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Created December 4, 2018 22:16
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Save bubakazouba/efcd059f3495b961cddffa75764810cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Keyboard shortcuts
⌘+tab: cycle through apps
⌘+⇧+tab: reverse cycle through apps
⌘+`: cycle through windows in active app
⌘+⇧+`: reverse cycle through windows in active app
right alt: toggle show desktop
⌘+⇧+3: Screenshot selected area and copy to clipboard
⌘+⇧+4: Screenshot full screen and copy to clipboard
⌘+⇧+I: Chrome
⌘+⇧+J: unsecured chromium
⌘+⇧+[: Sublime Text
⌘+⇧+M: Iterm
⌘+⇧+;: Telegram
⌘+⇧+]: other telegram
⌘+⇧+0: IntelliJ
⌘+⇧+9: Task Manager
⌘+⇧+9: Preview
⌘+⇧+S: Downloads
⌃+⇧+→: snap window right
⌃+⇧+←: snap window left
⌃+⇧+↑: maximize window
⌘+space: toggle Alfred
⌘+⇧+C: clipboard history
(almost) any app:
⌘+,: preferences
⌘+O: open
⌘+Q: quit
⌘+M: minimize
⌘+I: information
space: preview selected file
⏎: rename
⌘+O: open
⌘+C, ⌘+V: copy,paste
⌘+C, ⌘+option+v: cut,paste
⌘+A: select all
⌘+N: new window
⌘+T: new tab
⌘+Backspace: delete selected file(s)
any text editor/word processor:
alt+→: skip word right
alt+⇧+→: select one word right
alt+←: skip word left
alt+⇧+←: select on word left
⌘+→: end of line
⌘+⇧+→: select until end of line
⌘+←: beginning of line
⌘+⇧+←: select from beginning of line
⌘+↓: end of file
⌘+⇧+↓: select until end of file
⌘+↑: beginning of file
⌘+⇧+↑: select from beginning of file
⌘+A: select all
⌘+f: find
fn+backspace: delete
⌘+backspace: delete from beginning of line
⌘+Z: undo
⌘+Y: redo
⌘+S: save
⌘+⇧+S: save as
⌃+A: beginning of line
⌃+E: end of line
⌃+U: erase from cursor to beginning of line
⌃+R: reverse I search
tab: auto complete
Sublime Text:
⌘+D: select current word / next occurrence
⌃+⌘+G: select all occurrences of current selection
⌘+⇧+L: Split selection to selected lines
⌘+': select everything between quotes [Select Quoted extension]
⌃+m: jump to opening/closing parentheses
⌃+⇧+m: select everything between parentheses
⌘+]: indent current/selected line(s)
⌘+[: unindent current/selected line(s)
⌃+G: go to line number
⌘+K, ⌘+B: toggle side bar
⌘+⇧+V: paste and indent
⌘+U: soft undo
⌘+⇧+P: command palette
⌘+⌥+F: Replace
⌘+⇧+F: Find in files
⌘+⌥+[1-4]: Split view into n columns
⌃+`: Python Console
⌘+B: build/build and run
⌘+P: quick open files
⌘+N: new tab
⌘+⇧+N: new window
⌘+/: comment/uncomment selected lines
⌃+↑: scroll up
⌃+↓: scroll down
(almost) any browser:
⌘+T: open new tab
⌘+W: close tab
⌘+⇧+T: open closed tab
⌘+click link: open link in new tab
⌘+n: open new window
⌘+⇧+n: open new incognito window
⌃+tab: next tab
⌃+⇧+tab: previous tab
⌃+[0-8]: switch to nth tab
⌃+9: switch to last tab
tab: cycle focus
⇧+tab: reverse cycle focus
⌘+D: Bookmark
⌘+⇧+B: show/hide bookmark bar
⌘+L: omnibar
⌘+R: refresh
⌘++: zoom in
⌘+-: zoom out
Vimium: (case sensitive)
x: close tab
j: scroll up
k: scroll down
gi: focus on text field
gg: scroll to top
G: scroll to bottom
H: back
L: forward
>>: click on next
<<: click on previous
p: pin tab
v: visual mode
0: beginning of line
$: end of line
b: open a bookmark
‍‍‍‍ B: open a bookmark in new tab
‍‍‍‍ o: omnibar with fuzzy search
‍‍‍‍ O: omnibar with fuzzy search, opens in new tab
‍‍‍‍ T: fuzzy search through tabs
‍‍‍‍ f: open link in current tab
‍‍‍‍ F: open link in new tab
/: search
n: next match
N: previous match
Video Speed Controller extension: (works on videos and gifs)
⇧+S: speed up
⇧+D: slow down
⇧+R: default speed
K: play/pause (works even if video is not focused)
J: back 10 seconds
L: skip 10 seconds
→: skip 5 seconds
←: back 5 seconds
↑: volume up
↓: volume down
⇧+U: mark as unread
gi: go to inbox
⇧+3: delete
⊞+E: my computer
⊞+S: search
⊞+R: run dialog box
⊞+L: lock
⊞+D: toggle show desktop
⊞+[1-9]: select nth program on taskbar
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