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Last active November 11, 2020 03:56
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run, raise or minimize applications
# i3run
# run, raise or minimize a program depending on its state.
# if target window doesn't exist, a given command is launched.
# if target window is on another workspace, it is moved to current
# workspace. If target window doesn't have focus it will be given focus.
# If target window has focus it will be sent to the scratchpad.
# This script is a demo to show some usage of another script i made,
# i3get. But it is a usable demo. I hope you like it!
# May the tiles be with you // budRich 2017
# usage:
# run i3run with ONE of the following options to define target window:
# the last option you should include is: -e COMMAND
# It is important that -e COMMAND is last of the options.
# example:
# i3run -i sublime_text -e subl
# bindsym Mod4+s exec --no-startup-id exec i3run -i sublime_text -e subl
# this example will look for a window with the instance sublime_text and
# focus it if it exist, minimize it if it already is focused and run the
# command: subl if it doesn't exist.
# i3get is required for this script to work.
# the options and its arguments is identical to what we are passing
# to i3get later. So we store them in a array: acri for convenience.
while getopts :c:i:t: option
case "${option}" in
i) acri=("-i" "${OPTARG}") ;;
c) acri=("-c" "${OPTARG}") ;;
t) acri=("-t" "${OPTARG}") ;;
# the -e option is handled in a special way, since it might contain
# more than one word. This is also the reason we want it as the last option.
# with these line the whole command after -e is stored in command.
shift $((--OPTIND))
# lets get the con_id of the currently active window and the current workspace.
# we store the results in an array. active window is current[0] and active
# workspace is current[1]
current=($(i3get -r nw))
# check what target window is up to:
target=($(i3get ${acri[@]} -r nwf))
# perform action depending on results
# if window doesn't exist, launch the command.
# use i3get with -y (synch) option, to catch the con_id of the new window.
if [[ -z ${target[0]} ]]; then
${command} > /dev/null 2>&1 &
target=($(i3get ${acri[@]} -y -r nw))
# if workspace of target is not equal to current workspace.
# send target to current workspace.
# by adding > /dev/null 2>&1 & ,we make sure we don't get annyoing
# output from i3-msg in our buffer, we direct output to /dev/null instead.
if [[ ${current[1]} != ${target[1]} ]]; then
mrk=$(i3get ${acri[@]} -r m)
if [[ -n $mrk ]]; then
[[ $ofs = 'f' ]] \
&& fs=enable || fs=disable
[[ ${target[2]#*_} = 'on"' ]] \
&& fs=enable || fs=disable
i3-msg [con_id=${target[0]}] \
move to workspace ${current[1]}, \
floating $fs > /dev/null 2>&1
# if target window is active (current), send it to the scratchpad.
# else focus target window.
if [[ ${current[0]} = ${target[0]} ]]; then
[[ ${target[2]#*_} != 'on"' ]] && fs=t || fs=f
i3-msg [con_id=${target[0]}] \
mark "$fs-${target[0]}", \
move scratchpad > /dev/null 2>&1
i3-msg [con_id=${target[0]}] focus > /dev/null 2>&1
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