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Created April 25, 2023 01:03
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.13;
import {ERC165Checker} from "openzeppelin-contracts/utils/introspection/ERC165Checker.sol";
import {MerkleBase} from "../utils/MerkleBase.sol";
import {MerkleProof} from "openzeppelin-contracts/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol";
import {MinPriorityQueue, Bid} from "../lib/MinPriorityQueue.sol";
import {Minter} from "../modules/Minter.sol";
import {ICryptoPunk} from "../punks/interfaces/ICryptoPunk.sol";
import {IERC721} from "../interfaces/IERC721.sol";
import {IGroupBuy, PoolInfo} from "../interfaces/IGroupBuy.sol";
import {IMarketBuyer} from "../interfaces/IMarketBuyer.sol";
/// @title GroupBuy
/// @author Tessera
/// @notice Module contract for pooling group funds to purchase and vault NFTs
/// - The bidding mechanism used here is a slightly modified implementation of the
/// Smart Batched Auction:
contract GroupBuy is IGroupBuy, MerkleBase, Minter {
/// @dev Use MinPriorityQueue library for Queue types
using MinPriorityQueue for MinPriorityQueue.Queue;
/// @dev Interface ID for ERC-721 tokens
bytes4 constant _INTERFACE_ID_ERC721 = 0x80ac58cd;
/// @notice Current pool ID
uint256 public currentId;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to vault address
mapping(uint256 => address) public poolToVault;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to PoolInfo struct
mapping(uint256 => PoolInfo) public poolInfo;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to the priority queue of valid bids
mapping(uint256 => MinPriorityQueue.Queue) public bidPriorityQueues;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to amount of Raes currently filled for the pool
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public filledQuantities;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to minimum ether price of any bid
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public minBidPrices;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to minimum reserve prices
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public minReservePrices;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to total amount of ether contributed
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public totalContributions;
/// @notice Mapping of pool ID to user address to total amount of ether contributed
mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) public userContributions;
/// @notice Mapping of user address to pending balance available for withdrawal
mapping(address => uint256) public pendingBalances;
/// @dev Initializes supply contract and minimum bid price
constructor(address _supply) Minter(_supply) {}
/// @notice Creates a new pool
/// @param _nftContract Address of the NFT contract
/// @param _tokenIds List of tokenIds permitted to be purchased
/// @param _initialPrice Initial price of the NFT(s)
/// @param _totalSupply Total amount of Raes to be minted
/// @param _duration Time period of pool existing before termination
/// @param _quantity Amount of Raes being bid on
/// @param _raePrice Ether price per Rae
function createPool(
address _nftContract,
uint256[] calldata _tokenIds,
uint256 _initialPrice,
uint48 _totalSupply,
uint40 _duration,
uint256 _quantity,
uint256 _raePrice
) external payable {
// Reverts if list of tokenIds is empty
uint256 length = _tokenIds.length;
if (length == 0) revert InsufficientTokenIds();
// Generates merkle root based on list size of tokenIds
bytes32 merkleRoot = (length == 1) ? bytes32(_tokenIds[0]) : _generateRoot(_tokenIds);
// Sets mapping of poolId to PoolInfo
poolInfo[++currentId] = PoolInfo(
uint40(block.timestamp) + _duration,
// Calculates minimum bid price based on initial price of NFT and desired total supply
minBidPrices[currentId] = _initialPrice / _totalSupply;
// Initializes first bid in queue
// Emits event for creating new pool
emit Create(currentId, _nftContract, _tokenIds, msg.sender, _totalSupply, _duration);
// Contributes ether into new pool
contribute(currentId, _quantity, _raePrice);
/// @notice Contributes to an existing pool
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
/// @param _quantity Amount of Raes being bid on
/// @param _price Ether price per Rae
function contribute(
uint256 _poolId,
uint256 _quantity,
uint256 _price
) public payable {
// Reverts if pool ID is not valid
// Reverts if NFT has already been purchased OR termination period has passed
(, uint48 totalSupply, , , ) = _verifyUnsuccessfulState(_poolId);
// Reverts if ether contribution amount per Rae is less than minimum bid price per Rae
if (msg.value < _quantity * minBidPrices[_poolId] || _quantity == 0)
revert InvalidContribution();
// Reverts if ether payment amount is not equal to total amount being contributed
if (msg.value != _quantity * _price) revert InvalidPayment();
// Updates user and pool contribution amounts
userContributions[_poolId][msg.sender] += msg.value;
totalContributions[_poolId] += msg.value;
// Calculates remaining supply based on total possible supply and current filled quantity amount
uint256 remainingSupply = totalSupply - filledQuantities[_poolId];
// Calculates quantity amount being filled at any price
uint256 fillAtAnyPriceQuantity = remainingSupply < _quantity ? remainingSupply : _quantity;
// Checks if quantity amount being filled is greater than 0
if (fillAtAnyPriceQuantity > 0) {
// Inserts bid into end of queue
bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].insert(msg.sender, _price, fillAtAnyPriceQuantity);
// Increments total amount of filled quantities
filledQuantities[_poolId] += fillAtAnyPriceQuantity;
// Calculates unfilled quantity amount based on desired quantity and actual filled quantity amount
uint256 unfilledQuantity = _quantity - fillAtAnyPriceQuantity;
// Processes bids in queue to recalculate unfilled quantity amount
unfilledQuantity = processBidsInQueue(_poolId, unfilledQuantity, _price);
// Recalculates filled quantity amount based on updated unfilled quantity amount
uint256 filledQuantity = _quantity - unfilledQuantity;
// Updates minimum reserve price if filled quantity amount is greater than 0
if (filledQuantity > 0) minReservePrices[_poolId] = getMinPrice(_poolId);
// Emits event for contributing ether to pool based on desired quantity amount and price per Rae
emit Contribute(
/// @notice Purchases NFT once contribution amount has been met
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
/// @param _market Address of the market buyer contract
/// @param _nftContract Address of the NFT contract
/// @param _tokenId ID of the token
/// @param _price Total ether price of the listed NFT
/// @param _purchaseOrder Bytes data of the purchase order parameters
/// @param _purchaseProof Merkle proof of the tokenId in the list of permitted tokenIds
function purchase(
uint256 _poolId,
address _market,
address _nftContract,
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _price,
bytes memory _purchaseOrder,
bytes32[] memory _purchaseProof
) external {
// Reverts if pool ID is not valid
// Reverts if NFT has already been purchased OR termination period has passed
address nftContract,
uint48 totalSupply,
bytes32 merkleRoot
) = _verifyUnsuccessfulState(_poolId);
// Reverts if NFT contract is not equalt to NFT contract set on pool creation
if (_nftContract != nftContract) revert InvalidContract();
// Reverts if price is greater than total contribution amount of pool
if (_price > minReservePrices[_poolId] * filledQuantities[_poolId])
revert InvalidPurchase();
// Checks merkle proof based on size of array
if (_purchaseProof.length == 0) {
// Hashes tokenId to verify merkle root if proof is empty
if (bytes32(_tokenId) != merkleRoot) revert InvalidProof();
} else {
// Verifies merkle proof based on position of leaf node in tree
bytes32 leaf = keccak256(abi.encode(_tokenId));
if (!MerkleProof.verify(_purchaseProof, merkleRoot, leaf)) revert InvalidProof();
// Decrements actual price from total pool contributions
totalContributions[_poolId] -= _price;
// Encodes NFT contract and tokenId into purchase order
bytes memory nftData = abi.encode(_nftContract, _tokenId);
// Encodes arbitrary amount of data based on market buyer to execute purchase
_purchaseOrder = abi.encodePacked(nftData, _purchaseOrder);
// Executes purchase order transaction through market buyer contract and deploys new vault
address vault = IMarketBuyer(_market).execute{value: _price}(_purchaseOrder);
// Checks if NFT contract supports ERC165 and interface ID of ERC721 tokens
if (ERC165Checker.supportsInterface(_nftContract, _INTERFACE_ID_ERC721)) {
// Verifes vault is owner of ERC-721 token
if (IERC721(_nftContract).ownerOf(_tokenId) != vault) revert UnsuccessfulPurchase();
} else {
// Verifies vault is owner of CryptoPunk token
if (ICryptoPunk(_nftContract).punkIndexToAddress(_tokenId) != vault)
revert UnsuccessfulPurchase();
// Stores mapping value of poolId to newly deployed vault
poolToVault[_poolId] = vault;
// Sets pool state to successful
poolInfo[_poolId].success = true;
// Emits event for purchasing NFT at given price
emit Purchase(_poolId, vault, _nftContract, _tokenId, _price);
/// @notice Mints Raes based on contribution amount and refunds remaining ether
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
/// @param _mintProof Merkle proof for executing minting of Rae tokens
function claim(uint256 _poolId, bytes32[] calldata _mintProof) external {
// Reverts if pool ID is not valid
// Reverts if purchase has not been made AND termination period has not passed
(, , , bool success, ) = _verifySuccessfulState(_poolId);
// Reverts if contribution balance of user is insufficient
uint256 contribution = userContributions[_poolId][msg.sender];
if (contribution == 0) revert InsufficientBalance();
// Deletes user contribution from storage
delete userContributions[_poolId][msg.sender];
// Set up scoped values for iteration
uint256 totalQty;
uint256 reservePrice = minReservePrices[_poolId];
uint256[] memory bidIds = getOwnerToBidIds(_poolId, msg.sender);
uint256 length = bidIds.length;
// Iterates through all active bidIds of the caller
if (success) {
for (uint256 i; i < length; ++i) {
// Gets bid quantity from storage
Bid storage bid = bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].bidIdToBidMap[bidIds[i]];
uint256 quantity = bid.quantity;
// Resets bid quantity amount
bid.quantity = 0;
// Increments total quantity of Raes to be minted
totalQty += quantity;
// Decrements quantity price from total user contribution balance
contribution -= quantity * reservePrice;
// Mints total quantity of Raes to caller
_mintRaes(poolToVault[_poolId], msg.sender, totalQty, _mintProof);
// Transfers remaining contribution balance back to caller
payable(msg.sender).call{value: contribution}("");
// Withdraws pending balance of caller if available
if (pendingBalances[msg.sender] > 0) withdrawBalance();
// Emits event for claiming tokens and receiving ether refund
emit Claim(_poolId, msg.sender, totalQty, contribution);
function withdrawBalance() public {
// Reverts if caller balance is insufficient
uint256 balance = pendingBalances[msg.sender];
if (balance == 0) revert InsufficientBalance();
// Resets pending balance amount
delete pendingBalances[msg.sender];
// Transfers pending ether balance to caller
payable(msg.sender).call{value: balance}("");
/// @notice Attempts to accept bid for specifc quantity and price
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
/// @param _quantity Amount of Raes being filled
/// @param _price Price of ether per Rae token
/// @return quantity Unfilled quantity amount
function processBidsInQueue(
uint256 _poolId,
uint256 _quantity,
uint256 _price
) private returns (uint256 quantity) {
quantity = _quantity;
while (quantity > 0) {
// Retrieves lowest bid in queue
Bid storage lowestBid = bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].getMin();
// Breaks out of while loop if given price is less than than lowest bid price
if (_price < lowestBid.price) {
uint256 lowestBidQuantity = lowestBid.quantity;
// Checks if lowest bid quantity amount is greater than given quantity amount
if (lowestBidQuantity > quantity) {
// Decrements given quantity amount from lowest bid quantity
lowestBid.quantity -= quantity;
// Calculates partial contribution of bid by quantity amount and price
uint256 contribution = quantity * lowestBid.price;
// Decrements partial contribution amount of lowest bid from total and user contributions
totalContributions[_poolId] -= contribution;
userContributions[_poolId][lowestBid.owner] -= contribution;
// Increments pending balance of lowest bid owner
pendingBalances[lowestBid.owner] += contribution;
// Inserts new bid with given quantity amount into proper position of queue
bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].insert(msg.sender, _price, quantity);
// Resets quantity amount to exit while loop
quantity = 0;
} else {
// Calculates total contribution of bid by quantity amount and price
uint256 contribution = lowestBid.quantity * lowestBid.price;
// Decrements full contribution amount of lowest bid from total and user contributions
totalContributions[_poolId] -= contribution;
userContributions[_poolId][lowestBid.owner] -= contribution;
// Increments pending balance of lowest bid owner
pendingBalances[lowestBid.owner] += contribution;
// Removes lowest bid in queue
// Inserts new bid with lowest bid quantity amount into proper position of queue
bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].insert(msg.sender, _price, lowestBidQuantity);
// Decrements lowest bid quantity from total quantity amount
quantity -= lowestBidQuantity;
/// @notice Gets bid values in queue of given pool
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
/// @param _bidId ID of the bid in queue
function getBidInQueue(uint256 _poolId, uint256 _bidId)
returns (
uint256 bidId,
address owner,
uint256 price,
uint256 quantity
Bid storage bid = bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].bidIdToBidMap[_bidId];
bidId = bid.bidId;
owner = bid.owner;
price = bid.price;
quantity = bid.quantity;
/// @notice Gets minimum bid price of queue for given pool
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
function getMinPrice(uint256 _poolId) public view returns (uint256) {
return bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].getMin().price;
/// @notice Gets next bidId in queue of given pool
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
function getNextBidId(uint256 _poolId) public view returns (uint256) {
return bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].nextBidId;
/// @notice Gets total number of bids in queue for given pool
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
function getNumBids(uint256 _poolId) public view returns (uint256) {
return bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].numBids;
/// @notice Gets quantity of Raes for bid of given pool
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
/// @param _bidId ID of the bid in queue
function getBidQuantity(uint256 _poolId, uint256 _bidId) public view returns (uint256) {
return bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].bidIdToBidMap[_bidId].quantity;
/// @notice Gets list of bidIds for address of given pool
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
/// @param _owner Address of the owner
function getOwnerToBidIds(uint256 _poolId, address _owner)
returns (uint256[] memory)
return bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].ownerToBidIds[_owner];
/// @notice Logs entire queue of given pool
/// @dev Must include console log to debug
/// @param _poolId ID of the pool
function printQueue(uint256 _poolId) public view {
uint256 counter;
uint256 index = 1;
MinPriorityQueue.Queue storage queue = bidPriorityQueues[_poolId];
uint256 numBids = queue.numBids;
while (counter < numBids) {
Bid memory bid = queue.bidIdToBidMap[index];
if (bid.bidId == 0) {
/// @dev Generates merkle root for list of tokenIds
function _generateRoot(uint256[] calldata _tokenIds)
returns (bytes32 merkleRoot)
// Creates empty leaf nodes array based on size of tokenIds
uint256 length = _tokenIds.length;
bytes32[] memory leaves = new bytes32[](length);
unchecked {
for (uint256 i; i < length; ++i) {
// Hashes each tokenId into leaf node and set at index position of array
leaves[i] = keccak256(abi.encode(_tokenIds[i]));
// Generates merkle root from given leaf nodes
merkleRoot = getRoot(leaves);
/// @dev Reverts if pool ID is not valid
function _verifyPool(uint256 _poolId) internal view {
if (_poolId == 0 || _poolId > currentId) revert InvalidPool();
// Reverts if NFT has already been purchased OR termination period has passed
function _verifyUnsuccessfulState(uint256 _poolId)
returns (
PoolInfo memory pool = poolInfo[_poolId];
if (pool.success || block.timestamp > pool.terminationPeriod) revert InvalidState();
return (
// Reverts if NFT has not been purchased AND termination period has not passed
function _verifySuccessfulState(uint256 _poolId)
returns (
PoolInfo memory pool = poolInfo[_poolId];
if (!pool.success && block.timestamp < pool.terminationPeriod) revert InvalidState();
return (
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Use calldata instead of memory for function arguments that do not get mutated

Mark data types as calldata instead of memory where possible. This makes it so that the data is not automatically loaded into memory. If the data passed into the function does not need to be changed (like updating values in an array), it can be passed in as calldata. The one exception to this is if the argument must later be passed into another function that takes an argument that specifies memory storage.

166:         bytes memory _purchaseOrder,
167:         bytes32[] memory _purchaseProof

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