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Last active February 28, 2024 18:04
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Bash script to sync local Obsidian Plugin files and directories (Tested on macOS!)


This Bash script helps synchronize local Obsidian plugins. It leverages rsync for the transfer, including the ability to handle deletions, and fswatch to monitor the files and directories for changes.

The script will synchronize all Obsidian-related and mandatory main.js and manifest.json files required for the plugin to be enabled and executed in both Obsidian's native and mobile versions (iCloud!).


  • Ensure that rsync and fswatch are installed on your system.


  • Customize the watch_items array in the script to include the files and directories you want to monitor and synchronize.
  • Run the script with a single argument: the path to the target plugin base directory (e.g., ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/<your_vault_name>/.obsidian/plugins/).
# Resolve absolute path from relative path.
resolve_absolute_path() {
    echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd -P)/$(basename "$1")"

# Check if file exists.
check_file_exists() {
    if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then
        echo "Error: $1 not found."
        exit 1

# Check if the target path is provided.
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <target_plugin_base_directory>"
    exit 1

# Assign argument to variable, resolving absolute path.
target_plugin_base_dir=$(resolve_absolute_path "$1")

# Synchronize files and folders.
sync_files() {
    rsync -av --delete "$1" "$2"

# Perform initial synchronization.
folder_name="$(basename "$source_dir")"

# Check if source directory exists.
if [ ! -d "$source_dir" ]; then
    echo "Error: Source directory $source_dir not found."
    exit 1

# Check if target directory exists, if not, create it.
mkdir -p "$target_dir"

# Check for mandatory files.
check_file_exists "$source_dir/manifest.json"
check_file_exists "$source_dir/main.js"

# Array of files and directories to watch.

# Perform checks and synchronization for optional files and directories.
for item in "${watch_items[@]}"; do
    if [ -e "$item" ]; then
        sync_files "$item" "$target_dir/"
        echo "$(basename "$item") synchronized successfully."
        echo "Warning: $(basename "$item") not found."

echo "Initial files synchronized successfully."

# Watch for changes.
fswatch -0 "${watch_items[@]}" | while IFS= read -r -d "" path; do
    # Resolve the absolute path of the changed item.
    source_path="$(resolve_absolute_path "$path")"

    if [ ! -e "$source_path" ]; then
        echo "Handling deletion for $path"
        # Determine if the deleted path was a directory that is directly watched.

        if echo "${watch_items[@]}" | grep -wq "$path"; then
            # Handle its deletion.
            relative_path="$(echo "$path" | sed "s|^$source_dir||")"
            # Remove the corresponding directory in the target.
            rm -rf "$target_subdir"
            echo "Directory $path deleted and changes reflected in the target."
            # Handle deletion of files or non-directly watched directories.
            relative_path="$(echo "$path" | sed "s|^$source_dir||")"
            target_subdir="${target_plugin_base_dir%/}/$folder_name$(dirname "$relative_path")"
            # Synchronize the parent directory of the deleted item with deletion reflected.
            rsync -av --delete "${source_dir}$(dirname "$relative_path")/" "${target_subdir}/"
            echo "Deletion processed for $path"
        # Handling for additions and modifications.
        if [ -d "$source_path" ] || [ -f "$source_path" ]; then
            # Sync the changed item directly.
            relative_path="$(echo "$path" | sed "s|^$source_dir||")"
            target_subdir="${target_plugin_base_dir%/}/$folder_name$(dirname "$relative_path")"
            rsync -av --delete "$source_path" "$target_subdir/"
            echo "Updated $path"
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