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Forked from minivan/Thesis topics
Last active December 23, 2015 11:28
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What the Chord

wave reader şi frequency/code definer

image 1

image 2

image 3

A guide to the starry sky

Take astronomical star data, parse the shit out of it, build a chrome experiment like stellarium, only simpler and for the web. Use it as a tutorial.

A test generator and renderer

We'll have a lot of jb applicants and we need to evaluate their skills.

The task is to build an open source library that would allow for easy building of tests for developers. That is, where you have to even evaluate some code.


That goes without saying

An interactive introduction to orbital mechanics

  • an interactive introduction to orbital mechanics

Collaboration: scaner pentru preparat morfopatologic

Collaboration: cuptor pentru kakaia-to hernea medicală, tot cu Alex

Un serviciu unde există seturi de documente de care are nevoie însorita noastră republică. Astfel, vor fi mai puţine dificultăţi în completările formularelor de stat. Oferi sugestii, descrii la fiecare field cum să completezi, etc.

  • Adăugarea/editarea formularelor online (admin panel)
  • Posibilitatea de a îndeplini un formular online (cu sugestii/exemple/ajutor)
  • Salvare/printare formular (îndeplinit sau nu)

A shell script that makes using a Linux system easy not depending on distribution.

install gimp
update system
update gimp
search gimp


Insert a text without diarcritics. Get as an output a text with diacritics. Like . But use probability to put most probable words.

Vectorial morph

Implement vectorial morph (like in Flash) in any language of your choise. Add dinamyc options. You can also add morph scenarios.

Public printer

You put a printer in FAF with a raspberrypi (or any other controller) connected to the web. Each student has an account. You can put a document (PDF, LaTeX, Image) in print queue, when you are in FAF you push documents to print and get your printed papers.

  • Remote/Cloud printing
  • Accounts
  • Web interface
  • Status announcements for maintainers/users (about available paper, no ink...)

Hive drone robots

Build a robot able to interact with other robots with self-determination of its status and behaviour, based on the number of similar robots in is proximity. Example of behaviour: one places a robot down, it starts going in a circle. Once another robot is set in active proximity, they both start going in a circle with the same center and diameter, with a 180 degree angle between them. Once a third robot is added, the angle becomes of 120 degrees, with the robots following the same trajectory. No other device is needed for calibration.

Air sculpting

Based on a video capturing device (webcam, lypsinc, videocamera) one has to develop an application able to capture the movements of user's hands, shaping a piece of virtual clay. One may use two or more video capturing devices for a proper capture of the position of the hands.

Skill social network

Develop a web service for interactive, peer-to-peer teaching. As in mating sites, one can pick a teacher or a student based on his/her interests, ratings and rankings, skills one is looking for, language of teaching etc. The peer-to-peer process of learning has to allow screen sharing, video and voice chat, presentations and doodling.

Eye tracker

Develop an application able to perform an analysis of one's eye movement, synchronised with screen activity. A detailed and flexible report system, with statistical analysis, is necessary.

Quiz toolkit

  • Quizzes generation interface
    • Use randomizer for quiz generation. For example you define 10 questions of complexity 1, and 5 of complexity 2, and you ask system to generate 20 quizzes with 4 questions of complexity 1, and 2 of complexity 2
  • Quizzes export
    • PDF should be ok for printing
    • Add QR code for later recognition
  • Quizzes scan
    • Scan, recognize (maybe OCR) and store data/results
  • Analyze data, generate stats and marks, store them
  • Accounts
    • For teachers
      • To create quizzes
      • To load them for scan
      • To reuse old created quizzes
      • To view general stats and results
    • For students
      • To view their own results
      • To review quizzes, wrong answers and solutions

Settings, preferences and/or User Data syn

  • Choose few (20) widely used apps (Skype, putty, vim, SublimeText3...)
  • Sync
    • Save settings/preferences/user data/logs/history/files
    • Store saves to external storage (cloud/server/ftp/dropbox)
    • Retrieve saves from external storage
    • Apply saves
  • Before applying synced data, backup applications
  • Should work on different OSes
  • Develop web service
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vladus commented Sep 23, 2013

Topics that are taken:

What the Chord
Collaboration: scaner pentru preparat morfopatologic
Quiz creator
Skill social network
Hive drone robots

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