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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Elm Scenes Example
import Keyboard
import Mouse
mpos : Signal (Int,Int)
mpos = Mouse.position
kpos : Signal {x:Int,y:Int}
kpos = Keyboard.arrows
draw1 : (Int,Int) -> Element
draw1 (x,y) = collage 300 300
[ rect 50 50 |> filled (blue)
,toForm (asText (x,y)) |> move (toFloat x - 150, toFloat -y + 150 )
draw2 : {x:Int, y:Int} -> Element
draw2 ({x,y} as k) = collage 300 300
[ rect 50 50 |> filled (red) |> move (toFloat x * 100, toFloat y * 100)
, toForm (asText (x,y))
scene1 : Signal Element
scene1 = draw1 <~ mpos
scene2 : Signal Element
scene2 = draw2 <~ kpos
toggle : Signal Element -> Signal Element -> Signal Bool -> Signal Element
toggle s1 s2 i =
lift3 (,,) s1 s2 i |> lift (\(s1,s2,i) -> if i then s1 else s2)
main = toggle scene1 scene2 Mouse.isDown
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