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Created April 9, 2015 21:47
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Makefile for Mettle, a soon-to-be-open-sourced system for executing and monitoring ETL jobs. It integrates the installation of dependencies from pip, npm, and bower, and handles compiling React's JSX code into JS. There are also helpers for the system's Postgres and RabbitMQ backends.
.PHONY: dbsetup clean_files clean_rabbit clean migrate dev js
# Both Python and Node programs will be put here.
BIN=$(shell dirname `which python`)
# Our React components have dependencies on each other. This ordering is important.
JSX_MODULES=jobs targets runs pipelines services app
JSX_TARGETS=$(foreach module,$(JSX_MODULES),$(JSX_DIR)/$(module).js)
-psql -U postgres -c "drop database mettle"
psql -U postgres -c "create database mettle"
-rm -rf mettle/static/jsx/.module-cache
-rm mettle/static/jsx/*js
-rm -rf mettle/static/bower
-rm -rf tmp/HawaiianPipeline/*
-rm -rf tmp/PepperoniPipeline/*
-rm -rf mettle/static/bower
-rm -rf $(STATIC_DIR)/js/compiled.js
-rm -rf $(JSX_TARGETS)
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_announce_service
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_announce_pipeline_run
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_ack_pipeline_run
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_nack_pipeline_run
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_claim_job
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_end_job
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_job_logs
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=mettle_state
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete queue name=etl_service_pizza
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete queue name=mettle_dispatcher
-scripts/rabbitmqadmin delete queue name=mettle_job_logs
clean: dbsetup clean_files clean_rabbit
pip install bumpversion
# By letting 'nodeenv' install node.js, it will be placed into the Python virtualenv.
pip install nodeenv
nodeenv -p --prebuilt
$(BIN)/jsx: $(BIN)/npm
npm install -g react-tools
touch $(BIN)/jsx # Make 'make' realize this is new.
$(BIN)/bower: $(BIN)/npm
npm install -g bower
touch $(BIN)/bower
$(BIN)/uglifyjs: $(BIN)/npm
npm install -g uglify-js
touch $(BIN)/uglifyjs
# This is slightly hacky. mettle/static/bower is a folder, not a file, so Make
# is never going to recognize it as already existing.
mettle/static/bower: $(BIN)/bower
cd mettle/static; bower install --config.interactive=0
pip install -e . -i
migrate: $(BIN)/mettle
mettle migrate
dev: clean mettle/static/bower migrate $(BIN)/bumpversion
$(JSX_DIR)/%.js: $(BIN)/jsx
jsx $(shell echo $@ | sed s/js$$/jsx/) > $@
$(STATIC_DIR)/js/compiled.js: $(BIN)/uglifyjs $(JSX_TARGETS)
uglifyjs $(STATIC_DIR)/js/mettle.js $(JSX_TARGETS) -c -m > $@
# shorthand
js: $(STATIC_DIR)/js/compiled.js
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