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Last active June 29, 2024 17:24
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  • Save bukowa/afe135af1564069fc4225deb0c78e6a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bukowa/afe135af1564069fc4225deb0c78e6a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
+ node --test --test-force-exit --test-timeout=90000 tests-e2e-js/dist/main.js
TAP version 13
# [ [DEBUG] default - {
# PATH_TAURI_APP_BINARY: 'D:\\\\a\\\\tauri-e2e\\\\tauri-e2e/target/release/tauri-app.exe',
# PATH_WEBDRIVER_BINARY: 'D:\\\\a\\\\tauri-e2e\\\\tauri-e2e/.build/bin/msedgedriver.exe',
# TESTS_LOG_LEVEL: 'debug',
# }
# [ [INFO] default - Starting Edge driver
# [ [WARN] default - Edge driver does not support --host option
# [ [DEBUG] default - D:\\a\\tauri-e2e\\tauri-e2e/.build/bin/msedgedriver.exe [ '--port=5699', '--log-level=DEBUG' ] { stdio: [ null, 'overlapped', 'overlapped' ], detached: false }
# [ [INFO] driverProcess.stdout - Starting Microsoft Edge WebDriver 126.0.2592.68 (30e1b6cc72a8cf6df643b6a0f69884a4936488ba) on port 5699
# To submit feedback, report a bug, or suggest new features, please visit
# Only local connections are allowed.
# Please see for suggestions on keeping Microsoft Edge WebDriver safe.
# [ [INFO] driverProcess.stdout - Microsoft Edge WebDriver was started successfully.
# [ [INFO] default - Creating driver with {
# capabilities: Capabilities {
# map_: Map(2) {
# 'browserName' => 'webview2',
# 'ms:edgeOptions' => [Object]
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND InitSession {
# "capabilities": {
# "alwaysMatch": {
# "browserName": "webview2",
# "ms:edgeOptions": {
# "args": [ ],
# "binary": "D:\\\\a\\\\tauri-e2e\\\\tauri-e2e/target/release/tauri-app.exe",
# "webviewOptions": {
# }
# }
# },
# "firstMatch": [ {
# } ]
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Populating Preferences file: {
# "alternate_error_pages": {
# "enabled": false
# },
# "autofill": {
# "enabled": false
# },
# "browser": {
# "check_default_browser": false
# },
# "distribution": {
# "import_bookmarks": false,
# "import_history": false,
# "import_search_engine": false,
# "make_chrome_default_for_user": false,
# "skip_first_run_ui": true
# },
# "dns_prefetching": {
# "enabled": false
# },
# "profile": {
# "content_settings": {
# "pattern_pairs": {
# "https://*,*": {
# "media-stream": {
# "audio": "Default",
# "video": "Default"
# }
# }
# }
# },
# "default_content_setting_values": {
# "geolocation": 1
# },
# "default_content_settings": {
# "geolocation": 1,
# "mouselock": 1,
# "notifications": 1,
# "popups": 1,
# "ppapi-broker": 1
# },
# "password_manager_enabled": false
# },
# "safebrowsing": {
# "enabled": false
# },
# "search": {
# "suggest_enabled": false
# },
# "translate": {
# "enabled": false
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Populating Local State file: {
# "background_mode": {
# "enabled": false
# },
# "ssl": {
# "rev_checking": {
# "enabled": false
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: ChromeDriver supports communication with Chrome via pipes. This is more reliable and more secure.
# [INFO]: Use the --remote-debugging-pipe Chrome switch instead of the default --remote-debugging-port to enable this communication mode.
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: WEBVIEW2_ADDITIONAL_BROWSER_ARGUMENTS = --allow-pre-commit-input --disable-background-networking --disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --disable-default-apps --disable-hang-monitor --disable-popup-blocking --disable-prompt-on-repost --disable-sync --enable-automation --enable-logging --log-level=0 --no-first-run --no-service-autorun --password-store=basic --remote-debugging-port=0 --test-type=webdriver --use-mock-keychain
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Launching Microsoft Edge: "D:\\a\\tauri-e2e\\tauri-e2e/target/release/tauri-app.exe"
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Request: http://localhost:54593/json/version
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Response: {\\r
# "Browser": "Edg/126.0.2592.81",\\r
# "Protocol-Version": "1.3",\\r
# "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",\\r
# "V8-Version": "",\\r
# "WebKit-Version": "537.36 (@38151611195b9357be892bf1ae5c4b7942a1b216)",\\r
# "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:54593/devtools/browser/37fbf35d-76ba-4bf2-8522-5b71c55502be"\\r
# }\\r
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Request: http://localhost:54593/json/list
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Response: [ {\\r
# "description": "",\\r
# "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:54593/devtools/page/797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",\\r
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",\\r
# "title": "about:blank",\\r
# "type": "page",\\r
# "url": "about:blank",\\r
# "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:54593/devtools/page/797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E"\\r
# } ]\\r
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: resolved localhost to ["::1",""]
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Target.getTargets (id=1) (session_id=) browser {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Target.getTargets (id=1) (session_id=) browser {
# "targetInfos": [ {
# "attached": true,
# "browserContextId": "C6BA3BFA2A0ABDE10740398DF46963E7",
# "canAccessOpener": false,
# "pid": 7100,
# "targetId": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "title": "about:blank",
# "type": "page",
# "url": "about:blank"
# } ]
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Target.attachToTarget (id=2) (session_id=) browser {
# "flatten": true,
# "targetId": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Target.attachedToTarget (session_id=) browser {
# "sessionId": "007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF",
# "targetInfo": {
# "attached": true,
# "browserContextId": "C6BA3BFA2A0ABDE10740398DF46963E7",
# "canAccessOpener": false,
# "pid": 7100,
# "targetId": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "title": "about:blank",
# "type": "page",
# "url": "about:blank"
# },
# "waitingForDebugger": false
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Target.attachToTarget (id=2) (session_id=) browser {
# "sessionId": "007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.enable (id=3) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument (id=4) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "source": "(function () {window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Array = window.Array;window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Object = window.Object;window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Promise = window.Promise;window.cdc_a..."
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=5) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "(function () {window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Array = window.Array;window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Object = window.Object;window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Promise = window.Promise;window.cdc_a..."
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Log.enable (id=6) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Target.setAutoAttach (id=7) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "autoAttach": true,
# "flatten": true,
# "waitForDebuggerOnStart": false
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.enable (id=3) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument (id=4) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "identifier": "1"
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=5) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "type": "undefined"
# }
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Log.enable (id=6) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Target.setAutoAttach (id=7) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.enable (id=8) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Runtime.executionContextCreated (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "context": {
# "auxData": {
# "frameId": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "isDefault": true,
# "type": "default"
# },
# "id": 1,
# "name": "",
# "origin": "://",
# "uniqueId": "-2644022540929529221.5554012963429626878"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.enable (id=8) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.enable (id=9) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.enable (id=9) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] RESPONSE InitSession {
# "capabilities": {
# "acceptInsecureCerts": false,
# "browserName": "webview2",
# "browserVersion": "126.0.2592.81",
# "fedcm:accounts": true,
# "ms:edgeOptions": {
# "debuggerAddress": "localhost:54593"
# },
# "msedge": {
# "msedgedriverVersion": "126.0.2592.68 (30e1b6cc72a8cf6df643b6a0f69884a4936488ba)",
# "userDataDir": ""
# },
# "networkConnectionEnabled": false,
# "pageLoadStrategy": "normal",
# "platformName": "windows",
# "proxy": {
# },
# "setWindowRect": true,
# "strictFileInteractability": false,
# "timeouts": {
# "implicit": 0,
# "pageLoad": 300000,
# "script": 30000
# },
# "unhandledPromptBehavior": "dismiss and notify",
# "webauthn:extension:credBlob": true,
# "webauthn:extension:largeBlob": true,
# "webauthn:extension:minPinLength": true,
# "webauthn:extension:prf": true,
# "webauthn:virtualAuthenticators": true
# },
# "sessionId": "f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5"
# }
# [ [INFO] default - Driver created {
# driver: WebDriver {
# session_: Promise {
# [Session],
# [Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 258,
# [Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 120
# },
# executor_: Executor { customCommands_: null, log_: [Logger], w3c: true },
# fileDetector_: null,
# onQuit_: undefined,
# authenticatorId_: null,
# pinnedScripts_: {}
# }
# }
# [ [INFO] default - Waiting for body element
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameStartedLoading (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameId": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND FindElements {
# "using": "css selector",
# "value": "body"
# }
# [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=10) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameResized (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Runtime.executionContextsCleared (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameNavigated (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# },
# "type": "Navigation"
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Runtime.executionContextCreated (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "context": {
# "auxData": {
# "frameId": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "isDefault": true,
# "type": "default"
# },
# "id": 2,
# "name": "",
# "origin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "uniqueId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=10) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.domContentEventFired (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "timestamp": 1062.081943
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=11) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.loadEventFired (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "timestamp": 1062.082323
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=12) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "awaitPromise": false,
# "expression": "document.readyState",
# "returnByValue": true,
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameStoppedLoading (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameId": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=11) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=12) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "complete"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=13) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=13) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=14) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=14) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=15) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=15) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":[{\\"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf\\":0}]}"
# }, {
# "type": "node",
# "value": {
# "attributes": {
# },
# "backendNodeId": 11,
# "childNodeCount": 3,
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "localName": "body",
# "namespaceURI": "",
# "nodeType": 1,
# "shadowRoot": null
# }
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(2)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.1",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=16) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=16) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [INFO] default - Body element found
# [ [INFO] default - Hello world
# [ [INFO] default - Sending hello world to input
# Subtest: Tauri E2E tests
# Subtest: should log hello world
ok 1 - should log hello world
duration_ms: 1.4373
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] RESPONSE FindElements [ {
# "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf": "f.797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E.d.4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4.e.11"
# } ]
# [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND FindElement {
# "using": "css selector",
# "value": "input[id=\\"greet-input\\"]"
# }
# [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=17) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=17) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=18) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=18) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=19) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=19) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=20) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=20) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":{\\"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf\\":0}}"
# }, {
# "type": "node",
# "value": {
# "attributes": {
# "id": "greet-input",
# "placeholder": "Enter a name..."
# },
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "childNodeCount": 0,
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "localName": "input",
# "namespaceURI": "",
# "nodeType": 1,
# "shadowRoot": {
# "type": "node",
# "value": {
# "backendNodeId": 14,
# "childNodeCount": 2,
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mode": "closed",
# "nodeType": 11
# }
# }
# }
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(2)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.2",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=21) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=21) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] RESPONSE FindElement {
# "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf": "f.797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E.d.4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4.e.10"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND TypeElement {
# "id": "f.797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E.d.4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4.e.10",
# "text": "Hello World",
# "value": [ "H", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "W", "o", "r", "l", "d" ]
# }
# [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=22) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=22) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=23) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=23) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# },
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# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=24) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "45554a14-fe21-4ed8-a82d-d9e0ad03bd27"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=24) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLInputElement",
# "description": "input\#greet-input",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.3",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=25) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=25) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
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# },
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# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=26) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.3"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "45554a14-fe21-4ed8-a82d-d9e0ad03bd27",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=26) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":\\"INPUT\\"}"
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(1)",
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# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=27) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "45554a14-fe21-4ed8-a82d-d9e0ad03bd27"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=28) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=27) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=28) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
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# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
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# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
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# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=29) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "a3b626da-ffea-4145-9fe3-615198898768"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=29) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLInputElement",
# "description": "input\#greet-input",
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# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=30) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=30) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=31) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.5"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "a3b626da-ffea-4145-9fe3-615198898768",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=31) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":\\"text\\"}"
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# "description": "Array(1)",
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# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=32) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "a3b626da-ffea-4145-9fe3-615198898768"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=33) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=32) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=33) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=34) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "cf3e0f6a-91ef-4394-89fa-7b94c1455e24"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=34) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLInputElement",
# "description": "input\#greet-input",
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# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=35) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=35) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=36) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.7"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "cf3e0f6a-91ef-4394-89fa-7b94c1455e24",
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# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=36) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
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# "type": "array",
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# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":false}"
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=37) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "cf3e0f6a-91ef-4394-89fa-7b94c1455e24"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=38) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=37) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=38) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# }
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=39) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "111dc2bd-8685-49a2-9895-9f549d6aa141"
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=39) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=40) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=40) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=41) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
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# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "111dc2bd-8685-49a2-9895-9f549d6aa141",
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# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=41) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
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# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
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# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":\\"INPUT\\"}"
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=42) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "111dc2bd-8685-49a2-9895-9f549d6aa141"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=43) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "awaitPromise": false,
# "expression": "document.hasFocus()",
# "returnByValue": true
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=42) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=43) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "type": "boolean",
# "value": false
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=44) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=44) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=45) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "0e6adf60-1163-4d9c-91bd-4c8f21d9ee16"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=45) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# "description": "input\#greet-input",
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=46) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=46) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=47) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# } ],
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# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "0e6adf60-1163-4d9c-91bd-4c8f21d9ee16",
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# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=47) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
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# "type": "array",
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=48) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "0e6adf60-1163-4d9c-91bd-4c8f21d9ee16"
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=49) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=48) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=49) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=50) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "3ded50b1-c0b4-43ad-9f7c-f90f5876d7d2"
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=50) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=51) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=51) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=52) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
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# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "3ded50b1-c0b4-43ad-9f7c-f90f5876d7d2",
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# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=52) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
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# "type": "array",
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=53) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "3ded50b1-c0b4-43ad-9f7c-f90f5876d7d2"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=54) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=53) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=54) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=55) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "eba5e89f-c7db-4650-b88c-57a0ba8df02c"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=55) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=56) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=56) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=57) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.15"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "eba5e89f-c7db-4650-b88c-57a0ba8df02c",
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# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=57) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
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# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=58) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "eba5e89f-c7db-4650-b88c-57a0ba8df02c"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=59) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=58) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=59) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=60) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 10,
# "objectGroup": "a7eeb04b-f46a-45c4-b65c-a37f89efd75d"
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=60) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=61) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=61) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=62) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
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# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "a7eeb04b-f46a-45c4-b65c-a37f89efd75d",
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# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=62) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
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# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":null}"
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(1)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.18",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=63) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "a7eeb04b-f46a-45c4-b65c-a37f89efd75d"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=64) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "ShiftLeft",
# "key": "Shift",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 16
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=65) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyH",
# "key": "H",
# "modifiers": 8,
# "text": "H",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "h",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 72
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=66) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyH",
# "key": "H",
# "modifiers": 8,
# "text": "H",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "h",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 72
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=67) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyH",
# "key": "H",
# "modifiers": 8,
# "text": "H",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "h",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 72
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=68) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "ShiftLeft",
# "key": "Shift",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 16
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=69) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyE",
# "key": "e",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "e",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "e",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 69
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=70) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyE",
# "key": "e",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "e",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "e",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 69
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=71) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyE",
# "key": "e",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "e",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "e",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 69
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=72) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=73) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=74) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=75) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=76) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=77) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=78) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyO",
# "key": "o",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "o",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "o",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 79
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=79) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyO",
# "key": "o",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "o",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "o",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 79
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=80) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyO",
# "key": "o",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "o",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "o",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 79
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=81) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "Space",
# "key": " ",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": " ",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": " ",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 32
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=82) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "Space",
# "key": " ",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": " ",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": " ",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 32
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=83) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "Space",
# "key": " ",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": " ",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": " ",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 32
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=84) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "ShiftLeft",
# "key": "Shift",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 16
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=85) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyW",
# "key": "W",
# "modifiers": 8,
# "text": "W",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "w",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 87
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=86) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyW",
# "key": "W",
# "modifiers": 8,
# "text": "W",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "w",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 87
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=87) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyW",
# "key": "W",
# "modifiers": 8,
# "text": "W",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "w",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 87
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=88) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "ShiftLeft",
# "key": "Shift",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 16
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=89) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyO",
# "key": "o",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "o",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "o",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 79
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=90) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyO",
# "key": "o",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "o",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "o",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 79
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=91) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyO",
# "key": "o",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "o",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "o",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 79
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=92) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyR",
# "key": "r",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "r",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "r",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 82
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=93) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyR",
# "key": "r",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "r",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "r",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 82
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=94) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyR",
# "key": "r",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "r",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "r",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 82
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=95) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=96) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=97) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyL",
# "key": "l",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "l",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "l",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 76
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=98) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyD",
# "key": "d",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "d",
# "type": "rawKeyDown",
# "unmodifiedText": "d",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 68
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=99) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyD",
# "key": "d",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "d",
# "type": "char",
# "unmodifiedText": "d",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 68
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=100) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "code": "KeyD",
# "key": "d",
# "modifiers": 0,
# "text": "d",
# "type": "keyUp",
# "unmodifiedText": "d",
# "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 68
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=63) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=64) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=65) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=66) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=67) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=68) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=69) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=70) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=71) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=72) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=73) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=74) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=75) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=76) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=77) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=78) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=79) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=80) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=81) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=82) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=83) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=84) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=85) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=86) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=87) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=88) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=89) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=90) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=91) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=92) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=93) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=94) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=95) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=96) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=97) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=98) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=99) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchKeyEvent (id=100) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=101) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=101) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] RESPONSE TypeElement
# [ [INFO] default - Clicking submit button
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND FindElement {
# "using": "css selector",
# "value": "button[type=\\"Submit\\"]"
# }
# [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=102) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=102) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=103) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=103) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=104) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=104) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=105) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=105) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":{\\"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf\\":0}}"
# }, {
# "type": "node",
# "value": {
# "attributes": {
# "type": "submit"
# },
# "backendNodeId": 15,
# "childNodeCount": 1,
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "localName": "button",
# "namespaceURI": "",
# "nodeType": 1,
# "shadowRoot": null
# }
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(2)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.19",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=106) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=106) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] RESPONSE FindElement {
# "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf": "f.797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E.d.4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4.e.15"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND ClickElement {
# "id": "f.797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E.d.4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4.e.15"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=107) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=107) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=108) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=108) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=109) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 15,
# "objectGroup": "d96f772e-4789-4068-966b-dcb7cc7cb4bc"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=109) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLButtonElement",
# "description": "button",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.20",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=110) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=110) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=111) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.20"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "d96f772e-4789-4068-966b-dcb7cc7cb4bc",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=111) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":\\"button\\"}"
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(1)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.21",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=112) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "d96f772e-4789-4068-966b-dcb7cc7cb4bc"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=113) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=112) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=113) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=114) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 15,
# "objectGroup": "9becdcbb-9b1b-4c30-bfb6-896b4b63107d"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=114) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLButtonElement",
# "description": "button",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.22",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=115) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=115) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
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# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=116) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.22"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "9becdcbb-9b1b-4c30-bfb6-896b4b63107d",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=116) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":\\"button\\"}"
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(1)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.23",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=117) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "9becdcbb-9b1b-4c30-bfb6-896b4b63107d"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=118) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=117) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=118) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
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# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=119) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 15,
# "objectGroup": "a3795274-e928-4d58-a430-ffb8338cd3f7"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=119) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLButtonElement",
# "description": "button",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.24",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=120) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=120) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
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# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=121) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.24"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "a3795274-e928-4d58-a430-ffb8338cd3f7",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=121) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":true}"
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(1)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.25",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=122) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "a3795274-e928-4d58-a430-ffb8338cd3f7"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=123) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=122) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=123) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
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# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=124) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 15,
# "objectGroup": "db042793-c058-4758-8452-2cd5b52f46d0"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=124) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLButtonElement",
# "description": "button",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.26",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=125) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=125) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# },
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# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=126) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.26"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "db042793-c058-4758-8452-2cd5b52f46d0",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=126) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":{\\"left\\":0,\\"top\\":0,\\"height\\":39.1875,\\"width\\":80.390625}}"
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(1)",
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# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=127) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "db042793-c058-4758-8452-2cd5b52f46d0"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=128) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=127) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=128) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
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# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=129) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 15,
# "objectGroup": "085ec93a-e9b9-4937-8599-b5d6e286ffc2"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=129) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLButtonElement",
# "description": "button",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.28",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=130) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=130) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
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# },
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# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
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# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=131) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.28"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "085ec93a-e9b9-4937-8599-b5d6e286ffc2",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=131) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":{\\"x\\":479.984375,\\"y\\":341.875,\\"clone\\":{},\\"ceil\\":{},\\"floor\\":{},\\"round\\":{},\\"translate\\":{},\\"scale\\":{}}}"
# } ]
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# "description": "Array(1)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.29",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=132) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "085ec93a-e9b9-4937-8599-b5d6e286ffc2"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=133) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=132) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=133) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# },
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# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
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# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=134) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 15,
# "objectGroup": "1cf0abc7-822c-4146-8306-f58da745edb5"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=134) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLButtonElement",
# "description": "button",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.30",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=135) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=135) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=136) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.30"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "1cf0abc7-822c-4146-8306-f58da745edb5",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=136) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":{\\"clickable\\":true}}"
# } ]
# },
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# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=137) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "1cf0abc7-822c-4146-8306-f58da745edb5"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchMouseEvent (id=138) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "button": "none",
# "buttons": 0,
# "clickCount": 0,
# "force": 0.0,
# "modifiers": 0,
# "pointerType": "mouse",
# "tangentialPressure": 0.0,
# "tiltX": 0,
# "tiltY": 0,
# "twist": 0,
# "type": "mouseMoved",
# "x": 520,
# "y": 361
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchMouseEvent (id=139) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "button": "left",
# "buttons": 0,
# "clickCount": 1,
# "force": 0.0,
# "modifiers": 0,
# "pointerType": "mouse",
# "tangentialPressure": 0.0,
# "tiltX": 0,
# "tiltY": 0,
# "twist": 0,
# "type": "mousePressed",
# "x": 520,
# "y": 361
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Input.dispatchMouseEvent (id=140) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "button": "left",
# "buttons": 1,
# "clickCount": 1,
# "force": 0.0,
# "modifiers": 0,
# "pointerType": "mouse",
# "tangentialPressure": 0.0,
# "tiltX": 0,
# "tiltY": 0,
# "twist": 0,
# "type": "mouseReleased",
# "x": 520,
# "y": 361
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=137) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchMouseEvent (id=138) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchMouseEvent (id=139) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Input.dispatchMouseEvent (id=140) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=141) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=141) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] RESPONSE ClickElement
# [ [INFO] default - Waiting 2sec to allow greet message to be displayed
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND FindElement {
# "using": "css selector",
# "value": "p[id=\\"greet-msg\\"]"
# }
# [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=142) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=142) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=143) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=143) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=144) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=144) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
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# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
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# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
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# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
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# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=145) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=145) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":{\\"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf\\":0}}"
# }, {
# "type": "node",
# "value": {
# "attributes": {
# "id": "greet-msg"
# },
# "backendNodeId": 16,
# "childNodeCount": 1,
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "localName": "p",
# "namespaceURI": "",
# "nodeType": 1,
# "shadowRoot": null
# }
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(2)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.32",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=146) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=146) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] RESPONSE FindElement {
# "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf": "f.797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E.d.4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4.e.16"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: [f0e42ebb8fc6c4b01f69757be8c8f7e5] COMMAND GetElementText {
# "id": "f.797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E.d.4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4.e.16"
# }
# [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=147) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=147) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=148) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=148) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
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# },
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# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.resolveNode (id=149) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "backendNodeId": 16,
# "objectGroup": "f98decd0-f48d-4c84-aee3-2ae6d46e72c7"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.resolveNode (id=149) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "object": {
# "className": "HTMLParagraphElement",
# "description": "p\#greet-msg",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.33",
# "subtype": "node",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.getFrameTree (id=150) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=150) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "frameTree": {
# "frame": {
# "adFrameStatus": {
# "adFrameType": "none"
# },
# "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
# "domainAndRegistry": "tauri.localhost",
# "gatedAPIFeatures": [ ],
# "id": "797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E",
# "loaderId": "4EF5B3B4665E8BDCE92AA448306C11A4",
# "mimeType": "text/html",
# "secureContextType": "SecureLocalhost",
# "securityOrigin": "http://tauri.localhost",
# "url": "http://tauri.localhost/"
# }
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=151) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "arguments": [ {
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.33"
# } ],
# "awaitPromise": true,
# "functionDeclaration": "function(){ return (function() { // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors\\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\\n// found in the LICENSE file.\\n\\n/**\\n * Enum for WebD...",
# "objectGroup": "f98decd0-f48d-4c84-aee3-2ae6d46e72c7",
# "serializationOptions": {
# "serialization": "deep"
# },
# "uniqueContextId": "3486246105384540323.-4867044150354688212"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.callFunctionOn (id=151) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "className": "Array",
# "deepSerializedValue": {
# "type": "array",
# "value": [ {
# "type": "string",
# "value": "{\\"status\\":0,\\"value\\":\\"Hello, Hello World! You've been greeted from Rust!\\"}"
# } ]
# },
# "description": "Array(1)",
# "objectId": "135302471925752919.2.34",
# "subtype": "array",
# "type": "object"
# }
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=152) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "objectGroup": "f98decd0-f48d-4c84-aee3-2ae6d46e72c7"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=153) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "expression": "1"
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.releaseObjectGroup (id=152) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# }
# [ [DEBUG] driverProcess.stderr - [DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=153) (session_id=007491C2E79B21B0CD32AA92B6EB78DF) 797F7AE9AE7D1A95B7A1CD4725AFA82E {
# "result": {
# "description": "1",
# "type": "number",
# "value": 1
# }
# }
# [ [INFO] default - Text found { text: "Hello, Hello World! You've been greeted from Rust!" }
# Subtest: Send hello world to input
ok 2 - Send hello world to input
duration_ms: 2223.0445
ok 1 - Tauri E2E tests
duration_ms: 14912.8169
type: 'suite'
# [ [INFO] default - Exit: 0, killing webDriverProcess
# [ [INFO] default - Exit: 0, killing driver
# tests 2
# suites 1
# pass 2
# fail 0
# cancelled 0
# skipped 0
# todo 0
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