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Created January 3, 2014 20:30
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This is a meetup for the Ruby programming languge that I found in Philly. Meetups are the best place to meet people whom are programmers or possibly find a local mentor. You might be the youngest person there, but topics for talks will range from beginner to expert, so there will definitely be interesting things for you to hear about. More importantly its a great way to socialize and get excited about programming. It might be fun to go with a parent on your first visit just to get your footing.

This is a fantastic link blog for becoming aquianted with what companies and programmers are doing to start buisnesses in software. Everyone needs help to stay excited and engaged, a daily dose of Hackernews will keep you fresh, I read it every day.

Essential Learning Tools

You will likely need help to get started with much of this, but you should click through and poke around these links to get a sense of what awaits.

Work through this tutorial, it has concrete examples and will give you all the fundamental tools you need to build and deploy apps with ruby.

This is a great set of puzzles for learning the ins and outs of programming with ruby.

Excellent screencasts for working with Rails libraries and implementing any given feature you might want to incorporate into an app, from authorization to code syntax highlighting.

It is worthwhile to do the other Code School courses too, but these Ruby courses are great, and will help you to learn to build rails apps in a very guided and highly interactive manner.

Learn to code with interactive lessons.

Learn ruby with a mentor online.

If you don't plan on using vim, use sublimetext2 it is the best GUI text editor out there.

Ruby and Rails Documentation

This is a great resource for getting to know the ins and outs of rails. It has some great examples of the variety of ways common methods can be used.

A brilliant documentation engine for rails, quickly find and inspect core rails classes and methods. This site is great because it has comments about the methods and their edge cases and interesting ways they can be used. Even better it is super easy to navigate.

Ruby documentation, other than APIdock this is the best resource for finding ruby methods.

More Advanced

Deep knowledge of software composition and testing patterns, may possibly blow your mind.

This is the first ruby book to really hold my attention.

Learn Vim! You know you want to.

Some really nice, short screencasts on ruby ins and outs.

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