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Created September 15, 2023 09:52
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---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global
local palette = require 'bugabinga.nugu.palette'
local lush = require 'lush'
local hsl = lush.hsluv
local flux = function ( color, number )
if vim.opt.background:get() == 'dark' then
return -number )
return number )
local debug = hsl( palette.debug )
local error = hsl( palette.error )
local info = hsl( )
local warning = hsl( palette.warning )
local content_normal = hsl( palette.content_normal )
local content_backdrop = hsl( palette.content_backdrop )
local content_accent = hsl( palette.content_accent )
local content_minor = hsl( palette.content_minor )
local content_focus = hsl( palette.content_focus )
local content_unfocus = hsl( palette.content_unfocus )
local content_important_global = hsl( palette.content_important_global )
local content_important_local = hsl( palette.content_important_local )
local ui_normal = hsl( palette.ui_normal )
local ui_backdrop = hsl( palette.ui_backdrop )
local ui_accent = hsl( palette.ui_accent )
local ui_minor = hsl( palette.ui_minor )
local ui_focus = hsl( palette.ui_focus )
local ui_unfocus = hsl( palette.ui_unfocus )
local ui_important_global = hsl( palette.ui_important_global )
local ui_important_local = hsl( palette.ui_important_local )
local nugu = lush( function ( injects )
local sym = injects.sym
return {
Debug { fg = debug.readable(), bg = debug, gui = 'bold' }, -- debugging statements
Normal { fg = content_normal, bg = content_backdrop },
NotifyBackground { bg = ui_backdrop },
Comment { fg = content_important_global, gui = 'bold italic' },
LineNr { fg = ui_minor, bg = ui_backdrop },
CursorLineNr { fg = ui_focus, bg = ui_backdrop },
Search { fg = content_important_global.readable(), bg = content_important_global },
IncSearch { fg = content_important_local.readable(), bg = content_important_local },
NormalFloat { fg = ui_normal, bg = ui_backdrop }, -- Normal text in floating windows.
FloatBorder { fg = ui_accent, bg = },
ColorColumn { fg = ui_important_global, bg = content_backdrop }, -- used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'
Conceal { fg = content_normal, bg = ui_unfocus, gui = 'italic' }, -- placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (see 'conceallevel')
Cursor { bg = ui_accent }, -- character under the cursor
lCursor { bg = ui_accent }, -- the character under the cursor when |language-mapping| is used (see 'guicursor')
CursorIM { bg = ui_accent }, -- like Cursor, but used when in IME mode |CursorIM|
Directory { fg = Normal.fg }, -- directory names (and other special names in listings)
DiffAdd { fg = content_focus }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
DiffDelete { fg = content_focus, gui = 'strikethrough' }, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
DiffChange { fg = content_important_global }, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
DiffText { fg = content_important_local.readable(), bg = content_important_local }, -- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
EndOfBuffer { Normal }, -- filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like |hl-NonText|.
TermCursor { lCursor }, -- cursor in a focused terminal
TermCursorNC { Cursor }, -- cursor in an unfocused terminal
ErrorMsg { fg = error.readable(), bg = error }, -- error messages on the command line
VertSplit { fg = ui_important_global, bg = content_backdrop }, -- the column separating vertically split windows
Folded { Conceal }, -- line used for closed folds
FoldColumn { Conceal }, -- 'foldcolumn'
SignColumn { bg = ui_backdrop }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
ModeMsg { gui = 'bold' }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
MsgArea { Normal }, -- Area for messages and cmdline
MsgSeparator { fg = ui_accent }, -- Separator for scrolled messages, `msgsep` flag of 'display'
MoreMsg { Normal }, -- |more-prompt|
NonText { fg = ui_unfocus }, -- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line). See also |hl-EndOfBuffer|.
NormalNC {}, -- normal text in non-current windows
Pmenu { NormalFloat }, -- Popup menu: normal item.
PmenuSel { fg = ui_focus, sp = ui_focus.readable(), bg = ui_unfocus, gui = 'underline' }, -- Popup menu: selected item.
PmenuSbar { bg = ui_unfocus }, -- Popup menu: scrollbar.
PmenuThumb { bg = ui_minor }, -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar.
Question { fg = ui_important_global, gui = 'bold' }, -- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
QuickFixLine { PmenuSel }, -- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
SpecialKey { fg = error, bg = content_unfocus, gui = 'bold' }, -- Unprintable characters: text displayed differently from what it really is. But not 'listchars' whitespace. |hl-Whitespace|
SpellBad { fg = error, gui = 'undercurl' }, -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellCap { SpellBad }, -- Word that should start with a capital. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellLocal { SpellBad }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellRare { SpellBad }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
StatusLine { fg = ui_normal, bg = ui_backdrop }, -- status line of current window
StatusLineNC { fg = ui_normal, bg = ui_unfocus }, -- status lines of not-current windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine" Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
Winbar { StatusLine },
WinbarNC { StatusLineNC },
IndentBlanklineContextChar { fg = content_accent, gui = 'nocombine' },
IndentBlanklineContextStart { sp = IndentBlanklineContextChar.fg, gui = 'underline' },
Title { fg = content_important_global, sp = content_important_global, gui = 'bold underline' }, -- titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
TabLine { StatusLine }, -- tab pages line, not active tab page label
TabLineFill { bg = }, -- tab pages line, where there are no labels
TabLineSel { fg = ui_accent.readable(), bg = ui_accent, gui = 'underline bold' }, -- tab pages line, active tab page label
Visual { fg = content_focus.readable(), bg = content_focus }, -- Visual mode selection
VisualNOS { fg = Visual.fg, bg = flux(, -42 ) }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
WarningMsg { fg = warning, gui = 'bold' }, -- warning messages
WhiteSpace { fg = ui_unfocus }, -- "nbsp", "space", "tab" and "trail" in 'listchars'
WildMenu { fg = ui_accent, gui = 'bold' }, -- current match in 'wildmenu' completion
String { fg = content_important_local, gui = 'italic' },
Constant { String }, -- (preferred) any constant
Character { String }, -- a character constant: 'c', '\n'
Number { String }, -- a number constant: 234, 0xff
Boolean { String }, -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Float { String }, -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Identifier { Normal }, -- (preferred) any variable name
MutableVariable { Debug },
Function { Normal }, -- function name (also: methods for classes)
Statement { fg = content_minor }, -- (preferred) any statement
Conditional { Statement }, -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
Repeat { Statement }, -- for, do, while, etc.
Label { Statement }, -- case, default, etc.
Operator { Statement }, -- "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
Keyword { Statement }, -- any other keyword
Exception { Statement }, -- try, catch, throw
PreProc { fg = content_important_global, bg = content_unfocus, gui = 'bold' }, -- (preferred) generic Preprocessor
Include { PreProc }, -- preprocessor #include
Define { PreProc }, -- preprocessor #define
Macro { PreProc }, -- same as Define
PreCondit { PreProc }, -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
Type { Statement }, -- (preferred) int, long, char, etc.
StorageClass { Statement }, -- static, register, volatile, etc.
Structure { Statement }, -- struct, union, enum, etc.
Typedef { Statement }, -- A typedef
Special { fg = content_normal, gui = 'italic bold' }, -- (preferred) any special symbol
SpecialChar { Special }, -- special character in a constant
Tag { Special }, -- you can use CTRL-] on this
Delimiter { fg = content_minor }, -- character that needs attention
SpecialComment { Special }, -- special things inside a comment
Underlined { sp = content_normal, gui = 'underline' }, -- (preferred) text that stands out, HTML links
Bold { gui = 'bold' },
Italic { gui = 'italic' },
-- ("Ignore", below, may be invisible...)
Ignore { fg =, bg = }, -- (preferred) left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore|
Error { fg = error }, -- (preferred) any erroneous construct
Todo { fg = content_important_global, sp = content_important_global, gui = 'bold underdouble' },
DiagnosticUnnecessary { fg = ui_focus },
DiagnosticDeprecated { fg = ui_important_global, sp = ui_important_global, gui = 'strikethrough' },
DiagnosticError { fg = error },
DiagnosticWarn { fg = warning },
DiagnosticInfo { fg = info },
DiagnosticHint { fg = ui_important_local },
DiagnosticOk { fg = ui_minor },
DiagnosticVirtualTextError { DiagnosticError },
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn { DiagnosticWarn },
DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo { DiagnosticInfo },
DiagnosticVirtualTextHint { DiagnosticHint },
DiagnosticVirtualOkHint { DiagnosticOk },
DiagnosticUnderlineError { fg = DiagnosticError.fg, sp = DiagnosticError.fg, gui = 'underdouble' },
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn { fg = DiagnosticWarn.fg, sp = DiagnosticWarn.fg, gui = 'underline' },
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo { fg = DiagnosticInfo.fg, sp = DiagnosticInfo.fg, gui = 'underdashed' },
DiagnosticUnderlineHint { fg = DiagnosticHint.fg, sp = DiagnosticHint.fg, gui = 'italic underdotted' },
DiagnosticUnderlineOk { fg = DiagnosticOk.fg, gui = 'italic' },
DiagnosticSignError { DiagnosticError },
DiagnosticSignWarn { DiagnosticWarn },
DiagnosticSignInfo { DiagnosticInfo },
DiagnosticSignHint { DiagnosticHint },
DiagnosticSignOk { DiagnosticOk },
LspReferenceText { fg = content_focus, bg = content_unfocus },
LspReferenceRead { LspReferenceText },
LspReferenceWrite { LspReferenceText },
-- hlargs.nvim
Hlargs { fg = ui_important_local },
-- Tree-Sitter syntax groups.
-- See :h treesitter-highlight-groups, some groups may not be listed,
-- submit a PR fix to lush-template!
-- Tree-Sitter groups are defined with an "@" symbol, which must be
-- specially handled to be valid lua code, we do this via the special
-- sym function. The following are all valid ways to call the sym function,
-- for more details see
-- sym("@text.literal")
-- sym('@text.literal')
-- sym"@text.literal"
-- sym'@text.literal'
-- For more information see
sym '@text.literal' {Comment},
sym '@text.reference' {Identifier},
sym '@text.title' {Title},
sym '@text.underline' {}, -- Underlined
sym '@text.todo' {}, -- Todo
sym '@comment' {}, -- Comment
sym '@punctuation' {}, -- Delimiter
sym '@constant' {}, -- Constant
sym '@constant.builtin' {}, -- Special
sym '@constant.macro' {}, -- Define
sym '@define' {}, -- Define
sym '@macro' {}, -- Macro
sym '@string' {}, -- String
sym '@string.escape' {}, -- SpecialChar
sym '@string.special' {}, -- SpecialChar
sym '@character' {}, -- Character
sym '@character.special' {}, -- SpecialChar
sym '@number' {}, -- Number
sym '@boolean' {}, -- Boolean
sym '@float' {}, -- Float
sym '@function' {}, -- Function
sym '@function.builtin' {}, -- Special
sym '@function.macro' {}, -- Macro
sym '@parameter' {}, -- Identifier
sym '@method' {}, -- Function
sym '@field' {}, -- Identifier
sym '@property' {}, -- Identifier
sym '@constructor' {}, -- Special
sym '@conditional' {}, -- Conditional
sym '@repeat' {}, -- Repeat
sym '@label' {}, -- Label
sym '@operator' {}, -- Operator
sym '@keyword' {}, -- Keyword
sym '@exception' {}, -- Exception
sym '@variable' {}, -- Identifier
sym '@type' {}, -- Type
sym '@type.definition' {}, -- Typedef
sym '@storageclass' {}, -- StorageClass
sym '@structure' {}, -- Structure
sym '@namespace' {}, -- Identifier
sym '@include' {}, -- Include
sym '@preproc' {}, -- PreProc
sym '@debug' {}, -- Debug
sym '@tag' {}, -- Tag
-- lazy.nvim
LazyButton { NormalFloat, sp = NormalFloat.fg, gui = 'bold' },
LazyButtonActive { fg = ui_important_local.readable(), sp = NormalFloat.fg, bg = ui_important_local, gui = LazyButton
.gui },
LazyComment { Keyword },
LazyCommit { LazyComment },
LazyCommitIssue { LazyComment },
LazyCommitScope { LazyComment, gui = 'italic' },
LazyCommitType { LazyCommitScope },
LazyDimmed { fg = NormalFloat.fg },
LazyDir { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyH1 { Bold },
LazyH2 { LazyH1 },
LazyLocal {},
LazyNoCond { WarningMsg },
LazyNormal { NormalFloat },
LazyProgressDone { fg =, bg =, gui = 'bold' },
LazyProgressTodo { fg =, bg = LazyProgressDone.fg, gui = LazyProgressDone.gui },
LazyProp { LazyComment },
LazyReasonCmd { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonEvent { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonFt { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonImport { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonKeys { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonPlugin { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonRuntime { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonSource { N.fgormalFloat },
LazyReasonStart { N.fgormalFloat },
LazySpecial { fg = ColorColumn.fg },
LazyTaskError { ErrorMsg },
LazyTaskOutput { Debug },
LazyUrl { sp = NormalFloat.fg, gui = 'italic underline' },
LazyValue { gui = 'italic' },
-- Noice
NoiceCmdline { fg = ui_focus, bg = ui_backdrop },
NoiceCmdlineIcon { fg = ui_accent, bg =, gui = 'bold' },
NoiceCmdlineIconCalculator { NoiceCmdlineIcon },
NoiceCmdlineIconCmdline { fg = ui_accent, bg =, gui = NoiceCmdlineIcon.gui },
NoiceCmdlineIconFilter { NoiceCmdlineIcon },
NoiceCmdlineIconHelp { NoiceCmdlineIcon },
NoiceCmdlineIconIncRename { NoiceCmdlineIcon },
NoiceCmdlineIconInput { NoiceCmdlineIcon },
NoiceCmdlineIconLua { NoiceCmdlineIcon },
NoiceCmdlineIconSearch { NoiceCmdlineIcon },
NoiceCmdlinePopup { NormalFloat },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorder { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderCalculator { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderCmdline { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderFilter { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderHelp { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderIncRename { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderInput { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderLua { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupBorderSearch { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePopupTitle { NoiceCmdlinePopup },
NoiceCmdlinePrompt { fg = ui_important_global, bg = ui_backdrop, gui = 'bold' },
NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault { fg = ui_normal },
NoiceCompletionItemKindClass { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindColor { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindConstant { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindConstructor { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindEnum { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindEnumMember { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindField { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindFile { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindFolder { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindFunction { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindInterface { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindKeyword { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindMethod { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindModule { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindProperty { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindSnippet { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindStruct { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindText { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindUnit { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindValue { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemKindVariable { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemMenu { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceCompletionItemWord { NoiceCompletionItemKindDefault },
NoiceConfirm { NormalFloat },
NoiceConfirmBorder { fg = ui_accent, bg = },
NoiceFormatConfirm { LazyButton },
NoiceFormatConfirmDefault { LazyButtonActive },
NoiceCursor { Cursor },
NoiceFormatDate { NonText },
NoiceFormatEvent { NonText },
NoiceFormatKind { NonText },
NoiceFormatLevelDebug { fg = },
NoiceFormatLevelError { DiagnosticError },
NoiceFormatLevelInfo { DiagnosticInfo },
NoiceFormatLevelOff { fg = content_minor },
NoiceFormatLevelTrace { DiagnosticHint },
NoiceFormatLevelWarn { DiagnosticWarn },
NoiceFormatProgressDone { LazyProgressDone },
NoiceFormatProgressTodo { LazyProgressTodo },
NoiceFormatTitle { Title },
NoiceLspProgressClient { Debug },
NoiceLspProgressSpinner { Debug },
NoiceLspProgressTitle { Debug },
NoiceMini { DiagnosticInfo },
NoicePopup { NormalFloat },
NoicePopupBorder { fg = ui_accent, bg = },
NoicePopupmenu { Pmenu },
NoicePopupmenuBorder { fg = ui_accent, bg = },
NoicePopupmenuMatch { Bold },
NoicePopupmenuSelected { PmenuSel },
NoiceScrollbar { PmenuSbar },
NoiceScrollbarThumb { PmenuThumb },
NoiceSplit { NormalFloat },
NoiceSplitBorder { NoiceConfirmBorder, bg = },
NoiceVirtualText { fg = ui_important_local, bg = ui_backdrop, gui = 'bold' },
-- Notify
NotifyERRORBorder { DiagnosticError, bg = },
NotifyWARNBorder { DiagnosticWarn, bg = },
NotifyINFOBorder { DiagnosticInfo, bg = },
NotifyDEBUGBorder { fg =, bg = },
NotifyTRACEBorder { DiagnosticHint, bg = },
NotifyERRORIcon { NotifyERRORBorder },
NotifyWARNIcon { NotifyWARNBorder },
NotifyINFOIcon { NotifyINFOBorder },
NotifyDEBUGIcon { NotifyDEBUGBorder },
NotifyTRACEIcon { NotifyTRACEBorder },
NotifyERRORTitle { NotifyERRORBorder },
NotifyWARNTitle { NotifyWARNBorder },
NotifyINFOTitle { NotifyINFOBorder },
NotifyDEBUGTitle { NotifyDEBUGBorder },
NotifyTRACETitle { NotifyTRACEBorder },
NotifyERRORBody { NormalFloat },
NotifyWARNBody { NormalFloat },
NotifyINFOBody { NormalFloat },
NotifyDEBUGBody { NormalFloat },
NotifyTRACEBody { NormalFloat },
TelescopeSelectionCaret { PmenuSel },
TelescopeSelection { PmenuSel },
TelescopeMultiSelection { fg = PmenuSel.fg, bg = ui_important_local },
FlashBackdrop {},
FlashMatch { Search },
FlashCurrent { IncSearch },
FlashLabel { gui = 'reverse' },
GitSignsAdd { fg = DiffAdd.fg, bg = ui_backdrop },
GitSignsChange { fg = DiffChange.fg, bg = ui_backdrop },
GitSignsDelete { fg = DiffDelete.fg, bg = ui_backdrop },
GitSignsChangedelete { GitSignsChange },
GitSignsTopdelete { GitSignsDelete },
GitSignsUntracked { GitSignsAdd },
GitSignsAddNr { GitSignsAdd },
GitSignsChangeNr { GitSignsChange },
GitSignsDeleteNr { GitSignsDelete },
GitSignsChangedeleteNr { GitSignsChange },
GitSignsTopdeleteNr { GitSignsDelete },
GitSignsUntrackedNr { GitSignsAdd },
GitSignsAddLn { GitSignsAdd },
GitSignsChangeLn { GitSignsChange },
GitSignsChangedeleteLn { GitSignsChange },
GitSignsUntrackedLn { GitSignsAdd },
GitSignsAddPreview { GitSignsAdd },
GitSignsDeletePreview { GitSignsDelete },
GitSignsCurrentLineBlame { Debug },
GitSignsAddInline { GitSignsAdd },
GitSignsDeleteInline { GitSignsDelete },
GitSignsChangeInline { GitSignsChange },
GitSignsAddLnInline { DiffText },
GitSignsDeleteLnInline { DiffText },
GitSignsChangeLnInline { DiffText },
GitSignsDeleteVirtLn { GitSignsDelete },
GitSignsDeleteVirtLnInLine { DiffText },
GitSignsVirtLnum { fg = LineNr.fg },
MultiCursorMain { fg = content_important_local, bg = content_unfocus, gui = 'bold' }
end )
return nugu
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