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Last active February 12, 2018 02:09
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable, DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
{-| Propositions with variables of type @var@ -}
data Proposition var
= Var var
| Not (Proposition var)
| And (Proposition var) (Proposition var)
| Or (Proposition var) (Proposition var)
| If (Proposition var) (Proposition var)
| Iff (Proposition var) (Proposition var)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Foldable, Functor)
deMorgan, deMorgan' :: Proposition Char
{-^ Example formulas: De Morgan's laws using the variables 'P' and 'Q' -}
deMorgan = Iff (Not (And (Var 'P') (Var 'Q'))) (Or (Not (Var 'P')) (Not (Var 'Q')))
deMorgan' = Iff (Not (Or (Var 'P') (Var 'Q'))) (And (Not (Var 'P')) (Not (Var 'Q')))
freeVars :: Eq var => Proposition var -> [var]
{-^ Given a 'Proposition' of @a@ return (as a list) the set of @a@s that occur within -}
freeVars = nub . toList
{-| A proposition over 'Bool's is also known as a predicate -}
type Predicate = Proposition Bool
{-| A context is a mapping from variables to actual values -}
type Ctx var = Map var Bool
eval :: Ord var => Ctx var -> Proposition var -> Bool
{-^ Given a context, compute the truth value of a proposition, e.g.:
eval (Map.fromList [('P',False),('Q',True)]) (And (Var 'P') (Var 'Q'))
eval ctx prop = evalP $ fmap (ctx Map.!) prop
evalP = \case
Var b -> b
Not q -> not $ evalP q
And p q -> evalP p && evalP q
Or p q -> evalP p || evalP q
If p q -> evalP p ==> evalP q
Iff p q -> evalP p == evalP q
(==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool; infix 4 ==>
{-^ Logical implication which short-circuits if first argument is False
>>> False ==> undefined
False ==> _ = True
True ==> False = False
True ==> True = True
valid :: Ord var => Proposition var -> Bool
{-^ Test if a proposition is valid/tautoligical (evaluates to @True@ in all possible contexts)
>>> valid deMorgan
>>> valid (Or (Var 'P') (Var 'Q'))
valid = and . map fst . evalAll
allSat :: Ord var => Proposition var -> [Ctx var]
{-^ Get all satisfying assignments or the empty list if the predicate is unsatisfiable
>>> allSat (If (Var "foo") (Var "bar"))
[fromList [("bar",False),("foo",False)]
,fromList [("bar",True),("foo",False)]
,fromList [("bar",True),("foo",True)]]
>>> allSat (And (Var 1) (Not (Var 1)))
allSat = map snd . filter ((== True) . fst) . evalAll
sat :: Ord var => Proposition var -> Maybe (Ctx var)
{-^ Get a satisfying assignment, based on 'evalAll' -}
sat = listToMaybe . allSat
evalAll :: Ord var => Proposition var -> [(Bool, Ctx var)]
{-^ Evaluate a proposition with all possible contexts.
>>> evalAll (Iff (Var 2) (Var 3))
[(True,fromList [(2,False),(3,False)])
,(False,fromList [(2,False),(3,True)])
,(False,fromList [(2,True),(3,False)])
,(True,fromList [(2,True),(3,True)])]
NB: Brute force algorithm with O(c^n) time complexity where c is the cardinality of the symbolic
value (2 in the case of 'Bool') and n is the cardinality of the set of free variables
evalAll p = let cs = ctxs p in zip (map (`eval` p) cs) cs
ctxs :: Ord var => Proposition var -> [Ctx var]
{-| Given a proposition, generate all possible contextsfor some symbolic type, e.g.:
>>> ctxs (And (Var 'P') (Var 'Q'))
[fromList [('P',False),('Q',False)]
,fromList [('P',False),('Q',True)]
,fromList [('P',True),('Q',False)]
,fromList [('P',True),('Q',True)]]
ctxs p = map (Map.fromList . zip vars) (allInst (length vars))
vars = freeVars p
-- | Generate all possible instantiations, as in a truth table
allInst = \case
0 -> return []
n -> do
x <- [False,True]
xs <- allInst (n-1)
return (x : xs)
{- TODO: Figure out a nicer implementation of `evalP`, à la:
-- Not valid Haskell!! The gist is to replace every data constructor by the rhs
let magic = \case
Var -> id
Not -> not
And -> (&&)
Or -> (||)
If -> (<=)
Iff -> (==)
let compile = replace magic $ fmap ctx where ctx = \case 'P' -> False; 'Q' -> True
compile Iff (Not (And (Var 'P') (Var 'Q'))) (Or (Not (Var 'P')) (Not (Var 'Q')))
~> ((==) (not ((&&) (id True) (id False))) ((||) (not (id True)) (not (id False))))
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