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Forked from mattwiebe/responsive-images.php
Created September 27, 2011 17:03
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Mobile First Responsive Images for WordPress
Plugin Name: Mobile First Responsive Images
Description: Serve up smaller images to smaller screens.
Version: 0.1.1
Author: Matt Wiebe
Author URI:
* The smaller image is wrapped in a <noscript> tag so 1) it'll show up on non-JS browsers
* and 2) it won't be partially downloaded on desktop browsers.
* JS-enabled browsers will sniff the breakpoint for which size of image to sub in
* Be sure to regenerate thumbnails after starting to use
* or nothing will happen.
* @link
* Won't work very well inside [caption] shortcodes
* <noscript> concept: @link
class SD_Resonsive_Images {
function init() {
// this is the screen width at which we'll use the larger image
// define it in your functions.php or wp-config.php to override
if ( ! defined( 'MOBILE_FIRST_BREAKPOINT') ) {
// our image size
// where the magic happens
add_filter( 'the_content', array( __CLASS__, 'responsive_images' ) );
// ensure jQuery is ready for our stuff later
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( __CLASS__, 'swap_images_js' ), 11 );
function responsive_images($content) {
$regex = '/<img .* wp-image-[0-9]{1,10}.* \/?>/';
return preg_replace_callback( $regex, array( __CLASS__, 'make_respnsive_image' ), $content );
function make_respnsive_image($image) {
if ( is_array($image) ) {
$image = array_shift($image);
preg_match('/wp-image-([0-9]{1,10})/', $image, $matches );
if ( ! $matches || count($matches) < 2 ) {
return $image;
$attachment = get_post($matches[1]);
if ( ! $attachment || 'attachment' !== $attachment->post_type ) {
return $image;
$small = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment->ID, 'mobile-first' );
$small_url = $small[0];
// if it's the same as fullsize, this is useless
if ( $attachment->guid === $small_url ) {
return $image;
// if it's the same image, just return it
if ( false !== strpos($image, $small_url) ) {
return $image;
// let's array up the atts
$new = str_replace(array( '<img ', ' />', ' >' ), '', $image );
$parts = preg_split( '/[\'"] /', $new );
$atts = array();
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
$part = explode('=', $part);
$atts[ $part[0] ] = trim($part[1], '\'" ');
// No width/height for mobile first responsive
if ( isset($atts['width']) ) {
// let's not bother if it's already small-ish
if ( $atts['width'] <= MOBILE_FIRST_BREAKPOINT ) {
return $image;
if ( isset($atts['height']) ) unset($atts['height']);
// I think title attributes on images suck. Goodbye
if ( isset($atts['title']) ) unset($atts['title']);
// move old src to data attribute, make small src default
$atts['fullsrc'] = $atts['src'];
$atts['src'] = $small_url;
// put it back together
$return = $img_atts = $wrapper_atts = '';
foreach ( $atts as $att => $val ) {
if ( 'fullsrc' !== $att )
$img_atts .= $att . '="' . $val . '" ';
$wrapper_atts .= 'data-' . $att . '="' . $val . '" ';
$return = "<img {$img_atts}/>";
// we need to wrap in a span to prevent some occasionally janky behaviour
// I'm looking at you, iOS
$return = "<span class=\"responsivize\" {$wrapper_atts}><noscript>{$return}</noscript></span>";
return $return;
function swap_images_js() { ?>
var useFull = ( window.screen.width > MOBILE_FIRST_BREAKPOINT );
var me = $(this),
data =
if ( useFull ) {
data.src = data.fullsrc
delete data.fullsrc
$("<img />", data).insertBefore(me)
add_action( 'init', array( 'SD_Resonsive_Images', 'init') );
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