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Created April 15, 2016 19:19
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script parses a crashdump file and attempts to resolve addresses into function names.
# It finds symbol-rich binaries by:
# a) searching in Spotlight to find .dSYM files by UUID, then finding the executable from there.
# That finds the symbols for binaries that a developer has built with "DWARF with dSYM File".
# b) searching in various SDK directories.
# Nik Youdale:
# Heavily modified version of the 'symbolicatecrash' script distributed with the iOS SDK
# The modifications simplify the script, and allow it to work for Mac app crash logs
# Original copyright message:
# Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
# Forward definitons
sub usage();
# read and parse command line
my %opt;
usage() if $opt{'h'};
# have this thing to de-HTMLize Leopard-era plists
my %entity2char = (
# Some normal chars that have special meaning in SGML context
amp => '&', # ampersand
'gt' => '>', # greater than
'lt' => '<', # less than
quot => '"', # double quote; this " character in the comment keeps Xcode syntax coloring happy
apos => "'", # single quote '
# Array of all the supported architectures.
my %architectures = (
ARM => "armv6",
X86 => "i386",
"X86-64" => "x86_64",
PPC => "ppc",
"PPC-64" => "ppc64",
"ARMV4T" => "armv4t",
"ARMV5" => "armv5",
"ARMV6" => "armv6",
"ARMV7" => "armv7",
# run the script
# begin subroutines
sub usage() {
print STDERR <<EOF;
Symbolicates a crashdump LOGFILE which may be "-" to refer to stdin. By default,
all heuristics will be employed in an attempt to symbolicate all addresses.
Additional symbol files can be found under specified directories.
-o If specified, the symbolicated log will be written to OUTPUT_FILE (defaults to stdout)
-h Display this message
-v Verbose
exit 1;
sub UUIDFromImage {
my ($path, $arch) = @_;
if ( ! -f $path ) {
print STDERR "## $path doesn't exist " if $opt{v};
return undef;
my $cmd = "lipo -info '$path'";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt{v};
my $lipo_result = `$cmd`;
if( index($lipo_result, $arch) < 0) {
print STDERR "## $path doesn't contain $arch slice\n" if $opt{v};
return undef;
$cmd = "dwarfdump --uuid --arch $arch '$path'";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt{v};
my $TEST_uuid = `$cmd`;
if ( $TEST_uuid =~ /UUID:\s*([0-9A-Fa-f-]+)/) {
return $1
} else {
print STDERR "Can't understand the output from dwarfdump ($TEST_uuid -> $cmd)\n";
return undef;
sub matchesUUID {
my ($path, $uuid, $arch) = @_;
my $imageUUID = UUIDFromImage($path, $arch);
if ( $imageUUID eq $uuid ) {
return 1;
return 0;
# crashlog parsing
# options:
# - regex: don't escape regex metas in name
# - continuous: don't reset pos when done.
# - multiline: expect content to be on many lines following name
sub parse_section {
my ($log_ref, $name, %arg ) = @_;
my $content;
$name = quotemeta($name)
unless $arg{regex};
# content is thing from name to end of line...
if( $$log_ref =~ m{ ^($name)\: [[:blank:]]* (.*?) $ }mgx ) {
$content = $2;
$name = $1;
# or thing after that line.
if($arg{multiline}) {
$content = $1 if( $$log_ref =~ m{
\G\n # from end of last thing...
(?:\n\s*\n|$) # until next blank line or the end
}sgx );
pos($$log_ref) = 0
unless $arg{continuous};
return ($name,$content) if wantarray;
return $content;
# convenience method over above
sub parse_sections {
my ($log_ref,$re,%arg) = @_;
my ($name,$content);
my %sections = ();
while(1) {
($name,$content) = parse_section($log_ref,$re, regex=>1,continuous=>1,%arg);
last unless defined $content;
$sections{$name} = $content;
pos($$log_ref) = 0;
return \%sections;
sub parse_image {
my ($log_ref,$bundle_id) = @_;
my $section = parse_section($log_ref,'Binary Images',multiline=>1);
if (!defined($section)) {
die "Error: Can't find \"Binary Images\" section in log file";
my @lines = split /\n/, $section;
for my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /$bundle_id/) {
return $line;
return undef;
sub parse_image_uuid {
my ($log_ref,$bundle_id) = @_;
my $imageInfo = parse_image($log_ref,$bundle_id);
if ($imageInfo =~ /$bundle_id\s*([\d.]+)?\s*(\([^<]+\))?\s*\<([[:xdigit:]-]+)\>/) {
return $3;
die "Error: Couldn't find UUID for binary image for '$bundle_id'";
return undef;
sub parse_load_address {
my ($log_ref,$bundle_id) = @_;
my $imageInfo = parse_image($log_ref,$bundle_id);
if ($imageInfo =~ /\s*([x[:xdigit:]]+)/) {
return $1;
die "Error: Couldn't find UUID for binary image for '$bundle_id'";
return undef;
# returns an oddly-constructed hash:
# 'string-to-replace' => { bundle=>..., address=>... }
sub parse_backtrace {
my ($backtrace,$images) = @_;
my @lines = split /\n/,$backtrace;
my %frames = ();
for my $line (@lines) {
if( $line =~ m{
^\d+ \s+ # stack frame number
(\S.*?) \s+ # bundle id (1)
((0x\w+) \s+ # address (3)
.*) \s* $ # current description, to be replaced (2)
}x ) {
my($bundle,$replace,$address) = ($1,$2,$3);
# print STDERR "Parse_bt: $bundle,$replace,$address\n" if ($opt{v});
# disambiguate within our hash of binaries
# $bundle = findImageByNameAndAddress($images, $bundle, $address);
# skip unless we know about the image of this frame
next unless
$frames{$replace} = {
'address' => $address,
'bundle' => $bundle,
# else { print "unable to parse backtrace line $line\n" }
return \%frames;
sub slurp_file {
my ($file) = @_;
my $data;
my $fh;
my $readingFromStdin = 0;
local $/ = undef;
# - or "" mean read from stdin, otherwise use the given filename
if($file && $file ne '-') {
open $fh,"<",$file or die "while reading $file, $! : ";
} else {
open $fh,"<&STDIN" or die "while readin STDIN, $! : ";
$readingFromStdin = 1;
$data = <$fh>;
# Replace DOS-style line endings
$data =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
# Replace Mac-style line endings
$data =~ s/\r/\n/g;
# Replace "NO-BREAK SPACE" (these often get inserted when copying from Safari)
# \xC2\xA0 == U+00A0
$data =~ s/\xc2\xa0/ /g;
close $fh or die $!;
return \$data;
sub parse_OSVersion {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $section = parse_section($log_ref,'OS Version');
if ( $section =~ /\s([0-9\.]+)\s+\(Build (\w+)/ ) {
return ($1, $2)
if ( $section =~ /\s([0-9\.]+)\s+\((\w+)/ ) {
return ($1, $2)
if ( $section =~ /\s([0-9\.]+)/ ) {
return ($1, "")
die "Error: can't parse OS Version string $section";
sub parse_bundle_identifier {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $pluginIdentifier = parse_section($log_ref,'PlugIn Identifier');
$pluginIdentifier =~ /([\w\.]+)/ if (defined($pluginIdentifier));
my $identifier = parse_section($log_ref,'Identifier');
$identifier =~ /([\w\.]+)/;
return length($pluginIdentifier) > 0 ? basename($pluginIdentifier) : basename($identifier);
sub parse_executable_name {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $pluginPath = parse_section($log_ref,'PlugIn Path');
my $path = parse_section($log_ref,'Path');
return length($pluginPath) > 0 ? basename($pluginPath) : basename($path);
# Map from the "Code Type" field of the crash log, to a Mac OS X
# architecture name that can be understood by otool.
sub parse_arch {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $codeType = parse_section($log_ref,'Code Type');
$codeType =~ /([\w-]+)/;
my $arch = $architectures{$1};
die "Error: Unknown architecture $1" unless defined $arch;
return $arch;
sub parse_report_version {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $version = parse_section($log_ref,'Report Version');
$version or return undef;
$version =~ /(\d+)/;
return $1;
# run atos
sub symbolize_frames {
my ($images,$bt) = @_;
# create mapping of framework => address => bt frame (adjust for slid)
# and for framework => arch
my %frames_to_lookup = ();
my %arch_map = ();
my $load_address = undef;
for my $k (keys %$bt) {
# print STDERR "key: '$k'\n" if ($opt{v});
my $frame = $$bt{$k};
# print STDERR "frame: '$$frame{bundle}'\n" if ($opt{v});
my $lib = $$images{$$frame{bundle}};
unless($lib) {
# don't know about it, can't symbol
# should have already been warned about this!
# print "Skipping unknown $$frame{bundle}\n";
delete $$bt{$k};
$load_address = $$lib{load_address};
my $address = $$frame{address};
# list of address to lookup, mapped to the frame object, for
# each library
$frames_to_lookup{$$lib{symbol}}{$address} = $frame;
$arch_map{$$lib{symbol}} = $$lib{arch};
# run atos for each library
while(my($symbol,$frames) = each(%frames_to_lookup)) {
# escape the symbol path if it contains single quotes
my $escapedSymbol = $symbol;
$escapedSymbol =~ s/\'/\'\\'\'/g;
# run atos with the addresses and binary files we just gathered
my $arch = $arch_map{$symbol};
# my $cmd = "$atos -arch $arch -o '$escapedSymbol' @{[ keys %$frames ]} | ";
my $cmd = "atos -arch $arch -l $load_address -o '$escapedSymbol' @{[ keys %$frames ]} | ";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt{v};
open my($ph),$cmd or die $!;
my @symbolled_frames = map { chomp; $_ } <$ph>;
close $ph or die $!;
my $references = 0;
foreach my $symbolled_frame (@symbolled_frames) {
$symbolled_frame =~ s/\s*\(in .*?\)//; # clean up -- don't need to repeat the lib here
# find the correct frame -- the order should match since we got the address list with keys
my ($k,$frame) = each(%$frames);
if ( $symbolled_frame !~ /^\d/ ) {
# only symbolicate if we fetched something other than an address
$$frame{symbolled} = $symbolled_frame;
if ( $references == 0 ) {
print STDERR "## Warning: Unable to symbolicate from required binary: $symbol\n";
# just run through and remove elements for which we didn't find a
# new mapping:
while(my($k,$v) = each(%$bt)) {
delete $$bt{$k} unless defined $$v{symbolled};
# run the final regex to symbolize the log
sub replace_symbolized_frames {
my ($log_ref,$bt) = @_;
my $re = join "|" , map { quotemeta } keys %$bt;
my $log = $$log_ref;
$log =~ s#$re#
my $frame = $$bt{$&};
$$frame{address} ." ". $$frame{symbolled};
$log =~ s/(&(\w+);?)/$entity2char{$2} || $1/eg;
return \$log;
sub output_log($) {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
if($opt{'o'}) {
close STDOUT;
open STDOUT, '>', $opt{'o'};
print $$log_ref;
sub symbolicate_log {
my ($crash_log_file,@extra_search_paths) = @_;
print STDERR "Symbolicating...\n" if ( $opt{v} );
my $log_ref = slurp_file($crash_log_file);
print STDERR length($$log_ref)." characters read.\n" if ( $opt{v} );
# get the version number
my $report_version = parse_report_version($log_ref);
$report_version or die "No crash report version in $crash_log_file";
my $dSYM_path = shift(@extra_search_paths);
if (!defined($dSYM_path)) {
die "Error: No dSYM file specified\n";
my $bundle_id = parse_bundle_identifier($log_ref);
my $executable_name = parse_executable_name($log_ref);
my $uuid = parse_image_uuid ($log_ref, $bundle_id);
my $load_address = parse_load_address ($log_ref, $bundle_id);
my $symbol = "$dSYM_path/Contents/Resources/DWARF/$executable_name";
my $arch = parse_arch($log_ref);
print STDERR "Bundle ID: $bundle_id\n" if $opt{v};
print STDERR "Excutable name: $executable_name\n" if $opt{v};
print STDERR "Load address: $load_address\n" if $opt{v};
print STDERR "Image UUID: $uuid\n" if $opt{v};
print STDERR "Symbol path: $symbol\n" if $opt{v};
print STDERR "Architecture: $arch\n" if $opt{v};
if (!matchesUUID($symbol, $uuid, $arch)) {
my $symbolUUID = UUIDFromImage($symbol, $arch);
print "Error: Symbol UUID <$symbolUUID> does not match crash log image UUID <$uuid>";
my $images = {
"$bundle_id" => {
uuid => $uuid,
arch => $arch,
symbol => $symbol,
load_address => $load_address,
my $bt = {};
my $threads = parse_sections($log_ref,'Thread\s+\d+\s?(Highlighted|Crashed)?',multiline=>1);
for my $thread (values %$threads) {
# merge all of the frames from all backtraces into one
# collection
my $b = parse_backtrace($thread,$images);
@$bt{keys %$b} = values %$b;
# extract build
my ($version, $build) = parse_OSVersion($log_ref);
print STDERR "OS Version $version Build $build\n" if $opt{v};
# run atos
if(keys %$bt) {
# run our fancy regex
my $new_log = replace_symbolized_frames($log_ref,$bt);
} else {
#There were no symbols found
print STDERR "No symbolic information found\n";
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