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Created November 17, 2011 09:38
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Save bugcloud/1372792 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
canvas practice1 | frok from
class Hole
constructor: () ->
@SPRING = .1
@x = _g.document.width() / 2
@y = _g.document.height() / 2
@radius = 3
@radius2 = 14
@vec = {x: 100 * Math.random() - 50, y: 100 * Math.random() - 50}
render: (mouseX, mouseY, h) ->
@vec.x += (mouseX - @x) * @SPRING
@vec.y += (mouseY - @y) * @SPRING
@vec.x *= @FRICTION
@vec.y *= @FRICTION
@x += @vec.x
@y += @vec.y
grad = _g.context.createRadialGradient(@x, @y, @radius, @x, @y, @radius2)
grad.addColorStop(0, "hsla(#{h}, 100%, 50%, 1)")
grad.addColorStop(1, "hsla(#{h}, 100%, 50%, 0)")
_g.context.fillStyle = grad
_g.context.rect(@x - @radius2, @y - @radius2, @radius2*2, @radius2*2)
class StarSprite
constructor: (distance, move_speed, clear_speed, scale_speed, rotation, x, y, h) ->
@distance = distance.min + Math.random() * (distance.max - distance.min)
@moveSpeed = move_speed.min + Math.random() * (move_speed.max - move_speed.min)
@clearSpeed = clear_speed.min + Math.random() * (clear_speed.max - clear_speed.min)
@scaleSpeed = scale_speed.min + Math.random() * (scale_speed.max - scale_speed.min)
@rotation = rotation
@scale = 1
@alpha = 1
rot = @rotation + Math.random() * 120 - 60
theta = rot * Math.PI / 180
@h = h
@x = x
@y = y
@vx = x - Math.cos(theta) * @distance
@vy = y + Math.sin(theta) * @distance
render: () ->
@x += (@vx - @x) * @moveSpeed
@y += (@vy - @y) * @moveSpeed
@alpha -= @clearSpeed
@scale += @scaleSpeed
color = "hsla(#{@h}, 100%, 50%, #{@alpha})"
_g.context.strokeStyle = color
_g.context.arc(@x, @y, 4*@scale, 0, Math.PI*2, false)
class Global
constructor: () ->
@distance = { min:200, max:300 }
@moveSpeed = { min:0.01, max:0.03 }
@clearSpeed = { min:0.02, max:0.06 }
@scaleSpeed = { min:0.02, max:0.06 }
@rotation = 0
@prevX = 0
@prevY = 0
@renderCount = 0
@h = 0
@particles = []
@mouseXY = {x:250, y:250}
@document = $(document)
@clearRect = true
init: () ->
me = this
@canvas = document.getElementById 'canvas01'
@context = @canvas.getContext '2d'
@context.lineWidth = 2
@context.shadowBlur = 20
@canvas.onmousemove = (e) ->
me.mouseXY = me.mousePosition(me.canvas, e)
@hole = new Hole()
@fps = 20
me = this
setInterval () ->
, 1000/@fps
mousePosition: (obj, e) ->
pos = {x:0, y:0}
pos.x += obj.offsetLeft
pos.y += obj.offsetTop
p = obj.offsetParent
while (p)
pos.x += p.offsetLeft
pos.y += p.offsetTop
p = p.offsetParent
d = document
if window.pageXOffset
pageX = window.pageXOffset
unless pageX?
if d.documentElement and d.documentElement.scrollLeft
pageX = d.documentElement.scrollLeft
unless pageX?
if d.body
pageX = d.body.scrollLeft
unless pageX?
pageX = 0
if window.pageYOffset
pageY = window.pageYOffset
unless pageY?
if d.documentElement and d.documentElement.scrollTop
pageY = d.documentElement.scrollTop
unless pageY?
if d.body
pageY = d.body.scrollTop
unless pageY?
pageY = 0
pos.x = e.clientX - pos.x + pageX
pos.y = e.clientY - pos.y + pageY
render: () ->
unless @h is 360
@h += 10
@h = 0
@context.clearRect(0, 0, @document.width(), @document.height()) if @clearRect
@context.shadowColor = "hsl(#{@h}, 100%, 50%)"
@rotation = Math.atan2(@prevX - @hole.x, @prevY - @hole.y) * 180 / Math.PI + 90
@prevX = @hole.x
@prevY = @hole.y
for [1..3]
obj = new StarSprite(@distance, @moveSpeed, @clearSpeed, @scaleSpeed, @rotation, @hole.x, @hole.y, @h)
if @renderCount is 4
obj.scale = Math.random() * 10 + .8
@renderCount = 0
obj.scale = Math.random() * .4 + .4
@particles.push obj
alives = []
for p in @particles
if p.alpha > 0
alives.push p
@particles = alives
@hole.render(@mouseXY.x, @mouseXY.y, @h)
toggleRect: () ->
@clearRect = if @clearRect then false else true
_g = new Global()
$ ->
$("#canvas01").attr("width", Math.floor($(document).width()))
$("#canvas01").attr("height", Math.floor($(document).height()))
$("canvas").on 'click',
() ->
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