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Created April 8, 2012 15:40
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Save bunkat/2338034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Timeline using d3.js
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Chronological Diagram of Asia</title>
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{"lane": 1, "id": "Edo", "start": 1610, "end": 1860},
{"lane": 1, "id": "Meiji", "start": 1870, "end": 1900},
{"lane": 1, "id": "Taisho", "start": 1910, "end": 1920},
{"lane": 1, "id": "Showa", "start": 1925, "end": 1985},
{"lane": 1, "id": "Heisei", "start": 1990, "end": 1995},
{"lane": 2, "id": "Three Kingdoms", "start": 10, "end": 670},
{"lane": 2, "id": "North and South States", "start": 690, "end": 900},
{"lane": 2, "id": "Goryeo", "start": 920, "end": 1380},
{"lane": 2, "id": "Joseon", "start": 1390, "end": 1890},
{"lane": 2, "id": "Korean Empire", "start": 1900, "end": 1945}]
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Commented code would REALLY help us newbs figure out what's going on in some of these amazing D3 codeblocks...

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