` method
to sort a tuple/list by its first value and while ensuring
that the values are floats and comparable.
:param values: A tuple of string values
:type values: tuple
:return: The first value of ``values`` as float.
:rtype: float
return float(values[0])
async def main() -> None:
This is the actual main function where we define the depth of the
order book and also a pair. We could subscribe to multiple pairs,
but for simplicity only XBT/USD is chosen.
After defined some constants, the order book class can be instantiated,
which receives the order book-related messages, after we subscribed
to the book feed.
Finally we need some "game loop" - so we create a while loop
that runs until the KrakenSpotWSClient class encounters some error
which will be indicated by the ``exception_occur`` flag. Within this
loop we print out the order book on the console - but this is the place
where some could implement or call an order book depending strategy.
DEPTH: int = 10 # we can also change the depth to 100
PAIR: str = "XBT/USD"
orderbook: Orderbook = Orderbook(depth=DEPTH)
await orderbook.subscribe(
subscription={"name": "book", "depth": DEPTH},
pair=[PAIR], # we can also subscribe to more currency pairs
while not orderbook.exception_occur:
book: Optional[dict] = orderbook.get(PAIR)
if not book or len(book["bid"]) < DEPTH or len(book["ask"]) < DEPTH:
bid: List[dict] = sorted(
key=orderbook.get_first, # type: ignore[arg-type]
ask: List[dict] = sorted(book["ask"].items(), key=orderbook.get_first) # type: ignore[arg-type]
print("Bid Volume\t\t Ask Volume")
for level in range(DEPTH):
f"{bid[level][0]} ({bid[level][1]}) \t {ask[level][0]} ({ask[level][1]})"
assert book["valid"]
# This following sleep statement is very important to not having a million calls a second.
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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