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Last active September 7, 2019 13:01
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Git Flow recipe

Git Flow Notes


$ brew install git-flow

Initialize git-flow inside an existing git repository

git flow init


Typically exist in developers repos only

Start a New Feature

This creates a new branch based on develop and switches to it

git flow feature start MYFEATURE

Finish up a Feature

Merged MYFEATURE into develop, removes the feature branch, and switches back to develop:

git flow feature finish MYFEATURE

Publish a Feature

Push a feature branch to remote repository:

git flow feature publish MYFEATURE

Get a feature published by another user from remote repository:

git flow feature pull origin MYFEATURE
  • Delete a Git branch locally and remotely:

    • There are 3 different branches to delete:
      1. The local branch X
      2. The remote origin branch X
      3. The local remote-tracking branch origin/X that tracks the remote branch X
git branch -D bugfix // delete local branch
git push origin --delete BRANCH_NAME // delete the remote and local remote-tracking branch

Merge commit in develop branch to a feature branch

Use merge or rebase, generally it's better to use merge

git checkout feature
git merge develop


Start a Release

Create release branch from develop:

git flow release start RELEASE

Publish release branch:

git flow release publish RELEASE

Create a local tracking branch for a remote release:

git flow release track RELEASE

Finish up a Release

Merge release branch into master, tags the release with its name, merge back into develop, and remove the release branch:

git flow release finish RELEASE
git push --tags


Start a Hotfix

Create hotfix branch from master:

git flow hotfix start VERSION [BASENAME]

Finish a Hotfix

Merge hotfix back into develop and master, and tag:

git flow hotfix finish VERSION


Push the develop branch to remote, use the regular git command

git push origin develop


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