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Last active February 12, 2018 18:39
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Rename tmux / byobu windows to ssh hostname
# for byobu, put this file in ~/.byobu/bin
# then chmod +x
# once that's done, every 10 seconds byobu will run this script
# and rename your windows to either the local host name, or to
# the host a windows is ssh'd into
for i in $(tmux list-windows -F '#{window_index}'); do {
panenames=$(tmux list-panes -t $i -F '#{pane_title}' | sed -e 's/:.*$//' -e 's/^.*@//' | uniq)
panepids=$(tmux list-panes -t $i -F '#{pane_pid}' | uniq)
panecmd=$(ps --ppid $panepids -o cmd= | grep "[s]sh")
if [[ $panecmd = *"ssh"* ]]; then {
windowname=$(echo $panecmd | grep "[s]sh" | cut -d @ -f 2)
} else {
windowname=$(echo ${panenames} | sed -e 's/ /|/g')
}; fi
tmux rename-window -t $i $windowname
}; done
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