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Forked from manuelta/Jenkins Ans
Created March 7, 2021 10:24
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Jenkins QQ
Refer : (Questions are asked from this site)
1. Which of the folowing ways can be used to schedule a build in jenkins?
-After completion of other builds
-Can be scheduled to run at specific time
-By souce code management commits
2. To set up slaves/nodes in Jenkins which of the following feature is used?
Manage Nodes
3. We cannot create a backup and copy files in Jenkins. True or false?
4. Which plugin allows to publish build artifacts via ssh?
Publish over SSH
5. Which of the following display is an option in Jenkins?
System Information, System log and Load statistics
6. Which plugins allows to build Github pull request?
Github pull request builder
7. Which plugin cab be used to backup critical configuration settings related to Jenkins?
Jenkins backup plugin
8. Jenkins provide code analysis plugin. True or false?
True – Static code analysis plug-ins
9. What are the popular features of Jenkins?
- With simple steps maven relaease project is automated
- To notify developers about build report success or failure. It is integrated with LDAP mail server.
-Easy tracking of bugs at early stage in development environment than production
10. Jenkins can parse the results file from which of the following code analysis tool?
PMD , CheckStyle, FindBugs
11. Jenkins application is basically:
Web application
12. Jenkins server can be started from one server to another . True or False
13 . Can we move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?
Yes its possible with certain set of steps
14. In which screen you can configure how many builds you want?
Ans : Manage nodes - Capable of handling parallel and distributed builds,Can configure how many builds we want. (Answer for above question)
Configure system - one can manage path to various tools to use in build
Reload Configuration from disk - To reload the Jenkins system and build job configurations directly.
Mange Plugins - Third party plugins can be installed , updated and removed through the manage plugins screen.
System Information - displays list all all current java system properties and system environment variables.
System Log – convenient way to view the Jenkins log files in real time.
Load Statistics – Display graphical data on how busy Jenkins instance is in terms of no: of concurrent builds and length of build queue
Script console- Helps in running groovy script on server.
Manage nodes - Capable of handling parallel and distributed builds,Can configure how many builds we want. (Answer for above question)
Prepare for shutdown. To shut down Jenkins cleanly
15. To configure security settings in Jenkins we need to
Ans : Select Manage Jenkins and then Configure Global Security
----Jenkins Git Set up: Manage Jenkins -> Mange Plugins -> Available Tab ->Git Plugin
---Jenkins and Maven Set up : Mange Jenkins -> Configure System -> Add Maven
16. What is the requirement for using Jenkins?
a) A source code repository which is accessible for instance, a Git repository
b) A working build script, eg. A Maven script, checked into the repository
17. Terminologies used in Jenkins
Used : Plugin, Master, server, client/agent/slave, excecutor, job, workspace
Not used : Storm
18. Using Jenkins what can be triggered automatically?
19. What is not possible in Jenkins?
Ans : Artificial Intelligence
Possible: Trends, Metrics, Automatic Deployment
20. Which tool is used to track on version control system and to initiate and monitor a build system if a change occur?
21.Which of the following is not applicable for Jenkins?
Ans : Does not have provision to stop the build in case of failure in any steps(doubt please refer)
-Run an internal shell script
-Peform code compilation and build the software with ANT, Maven or Gradle
-Monitoring the execution of the above tasks
22. SCM tools supported by Jenkins?
• AccuRev
• Subversion
• Git
• Mercurial
• Perforce
• Clearcase
Not supported: Eclipse
23. When we download jenkins which type of file is downloaded?
war file
24. Do we need to restart Jenkins after installing plugins to see the installed plugin?
not required
25. With jenkins tomcat setup which of the following to be installed?
Java and Tomcat
26. Jenkins can be insatlled in which of the following operating system?
Windows, Ubuntu, CentOs
27. which minimum version of JDK is required to install jenkins?
Ans : JDK 1.5 or above
---->Java Container : any container that supports Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 or later
28. we cannot set up credentials to login into jenkins dashboard true or false?
29. For windows authentication which plugin needs to be added in jenkins?
Active directory plugin
30. Access control can customize via two ways. What are they?
user authentication and authorization
31. An important step in making sure that the build process is taken seriously is to _________.
1. never leave the build in a broken state
2. send out a report on each build
3. have management introduce the new build process
4. set off the smoke alarm every time the build breaks
Ans: 1. never leave the build in a broken state
32. Which of the following is REQUIRED for using Jenkins?
1. Java 1.5 or higher
2. Java in your Path
3. .NET framework
4. Web server
Ans: 1. Java 1.5 or higher
33. One of the primary problems that continuous integration addresses is _________.
1. formatting code
2. isolated development
3. language choice
4. group think
Ans: 2. isolated development
34. Parallelization in Jenkins can best be achieved by _________.
1. breaking up your build into multiple jobs
2. setting parallel to true in the Jenkins config
3. using multiple jenkins master servers
4. writing multi-threaded job scripts
Ans: 1. breaking up your build into multiple jobs
35. Jenkins can be started from the command line by using what command?
1. java -jar jenkins.war
2. run jenkins.war
3. java -run jenkins.war
4. jar jenkins.war
Ans: 1. java -jar jenkins.war
36. When implementing unit testing in Jenkins it is important to never _________.
1. report the test results
2. write small tests
3. run the tests in parallel to anything else
4. leave tests broken
Ans: 4. leave tests broken
37. Jenkins is really a tool that can be used to __________ most aspects of continuous integration?
1. reverse engineer
2. dispel
3. undo
4. automate
Ans: 4. automate
38. Security can be set at an individual job level in Jenkins.
1. true
2. false
Ans: 1. true
39. The Join trigger plugin _______.
1. makes sure multiple jobs are complete before downstream jobs can run
2. makes 2 jobs run at the same time
3. makes a single job split into many jobs
4. makes jenkins show a different icon
Ans: 1. makes sure multiple jobs are complete before downstream jobs can run
40. A good first step for moving a build over to Jenkins is to ________.
1. get a full build in a failed state
2. disable unit tests
3. diagram the manual process
4. conver everything to Java
Ans: 3. diagram the manual process
41. The easiest way to get a plugin for Jenkins is _________.
1. from inside Jenkins itself
2. creating a plugin request call
3. downloading an installer package
4. by building it from source
Ans: 1. from inside Jenkins itself
42. A workspace is _______.
1. the central configuration area for Jenkins
2. the directory Jenkins checks source code out to
3. the directory that Jenkins caches files at
4. the only part of Jenkins that lives in the cloud
Ans: 2. the directory Jenkins checks source code out to
43. One of the major conflicts that led to a split of the early Jenkins project was _______.
1. how much to charge for it
2. whether or not to keep the project on
3. what language to write it in
4. whether or not it should only work with Java applications
Ans: 2. whether or not to keep the project on
44. Jenkins is primarily written in ______.
1. ruby
2. C#
3. java1
4. python
Ans: 3. java1
45. What should the http port be set to in order to disable regular http in favor of https?
1. 0
2. 8080
3. 43
4. -1
Ans: 4. -1
46. Which of the following is NOT an advantage to distributing builds across multiple nodes?
1. parallelization of jobs
2. support for multiple platforms
3. faster build times
4. automatic recovery of the master Jenkins node
Ans: 4. automatic recovery of the master Jenkins node
47. Jenkins used to be called _______.
1. burly
2. hudson
3. cheeves
4. jeeves
Ans: 2. hudson
1. JENKINS official site : or
2. Metrics Plugin : This plugin exposes the Dropwizard Metrics API within Jenkins
The Dropwizard Metrics API includes contracts for health checks .Health checks return a simple PASS/FAIL status and include an optional message.
3. A Bamboo plugin is a single JAR containing code, a plugin descriptor (XML) and usually some Freemarker template files to render HTML.
4. How can we move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?
A. First, copy the related job directory and slide a job from one installation of Jenkins to another
B. Make a copy of an already existing job by making clone of a job directory by a different name
C. Renaming an existing job by rename a directory
D. All of these
Ans : D. All of these
5. What is the relation between Hudson and Jenkins?
Hudson was the earlier name and version of current Jenkins. After some issue, the project name was changed from Hudson to Jenkins.
6. What does CD stands for in Jenkins
Continuous Delivery
7. Jenkins can execute
i)Shell scripts
ii) Batch commands
iv)None of these
Ans : iii)Both
8. Default port of Jenkins : 8080
9. Url to restart Jenkins : http://localhost:8080/restrart
10. How to set Jenkins env variable in linux ?
export JENKINS_HOME=/usr/Jenkins…
11. Bamboo tool is used in
i)Continuos intergartion
Ans : iii)Both
12. -The one not in Jenkins dashboard
iii)Build History
iv)Manage Jenkins
Ans : ii)Connect
13. Default releases that can be downloaded from Jenkins site
i)Past release
ii)Long living releases
iii)Latest release
Ans : iv)All
14. -Source code management tools supported by Jenkins:
15. Number of builds can be configured in which screen:
Manage nodes(Please verify)
What are different metrics and trends?
Various plugins are available in Jenkins which showcase metrics for builds which are carried out for a long period of time. These metrics are useful to understand the
builds and how frequently they fail/pass over time. For example, let’s have look at the ‘Build History Metrics plugin’.
This plugin calculates below metrics for all of the builds after installation.
· Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
· Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR)
Standard Deviation of Build Times
metrics plugin
bamboo plugin
which is not there in those video
what is the jenkin offical site
jenkins supported jdk version
how to enable security in jenkins
Jenkins Interview Questions
Just commit changes to the SCR (Source Code Repository) and Jenkins can automate the rest of the process for you with the help of plugins. So that makes it a very important DevOps tool. There is a high possibility that you encounter many Jenkins questions if you go for a DevOps job interview. Below are the most frequently asked Jenkins interview questions. I have collected these questions after doing a lot of research and after discussing with some DevOps experts who are directly involved in the hiring process. Curious to know more about Jenkins check out this Jenkins blog series.
This Jenkins Interview Questions blog is a part of parent blog DevOps Interview Questions. It includes all the DevOps Stages.
First question in this Jenkins Interview Questions blog has to be:
DevOps Interview Questions and Answers | DevOps Training | Edureka
Q1. What is Jenkins?
My suggestion is to start this answer by giving a definition of Jenkins.
Jenkins is an open source automation tool written in Java with plugins built for Continuous Integration purpose. Jenkins is used to build and test your software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. It also allows you to continuously deliver your software by integrating with a large number of testing and deployment technologies.
Once you have defined Jenkins give an example, you can refer the below mentioned use case:
First, a developer commits the code to the source code repository. Meanwhile, the Jenkins server checks the repository at regular intervals for changes.
Soon after a commit occurs, the Jenkins server detects the changes that have occurred in the source code repository. Jenkins will pull those changes and will start preparing a new build.
If the build fails, then the concerned team will be notified.
If built is successful, then Jenkins deploys the built in the test server.
After testing, Jenkins generates a feedback and then notifies the developers about the build and test results.
It will continue to check the source code repository for changes made in the source code and the whole process keeps on repeating.
Jenkins Architecture - DevOps Interview Questions Jenkins - Edureka
Interviewer now knows what is Jenkins but why we use it, there are many other CI tools as well, so why Jenkins?, the next question in this Jenkins interview questions will deal with that answer.
Q2. What are the benefits of using Jenkins?
I will suggest you to include the following benefits of Jenkins, if you can recall any other benefit apart from the below mentioned points you can include that as well.
At integration stage, build failures are cached.
For each change in the source code an automatic build report notification is generated.
To notify developers about build report success or failure, it is integrated with LDAP mail server.
Achieves continuous integration agile development and test driven development.
With simple steps, maven release project is automated.
Easy tracking of bugs at early stage in development environment than production.
Interviewer: Okay Jenkins looks like a really cool tool, but what are the requirements for using Jenkins?
Q3. What are the pre-requisites for using Jenkins?
Answer to this is pretty straightforward To use Jenkins you require:
A source code repository which is accessible, for instance, a Git repository.
A working build script, e.g., a Maven script, checked into the repository.
Remember, you have mentioned Plugins in your previous answer, so next question in this Jenkins interview questions blog will be regarding Plugins.
Q4. Mention some of the useful plugins in Jenkins?
Below I have mentioned some important Plugins:
Maven 2 project
Amazon EC2
HTML publisher
Copy artifact
Green Balls
Jenkins Plugins - Jenkins Interview Questions - Edureka
These Plugins I feel are the most useful plugins, if you want to include any other Plugin that is not mentioned above, you can add that as well, but make sure you first mention the above stated plugins and then add your own.
Q5. Mention what are the commands you can use to start Jenkins manually?
For this answer I will suggest you to go with the below mentioned flow:
To start Jenkins manually open Console/Command line, then go to your Jenkins installation directory. Over there you can use the below commands:
To start Jenkins: jenkins.exe start
To stop Jenkins: jenkins.exe stop
To restart Jenkins: jenkins.exe restart
Q6. Explain how you can set up Jenkins job?
My approach to this answer will be to first mention how to create Jenkins job.
Go to Jenkins top page, select “New Job”, then choose “Build a free-style software project”.
Now you can tell the elements of this freestyle job:
Optional SCM, such as CVS or Subversion where your source code resides.
Optional triggers to control when Jenkins will perform builds.
Some sort of build script that performs the build (ant, maven, shell script, batch file, etc.) where the real work happens.
Optional steps to collect information out of the build, such as archiving the artifacts and/or recording javadoc and test results.
Optional steps to notify other people/systems with the build result, such as sending e-mails, IMs, updating issue tracker, etc..
Q7. Explain how to create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?
Answer to this question is really direct.
To create a backup all you need to do is to periodically back up your JENKINS_HOME directory. This contains all of your build jobs configurations, your slave node configurations, and your build history. To create a back-up of your Jenkins setup, just copy this directory. You can also copy a job directory to clone or replicate a job or rename the directory.
Learn Jenkins With DevOps Now
Q8. How will you secure Jenkins?
The way I secure Jenkins is mentioned below, if you have any other way to do it than mention that:
Ensure global security is on.
Ensure that Jenkins is integrated with my company’s user directory with appropriate plugin.
Ensure that matrix/Project matrix is enabled to fine tune access.
Automate the process of setting rights/privileges in Jenkins with custom version controlled script.
Limit physical access to Jenkins data/folders.
Periodically run security audits on same.
I hope you have enjoyed the above set of Jenkins interview questions, the next set of questions will be more challenging, so be prepared.
Q9 Explain how you can deploy a custom build of a core plugin?
Below are the steps to deploy a custom build of a core plugin:
Stop Jenkins.
Copy the custom HPI to $Jenkins_Home/plugins.
Delete the previously expanded plugin directory.
Make an empty file called <plugin>.hpi.pinned.
Start Jenkins.
Q10. What is the relation between Hudson and Jenkins?
You can just say Hudson was the earlier name and version of current Jenkins. After some issue, the project name was changed from Hudson to Jenkins.
Q11. What you do when you see a broken build for your project in Jenkins?
There can be multiple answers to this question I will approach this task in the following way:
I will open the console output for the broken build and try to see if any file changes were missed. If I am unable to find the issue that way, then I will clean and update my local workspace to replicate the problem on my local and try to solve it.
If you do it in a different way then just mention that in your answer.
Q12. Explain how you can move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?
I will approach this task by copying the jobs directory from the old server to the new one. There are multiple ways to do that, I have mentioned it below:
You can:
Move a job from one installation of Jenkins to another by simply copying the corresponding job directory.
Make a copy of an existing job by making a clone of a job directory by a different name.
Rename an existing job by renaming a directory. Note that if you change a job name you will need to change any other job that tries to call the renamed job.
Q13. What are the various ways in which build can be scheduled in Jenkins?
You can schedule a build in Jenkins in the following ways:
By source code management commits
After completion of other builds
Can be scheduled to run at specified time ( crons )
Manual Build Requests
Q14. What is the difference between Maven, Ant and Jenkins?
Maven and Ant are Build Technologies whereas Jenkins is a continuous integration tool.
Q15. Which SCM tools Jenkins supports?
Below are Source code management tools supported by Jenkins:
Now, the next set of Jenkins interview questions will test your experience with Jenkins.
Q16. What are the two components Jenkins is mainly integrated with?
According to me Jenkins is mainly integrated with the following:
Version Control system like GIT,SVN.
Build tools like Apache Maven.
If you have anything else in your mind then mention that as well but make sure you include the above two components in your answer.
View Upcoming DevOps Batches Now
Once you have prepared yourself with these Jenkins interview questions, then no one can stop you from getting your dream job.
I have included the frequently asked Docker interview questions. If you have more questions in your mind just type it in the comment box below and we will reply you ASAP. Before going for the interview I will suggest you to check out this Jenkins blog series.
If you found this blog on Docker Interview Questions relevant, check out the DevOps training by Edureka, a trusted online learning company with a network of more than 250,000 satisfied learners spread across the globe. The Edureka DevOps Certification Training course helps learners gain expertise in various DevOps processes and tools such as Puppet, Jenkins, Nagios and GIT for automating multiple steps in SDLC.
What is the requirement for using Jenkins?
A. A source code repository which is accessible, for instance, a Git repository
B. A working build script, e.g., a Maven script, checked into the repository
C. Both of these
D. None
2. What are the advantages of Jenkins?
A. At integration stage, build failures are cached
B. For each code commit changes an automatic build report notification generates
C. To notify developers about build report success or failure, it is integrated with LDAP mail server
D. All of the above
3. How can we move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?
A. First, copy the related job directory and slide a job from one installation of Jenkins to another
B. Make a copy of an already existing job by making clone of a job directory by a different name
C. Renaming an existing job by rename a directory
D. All of these
4. What are the useful plugins in Jenkin?
A. Maven 2 project
B. Amazon EC2
C. HTML publisher
D. All
5. Which Scm Tools Does Jenkins Support?
A. AccuRev
C. Subversion
D. All of these
6. Which file is used to define dependency in maven?
A. build.xml
B. pom.xml
C. dependency.xml
D. version.xml
7. Which command can be used to check maven version?
A. mvn -ver
B. maven -ver
C. maven -version
D. mvn -version
8. How can we secure Jenkins?
A. Global security should be enabled
B. Jenkins should be integrated with appropriate plugins
C. Automate the process of setting rights and privileges
D. All of the above
9. Which maven plugin creates the project structure?
A. dependency
B. properties
C. archetype
D. execution
0. How can we setup Jenkins jobs?
A. Select new item from the menu
B. After that enter a name for the job and select free-style job
C. Then click OK to create new job in Jenkins
D. The next page enables you to configure your job
E. All of these
Name any two important Plugging that you can deploy in Jenkins while handling software development automation?
These are Amazon EC2, Copy Artifact and HTML Publisher
Q. Can you start Jenkins manually? Tell the commands you use for this if so?
Yes, it is possible and for this there are two commands present and they are Jenkin_url/restart and Jenkin _url/safe restart
Q. Which SCM tools does Jenkins support?
Jenkins supports the following SCM tools:
1. AccuRev
2. CVS
3. Subversion
4. Git
5. Mercurial
6. Perforce
7. Clearcase
8. RTC
Q. Name some Jenkins plugins ?
Copy Artifact
Amazon EC2
HTML publisher
Copy artifact
Throttle Builds
Green Balls
Build Pipeline
Q. How to setup / configure Jenkins jobs?
Steps to be followed for settingup Jenkins jobs:
Go --> Jenkins Dashboard --> Click on New Item
Select the ‘Freestyle project option’.
Select OK button inorder to create a new job.
Next Page Displays, where you have to configure the job.
Q. What do you mean by the term DSL Jenkins?
It stands for Domain Specific Language Jenkins and is an inbuilt approach in the Jenkins environment with the help of which scripts can be maintained and made to run with the local server.
Q. Can you give some idea about the tools which are generally used for the configuration and provisioning in the Jenkins?
The tool which is generally preferred is Ansible and it has mainly features for the cloud deployment of the automated software development approach. This tool has many additional features with it and the best thing is it can easily be deployed as an orchestration tool.
Q. Can you make sure of dependency management in the Maven and ANT?
In case of Maven, the same is possible whereas, it is not possible in case of Ant. This is also a basic difference between both of them
Q. Name a few SCM tools that are supported by the Jenkins?
There are many version control tools which it generally supports and the best thing is they include tools for CVS as well. The other tools which it supports widely are RTC, Clearcase, Perfore, Apache Ant, and more especially the arbitrary shell scripts.
Q. How can you schedule a Build in the Jenkins environment?
It is possible to do so either manually or with the Build triggers. Users simply need to look for the concerned Build Triggers and then need to make sure that task is repeated periodically. The build definition can easily be scheduled without facing any error if the time to execute the build is already defined.
Q. Brief on Blue Ocean?
Blue Ocean reevaluates the user experience of Jenkins. Outlined starting from the earliest stage for Jenkins Pipeline, yet at the same time perfect with freestyle jobs, Blue Ocean lessens clutter and builds clearness for each individual from the team. Blue Ocean's principle highlights include:
Sophisticated visualization
Pipeline editor
Pinpoint precision
Native integration for branch and pull requests.
Q. What are the commands to start jenkins manually?
/restart : Force restart (will not wait for ongoing build to complete)
/safeRestart : Wait for all builds to complete before restarting.
Q. Name Some Pipeline Development Tools?
The Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor
Command-line Pipeline Linter
Q. Define Fingerprint in Jenkins?
A hash is a unique globally, that tracks usgae of an Artifact or some other entities across the mutiple pipelines.
. Can you name the two important components of Jenkins?
Apache Maven and Version Control
Q. What are the actual applications for which the Jenkins can be deployed?
It is basically an approach that is used when it comes to testing and reporting the isolated changes that generally take place in the codes which are complex and are real time. The developers can easily make sure that the defects can be avoided and the best part is the quality of the overall code can be improved rapidly and all the builds can be tested through an automated approach.
Q. When it comes to Software development, do you think the testing can be automated or it should be performed manually?
Most of the testing procedures can simply be considered through automated technologies depending upon the scale or level upto which it is required. However, a few little procedures are still opted manually for proper bug elimination and control.
Q. What do you mean by Jenkins Pipeline?
It is basically an approach with the help of which it is possible for the users to make the pipeline plug-in more scriptable and useful for the development of complex software
Q. As a user, when you will use the Jenkins with the Selenium and what is the scope of the same?
Well, the fact is Selenium tests are quite common in the Jenkins environment and the users are free to keep up the pace simply with them whenever there is a change taken place in the software. With Jenkins, the test can be scheduled to run in a way that is required by the user. It is possible to run any test anytime and they can even be made to run at a later date.
Q. What are the Continuous Integration tools you are familiar with?
Before you answer these questions, keep it in mind that generally the users are not familiar with all of them. In other words, even if you use Jenkins, it’s not necessary that you use all of them even when the tasks are quite complex. So you can tell the interviewer about the ones you are familiar with from the below list.
Bamboo (Mean time to failure, mean time to recovery), Go CD, TeamCity, CodeShip, GitLab CI, Travis CI, Circle CI.
Q. Compare Jenkins with Maven? And tell how you can put them separate from one another.
Maven is actually a build tool which is useful for build and control purposes while on the other side, the Jenkins is a powerful continuous integration approach that can automate the development processes in very reliable manner. Maven is preferred while the applications are short scale whereas when the code is large and needs a lot of attention, the Jenkins approach is adopted and preferred.
Q. How it is possible for the users to access the multiple Jenkfiles that belong to different branches and have the same project associated with them?
This is done generally with the help of Multibranch Pipeline concept where the Jenkin can automatically block for the pipelines and manage them.
Q. What does the Term Blue Ocean mean in Jenkins?
Basically, it is an approach that let the users keep up the pace with some additional features on modeling and presenting the software development process along with its automation abilities without compromising with the extensibility.
Q. Tell anyone difference between Hudson and Jenkins?
The prime difference that put them different from one another is Hudson is not supported by the Sun technologies whereas the Jenkins is.
Advantages of Jenkins?
Following are the advantages of Jenkins:
At integration stage, build failures are cached.
Maven release projects are automated by using simple steps.
Plugin support is in large scale.
At an early stage, bugs can be identified in the development environment.
The code is improved iteratively.
Tool used for configuration & provisioning?
Ansible-It is an agent with less config management as well orchestration tool. The configuration modules are called ‘Playbooks’. Ansible can be used for more of cloud provisioning.
Minimum JRE required for a run of Jenkin 2.1?
JRE8 or Else JDK8
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