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Created March 13, 2012 22:41
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Save bubba-h57/2032305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple method for communicating key->data sets accross requests/machines along with some meta-data regarding lifetime of the data as well as owner.
* A simple method for communicating key->data sets accross
* requests/machines along with some meta-data regarding
* lifetime of the data as well as owner.
* For example, assume a token is emailed to individuals that
* allow them to access some particular data/functionality
* for a specific period of time. By providing a URL for them
* to click that has the token embedded, you can verify the data
* when they do attempt to access it without much fear that
* the url will be manipulated.
* The same scenario could be used across services/servers. One might
* provide access, and ownership of the valid token allows access on
* the other.
//------------------- BEGIN Example Command Line Script --------------------
$myLabel = "TestLabel";
$myData = "Some really cool test data!";
$myKey = "My Secret Key Is Cool!";
$myGlue = ":myglue:";
$myLifetime = "60";
$myOwner = "Me!";
$thisEncodedToken = generateToken($myLabel, $myData, $myKey, $myGlue, $myLifetime, $myOwner);
$thisDecodedToken = NULL;
if (verifyToken($thisEncodedToken, $myLabel, $myKey, $myGlue, $myOwner, $thisDecodedToken)) {
} else {
print "The Token was not verified.";
//------------------- END Example Command Line Script --------------------
* Used to generate a secure, expiring token.
* @param string $label The label for this token. Some might call it a key
* but we have a key for encryption.
* @param string $data The data we are transfering.
* @param string $key The encryption key to use. This will be needed
* when decoding the token as well.
* @param string $glue The glue used to tie all this together. This will be needed
* when decoding the token as well. Important that it be a string
* that is not natively found in any other fields.
* @param integer $lifetimeInterval How long this token is valid. In Seconds.
* @param string $owner The host this token belongs to.
function generateToken($label, $data = NULL, $key = 'secretword',
$glue = ';', $lifetimeInterval = 0, $owner = NULL) {
// Make sure we have what we need.
// If we didn't get a custom host passed in
if (is_null($owner)) {
// Lets use this
$owner = $_SERVER ['SERVER_NAME'];
// Create the payload.
$payloadData = array();
// Gets now() and maintains TimeZone information
$expires = new DateTime();
// Default expires immediately / prevents HaX0rs making their own.
$intervalInSeconds = $lifetimeInterval;
// Set expiration time
$expires->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $intervalInSeconds . 'S')); // adds seconds
// Populate Payload
$payloadData [0] = serialize($expires); // Expiration
$payloadData [1] = $owner; // Host this Token Belongs to
$payloadData [2] = $label; // Token Label
$payloadData [3] = $data; // Arbitraty Token Data
// Convert the payload to a string
$payload = implode($glue, $payloadData);
//Encrypt and Base64 Encode the payload into a Token
$token = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key),
$payload, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key))));
return $token;
* Used to verify a valid token:
* 1) It has not expired.
* 2) It is the type (label) of token expected.
* 3) It belongs to the wwwHost expected.
* @param string $label The label for this token. Some might call it a key
* but we have a key for encryption.
* @param string $data The data we are transfering.
* @param string $key The encryption key to use. This will be needed
* when decoding the token as well.
* @param string $glue The glue used to tie all this together. This will be needed
* when decoding the token as well.
* @param integer $lifetimeInterval How long this token is valid.
* @param string $owner The host this token belongs to.
* @param array $payloadData If passed in, this will hold a reference to decoded data.
function verifyToken($token, $label, $key = 'secretword', $glue = ';',
$owner = NULL, &$payloadData = NULL) {
// If we didn't get a custom host passed in
if (is_null($owner)) {
// Lets use this
$owner = $_SERVER ['SERVER_NAME'];
// Decode the token
$payloadData = decodeToken($token, $key, $glue);
// Verify that:
// 1) the token has not expired
// 2) it is for the correct website
// 3) it is the correct token
if ($payloadData ['expiration'] > new DateTime() &&
$payloadData ['owner'] == $owner &&
$label == $payloadData ['label']) {
return true;
return false;
* Used to return an array with the decoded data from the token
* @param string $token The Token to decode.
* @param string $key The encryption key to use. Must match the encoding key.
* @param string $glue The glue used to tie all this together. Must match the encoding glue.
function decodeToken($token, $key = 'secretword', $glue = ';') {
// Make sure we have what we need.
// Base64 decode, then decrypt the token into a string
$payload = rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key),
base64_decode($token), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key))), "\0");
// Convert the string to an array
$payloadData = explode($glue, $payload);
// Instanstiate an Expiration DateTime object
$payloadData [0] = unserialize($payloadData [0]);
$payloadData ['expiration'] = $payloadData [0];
$payloadData ['owner'] = $payloadData [1];
$payloadData ['label'] = $payloadData [2];
$payloadData ['data'] = $payloadData [3];
return $payloadData;
function verifyFunctionality() {
if (function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') && function_exists('mcrypt_decrypt')) {
if (in_array(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, mcrypt_list_algorithms()) && in_array(MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, mcrypt_list_modes())) {
return true;
} else {
trigger_error("MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 or MCRYPT_MODE_CBC not enabled.", E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error("mcrypt_encrypt or mcrypt_decrypt unavailable.", E_USER_ERROR);
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