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Last active January 5, 2018 09:41
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Howto use vyos openvpn client with scaleway openvpn server

Howto use vyos openvpn client with scaleway openvpn server

In this howto, I will set up a VPN between a vyos gateway and an openvpn server hosted by a scaleway openvpn instance. The purpose of this is to hide my entire network behind a scaleway ip address.

Scaleway openvpn instance

Launch an openvpn on a C1 instance with a public ip address. Openvpn server certificates will take some time to be fully generated. We can check that with scw-ovpn status:

# scw-ovpn status

Your server is done configuring !
You can now start using it.

We then need to create our user certificate :

# scw-ovpn create my_user

Server and client certificates are located in /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys and the .ovpn file can be downloaded by launching scw-ovpn serve my_user

Vyos openvpn client

The Vyos configuration is fairly simple :

  • eth0 is WAN interface
  • eth1 is LAN interface
  • LAN network ( is natted through the openvpn tunnel

Here is the configuration :

# interfaces setup
set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''

# dhcp server for LAN network
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name dhcp authoritative 'enable'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name dhcp subnet default-router ''
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name dhcp subnet dns-server ''
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name dhcp subnet lease '3600'
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name dhcp subnet start stop ''

# dns forwarding server for LAN network
set service dns forwarding cache-size '150'
set service dns forwarding listen-on 'eth1'
set service dns forwarding name-server ''
set service dns forwarding name-server ''

# OPENVPN client configuration
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 encryption 'aes256'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 hash 'sha256'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 mode 'client'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option 'remote-cert-tls server'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option 'tls-auth /config/auth/ovpn/tls-auth.key 0'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option 'tls-version-min 1.2'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option 'key-direction 1'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 remote-host '51.15.XX.XX'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 'replace-default-route'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 tls ca-cert-file '/config/auth/ovpn/ca.crt'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 tls cert-file '/config/auth/ovpn/my_client.crt'
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 tls key-file '/config/auth/ovpn/my_client.key'

# Source nat rule
set nat source rule 100 outbound-interface 'vtun0'
set nat source rule 100 source address ''
set nat source rule 100 translation address 'masquerade'

The openvpn configuration needs some tweaking to work with scaleway openvpn server (see openvpn-option). We also need to manually edit authentification files on vyos based on files we can find in /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys directory on the scaleway server:

# On vyos :
sudo mkdir /config/auth/ovpn/
  • copy scaleway:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt to vyos:/config/auth/ovpn/ca.crt
  • copy scaleway:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/my_client.crt to vyos:/config/auth/ovpn/my_client.crt
  • copy scaleway:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/my_client.key to vyos:/config/auth/ovpn/my_client.key
  • copy scaleway:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ta.key to vyos:/config/auth/ovpn/tls-auth.key


This vpn setup hasn't been tested againt DNS leaking or other privacy leaking. This howto is more like a memo and need improvment.

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