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Last active October 11, 2017 15:02
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Catch-all considered harmful?

Catch-all considered harmful?

I have been thinking about a potential source of bugs from catch-all pattern matches and would like to know your thoughts.


Totality is usually a desirable property of a function and the catch-all can conveniently buy us totality. But at what price?

I have been indoctrinated that rigour goes above convenience (think along the lines of: "Once we indulge in the impurities of I/O, there is no redemption.")

I would like to evaluate the trade-offs between convenience for the programmer and a potential source of bugs.

My questions to the community—

  1. Are there real world examples of bugs caused by catch-alls?
  2. Do you think that a language extension that disallows catch-alls (and annotations to opt back in at pattern match sites or type declaration) could be useful for certain code bases?
  3. If this is a potential problem, then can you think of any better solutions a compiler could provide (i.e. that don't rely on an IDE / structured editing) other than disallowing catch-alls?

Feel free to chip in with your 2p (or 2¢), but please only if you have any concrete experience (or compelling theoretical evidence).


Consider the sum type:

data Answer = No | Yes

and the function:

foo : Answer -> String
foo Yes = "Woo-hoo!"
foo _   = "Bother."

Say we need to extend our sum type:

data Answer = No | Perhaps | Yes

However, we forget to handle the new case appropriately in foo. The compiler is happy, but at runtime foo Perhaps would evaluate to "Bother."—with potentially catastrophic consequences.

(Please imagine this happening in a large codebase with several contributors, no single one of whom knows the entire codebase.)

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jbgi commented Oct 3, 2017

@libeako: makeCata is what you are thinking of I believe. It is indeed a good replacement for exhaustive pattern matching. And for case where you don't want to be exhaustive there is Prisms and friends.

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Chris Allen added on the Haskell Cafe mailing list:

We made it a policy at a previous company using Haskell to not use
catch-all patterns whenever possible because it meant adding a new
value to a sum type could mean silent problems. We had one bad
experience with that, did the five-whys thing, never did it again.

This mostly applied to the data types we made to represent domain
specific information. Less true for stuff like Int, naturally.

Addendum: it's more a smell when you aren't unconditionally ignoring
an sum type argument - it's when you're special casing some behavior
for specific constructors and then not doing so for others that I
would tend to reject it on code review.

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willtim commented Oct 6, 2017

Haskell needs or-patterns like OCaml, to explicitly handle common cases without writing a catch-all.

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