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atog / local_ip.rb
Created November 9, 2012 11:14
Get your local IP address
require 'socket'
def local_ip
orig, Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup, true # turn off reverse DNS resolution temporarily do |s|
s.connect '', 1
Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig
adelevie / custom_cell.rb
Created November 17, 2012 18:26
Programmatically customize UITableViewCells in RubyMotion
# code inspired from
class CustomCell < UITableViewCell
attr_accessor :primaryLabel
attr_accessor :secondaryLabel
def createLabels
@primaryLabel = UILabel.alloc.init
gregfroese / gist:4124753
Created November 21, 2012 13:04
Posting an image in RubyMotion using BubbleWrap and saving it in Rails
## RubyMotion
imageData = UIImage.UIImageJPEGRepresentation(@image_view.image, 1)
encodedData = [imageData].pack("m0")
data["image"] = encodedData"http://localhost:3000/upload}", {payload: data}) do |response|
if response.ok?
seanlilmateus / gist:4134454
Last active January 12, 2018 16:11
Rubymotion GCD Future; with lazy evaluation
#!/usr/bin/env macruby -wKU
framework 'Foundation'
module Dispatch
module Futuristic
def proxy do
def initialize(obj)
@obj = obj
1.upto(100) do |i|
puts ''.tap {|output|
output << 'Fizz' if i.modulo(3).zero?
output << 'Buzz' if i.modulo(5).zero?
output << i.to_s if output.empty?
ndarville /
Last active January 13, 2024 17:27
Business models based on the compiled list at I find the link very hard to browse, so I made a simple version in Markdown instead.

Business Models


Models Examples
Display ads Yahoo!
Search ads Google
colinta / hozizontal_pan_gesture.rb
Created January 17, 2013 18:49
Only responds to horizontal gestures, within 4 pixels of the starting location.
class HorizontalPanGestureRecognizer < UIPanGestureRecognizer
DirectionPanThreshold = 4
def initWithTarget(target, action: action)
super.tap do
def touchesMoved(touches, withEvent:event)
bf4 /
Last active July 17, 2021 08:06
Some Ruby Learning Resources
rais38 / gist:4683817
Last active October 13, 2020 17:36
Embed YouTube videos with UIWebView
#pragma mark - Embed Video
- (UIWebView *)embedVideoYoutubeWithURL:(NSString *)urlString andFrame:(CGRect)frame {
NSString *videoID = [self extractYoutubeVideoID:urlString];
NSString *embedHTML = @"\
<style type=\"text/css\">\
body {\
background-color: transparent;\
alloy / gist:4952606
Last active August 19, 2020 03:48
Upload iOS application for clients on their iTunes Connect account.

Obviously, the simplest solution would be for the client to share their account details or add us as ‘team admin’, but that is not what this is about.

  1. [Add us to your iOS Developer Program as ‘team member’.][1]
  2. [Create a ‘Distribution Certificate’, if you haven’t got one already.][2]
  3. [Create a ‘App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile’.][3]
  4. [Export the ‘Distribution Certificate’ assets and send the export and password to us.][4] (For security sake, it’s a good idea to send us the password via other means than the exported certificate. E.g. by phone/SMS.)