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Forked from kaushalmodi/debugprint.html
Created March 22, 2018 16:13
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Pretty printing Hugo variables for debug
.debugprint td {
padding-left: 4px;
padding-right: 4px;
.debugprint .key {
font-weight: bold;
.debugprint .type {
/* Hide Type columns in debugprint */
/* display: none; */
font-size: 0.9em;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
.debugprint .value {
font-family: monospace;
.debugprint .true {
color: green;
.debugprint .false {
color: red;
/* Don't touch the table headers */
.debugprint th.key,
.debugprint th.type,
.debugprint th.value {
font-family: normal;
font-size: 1em;
font-style: normal;
<!-- Pretty Print for Debug -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Usage examples:
{{/* partial "debugprint.html" .Params */}}
{{/* partial "debugprint.html" .Site */}}
{{/* partial "debugprint.html" .GitInfo */}}
{{/* partial "debugprint.html" .Resources */}}
{{/* partial "debugprint.html" .File */}}
{{ $value := . }}
{{ $type := (printf "%T" $value) }}
{{ $typeIsBool := (eq "bool" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsNumber := (or (eq "int" $type) (eq "int64" $type) (eq "float64" $type)) }}
{{ $typeIsString := (eq "string" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsTime := (eq "time.Time" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsInterface := (eq "interface" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsSlice := (findRE "^([[][]]|.*TaxonomyList|output\\.Formats|resource\\.Resources)" $type) }} <!-- match ^[] -->
{{ $typeIsMap := (findRE "^(map[[].+[]]|.*SiteSocial)" $type) }} <!-- match ^map[*] -->
{{ $typeIsSiteInfo := (eq "*hugolib.SiteInfo" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsGitInfo := (findRE "^.*gitmap\\.GitInfo" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsOutputFormat := (eq "output.Format" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsResource := (findRE "^\\*resource" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsPage := (findRE "^\\*hugolib\\.Page" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsFileInfo := (eq "*hugolib.fileInfo" $type) }}
{{ $typeIsSpecial := (or $typeIsSiteInfo $typeIsGitInfo $typeIsOutputFormat $typeIsResource $typeIsPage $typeIsFileInfo) }}
{{ if $typeIsBool }}
{{ printf "<span class=\"debugprint\"><span class=\"%#v\">%#v</span></span>" $value $value | safeHTML }}
{{ else if (or $typeIsNumber $typeIsString) }}
<!-- Use %#v for strings so that their values always get double-quoted.
That is helpful to tell if a space char is within a string. -->
{{ printf "%#v" $value | safeHTML }}
{{ else if (or $typeIsTime $typeIsInterface) }}
{{ printf "%s" $value | safeHTML }}
{{ else if $typeIsSlice }}
{{ range $value }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" . }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ end }}
{{ else if $typeIsMap }}
{{ if (gt (len $value) 0) }}
<table class="debugprint">
<tr><th class="key">Key</th><th class="type">Type</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
{{ range $key1, $value1 := $value }}
{{ $type1 := (printf "%T" $value1) }}
{{ $type1IsTime := (eq "time.Time" $type1) }}
{{ if $type1IsTime }}
<!-- Print the date only if it is not at its initial value of Jan 1, 0001 -->
{{ if (ne "0001-01-01" ($value1.Format "2006-01-02")) }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"type\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $key1 $type1 | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" $value1 }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"type\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $key1 $type1 | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" $value1 }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $typeIsSpecial }}
<div class="debugprint">
{{ if $typeIsSiteInfo }}
{{ $siteVarNames := (slice "Title" "Author" "Social" "LastChange" "DisqusShortname" "GoogleAnalytics" "Copyright" "RSSLink" "LanguageCode" "BuildDrafts" "Params") }}
{{ $siteVarSymbols := (slice .Title .Author .Social .LastChange .DisqusShortname .GoogleAnalytics .Copyright .RSSLink .LanguageCode .BuildDrafts .Params ) }}
<tr><th class="key">SiteInfo Variable</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
{{ range $idx, $elem := $siteVarNames }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $elem | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" (index $siteVarSymbols $idx) }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $typeIsGitInfo }}
{{ $gitInfoVarNames := (slice "Hash" "AbbreviatedHash" "Subject" "AuthorName" "AuthorEmail" "AuthorDate") }}
{{ $gitInfoVarSymbols := (slice .Hash .AbbreviatedHash .Subject .AuthorName .AuthorEmail .AuthorDate ) }}
<tr><th class="key">GitInfo Variable</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
{{ range $idx, $elem := $gitInfoVarNames }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $elem | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" (index $gitInfoVarSymbols $idx) }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $typeIsOutputFormat }}
{{ $OutputFormatVarNames := (slice "Name" "MediaType" "Path" "BaseName" "Rel" "Protocol" "IsPlainText" "IsHTML" "NoUgly" "NotAlternative") }}
{{ $OutputFormatVarSymbols := (slice .Name .MediaType .Path .BaseName .Rel .Protocol .IsPlainText .IsHTML .NoUgly .NotAlternative ) }}
<tr><th class="key">OutputFormat Variable</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
{{ range $idx, $elem := $OutputFormatVarNames }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $elem | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" (index $OutputFormatVarSymbols $idx) }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $typeIsResource }}
{{ $ResourceVarNames := (slice "ResourceType" "Permalink" "RelPermalink" "AbsSourceFilename" "Name" "Title" "Params") }}
{{ $ResourceVarSymbols := (slice .ResourceType .Permalink .RelPermalink .AbsSourceFilename .Name .Title .Params ) }}
<tr><th class="key">Resource Variable</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
{{ range $idx, $elem := $ResourceVarNames }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $elem | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" (index $ResourceVarSymbols $idx) }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $typeIsPage }}
{{ $PageVarNames := (slice "ResourceType" "Kind" "Draft" "Layout" "Permalink" "RelPermalink" "Name" "Title" "Params") }}
{{ $PageVarSymbols := (slice .ResourceType .Kind .Draft .Layout .Permalink .RelPermalink .Name .Title .Params ) }}
<tr><th class="key">Page Variable</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
{{ range $idx, $elem := $PageVarNames }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $elem | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" (index $PageVarSymbols $idx) }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if $typeIsFileInfo }}
{{ $FileInfoVarNames := (slice "UniqueID" "BaseFileName" "TranslationBaseName" "Lang" "Section" "LogicalName" "Dir" "Ext" "Path") }}
{{ $FileInfoVarSymbols := (slice .UniqueID .BaseFileName .TranslationBaseName .Lang .Section .LogicalName .Dir .Ext .Path ) }}
<tr><th class="key">FileInfo Variable</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
{{ range $idx, $elem := $FileInfoVarNames }}
{{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $elem | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "debugprint.html" (index $FileInfoVarSymbols $idx) }} <!-- Recursive call FTW! -->
{{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ printf "%#v" $value | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ printf "%#v (<i>type:%s</i>)" $value $type | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Older, simpler version -->
<!-- <table class="debugprint"> -->
{{/* range $key1, $value1 := . */}}
{{/* printf "<tr><td>%#v</td><td>%#v</td></tr>" $key1 $value1 | safeHTML */}}
{{/* end */}}
<!-- </table> -->
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