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Last active August 8, 2018 12:25
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"japaneseText":"COM 1",
"frenchText":"ORDI 1",
"chineseTText":"COM 1",
"japaneseText":"COM 2",
"frenchText":"ORDI 2",
"chineseTText":"COM 2",
"japaneseText":"COM 3",
"frenchText":"ORDI 3",
"chineseTText":"COM 3",
"japaneseText":"COM 4",
"frenchText":"ORDI 4",
"chineseTText":"COM 4",
"englishUsText":"To accept",
"germanText":"Ich stimme zu",
"englishUsText":"Do not accept",
"frenchText":"Je refuse",
"germanText":"Ich widerspreche",
"spanishText":"No acepto",
"koreanText":"동의하지 않는다",
"englishUsText":"Select the drum icon to use the drum controller!",
"frenchText":"Choisis les commandes que tu veux utiliser.",
"italianText":"Seleziona l'icona del controller che vuoi usare!",
"germanText":"Wähle das Symbol für den Controller, den du benutzen willst.",
"spanishText":"¡Elige el icono del control que quieras utlizar!",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러를 쓸 사람은 북 아이콘을 선택해줘!",
"japaneseText":"Nintendo Switch Proコントローラーを使います",
"englishUsText":"Use Nintendo Switch Pro Controller",
"frenchText":"Manette Nintendo Switch Pro",
"italianText":"Nintendo Switch Pro Controller",
"germanText":"Nintendo Switch Pro Controller",
"spanishText":"Mando Pro de Nintendo Switch",
"chineseTText":"使用Nintendo Switch Pro控制器",
"koreanText":"Nintendo Switch Pro 컨트롤러를 사용합니다",
"englishUsText":"Use Drum Controller",
"frenchText":"Utilise le contrôleur tambour",
"italianText":"Usa controller tamburo",
"spanishText":"Usar el mando tambor",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러를 사용합니다",
"englishUsText":"Once controllers have been chosen, 1P can start the game!",
"frenchText":"Une fois les manettes choisies, J1 peut lancer la partie.",
"italianText":"Una volta scelti i controller, G1 può avviare la partita!",
"germanText":"Nach Auswahl der Controller startet Spieler 1 das Spiel!",
"spanishText":"Una vez elegidos los mandos, el J1 puede empezar a jugar.",
"koreanText":"모두가 사용할 컨트롤러를 정하면\n1P는 결정을 눌러줘!",
"englishUsText":"1P starts the game once everyone else is ready!",
"frenchText":"Le J1 lance la partie quand tout le monde est prêt !",
"italianText":"G1 inizierà la partita quando tutti sono pronti!",
"germanText":"Spieler 1 startet das Spiel, sobald alle bereit sind!",
"spanishText":"¡Cuando todos estén listos, empieza el J1!",
"koreanText":"컨트롤러를 선택해주세요",
"englishUsText":"Your current controller may not match your control type.",
"frenchText":"Ton contrôleur actuel est incompatible\navec ton type de contrôleur.",
"italianText":"Il controller attuale potrebbe non\nessere adeguato allo schema dei com.",
"germanText":"Dein aktueller Controller könnte\nnicht zum Steuerungstyp passen.",
"spanishText":"Tu mando no coincide con el tipo de control.",
"koreanText":"사용 중인 컨트롤러와 조작 타입이\n맞지 않을 수도 있습니다.",
"englishUsText":"Too fast, don!",
"frenchText":"Trop rapide, don !",
"italianText":"Troppo veloce, Don!",
"germanText":"Zu schnell, don!",
"spanishText":"¡Muy rápido, DON!",
"koreanText":"너무 빠르다쿵!",
"englishUsText":"A little too fast, don.",
"frenchText":"Un peu trop vite, don.",
"italianText":"Un po' troppo veloce, Don.",
"germanText":"Ein bisschen zu schnell, don.",
"spanishText":"Corres mucho, DON.",
"koreanText":"조금 빠르다쿵!",
"frenchText":"Parfait !",
"koreanText":"딱 맞아~!",
"englishUsText":"A little slow, don.",
"frenchText":"Un peu lent, don.",
"italianText":"Un po' troppo lento, Don.",
"germanText":"Ein bisschen zu langsam, don.",
"spanishText":"Algo lento, DON.",
"koreanText":"조금 느리다쿵!",
"englishUsText":"Too slow, don!",
"frenchText":"Trop lent, don !",
"italianText":"Troppo lento, Don!",
"germanText":"Zu langsam, don!",
"spanishText":"¡Muy lento, DON!",
"koreanText":"너무 느리다쿵!",
"englishUsText":"Option to swap between\nDon and Ka music notes.",
"frenchText":"Une option pour inverser\nles notes de musique\nDon et Ka.",
"italianText":"Scambia le note Don e Ka.",
"germanText":"Option zum Tausch von\nDon- und Ka-Noten.",
"spanishText":"Una opción para alternar\nentre las notas Don y Ka.",
"koreanText":"음표 「쿵」 「딱」을\n바꾸는 옵션",
"englishUsText":"Swap all Don and\nKa music notes.",
"frenchText":"Inverser toutes les notes\nde musique Don et Ka.",
"italianText":"Scambia tutte\nle note Don e Ka.",
"germanText":"Alle Don- und\nKa-Noten tauschen.",
"spanishText":"Intercambia todas las\nnotas Don y Ka.",
"koreanText":"음표 「쿵」 「딱」이\n전부 바뀐다",
"englishUsText":"Option to turn off\nmusic notes display.",
"frenchText":"Une option pour cacher\nles notes de musique.",
"italianText":"Opzione che nasconde le note.",
"germanText":"Option zum Ausschalten der Notenanzeige.",
"spanishText":"Una opción para esconder\nlas notas musicales.",
"koreanText":"음표 표시를 지우는 옵션",
"englishUsText":"Do not display\nmusic notes.",
"frenchText":"Cacher les notes\nde musique.",
"italianText":"Nascondi le note.",
"germanText":"Noten nicht anzeigen.",
"spanishText":"No se muestran las notas\nmusicales.",
"koreanText":"음표를 표시하지 않는다",
"englishUsText":"Change Don and\nKa instrument.",
"frenchText":"Changer les instruments\npour Don et Ka.",
"italianText":"Scambia gli strumenti\nDon e Ka.",
"germanText":"Don- und\nKa-Instrument ändern.",
"spanishText":"Cambia el instrumento\nde Don y Ka.",
"koreanText":"「쿵」 「딱」입력 시의\n효과음이 변한다",
"englishUsText":"Swap majority of Don\nand Ka music notes.",
"frenchText":"Inverser la majorité\ndes notes de musique\nDon et Ka.",
"italianText":"Scambia la maggior parte\ndelle note Don e Ka.",
"germanText":"Die meisten Don-\nund Ka-Noten tauschen.",
"spanishText":"Intercambia la mayoría de\nlas notas Don y Ka.",
"koreanText":"음표 「쿵」 「딱」을\n많이 섞는다",
"englishUsText":"Swap a few Don and\nKa music notes.",
"frenchText":"Échanger quelques notes\nde musique Don et Ka.",
"italianText":"Scambia alcune note\nDon e Ka.",
"germanText":"Einige Don- und\nKa-Noten tauschen.",
"spanishText":"Intercambia algunas notas\nDon y Ka.",
"koreanText":"음표 「쿵」 「딱」을\n조금 섞는다",
"englishUsText":"Option to randomly swap\nDon and Ka music notes.",
"frenchText":"Une option pour inverser\nles notes de musique\nDon et Ka\nde façon aléatoire.",
"italianText":"Scambia casualmente\nle note Don e Ka.",
"germanText":"Option zum zuf. Tauschen\nvon Don- u. Ka-Noten.",
"spanishText":"Una opción para\nintercambiar al azar las\nnotas Don y Ka.",
"koreanText":"음표 「쿵」 「딱」을\n랜덤하게 바꾸는 옵션",
"englishUsText":"Points are awarded\nproportionally to\ncombo achieved.",
"frenchText":"Les points sont attribués\nproportionnellement\nau combo atteint.",
"italianText":"Si ottengono punti\nin base alla lunghezza\ndelle combo.",
"germanText":"Punkte werden proportional zur erreichten Kombo vergeben.",
"spanishText":"Los puntos concedidos\nson proporcionales al\ncombo obtenido.",
"koreanText":"콤보를 이어가면 보다 많은\n스코어가 가산된다",
"englishUsText":"A grading system that\nfocuses on accurate\nnote timing while\nignoring combos.",
"frenchText":"Plus le timing\nest précis,\nplus le score est élevé,\npeu importe le combo.",
"italianText":"Sistema di valutazione\nbasato sul tempismo,\nnon sulle combo.",
"germanText":"Ein Bewertungssystem,\nbei dem es aufs Timing an-\nkommt. Kombos werden\nignoriert.",
"spanishText":"Sistema de puntuación que\nse centra más en una\ncadencia precisa\ne ignora los combos.",
"koreanText":"콤보와 상관없이\n타이밍에 맞게 음표를 치는 것을\n중시한 배점 방식",
"englishUsText":"Options to manage\nspecial settings.",
"frenchText":"Des options pour gérer\nles paramètres spéciaux.",
"italianText":"Opzioni relative a\nimpostazioni speciali.",
"germanText":"Optionen zur Verwaltung der Spezialeinstellungen.",
"spanishText":"Opciones para gestionar\nlos ajustes especiales.",
"koreanText":"특수한 연주 설정을\n할 수 있는 옵션",
"frenchText":"Partie automatique",
"italianText":"Sessione automatica",
"germanText":"Automatische Wiedergabe",
"spanishText":"Sesión automática",
"koreanText":"오토 연주를 한다",
"englishUsText":"End song on first BAD",
"frenchText":"Fin de la chanson\nau premier MAUVAIS",
"italianText":"Termina sessione\nal primo MALE",
"germanText":"Song bei erstem ÜBEL beenden",
"spanishText":"Termina la canción al\nprimer MAL.",
"koreanText":"「에구」가 1번 나오면\n연주 종료",
"englishUsText":"Restart song on first BAD",
"frenchText":"Redémarrage de la chanson\nau premier MAUVAIS",
"italianText":"Ricomincia sessione\nal primo MALE",
"germanText":"Song bei erstem ÜBEL neu starten",
"spanishText":"Reinicia la canción al\nprimer MAL.",
"koreanText":"「에구」가 1번 나오면\n연주 다시 하기",
"englishUsText":"Option to change\nmusic note speed.",
"frenchText":"Une option pour\nchanger la vitesse\ndes notes de musique.",
"italianText":"Regola la velocità di\napparizione delle note.",
"germanText":"Option zum Ändern des Notentempos.",
"spanishText":"Opción para cambiar la\nvelocidad de las notas.",
"koreanText":"음표가 이동하는 속도를\n변경하는 옵션",
"englishUsText":"Music Note Speed: 2x",
"frenchText":"Vitesse des notes\nde musique : x2",
"italianText":"Velocità note: x2",
"germanText":"Notentempo: x2",
"spanishText":"Velocidad notas: x2",
"koreanText":"음표 속도 : 2배",
"englishUsText":"Music Note Speed: 3x",
"frenchText":"Vitesse des notes\nde musique : x3",
"italianText":"Velocità note: x3",
"germanText":"Notentempo: x3",
"spanishText":"Velocidad notas: x3",
"koreanText":"음표 속도 : 3배",
"englishUsText":"Music Note Speed: 4x",
"frenchText":"Vitesse des notes\nde musique : x4",
"italianText":"Velocità note: x4",
"germanText":"Notentempo: x4",
"spanishText":"Velocidad notas: x4",
"koreanText":"음표 속도 : 4배",
"englishUsText":"*Perfect & Spartan\nNA in Multiplayer",
"frenchText":"*Parfait/Spartiate\nindisponibles en multijoueur",
"italianText":"*Perfetto e Spartano\nNo multigiocatore",
"germanText":"*Perfekt/Spartaner\nnicht in Mehrspieler",
"spanishText":"*Perfecto y Espartano\nNo disponibles en MJ.",
"koreanText":"※2명 이상이 플레이할 때는\n「완벽」, 「특훈」을 할 수 없습니다",
"englishUsText":"2x Speed",
"frenchText":"Vitesse x2",
"italianText":"Velocità x2",
"germanText":"Tempo x2",
"spanishText":"Velocidad x2",
"englishUsText":"3x Speed",
"frenchText":"Vitesse x3",
"italianText":"Velocità x3",
"germanText":"Tempo x3",
"spanishText":"Velocidad x3",
"englishUsText":"4x Speed",
"frenchText":"Vitesse x4",
"italianText":"Velocità x4",
"germanText":"Tempo x4",
"spanishText":"Velocidad x4",
"englishUsText":"Game Settings",
"frenchText":"Paramètres de jeu",
"italianText":"Impostazioni di gioco",
"spanishText":"Ajustes del juego",
"koreanText":"게임 설정",
"englishUsText":"Control Type Settings",
"frenchText":"Paramètres de type de contrôleur",
"italianText":"Impostazioni schema comandi",
"spanishText":"Ajustes del tipo de control",
"koreanText":"조작 타입 설정",
"englishUsText":"Calibration (TV mode)",
"frenchText":"Calibrage (mode TV)",
"italianText":"Calibrazione (modalità TV)",
"germanText":"Kalibrierung (TV-Modus)",
"spanishText":"Calibración (modo TV)",
"koreanText":"음표 조정(TV 모드)",
"englishUsText":"Calibration (Tabletop mode/Handheld mode)",
"frenchText":"Calibrage (mode sur table/mode portable)",
"italianText":"Calibr. (modalità da tavolo/modalità portatile)",
"germanText":"Kalibrierung (Tisch-Modus/Handheld-Modus)",
"spanishText":"Calibración (modo sobremesa/modo portátil)",
"koreanText":"음표 조정(테이블 모드/휴대 모드)",
"koreanText":"음량 설정",
"englishUsText":"Joy-Con Control Settings",
"frenchText":"Paramètres de commandes Joy-Con",
"italianText":"Impostazioni comandi Joy-Con",
"germanText":"Joy-Con Steuerungseinstellungen",
"spanishText":"Ajustes de control Joy-Con",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」의 조작 스타일 설정",
"englishUsText":"Show/Hide Touch Drum",
"frenchText":"Afficher/Masquer tambour tactile",
"italianText":"Mostra/nascondi tamburo touch",
"germanText":"Touch-Trommel anzeigen",
"spanishText":"Mostrar/Ocultar tambor táctil",
"koreanText":"터치 북 표시 설정",
"englishUsText":"Set controller Control Type Settings.",
"frenchText":"Choisis les paramètres de type de contrôleur.",
"italianText":"Imposta lo schema dei comandi del controller.",
"germanText":"Steuerungstyp-Einstellungen für Controller festlegen.",
"spanishText":"Establece los ajustes del tipo de control del mando.",
"koreanText":"컨트롤러의 조작 타입을 설정합니다",
"englishUsText":"Adjust music note position and recognition timing.\n*Calibrations also affect Party Games.",
"frenchText":"Ajuste la position et le timing des notes de musique.\n*Le calibrage affecte aussi les mini-jeux.",
"italianText":"Regola la posizione delle note e la finestra\ndi riconoscimento.\n*Le calibrazioni influiscono anche sulle\npartite in modalità Party.",
"germanText":"Noten-Positionierung und -Erkennung anpassen.\n*Kalibrierungen betreffen auch Party-Spiele.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta la posición de nota y la cadencia de reconocimiento.\n*La calibración también afecta a los juegos festivos.",
"koreanText":"음표 위치와 판정 타이밍을 조정합니다\n※조정치는 파티 게임에도 반영됩니다",
"englishUsText":"Adjust music note position and recognition timing.\n*Calibrations also affect Party Games.",
"frenchText":"Ajuste la position et le timing des notes de musique.\n*Le calibrage affecte aussi les mini-jeux.",
"italianText":"Regola la posizione delle note e la finestra\ndi riconoscimento.\n*Le calibrazioni influiscono anche sulle\npartite in modalità Party.",
"germanText":"Noten-Positionierung und -Erkennung anpassen.\n*Kalibrierungen betreffen auch Party-Spiele.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta la posición de nota y la cadencia de reconocimiento.\n*La calibración también afecta a los juegos festivos.",
"koreanText":"음표 위치와 판정 타이밍을 조정합니다\n※조정치는 파티 게임에도 반영됩니다",
"englishUsText":"Adjust music, sound effect, and voice volume",
"frenchText":"Ajuste le volume de la musique,\ndes effets sonores et des voix.",
"italianText":"Regola il volume di musica, effetti sonori e dialoghi.",
"germanText":"Musik-, Effekt- und Stimmenlautstärke anpassen.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta la música, los efectos de sonido y el volumen de voz.",
"koreanText":"BGM, 효과음, 목소리의 음량을 설정합니다",
"englishUsText":"Set control style when using the dual-controller grip.",
"frenchText":"Choisis le style de commandes à utiliser avec\nles Joy-Con quand tu n'es pas en mode portable.",
"italianText":"Imposta lo stile dei comandi quando non sei in\nmodalità portatile.",
"germanText":"Steuerungsstil für die Joy-Con Benutzung festlegen,\nwenn du nicht im Handheld-Modus bist.",
"spanishText":"Establece el estilo de control cuando no usas\nel modo portátil.",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」 2개잡기로 플레이할 때의\n조작 스타일을 설정합니다",
"englishUsText":"Set whether to show or hide the touch drum\nduring Taiko Mode.\n*Touch drum is only available in Handheld mode.",
"frenchText":"Choisis si le tambour tactile doit être affiché\nou masqué en mode Taiko. *Le tambour tactile\nn'est disponible qu'en mode portable.",
"italianText":"Scegli se mostrare o nascondere il tamburo touch\ndurante le sessioni in modalità Taiko.\n*Il tamburo touch è disponibile solo in modalità portatile.",
"germanText":"Einstellen, ob Touch-Trommel\nim Taiko-Modus angezeigt werden soll.\n*Touch-Trommel ist ausschließlich im Handheld-Modus verfügbar.",
"spanishText":"Establece si se muestra u oculta el tambor táctil\nen el modo Taiko.\n*El tambor táctil solo está disponible en el modo portátil.",
"koreanText":"연주 모드에서 터치하는 북의 표시 설정을 실시합니다\n※터치 연주는 휴대 모드일 때만 가능합니다",
"englishUsText":"Play Test",
"frenchText":"Test de jeu",
"italianText":"Avvia prova",
"spanishText":"Prueba de sonido",
"koreanText":"연주 테스트",
"englishUsText":"Test in Taiko Mode?",
"frenchText":"Tester en mode Taiko ?",
"italianText":"Provare in modalità Taiko?",
"germanText":"Im Taiko-Modus testen?",
"spanishText":"¿Probar en modo Taiko?",
"koreanText":"연주 화면에서 확인합니까?",
"koreanText":"조작 타입 설정",
"englishUsText":"Type 1",
"frenchText":"Type 1",
"italianText":"Schema 1",
"germanText":"Typ 1",
"spanishText":"Tipo 1",
"koreanText":"타입 1",
"englishUsText":"Type 2",
"frenchText":"Type 2",
"italianText":"Schema 2",
"germanText":"Typ 2",
"spanishText":"Tipo 2",
"koreanText":"타입 2",
"englishUsText":"Type 3",
"frenchText":"Type 3",
"italianText":"Schema 3",
"germanText":"Typ 3",
"spanishText":"Tipo 3",
"koreanText":"타입 3",
"englishUsText":"Type 4",
"frenchText":"Type 4",
"italianText":"Schema 4",
"germanText":"Typ 4",
"spanishText":"Tipo 4",
"koreanText":"타입 4",
"englishUsText":"Uses drum controller calibrations",
"frenchText":"Utilise le calibrage du contrôleur tambour",
"italianText":"Usa le calibrazioni del controller tamburo",
"germanText":"Verwendet Trommel-Controller-Kalibrierung",
"spanishText":"Usa calibraciones de mando tambor.",
"koreanText":"「북 컨트롤러의 판정 조정」 수치가 유효해집니다",
"englishUsText":"HD Rumble",
"frenchText":"Vibrations HD",
"spanishText":"Vibración HD",
"koreanText":"HD 진동",
"japaneseText":"HD振動 ON/OFF",
"englishUsText":"Toggle HD Rumble.",
"frenchText":"Activer/Désactiver vibrations HD",
"italianText":"Rumble HD SÌ/NO",
"germanText":"HD-Vibration an/aus",
"spanishText":"Vibración HD sí/no",
"chineseTText":"HD震動 ON/OFF",
"koreanText":"HD 진동 ON/OFF",
"englishUsText":"Calibration (TV mode)",
"frenchText":"Calibrage (mode TV)",
"italianText":"Calibrazione (modalità TV)",
"germanText":"Kalibrierung (TV-Modus)",
"spanishText":"Calibración (modo TV)",
"koreanText":"음표 조정(TV 모드)",
"englishUsText":"Calibration (Tabletop mode/Handheld mode)",
"frenchText":"Calibrage (mode sur table/mode portable)",
"italianText":"Calibr. (modalità da tavolo/modalità portatile)",
"germanText":"Kalibrierung (Tisch-Modus/Handheld-Modus)",
"spanishText":"Calibración (modo sobremesa/modo portátil)",
"koreanText":"음표 조정(테이블 모드/휴대 모드)",
"englishUsText":"Adjust Music Note Positions",
"frenchText":"Ajuster la position des notes",
"italianText":"Regola posizione nota",
"germanText":"Notenpositionierung anpassen",
"spanishText":"Ajustar posiciones de notas",
"koreanText":"음표 위치 조정",
"englishUsText":"Adjust Music Note Recognition",
"frenchText":"Ajuster la reconnaissance\ndes notes",
"italianText":"Regola riconoscimento nota",
"germanText":"Notenerkennung anpassen",
"spanishText":"Ajustar reconocimiento de notas",
"koreanText":"음표 판정 조정",
"englishUsText":"Drum Controller Calibration",
"frenchText":"Calibrage du contrôleur tambour",
"italianText":"Calibrazione controller tamburo",
"spanishText":"Calibración del mando tambor",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러 판정 조정",
"englishUsText":"Adjust HD Rumble Recognition",
"frenchText":"Ajuster la reconnais. des vibrations HD",
"italianText":"Regola riconoscimento Rumble HD",
"germanText":"Erkennung der HD-Vibration anpassen",
"spanishText":"Ajustar recon. vibración HD",
"koreanText":"HD 진동을 이용해 북 컨트롤러의 판정을 조정한다",
"englishUsText":"Recognition adjustments for drum controllers that use \nHD Rumble can be made in Calibration (TV mode)",
"frenchText":"Des ajustements peuvent être faits dans le menu Calibrage (mode TV)\npour les contrôleurs tambour qui utilisent des vibrations HD",
"italianText":"Le regolazioni di riconoscimento dei controller tamburo che sfruttano\nil Rumble HD possono essere fatte in Calibrazione (modalità TV).",
"germanText":"Die Erkennung für Trommel-Controller mit HD-Vibration kann\nüber \"Kalibrierung (TV-Modus)\" vorgenommen werden.",
"spanishText":"El reconocimiento de los mandos tambor que usan\nvibración HD se puede ajustar en Calibración (modo TV).",
"koreanText":"HD 진동을 이용한 북 컨트롤러의 판정 조정은\n음표 조정(TV 모드)에서 이용할 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Adjusts where music notes appear on the screen.\n+ values move notes to the right,\nand - values move notes to the left.",
"frenchText":"Ajuste l'endroit où les notes de musique apparaissent\nà l'écran. Les valeurs + déplacent les notes\nà droite, les valeurs - à gauche.",
"italianText":"Regola la posizione delle note sullo schermo.\n+ indica uno spostamento della nota a destra,\n- indica uno spostamento a sinistra.",
"germanText":"Passe an, wo die Noten auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen.\nPositive Werte verschieben die Noten nach rechts,\nnegative nach links.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta dónde aparecen las notas.\nLos valores + mueven las notas hacia la derecha;\nlos valores -, hacia la izquierda.",
"koreanText":"음표가 표시되는 위치를 조정합니다\n+수치가 클수록 음표 표시 위치가 우측으로\n-수치가 클수록 음표 표시 위치가 좌측으로",
"englishUsText":"Adjusts music note recognition timing to match display lag.\n+ values moves the note recognition timing to the right of the frame,\nand - values move it to the left of the frame.",
"frenchText":"Ajuste le timing de reconnaissance des notes de musique pour\ncompenser le lag d'affichage. Les valeurs + déplacent le timing\nde reconnaissance à droite du cadre, les valeurs - à gauche.",
"italianText":"Regola la finestra di riconoscimento delle note per compensare\nil ritardo video. + indica uno spostamento verso destra,\n - indica uno spostamento verso sinistra.",
"germanText":"Passe das Timing der Notenerkennung an die Anzeigeverzögerung\nan. Positive Werte verschieben das Erkennungs-Timing nach\nrechts, negative nach links.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta el reconocimiento de notas para ajustarlo a la cadencia.\nLos valores + lo mueven hacia la derecha del marco\ny los valores - lo mueven hacia la izquierda.",
"koreanText":"음표의 판정 위치를 조정합니다\n+수치가 클수록 음표의 판정 위치의 타이밍이 빠릅니다\n-수치가 클수록 음표의 판정 위치의 타이밍이 느립니다",
"englishUsText":"Adjusts the drum controller’s music note recognition timing to match display lag.\n- values move the timing for hitting music notes to the right of the frame.",
"frenchText":"Ajuste le timing de reconnaissance des notes de musique du\ncontrôleur tambour pour compenser le lag d'affichage. Les\nvaleurs - déplacent le timing pour frapper les notes à droite.",
"italianText":"Regola la finestra di riconoscimento delle note con\ni controller tamburo. - indica uno spostamento a destra.",
"germanText":"Passe das Timing der Notenerkennung des Trommel-Controllers an\ndie Anzeigeverzögerung an. Negative Werte verschieben das\nErkennungs-Timing nach rechts.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta el reconocimiento de notas del mando tambor para\najustarlo a la cadencia. Los valores + lo mueven a la derecha\ndel marco y los valores - lo mueven hacia la izquierda.",
"koreanText":"모니터의 표시 지연에 맞춰 북 컨트롤러의 음표 판정 타이밍을 조정합니다\n-수치가 클수록 음표를 치는 타이밍이 테두리의 우측으로",
"englishUsText":"Drum controller calibrations only take effect when the control type is set to Type 4.",
"frenchText":"Le calibrage du contrôleur tambour n'est effectif que si le type de contrôleur est sur type 4.",
"italianText":"La calibrazione del controller tamburo viene applicata solo con lo Schema comandi 4.",
"germanText":"Die Kalibrierung des Controllers ist nur wirksam, wenn Steuerungstyp 4 gewählt wird.",
"spanishText":"La calibración del mando tambor solo es efectiva si el control está configurado en tipo 4.",
"koreanText":"이 설정은 「조작 타입 설정」의 「타입 4」에서만 유효합니다",
"englishUsText":"Use HD Rumble to calibrate sound and notes for your TV.",
"frenchText":"Utiliser les vibrations HD pour calibrer le son et les notes.",
"italianText":"Calibra suono e note sul tuo schermo con Rumble HD.",
"germanText":"HD-Vibration verwenden, um Klänge und Noten für deinen Fernseher zu kalibrieren.",
"spanishText":"Usa vibración HD para calibrar sonido y notas en tu TV.",
"koreanText":"TV 소리와 음표 타이밍의 어긋남을 HD 진동으로 조정합니다",
"englishUsText":"Hold one Joy-Con\nin each hand.\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Prends un Joy-Con™\ndans chaque main.\n\n",
"italianText":"Tieni un Joy-Con\nin ciascuna mano.\n\n",
"germanText":"Halte einen Joy-Con in jeder Hand.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Sujeta un Joy-Con™\nen cada mano.",
"koreanText":"「HD 진동을 이용한 지연 측정」으로\n넘어가서 「Joy-Con」을 2개잡기로\n들어주세요",
"englishUsText":"Listen for the\nmonitor's sounds.\n\n",
"frenchText":"Écoute les sons\nde l'écran.\n\n",
"italianText":"Ascolta l'audio\ndella cassa spia.\n\n",
"germanText":"Höre dir die wiedergegebenen Klänge an.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Escucha los\nsonidos del monitor.",
"koreanText":"모니터의 소리를 확인합니다",
"englishUsText":"Use the left Joy-Con\ndirectional buttons to\nadjust the gauge so\nthat the sound matches\nthe right Joy-Con's\nHD Rumble timing.",
"frenchText":"Utilise les boutons directionnels\ndu Joy-Con™ gauche pour que le\nson corresponde aux vibrations HD\ndu Joy-Con™ droit.",
"italianText":"Usa i pulsanti direzionali del Joy-Con\nsinistro per regolare l'indicatore in\nmodo che l'audio sia in sincrono con il\nRumble HD del Joy-Con destro.",
"germanText":"Benutze die Richtungsknöpfe\ndes linken Joy-Con, um die\nAnzeige so anzupassen, dass\nder Klang gleichzeitig mit\nder HD-Vibration des rechten\nJoy-Con wiedergegeben wird.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta con los botones de dirección\ndel Joy-Con™ izquierdo. El sonido\ndebe coincidir con la vibración HD\ndel Joy-Con™ derecho.",
"koreanText":"모니터 소리와 「Joy-Con(R)」의\nHD 진동의 타이밍이 겹치도록\n「Joy-Con(L)」의 방향 버튼으로\n게이지의 조정값을 움직이세요",
"englishUsText":"Measure Delay Using HD Rumble",
"frenchText":"Mesurer le timing à l'aide des vibrations HD",
"italianText":"Misura il ritardo con il Rumble HD",
"germanText":"Verzögerung per HD-Vibration messen",
"spanishText":"Mide el retardo con la vibración HD.",
"koreanText":"HD 진동을 이용한 지연 측정",
"englishUsText":"Use the left Joy-Con directional buttons to adjust the\ngauge values so that the sound perfectly matches the\ntiming of the right Joy-Con's HD Rumble.",
"frenchText":"Utilise les boutons directionnels du Joy-Con™ gauche\npour ajuster la jauge afin que le son corresponde\nparfaitement aux vibrations HD du Joy-Con™ droit.",
"italianText":"Usa i pulsanti direzionali del Joy-Con sinistro per regolare\nl'indicatore in modo che l'audio sia perfettamente in\nsincrono con il Rumble HD del Joy-Con destro.",
"germanText":"Benutze die Richtungsknöpfe des linken Joy-Con, um die\nAnzeigewerte so anzupassen, dass der Klang absolut gleichzeitig\nmit der HD-Vibration des rechten Joy-Con wiedergegeben wird.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta el indicador con los botones de dirección del\nJoy-Con™ izquierdo. El sonido debe coincidir perfectamente\ncon la cadencia de vibración HD del Joy-Con™ derecho.",
"koreanText":"모니터 소리와 「Joy-Con(R)」의 HD 진동의 타이밍이 딱 맞도록\n「Joy-Con(L)」의 왼쪽 버튼과 오른쪽 버튼으로\n게이지의 조정값을 움직이세요",
"englishUsText":"Drum controller calibrations only take effect when the control type is set to Type 4.",
"frenchText":"Le calibrage du contrôleur tambour n'est effectif que si le type de contrôleur est sur type 4.",
"italianText":"La calibrazione del controller tamburo viene applicata solo con lo Schema comandi 4.",
"germanText":"Die Kalibrierung des T.-Controllers ist nur wirksam, wenn Steuerungstyp 4 gewählt wird.",
"spanishText":"La calibración del mando tambor solo es efectiva si el control está configurado en tipo 4.",
"koreanText":"이 조정값은 「조작 타입 설정」의 「타입 4」에서만 유효합니다",
"englishUsText":"Calibrated music note recognition\nto %s.",
"frenchText":"Reconnaissance des notes de musique\ncalibrée sur %s.",
"italianText":"Riconoscimento nota calibrato su\n%s.",
"germanText":"Notenerkennung auf %s angepasst.",
"spanishText":"Reconocimiento de notas calibrado\nen %s.",
"koreanText":"음표의 판정 조정값을 %s(으)로 했습니다 ",
"koreanText":"음량 설정",
"englishUsText":"Sound Effects",
"frenchText":"Effets sonores",
"italianText":"Effetti sonori",
"englishUsText":"Joy-Con Control Settings",
"frenchText":"Paramètres de commandes Joy-Con",
"italianText":"Impostazioni comandi Joy-Con",
"germanText":"Joy-Con Steuerungseinstellungen",
"spanishText":"Ajustes de control Joy-Con",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」의 조작 스타일 설정",
"englishUsText":"Set how to select a control style\nwhen using the dual-controller grip.",
"frenchText":"Choisis quel style de commandes utiliser avec\nles Joy-Con quand tu n'es pas en mode portable.",
"italianText":"Imposta come selezionare uno stile dei comandi\nquando non sei in modalità portatile.",
"germanText":"Einstellen, wie Steuerungsstil festgelegt wird,\nwenn du nicht im Handheld-Modus bist.",
"spanishText":"Establece cómo seleccionar un estilo de control\ncuando no usas el modo portátil.",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」 2개잡기로 플레이할 때의\n조작 스타일을 고르는 방식을 설정할 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Button Controls/Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Commandes boutons/Commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Pulsanti/Comandi di movimento",
"germanText":"Bewegungssteuerung & Knöpfe/Tasten",
"spanishText":"Control por botones/control por movimiento",
"koreanText":"버튼 조작/모션 조작",
"englishUsText":"Button Controls",
"frenchText":"Commandes boutons",
"germanText":"Knopf- und Tastensteuerung",
"spanishText":"Control por botones",
"koreanText":"버튼 조작",
"englishUsText":"Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Comandi di movimento",
"spanishText":"Controles por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작",
"englishUsText":"Select button controls or motion controls\nwhen playing Taiko Mode and Party Game.",
"frenchText":"Choisis les commandes boutons ou les commandes par\nmouvements quand tu joues en mode Taiko et Mini-jeu.",
"italianText":"Seleziona i pulsanti o i comandi di movimento\nnelle modalità Taiko e Party.",
"germanText":"Knöpfe und Tasten sowie Bewegungssteuerung beim \nSpielen des Taiko-Modus und Party-Spiels festlegen.\n",
"spanishText":"Selecciona el control por botones o el control por movimiento\nal jugar en modo Taiko o juego festivo.",
"koreanText":"연주 모드, 파티 모드로 플레이할 때\n버튼 조작을 할지 모션 조작을 할지 고릅니다",
"englishUsText":"Always use buttons for Taiko Mode and Party Game.",
"frenchText":"Toujours utiliser les boutons pour le mode Taiko et Mini-jeu.",
"italianText":"Usa sempre i pulsanti nelle modalità Taiko e Party.",
"germanText":"Immer Knöpfe/Tasten für Taiko-Modus und Party-Spiel verwenden.",
"spanishText":"Usa siempre botones para el modo Taiko\ny el juego festivo.",
"koreanText":"연주 모드, 파티 모드를 항상 버튼으로 조작합니다",
"englishUsText":"Always use motion controls for Taiko Mode and Party Game.",
"frenchText":"Toujours utiliser les commandes par mouvements\npour le mode Taiko et Mini-jeu.",
"italianText":"Usa sempre i comandi di movimento nelle modalità Taiko e Party.",
"germanText":"Immer Bewegungssteuerung für Taiko-Modus und Party-Spiel verwenden.",
"spanishText":"Usa siempre control por movimiento para el modo Taiko\ny el juego festivo.",
"koreanText":"연주 모드, 파티 모드를 항상 모션 조작으로 조작합니다",
"englishUsText":"Show/Hide Touch Drum",
"frenchText":"Afficher/Masquer tambour tactile",
"italianText":"Mostra/nascondi tamburo touch",
"germanText":"Touch-Trommel anzeigen",
"spanishText":"Mostrar/Ocultar tambor táctil",
"koreanText":"터치 북 표시 설정",
"englishUsText":"Show the touch drum when\nplaying in Handheld mode?",
"frenchText":"Montrer le tambour tactile lorsque\ntu joues en mode portable ?",
"italianText":"Mostrare il tamburo touch\nnella modalità portatile?",
"germanText":"Die Touch-Trommel beim Spielen\nim Handheld-Modus anzeigen?",
"spanishText":"¿Mostrar el tambor táctil al\njugar en el modo portátil?",
"koreanText":"휴대 모드로 연주할 때\n터치 북을 표시합니까?",
"englishUsText":"Joy-Con (L)",
"frenchText":"Joy-Con (L)",
"italianText":"Joy-Con (L)",
"germanText":"Joy-Con (L)",
"spanishText":"Joy-Con (L)",
"englishUsText":"Joy-Con (R)",
"frenchText":"Joy-Con (R)",
"italianText":"Joy-Con (R)",
"germanText":"Joy-Con (R)",
"spanishText":"Joy-Con (R)",
"englishUsText":"Get more points from big notes! Buttons: Press with both hands.\nMotion: Shake with both hands. Touch: Both sides of screen.",
"frenchText":"Plus de points avec les grosses notes ! Utilise en simultané tes\n2 mains avec les Joy-Con ou touche l'écran tactile des 2 côtés.",
"italianText":"Le note grandi valgono di più! Usa entrambe le mani\ncon i Joy-Con o tocca entrambi i lati dello schermo.",
"germanText":"Gr. Noten - mehr Punkte! Knöpfe/Tasten und Joy-Con zweihändig\nbedienen oder beide Seiten der Trommel gleichzeitig berühren.",
"spanishText":"Más puntos con notas grandes. Usa los Joy-Con y los botones\ncon ambas manos o toca ambos lados de la pantalla.",
"koreanText":"큰 음표는, 양손으로 동시에 입력하면 고득점!\n모션 조작은 양쪽을 흔들고, 터치 조작은 화면 양쪽을 터치",
"englishUsText":"Hit Don rapidly during balloon music notes!",
"frenchText":"Martèle Don rapidement avec les notes ballon !",
"italianText":"Premi ripetutamente Don per colpire le note a palloncino!",
"germanText":"Mach schnelle Dons bei Ballon-Noten!",
"spanishText":"Toca rápido con Don las notas con un globo.",
"koreanText":"풍선 음표는 쿵을 빨리 연타!",
"englishUsText":"Hit Don rapidly during mallet music notes!\nThe faster you are, the more points you’ll earn!",
"frenchText":"Martèle Don rapidement avec les notes maillet !\nPlus tu es rapide, plus tu obtiendras de points !",
"italianText":"Premi ripetutamente Don per colpire le note a martello.\nPiù sei veloce, più punti ottieni!",
"germanText":"Mach schnelle Dons bei Schlägel-Noten!\nJe schneller du bist, umso mehr Punkte erhältst du!\n",
"spanishText":"¡Toca rápido con Don las notas con un mazo!\n¡A mayor velocidad, más puntos ganarás!",
"koreanText":"금망치 음표는 쿵을 빨리 연타!\n빨리 성공하면 고득점!",
"englishUsText":"Hitting music notes at just the right time earns a GOOD,\nwhich awards more points than an OK!",
"frenchText":"Tambouriner les notes de musique au bon moment\nmarque un BON, qui octroie plus de points qu'un OK !",
"italianText":"Se il tuo tempismo è perfetto, otterrai un \"BUONO\",\nche vale più punti di un \"OK\".",
"germanText":"Triffst du Noten genau, bekommst du ein \"Gut\", \ndas stets mehr Punkte bringt als ein \"OK\"!",
"spanishText":"Si tocas las notas en el momento preciso recibirás un BIEN,\nque concede más puntos que un VALE.",
"koreanText":"음표를 정확한 타이밍에 입력하면 「얼쑤」가 되어\n「좋다」보다 스코어를 많이 받을 수 있어!",
"englishUsText":"Keep drumming without missing music notes\nto get a combo bonus!",
"frenchText":"Continue à tambouriner sans rater de notes de musique\npour obtenir un bonus de combo !",
"italianText":"Suona il tamburo senza sbagliare\nper ottenere punti combo!",
"germanText":"Trommle, ohne Noten zu verpassen,\num dir einen Kombo-Bonus zu sichern!",
"spanishText":"Sigue tocando sin fallar notas para\nconseguir una bonificación por combo.",
"koreanText":"음표를 놓치지 않고 연속으로 연주하면,\n스코어에 콤보 보너스가 추가된다!",
"englishUsText":"Songs with Diverge Notes switch between Normal, Professional,\nand Master versions depending on your score while playing.",
"frenchText":"Les chansons dotées de notes divergentes changent entre les\nversions Normal, Professionnel et Maître suivant ton score.",
"italianText":"La versione usata delle canzoni con note divergenti (Normale,\nProfessionale, Maestro) dipende dal tuo punteggio.",
"germanText":"Songs mit Abweichungs-Noten wechseln je nach deiner \nPunktzahl zwischen Normal, Meister und Profi.",
"spanishText":"Las canciones con notas divergentes cambian entre Normal,\nProfesional y Maestro, en función de tu puntuación.",
"koreanText":"「악보 분기」 곡은, 연주 중의 스코어에 따라\n보통/현인/달인 중 하나의 악보로 변한다",
"englishUsText":"Favorite a song to check it any time.\nYou can also filter songs to change their list order.",
"frenchText":"Ajoute une chanson à tes favorites pour la voir\nquand tu veux. Tu peux également filtrer les chansons.",
"italianText":"Aggiungi una canzone alle preferite per accedervi in qualsiasi\nmomento. Puoi anche ordinare le canzoni secondo diversi criteri.",
"germanText":"Lege einen Song als Favoriten fest, um ihn jederzeit auszuprobieren. \nDu kannst Songs auch filtern, um ihre Reihenfolge in der Liste zu ändern.",
"spanishText":"Marca una canción como favorita para tocarla cuando quieras.\nPuedes filtrarlas para cambiar su orden.",
"koreanText":"「곡 분류」나 「즐겨찾기」 등록을 사용하면\n좋아하는 곡을 찾기 쉬워진다",
"englishUsText":"Press Right button when the cursor is on\nExtreme to select a song’s secret version.",
"frenchText":"Appuie sur le bouton Droite lorsque le curseur est sur Extrême\npour sélectionner la version secrète d'une chanson.",
"italianText":"Al livello Estremo, premi il pulsante Destra per \naccedere alla versione segreta della canzone.",
"germanText":"Drücke den Rechts-Knopf, wenn \"Extrem\" markiert ist,\num in manchen Songs die Geheimversion zu wählen.",
"spanishText":"Pulsa el botón derecha con el cursor sobre Extrema para\nseleccionar la versión secreta de una canción.",
"koreanText":"「악보 뒷면」이 있는 곡은 「귀신」에 커서를 두고\n오른쪽 버튼을 입력하면 나온다",
"englishUsText":"You can filter songs from the Select Song sub-menu.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux filtrer les chansons depuis\nle sous-menu Choix de chanson.",
"italianText":"È possibile filtrare le canzoni dal sottomenu Selez. canzone.",
"germanText":"Du kannst Songs im Untermenü \"Song wählen\" filtern.",
"spanishText":"Puedes filtrar canciones desde el submenú Elegir canción.",
"koreanText":"「곡 선택」의 서브 메뉴에서 곡을 분류할 수 있다",
"englishUsText":"You can adjust various options from Select Difficulty,\nsuch as making the song faster, hiding music notes, and more.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux ajuster différentes options depuis Choix de\nla difficulté pour accélérer la chanson, cacher les notes...",
"italianText":"In Sel. difficoltà è possibile impostare varie opzioni per\nvelocizzare le canzoni, nascondere le note, ecc.",
"germanText":"Unter \"Schwierigkeit wählen\" kannst du verschiedene Optionen ändern\nund zum Beispiel den Song schneller wiedergeben oder Noten verbergen.",
"spanishText":"\"Elegir dificultad\" ofrece varias opciones, como\nacelerar la canción y ocultar las notas.",
"koreanText":"「난이도 선택」의 옵션에서는\n음표의 속도를 바꾸거나 안 보이게 하는 등, 다양하게 즐길 수 있다.",
"japaneseText":"演奏のオプション「スコア - 真打」では、コンボ数に関係なくスコアを計算する\nまた、ゴーゴータイムの加点がなくスコアの上限が100万点に近づくように配点される",
"englishUsText":"Shin-Uchi disregards combos entirely, has no Go! Go! time\npoints, and grades upon reaching the 1 million point limit.",
"frenchText":"Shin-Uchi ignore les combos, n'a pas de points Go ! Go !\net attribue une note à partir d'un million de points.",
"italianText":"Shin-Uchi non tiene conto delle combo, non prevede punti\n\"Forza!\" e valuta i giocatori a partire da 1 milione di punti.",
"germanText":"Shin-Uchi ignoriert Kombos, bekommt keine \"Los! Los!\"-\nZeitpunkte und wird ab 1 Million Punkte bewertet.",
"spanishText":"Shin-Uchi descarta los combos, no tiene puntos de tiempo\n¡Venga, vamos! y mejora al lograr 1 millón de puntos.",
"chineseTText":"在演奏選項「成績 ─ 真打」中,連段數不會計算至成績內,\n另外還採用了非GOGO時間的加分制,讓成績上限僅接近100萬分的配分方式",
"koreanText":"연주 옵션 「스코어 - 진타」는, 콤보와 상관없이 스코어를 계산한다.\n또, 고고 타임의 가점 없이 스코어 상한이 100만 점에 가까워지게 배점된다",
"englishUsText":"When using Motion Controls, hold down the L or R buttons\nto hit a KA.",
"frenchText":"Quand tu utilises les commandes par mouvements,\nmaintiens le bouton L ou le bouton R pour frapper un KA.",
"italianText":"Quando usi i comandi di movimento, tieni premuti L o R\nper colpire le note KA.",
"germanText":"Halte bei Verwendung der Bewegungssteuerung L oder R gedrückt, um ein KA zu treffen.",
"spanishText":"Al usar los controles por movimiento, mantén pulsado el\nbotón L o R para tocar un KA.",
"koreanText":"모션 조작을 할 때, L이나 R 버튼을 누르며 흔들면\n전부 「딱」이 입력된다",
"englishUsText":"Use Game Settings > Joy-Con Control Settings to select\nthe dual-controller grip control style that best suits you.",
"frenchText":"Utilise Paramètres de jeu > Paramètres de commandes Joy-Con\npour choisir le type de commandes qui te convient le mieux.",
"italianText":"Usa Imp. di gioco > Imp. comandi Joy-Con per selezionare\nlo stile dei comandi quando usi entrambi i controller.",
"germanText":"Unter Spieloptionen > Joy-Con Steuerungseinstellungen kannst du\ndeinen Lieblingsstil für die Doppel-Controller-Griffweise wählen.",
"spanishText":"Ve a Ajustes del juego > Ajustes de control Joy-Con\npara elegir el estilo de control al sujetar ambos mandos que quieras.",
"koreanText":"「게임 설정」의 「「Joy-Con」의 조작 스타일 설정」에서\n「Joy-Con」 2개잡기 때의 조작 스타일을 취향에 따라 고를 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"You can try out the motion controls by going to Help and\nselecting “Try Motion Controls.”",
"frenchText":"Tu peux essayer les commandes par mouvements en allant\ndans Aide > Essayer les commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Puoi provare i comandi di movimento con\nAiuto > Prova i comandi di movimento.",
"germanText":"Probiere die Bewegungssteuerung aus, indem du unter \"Hilfe\" \ndie Option \"Bewegungssteuerung testen\" aufrufst.",
"spanishText":"Para probar los controles por movimiento, ve a Ayuda\ny selecciona \"Probar control por movimiento\".",
"koreanText":"「도움말」의 「모션 조작을 해본다」에서,\n모션 조작을 연습할 수 있다",
"englishUsText":"You can see all the different ways to play in Help.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux voir toutes les manières de jouer dans le menu Aide.",
"italianText":"In Aiuto sono descritti tutti i diversi modi di giocare.",
"germanText":"Unter \"Hilfe\" findest du alle verschiedenen Spielweisen.",
"spanishText":"En Ayuda puedes ver las distintas formas de jugar.",
"koreanText":"「도움말」에서, 연주 모드의 조작 방법을 확인할 수 있다",
"japaneseText":"他の「Nintendo Switch」本体とゲームソフトを持っている人と\n演奏ゲームをプレイしたいときは「ローカル通信演奏」をえらぼう",
"englishUsText":"Choose “Local Wireless Session” to play together\nwith other Nintendo Switch owners.",
"frenchText":"Choisis \"Session locale sans fil\" pour jouer\navec d'autres possesseurs de Nintendo Switch.",
"italianText":"Seleziona \"Sessione wireless locale\" per giocare insieme\nad altri possessori di Nintendo Switch.",
"germanText":"Wähle \"Lokale Drahtlos-Session\", um mit anderen Benutzern\neiner Nintendo Switch-Konsole zu spielen.",
"spanishText":"Selecciona \"Sesión inalámbrica local\" para jugar\ncon otros propietarios de Nintendo Switch.",
"chineseTText":"想跟其他持有「Nintendo Switch」主機與遊戲軟體的人同樂時,\n請選擇「鄰近主機通訊演奏」",
"koreanText":"다른 「Nintendo Switch」 본체 및 게임 소프트를 가진 사람과\n연주 모드를 플레이하고 싶을 때는 「로컬 통신 연주」를 선택하자",
"englishUsText":"When playing a Local Wireless Session, use Make a Room to\nhave nearby players join you, and Find a Room to join others.",
"frenchText":"Dans Session locale sans fil, utilise Créer un salon pour\nêtre rejoint ou Trouver un salon pour rejoindre des joueurs.",
"italianText":"Quando giochi in una sessione wireless locale, seleziona Crea una stanza\nper far unire altri giocatori vicini o Cerca una stanza per unirti a loro.",
"germanText":"Benutze beim Spielen einer lokalen Drahtlos-Session die Option \"Einen Raum erstellen\", damit Spieler \nin der Nähe sich dir anschließen können, oder \"Einen Raum finden\", um dich anderen anzuschließen.",
"spanishText":"En una sesión inalámbrica local, elige \"Crear una sala\"\npara que se unan otros o \"Buscar una sala\" para unirte tú.",
"koreanText":"「로컬 통신 연주」에서 사람을 모으려면 「방을 만든다」를 선택하고 기다리자\n다른 사람이 만든 방에 참가할 때는 「방을 찾는다」를 선택하자",
"englishUsText":"When you clear a Party Game, additional games\nmay become available.",
"frenchText":"Une fois un mini-jeu terminé, d'autres manières\nde jouer peuvent être débloquées.",
"italianText":"Una volta completata una modalità Party, avrai accesso a tante\naltre modalità.",
"germanText":"Nach dem Abschluss eines Party-Spiels werden\nzusätzliche Spielweisen verfügbar.",
"spanishText":"Una vez que hayas completado un juego festivo, podrás acceder\na más formas de juego.",
"koreanText":"파티 모드 게임을 클리어하면,\n놀 수 있는 게임이 늘어나기도 한다.",
"englishUsText":"In Party Game’s “Co-Op” mode, all players work together\nto try and achieve high scores.",
"frenchText":"En mode \"Coop\", tous les joueurs jouent ensemble\npour essayer d'obtenir le meilleur score.",
"italianText":"Nella modalità Coop della modalità Party, tutti i giocatori\ncollaborano per cercare di ottenere dei record.",
"germanText":"Im Koop-Modus des Partyspiels arbeiten alle Spieler zusammen, \num Höchstpunktzahlen zu erreichen.",
"spanishText":"En el modo \"Cooperativo\" del juego festivo, los jugadores\ntrabajan juntos para conseguir puntuaciones elevadas.",
"koreanText":"파티 모드 게임의 「사이좋게 논다」 룰은\n다 함께 하이 스코어를 목표로 하는 게임",
"englishUsText":"In Party Game’s “Versus” mode, players compete to see who can\nobtain the highest individual score.",
"frenchText":"En mode \"Versus\", les joueurs s'affrontent pour savoir\nqui obtiendra le meilleur score individuel.",
"italianText":"Nella modalità Versus della modalità Party, vince chi ottiene\nil punteggio individuale più elevato.",
"germanText":"Im Party-Spielmodus \"Versus\" versuchen die Spieler,\njeweils die höchste Punktzahl zu erreichen.",
"spanishText":"En el modo \"Versus\" del juego festivo, los jugadores luchan\npara ver quién logra la mejor puntuación individual.",
"koreanText":"파티 모드 게임의 「대결하며 논다」 룰은\n각자의 스코어를 겨루는 게임",
"englishUsText":"In Party Game’s “Team Versus” mode, players split into two\ngroups and compete for high scores as a team.",
"frenchText":"En mode \"Versus par équipe\", les joueurs sont séparés en deux\ngroupes et cherchent à obtenir le meilleur score d'équipe.",
"italianText":"Nella modalità Versus a squadre della modalità Party, tra le due\nvince la squadra con il punteggio più elevato.",
"germanText":"Im Party-Spielmodus \"Team Versus\" werden zwei Gruppen\ngebildet, die versuchen, die höchste Punktzahl zu erreichen.",
"spanishText":"En el modo Versus del juego festivo, los jugadores se dividen\nen dos grupos y luchan por la mejor puntuación en equipo.",
"koreanText":"파티 모드 게임의 「팀 대결로 논다」 룰은\n두 팀으로 나뉘어 스코어를 겨루는 게임",
"englishUsText":"The Party Game tutorial can be skipped with either\nthe - Button or + Button after playing it once.",
"frenchText":"Le didacticiel des mini-jeux peut être passé avec\nle bouton - ou le bouton + après avoir été fait une fois.",
"italianText":"Dopo la prima volta, il tutorial della modalità Party può\nessere saltato premendo il pulsante + o il pulsante -.",
"germanText":"Überspringe das Party-Spiel-Tutorial mit dem Plus-Knopf oder\ndem Minus-Knopf, nachdem du es einmal abgeschlossen hast.",
"spanishText":"Puedes omitir el tutorial de juego festivo con\nel botón - o el botón + tras jugarlo una vez.",
"koreanText":"파티 모드 게임의 튜토리얼은\n2번째부터는 -버튼(+버튼)으로 스킵할 수 있다",
"englishUsText":"Each character has their own special Session Skill.\nTry using them to complete difficult songs.",
"frenchText":"Chaque personnage possède sa propre capacité de session.\nEssaie de les utiliser pour terminer les chansons difficiles.",
"italianText":"Ciascun personaggio ha una propria Abilità sessione.\nUsala per completare le canzoni più difficili.",
"germanText":"Jeder Charakter hat einen eigenen Session-Skill.\nNutze sie, um schwierige Songs zu meistern.",
"spanishText":"Cada personaje tiene su propia habilidad de sesión.\nÚsalas para superar las canciones difíciles.",
"koreanText":"연주 캐릭터는 각자 「연주 스킬」을 가지고 있다\n잘 못 치는 곡도, 연주 캐릭터를 잘 이용해서 클리어하자!",
"englishUsText":"You can unlock more characters\nby playing lots of Party Games.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux débloquer d'autres personnages\nen jouant beaucoup aux mini-jeux.",
"italianText":"Gioca molte partite in modalità Party per sbloccare\npiù personaggi.",
"germanText":"Du kannst weitere Charaktere freischalten,\n indem du viele Party-Spiele spielst.",
"spanishText":"Desbloquea más personajes\njugando muchas veces a juego festivo.",
"koreanText":"연주 캐릭터는 파티 모드 게임을 많이 플레이하면 늘어난다",
"englishUsText":"You can show the touch drum when playing in Handheld mode by\ngoing to Game Settings > Show/Hide Touch Drum.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux afficher le tamb. tactile quand tu joues en mode portable :\nParamètres de jeu > Afficher/Masquer tambour tactile.",
"italianText":"Per visualizzare il tamburo touch nella modalità portatile,\nvai in Impostazioni > Mostra/nascondi tamburo touch.",
"germanText":"Einblenden der Touch-Trommel beim Spielen im Handheld-Modus über:\nSpieloptionen > Touch-Trommel anzeigen.",
"spanishText":"Puedes mostrar el tambor táctil al jugar en el modo portátil\nen Ajustes del juego > Mostrar/Ocultar el tambor táctil.",
"koreanText":"「게임 설정」의 「터치 북 설정」에서\n휴대 모드에서 터치 북을 표시할지 설정할 수 있다",
"englishUsText":"You can adjust music, sound effect, and voice volume by going\nto Game Settings > Volume.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux ajuster le volume de la musique, des effets sonores\net des voix en allant dans Paramètres de jeu > Volume.",
"italianText":"Per regolare il volume di musica, effetti sonori e dialoghi,\nvai in Impostazioni > Volume.",
"germanText":"Du kannst die Musik-, Effekt- und Stimmenlautstärke über\nSpieloptionen > Sound anpassen.",
"spanishText":"Ajusta la música, los efectos de sonido y el volumen de voz\nen Ajustes del juego > Volumen.",
"koreanText":"BGM, 효과음, 목소리의 음량은\n「게임 설정」의 「음량 설정」에서 바꿀 수 있다",
"englishUsText":"In Records, you can see the records of every\naccount on your console.",
"frenchText":"Dans le menu Records, tu peux consulter les records\n de tous les comptes sur ta console Nintendo Switch.",
"italianText":"Il menu Record consente di vedere i record di tutti\n gli account utilizzati sulla tua console Nintendo Switch.",
"germanText":"Unter \"Statistiken\" werden dir die Daten zu sämtlichen\nKonten auf deiner Nintendo Switch-Konsole angezeigt.",
"spanishText":"En Récords, puedes ver los récords de todas\n las cuentas de tu consola Nintendo Switch.",
"koreanText":"「모두의 기록」에서는, 본체에 등록된\n다른 어카운트의 기록도 볼 수 있다",
"englishUsText":"When using motion controls, instead of shaking both Joy-Con\ncontrollers together for big music notes, you can just shake one rapidly.",
"frenchText":"En commandes par mouvements, au lieu de secouer les deux Joy-Con\npour les grosses notes, tu peux juste en secouer un rapidement.",
"italianText":"Se usi i comandi di movimento, per colpire le note grandi\npuoi scuotere rapidamente un Joy-Con invece di scuoterli entrambi.",
"germanText":"Nutzt du die Bewegungssteuerung, kannst du dir große Noten\nschnappen, indem du einen der Joy-Con schnell schüttelst.",
"spanishText":"Al usar el control por movimiento, en lugar de agitar los Joy-Con\npara tocar notas grandes, puedes agitar solo uno rápidamente.",
"koreanText":"모션 조작을 할 때 큰 음표는, 두 「Joy-Con」을 동시에 흔들지 않아도\n한쪽 「Joy-Con」을 빨리 흔들면 (대)로 입력된다",
"englishUsText":"Some songs have different single player and\ntwo player versions.",
"frenchText":"Certaines chansons ne sont pas identiques\nen mode solo et en mode deux joueurs.",
"italianText":"La versione per due giocatori di alcune canzoni è diversa\nda quella per giocatore singolo.",
"germanText":"Für einige Songs gibt es unterschiedliche\nVersionen für einen und zwei Spieler.",
"spanishText":"Algunas canciones tienen versiones diferentes\npara un jugador y dos jugadores.",
"koreanText":"곡에 따라서는 둘이서 플레이할 때만 나오는 악보가 있다",
"japaneseText":"手つなぎ音符は2人で演奏するときしか出てこない音符\n2人で同時にたたいて高得点! 2人とも「良」だとさらに得点アップ!",
"englishUsText":"Hand-Holding parts only appear for two players. Hit them\nsimultaneously for extra points, with a bonus for GOODs!",
"frenchText":"Les notes se tenant la main apparaissent avec deux joueurs.\nFrappez-les ensemble pour marquer plus de points !",
"italianText":"Le note che si tengono per mano ci sono solo giocando in due.\nColpitele insieme per ricevere punti extra e bonus per BUONO!",
"germanText":"Händchen haltende Noten gibt es nur bei zwei Spielern.\nTrefft sie zugleich für Extrapunkte (GUT gibt Boni)!",
"spanishText":"Las notas que van de la mano son para dos jugadores. ¡Púlsalas\na la vez y gana puntos extra, con bonificación para BIENES!",
"koreanText":"손잡기 음표는 둘이서 플레이할 때만 나오는 음표\n둘이서 동시에 치면 고득점! 둘 다 「얼쑤」면 더욱더 점수 업!",
"englishUsText":"If you find yourself missing a lot of music notes, try\ncalibrating their timing. Playing with headphones helps too!",
"frenchText":"Si tu rates beaucoup de notes de musique, essaie de calibrer\nleur timing. Jouer avec des écouteurs peut aussi t'aider !",
"italianText":"Se manchi diverse note musicali, prova a calibrare il gioco.\nInoltre, giocare con le cuffie aiuta a essere più precisi!",
"germanText":"Verfehlst du viele Noten, versuch, dein Timing zu verbessern.\nKopfhörer können beim Spielen ebenfalls hilfreich sein!",
"spanishText":"Si se te van muchas notas, intenta calibrar su cadencia.\n¡También ayuda jugar con auriculares!",
"koreanText":"소리와 조작이 어긋나는 것 같다면 「음표 조정」에서 조정하자\n이어폰을 끼고 플레이하는 것도 추천!",
"englishUsText":"Make sure to take a break if you’ve been playing for a while!\nWe recommend a 10-20 minute break for every hour of play.",
"frenchText":"Fais une pause si tu joues depuis longtemps ! Repose-toi\npendant 10 à 20 minutes pour chaque heure passée à jouer.",
"italianText":"Fai una pausa ogni tanto!\nConsigliamo una pausa di 10-20 minuti dopo ogni ora di gioco.",
"germanText":"Mach eine Pause, wenn du länger spielst!\nWir empfehlen pro Stunde zehn bis 20 Minuten Pause.",
"spanishText":"¡Haz una pausa si llevas mucho tiempo jugando!\nSe aconseja descansar 10-20 minutos por cada hora de juego.",
"koreanText":"너무 오래 플레이하지 않도록 조심하자\n1시간 놀았으면 10분에서 20분 정도 쉬자",
"englishUsText":"If you want a challenge, try playing with Standing DON!",
"frenchText":"Si tu veux un vrai défi, essaie de jouer avec DON debout !",
"italianText":"Se vuoi una sfida vera, prova a giocare con DON in piedi!",
"germanText":"Wenn du eine Herausforderung suchst, spiel mit Stehender DON!",
"spanishText":"¡Si quieres un desafío, juega con DON de pie!",
"koreanText":"만만치 않은 연주를 하고 싶은 사람은\n「타츠동」을 연주 캐릭터로 선택하는 것을 추천!",
"englishUsText":"If you want to earn lots of points on drumrolls,\ntry playing with Currycutta!",
"frenchText":"Si tu veux marquer beaucoup de points pendant les roulements\nde tambour, essaie de jouer avec Currycutta !",
"italianText":"Se vuoi ottenere molti punti con i rulli di tamburo, prova a\ngiocare con Currycutta!",
"germanText":"Wenn du mit Trommelwirbeln viele Punkte\nmachen willst, spiel mit Currycutta!",
"spanishText":"¡Si quieres ganar muchos puntos en los redobles,\njuega con Currycutta!",
"koreanText":"연타로 득점을 쌓고 싶은 사람은\n「콜카레=동디」를 연주 캐릭터로 선택하는 것을 추천!",
"englishUsText":"If you want to keep your Soul Gauge from going down if you\nmake a mistake, try playing with Yomogimaru!",
"frenchText":"Si tu veux empêcher ta jauge de baisser en cas d'erreur,\nessaie de jouer avec Yomogimaru !",
"italianText":"Se non vuoi essere troppo penalizzato quando manchi le note,\nprova a giocare con Yomogimaru!",
"germanText":"Wenn deine Seelenanzeige durch einen Fehler nicht\nsinken soll, spiel mit Yomogimaru!",
"spanishText":"¡Si quieres evitar que tu indicador de Alma baje si cometes\nun error, juega con Yomogimaru!",
"koreanText":"실수했을 때 클리어 게이지가 줄어드는 걸 막고 싶을 때는\n「요모기마루」를 연주 캐릭터로 선택하는 것을 추천!",
"englishUsText":"If you want to keep it simple and not use Session Skills,\ntry playing with either DON-chan or KATSU-chan!",
"frenchText":"Si tu veux jouer simplement sans utiliser les capacités\nde session, essaie de jouer avec DON-chan ou KATSU-chan !",
"italianText":"Se vuoi giocare senza usare le Abilità sessione,\nprova a giocare con DON-chan o KATSU-chan!",
"germanText":"Wenn du es einfach halten und auf Session-Skills verzichten\nwillst, spiel mit DON-chan oder KATSU-chan!",
"spanishText":"¡Si te va lo simple y no quieres usar habilidades de sesión,\njuega con DON-chan o KATSU-chan!",
"koreanText":"연주 스킬 없이 플레이하고 싶을 때는, 「동이」나 「딱이」를\n연주 캐릭터로 선택하는 것을 추천!",
"englishUsText":"If you find switching between Dons and Kas to be tricky,\ntry playing with Master Bachio!",
"frenchText":"Si tu trouves qu'alterner entre les Don et les Ka\nest compliqué, essaie de jouer avec Maître Bachio !",
"italianText":"Se incontri difficoltà a passare dalle note Don a quelle Ka,\nprova a giocare con Maestro Bachio!",
"germanText":"Fällt es dir schwer, zwischen DONs und KAs\nzu wechseln, spiel mit Meister Bachio!",
"spanishText":"¡Si cambiar entre las notas DON y KA te resulta difícil,\njuega con el Maestro Bachio!",
"koreanText":"쿵과 딱을 구별해서 치는 게 힘든 사람은\n「북채 선생」을 연주 캐릭터로 선택하는 것을 추천!",
"englishUsText":"If you find yourself getting BADs, try playing with\nDONko or Namahage!",
"frenchText":"Si tu obtiens beaucoup de MAUVAIS,\nessaie de jouer avec DONko ou Namahage !",
"italianText":"Se ottieni spesso dei MALE, prova a giocare con\nDONko o Namahage!",
"germanText":"Wenn du oft \"ÜBEL\" kassierst, spiel mit\nDONko oder Namahage!",
"spanishText":"¡Si muchas notas te salen MAL, juega con\nDONko o Namahage!",
"koreanText":"연주할 때 에구가 나오는 사람은 「동코」나 「나마하게」를\n연주 캐릭터로 선택하는 것을 추천!",
"englishUsText":"If you want to fill your Soul Gauge as soon as possible,\ntry playing with Dog Wada or John Wada!",
"frenchText":"Si tu veux remplir ta jauge aussi vite que possible,\nessaie de jouer avec Chien Wada ou John Wada !",
"italianText":"Se vuoi riempire l'indicatore Anima il prima possibile, prova\na giocare con Wada Cane o John Wada!",
"germanText":"Willst du deine Seelenanzeige schnell füllen,\nspiel mit Hund Wada oder John Wada!",
"spanishText":"¡Si quieres llenar tu indicador de Alma cuanto antes,\njuega con Perro Wada o John Wada!",
"koreanText":"클리어 게이지를 팍팍 늘리고 싶은 경우에는 「와다 이누」나 「와다 존」을\n연주 캐릭터로 선택하는 것을 추천!",
"englishUsText":"Masked Kid characters will help you with drumrolls, balloons,\nand mallets, making it easier to keep your combo going.",
"frenchText":"Les personnages d'oursons masqués peuvent t'aider avec les\nroulements de tambour, les notes ballon et les notes maillet.",
"italianText":"Rulli di tamburo, note palloncino e note martello e quindi\nle combo, sono più semplici con i personaggi mascherati.",
"germanText":"Masken-Kinder helfen bei Trommelwirbeln, Ballons und\nSchlägeln, was es erleichtert, Kombos am Laufen zu halten.",
"spanishText":"Los personajes enmascarados te ayudan con los redobles,\nlos globos y los mazos. Así es más fácil mantener tu combo.",
"koreanText":"「가면 도령」들을 연주 캐릭터로 선택하면, 연타, 풍선, 금망치 음표를\n서포트해주기 때문에 연타에서 스코어를 얻기 쉽다",
"englishUsText":"Takoyaki lets you start a song with the Soul Gauge halfway\nfilled, making it easier to beat the song.",
"frenchText":"Takoyaki te laisse commencer la chanson avec la jauge\nà moitié remplie, ce qui permet de réussir plus facilement.",
"italianText":"Giocando con Takoyaki inizierai con l'indicatore Anima già pieno\na metà. Così sarà più facile completare la canzone.",
"germanText":"Mit Takoyaki ist deine Seelenanzeige von Anfang an halb\ngefüllt, sodass du Songs leichter abschließen kannst.",
"spanishText":"Takoyaki te permite iniciar una canción con el indicador de Alma\na medias, por lo que te será más fácil superar la canción.",
"koreanText":"「타코야키」를 연주 캐릭터로 선택하면, 클리어 게이지가\n절반 찬 상태에서 시작하기 때문에 클리어하기 쉽다",
"englishUsText":"Some characters also have skills that make the game\nmore difficult.",
"frenchText":"Certains personnages possèdent des capacités\nqui rendent le jeu plus difficile.",
"italianText":"Alcuni personaggi hanno delle abilità\nche rendono il gioco più difficile.",
"germanText":"Die Skills einiger Charaktere machen das Spiel schwieriger.",
"spanishText":"Algunos personajes poseen habilidades que hacen\nque el juego resulte más difícil.",
"koreanText":"연주가 어려워지는 스킬을 가진 연주 캐릭터도 있다",
"japaneseText":"Guest 1",
"englishUsText":"Guest 1",
"frenchText":"Invité 1",
"italianText":"Ospite 1",
"germanText":"Gast 1",
"spanishText":"Invitado 1",
"chineseTText":"Guest 1",
"koreanText":"Guest 1",
"japaneseText":"Guest 2",
"englishUsText":"Guest 2",
"frenchText":"Invité 2",
"italianText":"Ospite 2",
"germanText":"Gast 2",
"spanishText":"Invitado 2",
"chineseTText":"Guest 2",
"koreanText":"Guest 2",
"japaneseText":"Guest 3",
"englishUsText":"Guest 3",
"frenchText":"Invité 3",
"italianText":"Ospite 3",
"germanText":"Gast 3",
"spanishText":"Invitado 3",
"chineseTText":"Guest 3",
"koreanText":"Guest 3",
"japaneseText":"Guest 4",
"englishUsText":"Guest 4",
"frenchText":"Invité 4",
"italianText":"Ospite 4",
"germanText":"Gast 4",
"spanishText":"Invitado 4",
"chineseTText":"Guest 4",
"koreanText":"Guest 4",
"englishUsText":"Filter by Easy\n",
"frenchText":"Trier par Facile\n",
"italianText":"Filtra per Facile\n",
"germanText":"Nach Leicht filtern\n",
"spanishText":"Filtrar por Fácil",
"koreanText":"「쉬움」 중에서 분류한다",
"englishUsText":"Filter by Hard\n",
"frenchText":"Trier par Difficile\n",
"italianText":"Filtra per Difficile\n",
"germanText":"Nach Schwer filtern\n",
"spanishText":"Filtrar por Difícil",
"koreanText":"「어려움」 중에서 분류한다",
"englishUsText":"Filter by Extreme\n",
"frenchText":"Trier par Extrême\n",
"italianText":"Filtra per Estremo\n",
"germanText":"Nach Extrem filtern\n",
"spanishText":"Filtrar por Extrema",
"koreanText":"「귀신」 중에서 분류한다",
"englishUsText":"Filter by Normal\n",
"frenchText":"Trier par Normal\n",
"italianText":"Filtra per Normale\n",
"germanText":"Nach Normal filtern\n",
"spanishText":"Filtrar por Normal",
"koreanText":"「보통」 중에서 분류한다",
"englishUsText":"Filter song difficulty by Order or Clear State.\n",
"frenchText":"Trier la difficulté des chansons par Ordre ou Progression.",
"italianText":"Ordina le canzoni per difficoltà con Ordine e Completamento.\n",
"germanText":"Song-Schwierigkeitsgrad nach Reihenfolge oder Abschluss-Status filtern.",
"spanishText":"Filtrar dificultad por Orden o Superación.",
"koreanText":"「정렬 순서」에 따른 정렬, 「클리어 상황」에 따른 분류\n중에서 난이도를 고르는 설정",
"englishUsText":"A setting to only show Favorite songs\n",
"frenchText":"Un paramètre pour ne montrer que les chansons favorites\n",
"italianText":"Opzione che permette di mostrare solo le canzoni preferite\n",
"germanText":"Einstellung, um nur Favoriten anzuzeigen.\n",
"spanishText":"Este ajuste solo muestra las canciones favoritas.",
"koreanText":"즐겨찾기한 곡만 표시하는 설정",
"englishUsText":"Filter by Clear State\n",
"frenchText":"Trier par Progression",
"italianText":"Filtra per Completamento\n",
"germanText":"Nach Abschluss-Status filtern",
"spanishText":"Filtrar por superación",
"koreanText":"클리어 상황으로 분류하는 설정",
"englishUsText":"Only show songs that haven’t been cleared\n",
"frenchText":"Ne montrer que les chansons non terminées\n",
"italianText":"Mostra solo le canzoni che non sono state completate\n",
"germanText":"Nur Songs, die nicht abgeschlossen wurden\n",
"spanishText":"Mostrar solo canciones que no se hayan superado",
"koreanText":"클리어하지 않은 곡만 표시한다",
"englishUsText":"Only show songs that haven’t been fully comboed\n",
"frenchText":"Ne montrer que les chansons n'ayant pas un combo max\n",
"italianText":"Mostra solo le canzoni che non sono state completate con una combo",
"germanText":"Nur Songs ohne vollständige Kombo\n",
"spanishText":"Mostrar solo canciones con combos incompletos",
"koreanText":"풀 콤보를 달성하지 않은 곡만 표시한다",
"englishUsText":"Only show unplayed songs\n",
"frenchText":"Ne montrer que les chansons non jouées\n",
"italianText":"Mostra solo le canzoni mai provate\n",
"germanText":"Nur ungespielte Songs\n",
"spanishText":"Mostrar solo canciones no tocadas",
"koreanText":"플레이한 적이 없는 곡만 표시한다",
"englishUsText":"Only show Favorite songs\n",
"frenchText":"Ne montrer que les chansons favorites\n",
"italianText":"Mostra solo le canzoni preferite\n",
"germanText":"Nur Favoriten\n",
"spanishText":"Mostrar solo canciones favoritas",
"koreanText":"즐겨찾기한 곡만 표시한다",
"englishUsText":"Not Cleared",
"frenchText":"Pas terminée",
"italianText":"Non completata",
"germanText":"Nicht abgeschlossen",
"spanishText":"No superadas",
"koreanText":"미 클리어",
"englishUsText":"Not Full Comboed",
"frenchText":"Pas de c. max",
"italianText":"Non compl. con combo",
"germanText":"Keine vollst. Kombo",
"spanishText":"Sin combos completos",
"koreanText":"미 풀 콤보",
"englishUsText":"Not Played",
"frenchText":"Pas jouée",
"italianText":"Mai provata",
"germanText":"Nicht gespielt",
"spanishText":"No tocadas",
"koreanText":"미 플레이",
"koreanText":"설정 안 한다",
"koreanText":"장르 순",
"englishUsText":"Sort by Genre\n",
"frenchText":"Trier par genre\n",
"italianText":"Ordina per genere\n",
"germanText":"Nach Genre sortieren\n",
"spanishText":"Ordenar por género",
"koreanText":"장르 순으로 정렬한다",
"englishUsText":"Sort by ★ no.",
"frenchText":"★ (croissant)",
"italianText":"Per numero di ★",
"germanText":"★ aufsteigend",
"spanishText":"★ (ascendente)",
"koreanText":"★숫자 순",
"englishUsText":"Ascending ★",
"frenchText":"Trier par nombre de ★",
"italianText":"Per ★ (ascendente)",
"germanText":"Nach ★-Anzahl sortieren",
"spanishText":"Ordenar por número de ★",
"koreanText":"★의 개수가 적은 순으로 정렬한다",
"englishUsText":"※Cannot select Sort type or Clear State when difficulty is set to All.",
"frenchText":"*Ordre/Progression indisponibles lorsque la difficulté est réglée sur Tout.",
"italianText":"*Impossibile selez. Ordine o Completamento se la difficoltà è Tutto.",
"germanText":"*Sortierung und Abschluss-Status nicht wählbar bei \"Schwierigkeitsgrad - Alle\".",
"spanishText":"*No puedes seleccionar Orden o Superación cuando la dificultad es Todo.",
"koreanText":"※난이도가 「전부」면 「정렬 순서」「클리어 상황」은 고를 수 없습니다",
"englishUsText":"Clear State",
"koreanText":"클리어 상황",
"englishUsText":"Favs. Only",
"frenchText":"Fav. uniquement",
"italianText":"Solo preferite",
"germanText":"Nur Favoriten",
"spanishText":"Solo favoritas",
"koreanText":"즐겨찾기만 표시",
"koreanText":"정렬 순서",
"englishUsText":"Song Filters",
"frenchText":"Filtres de chanson",
"italianText":"Filtri canzoni",
"spanishText":"Filtros de canción",
"koreanText":"곡 분류 설정",
"englishUsText":"Button Controls",
"frenchText":"Commandes boutons",
"germanText":"Knopf- und Tastensteuerung",
"spanishText":"Control por botones",
"koreanText":"버튼 조작",
"englishUsText":"Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Comandi di movimento",
"spanishText":"Controles por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작",
"koreanText":"캐릭터 확인",
"frenchText":"Commencer !",
"englishUsText":"Not found!",
"frenchText":"Non trouvé !",
"italianText":"Non trovato!",
"germanText":"Nicht gefunden!",
"englishUsText":"Using Button Controls",
"frenchText":"Utiliser les commandes boutons",
"italianText":"Usare i pulsanti",
"germanText":"Knöpfe und Tasten verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar control por botones",
"koreanText":"버튼 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Using Touch Controls",
"frenchText":"Utiliser les commandes tactiles",
"italianText":"Usare i comandi touch",
"germanText":"Berührungssteuerung verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar control táctil",
"koreanText":"터치 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Using Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Utiliser les commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Usare i comandi di movimento",
"germanText":"Bewegungssteuerung verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar control por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Using the Drum Controller",
"frenchText":"Utiliser le contrôleur tambour",
"italianText":"Usare il controller tamburo",
"germanText":"Trommel-Controller verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar el mando tambor",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러의 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Try Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Essayer les commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Prova i comandi di movimento",
"germanText":"Bewegungssteuerung testen",
"spanishText":"Probar control por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작을 해본다",
"englishUsText":"Explains how to play the game using button controls.",
"frenchText":"Explique comment jouer au jeu en utilisant les commandes boutons.",
"italianText":"Impara a giocare usando i pulsanti.",
"germanText":"Erläutert, wie du mit Knöpfen und Tasten spielst.",
"spanishText":"Aprende a jugar utilizando el control por botones.",
"koreanText":"버튼 플레이 방법을 설명합니다",
"englishUsText":"Explains how to play the game using touch controls.\n*Touch controls are only available in Handheld mode.",
"frenchText":"Explique comment jouer au jeu en utilisant les commandes tactiles.\n*Les commandes tactiles ne sont disponibles qu'en mode portable.",
"italianText":"Impara a giocare usando i comandi touch.\n*I comandi touch sono disponibili solo nella modalità portatile.",
"germanText":"Erläutert, wie du mit Berührungssteuerung spielst.\n*Berührungssteuerung ist ausschließlich im Handheld-Modus verfügbar.",
"spanishText":"Aprende a jugar utilizando el control táctil.\n*Control táctil solo disponible en modo portátil.",
"koreanText":"터치 플레이 방법을 설명합니다\n※터치는 휴대 모드일 때 가능합니다",
"englishUsText":"Explains how to play the game using the Joy-Con motion controls.",
"frenchText":"Explique comment jouer au jeu en utilisant les\ncommandes par mouvements avec les Joy-Con.",
"italianText":"Impara a giocare usando i comandi di movimento del Joy-Con.",
"germanText":"Erläutert, wie du mit der Joy-Con Bewegungssteuerung spielst.",
"spanishText":"Aprende a jugar utilizando el control por movimiento del Joy-Con.",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」을 이용한 모션 조작 플레이 방법을 설명합니다",
"englishUsText":"Explains how to play the game using the drum controller.",
"frenchText":"Explique comment jouer au jeu en utilisant le contrôleur tambour.",
"italianText":"Impara a giocare usando il controller tamburo.",
"germanText":"Erläutert, wie du mit dem Trommel-Controller spielst.",
"spanishText":"Aprende a jugar utilizando el mando tambor.",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러의 플레이 방법을 설명합니다",
"englishUsText":"Try the Joy-Con motion controls for yourself.",
"frenchText":"Essaie toi-même les commandes par mouvements avec les Joy-Con.",
"italianText":"Prova i comandi di movimento del Joy-Con.",
"germanText":"Die Joy-Con Bewegungssteuerung ausprobieren.",
"spanishText":"Prueba el control por movimiento del Joy-Con.",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」을 흔들어서 모션 조작을 해봅니다",
"englishUsText":"Try Don",
"frenchText":"Essayer Don",
"italianText":"Prova note Don",
"germanText":"Probier Don aus",
"spanishText":"Probar Don",
"koreanText":"쿵을 해본다",
"englishUsText":"Try Ka",
"frenchText":"Essayer Ka",
"italianText":"Prova note Ka",
"germanText":"Probier Ka aus",
"spanishText":"Probar Ka",
"koreanText":"딱을 해본다",
"englishUsText":"Try Don & Ka",
"frenchText":"Essayer Don et Ka",
"italianText":"Prova note Don e Ka",
"germanText":"Probier Don & Ka",
"spanishText":"Probar Don y Ka",
"koreanText":"쿵과 딱을 해본다",
"englishUsText":"Important Notice",
"frenchText":"Remarque importante",
"italianText":"Avviso importante",
"germanText":"Wichtiger Hinweis",
"spanishText":"Aviso importante",
"koreanText":"중요한 정보",
"englishUsText":"Control Type Settings",
"frenchText":"Paramètres de type de contrôleur",
"italianText":"Impostazioni schemi comandi",
"spanishText":"Ajustes del tipo de control",
"koreanText":"조작 타입 설정",
"englishUsText":"Calibrating Music Notes",
"frenchText":"Calibrage des notes de musique",
"italianText":"Calibrare le note musicali",
"germanText":"Noten kalibrieren",
"spanishText":"Calibrar notas musicales",
"koreanText":"음표 조정에 대해서",
"englishUsText":"Using Button Controls",
"frenchText":"Utiliser les commandes boutons",
"italianText":"Usare i pulsanti",
"germanText":"Knöpfe und Tasten verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar control por botones",
"koreanText":"버튼 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Here’s how to play the game with button controls!",
"frenchText":"Voici comment jouer au jeu\navec les commandes boutons !",
"italianText":"Ecco come si gioca usando i pulsanti!",
"germanText":"So spielst du mit Knöpfen und Tasten!",
"spanishText":"¡Así se juega usando el control por botones!",
"koreanText":"버튼 조작으로 플레이하는 법을 설명할게",
"englishUsText":"When a note overlaps the frame,\nthat’s your cue to press the button.",
"frenchText":"Tu dois appuyer sur le bouton\nau moment où la note\npasse sur le cadre.",
"italianText":"Premi il pulsante quando\nuna nota tocca la linea.",
"germanText":"Wandert eine Note über den Rahmen,\nmusst du in dem Moment den Knopf \noder die Taste drücken.",
"spanishText":"Cuando una nota entra en el\nmarco, hay que pulsar el botón.",
"koreanText":"이동하는 음표가 테두리와 겹쳐졌을 때\n버튼을 누르자",
"englishUsText":"Press these buttons for red notes!",
"frenchText":"Appuie sur un de ces boutons\npour les notes rouges !",
"italianText":"Premi uno di questi pulsanti\nse la nota è rossa!",
"germanText":"Drücke diese Knöpfe für rote Noten!",
"spanishText":"Pulsa uno de estos botones\nsi la nota es roja.",
"koreanText":"빨간 음표는 이 버튼을 눌러!",
"englishUsText":"Press these buttons for blue notes!",
"frenchText":"Appuie sur un de ces boutons\npour les notes bleues !",
"italianText":"Premi uno di quest'altri pulsanti\nse la nota è blu!",
"germanText":"Drücke diese Knöpfe für blaue Noten!",
"spanishText":"Pulsa uno de estos botones\nsi la nota es azul.",
"koreanText":"파란 음표는 이 버튼을 눌러!",
"englishUsText":"For large notes, press buttons on\nboth sides simultaneously to get\nextra points!",
"frenchText":"Pour les grosses notes,\nappuie sur un bouton de chaque\ncôté à la fois pour obtenir\ndes points supplémentaires !",
"italianText":"Per le note grandi, premi\ncontemporaneamente i pulsanti\nda entrambe le parti per ottenere\npunti extra!",
"germanText":"Drücke bei großen Noten die\nentsprechenden Knöpfe oder Tasten\nauf beiden Seiten gleichzeitig, um\ndir Extrapunkte zu sichern!",
"spanishText":"¡Pulsa un botón de cada lado a\nla vez para las notas grandes y\nconsigue puntos adicionales!",
"koreanText":"커다란 음표는 좌우를 동시에 두드리면\n고득점이야!",
"englishUsText":"Yellow music notes are your\ncue to do a drumroll!",
"frenchText":"Quand tu vois des notes jaunes,\nfais un roulement de tambour !",
"italianText":"Se la nota è gialla,\nesegui un rullo di tamburo!",
"germanText":"Gelbe Noten \nsignalisieren einen Trommelwirbel!",
"spanishText":"Las notas amarillas\nindican un redoble.",
"koreanText":"노란 음표는 계속 연타하자!",
"englishUsText":"Balloon notes and mallet notes\ncall for a drumroll too!",
"frenchText":"Les notes ballon et maillet\nnécessitent aussi\nun roulement de tambour !",
"italianText":"Anche le note a palloncino e a martello\nrichiedono il rullo di tamburo!",
"germanText":"Bei Ballon- und Schlägel-Noten\nmuss auch ein Trommelwirbel folgen!",
"spanishText":"¡Las notas con un mazo\no un globo también!",
"koreanText":"「풍선 음표」와 「금망치 음표」도\n아무튼 연타하자!",
"englishUsText":"Hit the notes at just the right time\nto fill up your Soul gauge!",
"frenchText":"Frappe les notes au bon moment\npour remplir ta jauge d'âme !",
"italianText":"Suona le note al momento giusto\nper riempire l'indicatore Anima!",
"germanText":"Triffst du Noten genau richtig,\nfüllt sich die Seelenanzeige!",
"spanishText":"Toca las notas en el momento justo\npara llenar el indicador de Alma.",
"koreanText":"타이밍에 맞춰 두드리면\n혼 게이지가 업!",
"englishUsText":"Stay on rhythm and\ntry to finish the song!",
"frenchText":"Garde le rythme et\nessaie de finir la chanson !",
"italianText":"Segui il ritmo e cerca di\narrivare alla fine!",
"germanText":"Bleib im Takt und\nversuch den Song abzuschließen!",
"spanishText":"¡Sigue el ritmo\ne intenta acabar la canción!",
"koreanText":"잘 연주해서 클리어를 노리자!",
"englishUsText":"Using Touch Controls",
"frenchText":"Utiliser les commandes tactiles",
"italianText":"Usare i comandi touch",
"germanText":"Berührungssteuerung verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar control táctil",
"koreanText":"터치 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Here’s how to play the game with touch controls!",
"frenchText":"Voici comment jouer au jeu\navec les commandes tactiles !",
"italianText":"Ecco come si gioca usando\ni comandi touch!",
"germanText":"So spielst du mit Berührungssteuerung!",
"spanishText":"¡Aprende a jugar con el\ncontrol táctil!",
"koreanText":"터치 조작으로 플레이하는 법을 설명할게!",
"englishUsText":"When a note overlaps the frame,\nthat’s your cue to\ntouch the screen.",
"frenchText":"Tu dois toucher l'écran tactile\nau moment où la note\npasse sur le cadre.",
"italianText":"Tocca lo schermo quando\nuna nota tocca la linea.",
"germanText":"Wandert eine Note über den Rahmen,\nmusst du in dem Moment\nden Touchscreen berühren.",
"spanishText":"Cuando una nota entra en el\nmarco, hay que\ntocar la pantalla.",
"koreanText":"이동하는 음표가 테두리와 겹쳐졌을 때\n화면을 터치해줘",
"englishUsText":"Touch here for red notes",
"frenchText":"Touche ici pour les notes rouges.",
"italianText":"Tocca qui se la nota è rossa.",
"germanText":"Hier bei roten Noten berühren.",
"spanishText":"Notas rojas: toca aquí.",
"koreanText":"빨간 음표는 여기를 터치하자",
"englishUsText":"Touch here for blue notes",
"frenchText":"Touche ici pour les notes bleues.",
"italianText":"Tocca qui se la nota è blu.",
"germanText":"Hier bei blauen Noten berühren.",
"spanishText":"Notas azules: toca aquí.",
"koreanText":"파란 음표는 여기를 터치하자",
"englishUsText":"For large notes, touch both areas\ntogether to get extra points!",
"frenchText":"Pour les grosses notes,\ntouche les deux zones\nà la fois pour obtenir\ndes points supplémentaires !",
"italianText":"Tocca entrambe le aree per le note grandi\nper ottenere punti extra!",
"germanText":"Berühre bei großen Noten beide Bereiche \ngleichzeitig, um dir Extrapunkte zu sichern!",
"spanishText":"¡Toca las dos zonas para las\nnotas grandes\ny consigue puntos adicionales!",
"koreanText":"커다란 음표는 좌우를 동시에 터치하면\n고득점이야!",
"englishUsText":"Yellow music notes are your\ncue to do a touch drumroll!",
"frenchText":"Quand tu vois des notes jaunes,\nfais un roulement\nde tambour tactile !",
"italianText":"Se la nota è gialla,\nesegui un rullo di tamburo touch!",
"germanText":"Gelbe Noten \nsignalisieren einen Touch-Trommelwirbel!",
"spanishText":"Las notas amarillas indican\ncuándo tocar un redoble.",
"koreanText":"노란 음표는 계속 연속 터치하자!",
"englishUsText":"Balloon notes and mallet notes\ncall for a drumroll too!",
"frenchText":"Les notes ballon et maillet\nnécessitent aussi\nun roulement de tambour !",
"italianText":"Anche le note a palloncino e a martello\nrichiedono il rullo di tamburo!",
"germanText":"Bei Ballon- und Schlägel-Noten\nmuss auch ein Trommelwirbel folgen!",
"spanishText":"¡Las notas con un mazo\no un globo también!",
"koreanText":"「풍선 음표」와 「금망치 음표」도\n아무튼 연속 터치~!!",
"englishUsText":"Touch the notes at just the right time\nto fill up your Soul Gauge!",
"frenchText":"Touche les notes au bon moment\npour remplir ta jauge d'âme !",
"italianText":"Suona le note al momento giusto\nper riempire l'indicatore Anima!",
"germanText":"Berührst du Noten zur richtigen Zeit,\nfüllt sich die Seelenanzeige!",
"spanishText":"Toca las notas en el momento justo\npara llenar el indicador de Alma.",
"koreanText":"타이밍에 맞춰 터치하면\n혼 게이지가 업!",
"englishUsText":"Stay on rhythm and\ntry to finish the song!",
"frenchText":"Garde le rythme et\nessaie de finir la chanson !",
"italianText":"Segui il ritmo e cerca di\narrivare alla fine!",
"germanText":"Bleib im Takt und \nversuch den Song abzuschließen!",
"spanishText":"¡Sigue el ritmo\ne intenta acabar la canción!",
"koreanText":"잘 터치해서 클리어를 노리자!",
"englishUsText":"Using Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Utiliser les commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Usare i comandi di movimento",
"germanText":"Bewegungssteuerung verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar control por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Here’s how to play the game using motion controls!",
"frenchText":"Voici comment jouer au jeu avec\nles commandes par mouvements !",
"italianText":"Ecco come si gioca usando\ni comandi di movimento!",
"germanText":"So spielst du mit Bewegungssteuerung!",
"spanishText":"¡Así se juega usando el control por movimiento!",
"koreanText":"모션 조작으로 플레이하는 법을 설명할게!",
"englishUsText":"When a note overlaps the frame,\nthat’s your cue to\nshake the Joy-Con.",
"frenchText":"Tu dois secouer le Joy-Con\nau moment où la note\npasse sur le cadre.",
"italianText":"Scuoti il Joy-Con quando\nuna nota tocca la linea.",
"germanText":"Wandert eine Note über den Rahmen,\nmusst du in dem Moment den Joy-Con \nbewegen.",
"spanishText":"Cuando una nota entra en el\nmarco, hay que\nagitar el mando Joy-Con.",
"koreanText":"이동하는 음표가 테두리와 겹쳐졌을 때\n「Joy-Con」을 흔들자",
"englishUsText":"Swing straight down for red notes!",
"frenchText":"Secoue bien droit\npour les notes rouges !",
"italianText":"Fallo oscillare\nverso il basso\nse la nota è rossa!",
"germanText":"Bei roten Noten\ngerade runterbewegen.",
"spanishText":"¡Notas rojas: mueve hacia abajo!",
"koreanText":"빨간 음표는 똑바로 아래로 흔들자!",
"englishUsText":"Swing diagonally down\nfor blue notes!",
"frenchText":"Secoue en diagonale\npour les notes bleues !",
"italianText":"Fallo oscillare\nverso il basso\nin diagonale se la nota è blu!",
"germanText":"Bei blauen Noten\ndiagonal runterbewegen.",
"spanishText":"¡Notas azules: mueve en diagonal!",
"koreanText":"파란 음표는 비스듬하게 아래로 흔들자!",
"englishUsText":"For large notes, shake one hand\nquickly or shake left and right\ntogether to get extra points!",
"frenchText":"Pour les grosses notes, secoue\nune main rapidement ou secoue\nà gauche et à droite en simultané\npour obtenir plus de points !",
"italianText":"Muovi rapidamente una mano\no scuoti mano sinistra e destra\ninsieme per le note grandi\nper ottenere punti extra!",
"germanText":"Um bei großen Noten Extrapunkte zu \nsammeln, kannst du eine schnelle \nHandbewegung machen oder beide \nHände zugleich bewegen!",
"spanishText":"¡En notas grandes, agita rápido\nuna mano o las dos a la vez\npara ganar puntos extra!",
"koreanText":"커다란 음표는 좌우를 동시에 흔들거나\n빠르게 손을 움직이면 고득점!",
"englishUsText":"Yellow music notes are your\ncue to shake like crazy!",
"frenchText":"Quand tu vois des notes jaunes,\nsecoue à fond !",
"italianText":"Se la nota è gialla,\nscuotilo rapidamente!",
"germanText":"Gelbe Noten signalisieren einen \nTrommelwirbel, zu dem du beide \nHände schnell bewegen musst!",
"spanishText":"¡Las notas amarillas señalan\nque hay que empezar a agitar!",
"koreanText":"노란 음표는 계속 흔들자!\n",
"englishUsText":"Balloon notes and mallet notes\ncall for lots of shaking too!",
"frenchText":"Les notes ballon et maillet\nnécessitent aussi\nde secouer à fond !",
"italianText":"Scuoti rapidamente anche per le\nnote a palloncino e a martello!",
"germanText":"Auch Ballon- und Schlägel-Noten\nsignalisieren einen Trommelwirbel,\nzu dem du beide Hände wie dargestellt\nbewegen musst!",
"spanishText":"¡Las notas con un mazo\no un globo también!",
"koreanText":"풍선 음표와 금망치 음표도\n아무튼 마구 흔들자!!",
"englishUsText":"Perform well to fill up\nyour Soul gauge!",
"frenchText":"Concentre-toi et joue bien\npour remplir ta jauge d'âme !",
"italianText":"Suona le note al momento giusto\nper riempire l'indicatore Anima!",
"germanText":"Machst du es gut,\nfüllt sich die Seelenanzeige!",
"spanishText":"¡Hazlo bien para llenar\nel indicador de Alma!",
"koreanText":"잘 연주하면 혼 게이지가 업!",
"englishUsText":"Stay in rhythm and try\nto finish the song!",
"frenchText":"Garde le rythme et\nessaie de finir la chanson !",
"italianText":"Segui il ritmo e cerca di\narrivare alla fine!",
"germanText":"Bleib im Takt und\nversuch den Song abzuschließen!",
"spanishText":"¡Sigue el ritmo\ne intenta acabar la canción!",
"koreanText":"잘 흔들어서 클리어를 노리자!",
"englishUsText":"Using the Drum Controller",
"frenchText":"Utiliser le contrôleur tambour",
"italianText":"Usare il controller tamburo",
"germanText":"Trommel-Controller verwenden",
"spanishText":"Usar el mando tambor",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러 플레이 방법",
"englishUsText":"Here’s how to play the game\nusing the drum controller!",
"frenchText":"Voici comment jouer\nau jeu en utilisant\nle contrôleur tambour !",
"italianText":"Ecco come si gioca usando\nil controller tamburo!",
"germanText":"So spielst du mit dem\nTrommel-Controller!",
"spanishText":"¡Así se juega\nusando el mando tambor!",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러로 플레이하는 법을 설명할게!",
"englishUsText":"When a note overlaps the frame,\nthat’s your cue to hit the drum!",
"frenchText":"Tu dois tambouriner au moment\noù la note passe sur le cadre.",
"italianText":"Batti sul tamburo quando\nuna nota tocca la linea.",
"germanText":"Wandert eine Note über den Rahmen,\nmusst du in dem Moment auf die Trommel schlagen.",
"spanishText":"Cuando una nota entra en el marco,\nhay que tocar el tambor.",
"koreanText":"이동하는 음표가 테두리와 겹쳐졌을 때\n북채로 태고를 두드리자!",
"englishUsText":"Hit the surface for red notes.",
"frenchText":"Tambourine la surface\npour les notes rouges.",
"italianText":"Batti sulla superficie\nse la nota è rossa.",
"germanText":"Rote Noten: Oberfläche.",
"spanishText":"Notas rojas: toca la superficie.",
"koreanText":"빨간 음표는 면을 두드리자",
"englishUsText":"Hit the rim for blue notes.",
"frenchText":"Tambourine le rebord\npour les notes bleues.",
"italianText":"Batti sul bordo\nse la nota è blu.",
"germanText":"Blaue Noten: Rand.",
"spanishText":"Notas azules: toca el borde.",
"koreanText":"파란 음표는 테를 두드리자",
"englishUsText":"For large notes,\nhit both sides at once\nto get extra points!",
"frenchText":"Pour les grosses notes,\nfrappe les deux côtés\nà la fois pour obtenir\ndes points supplémentaires !",
"italianText":"Premi entrambi i pulsanti\nper le note grandi per ottenere\npunti extra!",
"germanText":"Drücke bei großen Noten\nbeide Seiten gleichzeitig,\num dir Extrapunkte zu sichern!",
"spanishText":"¡Toca los dos lados a la vez\npara las notas grandes\ny consigue puntos adicionales!",
"koreanText":"커다란 음표는 좌우를 동시에 두드리면\n고득점이야!",
"englishUsText":"Yellow music notes are your\ncue to do a drumroll!",
"frenchText":"Quand tu vois des notes jaunes,\nfais un roulement de tambour !",
"italianText":"Se la nota è gialla,\nesegui un rullo di tamburo!",
"germanText":"Gelbe Noten \nsignalisieren einen Trommelwirbel!",
"spanishText":"Las notas amarillas\nindican un redoble.",
"koreanText":"노란 음표는 계속 연타하자!",
"englishUsText":"Balloon notes and mallet notes\ncall for a drumroll too!",
"frenchText":"Les notes ballon et maillet\nnécessitent aussi\nun roulement de tambour !",
"italianText":"Anche le note a palloncino e a martello\nrichiedono il rullo di tamburo!",
"germanText":"Bei Ballon- und Schlägel-Noten\nmuss auch ein Trommelwirbel folgen!",
"spanishText":"¡Las notas con un mazo\no un globo también!",
"koreanText":"「풍선 음표」와 「금망치 음표」도\n아무튼 연타하자!",
"englishUsText":"Hit the notes at just the right time\nto fill up your Soul gauge!",
"frenchText":"Frappe les notes au bon moment\npour remplir ta jauge d'âme !",
"italianText":"Suona le note al momento giusto\nper riempire l'indicatore Anima!",
"germanText":"Triffst du Noten genau richtig,\nfüllt sich die Seelenanzeige!",
"spanishText":"Toca las notas en el momento justo\npara llenar el indicador de Alma.",
"koreanText":"타이밍에 맞춰 두드리면\n혼 게이지가 업!",
"englishUsText":"Stay on rhythm and\ntry to finish the song!",
"frenchText":"Garde le rythme et\nessaie de finir la chanson !",
"italianText":"Segui il ritmo e cerca di\narrivare alla fine!",
"germanText":"Bleib im Takt und \nversuch den Song abzuschließen!",
"spanishText":"¡Sigue el ritmo\ne intenta acabar la canción!",
"koreanText":"잘 두드려서 클리어를 노리자!",
"japaneseText":"テレビによっては えいぞうや音声におくれがあり \n正しいタイミングで演奏をしても\n失敗してしまうことがあります\n\nもし、そのような場合は\n「ゲーム設定」の「音符調整」でタイミングを調整してください",
"englishUsText":"Certain TVs may introduce lag in the game's audio\nand visuals, which can cause note timing to fall\nout of sync and result in failure.\n\nIf you encounter lag issues like this,\ntry calibrating the game by\ngoing to Game Settings > Calibration.",
"frenchText":"Certaines TV peuvent introduire du lag\ndans les sons et images du jeu,\nce qui peut provoquer une désynchronisation\ndu timing des notes et te faire échouer.\n\nSi tu rencontres des problèmes de lag,\nessaie de calibrer le jeu en passant par\nParamètres de jeu > Calibrage.",
"italianText":"Alcuni schermi possono introdurre un ritardo\ntra grafica e audio, facendo apparire le note\nfuori sincrono e inducendo all'errore.\n\nSe è il tuo caso, calibra il gioco\nselezionando Impost. di gioco > Calibrazione.",
"germanText":"Bei bestimmten Fernsehern kann es\nzu Ton- und Bildverzögerungen kommen,\nsodass das Noten-Timing asynchron wird\nund du scheiterst.\n\nTritt dieses Problem auf, kalibriere das Spiel\nüber Spieloptionen > Kalibrierung.",
"spanishText":"Ciertos televisores pueden retardar la imagen y el\nsonido del juego. Esto puede provocar que la\ncadencia de las notas se desincronice y dé errores.\n\nEn tal caso, prueba a calibrar el juego en\nAjustes del juego > Calibración.",
"koreanText":"TV에 따라서는 영상이나 음성이 늦어져서\n올바른 타이밍에 북을 쳐도\n연주에 실패하는 경우가 있습니다.\n\n만약 그런 일이 일어나고 있다면\n「게임 설정」의 「음표 조정」에서 타이밍을 조정해주세요",
"englishUsText":"Button Type is set to Type 1 by default,\nbut this can be changed in Game Settings\nat any time.",
"frenchText":"Le type de contrôleur est paramétré sur Type 1\npar défaut, mais cela peut être changé\nà tout moment dans les paramètres de jeu.",
"italianText":"L'impostazione predefinita dello schema\ndei comandi è lo Schema 1, ma puoi\nsceglierne un altro in Impostazioni di gioco\nin qualsiasi momento.",
"germanText":"Der Steuerungstyp ist standardmäßig auf Typ 1\ngesetzt, dies kannst du jedoch jederzeit in\nden Spieloptionen ändern.",
"spanishText":"El tipo de control predeterminado es el Tipo 1,\naunque puedes cambiarlo en Ajustes del juego\ncuando quieras.",
"koreanText":"「조작 타입 설정」은 「타입 1」이 초기 설정입니다.\n「게임 설정」에서 언제든지 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"japaneseText":"テレビによっては えいぞうや音声におくれがあり \n正しいタイミングで演奏をしても\n失敗してしまうことがあります\n\nもし、そのような場合は\n「ゲーム設定」の「音符調整」でタイミングを調整してください\nゲーム設定にいどうしますか?",
"englishUsText":"On some TVs, notes may not always match\nyour input. If you experience this, try\ngoing to Game Settings > Calibration.",
"frenchText":"Suivant ta TV, les notes peuvent ne pas\ncorrespondre à tes actions. Si c'est\nle cas : Paramètres de jeu > Calibrage.",
"italianText":"In base allo schermo, le note non sempre\ncombaciano con i comandi. Usa Impost.\ndi gioco > Calibrazione per regolarli.",
"germanText":"Je nach Fernseher können gespielte Noten\nvon gedrückten Knöpfen/Tasten abweichen.\nSpieloptionen > Kalibrierung hilft.",
"spanishText":"En algunos televisores, las notas pueden\nno coincidir con lo pulsado. En tal caso\nve a Ajustes del juego > Calibración.",
"koreanText":"TV에 따라서는 영상이나 음성이 늦어져서\n올바른 타이밍에 북을 쳐도\n연주에 실패하는 경우가 있습니다.\n\n만약 그런 일이 일어나고 있다면\n「게임 설정」의 「음표 조정」에서 타이밍을 조정해주세요",
"englishUsText":"Try out Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Essayer les commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Prova i comandi di movimento",
"germanText":"Bewegungssteuerung ausprobieren",
"spanishText":"Prueba el control por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작을 해봅시다",
"englishUsText":"Hold one Joy-Con in each hand,\nthen Confirm when ready\nto begin the motion control test.\n\nYou can try the motion control test as many times as you want\nby going to Help > Try Motion Controls.\n",
"frenchText":"Tiens un Joy-Con dans chaque main,\npuis confirme lorsque tu es prêt pour lancer\nle test des commandes par mouvements.\n\nTu peux essayer les commandes par mouvements\nautant de fois que tu veux en allant dans\nAide > Essayer les commandes par mouvements.",
"italianText":"Tieni un Joy-Con in ciascuna mano\ne conferma quando sei pronto\nper iniziare la prova dei comandi.\n\nPuoi provare i comandi di movimento tutte le volte che vuoi\nselezionando Aiuto > Prova i comandi di movimento.\n",
"germanText":"Halte einen Joy-Con in jeder Hand\nund bestätige, wenn du bereit bist,\nden Test der Bewegungssteuerung zu starten.\nDu kannst die Bewegungssteuerung beliebig oft testen, indem du\nHilfe > Bewegungssteuerung testen aufrufst.",
"spanishText":"Sujeta un Joy-Con en cada mano\ny confirma cuando tengas todo listo\npara iniciar la prueba de control por movimiento.\n\nPuedes probar el control por movimiento cuanto\nquieras en Ayuda > Probar control por movimiento.\n",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」 2개잡기 상태로\n준비가 되면 결정해주세요.\n모션 조작을 테스트합니다.\n\n또한, 모션 조작 테스트는 「도움말」의\n「모션 조작을 해본다」에서 몇 번이든 할 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"\nHold one Joy-Con in each hand,\nthen Confirm when ready.",
"frenchText":"\nTiens un Joy-Con dans chaque main,\npuis confirme lorsque tu es prêt.",
"italianText":"\nTieni un Joy-Con in ciascuna mano\ne conferma quando sei pronto.",
"germanText":"\nHalte einen Joy-Con in jeder Hand\nund bestätige, wenn du bereit bist.",
"spanishText":"\nSujeta un Joy-Con en cada mano\ny confirma cuando puedas empezar.",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」 2개잡기 상태로\n준비가 되면 결정해주세요.",
"englishUsText":"Motion Controls",
"frenchText":"Commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Comandi di movimento",
"spanishText":"Controles por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작에 대해서",
"englishUsText":"This game allows for motion controls with the\nleft and right Joy-Con controllers. Would you\nlike to learn more about motion controls?",
"frenchText":"Ce jeu permet d'utiliser des commandes par mouvements\navec les Joy-Con gauche et droit. Veux-tu en savoir plus\nsur les commandes par mouvements ?",
"italianText":"Questo gioco permette i comandi di movimento\ncon i Joy-Con di sinistra e destra. Vuoi ulteriori\ninformazioni sui comandi di movimento?",
"germanText":"Das Spiel erlaubt Bewegungssteuerung mit\ndem linken und dem rechten Joy-Con. Willst du mehr\nüber Bewegungssteuerung erfahren?",
"spanishText":"Este juego permite el control por movimiento\ncon los Joy-Con derecho e izquierdo.\n¿Quieres más información acerca de esta opción?",
"koreanText":"본 작품에서는 「Joy-Con(L)/(R)」을 사용한\n「모션 조작」으로 플레이할 수 있습니다\n모션 조작에 대해 확인하겠습니까?",
"englishUsText":"Non-Motion Control Options",
"frenchText":"Options sans commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Opzioni senza comandi di movimento",
"germanText":"Nicht bewegungsbezogene Steuerungsoptionen",
"spanishText":"Opciones sin control por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션 조작 이외의 플레이 방법에 대해서",
"englishUsText":"You can learn more about other ways to play the\ngame besides motion controls in the help menu.\nWould you like to go to the help menu now?",
"frenchText":"Tu peux en savoir plus sur les autres façons\nde jouer au jeu dans le menu d'aide.\nVeux-tu consulter cette rubrique maintenant ?",
"italianText":"Nel menu di aiuto puoi scoprire altri modi di\ngiocare senza i comandi di movimento.\nVuoi aprire il menu di aiuto?",
"germanText":"Erfahre mehr über andere\nSteuerungsoptionen im Hilfemenü.\nWillst du dir das Hilfemenü jetzt ansehen?",
"spanishText":"Si quieres jugar sin control por movimiento,\npuedes ver las otras opciones disponibles\nen el menú de ayuda. ¿Quieres ir a ese menú?",
"koreanText":"도움말 화면에서, 모션 조작 이외의\n플레이 방법도 확인할 수 있습니다\n도움말 화면으로 이동하겠습니까?",
"englishUsText":"Try Later",
"frenchText":"Plus tard",
"italianText":"Prova dopo",
"germanText":"Später vers.",
"spanishText":"Más tarde",
"koreanText":"나중에 해본다",
"koreanText":"게임을 계속한다",
"englishUsText":"Matching the Rhythm",
"frenchText":"Coller au rythme",
"italianText":"Seguire il ritmo",
"germanText":"Dem Rhythmus anpassen",
"spanishText":"Seguir el ritmo",
"koreanText":"리듬을 맞추는 법",
"englishUsText":"Description of Controls",
"frenchText":"Description des commandes",
"italianText":"Descrizione dei comandi",
"germanText":"Die Steuerung",
"spanishText":"Descripción de controles",
"koreanText":"조작 설명",
"englishUsText":"Hitting Large Notes",
"frenchText":"Frapper les grosses notes",
"italianText":"Colpire note grosse",
"germanText":"Große Noten treffen",
"spanishText":"Acertar notas grandes",
"koreanText":"(대) 입력의 조작 설명",
"englishUsText":"Hitting Left and Right Notes",
"frenchText":"Frapper les notes g. et d.",
"italianText":"Colpire note a sx e dx",
"germanText":"Linke und rechte Noten treffen",
"spanishText":"Acertar notas izq. y der.",
"koreanText":"좌우 나눠 치기의 조작 설명",
"japaneseText":"赤ワクのボタン 面のどれかを入力\n「バチ持ち」のときはどちらかをふろう\n ",
"englishUsText":"Press any of the red-framed buttons or surfaces!\nIf you're using the Drumstick Grip,\nshake either one of the Joy-Con controllers.",
"frenchText":"Appuie sur un des boutons ou surfaces encadrés en rouge !\nSi tu utilises le support baguettes,\nsecoue l'un des Joy-Con.",
"italianText":"Premi qualsiasi pulsante o superficie\nrossi! Se usi l'impugnatura a bacchetta,\nscuoti uno dei due Joy-Con!",
"germanText":"Drücke einen der rot umrandeten Knöpfe oder eine\nder rot markierten Oberflächen! Falls du den Schlägelgriff\nverwendest, bewege einen der Joy-Con zum Takt!",
"spanishText":"¡Pulsa cualquier superficie o botón marcado en rojo!\nSi estás usando el Control de baqueta,\nagita un Joy-Con.",
"koreanText":"빨간 테두리의 버튼 또는 면을 입력\n「북채 잡기」일 때는 어느 한 쪽을 흔들자\n ",
"japaneseText":"赤ワクと青ワクのボタン 面のどれかを同時入力\n「バチ持ち」のときは両方同時にふろう\n ",
"englishUsText":"Press any of the blue-framed buttons or surfaces!\nIf you're using the Drumstick Grip,\nshake both Joy-Con controllers.",
"frenchText":"Appuie sur un des boutons ou surfaces encadrés en bleu\net en rouge ensemble ! Si tu utilises le support\nbaguettes, secoue les deux Joy-Con.",
"italianText":"Usa i comandi blu e rossi nello stesso momento! Se\nusi i comandi di movimento, scuoti entrambi i Joy-Con!",
"germanText":"Betätige gleichzeitig jeweils eine der rot und blau\nmarkierten Eingabemöglichkeiten! Falls du den\nSchlägelgriff verwendest, bewege beide Joy-Con im Takt!",
"spanishText":"¡Pulsa una opción en azul y otra en rojo a la vez!\nSi estás usando el Control de baqueta,\nagita ambos Joy-Con.",
"koreanText":"빨간 테두리와 파란 테두리의 버튼 또는 면을 동시 입력\n「북채 잡기」일 때는 양쪽을 동시에 흔들자\n ",
"japaneseText":"赤ワクのボタン 面のどれかを入力!\n「バチ持ち」のときは右側をふろう\n ",
"englishUsText":"Press any of the red-framed buttons or surfaces!\nIf you're using the Drumstick Grip, shake the\nright-side Joy-Con.",
"frenchText":"Appuie sur un des boutons ou surfaces encadrés en rouge !\nSi tu utilises le support baguettes,\nsecoue le Joy-Con droit.",
"italianText":"Premi qualsiasi pulsante o superficie\nrossi! Se usi l'impugnatura a bacchetta,\nscuoti il Joy-Con destro!",
"germanText":"Drücke einen der rot umrandeten Knöpfe oder eine\nder rot markierten Oberflächen! Falls du den Schlägelgriff\nverwendest, bewege den rechten Joy-Con zum Takt!",
"spanishText":"¡Pulsa cualquier superficie o botón marcado en rojo!\nSi estás usando el Control de baqueta,\nagita el Joy-Con derecho.",
"koreanText":"빨간 테두리의 버튼 또는 면을 입력!\n「북채 잡기」일 때는 오른쪽을 흔들자\n ",
"japaneseText":"青ワクのボタン 面のどれかを入力!\n「バチ持ち」のときは左側をふろう\n ",
"englishUsText":"Press any of the blue-framed buttons or surfaces!\nIf you're using the Drumstick Grip, shake the\nleft-side Joy-Con.",
"frenchText":"Appuie sur un des boutons ou surfaces encadrés en bleu !\nSi tu utilises le support baguettes,\nsecoue le Joy-Con gauche.",
"italianText":"Premi qualsiasi pulsante o superficie\nblu! Se usi l'impugnatura a bacchetta,\nscuoti il Joy-Con del lato blu!",
"germanText":"Drücke einen der blau umrandeten Knöpfe oder eine\nder blau markierten Oberflächen! Falls du den Schlägelgriff\nverwendest, bewege den linken Joy-Con zum Takt!",
"spanishText":"¡Pulsa cualquier superficie o botón marcado en azul!\nSi estás usando el Control de baqueta,\nagita el Joy-Con izquierdo.",
"koreanText":"파란 테두리의 버튼 또는 면을 입력!\n「북채 잡기」일 때는 왼쪽을 흔들자\n ",
"englishUsText":"Carry the Shrine!",
"frenchText":"Combat de temple",
"italianText":"Scontro tra altari",
"spanishText":"Batalla de altar",
"koreanText":"가마 배틀",
"japaneseText":"リズムに合わせて「おみこし」をかつごう!\n\n「おみこし」が光ったらゲキトツの合図!\nゲキトツ中は連打入力で相手チームをふき飛ばせ!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Listen to the rhythm and carry the shrine! When\nit glows, that's your cue to crash! Drum roll\nwhile crashing to send the other team flying!\n\n",
"frenchText":"Écoute le rythme et transporte le temple !\nLorsqu'il brille, c'est le bon moment ! Fais un\nroulement pour envoyer valser l'autre équipe !",
"italianText":"Trasporta il tempio tenendo il tempo! Quando\ns'illumina, ci si deve schiantare: esegui un\nrullo di tamburo per far volare l'altra squadra!",
"germanText":"Höre auf den Rhythmus und trag den Schrein! Wenn\ner leuchtet, wird's Zeit für den Crash! Ein\nTrommelwirbel schießt das andere Team ins Aus!",
"spanishText":"¡Escucha el ritmo y lleva el templo! ¡Cuando\nbrille, a chocar! ¡Haz un redoble mientras\nchocas para lanzar al otro equipo por los aires!",
"koreanText":"리듬에 맞춰서 「가마」를 메자!\n\n「가마」가 빛나면 부딪칠 거라는 신호!\n부딪칠 때는 연타 입력으로 상대팀을 날려버리자!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Lantern Eel Sushi",
"frenchText":"Sushi de l'anguille lanterne",
"italianText":"Sushi di anguilla lanterna",
"spanishText":"Sushi de anguila linterna",
"koreanText":"초롱 장어 초밥",
"japaneseText":"ちょうちんうなぎの「おすしのリズム」を覚えたら\nリズム通りに注文してお寿司をゲットしよう!\n\nイカスミでちょうちんうなぎの「おすしのリズム」が\n見えなくなることもあるから気をつけて!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Once you've learned the lantern eel's \"sushi\nrhythm\", order sushi to the rhythm! But watch\nout for the squid ink obstructing the rhythm!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Une fois le \"rythme sushi\" de l'anguille\nlanterne appris, essaie de commander des\nsushis de la même manière ! Fais attention\ncar l'encre de seiche t'empêche de voir !",
"italianText":"Impara il \"\"ritmo sushi\"\" dell'anguilla\nlanterna e ordina il sushi\ntenendo il ritmo! Fai attenzione al nero\ndi sepia che nasconde il ritmo.",
"germanText":"Lerne den Rhythmus des Laternen-Aals und halte \nihn, während du bei ihm Sushi bestellst! Nimm dich \ndabei vor den Tintenfischen in acht!",
"spanishText":"Cuando aprendas el \"ritmo sushi\" de la Anguila\nlinterna, mantén el ritmo para pedir sushi.\n¡Cuidado con la tinta de calamar que te impedirá seguirlo!\n",
"koreanText":"초롱 장어의 「초밥 리듬」을 기억하고,\n리듬에 맞게 주문해서 초밥을 받자!\n\n먹물로 초롱 장어의 「초밥 리듬」이\n보이지 않을 때도 있으니까 조심해!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Ninja Training",
"frenchText":"Entraînement ninja",
"italianText":"Allenamento ninja",
"spanishText":"Entrenamiento ninja",
"koreanText":"닌자 수행",
"englishUsText":"Ninja Training",
"frenchText":"Entraînement ninja",
"italianText":"Allenamento ninja",
"spanishText":"Entrenamiento ninja",
"koreanText":"닌자 수행",
"englishUsText":"Cut the branches and iron dumbbells that Dog\nWada tosses to you at just the right time!\n\n",
"frenchText":"Coupe les branches et les haltères que\nt'envoie Chien Wada pile au bon moment !",
"italianText":"Taglia al momento giusto i rami e i pesi\nche Wada Cane ti lancia addosso!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"germanText":"Zerteile im richtigen Moment die Zweige und\nEisenhanteln, die dir Hund Wada zuwirft!",
"spanishText":"¡Corta las ramas y las pesas de hierro que te\nlanza Perro Wada en el momento justo!",
"koreanText":"와다 이누가 「나뭇가지」나 「철 아령」을 던질 거야!\n\n리듬에 맞춰 타이밍 좋게 입력하자!\n\n \n \n \n \n",
"englishUsText":"When he tosses you an iron dumbbell,\nhit left and right together to cut it!\n",
"frenchText":"Lorsqu'il te lance un haltère, appuie rouge\net bleu en même temps pour le découper !",
"italianText":"Quando ti lancia dei pesi, usa i comadi\nrossi e blu allo stesso tempo per tagliarli!",
"germanText":"Kommt die Eisenhantel, betätige gleichzeitig \neine der linken und eine der rechten \nEingabemöglichkeiten, um sie zu zerteilen!",
"spanishText":"Cuando te lance una pesa de hierro, ¡toca\nsobre rojo y azul a la vez para detenerla!",
"koreanText":"「철 아령」은 좌우를 동시에 눌러!\n\n조심해야 해!\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Nagisa’s Beach Ball",
"frenchText":"Beach-volley de Nagisa",
"italianText":"Beach volley",
"spanishText":"Pelota de playa de Nagisa",
"koreanText":"물가의 비치볼",
"englishUsText":"Nagisa’s Beach Ball",
"frenchText":"Beach-volley de Nagisa",
"italianText":"Beach volley",
"spanishText":"Pelota de playa de Nagisa",
"koreanText":"물가의 비치볼",
"japaneseText":"ビーチボールをリズムに合わせてタイミングよくトス!\nみんなでラリーをつなげていこう!\n\nどんちゃんたちがかまえたらトス!\nタイミングが合わせやすくなるぞ!\n \n全員のラリーがつながったら得点ゲット!\n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Toss the beach balls at the right time and keep\nthe rally going! Watch for DON-chan to get ready\nright before the ball comes in. That’s your cue!\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Lance les ballons de volley au bon moment !\nTon perso. se préparera juste avant que la balle\nn'arrive, c'est le timing auquel tu dois penser.",
"italianText":"Lancia le palle col giusto tempismo per far\nproseguire il rally! Osserva il tuo personaggio,\nsi preparerà poco prima dell'arrivo della palla!",
"germanText":"Wirf Strandbälle im Takt, und halte die Zusammen-\nkunft am Laufen! Jeder macht sich bereit, bevor \nder Ball bei ihm ankommt. Da ist dein Einsatz!",
"spanishText":"¡Lanza la pelota en el momento justo y que siga \nel juego! Procura que tu personaje esté listo\nantes de que llegue la pelota. ¡Es la señal!",
"koreanText":"비치볼을 리듬에 맞춰 좋은 타이밍에 토스!\n다 함께 랠리를 이어가자!\n\n동이와 캐릭터들이 자세를 잡으면 토스!\n타이밍을 맞추기 쉬울 거야!\n \n모두 랠리가 이어지면 득점!\n \n ",
"japaneseText":"ボールの数は変わっていくので注意してね!\n\nまどわされないようにボールの流れをつかもう!\n \n \n \n\n\n ",
"englishUsText":"The balls will change in number, so stay alert!\nJust keep the rhythm and you'll be fine!\n",
"frenchText":"Les balles peuvent varier en nombre,\nalors reste concentré !\nGarde le rythme et tout ira bien !",
"italianText":"Il numero delle palle cambierà, quindi occhio!\nMantieni il ritmo e andrà tutto bene.",
"germanText":"Die Zahl der Bälle ändert sich, also pass auf!\nBleib einfach im Takt und alles wird gut.",
"spanishText":"El número de pelotas cambiará.\n¡Sigue el ritmo y todo irá bien!",
"koreanText":"공의 갯수는 변하니까 주의해줘!\n\n헷갈리지 않도록 공의 흐름을 알아내자!\n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Long Jump Rope",
"frenchText":"Long saut à la corde",
"italianText":"Corda lunga",
"germanText":"Langes Springseil",
"spanishText":"Comba larga",
"koreanText":"줄줄 넘기",
"englishUsText":"Long Jump Rope",
"frenchText":"Long saut à la corde",
"italianText":"Corda lunga",
"germanText":"Langes Springseil",
"spanishText":"Comba larga",
"koreanText":"줄줄 넘기",
"japaneseText":"リズムに合わせてタイミングよく\nながなわをジャンプしよう!\n\nながなわが風を切る音に合わせると\nうまくジャンプができるよ!\n\n全員成功で得点ゲット!\n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Jump right when the rope touches the ground!\nIt’s easier if you keep time with\nthe rope swish!\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Saute pile au moment où la corde touche le sol !\nC'est plus facile si tu gardes le rythme\navec le bruit de la corde !",
"italianText":"Salta a destra quando la corda tocca per terra!\nIncontrerai meno difficoltà tenendo\nil tempo con il rumore della corda!\n\n\n\n\n",
"germanText":"Spring, wenn das Seil den Boden berührt!\nEs ist leichter, wenn du dich am\nGeräusch des Seils orientierst!",
"spanishText":"¡Salta cuando la cuerda toque el suelo!\n¡Es más fácil si mantienes el compás\ncon el movimiento de la cuerda!",
"koreanText":"리듬에 맞춰 좋은 타이밍에\n점프해서 줄을 넘자!\n\n줄이 바람을 가르는 소리에 맞추면\n잘 넘을 수 있어!\n \n모두가 성공하면 득점!\n \n ",
"japaneseText":"ホイッスルの音が鳴ったら、\n3回連続でジャンプしてね!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Jump three times in a row when you\nhear the whistle!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Saute trois fois d'affilée\nlorsque tu entends le sifflet !",
"italianText":"Quando senti il fischio,\nsalta tre volte di seguito!",
"germanText":"Hörst du die Pfeife, spring drei\nMal hintereinander!",
"spanishText":"¡Salta tres veces seguidas al oír el silbato!",
"koreanText":"호루라기 소리가 들리면\n3번 연속으로 점프하자!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Daruma Knockdown",
"frenchText":"KO de Daruma",
"italianText":"Daruma KO",
"spanishText":"Derribo de darumas",
"koreanText":"다루마 빼내기",
"englishUsText":"Daruma Knockdown",
"frenchText":"KO de Daruma",
"italianText":"Daruma KO",
"spanishText":"Derribo de darumas",
"koreanText":"다루마 빼내기",
"japaneseText":"リズムに合わせて自分と同じ色のだるまをたたこう!\n\nハンマーをふりかぶったタイミングで\n入力するとだるまをふき飛ばせるよ! \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Press the button right when the hammer goes up\nto send a Daruma flying! Hit the one with the\nsame color as you in time with the rhythm!\n\n",
"frenchText":"Appuie pile lorsque le marteau va vers\nle haut pour propulser le Daruma !\nFrappe ceux correspondant à ta couleur !",
"italianText":"Fai volare il daruma premendo proprio \nquando il martello sale in alto! Colpisci\nil daruma del tuo colore seguendo il ritmo!",
"germanText":"Reagiere genau dann, wenn der Hammer sich nach oben \nbewegt, um den Daruma in die Luft zu schleudern! \nSchlage im Takt den mit der dir zugeordneten Farbe!",
"spanishText":"¡Pulsa cuando el martillo suba para lanzar al \ndaruma por los aires! ¡Golpea al que sea de tu \nmismo color siguiendo el ritmo!",
"koreanText":"리듬에 맞춰서 자신과 같은 색의 다루마를 두드리자!\n\n망치를 치켜드는 타이밍에\n입력하면 다루마를 빼낼 수 있어!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"大きいだるまが出てきたら\n2人で同時にたたこう!\n\n  \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Sometimes a big Daruma will show up, so be ready\nto work together to send it flying!\n\n",
"frenchText":"Parfois un gros Daruma apparaîtra,\nalors préparez-vous bien pour\nl'envoyer voler dans les airs !",
"italianText":"A volte potrebbe apparire un grande daruma.\nSiate pronti a far gioco di squadra\nper farlo volare!",
"germanText":"Manchmal erscheint ein großer Daruma, den ihr\nam besten zusammen in die Luft schleudert!",
"spanishText":"Puede aparecer un gran daruma.\n¡Colaborad para lanzarlo por los aires!",
"koreanText":"큰 다루마가 나오면\n둘이서 동시에 두드리자!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"frenchText":"Pêche de poisson rouge",
"italianText":"Pesca del pesciolino",
"spanishText":"Pesca de pececillos",
"koreanText":"금붕어 건지기",
"frenchText":"Pêche de poisson rouge",
"italianText":"Pesca del pesciolino",
"spanishText":"Pesca de pececillos",
"koreanText":"금붕어 건지기",
"japaneseText":"金魚が目の前に来たタイミングで\nリズムよく入力すると金魚をゲットできるよ!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Press the button when the goldfish is right\nin front of you to scoop it up!\n\n",
"frenchText":"Appuie quand le poisson rouge\nest pile devant toi pour le pêcher !",
"italianText":"Premi quando il pesciolino si\ntrova davanti a te per pescarlo!",
"germanText":"Reagiere dann, wenn der Goldfisch genau\nvor dir ist, um ihn zu fangen!",
"spanishText":"¡Pulsa cuando el pececillo rojo esté\ndelante de ti para pescarlo!",
"koreanText":"금붕어가 눈앞에 온 타이밍에\n리듬에 맞춰 입력하면 금붕어를 건질 수 있어!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"金魚がおよぐ「ポチャ」という音をよく聞くと\nタイミングを合わせやすいよ!\n\n赤い金魚は速く、青い金魚はゆっくり来るよ!\nリズムを覚えてどんどんゲットしよう!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Listen to their splashes to figure out the\ntiming! Red goldfish swim quickly, and black\nones swim slowly, so learn their rhythms!",
"frenchText":"Écoute leurs éclaboussures pour comprendre\nle timing ! Les rouges nagent vite et les noirs\nlentement, alors apprends leurs rythmes !",
"italianText":"Ascolta il rumore del tonfo in acqua\nper regolare il tuo tempismo! I pesci rossi\nnuotano più rapidamente, quelli neri più lentamente.",
"germanText":"Orientiere dich an ihrem Platschen, um ihr\nTiming zu verstehen! Rote Goldfische schwimmen schneller, schwarze\nlangsamer, also merke dir den Rhythmus!",
"spanishText":"¡Escucha cuando salpiquen para averiguar\nel momento justo! Los pececillos rojos nadan rápido. Los negros\nvan despacio. ¡Aprende sus ritmos!",
"koreanText":"금붕어가 헤엄치는 「첨벙」 소리를 잘 들으면\n타이밍을 맞추기 쉬워!\n\n빨간 금붕어는 빨리, 파란 금붕어는 천천히 와!\n리듬을 기억해서 팍팍 건져내자!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Flag-Raising Contest",
"frenchText":"Lever de drapeau",
"italianText":"Gara dell'alzabandiera",
"spanishText":"Concurso de izar banderas",
"koreanText":"따라쟁이 깃발들고싶대",
"englishUsText":"Flag-Raising Contest",
"frenchText":"Lever de drapeau",
"italianText":"Gara dell'alzabandiera",
"spanishText":"Concurso de izar banderas",
"koreanText":"따라쟁이 깃발들고싶대",
"japaneseText":"ネコと杓子のハタアゲの動きを覚えて\nホイッスルの音が鳴ったら覚えたとおりに\n赤と白のハタをアゲていこう!\n\n赤いハタは右側の入力でアゲるよ!\n\n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Copy Cat and Shaxy's flag-raising rhythm!\n\nOnce you hear the whistle blow, raise the flags!\nUse the right-side input for the red flag!\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Imite le rythme de lever de\ndrapeau de Chat et Shaxy !\nQuand le sifflet retentit, lève les drapeaux !\nAppuie du côté rouge pour le drapeau rouge !",
"italianText":"Imita il ritmo dell'alzabandiera di\nNeko e Shaxy!\n\nQuando senti il fischio, issa la bandiera!\nUsa i comandi rossi per la bandiera rossa!\n",
"germanText":"Lerne Katzes und Shaxys Flaggenhiss-Rhythmus!\nKommt der Pfiff, hisse deine Flagge genauso wie \nsie! Rechte Eingabemöglichkeiten hissen rot!",
"spanishText":"¡Imita el ritmo de Cat y Shaxy al izar banderas!\n\nCuando oigas el pitido, iza las banderas. Usa \nlas opciones en rojo para la bandera roja.\n",
"koreanText":"고양이와 주걱이 깃발을 올리는 움직임을 기억했다가\n호루라기 소리가 나면 기억한 대로\n빨간 깃발과 하얀 깃발을 들자!\n\n빨간 깃발은 오른쪽 입력으로 들어!\n\n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"白いハタは左側の入力でアゲるよ!\n\nネコと杓子が後ろを向いたら注意!\nハタの色をしっかり見てね!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Use the left-side input for the white flag!\n\nWatch out for when Cat and Shaxy turn their\nbacks, and pay attention to the flag colors!\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Appuie du côté bleu pour le drapeau blanc !\nFais attention quand Chat et Shaxy tournent\nle dos et observe bien la couleur du drapeau !",
"italianText":"Usa i comandi blu per la bandiera bianca!\n\nFai attenzione a quando Neko e Shaxy\nti voltano le spalle e al colore della bandiera!",
"germanText":"Linke Eingabemöglichkeiten hissen weiß! Pass\nauf, wenn Katze und Shaxy sich umdrehen, und \nachte dabei auf die Flaggenfarbe!",
"spanishText":"Usa las opciones en azul para la blanca.\n\nCuidado cuando Cat y Shaxy se den la vuelta. \n¡Presta atención al color de las banderas!",
"koreanText":"하얀 깃발은 왼쪽 입력으로 들어!\n\n고양이와 주걱이 뒤를 돌면 주의!\n깃발 색을 잘 봐!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"DON KA Obon Dance",
"frenchText":"Danse Obon DON ET KA",
"italianText":"Danza obon di DON e KA",
"spanishText":"Danza Obon de DON y KA.",
"koreanText":"다 함께 백중맞이춤",
"englishUsText":"DON KA Obon Dance",
"frenchText":"Danse Obon DON ET KA",
"italianText":"Danza obon di DON e KA",
"spanishText":"Danza Obon de DON y KA.",
"koreanText":"다 함께 백중맞이춤",
"japaneseText":"リズムに合わせて入力して、\n前へ後ろへ楽しくおどっちゃおう!\n\n左に回るときはドン・ドン・ドン・ドン!\n右に回るときはドン・休み・ドン・休み!\n \n全員成功で得点ゲット!\n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Dance back and forth in time with the rhythm!\nHit four Dons to turn left,\nand go Don-stop-Don-stop to turn right!\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Danse en rythme d'avant en arrière !\nFais Don-Don-Don-Don en sens anti-horaire,\net fais Don-stop-Don-stop en sens horaire !",
"italianText":"Danza andando avanti e indietro seguendo il\nritmo! Suona quattro Don in senso antiorario\ne fai Don-stop-Don-stop in senso orario!",
"germanText":"Tanze im Takt vor und zurück! Triff vier kurze \nDons für eine Drehung nach links und mach \nDon-stop-Don-stop für eine Drehung nach rechts!",
"spanishText":"¡Baila adelante y atrás siguiendo el ritmo!\n¡Toca Don-alto-Don-alto para ir en el sentido de\nlas agujas y 4 Don para ir en sentido contrario!",
"chineseTText":"配合節奏輸入,向前向後愉快地跳舞吧!\n\n向左轉時為咚、咚、咚、咚!\n向右轉時為咚~、咚 ~!\n\n全體成功即可得分!",
"koreanText":"리듬에 맞게 입력해서\n앞으로 뒤로 즐겁게 춤추자!\n\n왼쪽으로 돌 때는 쿵, 쿵, 쿵, 쿵!\n오른쪽으로 돌 때는 쿵, 쉬고, 쿵, 쉬고!\n \n모두가 성공하면 득점!\n \n ",
"japaneseText":"回る方向が変わるときは「カカカッカッ」と鳴るから\n聞きのがさないように注意!\n\n2種類のリズムをたたきわけて\n輪になってもりあがれ! \n \n\n \n ",
"englishUsText":"\"K-K-Ka-Ka\" plays to mark direction changes,\nso keep your ears peeled! Use both rhythm\ntypes correctly to keep the dance going!\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"\"K-K-Ka-Ka\" indique les changements de\ndirection, alors écoute bien ! Reproduis\nles deux rythmes autant de fois qu'il\nle faut pour continuer à danser !",
"italianText":"Il cambio di direzione è indicato dal suono\n\"K-K-Ka-Ka\", orecchie aperte quindi! Riproduci\ni due diversi ritmi per far proseguire la danza!",
"germanText":"Nutze beide Rhythmen richtig, um den Tanz am \nLaufen zu halten! \"K-K-Ka-Ka\" signalisiert den \nRichtungswechsel, also halte die Ohren offen! ",
"spanishText":"¡\"K-K-Ka-Ka\" indica los cambios de dirección,\nasí que escucha atentamente! ¡Sigue ambos tipos\nde ritmo correctamente para seguir bailando!",
"koreanText":"도는 방향이 바뀔 때는 북을 연타하는 소리가 나니까\n소리를 놓치지 않도록 주의해!\n\n2종류의 리듬을 구별해서\n둥글게 서서 신나게 춤추자!\n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"ホームランバッター ",
"englishUsText":"Batting Center",
"frenchText":"Coup de batte",
"italianText":"Area di battuta",
"germanText":"Im Rhythmus der Bälle",
"spanishText":"Centro de combate",
"koreanText":"홈런 타자",
"japaneseText":"ホームランバッター ",
"englishUsText":"Batting Center",
"frenchText":"Coup de batte",
"italianText":"Area di battuta",
"germanText":"Im Rhythmus der Bälle",
"spanishText":"Centro de combate",
"koreanText":"홈런 타자",
"japaneseText":"ボールが来るタイミングで\nリズムに合わせてバットをふろう!\n\nストレートはまっすぐのはやい球!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"When the ball comes,\nswing your bat in time with the rhythm!\n\nFastballs come in straight and quick!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Lorsque la balle arrive, donne\ndes coups de batte en rythme !\nLes balles rapides arrivent tout droit !",
"italianText":"Quando arriva la pallina, colpiscila con la \nmazza seguendo il ritmo!\n\nI lanci veloci arrivano dritti e rapidi!",
"germanText":"Wenn der Ball kommt, schwing deinen Schläger im \nTakt! \nFastbälle fliegen unberechenbar schnell! ",
"spanishText":"¡Golpea con el bate siguiendo el ritmo\ncuando se acerque la bola!\nLas bolas rápidas vienen con rapidez y \nen línea recta.",
"koreanText":"공이 날아오는 타이밍에\n리듬에 맞춰 방망이를 휘두르자!\n\n직구는 똑바로 빨리 날아오는 공!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"分身魔球はおそい球!\n火の玉ストレートはすごくはやい球だ!\n\nタイミングに気をつけて!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Curveballs clone themselves and come in slowly,\nand fire fastballs come in really fast!\nWatch the ball and aim for a home run!\n\n",
"frenchText":"Les balles courbes se multiplient en arrivant\ndoucement et les balles rapides enflammées\nvont très vite ! Vise pour faire un home run !",
"italianText":"I lanci lenti si clonano e arrivano lentamente,\nmentre quelli veloci arrivano dritti e rapidi!\nSegui la pallina e punta a fare un fuori campo!",
"germanText":"Curveballs klonen sich und fliegen langsam, \naber Fastballs fliegen direkt und schnell!\nFokussiere den Ball und lande einen Homerun!",
"spanishText":"¡Las bolas curvas se clonan y llegan lentamente\ny las bolas de fuego llegan muy rápido!\n¡Observa la bola y consigue un home run!",
"koreanText":"분신 마구는 느린 공!\n불꽃 직구는 무지 빠른 공이야!\n\n타이밍에 주의해!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Stretchy Mochi Pounding",
"frenchText":"Préparation du mochi",
"italianText":"Pesta il mochi",
"germanText":"Schlag den Mochi",
"spanishText":"Machacando mochis elásticos",
"koreanText":"쭉쭉 방아 찧기",
"japaneseText":"どんちゃんがふりかぶったタイミングで\nモチをついていこう!\n\n2人交代でモチをついていくよ!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Match your mallet to DON-chan's movements\nand pound the mochi at the right time!\n\nTake turns pounding it together as a team!\n",
"frenchText":"Synchronise tes coups de maillet avec\nles mouvements du personnage et\nécrase le mochi tour à tour en rythme !",
"italianText":"Colpisci col martello tenendo il tempo dei\nmovimenti del personaggio per pestare il mochi!\n\nSiete una squadra, quindi colpite a turno!",
"germanText":"Passe den Schlägel an deine Bewegungen\nan und schlag den Mochi im richtigen Moment!\nLöst euch ab und schlagt ihn in Teamarbeit!",
"spanishText":"¡Sincroniza tu mazo con los movimientos de\ntu personaje y aporrea al mochi en el momento\npreciso!\n¡Sois un equipo, así que dad golpes por turnos!\n",
"koreanText":"동이가 휘두르는 타이밍에 맞춰\n떡방아를 찧자!\n\n둘이서 교대로 방아를 찧을 거야!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"frenchText":"Feux d'artifice",
"italianText":"Fuochi d'artificio",
"spanishText":"Fuegos artificiales",
"koreanText":"불꽃 쏘아올리기",
"japaneseText":"リズムに合わせて夜空に花火を打ち上げよう!\n\n花火玉がつつに入った数をよく見て\n同じ数だけリズムよく入力しよう!\n \n \n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Hit the switch in time with the rhythm to launch\nfireworks into the night sky! Pay attention to\nhow many fireworks are in the container!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Active l'interrupteur bien en rythme pour\nlancer les feux d'artifice dans le ciel étoilé !\nSois attentif au nombre de mortiers chargés !",
"italianText":"Colpisci l'interruttore seguendo il ritmo\nper illuminare il cielo notturno con\ni fuochi d'artificio! Fai attenzione a quanti \nfuochi d'artificio ci sono nel contenitore.",
"germanText":"Drück den Auslöser im Takt, um ein Feuerwerk\nin den Nachthimmel zu schießen! Achte auf die \nAnzahl an Feuerwerkskörpern in den Röhren!",
"spanishText":"¡Toca la palanca siguiendo el ritmo para llenar\nde fuegos artificiales el cielo! Atención con el\nnúmero de artefactos en los recipientes.",
"koreanText":"리듬에 맞춰 밤하늘에 불꽃을 쏘아 올리자!\n\n발사대에 들어간 불꽃 폭죽의 수를 잘 보고\n같은 수만큼 리듬에 맞춰 입력하자!\n \n \n \n \n",
"japaneseText":"ひよこの動きを覚えてお手本通りにおどろう!\n\nイカがつづみをたたいたら入力の合図だよ!\n \n\n\n \n\n ",
"englishUsText":"Watch how the chick dances and copy it!\n\nWhen the squid hits the drum, that's your cue!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Observe le poussin danser et imite-le !\nC'est à toi quand les calamars\ndonnent un coup de tambour !\n",
"italianText":"Osserva i movimenti della gallina e imitali!\n\nI colpi di tamburo del calamaro sono il tuo \nsegnale!",
"germanText":"Schau wie das Küken tanzt und mach es ihm nach!\nWenn die Tintenfische auf die Trommel schlagen,\nist das dein Zeichen!",
"spanishText":"¡Observa los movimientos del pollo e imítalos!\nLos golpes de tambor del calamar indican que es\ntu turno.",
"koreanText":"병아리의 움직임을 기억해서 시범대로 춤추자!\n\n오징어가 북을 치면, 입력하라는 신호야!\n\n \n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"ジャンプの動きは着地のタイミングで同時入力!\n両手に花をさかせよう!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"When the chick jumps, hit left and right\ntogether when it lands!\nMake sure it has flowers in both hands!\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Lorsqu'il faut sauter, appuie rouge et\nbleu ensemble au moment d'atterrir\net des fleurs apparaîtront !",
"italianText":"Quando la gallina salta, usa i comadi rossi e\nblu insieme nel momento in cui atterra!\nDeve avere dei fiori in entrambe le mani!",
"germanText":"Sobald aus dem Sprung zur Landung angesetzt \nwird, betätige gleichzeitig die linke und rechte \nEingabeoption. Machst du es gut, gibt es Blumen!",
"spanishText":"¡Si el pollo salta, toca sobre rojo y azul\na la vez cuando toque el suelo y aparecerán\nflores!",
"koreanText":"점프하는 움직임은 착지 타이밍에 동시 입력하면 돼!\n양손에 꽃을 피우자!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Noodle Bowls",
"frenchText":"Bols de nouilles",
"italianText":"Ciotole di noodle",
"spanishText":"Bol de fideos",
"koreanText":"척척 한입 소바",
"englishUsText":"Noodle Bowls",
"frenchText":"Bols de nouilles",
"italianText":"Ciotole di noodle",
"spanishText":"Bol de fideos",
"koreanText":"척척 한입 소바",
"japaneseText":"おわんにおそばが入ったリズムに合わせて\nズルズル食べていこう!\n\nおそば1玉入ると1回入力!\n2玉入ると2回連続で入力!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Keep the rhythm and slurp the noodles right as\nthey go in the bowls! Make sure to slurp the\nsame number of times as there are noodle bowls!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Garde le rythme et avale les nouilles\npile quand elles arrivent dans ton bol !\nAssure-toi d'avaler autant de fois\nqu'il y a de bols de nouilles servis !",
"italianText":"Segui il ritmo risucchiando i noodle\nproprio quando vengono versati\nnelle ciotole! Ricorda di risucchiare i noodle\ntante volte quante sono le ciotole!",
"germanText":"Bleib im Takt und schlürfe die Nudeln,\nwenn sie in die Schalen kommen! Schlürfe auch so \noft wie da Nudelschalen serviert werden!",
"spanishText":"¡Sigue el ritmo y sorbe los fideos\na medida que caen en los boles! \nSorbe tantas veces como boles haya.",
"koreanText":"그릇에 소바가 들어간 타이밍에 맞춰서\n후루룩 먹자!\n\n소바 사리 1개가 들어가면 1번 입력!\n2개가 들어가면 2번 연속 입력!\n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"ラーメンが出て来たらフーフーフーズルッ!\n4回連続で入力しよう!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"If you get ramen instead,\nbe sure to blow on it four times first!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Si tu as des ramen, n'oublie pas\nde souffler quatre fois dessus d'abord !",
"italianText":"Se invece ti arriva una ciotola di ramen,\nsoffiaci sopra quattro volte.",
"germanText":"Bekommst du stattdessen Ramen serviert, vergiss\nnicht, als erstes viermal kräftig draufzupusten.",
"spanishText":"Si, por el contrario, te sirven ramen, \nsopla primero cuatro veces.",
"koreanText":"라면이 나오면 후~후~후~ 후루룩!\n4번 연속으로 입력하자!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Cake Tower",
"frenchText":"Tour gâteau",
"italianText":"Torre di tortini",
"spanishText":"Torre de tarta",
"koreanText":"스위트 마운틴",
"japaneseText":"チームでリズムに合わせて\nケーキタワーを登っていこう!\n\nだんだんと登るスピードが速くなっていくから注意!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Climb the cake tower while keeping\nthe rhythm in your team! But watch out,\nbecause the pace picks up the higher you climb!\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Escalade la tour gâteau tout en gardant\nle rythme avec ton équipe ! Fais attention,\ncar le rythme s'accélère au fil de la montée !",
"italianText":"Arrampicati sulla torre di tortini\nmantenendo il ritmo della tua\nsquadra! Ma fai attenzione: il ritmo\naumenta mano a mano che sali.",
"germanText":"Klettere auf den Tortenturm, während du mit \ndeinem Team im Takt bleibst! Pass aber auf, weil\ndie Geschwindigkeit mit der Kletterhöhe zunimmt!",
"spanishText":"¡Escala la torre de tarta sin perder\nel ritmo de tu equipo! Pero cuidado:\nel ritmo aumenta a medida que asciendes.",
"koreanText":"팀으로 리듬에 맞춰\n케이크 타워를 올라가자!\n\n올라가는 속도가 점점 빨라지니까 조심해!\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Red Light Green Light",
"frenchText":"Un deux trois soleil",
"italianText":"Un, due, tre, stella!",
"germanText":"Ochs am Berg",
"spanishText":"Escondite inglés",
"koreanText":"나마하게 꽃이 피었습니다",
"japaneseText":"「なまはげ」が「た・い・こ・の・た・つ・じ・ん」と\n言ってる間に連打で前に進もう!\n\n「なまはげ」にタッチできたら成功!\nこっちを向いているときは動いちゃダメだよ!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Use drumrolls to move forward while Namahage is\nsaying \"Taiko no Tatsujin\", but don't move when\nhe's looking this way! Touch him to win!\n",
"frenchText":"Fais des roulements de tambour pour avancer\npendant que Namahage dit \"Taiko no Tatsujin\",\nmais reste immobile lorsqu'il se retourne !\nTouche-le avant les autres pour gagner !",
"italianText":"Per avanzare, esegui un rullo di tamburo mentre\nNamahage dice \"Taiko no Tatsujin\", ma non\nmuoverti quando si gira! Toccalo per vincere.",
"germanText":"Hüpfe vorwärts mit Trommelwirbeln, während \nNamahage \"Taiko no Tatsujin\" sagt, doch bleibe\nsofort stehen, sobald er sich umdreht! Erreiche\nihn vor den anderen, um zu gewinnen!",
"spanishText":"Haz redobles para avanzar mientras Namahage\ndice \"Taiko no Tatsujin\". ¡Para cuando se dé\nla vuelta! Tócalo para ganar.\n",
"koreanText":"「나마하게」가 「ta・i・ko・no・ta・tsu・ji・n」이라고\n말하는 동안 연타 입력을 해서 앞으로 가자!\n\n「나마하게」를 터치하면 성공!\n이쪽을 보고 있을 때는 움직이면 안 돼!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Full-Bellied Runner",
"frenchText":"Coureur affamé",
"italianText":"Chi ha fame, salti!",
"germanText":"Voller Bauch",
"spanishText":"Corredor saciado",
"koreanText":"배부른 러너",
"japaneseText":"タイミングよくジャンプして、\n屋台の食べ物をゲットしよう!\n\nジャンプするかどうかは、\n食べ物の高さをしっかり見てね!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Jump at the right time to get food from the food\nstall! Be sure to look at how high up the item\nis before deciding whether to jump!\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Saute au bon moment pour prendre la nourriture !\nRegarde bien à quelle hauteur elle se trouve\navant de décider si tu dois sauter ou non !",
"italianText":"Salta al momento giusto per ottenere\nil cibo dalla bancarella! Fai attenzione\nall'altezza dell'oggetto prima di saltare!",
"germanText":"Spring im richtigen Moment, um Essen vom Imbiss-\nstand zu erhalten! Schau wie hoch es hängt, bevor \ndu entscheidest, ob ein Sprung nötig ist.",
"spanishText":"¡Salta en el momento justo para coger comida\ndel puesto! Mira bien la altura del objeto antes\nde saltar.\n",
"koreanText":"타이밍에 맞게 점프해서\n노점의 음식을 먹자!\n\n점프할지 말지는\n음식의 높이를 잘 보고 결정하자!\n \n \n \n ",
"italianText":"Gioco della campana",
"italianText":"Gioco della campana",
"japaneseText":"リズムに合わせてジャンプして\nケンケンパをしよう!\n \nわっかが1つのときは赤ワクのどれかを入力しよう!\n\n \n \n\n\n ",
"englishUsText":"Hop, skip, and jump in time with the rhythm!\nIf there's only one hoop,\nhit any of the red frames!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Saute et bondis en rythme !\nS'il n'y a qu'un seul cerceau, appuie sur\nn'importe quelle zone encadrée en rouge !",
"italianText":"Saltella, schiva e salta seguendo il ritmo!\nQuando c'è solo un cerchio, usa i comandi\nrossi!",
"germanText":"Hops, hüpf und spring im Takt! Wenn \nes nur einen Reifen gibt, betätige eine \nder rot markierten Eingabemöglichkeiten!",
"spanishText":"¡Salta a la pata coja y avanza con el ritmo!\nSi solo hay un aro, toca cualquier opción\nmarcada en rojo.",
"koreanText":"리듬에 맞춰 점프해서\n사방치기를 하자!\n \n발판이 1개일 때는\n빨간 테두리로 표시된 것 중 아무거나 입력하자! \n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"わっかが2つのときは同時入力だよ!\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"If there are two hoops,\nhit left and right together!\n\n",
"frenchText":"S'il y a deux cerceaux, appuie\nrouge et bleu ensemble !",
"italianText":"Quando ci sono due cerchi, usa i comadi\nrossi e blu allo stesso tempo!",
"germanText":"Wenn es zwei Reifen gibt, betätige gleichzeitig \neine der linken und rechten Eingabemöglichkeiten!",
"spanishText":"¡Si hay dos aros,\ntoca sobre azul y rojo a la vez!",
"koreanText":"발판이 두 개 있을 때는 좌우를 동시에 입력!\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n ",
"italianText":"L'ape e il nettare",
"germanText":"Fleißiges Bienchen",
"koreanText":"벌꿀 대작전",
"japaneseText":"花が開くタイミングをみきわめて\nミツをゲットしよう!\n\n大きく花が開いたらチャンス!\n音楽をよく聞いていればゲットしやすいよ!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Wait for the flower to bloom, then go for the\nnectar! When the flower blooms big, that’s your\nchance! Don't forget to listen to the music!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Attends que la fleur éclose, puis va chercher\nle nectar quand elle est grande ouverte !\nReste attentif à la musique !",
"italianText":"Aspetta che il fiore sbocci, quindi cerca di\nsucchiare il nettare al momento giusto! Quando\nil fiore diventa grande, è il momento giusto!\nNon dimenticarti di ascoltare la musica.",
"germanText":"Warte, bis die Blume blüht und am weitesten \ngeöffnet ist, um dir den Nektar zu holen! \nVergiss dabei nicht, auf die Musik zu achten!",
"spanishText":"¡Espera a que la flor se abra al máximo y ve a \npor el néctar! No te olvides de escuchar la \nmúsica.",
"koreanText":"꽃이 피는 타이밍을 알아내서\n꿀을 얻자!\n\n꽃이 크게 피면 찬스!\n음악을 잘 들으면 얻기 쉬워!\n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Coro Dragon’s Iron Griddle",
"frenchText":"Grill du dragon Coro",
"italianText":"Grigliata col drago di Coro",
"germanText":"Grillmeister Coro",
"spanishText":"La parrilla del dragón Coro",
"koreanText":"코로 드래곤의 숯불구이점",
"englishUsText":"Coro Dragon’s Iron Griddle",
"frenchText":"Grill du dragon Coro",
"italianText":"Grigliata col drago di Coro",
"germanText":"Grillmeister Coro",
"spanishText":"La parrilla del dragón Coro",
"koreanText":"코로 드래곤의 숯불구이점",
"japaneseText":"アミの上に置かれた食べ物をリズムに合わせて\nコロドラゴンのほのおで焼いていこう!\n\nコロコロコミックをもやすと、\n全ての食べ物がきえちゃうから\n気をつけてね!\n \n \n\n ",
"englishUsText":"Cook the food on the grill with Coro Dragon’s\nflames! Once the food is all lined up, make sure\nto match the number of flames to the food!\n",
"frenchText":"Cuis la nourriture du grill avec les flammes\ndu dragon Coro ! Une fois la nourriture alignée,\nassure-toi d'avoir le même nombre de flammes !",
"italianText":"Cuoci il cibo sulla griglia usando le fiammate\ndel drago di Coro! Una volta allineato il cibo,\nlancia un numero corrispondente di fiammate!",
"germanText":"Bereite mit den Flammen des Drachen Coro das \nEssen auf dem Grill zu! Sobald das Essen aufgereiht ist, \nverwende die entsprechende Anzahl an Flammen!",
"spanishText":"¡Cocina la comida de la parrilla con las llamas\ndel dragón Coro! ¡Cuando la comida esté alineada,\nhaz coincidir el número de llamas con los alimentos!",
"koreanText":"석쇠 위에 올라간 음식을 리듬에 맞춰서\n코로 드래곤의 불꽃으로 굽자!\n\n코로코로 코믹을 태우면\n음식이 전부 타버리니까\n조심하자!\n \n \n \n ",
"japaneseText":"最後はみんなでマグロを焼くよ!\n連打入力でこんがり焼いちゃおう!\n\n\n\n\n\n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Finish up by cooking a tuna! Use drumrolls to\nroast it till it’s just right! Be careful not to\ncook a Coro Coro Comic, or the food will burn!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Termine en faisant cuire un thon ! Utilise les\nr. de tambour pour le rôtir ! Ne cuis pas un\nCoro Coro Comic, ou la nourriture sera brûlée !",
"italianText":"Termina cucinando il tonno! Usa i rulli\ndi tamburo per arrostirlo a puntino!\nNon bruciare i fumetti Coro Coro però,\naltrimenti brucerai anche il tonno!",
"germanText":"Grille zum Schluss einen Thunfisch! Trommelwirbel\nhelfen, ihn gut durchzubraten! Erwische dabei aber\nkeinen Coro Coro Comic, sonst verkohlt das Essen!",
"spanishText":"¡Termina cocinando un atún! ¡Usa los redobles\npara dejarlo en su punto! ¡Procura no cocinar\nun cómic Coro Coro o la comida se quemará!",
"koreanText":"마지막에는 다 함께 참치를 구울 거야!\n연타 입력으로 노릇노릇 굽자!\n\n\n \n \n \n \n ",
"englishUsText":"Solo Horizontal Grip",
"frenchText":"Commandes boutons (multi.)",
"italianText":"Pulsanti (multigiocatore)",
"germanText":"Knopfsteuerung (Mehrspieler)",
"spanishText":"Control por botones (multi.)",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」 가로 잡기",
"englishUsText":"Drumstick Grip",
"frenchText":"Support baguettes",
"italianText":"Impugnatura a bacchetta",
"spanishText":"Control de baqueta",
"koreanText":"북채 잡기",
"englishUsText":"Dual-Controller Grip",
"frenchText":"Commandes boutons",
"germanText":"Knopf- und Tastensteuerung",
"spanishText":"Control por botones",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」 2개잡기",
"englishUsText":"Drum Controller",
"frenchText":"Contrôleur tambour",
"italianText":"Contr. tamburo",
"spanishText":"Mando tambor",
"koreanText":"북 컨트롤러",
"koreanText":"본 게임 시작",
"germanText":"Erneut versuchen",
"koreanText":"처음부터 다시 한다",
"englishUsText":"Back to Select Game",
"frenchText":"Retour au choix du jeu",
"italianText":"Torna a Sel. partita",
"germanText":"Zurück zur Spielwahl",
"spanishText":"Volver a Elegir partida",
"koreanText":"「게임 선택」으로 돌아간다",
"englishUsText":"Back to Select Mode",
"frenchText":"Retour au choix du mode",
"italianText":"Torna a Sel. modalità",
"germanText":"Zurück zur Moduswahl",
"spanishText":"Volver a Elegir modo",
"koreanText":"「모드 선택」으로 돌아간다",
"koreanText":"결과 발표",
"englishUsText":"Total Score",
"frenchText":"Score total",
"italianText":"Punteggio totale",
"spanishText":"Puntuación total",
"koreanText":"합계 스코어",
"frenchText":"Parfait !",
"englishUsText":"Select the character you want to use!",
"frenchText":"Choisis le personnage que tu veux utiliser !",
"italianText":"Seleziona il personaggio da usare!",
"germanText":"Wähle den Charakter, den du benutzen möchtest!",
"spanishText":"¡Elige el personaje que quieras usar!",
"koreanText":"사용할 캐릭터를 선택해줘!",
"englishUsText":"Team battles pit DON-chan, KATSU-chan,\nCurrycutta, and Yomogimaru against each other.",
"frenchText":"Les combats d'équipe font s'affronter DON-chan\net KATSU-chan contre Currycutta et Yomogimaru.",
"italianText":"Negli incontri a squadre, DON-chan e KATSU-chan se\nla vedono contro Currycutta e Yomogimaru.",
"germanText":"In Team-Kämpfen treten DON-chan und KATSU-chan und\nCurrycutta und Yomogimaru gegeneinander an.",
"spanishText":"En las batallas por equipos, DON-chan y KATSU-chan\nse enfrentan a Currycutta y a Yomogimaru.",
"koreanText":"팀 대결을 할 때는 「동이&딱이 팀」과\n「콜카레=동디&요모기마루 팀」으로 대결합니다",
"englishUsText":"Everyone’s chosen a character, 1P! Start the game!",
"frenchText":"Personnages tous choisis, J1 ! Lance la partie !",
"italianText":"Hanno tutti scelto un personaggio, G1! Avvia la partita!",
"germanText":"Alle haben ihren Charakter, Sp1! Starte das Spiel!",
"spanishText":"¡Todos tienen personaje, J1! ¡Inicia la partida!",
"koreanText":"모두의 캐릭터가 결정되었으니까\n1P는 결정을 눌러줘!",
"englishUsText":"Change Character",
"frenchText":"Changer de personnage",
"italianText":"Cambia person.",
"germanText":"Charakter ändern",
"spanishText":"Cambiar personaje",
"koreanText":"캐릭터 체인지",
"englishUsText":"Clear Score",
"frenchText":"Objectif de score",
"italianText":"Punti traguardo",
"spanishText":"Objetivo de puntos",
"koreanText":"클리어 스코어",
"englishUsText":"Select Game",
"frenchText":"Choix du jeu",
"italianText":"Sel. partita",
"germanText":"Spiel wählen",
"spanishText":"Elegir partida",
"koreanText":"게임 선택",
"koreanText":"사이좋게 논다",
"koreanText":"대결하며 논다",
"englishUsText":"Team Versus",
"frenchText":"Versus par équipe",
"italianText":"Versus a squadre",
"germanText":"Team Versus",
"spanishText":"Equipo Versus",
"koreanText":"팀 대결로 논다",
"englishUsText":"New game now available!",
"frenchText":"Nouveau jeu disponible !",
"italianText":"Nuova partita disponibile!",
"germanText":"Neues Spiel verfügbar!",
"spanishText":"¡Nuevo juego disponible!",
"koreanText":"놀 수 있는 게임이 늘어났어!",
"englishUsText":"New character now available!",
"frenchText":"Nouveau perso. disponible !",
"italianText":"Nuovo person. disponibile!",
"germanText":"Neuer Charakter verfügbar!",
"spanishText":"¡Nuevo personaje disponible!",
"koreanText":"연주 캐릭터가 늘어났어!",
"englishUsText":"New song now available!",
"frenchText":"Nouv. chanson disponible !",
"italianText":"Sono disponibili nuove canzoni!",
"germanText":"Neuer Song verfügbar!",
"spanishText":"¡Nueva canción disponible!",
"koreanText":"곡이 늘었어!",
"englishUsText":"Go to “Select Mode”?",
"frenchText":"Aller au \"Choix du mode\" ?",
"italianText":"Andare a Sel. modalità?",
"germanText":"Zur Moduswahl?",
"spanishText":"¿Ir a Elegir modo?",
"koreanText":"「모드 선택」으로 이동합니까?",
"englishUsText":"Select a Character",
"frenchText":"Choix du personnage",
"italianText":"Seleziona un personaggio",
"germanText":"Charakter wählen",
"spanishText":"Elige un personaje",
"koreanText":"캐릭터 선택",
"englishUsText":"Shrine Battle",
"frenchText":"Combat de temple",
"italianText":"Scontro tra altari",
"spanishText":"Batalla de altar",
"koreanText":"가마 배틀",
"englishUsText":"Lantern Eel Sushi",
"frenchText":"Sushi de l'anguille lanterne",
"italianText":"Sushi di anguilla lanterna",
"spanishText":"Sushi de anguila linterna",
"koreanText":"초롱 장어 초밥",
"englishUsText":"Ninja Training",
"frenchText":"Entraînement ninja",
"italianText":"Allenamento ninja",
"spanishText":"Entrenamiento ninja",
"koreanText":"닌자 수행",
"englishUsText":"Mochi Pounding",
"frenchText":"Préparation du mochi",
"italianText":"Pesta il mochi",
"germanText":"Schlag den Mochi",
"spanishText":"Machacando mochis",
"koreanText":"쭉쭉 방아 찧기",
"englishUsText":"Nagisa Beach Ball",
"frenchText":"Beach-volley de Nagisa",
"italianText":"Beach volley",
"germanText":"Nagisas Beachball",
"spanishText":"Pelota de playa Nagisa",
"koreanText":"물가의 비치볼",
"frenchText":"Feux d'artifice",
"italianText":"Fuochi d'artificio",
"spanishText":"Fuegos artificiales",
"koreanText":"불꽃 쏘아올리기",
"englishUsText":"For Minigame Experiment",
"frenchText":"Test de mini-jeu",
"italianText":"Minigioco sperimentale",
"germanText":"Für Minispiel-Experiment",
"spanishText":"Experimento minijuegos",
"koreanText":"미니게임 실험용",
"englishUsText":"Long Jump Rope",
"frenchText":"Long saut à la corde",
"italianText":"Corda lunga",
"germanText":"Langes Springseil",
"spanishText":"Comba larga",
"koreanText":"줄줄 넘기",
"frenchText":"Pêche de poisson rouge",
"italianText":"Pesca del pesciolino",
"spanishText":"Pesca de pececillos",
"koreanText":"금붕어 건지기",
"englishUsText":"DON KA Obon Dance",
"frenchText":"Danse Obon DON ET KA",
"italianText":"Danza obon di DON e KA",
"spanishText":"Danza Obon de DON y KA.",
"koreanText":"다 함께 백중맞이춤",
"englishUsText":"Noodle Bowls",
"frenchText":"Bols de nouilles",
"italianText":"Ciotole di noodle",
"spanishText":"Bol de fideos",
"koreanText":"척척 한입 소바",
"englishUsText":"Daruma Knockdown",
"frenchText":"KO de Daruma",
"italianText":"Daruma KO",
"spanishText":"Derribo de darumas",
"koreanText":"다루마 빼내기",
"englishUsText":"Cake Tower",
"frenchText":"Tour gâteau",
"italianText":"Torre di tortini",
"spanishText":"Torre de tarta",
"koreanText":"스위트 마운틴",
"frenchText":"Un deux trois soleil",
"italianText":"Un, due, tre, stella!",
"germanText":"Ochs am Berg",
"spanishText":"Escondite inglés",
"koreanText":"나마하게 꽃이 피었습니다",
"italianText":"Gioco della campana",
"englishUsText":"Full Runner",
"frenchText":"Coureur affamé",
"italianText":"Chi ha fame, salti!",
"germanText":"Voller Bauch",
"spanishText":"Corredor saciado",
"koreanText":"배부른 러너",
"frenchText":"Lever de drapeau",
"italianText":"Gara dell'alzabandiera",
"spanishText":"Concurso de izar banderas ",
"koreanText":"따라쟁이 깃발들고싶대",
"englishUsText":"Batting Center",
"frenchText":"Coup de batte ",
"italianText":"Area di battuta ",
"germanText":"Im Rhythmus der Bälle ",
"spanishText":"Centro de combate ",
"koreanText":"홈런 타자",
"italianText":"L'ape e il nettare",
"germanText":"Fleißiges Bienchen",
"koreanText":"벌꿀 대작전",
"englishUsText":"Coro’s Griddle",
"frenchText":"Grill du dragon Coro",
"italianText":"Grigliata col drago di Coro",
"germanText":"Grillmeister Coro",
"spanishText":"La parrilla del dragón Coro",
"koreanText":"코로 드래곤의 숯불구이점",
"englishUsText":"Coro’s Griddle",
"frenchText":"Grill du dragon Coro",
"italianText":"Grigliata col drago di Coro",
"germanText":"Grillmeister Coro",
"spanishText":"La parrilla del dragón Coro",
"koreanText":"코로 드래곤의 숯불구이점",
"englishUsText":"Full Runner",
"frenchText":"Coureur affamé",
"italianText":"Chi ha fame, salti!",
"germanText":"Voller Bauch",
"spanishText":"Corredor saciado",
"koreanText":"배부른 러너",
"englishUsText":"Shrine Battle - Expert",
"frenchText":"Combat de temple - Expert",
"italianText":"Scontro tra altari - Esperto",
"germanText":"Schreinkampf – Experte",
"spanishText":"Batalla de altar - Exp.",
"koreanText":"가마 배틀(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Lantern Eel Sushi - Expert",
"frenchText":"Sushi de l'anguille lanterne - Expert",
"italianText":"Sushi di anguilla lanterna - Esperto",
"germanText":"Laternen-Aal-Sushi – Exp.",
"spanishText":"Sushi de anguila linterna - Exp.",
"koreanText":"초롱 장어 초밥(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Ninja Training - Expert",
"frenchText":"Entraînement ninja - Expert",
"italianText":"Allenamento ninja - Esperto",
"germanText":"Ninja-Training - Experte",
"spanishText":"Entrenamiento ninja - Exp.",
"koreanText":"닌자 수행(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Nagisa Beach Ball - Expert",
"frenchText":"Beach-volley de Nagisa - Expert",
"italianText":"Beach volley - Esperto",
"germanText":"Nagisas Beachball – Exp.",
"spanishText":"Pelota de playa Nagisa - Exp.",
"koreanText":"물가의 비치볼(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Long Jump Rope - Expert",
"frenchText":"Long saut à la corde - Expert",
"italianText":"Corda lunga - Esperto",
"germanText":"Langes Springseil - Experte",
"spanishText":"Comba larga - Exp.",
"koreanText":"줄줄 넘기(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Daruma Knockdown -Expert",
"frenchText":"KO de Daruma - Expert",
"italianText":"Daruma KO - Esperto",
"germanText":"Daruma-Niederschlag – Exp.",
"spanishText":"Derribo de darumas - Exp.",
"koreanText":"다루마 빼내기(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Goldfish-Scooping - Expert",
"frenchText":"Pêche de poisson rouge - Expert",
"italianText":"Pesca del pesciolino - Esperto",
"germanText":"Goldfisch-Fangen – Exp.",
"spanishText":"Pesca pececillos - Exp.",
"koreanText":"금붕어 건지기(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"DON KA Obon Dance - Expert",
"frenchText":"Danse Obon DON ET KA - Expert",
"italianText":"Danza obon DON e KA - Esperto",
"germanText":"DON-/KA-Obon-Tanz – Exp.",
"spanishText":"Danza Obon DON KA - Exp.",
"koreanText":"다 함께 백중맞이춤(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Flag-Raising - Expert",
"frenchText":"Lever de drapeau - Expert",
"italianText":"Gara dell'alzabandiera - Esperto",
"germanText":"Flaggenhissen – Experte",
"spanishText":"Concurso de izar banderas - Exp.",
"koreanText":"따라쟁이 깃발들고싶대(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Batting Center - Expert",
"frenchText":"Coup de batte - Expert",
"italianText":"Area di battuta - Esperto",
"germanText":"Im Rhythmus der Bälle - Experte",
"spanishText":"Centro de combate - Exp.",
"koreanText":"홈런 타자(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Mochi Pounding - Expert",
"frenchText":"Préparation du mochi - Expert",
"italianText":"Pesta il mochi - Esperto",
"germanText":"Schlag den Mochi – Experte",
"spanishText":"Machacando mochis - Exp.",
"koreanText":"쭉쭉 방아 찧기(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Fireworks - Expert",
"frenchText":"Feux d'artifice - Expert",
"italianText":"Fuochi d'artificio - Esperto",
"germanText":"Feuerwerk - Experte",
"spanishText":"Fuegos artificiales - Exp.",
"koreanText":"불꽃 쏘아올리기(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Kabuki - Expert",
"frenchText":"Kabuki - Expert",
"italianText":"Kabuki - Esperto",
"germanText":"Kabuki - Experte",
"spanishText":"Kabuki - Exp.",
"englishUsText":"Noodle Bowls - Expert",
"frenchText":"Bols de nouilles - Expert",
"italianText":"Ciotole di noodle - Esperto",
"germanText":"Nudelschalen - Experte",
"spanishText":"Bol de fideos - Exp.",
"koreanText":"척척 한입 소바(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Cake Tower - Expert",
"frenchText":"Tour gâteau - Expert",
"italianText":"Torre di tortini - Esperto",
"germanText":"Tortenturm - Experte",
"spanishText":"Torre de tarta - Exp.",
"koreanText":"스위트 마운틴(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"RLGL - Expert",
"frenchText":"Un deux trois soleil - Expert",
"italianText":"Un, due, tre, stella! - Esperto",
"germanText":"Ochs am Berg – Experte",
"spanishText":"Escondite inglés - Exp.",
"koreanText":"나마하게 꽃이 피었습니다(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Hopskotch - Expert",
"frenchText":"Marelle - Expert",
"italianText":"Gioco della campana - Esperto",
"germanText":"Hickelkasten - Experte",
"spanishText":"Rayuela - Exp.",
"englishUsText":"Full Runner - Expert",
"frenchText":"Coureur affamé - Expert",
"italianText":"Chi ha fame, salti! - Esperto",
"germanText":"Voller Bauch – Experte",
"spanishText":"Corredor saciado - Exp.",
"koreanText":"배부른 러너(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Honeybee - Expert",
"frenchText":"Abeille - Expert",
"italianText":"L'ape e il nettare - Esperto",
"germanText":"Fleißiges Bienchen - Experte",
"spanishText":"Abeja - Exp.",
"koreanText":"벌꿀 대작전(매운맛)",
"englishUsText":"Coro’s Griddle - Expert",
"frenchText":"Grill du dragon Coro - Expert",
"italianText":"Grigliata col drago di Coro - Esperto",
"germanText":"Grillmeister Coro – Exp.",
"spanishText":"La parrilla del dragón Coro - Exp.",
"koreanText":"코로 드래곤의 숯불구이점(매운맛)",
"koreanText":"모두의 기록",
"koreanText":"플레이 횟수",
"englishUsText":"Taiko Mode (Easy)",
"frenchText":"Mode Taiko (Facile)",
"italianText":"Modalità Taiko (Facile)",
"germanText":"Taiko-Modus (Leicht)",
"spanishText":"Modo Taiko (Fácil)",
"koreanText":"연주 모드(쉬움)",
"englishUsText":"Taiko Mode (Normal)",
"frenchText":"Mode Taiko (Normal)",
"italianText":"Modalità Taiko (Normale)",
"germanText":"Taiko-Modus (Normal)",
"spanishText":"Modo Taiko (Normal)",
"koreanText":"연주 모드(보통)",
"englishUsText":"Taiko Mode (Hard)",
"frenchText":"Mode Taiko (Difficile)",
"italianText":"Modalità Taiko (Difficile)",
"germanText":"Taiko-Modus (Schwer)",
"spanishText":"Modo Taiko (Difícil)",
"koreanText":"연주 모드(어려움)",
"englishUsText":"Taiko Mode (Extreme)",
"frenchText":"Mode Taiko (Extrême)",
"italianText":"Modalità Taiko (Estrema)",
"germanText":"Taiko-Modus (Extrem)",
"spanishText":"Modo Taiko (Extremo)",
"koreanText":"연주 모드(귀신)",
"englishUsText":"Taiko Mode (Extreme)",
"frenchText":"Mode Taiko (Extrême)",
"italianText":"Modalità Taiko (Estrema)",
"germanText":"Taiko-Modus (Extrem)",
"spanishText":"Modo Taiko (Extremo)",
"koreanText":"연주 모드(귀신)",
"englishUsText":"Party Mode",
"italianText":"Modalità Party",
"spanishText":"Juego festivo",
"koreanText":"파티 모드",
"englishUsText":"Party Mode Sessions",
"frenchText":"Sessions Mini-jeu",
"italianText":"Sessioni modalità Party",
"spanishText":"Sesiones juego festivo",
"koreanText":"파티 모드 플레이 횟수",
"englishUsText":"Normal Score/Shin-Uchi",
"frenchText":"Score normal/Shin-Uchi",
"italianText":"Punteggio normale/Shin-Uchi",
"germanText":"Normale Punkte/Shin-Uchi",
"spanishText":"Punt. normal/Shin-Uchi",
"koreanText":"일반 스코어 / 진타 스코어",
"englishUsText":"Select Mode.",
"frenchText":"Choix du mode",
"italianText":"Seleziona la modalità",
"germanText":"Modus wählen",
"spanishText":"Elegir modo",
"koreanText":"모드 선택",
"japaneseText":"Nintendo Switch本体1台で、1人から2人であそぶことができます\n2人の場合は、なかよく演奏や演奏対決であそぶことができます",
"englishUsText":"Play with one or two players on a single Nintendo Switch.\nTwo players can play together in a Co-Op Session,\nor against each other in a VS Match.",
"frenchText":"Joue à un ou deux joueurs sur une seule console Nintendo Switch.\nDeux joueurs peuvent jouer ensemble en Session coop\nou bien s'affronter en Match VS.",
"italianText":"Gioca una sessione cooperativa (Coop)\no competitiva (Partita Versus) con 1-2\ngiocatori su una console Nintendo Switch.",
"germanText":"Spiele mit einem oder zwei Spielern auf einer einzigen Nintendo Switch-Konsole.\nZwei Spieler können in einer Koop-Session zusammenspielen\noder in einer VS-Partie gegeneinander antreten.",
"spanishText":"Juega con uno o dos jugadores en una consola Nintendo Switch.\nPueden jugar dos jugadores juntos en Partida colaborativa\no competir entre sí en Combate.",
"chineseTText":"可用1台Nintendo Switch主機,讓1~2人遊玩遊戲\n在2人遊玩的情況下可遊玩同樂演奏或演奏對決",
"koreanText":"Nintendo Switch 본체 1대로 1~2명이 즐길 수 있습니다.\n2명일 때는, 사이좋게 연주하거나 연주 대결을 할 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Adjust various settings.",
"frenchText":"Ajuste divers paramètres.",
"italianText":"Per regolare varie impostazioni.",
"germanText":"Diverse Einstellungen ändern.",
"spanishText":"Modifica diversos ajustes.",
"koreanText":"다양한 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Taiko Mode",
"frenchText":"Mode Taiko",
"italianText":"Modalità Taiko",
"spanishText":"Modo Taiko",
"koreanText":"연주 모드",
"englishUsText":"Party Game",
"italianText":"Modalità Party",
"spanishText":"Juego festivo",
"koreanText":"파티 모드",
"englishUsText":"Local Wireless Session",
"frenchText":"Session locale sans fil",
"italianText":"Sessione wireless locale",
"germanText":"Lokale Drahtlos-Session",
"spanishText":"Sesión inalámbrica local",
"koreanText":"로컬 통신 연주",
"koreanText":"모두의 기록",
"englishUsText":"Game Settings",
"frenchText":"Paramètres de jeu",
"italianText":"Impostazioni di gioco",
"spanishText":"Ajustes del juego",
"koreanText":"게임 설정",
"englishUsText":"Nintendo eShop",
"frenchText":"Nintendo eShop",
"italianText":"Nintendo eShop",
"germanText":"Nintendo eShop",
"spanishText":"Nintendo eShop",
"chineseTText":"Nintendo eShop",
"koreanText":"닌텐도 e숍",
"frenchText":"1 joueur",
"italianText":"1 giocatore",
"germanText":"1 Spieler",
"spanishText":"1 jugador",
"koreanText":"1인 플레이",
"frenchText":"2 joueurs",
"italianText":"2 giocatori",
"germanText":"2 Spieler",
"spanishText":"2 jugadores",
"koreanText":"2인 플레이",
"frenchText":"3 joueurs",
"italianText":"3 giocatori",
"germanText":"3 Spieler",
"spanishText":"3 jugadores",
"koreanText":"3인 플레이",
"frenchText":"4 joueurs",
"italianText":"4 giocatori",
"germanText":"4 Spieler",
"spanishText":"4 jugadores",
"koreanText":"4인 플레이",
"japaneseText":"Nintendo Switch本体1台で、1人から4人でリズムゲームであそぶことができます\nいろいろなルールで、なかよくあそんだり、対決したりできます",
"englishUsText":"Play rhythm games with 1-4 players on a single Nintendo Switch.\nPlayers can choose from a variety of rules\nfor both cooperative and competitive games.",
"frenchText":"Joue à des jeux de rythme de 1 à 4 joueurs sur une seule console Nintendo Switch.\nLes joueurs peuvent choisir diverses règles pour jouer\naussi bien en coopération qu'en compétition.",
"italianText":"Gioca una partita cooperativa, competitiva o a squadre\nper 1-4 giocatori su un solo Nintendo Switch\nscegliendo le regole da applicare.",
"germanText":"Spiele Rhythmusspiele mit einem bis vier Spielern auf einer\neinzelnen Nintendo Switch-Konsole. Hierbei ist eine Vielzahl von Regeln\nvorhanden, um gemeinsam oder gegeneinander zu spielen.",
"spanishText":"Juega partidas de ritmo con 1-4 jugadores en una consola Nintendo Switch.\nLos jugadores pueden elegir entre una variedad de reglas\nen las partidas cooperativas y competitivas.",
"chineseTText":"可用1台Nintendo Switch主機,讓1~4人遊玩節奏遊戲\n能在各種規則下同樂或是進行對決",
"koreanText":"Nintendo Switch 본체 1대로 1~4명이 리듬 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.\n다양한 룰로, 사이좋게 놀거나 대결할 수 있습니다",
"japaneseText":"Nintendo Switch本体を2台から4台使って、ゲームソフトを持っている近くの人と\nローカル通信で演奏してあそぶことができます",
"englishUsText":"Play a session with nearby players over local wireless using 2-4\nNintendo Switch™ consoles. Each player must have their own copy\nof the game.",
"frenchText":"Participe à une session avec des joueurs à proximité grâce\nau réseau local sans fil en utilisant 2 à 4 consoles Nintendo Switch.\nChaque joueur doit posséder un exemplaire du jeu.",
"italianText":"Gioca una sessione insieme ad altri giocatori vicini sfruttando\nuna rete wireless locale su 2-4 Nintendo Switch.\nCiascun giocatore deve possedere una copia del gioco.",
"germanText":"Spiele mit Spielern in der Nähe per lokaler Drahtlos-Session\nauf zwei bis vier Nintendo Switch-Konsolen.\nJeder Spieler benötigt sein eigenes Exemplar des Spiels.",
"spanishText":"Juega una sesión inalámbrica local con jugadores cercanos usando 2-4\nconsolas Nintendo Switch. Cada jugador debe tener su\npropia copia del juego.",
"chineseTText":"可用2~4台Nintendo Switch主機,與附近擁有遊戲的人\n以鄰近主機通訊進行演奏",
"koreanText":"Nintendo Switch 본체 2~4대로, 게임 소프트를 가지고 있는 근처 사람과\n로컬 통신으로 연주를 즐길 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"View everyone’s play records.",
"frenchText":"Consulte les records de tout le monde.",
"italianText":"Visualizza i record di gioco di tutti.",
"germanText":"Die Statistiken der Spieler ansehen.",
"spanishText":"Consulta los récords de todo el mundo.",
"koreanText":"모두의 플레이 기록을 볼 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"You can download new songs and more from the Nintendo eShop.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux obtenir de nouvelles chansons et\nbien d'autres choses sur le Nintendo eShop.",
"italianText":"Puoi scaricare nuove canzoni e altro ancora da Nintendo eShop.",
"germanText":"Neue Songs und mehr gibt es im Nintendo eShop.",
"spanishText":"En Nintendo eShop puedes conseguir nuevas canciones y más.",
"chineseTText":"可前往Nintendo eShop下載新的樂曲",
"koreanText":"닌텐도 e숍에서 새로운 곡 등을 늘릴 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Go here for more info!",
"frenchText":"Viens ici pour plus d’infos !",
"italianText":"Maggiori informazioni qui!",
"germanText":"Hier findest du mehr Informationen!",
"spanishText":"¡Más información aquí!",
"koreanText":"제품 정보는 이쪽에서!",
"englishUsText":"See how to play the game using motion controls or buttons.",
"frenchText":"Découvre comment jouer au jeu en utilisant les\ncommandes par mouvements ou les boutons.",
"italianText":"Scopri come si gioca usando i comandi di movimento o i pulsanti.",
"germanText":"So spielst du mit Bewegungssteuerung oder Knöpfen und Tasten.",
"spanishText":"Mira cómo se juega con botones o controles por movimiento.",
"koreanText":"모션 조작이나 버튼 조작 플레이 방법,\n조작 방법 등을 확인할 수 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Your current controller may not match your control type.\nWould you like to change your control type?",
"frenchText":"Ton contrôleur actuel est incompatible avec ton type de contrôleur.\nVeux-tu changer ton type de contrôleur ?",
"italianText":"Il controller attuale potrebbe non essere adeguato allo schema dei comandi.\nModificare lo schema dei comandi?",
"germanText":"Dein aktueller Controller könnte nicht zum Steuerungstyp passen.\nWillst du den Steuerungstyp anpassen?",
"spanishText":"Tu mando no coincide con el tipo de control.\n¿Quieres cambiar el tipo de control?",
"koreanText":"사용 중인 컨트롤러와 조작 타입이\n맞지 않을 수도 있습니다.\n조작 타입을 바꾸겠습니까?",
"englishUsText":"Select Rules",
"frenchText":"Choisir les règles",
"italianText":"Seleziona regole",
"germanText":"Regeln wählen",
"spanishText":"Seleccionar reglas",
"koreanText":"룰 선택",
"englishUsText":"Co-Op Session",
"frenchText":"Session coop",
"italianText":"Sessione Coop",
"spanishText":"Partida colaborativa",
"koreanText":"사이좋게 연주",
"englishUsText":"Score Match",
"frenchText":"Match de score",
"italianText":"Vittoria per punteggio",
"spanishText":"Partida de puntos",
"koreanText":"스코어 대결",
"englishUsText":"Final Combo Match",
"frenchText":"Match de combo final",
"italianText":"Vittoria per combo finale",
"spanishText":"Partida de combo final",
"koreanText":"최종 콤보 대결",
"englishUsText":"GOOD Match",
"frenchText":"Match de BONS",
"italianText":"Vittoria per BUONO totali",
"spanishText":"Partida BIEN",
"koreanText":"얼쑤 횟수 대결",
"englishUsText":"Hit Rate Match",
"frenchText":"Match de taux de frappe",
"italianText":"Vittoria per note a segno",
"spanishText":"Partida de aciertos",
"koreanText":"두드린 횟수 대결",
"englishUsText":"Random Match",
"frenchText":"Match aléatoire",
"germanText":"Zufällige Partie",
"spanishText":"Partida aleatoria",
"koreanText":"랜덤 대결",
"englishUsText":"Everyone plays together!\nGet crowns and high scores!",
"frenchText":"Tout le monde joue ensemble !\nObtiens des couronnes et fais des super scores !",
"italianText":"Si gioca tutti insieme!\nOttenete corone e stabilite il record!",
"germanText":"Alle spielen zusammen!\nSchnappt euch Kronen und Highscores!",
"spanishText":"¡Todos juegan juntos!\n¡Consigue coronas y récords!",
"koreanText":"다 함께 사이좋게 연주하자!\n왕관이나 하이 스코어 기록이 붙어!",
"japaneseText":"スコアで勝負! コンボをつなげてかせごう",
"englishUsText":"Compete for the highest score! Try to string combos together!",
"frenchText":"Essaie d'obtenir le meilleur score et d'accumuler des combos !",
"italianText":"Termina con il punteggio più alto! Cerca di realizzare delle combo!",
"germanText":"Kämpft um den Highscore! Versucht, Kombos aneinanderzureihen!",
"spanishText":"¡Compite por la máxima puntuación! ¡Intenta encadenar combos!",
"chineseTText":"以成績來分個高下! 持續連段賺取成績",
"koreanText":"스코어로 승부! 콤보를 이어서 점수를 쌓자",
"englishUsText":"Compete to get the most combos before the song ends!",
"frenchText":"Essaie d'obtenir le plus de combos possible\navant la fin de la chanson !",
"italianText":"Vince chi realizza più combo!",
"germanText":"Schafft die meisten Kombos, bevor der Song endet!",
"spanishText":"¡Compite por conseguir más combos\nantes de que termine la canción!",
"koreanText":"연주가 종료됐을 때의 콤보 수로 승부!",
"englishUsText":"Compete to see who can get more GOODs!",
"frenchText":"Essaie d'obtenir le plus de BONS possible !",
"italianText":"Vince chi ottiene più BUONO!",
"germanText":"Mal sehen, wer mehr GUT schafft!",
"spanishText":"¡Compite por conseguir más BIEN!",
"koreanText":"얼쑤의 횟수로 승부!",
"englishUsText":"Compete to see who can hit the most notes!",
"frenchText":"Essaie de frapper le plus de notes possible !",
"italianText":"Vince chi riesce a cogliere più note!",
"germanText":"Mal sehen, wer die meisten Noten trifft!",
"spanishText":"¡Compite por acertar más notas!",
"koreanText":"음표를 두드린 횟수로 승부!",
"englishUsText":"Compete under randomly chosen rules!",
"frenchText":"Les règles du match sont choisies au hasard !",
"italianText":"Il criterio per la vittoria è assegnato casualmente!",
"germanText":"Tretet mit zufälligen Regeln gegeneinander an!",
"spanishText":"¡Compite con reglas elegidas de forma aleatoria!",
"koreanText":"대결 룰을 랜덤으로 결정!",
"englishUsText":"You can turn item notes\non or off in competition rules.",
"frenchText":"Tu peux activer ou désactiver les objets\npour les matchs de compétition.",
"italianText":"Nelle partite competitive è possibile\nattivare o disattivare le note oggetto.",
"germanText":"Du kannst Gegenstandsnoten\nunter den Regeln an-/ausschalten.",
"spanishText":"Puedes activar o desactivar las notas con objetos\nen las reglas de la competición.",
"koreanText":"대결 룰의 아이템 음표\n「있음」 「없음」을 선택할 수 있어",
"italianText":"Note oggetto",
"englishUsText":"*Shin-Uchi mode can be selected in Score Match",
"frenchText":"*Shin-Uchi disponible si sélectionné par tous les joueurs",
"italianText":"*Shin-Uchi disponibile solo se selezionato da tutti i giocatori",
"germanText":"*Shin-Uchi nur aktiv wenn von allen Spielern gewählt",
"spanishText":"*Shin-Uchi disponible solo si todos lo seleccionan",
"koreanText":"※전원이 진타일 때 진타의 가산 방식으로 스코어 대결이 가능합니다",
"englishUsText":"Are you sure you want to disband the room?",
"frenchText":"Veux-tu vraiment fermer ce salon ?",
"italianText":"Eliminare la stanza?",
"germanText":"Möchtest du den Raum wirklich auflösen?",
"spanishText":"¿Seguro que quieres disolver la sala?",
"koreanText":"방을 해산합니다\n괜찮겠습니까?",
"englishUsText":"Leave this room?",
"frenchText":"Quitter ce salon ?",
"italianText":"Abbandonare la stanza?",
"germanText":"Diesen Raum verlassen?",
"spanishText":"¿Salir de la sala?",
"koreanText":"이 방에서 나갑니까?",
"englishUsText":"*You will be disconnected if you\npress the HOME button.",
"frenchText":"*Tu seras déconnecté si tu appuies sur le bouton HOME.",
"italianText":"*Premendo il pulsante HOME sarai disconnesso.",
"germanText":"*Die Verbindung wird unterbrochen, wenn du den HOME-Knopf drückst.",
"spanishText":"*Si pulsas el botón HOME, te desconectarás.",
"koreanText":"※로컬 통신 중에는 HOME 버튼을 누르면 연결이 끊어집니다",
"englishUsText":"Local Wireless Session",
"frenchText":"Session locale sans fil",
"italianText":"Sessione wireless locale",
"germanText":"Lokale Drahtlos-Session",
"spanishText":"Sesión inalámbrica local",
"koreanText":"로컬 통신 연주",
"englishUsText":"Make a Room",
"frenchText":"Créer un salon",
"italianText":"Crea una stanza",
"germanText":"Einen Raum erstellen",
"spanishText":"Crear una sala",
"koreanText":"방을 만든다",
"englishUsText":"Find a Room",
"frenchText":"Trouver un salon",
"italianText":"Cerca una stanza",
"germanText":"Einen Raum finden",
"spanishText":"Buscar una sala",
"koreanText":"방을 찾는다",
"englishUsText":"Create a local wireless session room\nto play with nearby players.",
"frenchText":"Crée un salon de session locale sans fil\npour jouer avec des joueurs à proximité.",
"italianText":"Crea una stanza per una sessione wireless locale\nper giocare con giocatori vicini.",
"germanText":"Einen Raum für eine lokale Drahtlos-Session erstellen, um mit Spielern in der Nähe zu spielen.",
"spanishText":"Crea una sala de sesión inalámbrica local\npara jugar con jugadores cercanos.",
"koreanText":"근처 플레이어와 함께 연주할 방을 만듭니다",
"englishUsText":"Search for and join local wireless session rooms\nmade by nearby players.",
"frenchText":"Cherche des salons de session locale sans fil\nà rejoindre créés par des joueurs à proximité.",
"italianText":"Cerca stanze create da giocatori vicini e unisciti\na sessioni wireless locali.",
"germanText":"Von Spielern in der Nähe erstellte lokale Drahtlos-Session-Räume suchen und beitreten.",
"spanishText":"Busca salas de sesión inalámbrica local creadas\npor jugadores cercanos y únete.",
"koreanText":"근처 플레이어가 만든 방을 찾아서 함께 플레이합니다",
"englishUsText":"Wait for Other Players",
"frenchText":"Attends d'autres joueurs",
"italianText":"Attendi altri giocatori",
"germanText":"Auf andere Spieler warten",
"spanishText":"Espera a otros jugadores",
"koreanText":"다른 플레이어를 기다린다",
"englishUsText":"Find a Room",
"frenchText":"Trouver un salon",
"italianText":"Cerca una stanza",
"germanText":"Einen Raum finden",
"spanishText":"Buscar una sala",
"koreanText":"방을 찾는다",
"englishUsText":"Searching for room...",
"frenchText":"Recherche d'un salon...",
"italianText":"Ricerca della stanza in corso...",
"germanText":"Suche nach Raum ...",
"spanishText":"Buscando sala...",
"koreanText":"방을 찾고 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Select which room you’d like to join.",
"frenchText":"Choisis le salon que tu voudrais rejoindre.",
"italianText":"Seleziona la stanza a cui desideri unirti.",
"germanText":"Wähle den Raum, dem du beitreten möchtest.",
"spanishText":"Elige a qué sala quieres unirte.",
"koreanText":"들어가고 싶은 방을 선택해주세요",
"englishUsText":"Need 1 more player",
"frenchText":"Besoin d'un joueur supplémentaire",
"italianText":"Occorre un altro giocatore",
"germanText":"1 weiterer Spieler benötigt.",
"spanishText":"Falta 1 jugador más",
"koreanText":"앞으로 1명",
"englishUsText":"Need 2 more players",
"frenchText":"Besoin de 2 joueurs supplémentaires",
"italianText":"Occorrono altri due giocatori",
"germanText":"2 weitere Spieler benötigt.",
"spanishText":"Faltan 2 jugadores más",
"koreanText":"앞으로 2명",
"englishUsText":"Need 3 more players",
"frenchText":"Besoin de 3 joueurs supplémentaires",
"italianText":"Occorrono altri tre giocatori",
"germanText":"3 weitere Spieler benötigt.",
"spanishText":"Faltan 3 jugadores más",
"koreanText":"앞으로 3명",
"englishUsText":"Please wait",
"frenchText":"Merci de patienter",
"germanText":"Bitte warten.",
"spanishText":"Espera, por favor",
"koreanText":"잠시 기다려주세요",
"englishUsText":"1P starts the game once everyone else is ready!",
"frenchText":"Le J1 lance la partie quand tout le monde est prêt !",
"italianText":"G1 inizierà la partita quando tutti i giocatori saranno pronti!",
"germanText":"Spieler 1 startet das Spiel, sobald alle bereit sind!",
"spanishText":"¡Cuando todos estén listos, empieza el J1!",
"koreanText":"모두 준비가 되면 1P는 결정을 눌러줘!",
"englishUsText":"Unable to enter room",
"frenchText":"Impossible d'entrer dans le salon",
"italianText":"Impossibile entrare nella stanza",
"germanText":"Betreten des Raums nicht möglich",
"spanishText":"Imposible entrar en la sala",
"koreanText":"방에 들어가지 못했습니다",
"englishUsText":"Could not find a room",
"frenchText":"Impossible de trouver un salon",
"italianText":"Nessuna stanza trovata",
"germanText":"Raum konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"spanishText":"No se ha encontrado ninguna sala.",
"koreanText":"방을 찾지 못했습니다",
"englishUsText":"Room disbanded",
"frenchText":"Salon fermé",
"italianText":"Stanza eliminata",
"germanText":"Raum aufgelöst",
"spanishText":"Sala disuelta",
"koreanText":"방이 해산되었습니다",
"englishUsText":"Unknown error",
"frenchText":"Erreur inconnue",
"italianText":"Errore ignoto",
"germanText":"Unbekannter Fehler",
"spanishText":"Error desconocido.",
"koreanText":"알 수 없는 에러입니다",
"englishUsText":"An error has occurred.\nEnding Local Wireless Session.",
"frenchText":"Une erreur est survenue.\nFin de la session locale sans fil.",
"italianText":"Si è verificato un errore.\nChiusura della sessione wireless locale\nin corso...",
"germanText":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.\nLokale Drahtlos-Session wird beendet.",
"spanishText":"Se ha producido un error.\nFinalizando sesión inalámbrica local.",
"koreanText":"에러가 발생했으므로\n로컬 통신 연주를 종료합니다",
"englishUsText":"Waiting for other player’s input...",
"frenchText":"En attente d'une saisie\nde l'autre joueur...",
"italianText":"In attesa di input dell'altro giocatore...",
"germanText":"Warte auf anderen Spieler ...",
"spanishText":"Esperando a otros jugadores...",
"koreanText":"다른 플레이어의 조작을 기다리고 있습니다",
"englishUsText":"Please wait for 1P",
"frenchText":"Merci d'attendre J1",
"italianText":"Attendi G1",
"germanText":"Bitte auf Sp1 warten.",
"spanishText":"Espera al J1",
"koreanText":"1P의 조작이 종료될 때까지 기다려주세요",
"englishUsText":"Find another room",
"frenchText":"Trouver un autre salon",
"italianText":"Cerca un'altra stanza",
"germanText":"Einen anderen Raum finden",
"spanishText":"Buscar otra sala",
"koreanText":"다시 방을 찾는다",
"koreanText":"게임의 힌트",
"koreanText":"로딩 중",
"englishUsText":"Use the Drumstick Grip!",
"frenchText":"Utilise le support baguettes !",
"italianText":"Usa l'impugnatura a bacchetta!",
"germanText":"Verwende den Schlägelgriff!",
"spanishText":"¡Usa el Control de baqueta!",
"koreanText":"「북채 잡기」다쿵!",
"englishUsText":"This game supports autosave. Please make sure to never turn\noff the Nintendo Switch console or close this application when\nyou see the upper-right save icon.",
"frenchText":"Ce jeu sauvegarde automatiquement. N'éteins pas\nla console Nintendo Switch ou l'application si\ntu vois l'icône de sauvegarde en haut à droite.",
"italianText":"Il gioco supporta il salvataggio automatico.\nNon spegnere la console Nintendo Switch e non uscire dal\ngioco quando vedi l'icona di salvataggio in alto a destra.",
"germanText":"Das Spiel speichert automatisch. Schalte die\nNintendo Switch-Konsole nicht ab und beende das Spiel nicht,\nwenn das Speichersymbol rechts oben erscheint.",
"spanishText":"Este juego tiene una función de guardado automático.\nNo apagues la consola Nintendo Switch ni cierres la aplicación\ncuando veas el icono de guardado superior derecho.",
"koreanText":"이 게임은 자동 저장 기능을 사용합니다\n오른쪽 위의 세이브 아이콘이 표시 중일 때는\n전원을 끄지 마십시오",
"englishUsText":"Use the Drumstick Grip when using motion controls!",
"frenchText":"Utilise les commandes par mouvements pour le support baguettes !",
"italianText":"Quando usi i comandi di movimento, usa l'impugnatura a bacchetta!",
"germanText":"Nutze die Bewegungssteuerung für den Schlägelgriff!",
"spanishText":"¡Usa control por movimiento para control de baqueta!",
"koreanText":"모션 조작을 할 때는 「북채 잡기」다쿵!",
"japaneseText":"バチにみたてた「Joy-Con」を\nたてに にぎって「バチ持ち」だ!",
"englishUsText":"Hold the Joy-Con™ upwards\nfor the Drumstick Grip!",
"frenchText":"Tiens les Joy-Con™ verticalement comme\ndes baguettes pour le support baguettes !",
"italianText":"Imp. a bacchetta: impugna\ni Joy-Con™ in verticale!",
"germanText":"Halte die Joy-Con™ senkrecht, um den\nSchlägelgriff zu verwenden!",
"spanishText":"¡Joy-Con™ hacia arriba\nen el Control de baqueta!",
"chineseTText":"是將「Joy-Con 控制器」當成鼓棒,\n舉起並握住的「鼓棒握法」!",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」을 북채처럼\n세로로 쥐어서 「북채 잡기」!",
"japaneseText":"まっすぐ ふり下ろすと「ドン」!",
"englishUsText":"Swing them straight down\nto do a Don!",
"frenchText":"Abaisse-les tout droit\npour faire un Don !",
"italianText":"Falli oscillare in verticale\nper suonare un DON!",
"germanText":"Bewege sie nach unten\nfür einen Don!",
"spanishText":"¡Muévelos hacia abajo\npara hacer un Don!",
"koreanText":"똑바로 아래로 흔들면 「쿵」!",
"japaneseText":"ななめに ふり下ろすと「カッ」!",
"englishUsText":"Swing them diagonally\ndown to do a Ka!",
"frenchText":"Abaisse-les en diagonale\npour faire un Ka !",
"italianText":"Falli oscillare in diagonale\nper suonare un Ka!",
"germanText":"Bewege sie diagonal\nnach unten für ein Ka!",
"spanishText":"¡Muévelos en diagonal\ny abajo para hacer un KA!",
"koreanText":"비스듬하게 아래로 흔들면 「딱」!",
"englishUsText":"*Hold down L or R when swinging to do a Ka!",
"frenchText":"*Maintiens L ou R en ↓ pour faire un Ka !",
"italianText":"*Tieni premuto L o R durante il movimento.",
"germanText":"*Du kannst in der Bewegung L oder R drücken für ein Ka!",
"spanishText":"*¡Mantén L o R para hacer un Ka!",
"koreanText":"「※L 버튼이나 R 버튼을 누르며 흔들어도 「딱」이 돼!」",
"japaneseText":"フリフリ演奏で あそぶときは\nまわりの 人・もの に気をつけて\nストラップを 取り付けて\nしっかりにぎって はなさないでね",
"englishUsText":"When using Joy-Con controllers, please make sure\nto fasten the controller's straps, hold onto them\ntightly, and check that you have enough room\naround you.",
"frenchText":"Lorsque tu joues avec une\nmanette Joy-Con, attache la dragonne\ncomme indiqué. Tiens fermement la\nmanette Joy-Con et ne la laisse pas tomber.",
"italianText":"Se usi i controller Joy-Con, attacca i\nlaccetti come indicato. Tieni i controller\nJoy-Con saldi e non farli cadere.",
"germanText":"Wenn du mit den Joy-Con spielst,\nverwende die Handgelenksschlaufe\nwie dargestellt.\nHalte die Joy-Con fest und lasse\nsie nicht los.",
"spanishText":"Al jugar con un mando Joy-Con, fija la\ncorrea del mando como se muestra en la\nimagen. Sujeta bien el mando Joy-Con y\nno lo sueltes.",
"koreanText":"모션 조작으로 플레이할 때는\n주변의 사람, 물건을 조심하고\n스트랩을 손목에 걸어서\n꽉 쥐고 놓지 말아줘",
"englishUsText":"Imagine there's a drum in front\nof you, and strike its surface!",
"frenchText":"Imagine que tu touches la\nsurface d'un vrai tambour !",
"italianText":"Immagina di toccare la superficie\ncome se fosse un tamburo vero!",
"germanText":"Stell dir vor, du schlägst wie bei\neiner echten Trommel die Oberfläche an!",
"spanishText":"¡Imagina que tocas el tambor\ncomo si fuese de verdad!",
"koreanText":"눈앞에 북이 놓여있는 걸 상상하면서\n북의 면을 두드리자!",
"englishUsText":"Imagine there's a drum in front\nof you, and strike its rim!",
"frenchText":"Imagine que tu touches le\nrebord d'un vrai tambour !",
"italianText":"Immagina di toccare il bordo\ncome se fosse un tamburo vero!",
"germanText":"Stell dir vor, du schlägst auf den\nRand wie bei einer echten Trommel!",
"spanishText":"¡Imagina que tocas el borde\ncomo si fuese de verdad!",
"koreanText":"눈앞에 북이 놓여있는 걸 상상하면서\n북의 테를 두드리자!",
"englishUsText":"Select a character.",
"frenchText":"Choix du personnage",
"italianText":"Seleziona un personaggio",
"germanText":"Charakter wählen",
"spanishText":"Elige un personaje",
"koreanText":"연주 캐릭터 선택",
"englishUsText":"Play Without Skills",
"frenchText":"Jouer sans capacités",
"italianText":"Gioca senza abilità",
"germanText":"Normale Session",
"spanishText":"Jugar sin habilidades",
"koreanText":"스킬 없이 연주한다",
"frenchText":"Partie automatique",
"italianText":"Sessione automatica",
"germanText":"Automatische Wiedergabe",
"spanishText":"Sesión automática",
"koreanText":"오토 연주를 한다",
"englishUsText":"Easier Timing",
"frenchText":"Timing plus souple",
"italianText":"Valut. tempismo clemente",
"germanText":"Einfacheres Timing",
"spanishText":"Cadencia sencilla",
"koreanText":"치는 타이밍이 쉽다",
"englishUsText":"Harder Timing",
"frenchText":"Timing plus serré",
"italianText":"Valut. tempismo rigida",
"germanText":"Schwierigeres Timing",
"spanishText":"Cadencia difícil",
"koreanText":"치는 타이밍이 어렵다",
"englishUsText":"No Soul Gauge drop",
"frenchText":"Jauge ne diminue pas",
"italianText":"Indic. Anima non si riduce",
"germanText":"Quotenanzeige fällt nicht.",
"spanishText":"Sin bajada del indicador de Alma",
"koreanText":"혼 게이지가 줄지 않는다",
"englishUsText":"Less Soul Gauge drop",
"frenchText":"Jauge diminue moins",
"italianText":"Riduz. indic. Anima minore",
"germanText":"Quotenanzeige fällt weniger leicht.",
"spanishText":"Menor bajada del indicador de Alma",
"koreanText":"혼 게이지가 덜 줄어든다",
"englishUsText":"Less Soul Gauge rise",
"frenchText":"Jauge augmente moins",
"italianText":"Aumento indic. Anima minore",
"germanText":"Quotenanzeige steigt weniger leicht.",
"spanishText":"Menor subida del indicador de Alma",
"koreanText":"혼 게이지가 덜 늘어난다",
"japaneseText":"魂ゲージふえやすい Lv.1",
"englishUsText":"Faster Soul Gauge Lv1",
"frenchText":"Jauge plus rapide Niv1",
"italianText":"Indicat. Anima più veloce Liv. 1",
"germanText":"Schnellere Seelenanzeige St. 1",
"spanishText":"Indicador de Alma más rápido 1",
"chineseTText":"讓魂量表容易增加 LV.1",
"koreanText":"혼 게이지 늘어난다 Lv.1",
"japaneseText":"魂ゲージふえやすい Lv.2",
"englishUsText":"Faster Soul Gauge Lv2",
"frenchText":"Jauge plus rapide Niv2",
"italianText":"Indic. Anima più veloce Liv. 1",
"germanText":"Schnellere Seelenanzeige St. 2",
"spanishText":"Indicador de Alma más rápido 2",
"chineseTText":"讓魂量表容易增加 LV.2",
"koreanText":"혼 게이지 늘어난다 Lv.2",
"englishUsText":"Don/Ka Treated Same",
"frenchText":"Même traitement DON/KA",
"italianText":"No differenza tra note DON e KA",
"germanText":"Don/Ka gleichwertig",
"spanishText":"Don/Ka tratadas igual",
"koreanText":"쿵딱 구별 없음",
"japaneseText":"連打音符サポート Lv.1",
"englishUsText":"Drumroll Support Lv1",
"frenchText":"Soutien roulement Niv1",
"italianText":"Assistenza nota rullo Liv. 1",
"germanText":"Trommelwirbel-Hilfe St. 1",
"spanishText":"Apoyo de redoble 1",
"chineseTText":"連打音符支援 LV.1",
"koreanText":"연타 음표 서포트 Lv.1",
"japaneseText":"ふうせん音符サポート Lv.1",
"englishUsText":"Balloon Support Lv1",
"frenchText":"Soutien ballon Niv1",
"italianText":"Assist. nota palloncino Liv. 1",
"germanText":"Ballon-Hilfe St. 1",
"spanishText":"Apoyo de globo 1",
"chineseTText":"氣球音符支援 LV.1",
"koreanText":"풍선 음표 서포트 Lv.1",
"japaneseText":"こづち音符サポート Lv.1",
"englishUsText":"Mallet Support Lv1",
"frenchText":"Soutien maillet Niv1",
"italianText":"Assist. nota martello Liv. 1",
"germanText":"Schlägel-Hilfe St. 1",
"spanishText":"Apoyo de mazo 1",
"chineseTText":"小槌音符支援 LV.1",
"koreanText":"금망치 음표 서포트 Lv.1",
"japaneseText":"連打音符サポート Lv.2",
"englishUsText":"Drumroll Support Lv2",
"frenchText":"Soutien roulement Niv2",
"italianText":"Assistenza nota rullo Liv. 2",
"germanText":"Trommelwirbel-Hilfe St. 2",
"spanishText":"Apoyo de redoble 2",
"chineseTText":"連打音符支援 LV.2",
"koreanText":"연타 음표 서포트 Lv.2",
"japaneseText":"ふうせん音符サポート Lv.2",
"englishUsText":"Balloon Support Lv2",
"frenchText":"Soutien ballon Niv2",
"italianText":"Assist. nota palloncino Liv. 2",
"germanText":"Ballon-Hilfe St. 2",
"spanishText":"Apoyo de globo 2",
"chineseTText":"氣球音符支援 LV.2",
"koreanText":"풍선 음표 서포트 Lv.2",
"japaneseText":"こづち音符サポート Lv.2",
"englishUsText":"Mallet Support Lv2",
"frenchText":"Soutien maillet Niv2",
"italianText":"Assist. nota martello Liv. 2",
"germanText":"Schlägel-Hilfe St. 2",
"spanishText":"Apoyo de mazo 2",
"chineseTText":"小槌音符支援 LV.2",
"koreanText":"금망치 음표 서포트 Lv.2",
"englishUsText":"DON/KA Support",
"frenchText":"Soutien DON/KA",
"italianText":"Assistenza DON/KA",
"spanishText":"Apoyo de DON/KA",
"koreanText":"큰 음표 입력 서포트",
"englishUsText":"Half Full Soul Gauge",
"frenchText":"Jauge à moitié pleine",
"italianText":"Indic. Anima mezzo pieno",
"germanText":"Halbvolle Seelenanzeige",
"spanishText":"Indicador de Alma medio lleno",
"chineseTText":"讓魂量表以 50% 的狀態開始遊戲 ",
"koreanText":"클리어 게이지 50% 시작",
"englishUsText":"No More Bads",
"frenchText":"Jamais de MAUVAIS",
"italianText":"I MALE non appaiono",
"germanText":"Kein ÜBEL",
"spanishText":"No más MAL",
"koreanText":"에구 판정이 없어진다",
"englishUsText":"Session Skill",
"frenchText":"Capacité de session",
"italianText":"Abilità sessione",
"spanishText":"Habilidad de sesión",
"koreanText":"연주 스킬",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 041",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 042",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 043",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 044",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 045",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 046",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 047",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 048",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 049",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 050",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 051",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 052",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 053",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 054",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 055",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 056",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 057",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 058",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 059",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 060",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 061",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 062",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 063",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 064",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 065",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 066",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 067",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 068",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 069",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 070",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 071",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 072",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 073",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 074",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 075",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 076",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 077",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 078",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 079",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 080",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 081",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 082",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 083",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 084",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 085",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 086",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 087",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 088",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 089",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 090",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 091",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 092",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 093",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 094",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 095",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 096",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 097",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 098",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 099",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 100",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 041 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 042 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 043 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 044 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 045 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 046 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 047 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 048 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 049 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 050 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 051 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 052 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 053 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 054 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 055 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 056 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 057 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 058 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 059 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 060 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 061 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 062 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 063 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 064 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 065 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 066 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 067 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 068 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 069 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 070 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 071 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 072 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 073 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 074 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 075 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 076 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 077 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 078 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 079 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 080 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 081 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 082 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 083 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 084 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 085 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 086 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 087 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 088 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 089 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 090 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 091 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 092 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 093 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 094 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 095 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 096 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 097 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 098 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 099 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 100 Description \n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Best known for his trademark\nred face. He loves having\nfun and is compelled to\nhelp those in need.\nDoesn't care for thinking\nabout complex topics.\n",
"frenchText":"Bien connu pour son célèbre\nvisage rouge. Il adore\ns'amuser et aider ceux dans\nle besoin. Les sujets\ncompliqués ne l'intéressent\nabsolument pas.\n",
"italianText":"Noto per la sua caratteristica\nfaccia rossa, ama divertirsi\ne soccorre sempre chi\nha bisogno di aiuto.\nGli argomenti complessi\nnon gli interessano.\n",
"germanText":"Am besten an seinem\nroten Gesicht zu erkennen. Hat\ngerne Spaß und hilft\nBedürftigen.\nDenkt nicht gerne über\nschwere Themen nach.\n",
"spanishText":"Conocido por su cara roja.\nLe gusta divertirse y\nayudar a los necesitados.\nNo le gusta pensar en\ncosas complicadas.\n\n",
"koreanText":"빨간 얼굴이 트레이드마크\n즐거운 것을 좋아하고\n곤란한 사람을 그냥 두지 못한다\n어려운 생각을 하는 걸 싫어한다\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Best known for his\ntrademark blue face.\nDON-chan’s twin brother.\nCool and collected, but\nalso a bit of an airhead.\n\n",
"frenchText":"Bien connu pour son célèbre\nvisage bleu. Frère jumeau\nde DON-chan.\nCalme et serein, il manque\nparfois d'attention.\n\n",
"italianText":"Noto per la sua caratteristica\nfaccia blu. Fratello\ngemello di DON.\nSempre calmo e tranquillo,\na volte sembra avere la\ntesta vuota.\n",
"germanText":"Am besten an seinem blauen \nGesicht zu erkennen. DON-chans \nZwillingsbruder. Ruhig und gelassen, \nmanchmal aber etwas dusselig.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Conocido por su cara azul.\nEs el hermano gemelo de\nDON-chan. Es tranquilo y\nreservado, pero también un\npoco atolondrado.\n\n",
"koreanText":"파란 얼굴이 트레이드마크\n동이의 쌍둥이 남동생\n냉정하지만 어딘가 맹하다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Born when the Maharaja of\nIndia's prized drum gained a\nsoul. Friend of DON-\nchan and KA-chan.\nLoves to liven things up\nwith his Indian dance moves!\n",
"frenchText":"Né lorsque le tambour du\nMaharajah d'Inde a obtenu\nune âme. Ami de\nDON-chan et KATSU-chan.\nIl adore mettre l'ambiance\navec sa danse indienne !\n",
"italianText":"Questo prezioso tamburo\ndel Maharaja d'India,\ndivenuto amico di DON-chan e\nKATSU-chan, ama ravvivare\nogni situazione con le sue\nmosse di danza indiane!\n",
"germanText":"Geboren, als die geliebte\nTrommel des Maharadschas\nvon Indien eine Seele bekam.\nFreund von DON-chan und KATSU-chan.\nTanzt gerne indische Tänze.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Este amigo de DON-chan y de\nKATSU-chan nació cuando el\nmejor tambor del marajá de\nla India obtuvo un alma.\nLe encanta animar las\ncosas con sus bailes indios.\n",
"koreanText":"인도 마하라자의 보물인 북에\n혼이 깃들어 태어난\n동이 일행의 친구\n특기인 인도풍 댄스로\n오늘도 분위기 띄운다쿵!\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Born when a drum from\nJapan's Sengoku period\ngained a soul. Possesses a\nstrong sense of justice, and\ntrains hard every day.\n\n",
"frenchText":"Né lorsqu'un tambour de\nl'ère Sengoku au Japon a\ngagné une âme. Défenseur\nde la justice, il s'entraîne\ndur tous les jours.\n\n",
"italianText":"Tamburo giapponese del\nperiodo Sengoku. Possiede un\nforte senso di giustizia e\nsi allena duramente tutti\ni giorni.\n\n",
"germanText":"Geboren, als eine Trommel\naus der Sengoku-Ära\neine Seele bekam.\nStarker Sinn für Gerechtigkeit,\ntrainiert jeden Tag.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Nació cuando un tambor del\nperiodo Sengoku japonés\nobtuvo un alma. Tiene un\ngran sentido de la justicia\ny entrena duro a diario.\n\n",
"koreanText":"전국시대의 북에\n혼이 깃들어서 태어났다\n정의감이 강헤서\n옳지 않은 것을 용서하지 못한다\n매일 북 수행을 빼먹지 않는다\n\n",
"englishUsText":"A strange creature that's\nactually two creatures in\none. Together, they kindly\nteach people how to play\nthe drum.\n\n",
"frenchText":"Une étrange créature en fait\nconstituée de deux créatures\ndistinctes. Ensemble, elles\napprennent gentiment aux\ngens comment jouer\ndu tambour.\n",
"italianText":"Una strana creatura, formata\nin realtà da due creature\ndiverse. Insieme, insegnano\ncon gentilezza a suonare il tamburo\na chi lo desidera.\n\n",
"germanText":"Eine seltsame Kreatur,\ndie eigentlich zwei Kreaturen in\neiner ist. Gemeinsam bringen\nsie den Leuten\ndas Trommeln bei.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Una extraña criatura que en\nverdad son dos criaturas en\nuna. Enseñan amablemente a\nla gente a tocar el tambor.\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"둘이서 하나인 신기한 생물\n북 치는 법을 친절하게\n가르쳐주는 선생님\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"A polite and courteous shiba\ninu. Its bandanna\nis especially cute.\nDoes all sorts of things for\nits master, including\ncleaning and laundry.\n",
"frenchText":"Un shiba inu poli et\ncourtois. Son bandana est\ntrop mignon. Fait toutes\nsortes de choses pour\nson maître, comme le ménage\net la lessive.\n",
"italianText":"Un cane shiba educato e\nrispettoso, dalla bandana\nmolto carina. Per il suo\npadrone fa di tutto, compresi\nil bucato e le pulizie.\n\n",
"germanText":"Ein höflicher und zuvorkommender Shiba Inu. \nSein Bandana ist besonders süß. \nÜbernimmt für seinen Besitzer alle möglichen \nAufgaben, unter anderem auch Putzen und \nWäschewaschen.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Un shiba inu amable y\ncortés. El pañuelo es una\nmonada. Hace de todo por su\ndueño, incluido limpiar y\nlavar la ropa.\n\n",
"koreanText":"예의 바른 「시바견」\n뒤집어쓴 보자기가 매력 포인트\n청소 세탁, 뭐든 해준다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Dog Wada's younger brother.\nA wild dog with a red\nbandanna that travels all\nover the world.\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Le petit frère de Chien\nWada. Un chien sauvage avec\nun bandana rouge qui voyage\npartout dans le monde.\n\n\n",
"italianText":"Fratello minore di Wada Cane.\nUn cane scavezzacollo e\namante dei viaggi, dalla\ncaratteristica bandana rossa.\n\n\n",
"germanText":"Der jüngere Bruder von Hund Wada. \nEin wilder Rabauke mit rotem Bandana, \nder die ganze Welt bereist.\n\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"El hermano pequeño de Perro\nWada. Un perro salvaje con\nun pañuelo rojo que viaja\npor todo el mundo.\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"와다 이누의 남동생\n빨간 보자기를 뒤집어쓰고\n전 세계를 여행하는 와일드 독\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"A mysterious creature with\na lantern on its head.\nTravels around the\ncountry with his hireling\nTurtle while running his\nfestival stall.\n",
"frenchText":"Une créature mystérieuse\navec une lanterne sur\nla tête. Il voyage à\ntravers le pays avec son\nstand de festival et\nsa fidèle Tortue.\n",
"italianText":"Una misteriosa creatura\ncon una lanterna sulla testa.\nAttraversa il paese portando\ncon sé la bancarella\nda festival e Tartaruga,\nsuo dipendente.\n",
"germanText":"Eine seltsame Kreatur mit\neiner Laterne auf dem Kopf.\nReist mit seinem Gehilfen \nSchildkröte durchs Land und\nstellt seinen Festival-Stand auf.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Una criatura misteriosa que\nlleva una linterna en la\ncabeza. Viaja por el país\ncon su ayudante Tortuga\nmientras dirige su puesto\nde feria.\n",
"koreanText":"머리에 초롱이 달린\n수수께끼의 생물\n부하인 「거북」과 함께\n전국의 축제를 돌아다닌다\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"A teddy bear wearing a fox\nmask. It is very shy and\nnever takes off its mask for\nanything, but when music\nstarts playing, it dances\nlike nothing else.\n",
"frenchText":"Un ours en peluche portant\nun masque de renard. Il est\ntrès timide et n'enlève\njamais son masque, mais\nil danse comme jamais quand\nil entend de la musique.\n",
"italianText":"Un orsacchiotto che indossa\nuna maschera da volpe.\nMolto timido, non la\ntoglie mai dal viso,\nma se sente una musica\nnon resiste e comincia a\nballare con passione!",
"germanText":"Ein Teddybär mit einer Fuchsmaske, \ndie er wegen seiner Schüchternheit \nnie abnimmt. Wenn er jedoch Musik \nhört, steppt er ganz schön ab.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Un osito de peluche con una\nmáscara de zorro. Es muy\ntímido y no se quita la\nmáscara para nada, pero en\ncuanto suena la música,\nbaila como si no le\nimportara nada más.",
"koreanText":"「키츠네」 가면을 쓴 곰 인형\n어떤 때에도 가면을 벗지 않고\n굉장히 수줍음이 많지만 음악이\n나오면 격렬한 춤을 보여준다\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"A teddy bear wearing a\nHyottoko mask. Loves to\ndance, and is always dancing\nwith its two masked friends.\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Un ours en peluche portant\nun masque Hyottoko.\nAdore danser et danse\ntoujours avec ses deux\namis masqués.\n\n",
"italianText":"Un orsacchiotto che indossa\nuna maschera da Hyottoko.\nAma ballare e infatti\nnon fa altro insieme ai\nsuoi due amici mascherati.\n\n",
"germanText":"Ein Teddybär, der eine Hyottoko-Maske trägt. \nTanzt unglaublich gerne, was er auch ständig \nmit seinen beiden maskierten Freunden tut.\n\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Un osito de peluche que\nlleva una máscara de\nHyottoko. Le encanta bailar\ny siempre lo hace con sus\ndos amigos enmascarados.\n\n",
"koreanText":"「횻토코」 가면을 쓴 곰 인형\n춤을 좋아해서\n셋이 함께 항상 춤을 춘다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"A teddy bear wearing an\nOkame mask.\nNobody knows what's\nunderneath the mask.\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Un ours en peluche portant\nun masque Okame.\nPersonne ne sait\nqui se cache dessous.\n\n\n",
"italianText":"Un orsacchiotto che indossa\nuna maschera di Okame.\nNessuno sa cosa ci sia\nsotto quella maschera.\n\n\n",
"germanText":"Ein Teddybär, der eine \nOkame-Maske trägt.\nNiemand weiß, was sich\nunter der Maske befindet.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Un osito de peluche que\nlleva una máscara Okame.\nNadie sabe qué hay\nbajo la máscara.\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"「오카메」 가면을 쓴 곰 인형\n가면 아래가 어떻게 되어있는지\n아직 아무도 모른다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DON-chan's adorable pet.\nLoves pretty flowers, and\nlives in a potted plant pot.\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Le petit animal de compagnie\nadorable de DON-chan.\nIl adore les fleurs\net vit dans un pot.\n\n\n",
"italianText":"L'adorabile animale da\ncompagnia di DON-chan.\nAma i bei fiori e vive\nsu una pianta in un vaso.\n\n\n",
"germanText":"DON-chans süßes Haustier. \nMag hübsche Blumen und lebt \nin einem Pflanzentopf.\n\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"La adorable mascota de\nDON-chan. Le encantan las\nflores bonitas y vive en\nuna maceta.\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"동이의 귀여운 애완동물.\n귀여운 꽃을 좋아하는 여자아이\n집은 정원의 화분\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Number one apprentice to\nLantern Eel. Straightforward\nand a hard worker. Dreams of\nfollowing in Lantern Eel's\nslither-steps and owning his\nown business someday.\n",
"frenchText":"Élève numéro 1 de l'anguille\nlanterne. Travaille dur et\nespère avoir un jour sa\npropre affaire comme\nl'anguille lanterne.\n\n",
"italianText":"Apprendista numero uno\ndi Anguilla lanterna.\nSchietto e gran lavoratore.\nSogna di seguire le orme\ndi Anguilla lanterna e\npossedere un giorno\nuna propria attività.",
"germanText":"Der beste Schüler des Laternen-Aals. \nEhrlich und fleißig. Träumt davon, \neines Tages in die Glitschspuren des \nLaternen-Aals zu treten und sein eigenes \nGeschäft zu besitzen.\n\n",
"spanishText":"El mejor aprendiz de Anguila\nlinterna. Es sincero y\ntrabaja duro. Sueña con\nseguir los pasos de Anguila\nlinterna y tener su propio\nnegocio algún día.\n",
"koreanText":"초롱 장어의 수제자\n솔직하고 노력가\n언젠가 초롱 장어처럼 훌륭한\n가게를 가지고 싶다고 생각한다\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"These two inseparable\nfriends share everything,\nwhether good or bad, fun or\nsad, in equal measure.\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Ces deux amis inséparables\npartagent tout, les bonnes\nchoses comme les mauvaises,\nen toute égalité.\n\n\n",
"italianText":"Questi due inseparabili\namici condividono tutto,\nbello o brutto, triste\no allegro che sia,\nin egual misura.\n\n",
"germanText":"Bei diesen beiden unzertrennlichen \nFreunden wird alles gerecht geteilt, \nob gut oder schlecht, lustig oder traurig.\n\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Estos dos amigos\ninseparables lo comparten\ntodo, ya sea bueno o malo,\ndivertido o triste,\nen la misma medida.\n\n",
"koreanText":"둘은 늘 함께 있는 친한 친구\n즐거운 일도 슬픈 일도\n늘 둘이서 반으로 나눈다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Looks scary, but is actually\na really good guy, despite\nhis tendency to scare any\nchildren he sees with his\nspooky voice.\n\n",
"frenchText":"Il a l'air effrayant mais\nest en réalité très sympa,\nmalgré sa tendance à faire\npeur aux enfants qu'il voit\navec sa voix caverneuse.\n\n",
"italianText":"Il suo aspetto può spaventare,\nma in realtà è un\nuomo buono, anche se\ncon la sua voce tende\na terrorizzare i bambini\nche gli si avvicinano…\n",
"germanText":"Sieht furchterregend aus, ist aber \nherzensgut. Schafft es allerdings häufig, \nKindern mit seiner unheimlichen \nStimme Angst zu machen.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Aunque dé un poco de miedo,\nen verdad es un buen tipo.\nLos niños suelen asustarse\nal oír su voz espeluznante.\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"외모는 무섭지만 무척 좋은 녀석\n아이를 보면 무심코\n「나쁜 아이는 누구냐~」라고\n겁을 주고 만다.\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"A stall water balloon\nwith cute turned-down\neyebrows. Supposedly\nshrivels up when feeling\ndown.\n\n",
"frenchText":"Une bombe à eau avec\ndes sourcils inversés très\nmignons. Il se ratatine\nquand il est triste.\n\n\n",
"italianText":"Un gavettone d'acqua\ncon delle carinissime\nsopracciglia all'ingiù.\nPare che avvizzisca\nquando è giù di morale.\n\n",
"germanText":"Ein Wasserballon mit süßen, nach\nunten zeigenden Augenbrauen.\nSchrumpft angeblich zusammen,\nwenn er niedergeschlagen ist.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Un globo de agua del puesto con\nunas bonitas cejas.\nAl parecer, cuando se\ndeprime se seca.\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"축제 노점의 물풍선\n처진 눈썹이 굉장히 귀엽다\n기운이 없으면 쪼그라든다고 한다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Responsible for ringing the\nbell at Japanese shrines.\nAlways worries about making\nloud clanging sounds even\nwhen trying to walk quietly.\n\n",
"frenchText":"Fait sonner les cloches dans\nles temples japonais.\nA toujours peur de faire\nde gros bruits même en\nmarchant doucement.\n\n",
"italianText":"È lui a suonare le campane\nin tutti i templi giapponesi.\nHa il terrore di produrre\nfastidiosi rumori metallici\nanche quando si sforza\ndi camminare silenziosamente.\n",
"germanText":"Verantwortlich für das Läuten der Glocke \nin japanischen Schreinen. \nHat immer Angst, laut zu scheppern, \nwenn er versucht, leise zu gehen.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Se encarga de tocar la\ncampana en los santuarios\njaponeses. Siempre se\npreocupa por emitir fuertes\nsonidos metálicos, incluso\ncuando intenta caminar en\nsilencio.",
"koreanText":"신사에서 고마운 소리를 울린다\n살~짝 걸으려고 해도 딸랑딸랑\n큰 소리가 나는 게 고민\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Ten brothers all from Osaka.\nOnce they start chatting,\nthere's no stopping them.\nThey get very grumpy if\nthey don't have any\noctopus inside them.\n",
"frenchText":"Dix frères provenant tous\nd'Osaka. Quand ils se\nmettent à bavarder, rien ne\npeut les arrêter. Ils sont\ngrognons quand ils ne\nmangent pas de poulpe.\n",
"italianText":"Dieci fratelli provenienti\nda Osaka. Quando cominciano\na chiacchierare, non c'è\nmodo di fermarli. Se non\npossono mangiare polipo\ndiventano di pessimo umore.\n",
"germanText":"Zehn Brüder, die alle aus Osaka stammen. \nWenn sie einmal anfangen zu plaudern, \nkann sie nichts stoppen. \nSie werden ziemlich grantig, wenn \nsie keinen Tintenfisch hatten.\n\n",
"spanishText":"Diez hermanos de Osaka. En\ncuanto empiezan a hablar, no\nhay quien los pare. Se ponen\nmuy gruñones si no tienen\nningún pulpo dentro.\n\n",
"koreanText":"오사카 출신인 10형제\n말하기 시작하면 멈추지 않는다\n문어가 들어있지 않을 때는\n굉장히 기분이 안 좋다\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Everything about this being,\nincluding what they are or\nwhere they come from, is a\nmystery. All we know for\nsure is that they're always\nin battle with something.\n",
"frenchText":"Tout ce qui concerne ces\ncréatures, y compris d'où\nelles viennent et ce\nqu'elles sont, est un\nmystère. Mais elles sont\ntoujours en train de se\nbattre contre quelque chose.",
"italianText":"Cos'è? Da dove viene?\nTutto ciò che riguarda\nquesto essere è un mistero.\nDi certo sappiamo soltanto\nche è sempre in lotta\ncontro qualcosa.\n",
"germanText":"Was dieses Wesen ist oder woher \nes kommt, ist ein Mysterium. \nWir wissen nur, dass es sich immer \nmit irgendetwas im Kampf befindet.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Todo lo que rodea a este\nser, incluido qué es o de\ndónde procede, es un\nmisterio. Solo sabemos con\ncerteza que siempre está\nluchando por algo.\n",
"koreanText":"누구인지 어디에서 왔는지\n모든 것이 수수께끼인 생명체\n항상 무언가와 싸우고 있다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Loves DON-chan, sweets, and\ntalking about relationships.\nSupposedly very scary when\nshe gets upset.\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Adore DON-chan, les bonbons\net parler de relations.\nDevient très effrayante\nlorsqu'elle se met\nen colère.\n\n",
"italianText":"Ama Don-chan, i dolci\ne parlare di rapporti personali.\nPare che quando si arrabbi\ndiventi terribile.\n\n\n",
"germanText":"Mag DON-chan, Süßigkeiten und \ndas Plaudern über Beziehungen. \nWird angeblich recht furchterregend, \nwenn sie sich ärgert.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Le encanta DON-chan, los\ndulces y hablar sobre\nrelaciones. Al parecer, da\nmucho miedo cuando\nse enfada.\n\n",
"koreanText":"연애 이야기와 단 음식과 동이를\n굉장히 좋아하는 여자아이\n화나면 무섭다고 한다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Originally from the games of\nhis own name, Kirby came\nhere from Dream Land to\nliven up the festival!\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Venant de la série de jeux\nà son nom, Kirby débarque\ntout droit de Dream Land\npour offrir sa bonne humeur.\n\n\n",
"italianText":"Il protagonista dei giochi\nispirati a Kirby, venuto\ndirettamente dalla\nTerra dei Sogni\nper ravvivare il festival!\n\n",
"germanText":"Ursprünglich aus den gleichnamigen \nKirby-Spielen. Kirby kommt aus dem \nTraumland, um das Festival zu beleben!\n\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"¡Kirby, procedente de los\njuegos que llevan su nombre\nha venido desde Dream Land\npara animar el festival!\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"「별의 커비」에서 게스트 참가!\n축제 분위기를 띄우기 위해\n푸푸푸 랜드에서 왔다!\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 022 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 023 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 024 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 025 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 026 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 027 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 028 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 029 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 030 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 031 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 032 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 033 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 034 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 035 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 036 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 037 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 038 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 039 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DUMMY 040 Description\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"DON-chan gleaming a glittering golden color.\nSome say it’s only plating, but it’s apparently solid 24k.\n\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"DON-chan recouvert d'une\nfine pellicule dorée et\nbrillante. Certains disent\nque c'est du toc, mais on\ndirait vraiment de l'or\n24 carats.\n",
"italianText":"DON-chan in una variante dorata.\nC'è chi dice che sia soltanto placcato,\nma a quanto pare è oro massiccio a 24 carati.\n\n\n\n",
"germanText":"DON-chan in strahlendem Gold.\nManche behaupten, es wäre nur ein\nÜberzug, in Wirklichkeit besteht er\njedoch aus 24-Karat-Massivgold.\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"Un DON-chan que brilla en dorado.\nHay quien dice que solo es un baño de oro,\npero al parecer es oro sólido de 24 quilates.\n\n\n\n",
"koreanText":"금색으로 빛나는 동이.\n도금이라는 소문도 있지만\n24K라고 한다\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Straight from Splatoon 2!\nGo for an inkredible\nfull combo!\n\n\n\n",
"frenchText":"Provient tout droit de\nSplatoon 2 !\nDonne tout et fais des\ncombos encr-oyables !\n\n\n",
"italianText":"Direttamente da Splatoon 2!\nCompleta le canzoni\ncon la combo unica\npiù schizzata di sempre!\n\n\n",
"germanText":"Direkt aus Splatoon 2!\nSorgt klar wie dicke Tinte für eine\nvollständige Kombo!\n\n\n\n",
"spanishText":"¡De Splatoon 2!\n¡Consigue un combo completo\ntentacular!\n\n\n\n",
"chineseTText":"「Splatoon 2」的角色客串演出! \n化身為Squid以全連段為目標邁進!",
"koreanText":"「Splatoon 2」에서 게스트 참가!\n징한 플레이로 풀 콤보를 노려라!\n\n\n\n\n",
"japaneseText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"englishUsText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"frenchText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"italianText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"germanText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"spanishText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"chineseTText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"koreanText":"テレビアニメ\n「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より\nゲスト参加!\nこの車両は「太鼓の達人」行きです\nシンカリオン E5はやぶさ出発進行!\n\n",
"englishUsText":"The world-renowned HATSUNE MIKU\nmakes a guest appearance!\nWatch her dazzle the festival hall\nwith her enchanting singing voice!",
"frenchText":"La mondialement connue HATSUNE MIKU\nsera là en tant qu’invitée !\nRegarde-la éblouir toute l’assistance\nde sa voix enchanteresse !",
"italianText":"La nota HATSUNE MIKU farà la sua\ncomparsa come ospite!\nGuardala ammaliare l'intero festival\ncon la sua incantevole voce!",
"germanText":"Die weltberühmte HATSUNE MIKU\nhat einen Gastauftritt!\nErlebe, wie sie die Festhalle mit\nihrer bezaubernden Stimme verzückt!",
"spanishText":"¡La famosa HATSUNE MIKU\nhace su aparición estelar!\n¡Mira cómo deslumbra en el escenario\ncon su encantadora voz!",
"koreanText":"세계의 가희 「하츠네 미쿠」가\n게스트 참가! 매혹적인 노랫소리에\n축제 분위기도 매우 고조될 거야!\n\n\n\n",
"englishUsText":"Master Bachio",
"frenchText":"Maître Bachio",
"italianText":"Maestro Bachio",
"germanText":"Meister Bachio",
"spanishText":"Maestro Bachio",
"koreanText":"북채 선생",
"englishUsText":"Dog Wada",
"frenchText":"Chien Wada",
"italianText":"Wada Cane",
"germanText":"Hund Wada",
"spanishText":"Perro Wada",
"koreanText":"와다 이누",
"englishUsText":"John Wada",
"frenchText":"John Wada",
"italianText":"John Wada",
"germanText":"John Wada",
"spanishText":"John Wada",
"koreanText":"와다 존",
"englishUsText":"Lantern Eel",
"frenchText":"Anguille lanterne",
"italianText":"Anguilla lanterna",
"spanishText":"Anguila linterna",
"koreanText":"초롱 장어",
"englishUsText":"Masked Kid (fox)",
"frenchText":"Ourson masqué (renard)",
"italianText":"Maschera da volpe",
"germanText":"Masken-Kind (Fuchs)",
"spanishText":"Enmascarado (zorro)",
"koreanText":"가면 도령(키츠네)",
"englishUsText":"Masked Kid Hyottoko",
"frenchText":"Ourson masqué (Hyottoko)",
"italianText":"Maschera da Hyottoko",
"germanText":"Masken-Kind (Hyottoko)",
"spanishText":"Enmascarado (Hyottoko)",
"koreanText":"가면 도령(횻토코)",
"englishUsText":"Masked Kid (Okame)",
"frenchText":"Ourson masqué (Okame)",
"italianText":"Maschera di Okame",
"germanText":"Masken-Kind (Okame)",
"spanishText":"Enmascarado (Okame)",
"koreanText":"가면 도령(오카메)",
"englishUsText":"Worm Wada",
"frenchText":"Ver Wada",
"italianText":"Wada Verme",
"germanText":"Wurm Wada",
"spanishText":"Gusano Wada",
"koreanText":"와다 미미즈",
"englishUsText":"Cat and Shaxy",
"frenchText":"Chat et Shaxy",
"italianText":"Neko e Shaxy",
"germanText":"Katze und Shaxy",
"spanishText":"Gato y Shaxy",
"koreanText":"고양이와 주걱",
"englishUsText":"Water Mariko",
"frenchText":"Mariko d'eau",
"italianText":"Mariko Acqua",
"spanishText":"Mariko de agua",
"englishUsText":"Bell DON",
"frenchText":"DON cloche",
"spanishText":"DON campana",
"englishUsText":"Standing DON",
"frenchText":"DON debout",
"italianText":"DON in piedi",
"germanText":"Stehender DON",
"spanishText":"DON de pie",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 022",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 023",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 024",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 025",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 026",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 027",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 028",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 029",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 030",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 031",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 032",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 033",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 034",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 035",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 036",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 037",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 038",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 039",
"englishUsText":"Dummy 040",
"englishUsText":"Gold DON-chan",
"frenchText":"DON-chan doré",
"italianText":"DON-chan dorato",
"germanText":"Goldener DON-chan",
"spanishText":"DON-chan dorado",
"koreanText":"골드 동이",
"japaneseText":"シンカリオン E5はやぶさ",
"englishUsText":"HATSUNE MIKU",
"frenchText":"HATSUNE MIKU",
"italianText":"HATSUNE MIKU",
"germanText":"HATSUNE MIKU",
"spanishText":"HATSUNE MIKU",
"koreanText":"하츠네 미쿠",
"englishUsText":"▼Level Down",
"frenchText":"▼Niveau inf.",
"italianText":"▼Livello perso",
"germanText":"▼Level verloren",
"spanishText":"▼Pérdida de nivel",
"koreanText":"레벨 다운",
"koreanText":"달인 악보",
"koreanText":"보통 악보",
"koreanText":"현인 악보",
"englishUsText":"▲Level Up",
"frenchText":"▲Niveau sup.",
"italianText":"▲Livello ottenuto",
"germanText":"▲Neue Stufe",
"spanishText":"▲Subida de nivel",
"koreanText":"레벨 업",
"frenchText":"Combo !",
"englishUsText":"Drumroll rapidly!",
"frenchText":"Roulement de tambour rapide !",
"italianText":"Rullo rapido!",
"germanText":"Schneller Trommelwirbel!",
"spanishText":"¡Redobla rápido!",
"koreanText":"빠르게 쿵 연타!",
"englishUsText":"Game Music",
"frenchText":"Musique de jeu",
"spanishText":"Música de juegos",
"englishUsText":"NAMCO Original",
"frenchText":"NAMCO Original",
"italianText":"Originali Namco",
"spanishText":"Namco original",
"koreanText":"남코 오리지널",
"englishUsText":"VOCALOID™ Music",
"frenchText":"VOCALOID™ Music",
"italianText":"VOCALOID™ Music",
"germanText":"VOCALOID™ Music",
"spanishText":"VOCALOID™ Music",
"chineseTText":"VOCALOID™ Music",
"koreanText":"VOCALOID™ Music",
"englishUsText":"New High Score",
"frenchText":"Meilleur score !",
"italianText":"Nuovo record",
"germanText":"Neuer Highscore",
"spanishText":"Nuevo récord",
"koreanText":"마이 베스트 경신",
"koreanText":"연주 계속하기",
"englishUsText":"Pause Menu",
"frenchText":"Menu pause",
"italianText":"Menu di pausa",
"spanishText":"Menú de pausa",
"koreanText":"일시정지 메뉴",
"englishUsText":"Back to Select Mode",
"frenchText":"Retour au choix du mode",
"italianText":"Torna a Sel. modalità",
"germanText":"Zurück zur Moduswahl",
"spanishText":"Volver a Elegir modo",
"koreanText":"「모드 선택」으로",
"germanText":"Erneut versuchen",
"koreanText":"처음부터 다시",
"englishUsText":"Back to Select song",
"frenchText":"Retour au choix de la chanson",
"italianText":"Torna a Selez. canzone",
"germanText":"Zurück zur Songwahl",
"spanishText":"Volver a Elegir canción",
"koreanText":"「곡 선택」으로",
"englishUsText":"Drum Roll!!",
"frenchText":"Roul. tambour !",
"italianText":"Rullo di tamburo!",
"englishUsText":"Control Style Settings",
"frenchText":"Paramètres de style de commandes",
"italianText":"Scegli lo stile dei comandi",
"spanishText":"Ajustes del estilo de control",
"koreanText":"조작 스타일 설정",
"englishUsText":"Use Motion Controls.",
"frenchText":"Utilise les commandes par mouvements",
"italianText":"Usa comandi di movimento",
"spanishText":"Usar el control por movimiento",
"koreanText":"모션으로 조작합니다",
"englishUsText":"Use Button Controls.",
"frenchText":"Utilise les commandes boutons",
"italianText":"Usa pulsanti",
"germanText":"Knöpfe und Tasten",
"spanishText":"Usar el control por botones",
"koreanText":"버튼으로 조작합니다",
"englishUsText":"Select which dual-controller grip style you prefer!",
"frenchText":"Choisis ton style de commandes préféré avec les Joy-Con !",
"italianText":"Seleziona lo stile dei comandi Joy-Con che preferisci!",
"germanText":"Lege fest, welche Joy-Con Steuerung du einsetzen willst!",
"spanishText":"¡Elige el estilo de control de los Joy-Con que prefieras!",
"koreanText":"「Joy-Con」을 2개 잡은 사람은 조작 스타일을 선택해줘!",
"englishUsText":"1P starts the game once everyone else is ready!",
"frenchText":"Le J1 lance la partie quand tout le monde est prêt !",
"italianText":"G1 inizierà la partita quando tutti i giocatori saranno pronti!",
"germanText":"Spieler 1 startet das Spiel, sobald alle bereit sind!",
"spanishText":"¡Cuando todos estén listos, empieza el J1!",
"koreanText":"모션 조작, 버튼 조작 중에서 선택해주세요",
"englishUsText":"Everyone’s chosen a control type, 1P! Start the game!",
"frenchText":"Styles de commandes tous choisis. J1 ! Lance la partie !",
"italianText":"Tutti hanno scelto uno stile sessione. G1, avvia la partita!",
"germanText":"Jeder hat seinen Steuerungsstil, Sp1! Starte das Spiel!",
"spanishText":"¡Todos han elegido un estilo, J1! ¡Inicia la partida!",
"koreanText":"모두 조작 스타일을 정했으니까\n1P는 결정을 눌러줘!",
"englishUsText":"8-bit Drum",
"frenchText":"Tambour 8-bit",
"italianText":"Tamburo 8-bit",
"spanishText":"Tambor 8 bits",
"koreanText":"8비트 태고",
"englishUsText":"Hand Drum",
"frenchText":"Tambour à main",
"italianText":"Tamb. a mano",
"englishUsText":"Small Drum",
"frenchText":"Petit tambour",
"italianText":"Tamburo piccolo",
"germanText":"Kleine Trommel",
"spanishText":"Tambor pequeño",
"englishUsText":"Deluxe Drum",
"frenchText":"Tambour de luxe",
"italianText":"Tamb. deluxe",
"spanishText":"Tambor de lujo",
"koreanText":"화려한 태고",
"englishUsText":"Dogs & Cats",
"frenchText":"Chiens et chats",
"italianText":"Cani e gatti",
"germanText":"Hunde & Katzen",
"spanishText":"Perros y gatos",
"frenchText":"Oh hisse !",
"italianText":"Oh issa",
"englishUsText":"Wooden Fish",
"frenchText":"Poisson en bois",
"spanishText":"Pez de madera",
"englishUsText":"Played Party Game %s Times!",
"frenchText":"Joué aux mini-jeux %s fois !",
"italianText":"Hai giocato nella modalità Party\n%s volte!",
"germanText":"Party-Spiel %s-mal gespielt!",
"spanishText":"¡Has jugado en Juego festivo %s veces!",
"koreanText":"파티 모드를 %s회 플레이!",
"englishUsText":"%s Clear!",
"frenchText":"%s terminé !",
"italianText":"%s completata!",
"germanText":"%s abgeschlossen!",
"spanishText":"¡%s superado!",
"koreanText":"%s 클리어!",
"englishUsText":"Played Taiko Mode and Party Game %s times!",
"frenchText":"Joué en mode Taiko et Mini-jeu %s fois !",
"italianText":"Hai giocato nella modalità Taiko\ne nella modalità Party %s volte!",
"germanText":"Taiko-Modus und Party-Spiel %s-mal gespielt!",
"spanishText":"¡Has jugado en modo Taiko y\nJuego festivo %s veces!",
"koreanText":"연주 모드, 파티 모드를 합계 %s회 플레이!",
"englishUsText":"Cleared Taiko Mode and Party Game %s times!",
"frenchText":"Terminé le mode Taiko et Mini-jeu %s fois !",
"italianText":"Hai completato la modalità Taiko\ne la modalità Party %s volte!",
"germanText":"Taiko-Modus und Party-Spiel %s-mal abgeschlossen!",
"spanishText":"¡Has superado el modo Taiko\ny Juego festivo %s veces!",
"koreanText":"연주 모드, 파티 모드를 합계 %s회 클리어!",
"englishUsText":"From \" Your name. \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Your name. \"",
"italianText":"da \" Your name. \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Your name. \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Your name. \"",
"koreanText":"영화 \"너의 이름은.\"에서",
"englishUsText":"From \" Crayon Shin-chan \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Crayon Shin-chan \"",
"italianText":"da \" Crayon Shin-chan \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Crayon Shin-chan \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Crayon Shin-chan \"",
"koreanText":"\"짱구는 못말려\"에서",
"englishUsText":"From \" Kamen Rider Build \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Kamen Rider Build \"",
"italianText":"da \" Kamen Rider Build \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Kamen Rider Build \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Kamen Rider Build \"",
"koreanText":"\"가면라이더 빌드\"에서",
"englishUsText":"From \" Dragon Ball Z \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Dragon Ball Z \"",
"italianText":"da \" Dragon Ball Z \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Dragon Ball Z \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Dragon Ball Z \"",
"englishUsText":"From \" One Piece \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" One Piece \"",
"italianText":"da \" One Piece \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" One Piece \"",
"spanishText":"De \" One Piece \"",
"englishUsText":"From \" Neon Genesis EVANGELION \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Neon Genesis EVANGELION \"",
"italianText":"da \" Neon Genesis EVANGELION \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Neon Genesis EVANGELION \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Neon Genesis EVANGELION \"",
"koreanText":"\"신세기 에반게리온\"에서",
"japaneseText":"「ポケットモンスター サン&ムーン」より",
"englishUsText":"From \" Pokémon Sun & Moon \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Pokémon Sun & Moon \"",
"italianText":"da \" Pokémon Sun & Moon \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Pokémon Sun & Moon \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Pokémon Sun & Moon \"",
"chineseTText":"來自「精靈寶可夢 太陽&月亮」",
"koreanText":"\"포켓몬스터 썬&문\"에서",
"englishUsText":"From \" Chibi Maruko-chan \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Chibi Maruko-chan \"",
"italianText":"da \" Chibi Maruko-chan \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Chibi Maruko-chan \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Chibi Maruko-chan \"",
"koreanText":"\"마루코는 아홉살\"에서",
"englishUsText":"From \" Yo-kai Watch \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Yo-kai Watch \"",
"italianText":"da \" Yo-kai Watch \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Yo-kai Watch \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Yo-kai Watch \"",
"englishUsText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"frenchText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"italianText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"germanText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"spanishText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"koreanText":"루트비히 판 베토벤",
"japaneseText":"「スーパーマリオ オデッセイ」より",
"englishUsText":"From \" Super Mario Odyssey \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Super Mario Odyssey \"",
"italianText":"da \" Super Mario Odyssey \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Super Mario Odyssey \"",
"spanishText":"De \"Super Mario Odyssey\"",
"chineseTText":"來自「超級瑪利歐 奧德賽」",
"koreanText":"\"슈퍼 마리오 오디세이\"에서",
"japaneseText":"back number",
"englishUsText":"back number",
"frenchText":"back number",
"italianText":"back number",
"germanText":"back number",
"spanishText":"back number",
"chineseTText":"back number",
"koreanText":"back number",
"japaneseText":"au 三太郎サッカー応援 CMソング",
"japaneseText":"東方Projectアレンジ 幽閉サテライト",
"englishUsText":"Toho Project Arrange / Yu-Hei Satellite",
"frenchText":"Toho Project Arrange / Yu-Hei Satellite",
"italianText":"Toho Project Arrange / Yu-Hei Satellite",
"germanText":"Toho Project Arrange / Yu-Hei Satellite",
"spanishText":"Toho Project Arrange / Yu-Hei Satellite",
"chineseTText":"東方Project Arrange / 幽閉星光",
"koreanText":"Toho Project Arrange / Yu-Hei Satellite",
"japaneseText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"englishUsText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"frenchText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"italianText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"germanText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"spanishText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"chineseTText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"koreanText":"HIKAKIN & SEIKIN",
"englishUsText":"Jacques Offenbach",
"frenchText":"Jacques Offenbach",
"italianText":"Jacques Offenbach",
"germanText":"Jacques Offenbach",
"spanishText":"Jacques Offenbach",
"koreanText":"자크 오펜바흐",
"englishUsText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"frenchText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"italianText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"germanText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"spanishText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"koreanText":"볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트",
"englishUsText":"Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov",
"frenchText":"Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov",
"italianText":"Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov",
"germanText":"Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov",
"spanishText":"Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov",
"koreanText":"니콜라이 림스키코르사코프",
"japaneseText":"「星のカービィ Wii」より",
"englishUsText":"From \" Kirby's Return to Dream Land \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Kirby's Adventure Wii \"",
"italianText":"da \" Kirby's Adventure Wii \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Kirby's Adventure Wii \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Kirby's Adventure Wii \"",
"chineseTText":" 來自「Kirby’s Return to Dream Land」",
"koreanText":"\"별의 커비 Wii\"에서",
"englishUsText":"You'll Melt More!",
"frenchText":"You'll Melt More!",
"italianText":"You'll Melt More!",
"germanText":"You'll Melt More!",
"spanishText":"You'll Melt More!",
"chineseTText":"You’ll Melt More!",
"koreanText":"You’ll Melt More!",
"japaneseText":"~GEAR UP~",
"englishUsText":"~GEAR UP~",
"frenchText":"~GEAR UP~",
"italianText":"~GEAR UP~",
"germanText":"~GEAR UP~",
"spanishText":"~GEAR UP~",
"chineseTText":"~GEAR UP~",
"koreanText":"~GEAR UP~",
"englishUsText":"From \" POP TEAM EPIC \"",
"frenchText":"de \" POP TEAM EPIC \"",
"italianText":"da \" POP TEAM EPIC \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" POP TEAM EPIC \"",
"spanishText":"De \" POP TEAM EPIC \"",
"chineseTText":"電視動畫「POP TEAM EPIC」片頭曲",
"koreanText":"TV 애니메이션 \"팝 팀 에픽\" 여는 곡",
"englishUsText":"From \" Moana \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" Moana \"",
"italianText":"da \" Moana \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Moana \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Moana \"",
"japaneseText":"東方Projectアレンジ SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"englishUsText":"Toho Project Arrange / SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"frenchText":"Toho Project Arrange / SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"italianText":"Toho Project Arrange / SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"germanText":"Toho Project Arrange / SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"spanishText":"Toho Project Arrange / SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"chineseTText":"東方Project Arrange / SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"koreanText":"Toho Project Arrange / SOUND HOLIC feat.Nana Takahashi",
"japaneseText":"東方Projectアレンジ Alstroemeria Records",
"englishUsText":"Toho Project Arrange / Alstroemeria Records",
"frenchText":"Toho Project Arrange / Alstroemeria Records",
"italianText":"Toho Project Arrange / Alstroemeria Records",
"germanText":"Toho Project Arrange / Alstroemeria Records",
"spanishText":"Toho Project Arrange / Alstroemeria Records",
"chineseTText":"東方Project Arrange / Alstroemeria Records",
"koreanText":"Toho Project Arrange / Alstroemeria Records",
"japaneseText":"「アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ」より",
"englishUsText":"From \" THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS \"",
"frenchText":"tiré de \" THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS \"",
"italianText":"da \" THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS \"",
"spanishText":"De \" THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS \"",
"koreanText":"\" THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS \"에서",
"englishUsText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"frenchText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"italianText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"germanText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"spanishText":"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart",
"koreanText":"볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트",
"englishUsText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"frenchText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"italianText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"germanText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"spanishText":"Ludwig van Beethoven",
"koreanText":"루트비히 판 베토벤",
"englishUsText":"Franz Liszt",
"frenchText":"Franz Liszt",
"italianText":"Franz Liszt",
"germanText":"Franz Liszt",
"spanishText":"Franz Liszt",
"koreanText":"프란츠 리스트",
"englishUsText":"Johannes Brahms",
"frenchText":"Johannes Brahms",
"italianText":"Johannes Brahms",
"germanText":"Johannes Brahms",
"spanishText":"Johannes Brahms",
"koreanText":"요하네스 브람스",
"englishUsText":"Giuseppe Verdi",
"frenchText":"Giuseppe Verdi",
"italianText":"Giuseppe Verdi",
"germanText":"Giuseppe Verdi",
"spanishText":"Giuseppe Verdi",
"koreanText":"주세페 베르디",
"englishUsText":"Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky",
"frenchText":"Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky",
"italianText":"Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky",
"germanText":"Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky",
"spanishText":"Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky",
"koreanText":"표트르 일리치 차이콥스키",
"englishUsText":"Gustav Holst",
"frenchText":"Gustav Holst",
"italianText":"Gustav Holst",
"germanText":"Gustav Holst",
"spanishText":"Gustav Holst",
"koreanText":"구스타브 홀스트",
"englishUsText":"Sergei Prokofiev",
"frenchText":"Sergei Prokofiev",
"italianText":"Sergei Prokofiev",
"germanText":"Sergei Prokofiev",
"spanishText":"Sergei Prokofiev",
"koreanText":"세르게이 프로코피예프",
"japaneseText":"「七つの大罪 戒めの復活」より",
"chineseTText":"來自「七大罪 戒律的復活」",
"koreanText":"\"일곱 개의 대죄 - 계명의 부활\"에서",
"japaneseText":"おやつカンパニー & ザ・ぷー",
"englishUsText":"OYATSU COMPANY & The Puh",
"frenchText":"OYATSU COMPANY & The Puh",
"italianText":"OYATSU COMPANY & The Puh",
"germanText":"OYATSU COMPANY & The Puh",
"spanishText":"OYATSU COMPANY & The Puh",
"chineseTText":"OYATSU COMPANY & The Puh",
"koreanText":"OYATSU COMPANY & The Puh",
"japaneseText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"englishUsText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"frenchText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"italianText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"germanText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"spanishText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"chineseTText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"koreanText":"PAC TOY-BOX",
"englishUsText":"From \" Neko Tomo \"",
"frenchText":"de \" Neko Tomo \"",
"italianText":"da \"Neko Tomo\"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Neko Tomo \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Neko Tomo \"",
"koreanText":"\" NEKO・TOMO \"에서",
"englishUsText":"From \" Techno Drive \"",
"frenchText":"de \" Techno Drive \"",
"italianText":"da \" Techno Drive \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Techno Drive \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Techno Drive \"",
"chineseTText":"來自「Techno Drive」",
"koreanText":"\" Techno Drive \"에서",
"englishUsText":"From \" CRITICAL VELOCITY \"",
"frenchText":"de \" CRITICAL VELOCITY \"",
"italianText":"da \" CRITICAL VELOCITY \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" CRITICAL VELOCITY \"",
"spanishText":"De \" CRITICAL VELOCITY \"",
"koreanText":"\" CRITICAL VELOCITY \"에서",
"englishUsText":"feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"frenchText":"feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"italianText":"feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"germanText":"feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"spanishText":"feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"koreanText":"feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"japaneseText":"☆しょーじ☆ feat.ほのか♡えりか",
"englishUsText":"☆syoji☆ feat.Honoka♡Erika",
"frenchText":"☆syoji☆ feat.Honoka♡Erika",
"italianText":"☆syoji☆ feat.Honoka♡Erika",
"germanText":"☆syoji☆ feat.Honoka♡Erika",
"spanishText":"☆syoji☆ feat.Honoka♡Erika",
"chineseTText":"☆syoji☆ feat.Honoka♡Erika",
"koreanText":"☆syoji☆ feat.Honoka♡Erika",
"englishUsText":"Miho Tsujibayashi",
"frenchText":"Miho Tsujibayashi",
"italianText":"Miho Tsujibayashi",
"germanText":"Miho Tsujibayashi",
"spanishText":"Miho Tsujibayashi",
"koreanText":"Miho Tsujibayashi",
"japaneseText":"横川理彦 feat.団地ノ宮弥子",
"englishUsText":"Tadahiko Yokogawa feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"frenchText":"Tadahiko Yokogawa feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"italianText":"Tadahiko Yokogawa feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"germanText":"Tadahiko Yokogawa feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"spanishText":"Tadahiko Yokogawa feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"chineseTText":"横川理彦 feat.団地ノ宮弥子",
"koreanText":"Tadahiko Yokogawa feat.Yako from Danchinomiya",
"englishUsText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"frenchText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"italianText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"germanText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"spanishText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"chineseTText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"koreanText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"englishUsText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"frenchText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"italianText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"germanText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"spanishText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"koreanText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"englishUsText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"frenchText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"italianText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"germanText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"spanishText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"chineseTText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"koreanText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"englishUsText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"frenchText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"italianText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"germanText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"spanishText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"chineseTText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"koreanText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"englishUsText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"frenchText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"italianText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"germanText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"spanishText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"chineseTText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"koreanText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"englishUsText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"frenchText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"italianText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"germanText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"spanishText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"chineseTText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"koreanText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"englishUsText":"アサルト BGM1",
"frenchText":"アサルト BGM1",
"italianText":"アサルト BGM1",
"germanText":"アサルト BGM1",
"spanishText":"アサルト BGM1",
"chineseTText":"アサルト BGM1",
"koreanText":"アサルト BGM1",
"englishUsText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"frenchText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"italianText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"germanText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"spanishText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"chineseTText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"koreanText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"englishUsText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"frenchText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"italianText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"germanText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"spanishText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"chineseTText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"koreanText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"englishUsText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"frenchText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"italianText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"germanText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"spanishText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"chineseTText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"koreanText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"englishUsText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"frenchText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"italianText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"germanText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"spanishText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"koreanText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"englishUsText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"frenchText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"italianText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"germanText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"spanishText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"chineseTText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"koreanText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"englishUsText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"frenchText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"italianText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"germanText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"spanishText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"chineseTText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"koreanText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"koreanText":"전 전 전생",
"englishUsText":"Sugar Song & Bitter Step",
"frenchText":"Sugar Song & Bitter Step",
"italianText":"Sugar Song & Bitter Step",
"germanText":"Sugar Song & Bitter Step",
"spanishText":"Sugar Song & Bitter Step",
"chineseTText":"Sugar Song & Bitter Step",
"koreanText":"Sugar Song & Bitter Step",
"japaneseText":"踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭",
"englishUsText":"Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo",
"frenchText":"Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo",
"italianText":"Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo",
"germanText":"Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo",
"spanishText":"Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo",
"chineseTText":"Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo",
"koreanText":"Odore Dore Dora Doraemon Ondo",
"englishUsText":"Kimi ni 100 PERCENT",
"frenchText":"Kimi ni 100 PERCENT",
"italianText":"Kimi ni 100 PERCENT",
"germanText":"Kimi ni 100 PERCENT",
"spanishText":"Kimi ni 100 PERCENT",
"chineseTText":"Kimi ni 100 PERCENT",
"koreanText":"Kimi ni 100 PERCENT",
"japaneseText":"Be The One",
"englishUsText":"Be The One",
"frenchText":"Be The One",
"italianText":"Be The One",
"germanText":"Be The One",
"spanishText":"Be The One",
"chineseTText":"Be The One",
"koreanText":"Be The One",
"japaneseText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"englishUsText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"frenchText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"italianText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"germanText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"spanishText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"chineseTText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"koreanText":"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA",
"englishUsText":"We Are!",
"frenchText":"We Are!",
"italianText":"We Are!",
"germanText":"We Are!",
"spanishText":"We Are!",
"chineseTText":"We are!",
"koreanText":"We are!",
"englishUsText":"A Cruel Angel's Thesis",
"frenchText":"A Cruel Angel's Thesis",
"italianText":"A Cruel Angel's Thesis",
"germanText":"A Cruel Angel's Thesis",
"spanishText":"A Cruel Angel's Thesis",
"englishUsText":"Itsumo Nandodemo",
"frenchText":"Itsumo Nandodemo",
"italianText":"Itsumo Nandodemo",
"germanText":"Itsumo Nandodemo",
"spanishText":"Itsumo Nandodemo",
"chineseTText":"Itsumo Nandodemo",
"koreanText":"Itsumo Nandodemo",
"englishUsText":"Odoru Ponpokorin",
"frenchText":"Odoru Ponpokorin",
"italianText":"Odoru Ponpokorin",
"germanText":"Odoru Ponpokorin",
"spanishText":"Odoru Ponpokorin",
"koreanText":"춤추는 폼포코린",
"englishUsText":"ANPANMAN'S MARCH",
"frenchText":"ANPANMAN'S MARCH",
"italianText":"ANPANMAN’S MARCH",
"germanText":"ANPANMAN’S MARCH",
"spanishText":"ANPANMAN’S MARCH",
"koreanText":"ANPANMAN’S MARCH",
"englishUsText":"Yo-kai Exercise No. 1",
"frenchText":"Yo-kai Exercise No. 1",
"italianText":"Yo-kai Exercise No. 1",
"germanText":"Yo-kai Exercise No. 1",
"spanishText":"Yo-kai Exercise No. 1",
"koreanText":"요우카이 타이소 다이이치",
"englishUsText":"Haikei Doppelganger",
"frenchText":"Haikei Doppelganger",
"italianText":"Haikei Doppelganger",
"germanText":"Haikei Doppelganger",
"spanishText":"Haikei Doppelganger",
"chineseTText":"Haikei Doppelganger",
"koreanText":"Haikei Doppelganger",
"japaneseText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"englishUsText":"Jumenso - Colorful Version",
"frenchText":"Jumenso - Colorful Version",
"italianText":"Jumenso - Colorful Version",
"germanText":"Jumenso - Colorful Version",
"spanishText":"Jumenso - Colorful Version",
"chineseTText":"十面相 colorful ver.",
"koreanText":"쥬우멘소우 colorful ver.",
"koreanText":"오니기리와 도코카시라♪",
"englishUsText":"Turkish March",
"frenchText":"Marche turque",
"italianText":"Marcia alla turca",
"germanText":"Türkischer Marsch",
"spanishText":"Marcha Turca",
"koreanText":"터키 행진곡",
"japaneseText":"スプラトゥーン2 メドレー",
"englishUsText":"Splatoon 2 Medley",
"frenchText":"Splatoon 2 Medley",
"italianText":"Splatoon 2 Medley",
"germanText":"Splatoon 2 Medley",
"spanishText":"Splatoon 2 Medley",
"koreanText":"Splatoon 2 Medley",
"japaneseText":"エンジェル ドリーム",
"englishUsText":"Angel Dream",
"frenchText":"Angel Dream",
"italianText":"Angel Dream",
"germanText":"Angel Dream",
"spanishText":"Angel Dream",
"chineseTText":"Angel Dream",
"koreanText":"Angel Dream",
"japaneseText":"ドキドキ胸きゅん おまつりタイム",
"englishUsText":"Doki-Doki Mune-Kyun Omatsuri TIME",
"frenchText":"Doki-Doki Mune-Kyun Omatsuri TIME",
"italianText":"Doki-Doki Mune-Kyun Omatsuri TIME",
"germanText":"Doki-Doki Mune-Kyun Omatsuri TIME",
"spanishText":"Doki-Doki Mune-Kyun Omatsuri TIME",
"koreanText":"도키도키무네큐웅 오마쓰리 타임",
"englishUsText":"SOURYU NO RAN",
"frenchText":"SOURYU NO RAN",
"italianText":"SOURYU NO RAN",
"germanText":"SOURYU NO RAN",
"spanishText":"SOURYU NO RAN",
"koreanText":"소우류우노 란",
"japaneseText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"englishUsText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"frenchText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"italianText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"germanText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"spanishText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"chineseTText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"koreanText":"Jump Up, Super Star! Short Version",
"japaneseText":"One Night Carnival",
"englishUsText":"One Night Carnival",
"frenchText":"One Night Carnival",
"italianText":"One Night Carnival",
"germanText":"One Night Carnival",
"spanishText":"One Night Carnival",
"chineseTText":"One Night Carnival",
"koreanText":"One Night Carnival",
"englishUsText":"Takaneno Hanakosan",
"frenchText":"Takaneno Hanakosan",
"italianText":"Takaneno Hanakosan",
"germanText":"Takaneno Hanakosan",
"spanishText":"Takaneno Hanakosan",
"koreanText":"Takaneno Hanakosan",
"englishUsText":"Mita Koto mo Nai Keshiki",
"frenchText":"Mita Koto mo Nai Keshiki",
"italianText":"Mita Koto mo Nai Keshiki",
"germanText":"Mita Koto mo Nai Keshiki",
"spanishText":"Mita Koto mo Nai Keshiki",
"koreanText":"한 번도 본 적 없는 풍경",
"englishUsText":"JONETSU - TAIRIKU",
"frenchText":"JONETSU - TAIRIKU",
"italianText":"JONETSU - TAIRIKU",
"germanText":"JONETSU - TAIRIKU",
"spanishText":"JONETSU - TAIRIKU",
"englishUsText":"Iro wa Niho e do Chiri nuru o",
"frenchText":"Iro wa Niho e do Chiri nuru o",
"italianText":"Iro wa Niho e do Chiri nuru o",
"germanText":"Iro wa Niho e do Chiri nuru o",
"spanishText":"Iro wa Niho e do Chiri nuru o",
"koreanText":"이로와 니호헤도 치리누루오",
"englishUsText":"YouTube Theme Song",
"frenchText":"YouTube Theme Song",
"italianText":"YouTube Theme Song",
"germanText":"YouTube Theme Song",
"spanishText":"YouTube Theme Song",
"koreanText":"YouTube Theme Song",
"japaneseText":"天国と地獄 序曲",
"englishUsText":"Overture from 'Orpheus in the Underworld'",
"frenchText":"Overture from 'Orpheus in the Underworld'",
"italianText":"Overture from 'Orpheus in the Underworld'",
"germanText":"Overture from 'Orpheus in the Underworld'",
"spanishText":"Overture from 'Orpheus in the Underworld'",
"koreanText":"천국과 지옥 서곡",
"englishUsText":"A Little Serenade",
"frenchText":"Une petite musique de nuit",
"italianText":"Piccola serenata notturna",
"germanText":"Eine kleine Nachtmusik",
"spanishText":"Pequeña serenata nocturna",
"koreanText":"아이네 클라이네 나흐트무지크",
"englishUsText":"Flight of the Bumblebee",
"frenchText":"Le Vol du Bourdon",
"italianText":"Il volo del calabrone",
"spanishText":"El vuelo del moscardón",
"koreanText":"왕벌의 비행",
"englishUsText":"Kirby Medley",
"frenchText":"Kirby Medley",
"italianText":"Kirby Medley",
"germanText":"Kirby Medley",
"spanishText":"Kirby Medley",
"koreanText":"별의 커비 메들리",
"japaneseText":"Ridge Racer",
"englishUsText":"Ridge Racer",
"frenchText":"Ridge Racer",
"italianText":"Ridge Racer",
"germanText":"Ridge Racer",
"spanishText":"Ridge Racer",
"chineseTText":"Ridge Racer",
"koreanText":"Ridge Racer",
"japaneseText":"アサルト BGM1",
"englishUsText":"ASSAULT BGM1",
"frenchText":"ASSAULT BGM1",
"italianText":"ASSAULT BGM1",
"germanText":"ASSAULT BGM1",
"spanishText":"ASSAULT BGM1",
"chineseTText":"ASSAULT BGM1",
"koreanText":"Assault BGM1",
"englishUsText":"Nijiiro Yumeiro Taikoiro",
"frenchText":"Nijiiro Yumeiro Taikoiro",
"italianText":"Nijiiro Yumeiro Taikoiro",
"germanText":"Nijiiro Yumeiro Taikoiro",
"spanishText":"Nijiiro Yumeiro Taikoiro",
"englishUsText":"Negai Wa Esperanto",
"frenchText":"Negai Wa Esperanto",
"italianText":"Negai Wa Esperanto",
"germanText":"Negai Wa Esperanto",
"spanishText":"Negai Wa Esperanto",
"koreanText":"네가이와 에스페란토",
"japaneseText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"englishUsText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"frenchText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"italianText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"germanText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"spanishText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"chineseTText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"koreanText":"The Carnivorous Carnival",
"japaneseText":"ラーメン de Yo-Men!!",
"englishUsText":"RAMEN de Yo-Men!!",
"frenchText":"RAMEN de Yo-Men!!",
"italianText":"RAMEN de Yo-Men!!",
"germanText":"RAMEN de Yo-Men!!",
"spanishText":"RAMEN de Yo-Men!!",
"chineseTText":"拉麵 de Yo-Men!!",
"koreanText":"라멘 de Yo-Men!!",
"englishUsText":"Hyakka Ryoran",
"frenchText":"Hyakka Ryoran",
"italianText":"Hyakka Ryoran",
"germanText":"Hyakka Ryoran",
"spanishText":"Hyakka Ryoran",
"englishUsText":"Ho-oh Tenbu Mugen Kuzure",
"frenchText":"Ho-oh Tenbu Mugen Kuzure",
"italianText":"Ho-oh Tenbu Mugen Kuzure",
"germanText":"Ho-oh Tenbu Mugen Kuzure",
"spanishText":"Ho-oh Tenbu Mugen Kuzure",
"englishUsText":"Hiyokko Fantasy",
"frenchText":"Hiyokko Fantasy",
"italianText":"Hiyokko Fantasy",
"germanText":"Hiyokko Fantasy",
"spanishText":"Hiyokko Fantasy",
"koreanText":"히욧코 판타지",
"koreanText":"오란다 나데시코",
"englishUsText":"BOKU WA Synth",
"frenchText":"BOKU WA Synth",
"italianText":"BOKU WA Synth",
"germanText":"BOKU WA Synth",
"spanishText":"BOKU WA Synth",
"japaneseText":"女帝 ~インバラトゥーラ~",
"englishUsText":"Jotei -Imbiratula-",
"frenchText":"Jotei -Imbiratula-",
"italianText":"Jotei -Imbiratula-",
"germanText":"Jotei -Imbiratula-",
"spanishText":"Jotei -Imbiratula-",
"japaneseText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"englishUsText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"frenchText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"italianText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"germanText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"spanishText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"chineseTText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"koreanText":"TT -Japanese ver.-",
"japaneseText":"Silent Jealousy",
"englishUsText":"Silent Jealousy",
"frenchText":"Silent Jealousy",
"italianText":"Silent Jealousy",
"germanText":"Silent Jealousy",
"spanishText":"Silent Jealousy",
"chineseTText":"Silent Jealousy",
"koreanText":"Silent Jealousy",
"japaneseText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"englishUsText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"frenchText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"italianText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"germanText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"spanishText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"chineseTText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"koreanText":"POP TEAM EPIC",
"englishUsText":"Lupinranger VS Patranger",
"frenchText":"Lupinranger VS Patranger",
"italianText":"Lupinranger VS Patranger",
"germanText":"Lupinranger VS Patranger",
"spanishText":"Lupinranger VS Patranger",
"chineseTText":"Lupinranger VS Patranger",
"koreanText":"Lupinranger VS Patranger",
"japaneseText":"どこまでも~How Far I’ll Go~",
"englishUsText":"How Far I'll Go",
"frenchText":"How Far I'll Go",
"italianText":"How Far I'll Go",
"germanText":"How Far I'll Go",
"spanishText":"How Far I'll Go",
"chineseTText":"海洋之心~How Far I’ll Go~",
"koreanText":"How Far I’ll Go",
"englishUsText":"The Alphabet Song",
"frenchText":"La chanson de l'alphabet",
"italianText":"Canzone dell'alfabeto",
"germanText":"Das ABC-Lied",
"spanishText":"Canción del abecedario",
"koreanText":"ABC노 우타",
"japaneseText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"englishUsText":"Grip & Break down !! -Tatsujin Edit.-",
"frenchText":"Grip & Break down !! -Tatsujin Edit.-",
"italianText":"Grip & Break down !! -Tatsujin Edit.-",
"germanText":"Grip & Break down !! -Tatsujin Edit.-",
"spanishText":"Grip & Break down !! -Tatsujin Edit.-",
"chineseTText":"Grip & Break down !! -達人Edit.-",
"koreanText":"Grip & Break down !! -달인 Edit.-",
"japaneseText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"englishUsText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"frenchText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"italianText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"germanText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"spanishText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"chineseTText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"koreanText":"Bad Apple!! feat.nomico",
"englishUsText":"Anzu no Uta",
"frenchText":"Anzu no uta",
"italianText":"Anzu no uta",
"germanText":"Anzu no uta",
"spanishText":"Anzu no uta",
"koreanText":"안즈노 우타",
"englishUsText":"Toy Symphony",
"frenchText":"Symphonie des jouets",
"italianText":"Sinfonia dei giocattoli",
"spanishText":"Sinfonía de los juguetes",
"koreanText":"장난감 교향곡",
"englishUsText":"Symphony No.25 in G Minor - First Movement",
"frenchText":"Symphonie No.25 en Sol Mineur - Premier Mouvement",
"italianText":"Sinfonia n.25 in Sol minore - Primo movimento",
"germanText":"Sinfonie Nr.25 in g-Moll – 1. Satz",
"spanishText":"Sinfonía n.º 25 en sol menor, primer movimiento",
"koreanText":"교향곡 25번 g 단조 1악장",
"englishUsText":"From Symphony No.7",
"frenchText":"De la Symphonie nº 7",
"italianText":"Dalla Sinfonia n.7",
"germanText":"Aus der 7. Sinfonie",
"spanishText":"De la Sinfonía n.º 7",
"koreanText":"베토벤 교향곡 7번",
"englishUsText":"La Campanella",
"frenchText":"La Campanella",
"italianText":"La Campanella",
"germanText":"La Campanella",
"spanishText":"La campanella",
"koreanText":"라 캄파넬라",
"englishUsText":"Hungarian Dance No.5",
"frenchText":"Danse hongroise no 5",
"italianText":"Danza ungherese n.5",
"germanText":"Ungarischer Tanz Nr.5",
"spanishText":"Danza húngara n.º 5",
"koreanText":"헝가리 무곡 5번",
"japaneseText":"レクイエム 怒りの日より",
"englishUsText":"Requiem - Day of Wrath",
"frenchText":"Requiem - Dies iræ",
"italianText":"Requiem - Dies Irae",
"germanText":"Requiem - Dies iræ",
"spanishText":"Requiem \"Dies irae\"",
"chineseTText":"安魂曲 憤怒之日節選",
"koreanText":"레퀴엠 중 \"진노의 날\"",
"englishUsText":"March from The Nutcracker",
"frenchText":"Marche de Casse-noisette",
"italianText":"Marcia da Lo schiaccianoci",
"germanText":"Marsch aus Der Nussknacker",
"spanishText":"El Cascanueces: Marcha",
"koreanText":"\"호두까기 인형\" 행진곡",
"englishUsText":"Montagues and Capulets",
"frenchText":"Montaigus et Capulets",
"italianText":"Montecchi e Capuleti",
"germanText":"Montagues und Capulets",
"spanishText":"Montescos y Capuletos",
"koreanText":"몬테규가와 캐플릿가",
"englishUsText":"OMAE BUTAMEN!",
"frenchText":"OMAE BUTAMEN!",
"italianText":"OMAE BUTAMEN!",
"germanText":"OMAE BUTAMEN!",
"spanishText":"OMAE BUTAMEN!",
"chineseTText":"OMAE BUTAMEN!",
"koreanText":"OMAE BUTAMEN!",
"koreanText":"클라폴 폴스카",
"englishUsText":"Happy Family - Neko Tomo Theme Song",
"frenchText":"Happy Family - Neko Tomo Theme Song",
"italianText":"Happy Family - Neko Tomo Theme Song",
"germanText":"Happy Family - Neko Tomo Theme Song",
"spanishText":"Happy Family - Neko Tomo Theme Song",
"koreanText":"홍와카 카조쿠~네코토모노 우타~",
"japaneseText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"englishUsText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"frenchText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"italianText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"germanText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"spanishText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"chineseTText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"koreanText":"TD - 28619029byte remix -",
"japaneseText":"Racing the Storm",
"englishUsText":"Racing the Storm",
"frenchText":"Racing the Storm",
"italianText":"Racing the Storm",
"germanText":"Racing the Storm",
"spanishText":"Racing the Storm",
"chineseTText":"Racing the Storm",
"koreanText":"Racing the Storm",
"koreanText":"후리후리♪ 노리노리♪",
"englishUsText":"WA ARUDO HERITE IJI - JO",
"frenchText":"WA ARUDO HERITE IJI・JO",
"italianText":"WA ARUDO HERITE IJI・JO",
"germanText":"WA ARUDO HERITE IJI・JO",
"spanishText":"WA ARUDO HERITE IJI・JO",
"koreanText":"와 아루도 헤리테 이지・죠",
"englishUsText":"TABETEMO TABETEMO",
"italianText":"TABETEMO TABETEMO",
"spanishText":"TABETEMO TABETEMO",
"koreanText":"타베테모 타베테모",
"japaneseText":"void setup",
"englishUsText":"void setup",
"frenchText":"void setup",
"italianText":"void setup",
"germanText":"void setup",
"spanishText":"void setup",
"chineseTText":"void setup",
"koreanText":"void setup",
"japaneseText":"エクラン ルブラン",
"englishUsText":"Écran Le Blanc",
"frenchText":"Écran Le Blanc",
"italianText":"Écran Le Blanc",
"germanText":"Écran Le Blanc",
"spanishText":"Écran Le Blanc",
"chineseTText":"Ecran Le Blanc",
"koreanText":"Ecran Le Blanc",
"englishUsText":"TONDE MITE",
"frenchText":"TONDE MITE",
"italianText":"TONDE MITE",
"germanText":"TONDE MITE",
"spanishText":"TONDE MITE",
"englishUsText":"%s Song(s)",
"frenchText":"%s chanson(s)",
"italianText":"%s canzone/i",
"germanText":"%s Song(s)",
"spanishText":"%s canc.",
"englishUsText":"Filtered Results",
"frenchText":"Résultats triés",
"italianText":"Risultati (filtrati)",
"germanText":"Gefilterte Ergb.",
"spanishText":"Resultados filtrados",
"koreanText":"분류 결과",
"englishUsText":"Setting song filter",
"frenchText":"Param. de tri de chanson",
"italianText":"Impostare i filtri",
"germanText":"Song-Filter einstellen",
"spanishText":"Configurar filtro de canciones",
"koreanText":"곡 분류 설정 중",
"englishUsText":"Select Difficulty",
"frenchText":"Choix de la difficulté",
"italianText":"Sel. difficoltà",
"germanText":"Schwierig. wählen",
"spanishText":"Elegir dificultad",
"koreanText":"난이도 선택",
"englishUsText":"Select Song",
"frenchText":"Choix de la chanson",
"italianText":"Selez. canzone",
"germanText":"Song wählen",
"spanishText":"Elegir canción",
"koreanText":"곡 선택",
"englishUsText":"Full Combo",
"frenchText":"Combo max",
"italianText":"Combo unica",
"germanText":"Kombo vollständig",
"spanishText":"Combo completo",
"koreanText":"풀 콤보",
"englishUsText":"Normal Clear",
"frenchText":"Chanson réussie",
"italianText":"Compl. normale",
"germanText":"Abschluss normal",
"spanishText":"Canción superada\n",
"koreanText":"클리어 성공",
"koreanText":"성적 발표",
"englishUsText":"New high score!",
"frenchText":"Nouveau meilleur score !",
"italianText":"Nuovo record!",
"germanText":"Neuer Highscore!",
"spanishText":"¡Nuevo récord!",
"koreanText":"마이 베스트 경신!",
"englishUsText":"I won!",
"frenchText":"J'ai gagné !",
"italianText":"Ho vinto!",
"germanText":"Ich habe gewonnen!",
"spanishText":"¡He ganado!",
"englishUsText":"I lost...",
"frenchText":"J'ai perdu...",
"italianText":"Ho perso...",
"germanText":"Ich habe verloren ...",
"spanishText":"He perdido.",
"englishUsText":"Good game!",
"frenchText":"Ni gagnant, ni perdant !",
"italianText":"Non male!",
"germanText":"Nettes Spiel!",
"spanishText":"¡Ni para ti, ni para mí!",
"koreanText":"서로 힘냈다쿵",
"englishUsText":"Mecha win",
"frenchText":"Mecha victoire !",
"italianText":"Mecha ha vinto",
"spanishText":"El robot gana.",
"englishUsText":"Mecha lose",
"frenchText":"Mecha défaite...",
"italianText":"Mecha ha perso",
"spanishText":"El robot pierde.",
"englishUsText":"Mecha draw",
"frenchText":"Mecha égalité.",
"italianText":"Mecha ha pareggiato",
"spanishText":"El robot empata.",
"frenchText":"Victoire !",
"englishUsText":"I lost...",
"frenchText":"J'ai perdu...",
"italianText":"Ho perso...",
"germanText":"Ich habe verloren ...",
"spanishText":"He perdido.",
"englishUsText":"It’s a draw.",
"germanText":"Es steht unentschieden.",
"englishUsText":"It’s a win!",
"frenchText":"Victoire !",
"italianText":"Ho vinto!",
"germanText":"Ein Sieg!",
"spanishText":"¡Una victoria!",
"englishUsText":"I lost...",
"frenchText":"J'ai perdu...",
"italianText":"Ho perso...",
"germanText":"Ich habe verloren ...",
"spanishText":"He perdido.",
"englishUsText":"Bow wow!",
"frenchText":"Ouaf ouaf !",
"italianText":"Bau wow!",
"germanText":"Wau, wau!",
"frenchText":"Ahouuuu !",
"frenchText":"Waf ?!",
"englishUsText":"Aw yeah!",
"frenchText":"Oh ouais !",
"germanText":"Oh ja!",
"spanishText":"¡Oh, sí!",
"englishUsText":"Aw man",
"frenchText":"Oh, zut...",
"germanText":"Oh Mann.",
"spanishText":"¡Oh, vaya!",
"koreanText":"졌잖아 임마",
"englishUsText":"Argh, a draw",
"frenchText":"Mince, égalité.",
"germanText":"Argh, unentschieden.",
"spanishText":"Oh, empate.",
"koreanText":"크으~ 무승부냐",
"englishUsText":"I won",
"frenchText":"J'ai gagné.",
"italianText":"Ho vinto!",
"germanText":"Ich habe gewonnen.",
"spanishText":"He ganado.",
"englishUsText":"I lost",
"frenchText":"J'ai perdu.",
"italianText":"Ho perso....",
"germanText":"Ich habe verloren.",
"spanishText":"He perdido.",
"englishUsText":"We tied",
"italianText":"Abbiamo pareggiato!",
"frenchText":"Mia-ouh !",
"frenchText":"Miaou !",
"frenchText":"Miaou !",
"englishUsText":"Gah, I won!",
"frenchText":"Ah, j'ai gagné !",
"italianText":"Gah, ho vinto!",
"germanText":"Pah, ich habe gewonnen!",
"spanishText":"¡Ah, gané!",
"koreanText":"이겼다! 우가~",
"englishUsText":"Gah, I lost!",
"frenchText":"Ah, j'ai perdu !",
"italianText":"Gah, ho perso!",
"germanText":"Pah, ich habe verloren!",
"spanishText":"¡Ah, perdí!",
"koreanText":"졌다! 우가~",
"englishUsText":"Gah, I tied!",
"frenchText":"Ah, égalité !",
"italianText":"Gah, pareggio!",
"germanText":"Pah, unentschieden!",
"spanishText":"¡Ah, empate!",
"koreanText":"무승부다! 우가~",
"englishUsText":"Yeah, baby!",
"frenchText":"Ouais, baby !",
"italianText":"Sì, baby!",
"germanText":"Yeah, Baby!",
"spanishText":"¡Eso es!",
"koreanText":"내가 이겼데이!",
"germanText":"Puh ...",
"englishUsText":"A tie, huh.",
"frenchText":"Oh, égalité.",
"italianText":"Pareggio, eh?",
"germanText":"Unentschieden, was?",
"spanishText":"Empate. Oh.",
"frenchText":"Victoire !",
"frenchText":"Défaite !",
"frenchText":"Égalité !",
"englishUsText":"I won!",
"frenchText":"J'ai gagné !",
"italianText":"Ho vinto!",
"germanText":"Ich habe gewonnen!",
"spanishText":"¡He ganado!",
"englishUsText":"I lost...",
"frenchText":"J'ai perdu...",
"italianText":"Ho perso...",
"germanText":"Ich habe verloren ...",
"spanishText":"He perdido.",
"englishUsText":"It’s a draw",
"germanText":"Es steht unentschieden.",
"spanishText":"He empatado.",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nFull Combo, don!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nCombo max, don !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nE con un'unica combo!",
"germanText":"ABGESCHLOSSEN!\nVollständige Kombo, don!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Combo completo, DON!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 풀 콤보다쿵!",
"englishUsText":"FAILED... Try harder!",
"frenchText":"ÉCHEC... Essaie encore !",
"italianText":"HAI FALLITO... Impegnati di più!",
"germanText":"FEHLSCHLAG!\nStreng dich an!",
"spanishText":"FALLASTE... ¡Esfuérzate más!",
"koreanText":"어라? 다음엔 더 힘내자쿵!",
"englishUsText":"FAILED!\nSo close, don!",
"frenchText":"ÉCHEC !\nPas loin, don !",
"italianText":"HAI FALLITO, ma mancava poco!",
"germanText":"FEHLSCHLAG!\nKnapp vorbei, don!",
"spanishText":"¡FALLASTE!\n¡Por qué poco, DON!",
"koreanText":"조금만 더, 엄청 아쉬웠다쿵!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED! Well played!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ ! Bien joué !",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT! Gut gespielt!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO! ¡Bien jugado!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 훌륭하게 연주했다쿵!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nMecha Great Success!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nSuper succès Mecha !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nMecha forte!",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT!\nToller Mecha-Erfolg!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Triunfo robot!",
"koreanText":"클리어!! 대성공이다메카!!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nFull Combo!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nCombo max !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nE con un'unica combo!",
"germanText":"ABGESCHLOSSEN!\nVollständige Kombo!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Combo completo!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 풀 콤보입니다!",
"englishUsText":"You can do this!",
"frenchText":"Tu peux le faire !",
"italianText":"Puoi farcela!",
"germanText":"Du kriegst das hin!",
"spanishText":"¡Puedes hacerlo!",
"koreanText":"힘내시기 바랍니다!",
"englishUsText":"You were very close!",
"frenchText":"Tu y étais presque !",
"italianText":"Ci sei andato vicinissimo!",
"germanText":"Du warst knapp dran!",
"spanishText":"¡Has estado muy cerca!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nWell done!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nBien joué !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nOttimo lavoro!",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT! Gut gemacht!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Buen trabajo!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 잘 했습니다!",
"englishUsText":"Wow! A Full Combo!",
"frenchText":"Wow ! Un combo max !",
"italianText":"Wow! Con un'unica combo!",
"germanText":"Wow! Eine vollständige Kombo!",
"spanishText":"¡Vaya! ¡Un combo completo!",
"koreanText":"대단해! 풀 콤보다!",
"englishUsText":"Don’t give up!",
"frenchText":"N'abandonne pas !",
"italianText":"Non arrenderti!",
"germanText":"Gib nicht auf!",
"spanishText":"¡No te rindas!",
"koreanText":"더 열심히 하자!",
"englishUsText":"You were so close!",
"frenchText":"C'est pas passé loin !",
"italianText":"Mancava tanto così...",
"germanText":"Du warst so nah dran!",
"spanishText":"¡Has estado cerca!",
"koreanText":"아까워! 조금만 더!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nThat’s it!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nPas mal !",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Así se hace!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 그 기세야!",
"englishUsText":"Arf arf arf arf!",
"frenchText":"Ouaf ouaf ouaf ouaf !",
"italianText":"Arf arf arf arf!",
"germanText":"Wuff, wuff, wuff, wuff!",
"spanishText":"¡Guau, guau, guau!",
"frenchText":"Ahouuuu !",
"frenchText":"Waf waf !",
"englishUsText":"Bark bark!",
"frenchText":"Ouaf ouaf !",
"italianText":"Bau, bau!",
"germanText":"Bell, bell!",
"spanishText":"¡Guau, guau!",
"englishUsText":"Aw yeah, Full Combo!",
"frenchText":"Ouais, combo max !",
"italianText":"Sì, con un'unica combo!",
"germanText":"Oh ja, vollständige Kombo!",
"spanishText":"¡Oh, sí, combo completo!",
"koreanText":"풀 콤보야!",
"englishUsText":"Try again!",
"frenchText":"Essaie encore !",
"germanText":"Versuch es noch mal!",
"spanishText":"¡Inténtalo otra vez!",
"koreanText":"더 힘내라고!",
"englishUsText":"Aw man, so close!",
"frenchText":"Zut, c'était pas loin !",
"italianText":"Accidenti, per poco!",
"germanText":"Oh Mann, ganz knapp!",
"spanishText":"¡Oh, por qué poco!",
"koreanText":"크으~! 아쉬워! 아쉬워!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nYou’re pretty good!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nTu t'en sors bien !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nAccipicchia che bravura!",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT!\nDu bist ziemlich gut!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Lo haces genial!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 잘 하네!",
"japaneseText":"くっくっくっ フルコンボですねぇ",
"englishUsText":"Heh heh heh,\nFull Combo",
"frenchText":"Hé hé hé,\ncombo max !",
"italianText":"Eh eh eh eh\nCon un'unica combo!",
"germanText":"Hehehe,\nvollständige Kombo.",
"spanishText":"Je, je, je.\nCombo completo.",
"koreanText":"큭큭큭, 풀 콤보네요",
"englishUsText":"You’ll get it next time",
"frenchText":"Tu réussiras\nla prochaine fois !",
"italianText":"Ce la farai\nla prossima volta",
"germanText":"Du schaffst es beim nächsten Mal!",
"spanishText":"La próxima vez\nlo conseguirás.",
"koreanText":"다음엔 되겠네요",
"englishUsText":"You almost had it",
"frenchText":"Tu y étais presque !",
"italianText":"Per pochissimo, accidenti!",
"germanText":"Du hättest es fast geschafft!",
"spanishText":"Ya casi lo tenías.",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nVery good",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nBeau travail.",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nDavvero ottimo!",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT!\nSehr gut.",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\nMuy bien.",
"koreanText":"클리어! 잘했네요",
"englishUsText":"@!&%#@!\n(Full Combo)",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ !\n(Combo max)",
"italianText":"@!&%#@!\n(Con un'unica combo)",
"germanText":"@!&%#@!\n(Vollständige Kombo)",
"spanishText":"@!&%#@!\n(Combo completo)",
"koreanText":"「@!&%#@!」(풀 콤보!)",
"englishUsText":"@!&%#@!\n(Don’t give up!)",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ !\n(N'abandonne pas !)",
"italianText":"@!&%#@!\n(Non arrenderti!)",
"germanText":"@!&%#@!\n(Gib nicht auf)",
"spanishText":"@!&%#@!\n(¡No te rindas!)",
"englishUsText":"@!&%#@!\n(So close!)",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ !\n(Pas loin !)",
"italianText":"@!&%#@!\n(Per poco...!)",
"germanText":"@!&%#@!\n(Ganz knapp!)",
"spanishText":"@!&%#@!\n(¡Por qué poco!)",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ !\n(TERMINÉ !)",
"englishUsText":"Meow meow meow",
"frenchText":"Miaou miaou miaou.",
"italianText":"Miao miao miao",
"germanText":"Miau, miau, miau.",
"spanishText":"Miau, miau, miau.",
"frenchText":"Miaou !",
"englishUsText":"Meow meow!",
"frenchText":"Miaou miaou !",
"italianText":"Miao miao",
"germanText":"Miau, miau!",
"spanishText":"¡Miau, miau!",
"englishUsText":"Meow meow meow!",
"frenchText":"Miaou miaou miaou !",
"italianText":"Miao miao miao!",
"germanText":"Miau, miau, miau!",
"spanishText":"¡Miau, miau, miau!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nA Full Combo!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nCombo max !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nCon un'unica combo!",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT!\nEine vollständige Kombo!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Un combo completo!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 풀 콤보다!",
"englishUsText":"You can do it!",
"frenchText":"Essaye encore !",
"italianText":"Puoi farcela, su!",
"germanText":"GEWALTIGE Leistung!\nViel Glück weiterhin!",
"spanishText":"¡Ya casi lo tienes!",
"englishUsText":"Almost had it",
"frenchText":"Tu y étais presque.",
"italianText":"Per poco, accidenti!",
"germanText":"Fast geschafft!",
"spanishText":"Casi lo tenías.",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED,\nnice job",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ,\nbien joué.",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA,\nottimo lavoro.",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT,\ngute Arbeit.",
"spanishText":"CONSEGUIDO,\nbuen trabajo.",
"koreanText":"클리어, 잘 했어",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nFull Combo, baby!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nCombo max, baby !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nE con un'unica combo, baby!",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT!\nVollständige Kombo, Baby!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Combo completo, sí!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 풀 콤보래이!",
"englishUsText":"You’ll get it next time",
"frenchText":"Tu réussiras\nla prochaine fois !",
"italianText":"Ce la farai\nla prossima volta!",
"germanText":"Du schaffst es beim nächsten Mal!",
"spanishText":"La próxima vez\nlo conseguirás.",
"koreanText":"다음에는 힘내라~",
"englishUsText":"You almost had it!",
"frenchText":"Tu y étais presque !",
"italianText":"Per pochissimo, accidenti!",
"germanText":"Du hättest es fast geschafft!",
"spanishText":"¡Casi lo tenías!",
"koreanText":"아까비~ 쪼까 더 해봐라!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nThat was great!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nC'était génial !",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT!\nDas war super!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Ha sido fabuloso!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 무지 잘 한다!",
"englishUsText":"Yay! Full Combo",
"frenchText":"Ouais ! Combo max !",
"italianText":"Sì! Con un'unica combo!",
"germanText":"Yippie! Vollständige Kombo.",
"spanishText":"¡Sí! Combo completo.",
"koreanText":"네! 풀 콤보!",
"englishUsText":"Don’t give up!",
"frenchText":"N'abandonne pas !",
"italianText":"Non arrenderti!",
"germanText":"Gib nicht auf!",
"spanishText":"¡No te rindas!",
"koreanText":"열심히 하세요~!",
"englishUsText":"Nearly had it!",
"frenchText":"C'est pas passé loin !",
"italianText":"C'eri quasi!",
"germanText":"Ganz knapp vorbei!",
"spanishText":"¡Por poco!",
"koreanText":"아까워! 아깝습니다~!",
"englishUsText":"That’s it! Great job!",
"frenchText":"Ouais ! Beau travail !",
"italianText":"Ottimo! Così!",
"germanText":"Ja! Super gemacht!",
"spanishText":"¡Eso es! ¡Buen trabajo!",
"koreanText":"잘 한다! 그 기세입니다!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nCongrats on the\nFull Combo!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nFélicitations pour ce combo max !",
"italianText":"COMPLETATA!\nE complimenti per l'unica combo!",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT! GLÜCKWUNSCH!\nEine vollständige Kombo!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Enhorabuena por el combo completo!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 풀 콤보 축하해~!",
"englishUsText":"I know you can do this!",
"frenchText":"Je sais que\ntu peux réussir !",
"italianText":"So che puoi farcela!",
"germanText":"Ich weiß, du schaffst es!",
"spanishText":"¡Sé que puedes hacerlo!",
"koreanText":"힘내면 분명 할 수 있어!",
"englishUsText":"You were so close!\nDon’t give up!",
"frenchText":"Tu y étais presque !\nN'abandonne pas !",
"italianText":"Accidenti, per poco!\nNon arrenderti!",
"germanText":"Du warst so knapp dran!\nGib nicht auf!",
"spanishText":"¡Por poco!\n¡No te rindas!",
"koreanText":"조금만 더 하면 돼! 힘내!",
"englishUsText":"CLEARED!\nThat was wonderful!",
"frenchText":"TERMINÉ !\nC'était merveilleux !",
"germanText":"GESCHAFFT!\nDas war wunderbar!",
"spanishText":"¡CONSEGUIDO!\n¡Ha sido maravilloso!",
"koreanText":"클리어! 정말 잘 했어!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 1st!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 1er !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Erster!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 1.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 2nd!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 2e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Zweiter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 2.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 3rd!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 3e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Dritter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 3.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 4th!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 4e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Vierter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 4.º!",
"englishUsText":"Mecha 1st",
"frenchText":"Mecha 1er",
"italianText":"Mecha 1°",
"spanishText":"Robot 1.º",
"englishUsText":"Mecha 2nd",
"frenchText":"Mecha 2e",
"italianText":"Mecha 2°",
"spanishText":"Robot 2.º",
"englishUsText":"Mecha 3rd",
"frenchText":"Mecha 3e",
"italianText":"Mecha 3°",
"spanishText":"Robot 3.º",
"englishUsText":"Mecha 4th",
"frenchText":"Mecha 4e",
"italianText":"Mecha 4°",
"spanishText":"Robot 4.º",
"englishUsText":"1st place!",
"frenchText":"1re place !",
"germanText":"Erster Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡1er puesto!",
"englishUsText":"2nd place!",
"frenchText":"2e place !",
"germanText":"Zweiter Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡2.º puesto!",
"englishUsText":"3rd place!",
"frenchText":"3e place !",
"germanText":"Dritter Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡3er puesto!",
"englishUsText":"4th place!",
"frenchText":"4e place !",
"germanText":"Vierter Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡4.º puesto!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 1st!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 1er !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Erster!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 1.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 2nd!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 2e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Zweiter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 2.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 3rd!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 3e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Dritter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 3.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 4th!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 4e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Vierter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 4.º!",
"englishUsText":"Ruff ruff!",
"frenchText":"Ouaf ouaf !",
"italianText":"Ruff ruff!",
"germanText":"Raff, raff!",
"koreanText":"멍머멍!(넘버 원!)",
"englishUsText":"Bark bark!",
"frenchText":"Ouaf ouaf !",
"italianText":"Bau, bau!",
"germanText":"Bell, bell!",
"spanishText":"¡Guau, guau!",
"englishUsText":"Arf arf!",
"frenchText":"Arf arf !",
"italianText":"Arf arf!",
"germanText":"Wuff, wuff!",
"spanishText":"¡Grr, grr!",
"frenchText":"Ahouuuu !",
"englishUsText":"1st place!",
"frenchText":"1re place !",
"germanText":"Erster Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡1er puesto!",
"englishUsText":"2nd place!",
"frenchText":"2e place !",
"germanText":"Zweiter Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡2.º puesto!",
"englishUsText":"3rd place!",
"frenchText":"3e place !",
"germanText":"Dritter Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡3er puesto!",
"englishUsText":"4th place!",
"frenchText":"4e place !",
"germanText":"Vierter Platz!",
"spanishText":"¡4.º puesto!",
"englishUsText":"1st, eh",
"frenchText":"1er, hum",
"italianText":"Primo, eh...",
"germanText":"Erster, was?",
"spanishText":"1.º, eh.",
"englishUsText":"2nd, eh",
"frenchText":"2e, hum",
"italianText":"Secondo, eh...",
"germanText":"Zweiter, was?",
"spanishText":"2.º, eh.",
"englishUsText":"3rd, eh",
"frenchText":"3e, hum",
"italianText":"Terzo, eh...",
"germanText":"Dritter, was?",
"spanishText":"3.º, eh.",
"englishUsText":"4th, eh",
"frenchText":"4e, hum",
"italianText":"Quarto, eh...",
"germanText":"Vierter, was?",
"spanishText":"4.º, eh.",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ ! (1er)",
"germanText":"@!&%#@! (Erster)",
"spanishText":"@!&%#@! (1.º)",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ ! (2e)",
"germanText":"@!&%#@! (Zweiter)",
"spanishText":"@!&%#@! (2.º)",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ ! (3e)",
"germanText":"@!&%#@! (Dritter)",
"spanishText":"@!&%#@! (3.º)",
"frenchText":"@!&%#@ ! (4e)",
"germanText":"@!&%#@! (Vierter)",
"spanishText":"@!&%#@! (4.º)",
"frenchText":"Miaou !",
"frenchText":"Miaou !",
"frenchText":"Miaou !",
"frenchText":"Miaou !",
"englishUsText":"Gah, 1st!",
"frenchText":"Yo, 1er !",
"italianText":"Gah, primo!",
"germanText":"Pah, Erster!",
"spanishText":"¡Ah, 1.º!",
"koreanText":"1등! 우가~!",
"englishUsText":"Gah, 2nd!",
"frenchText":"Yo, 2e !",
"italianText":"Gah, secondo!",
"germanText":"Pah, Zweiter!",
"spanishText":"¡Ah, 2.º!",
"koreanText":"2등! 우가~!",
"englishUsText":"Gah, 3rd!",
"frenchText":"Yo, 3e !",
"italianText":"Gah, terzo!",
"germanText":"Pah, Dritter!",
"spanishText":"¡Ah, 3.º!",
"koreanText":"3등! 우가~!",
"englishUsText":"Gah, 4th!",
"frenchText":"Yo, 4e !",
"italianText":"Gah, quarto!",
"germanText":"Pah, Vierter!",
"spanishText":"¡Ah, 4.º!",
"koreanText":"4등! 우가~!",
"englishUsText":"1st, baby!",
"frenchText":"1er, baby !",
"italianText":"Primo, baby!",
"germanText":"Erster, Baby!",
"spanishText":"¡1.º, sí!",
"englishUsText":"2nd, baby!",
"frenchText":"2e, baby !",
"italianText":"Secondo, baby!",
"germanText":"Zweiter, Baby!",
"spanishText":"¡2.º, sí!",
"frenchText":"3e !",
"englishUsText":"4th?! ",
"frenchText":"4e ?! ",
"italianText":"Quarto?!? ",
"germanText":"Vierter! ",
"spanishText":"¿4.º? ",
"englishUsText":"I’m 1st!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 1er !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Erster!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 1.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 2nd!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 2e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Zweiter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 2.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 3rd!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 3e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Dritter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 3.º!",
"englishUsText":"I’m 4th!",
"frenchText":"Je suis 4e !",
"germanText":"Ich bin Vierter!",
"spanishText":"¡Soy el 4.º!",
"englishUsText":"Yay, 1st!",
"frenchText":"Ouais, 1er !",
"italianText":"Primo posto!",
"germanText":"Yippie, Erster!",
"spanishText":"¡Sí, 1.º!",
"englishUsText":"Yay, 2nd!",
"frenchText":"Ouais, 2e !",
"italianText":"Secondo posto!",
"germanText":"Yippie, Zweiter!",
"spanishText":"¡Sí, 2.º!",
"englishUsText":"Yay, 3rd!",
"frenchText":"Ouais, 3e !",
"italianText":"Terzo posto!",
"germanText":"Yippie, Dritter!",
"spanishText":"¡Sí, 3.º!",
"englishUsText":"Yay, 4th!",
"frenchText":"Ouais, 4e !",
"italianText":"Quarto posto!",
"germanText":"Yippie, Vierter!",
"spanishText":"¡Sí, 4.º!",
"englishUsText":"MAX Combo",
"frenchText":"Combo MAX",
"italianText":"Max combo",
"germanText":"MAX. Kombo",
"spanishText":"Combo máximo",
"koreanText":"최대 콤보 수 ",
"frenchText":"Roul. de tambour",
"italianText":"Rullo di tamburo",
"spanishText":"Golpes de redoble",
"koreanText":"연타 횟수 ",
"englishUsText":"Change and close.",
"frenchText":"Changer et fermer",
"italianText":"Modifica e chiudi",
"germanText":"Ändern & schließ.",
"spanishText":"Cambiar y cerrar",
"koreanText":"변경하고 닫는다",
"koreanText":"서브 메뉴",
"englishUsText":"Save and Exit",
"frenchText":"Sauvegarder et quitter",
"italianText":"Salva ed esci",
"germanText":"Speichern und verlassen",
"spanishText":"Guardar y salir",
"koreanText":"결정하고 닫는다",
"englishUsText":"Start RumCal",
"frenchText":"Lancer calibr.",
"italianText":"Calibr. vibr.",
"germanText":"Kal. starten",
"spanishText":"Iniciar cal. vib.",
"koreanText":"HD 진동 조정 개시",
"koreanText":"판정을 조정",
"englishUsText":"Final Combo",
"frenchText":"Combo final",
"italianText":"Combo finale",
"germanText":"Letzte Kombo",
"spanishText":"Combo final",
"koreanText":"최종 콤보 수",
"koreanText":"얼쑤의 횟수",
"italianText":"A segno",
"koreanText":"두드린 횟수",
"englishUsText":"Diverge Notes",
"frenchText":"Notes divergentes",
"italianText":"Note divergenti",
"spanishText":"Notas divergen.",
"koreanText":"악보 분기",
"englishUsText":"High score",
"frenchText":"Meilleur score",
"koreanText":"마이 베스트",
"englishUsText":"*VS Difficulty is the same as 1P",
"frenchText":"*la difficulté en Match VS sera celle choisie par J1",
"italianText":"*In una partita Versus la difficoltà è scelta dal G1",
"germanText":"Der Schwierigkeitsgrad im VS entspricht der Einzelspielerversion",
"spanishText":"*La dificultad de los combates es igual a J1",
"koreanText":"※대결 룰의 「난이도」 는 1P가 기준입니다",
"englishUsText":"Please wait",
"frenchText":"Un instant...",
"germanText":"Bitte einen Moment warten ...",
"spanishText":"Un momento...",
"koreanText":"조금만 기다려줘",
"japaneseText":"テレビアニメ「新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン」より",
"englishUsText":"The other player may not be using the\nlatest version. Please make sure they are\nusing the latest version and try again.",
"frenchText":"L'autre joueur n'utilise peut-être \npas la dernière version du jeu. \nAssure-toi qu'il utilise la dernière version et réessaie.",
"italianText":"L'altro giocatore potrebbe non avere\nl'ultima versione. Assicurati che stia\nusando l'ultima versione e riprova.",
"germanText":"Dein Mitspieler scheint nicht die neueste\nVersion zu verwenden. Vergewissere dich,\ndass die neueste Version installiert ist und versuche es erneut.",
"spanishText":"Puede que el otro jugador no esté usando la última \nversión. Por favor, asegúrate que está usando la \núltima versión y prueba otra vez.",
"koreanText":"통신 상대가 최신 버전이 아닐 가능성이 있습니다.\n최신 버전으로 갱신한 후, 다시 확인해주세요.",
"englishUsText":"Carrying You",
"frenchText":"Tandis qu’elle t’emporte",
"italianText":"Con te a bordo",
"germanText":"Sie trägt dich",
"koreanText":"너를 태우고",
"englishUsText":"From \" Castle in the Sky \"",
"frenchText":"de \" Le Château dans le ciel \"",
"italianText":"da \" Il castello nel cielo \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Das Schloss im Himmel \"",
"spanishText":"De \" El Castillo en el Cielo \"",
"chineseTText":" 來自「天空之城」",
"koreanText":"\"천공의 성 라퓨타\"에서",
"englishUsText":"My Neighbor Totoro – Ending Theme Song",
"frenchText":"Mon Voisin Totoro - générique de fin",
"italianText":"Il mio vicino Totoro - Tema principale",
"germanText":"Mein Nachbar Totoro – Abspann",
"spanishText":"Mi Vecino Totoro (Tema principal - Tema final)",
"koreanText":"이웃집 토토로",
"englishUsText":"Rougeno Dengon",
"frenchText":"Rougeno Dengon",
"italianText":"Rougeno Dengon",
"germanText":"Rougeno Dengon",
"spanishText":"Rougeno Dengon",
"chineseTText":"Rougeno Dengon",
"koreanText":"Rougeno Dengon",
"englishUsText":"From \" Kiki's Delivery Service \"",
"frenchText":"de \" Kiki la petite sorcière \"",
"italianText":"da \" Kiki - Consegne a domicilio \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Kikis kleiner Lieferservice \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Nicky, la Aprendiz de Bruja \"",
"chineseTText":" 來自「魔女宅急便」",
"koreanText":"\"마녀 배달부 키키\"에서",
"englishUsText":"A Town with an Ocean View",
"frenchText":"Une Ville avec vue sur l’océan",
"italianText":"La città da dove si vede il mare",
"germanText":"Eine Stadt am Meer",
"spanishText":"Una Ciudad Con Vistas al Mar",
"koreanText":"바다가 보이는 마을",
"englishUsText":"From \" Kiki's Delivery Service \"",
"frenchText":"de \" Kiki la petite sorcière \"",
"italianText":"da \" Kiki - Consegne a domicilio \"",
"germanText":"Aus \" Kikis kleiner Lieferservice \"",
"spanishText":"De \" Nicky, la Aprendiz de Bruja \"",
"chineseTText":" 來自「魔女宅急便」",
"koreanText":"\"마녀 배달부 키키\"에서",
"englishUsText":"Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea",
"frenchText":"Ponyo sur la falaise",
"italianText":"Ponyo sulla scogliera",
"germanText":"Ponyo – das große Abenteuer am Meer",
"spanishText":"Ponyo en el acantilado",
"koreanText":"벼랑 위의 포뇨",
"englishUsText":"I did it!",
"frenchText":"J'ai réussi !",
"italianText":"Ce l'ho fatta!",
"spanishText":"¡Lo logré!",
"englishUsText":"No way!",
"frenchText":"Pas possible !",
"italianText":"Oh, no!",
"germanText":"Oh nein!",
"spanishText":"¡Ni hablar!",
"koreanText":"말도 안 돼!?",
"englishUsText":"Not over yet!",
"frenchText":"C'est pas encore fini !",
"italianText":"Non è finita!",
"germanText":"Nicht vorbei!",
"spanishText":"¡Aún queda!",
"englishUsText":"A Full Combo! Great job!",
"frenchText":"Un combo max !\nBien joué !",
"italianText":"Combo completa! Ben fatto!",
"germanText":"Eine vollständige\nKombo?! Gut gemacht!",
"spanishText":"¡Un combo completo!\n¡Buen trabajo!",
"koreanText":"풀 콤보! 해냈어!",
"englishUsText":"Aww! You’ll get it next time!",
"frenchText":"Oh... Tu réussiras la prochaine fois !",
"italianText":"Oh, ti rifarai la prossima volta!",
"germanText":"Ohh! Du schaffst es\nbeim nächsten Mal!",
"spanishText":"¡Jo! La próxima lo\nconseguirás.",
"koreanText":"으으으~! 다음에는 힘내자!",
"englishUsText":"Nice try! You almost had it!",
"frenchText":"Joli !\nTu y étais presque !",
"italianText":"Bel tentativo! C'eri quasi!",
"germanText":"Guter Versuch!\nDu hättest es\nfast geschafft!",
"spanishText":"¡Buen intento!\n¡Casi lo tenías!",
"koreanText":"아까워! 조금 남았네!",
"englishUsText":"You beat it! Well done!",
"frenchText":"Tu as réussi !\nBravo !",
"italianText":"Ce l'hai fatta! Bel lavoro!",
"germanText":"Du hast es geschafft!\nGut gemacht!",
"spanishText":"¡Lo has conseguido!\n¡Bien hecho!",
"koreanText":"클리어 성공! 잘했어요~!",
"frenchText":"Hourra !",
"frenchText":"OK !",
"frenchText":"Hein ?!",
"englishUsText":"You can do it next time!",
"frenchText":"La prochaine, c’est la bonne !",
"italianText":"Puoi farcela!",
"germanText":"Beim nächsten Mal!",
"spanishText":"¡Tú puedes!",
"koreanText":"으으으~! 다음에는 힘내자!",
"japaneseText":"黒うさP feat.初音ミク",
"englishUsText":"Kurousa P feat. HATSUNE MIKU",
"frenchText":"Kurousa P feat. HATSUNE MIKU",
"italianText":"Kurousa P feat. HATSUNE MIKU",
"germanText":"Kurousa P feat. HATSUNE MIKU",
"spanishText":"Kurousa P feat. HATSUNE MIKU",
"chineseTText":"Kurousa P feat. HATSUNE MIKU",
"koreanText":"Kurousa P feat. HATSUNE MIKU",
"japaneseText":"バルーン feat.flower",
"englishUsText":"balloon feat. flower",
"frenchText":"balloon feat. flower",
"italianText":"balloon feat. flower",
"germanText":"balloon feat. flower",
"spanishText":"balloon feat. flower",
"chineseTText":"balloon feat.flower",
"koreanText":"벌룬 feat.flower",
"japaneseText":"Orangestar feat.IA",
"englishUsText":"Orangestar feat. IA",
"frenchText":"Orangestar feat. IA",
"italianText":"Orangestar feat. IA",
"germanText":"Orangestar feat. IA",
"spanishText":"Orangestar feat. IA",
"chineseTText":"Orangestar feat.IA",
"koreanText":"Orangestar feat.IA",
"englishUsText":"HATSUNE MIKU No Shoushitsu -Gekijouban-",
"frenchText":"HATSUNE MIKU No Shoushitsu -Gekijouban-",
"italianText":"HATSUNE MIKU No Shoushitsu -Gekijouban-",
"germanText":"HATSUNE MIKU No Shoushitsu -Gekijouban-",
"spanishText":"HATSUNE MIKU No Shoushitsu -Gekijouban-",
"chineseTText":"初音未來の消失 - 劇場版 -",
"koreanText":"하츠네 미쿠노 쇼우시츠-게키죠우방-",
"japaneseText":"テヅカ feat.鏡音リン・鏡音レン",
"englishUsText":"Tezuka feat. KAGAMINE RIN, KAGAMINE LEN",
"frenchText":"Tezuka feat. KAGAMINE RIN, KAGAMINE LEN",
"italianText":"Tezuka feat. KAGAMINE RIN, KAGAMINE LEN",
"germanText":"Tezuka feat. KAGAMINE RIN, KAGAMINE LEN",
"spanishText":"Tezuka feat. KAGAMINE RIN, KAGAMINE LEN",
"chineseTText":"Tezuka feat. KAGAMINE RIN・KAGAMINE LEN",
"koreanText":"Tezuka feat.KAGAMINE RIN・KAGAMINE LEN",
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