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Last active May 3, 2024 20:02
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resource "google_cloudfunctions2_function" "collect_metrics" {
name = "collect_metrics"
location = var.region
build_config {
entry_point = "collect_metrics"
runtime = "python312"
source {
storage_source {
bucket = google_storage_bucket_object.cloudfunctions_source.bucket
object =
generation = local.cloudfunctions_source_generation
# applying this removal results in the below error
# event_trigger {
# pubsub_topic =
# event_type = ""
# retry_policy = "RETRY_POLICY_RETRY"
# service_account_email =
# trigger_region = var.region
# }
labels = {
deployment-tool = "terraform"
service_config {
all_traffic_on_latest_revision = true
available_cpu = "0.1666"
available_memory = "256M"
ingress_settings = "ALLOW_ALL"
max_instance_count = 100
max_instance_request_concurrency = 1
service_account_email =
timeout_seconds = 60
environment_variables = {
DEBUG = (var.deploy_environ == "dev" ? 1 : 0)
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT = var.project_id
(venv:dim) ~/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics
[2024-05-03 Fri PM 02:30-0500] buck@jnpyxr75kj.lan $ tg-apply --refresh=false --target='google_cloudfunctions2_function.collect_metrics'
$ env GETSENTRY_SAC_VERB=apply sudo-gcp terragrunt run-all apply --terragrunt-ignore-external-dependencies --refresh=false --target=google_cloudfunctions2_function.collect_metrics
You are authenticated for the next hour as:
INFO[0000] The stack at /Users/buck/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics will be processed in the following order for command apply:
Group 1
- Module /Users/buck/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics
Are you sure you want to run 'terragrunt apply' in each folder of the stack described above? (y/n) y
data.archive_file.function_source: Reading... Reading... Read complete after 0s [id=833848020]
data.archive_file.function_source: Read complete after 1s [id=667852d04fb55a3856f098108e62e6a33f459e82]
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# google_cloudfunctions2_function.collect_metrics will be updated in-place
~ resource "google_cloudfunctions2_function" "collect_metrics" {
id = "projects/di-dev-mtr--buck-5/locations/us-west1/functions/collect_metrics"
name = "collect_metrics"
# (11 unchanged attributes hidden)
- event_trigger {
- event_type = "this-will-never-match-a-real-event-type" -> null
- pubsub_topic = "projects/di-dev-mtr--buck-5/topics/collect_metrics" -> null
- retry_policy = "RETRY_POLICY_DO_NOT_RETRY" -> null
- service_account_email = "" -> null
- trigger_region = "us-west1" -> null
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
# (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
Changes to Outputs:
~ collect_metrics_cloudfunction = {
~ event_trigger = [
- {
- event_filters = []
- event_type = "this-will-never-match-a-real-event-type"
- pubsub_topic = "projects/di-dev-mtr--buck-5/topics/collect_metrics"
- retry_policy = "RETRY_POLICY_DO_NOT_RETRY"
- service_account_email = ""
- trigger = ""
- trigger_region = "us-west1"
id = "projects/di-dev-mtr--buck-5/locations/us-west1/functions/collect_metrics"
name = "collect_metrics"
# (14 unchanged attributes hidden)
google_cloudfunctions2_function.collect_metrics: Modifying... [id=projects/di-dev-mtr--buck-5/locations/us-west1/functions/collect_metrics]
│ Warning: Resource targeting is in effect
│ You are creating a plan with the -target option, which means that the
│ result of this plan may not represent all of the changes requested by the
│ current configuration.
│ The -target option is not for routine use, and is provided only for
│ exceptional situations such as recovering from errors or mistakes, or when
│ Terraform specifically suggests to use it as part of an error message.
│ Warning: Applied changes may be incomplete
│ The plan was created with the -target option in effect, so some changes
│ requested in the configuration may have been ignored and the output values
│ may not be fully updated. Run the following command to verify that no other
│ changes are pending:
│ terraform plan
│ Note that the -target option is not suitable for routine use, and is
│ provided only for exceptional situations such as recovering from errors or
│ mistakes, or when Terraform specifically suggests to use it as part of an
│ error message.
│ Error: Error updating function "projects/di-dev-mtr--buck-5/locations/us-west1/functions/collect_metrics": googleapi: Error 400: Trigger event type must be specified.
│ with google_cloudfunctions2_function.collect_metrics,
│ on line 1, in resource "google_cloudfunctions2_function" "collect_metrics":
│ 1: resource "google_cloudfunctions2_function" "collect_metrics" {
ERRO[0007] terraform invocation failed in /Users/buck/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics prefix=[/Users/buck/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics]
ERRO[0007] Module /Users/buck/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics has finished with an error: 1 error occurred:
* [/Users/buck/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics] exit status 1
ERRO[0007] 1 error occurred:
* [/Users/buck/repo/getsentry/devinfra-metrics/terraform/env/buck/80--devinfra_metrics] exit status 1
exit code: 1
duration: 8.459 seconds
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