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Last active March 27, 2016 15:27
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  • Save btupper/ae70c4069d8e1d3a0684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save btupper/ae70c4069d8e1d3a0684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
R: Select N non-NA random points from a mulitlayer Raster* object
#' Extract valuers from a multilayer Raster*
#' @param R a multilayer Raster* object
#' @param pts location info for points [cell, layer] or [row, col, layer]
#' @return a vector of values
layers_extractPoints <- function(R, pts){
if (!inherits(R, 'BasicRaster')) stop("Input R must be a Raster* class")
nc <- as.integer(ncell(R))
nl <- as.integer(nlayers(R))
ny <- nrow(R)
nx <- ncol(R)
if (!( || is.matrix(pts)))
stop("pts must be data.frame or matrix")
iz <- which(names(pts) %in% c("layer", "z"))[1]
if (length(iz) == 0) stop("pts must have 'layer' or 'z' column")
layer <- pts[,iz]
if (is.character(layer)) layer <- match(layer, names(R))
ic <- which(names(pts) == 'cell')[1]
if (length(ic) == 0){
icol <- which(names(pts) == 'col')[1]
if (length(icol) == 0)
stop("pts must have 'cell' or 'row' and 'col' columns")
irow <- which(names(pts) == 'col')[1]
if (length(irow) == 0)
stop("pts must have 'cell' or 'row' and 'col' columns")
cell <- irow + (icol-1) * nx
} else {
cell <- pts[,'cell']
index <- cell + (layer-1) * nc
#' Select N non-NA random points from a mulitlayer Raster* object
#' @param R a multilayer Raster* object
#' @param pts xyz values for presence points [lon, lat, layer] - these
#' locations are avoided when sampling. Ignored if NULL.
#' @param N the number of points to select
#' @return data.frame of sampled points with the following
#' \itemize{
#' \item{lon}
#' \item{lat}
#' \item{col}
#' \item{row}
#' \item{cell}
#' \item{layer}
#' \item{value}
#' }
layers_randomPoints <- function(R, pts = NULL, N = 1000){
if (!inherits(R, 'BasicRaster')) stop("Input R must be a Raster* class")
if (!is.null(pts)){
if (!( || is.matrix(pts)))
stop("pts must be data.frame or matrix")
if (ncol(pts) < 3) stop("pts must have at least three columns")
ix <- which(names(pts) %in% c("lon", "x"))[1]
if (length(ix) == 0) stop("pts must have 'lon' or 'x' column")
iy <- which(names(pts) %in% c("lat", "y"))[1]
if (length(iy) == 0) stop("pts must have 'lat' or 'y' column")
iz <- which(names(pts) %in% c("layer", "z"))[1]
if (length(iz) == 0) stop("pts must have 'layer' or 'z' column")
# get all of the data as a vector - storage is 1,2,3 across rows
# starting form upper left
v <- as.vector(R)
nc <- as.integer(ncell(R))
nl <- as.integer(nlayers(R))
ny <- nrow(R)
nx <- ncol(R)
# if pts are present, then we flag those in vector 'v'
if (!is.null(pts)){
if (is.character(pts[,iz])){
z <- match(pts[,iz], names(R))
} else {
z <- match(pts[,iz], 1:nl)
col <- colFromX(R, pts[, ix])
row <- rowFromY(R, pts[, iy])
cell <- cellFromRowCol(R, row, col)
# this is the number of layer steps 'extra'
bump <- 0:(nl-1L) * nc
index <- cell + bump[z]
v[index] <- NA
# create a dummy index
aix <- = 1L, to = (nc * nl))
# determine where NAs occur
nna <- !
if (sum(nna) < N) stop("N exceeds number of available values to select")
# sample the *indices*
s <- sort(sample(aix[nna], N))
# convert to cells, layers, rows, columns, and xy
cell <- ((s-1L) %% nc) + 1L
layer <- ((s-1L) %/% nc) + 1L
rc <- rowColFromCell(R, cell)
xy <- xyFromCell(R, cell)
x <- data.frame(
lon = xFromCol(R, rc[,'col']),
lat = yFromRow(R, rc[,'row']),
row = rc[,'row'],
col = rc[,'col'],
cell = cell,
layer = layer,
value = v[cell + (layer-1)*nc],
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
x <- x[order(x[,'layer']),]
#' Contructs a multilayer raster (real georeference) and example points
#' @param nl the number of layers to construct in the raster
#' @param increment logical, if TRUE then increment the values in each successive layer
#' @return list of
#' \itemize{
#' \item{R an N-layer raster}
#' \item{pts a data frame of points where we might have data}
#' }
get_example <- function(nl = 10, increment = FALSE){
npts <- 5 # number of points per layer
nx <- 61 # ncols
ny <- 64 # nrows
nc <- nx*ny # ncells
ext <- new("Extent"
, xmin = -77.1809315429675
, xmax = -56.6239315429675
, ymin = 34.5233097286473
, ymax = 50.5233097286473
m <- matrix(1:nc, ncol = nx, nrow = ny, byrow = TRUE)
r <- raster::raster(m, ext@xmin, ext@xmax, ext@ymin, ext@ymax,
crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
P <- generate_polygon()
r <- raster::mask(r,P)
R <- raster::stack(r)
if (increment){
for (i in 2:nl) R <- stack(R,r + (nc*i))
} else {
for (i in 2:nl) R <- stack(R,r)
names(R) <- paste0("layer.", 1:nl)
# make a collection of points - npts per layer
pts <-, npts * nlayers(R), xy = TRUE))
pts[,'layer'] <- sample(names(R), nrow(pts), replace = TRUE)
list(R = R, pts = pts)
#' Constructs a 513 vertices polygon for masking
#' @return SpatialPolygons object
generate_polygon <- function(){
p <- structure(c(-75.3274315429675, -75.6307315429675, -75.6307315429675,
-75.3274315429675, -75.2937315429675, -75.2937315429675, -74.9904315429675,
-74.9567315429675, -74.9567315429675, -74.6534315429675, -74.6197315429675,
-74.6197315429675, -74.3164315429675, -74.2827315429675, -74.2827315429675,
-74.2827315429675, -73.9794315429675, -73.9457315429675, -73.9457315429675,
-73.6424315429675, -73.6087315429675, -73.6087315429675, -73.3054315429675,
-73.2717315429675, -73.2717315429675, -72.9684315429675, -72.9347315429675,
-72.9347315429675, -72.6314315429675, -72.5977315429675, -72.2944315429675,
-72.2607315429675, -72.2607315429675, -71.9574315429675, -71.9237315429675,
-71.9237315429675, -71.6204315429675, -71.5867315429675, -71.5867315429675,
-71.2834315429675, -71.2497315429675, -71.2497315429675, -70.9464315429675,
-70.9127315429675, -70.9127315429675, -70.6094315429675, -70.5757315429675,
-70.2724315429675, -70.2387315429675, -70.2387315429675, -69.9354315429675,
-69.9017315429675, -69.5984315429675, -69.2951315429675, -69.2614315429675,
-68.9244315429675, -68.6211315429675, -68.5874315429675, -68.2504315429675,
-67.9471315429675, -67.9134315429675, -67.5764315429675, -67.2731315429675,
-67.2394315429675, -66.9024315429675, -66.5991315429675, -66.5654315429675,
-66.2284315429675, -65.9251315429675, -65.8914315429675, -65.5544315429675,
-65.2511315429675, -65.2174315429675, -64.9141315429675, -64.8804315429675,
-64.5434315429675, -64.2401315429675, -64.2064315429675, -63.8694315429675,
-63.5661315429675, -63.5324315429675, -63.2291315429675, -63.1954315429675,
-62.8584315429675, -62.5551315429675, -62.5214315429675, -62.2181315429675,
-62.1844315429675, -61.8474315429675, -61.5441315429675, -61.5441315429675,
-61.8474315429675, -61.8811315429675, -62.1844315429675, -62.5214315429675,
-62.8584315429675, -62.8921315429675, -63.1954315429675, -63.5324315429675,
-63.8694315429675, -63.9031315429675, -63.9031315429675, -64.2064315429675,
-64.5434315429675, -64.5771315429675, -64.8804315429675, -65.2174315429675,
-65.2511315429675, -65.5544315429675, -65.8914315429675, -66.1947315429675,
-66.2284315429675, -66.5317315429675, -66.5317315429675, -66.5317315429675,
-66.2284315429675, -66.1947315429675, -65.8914315429675, -65.5544315429675,
-65.5207315429675, -65.5207315429675, -65.5544315429675, -65.8914315429675,
-66.2284315429675, -66.5654315429675, -66.5991315429675, -66.5991315429675,
-66.9024315429675, -66.9361315429675, -67.2394315429675, -67.5764315429675,
-67.9134315429675, -67.9471315429675, -68.2504315429675, -68.5874315429675,
-68.6211315429675, -68.9244315429675, -69.2614315429675, -69.5984315429675,
-69.6321315429675, -69.9354315429675, -69.9691315429675, -70.2724315429675,
-70.3061315429675, -70.3061315429675, -70.6094315429675, -70.6431315429675,
-70.6431315429675, -70.6431315429675, -70.6094315429675, -70.3061315429675,
-70.3061315429675, -70.3061315429675, -70.6094315429675, -70.9464315429675,
-71.2834315429675, -71.3171315429675, -71.6204315429675, -71.9574315429675,
-72.2944315429675, -72.6314315429675, -72.6651315429675, -72.6651315429675,
-72.9684315429675, -73.0021315429675, -73.3054315429675, -73.6424315429675,
-73.9794315429675, -74.0131315429675, -74.0131315429675, -74.3164315429675,
-74.6534315429675, -74.9567315429675, -74.9904315429675, -75.3274315429675,
40.1733097286473, 40.3983097286473, 40.6483097286473, 40.8733097286473,
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40.1483097286473, 40.1733097286473, 40.1733097286473), .Dim = c(175L,
sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(p)), '1')))
#' Generate an example input dataset and sample it
#' @param nl the number of layers to use in the input raster
#' @param N the number of random samples to retrieve
#' @return list of
#' \itemize{
#' \item{R an N-layer raster}
#' \item{pts a data frame of points where sampling avoids}
#' \item{x a data frame of sampled points}
#' }
run_example <- function(nl = 10, N = 100, ...){
X <- get_example(nl=nl, ...)
x <- layers_randomPoints(X$R, X$pts, N = N)
X[['x']] <- x
#' Contructs a multilayer raster (simple georeference) and example points
#' @return list of
#' \itemize{
#' \item{R an N-layer raster}
#' \item{pts a data frame of points where we might have data}
#' }
get_toy_example <- function(){
npts <- 5 # number of points per layer
nl <- 10 # number of layers
nx <- 8 # ncols
ny <- 12 # nrows
nc <- nx*ny # ncells
# make a single layer raster
m <- matrix(1:nc, ncol = nx, nrow = ny, byrow = TRUE)
index <- 1, to = nc*nl)
r <- raster::raster(m, 0.5,nx+0.5, 0.5, ny+0.5)
# make a polygon for masking the raster
p <- cbind(
c( 2, 1, 3, 7, 3, 6, 2),
c( 3, 9, 10, 10, 6, 1, 3))
P <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(p)), '1')))
r <- raster::mask(r, P)
# make a stack
R <- raster::stack(r)
for (i in 2:nl) R <- stack(R,r)
names(R) <- paste0("layer.", 1:nl)
# make a collection of points - npts per layer
pts <-, npts * nlayers(R), xy = TRUE))
pts[,'layer'] <- sample(names(R), nrow(pts), replace = TRUE)
list(R = R, pts = pts)
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