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Created October 8, 2020 22:46
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npm i zipcode-city-distance


const zipCodeData = require('zipcode-city-distance');

Zip Code Distance

//zipCodeDistance(zipcode1, zipcode2, unit(optional))
//valid units: 'M' for miles, 'K' for kilometers, 'N' for nautical miles
let zipCodeDistance = zipCodeData.zipCodeDistance('98006', '33014','M');

City Distance

without state parameters:

//cityDistance(city1, city2, unit(optional), state1(optional), state2(optional)) 
//units: 'M' for miles, 'K' for kilometers, 'N' for nautical miles
//state1:state for city1 abbreviation e.g. 'FL','fl' etc. 
//state2:state for city2 abbreviation e.g. 'FL','fl' etc. 
let cityDistance = zipCodeData.cityDistance('miami lakes', 'los angeles', 'M'); //distance between Miami Lakes  and Los Angeles 
//result array with 2 objects because there are two cities named "los angeles" one in Texas and one in California.
[ { place1: { city: 'Miami Lakes', state: 'FL', zipcode: [ '33014', '33016', '33018' ] },
    place2: { city: 'Los Angeles', state: 'TX', zipcode: [ '78580' ] },
    distance: 1082.6193359144372 },
  { place1: { city: 'Miami Lakes', state: 'FL', zipcode: [ '33014', '33016', '33018' ] },
    place2: { city: 'Los Angeles', state: 'CA', zipcode: [ '90001','90002', ... more zipcodes here ... ,'91607','91608'] }, //total 133 zipcodes for Los Angeles, CA
    distance: 2333.4166337302295 } ]

with state parameters:

//cityDistance(city1, city2, unit(optional), state1(optional), state2(optional)) 
//city1: name of the first city
//city2: name of the second city
//units: 'M' for miles, 'K' for kilometers, 'N' for nautical miles
//state1:state for city1 abbreviation e.g. 'FL','fl' etc. 
//state2:state for city2 abbreviation e.g. 'FL','fl' etc. 
let cityDistance = zipCodeData.cityDistance('miami lakes', 'los angeles', 'M', 'FL', 'TX'); //distance between Miami Lakes, FL and Los Angeles, TX
//result array with 1 object as we specified city name and state.
[ { place1: { city: 'Miami Lakes', state: 'FL', zipcode: [ '33014', '33016', '33018' ] },
    place2: { city: 'Los Angeles', state: 'TX', zipcode: [ '78580' ] },
    distance: 1082.6193359144372 } ]

Zip Code Info

//getInfo(type, query)
//type: "zipcode" to get zip code information or "city" to get city information
//query: zipcode or city name
let zipInfo = zipCodeData.getInfo('zipcode', '98006');
//result with zipcode information including cities within the zipcode
    "message": "completed your request",
    "data": {
        "location": {
            "lat": 47.557627,
            "lon": -122.151005,
        "places": {
            "Bellevue": {
                "location": {
                    "lat": 47.597837,
                    "lon": -122.15648
            "Newcastle": {
                "location": {
                    "lat": 47.531664,
                    "lon": -122.165566

City Info

//getInfo(type, query)
//type: "zipcode" to get zip code information or "city" to get city information
//query: zipcode or city name
let zipInfo = zipCodeData.getInfo('city', 'lakemont'); // this will also handle cities with same name in different state, like Miami which exists in FL, MO,OK,TX etc
//result, property data is an array of cities that match query.
{ message: 'completed your request',
   [ {  lat: 40.465434, 
        lon: -78.391752, 
        state: 'PA', 
        zipCode: ["16602","16648"] 
    } ] 

Zip Code Radius

Get all zipcodes within a radius of this zipcode in ascending order.

//getRadius(zipcode,radius, unit)
//zipcode: str - zipcode
//radius: int - radius you want to find zipcodes around in Miles, Kilometer or Nautical Mile
//units: char - 'M' for miles, 'K' for kilometers, 'N'  for nautical miles
let zipRadius = zipCodeData.getRadius('98006', 5, 'M');
[ { zipcode: '98056', distance: 3.613853931442833 },
  { zipcode: '98040', distance: 3.765403793043263 },
  { zipcode: '98007', distance: 3.89502983948142 },
  { zipcode: '98005', distance: 4.018115501775772 },
  { zipcode: '98008', distance: 4.099796739847524 },
  { zipcode: '98059', distance: 4.449603369443228 },
  { zipcode: '98004', distance: 4.899415818312604 } ]
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