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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Elm Fractal Zoom Toy
import Math.Vector2 (Vec2)
import Math.Vector3 (..)
import Math.Matrix4 (..)
import Graphics.WebGL (..)
import Mouse
import Keyboard
-- Define the mesh for a crate
crate : [Triangle { pos:Vec3, coord:Vec3 }]
crate = concatMap rotatedFace [ (0,0), (90,0), (180,0), (270,0), (0,90), (0,-90) ]
rotatedFace : (Float,Float) -> [Triangle { pos:Vec3, coord:Vec3 }]
rotatedFace (angleX,angleY) =
let x = makeRotate (degrees angleX) (vec3 1 0 0)
y = makeRotate (degrees angleY) (vec3 0 1 0)
t = x `mul` y `mul` makeTranslate (vec3 0 0 1)
map (mapTriangle (\x -> {x | pos <- transform t x.pos })) face
face : [Triangle { pos:Vec3, coord:Vec3 }]
face =
let topLeft = { pos = vec3 -1 1 0, coord = vec3 0 1 0 }
topRight = { pos = vec3 1 1 0, coord = vec3 1 1 0 }
bottomLeft = { pos = vec3 -1 -1 0, coord = vec3 0 0 0 }
bottomRight = { pos = vec3 1 -1 0, coord = vec3 1 0 0 }
[ (topLeft,topRight,bottomLeft), (bottomLeft,topRight,bottomRight) ]
-- View
view : Float -> Mat4
view angle =
foldr1 mul [ perspective
, camera
, makeRotate (3*angle) (vec3 0 1 0)
, makeRotate (2*angle) (vec3 1 0 0)
perspective : Mat4
perspective = makePerspective 45 1 0.01 100
camera : Mat4
camera = makeLookAt (vec3 0 0 5) (vec3 0 0 0) (vec3 0 1 0)
-- Putting it together
main : Signal Element
main = lift2 above glscene (lift asText zoom)
glscene : Signal Element
glscene = webgl (400,400) <~ lift3 scene (lift view angle) Mouse.position zoom
angle : Signal Float
angle = foldp (\dt theta -> theta + dt / 10000) 0 (fps 60)
getmouse : Int -> Float
getmouse x =
let x' = toFloat x
in x'/1000
zoom : Signal Float
zoom =
let f = (\x y ->
if | y >= 100 -> (y/10) * x + y
| y <= 2 -> (x/100) + y
| y == 0 -> 1.0
| otherwise -> x + y)
acc = foldp f 100 (lift toFloat <| lift .x Keyboard.arrows)
in lift (\x -> x / 100) acc
scene : Mat4 -> (Int,Int) -> Float -> [Entity]
scene view (mousex,mousey) zoom =
[entity vertexShader fragmentShader crate { view = view, fracx = getmouse mousex, fracy = getmouse mousey, zoom = zoom}]
-- Shaders
vertexShader : Shader { pos:Vec3, coord:Vec3 } { u | view:Mat4 } { vcoord:Vec2 }
vertexShader = [glsl|
attribute vec3 pos;
attribute vec3 coord;
uniform mat4 view;
varying vec2 vcoord;
void main () {
gl_Position = view * vec4(pos, 1.0);
vcoord = coord.xy;
fragmentShader : Shader {} { u | zoom:Float, fracx:Float, fracy:Float } { vcoord:Vec2 }
fragmentShader = [glsl|
precision mediump float;
uniform float zoom;
uniform float fracx;
uniform float fracy;
varying vec2 vcoord;
void main () {
float zx, zy, cx, cy;
float centerx = fracx;
float centery = fracy;
cx = 1.3333 * (vcoord.x - 0.5) * zoom - centerx;
cy = (vcoord.y - 0.5) * zoom - centery;
zx = cx;
zy = cy;
int stoppedAt = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2000; i++ ) {
float x = (zx * zx - zy * zy) + cx;
float y = (zy * zx + zx * zy) + cy;
if((x * x + y * y) > 4.0) {
stoppedAt = i;
zx = x;
zy = y;
float val = stoppedAt == 1 ? 0.0 : float(stoppedAt) / 100.0;
gl_FragColor = vec4(val,0.0,0.0,1.0);
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