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Last active June 9, 2020 08:38
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Save bunyk/c6007a81b0eeb5fa97bc0244799e58b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ray tracer in a weekend
package main
import (
func main() {
Save(trace(), "image.jpg")
const SamplesPerPixel = 10
const MaxDepth = 20
func trace() image.Image {
cam := Camera{}
cam.SetImageFormat(1600, 16.0/9.0)
bounds := image.Rect(0, 0, cam.ImageWidth, cam.ImageHeight)
img := image.NewNRGBA(bounds)
world := make(HittableList, 0, 2)
// world = append(world, Sphere{Vec3{0, 0, -1}, 0.5})
// world = append(world, Sphere{Vec3{0, -100.5, -1}, 100})
for i := 0; i < 500; i++ {
world = append(world, Sphere{RandomInUnitSphere().Scaled(10), 0.5})
for y := 0; y < cam.ImageHeight; y++ {
fmt.Printf("\rProgress: %d%%", int(y*100/cam.ImageHeight))
for x := 0; x < cam.ImageWidth; x++ {
col := Vec3{0, 0, 0}
for s := 0; s < SamplesPerPixel; s++ {
v := (float64(cam.ImageHeight-y-1) + rand.Float64()) / float64(cam.ImageHeight-1)
u := (float64(x) + rand.Float64()) / float64(cam.ImageWidth-1)
ray := cam.GetRay(u, v)
col = col.Add(RayColor(ray, world, MaxDepth))
col = col.Scaled(1.0 / SamplesPerPixel).Gamma2()
pos := (y-bounds.Min.Y)*img.Stride + (x-bounds.Min.X)*4
col.WriteAsColor(img.Pix, pos)
return img
type Camera struct {
AspectRatio float64
ImageWidth int
ImageHeight int
ViewportWidth float64
ViewportHeight float64
FocalLenght float64
Origin Vec3
Horizontal Vec3
Vertical Vec3
lowerLeftCorner Vec3
func (c *Camera) SetImageFormat(width int, aspectRatio float64) {
c.AspectRatio = aspectRatio
c.ImageWidth = width
c.ImageHeight = int(float64(width) / aspectRatio)
c.ViewportHeight = 2.0
c.ViewportWidth = aspectRatio * c.ViewportHeight
c.FocalLenght = 1.0
func (c *Camera) SetPosition() {
c.Origin = Vec3{0, 0, 0}
c.Horizontal = Vec3{c.ViewportWidth, 0, 0}
c.Vertical = Vec3{0, c.ViewportHeight, 0}
c.lowerLeftCorner = c.Origin.Add(c.Horizontal.Scaled(-0.5)).Add(c.Vertical.Scaled(-0.5)).Add(Vec3{0, 0, -c.FocalLenght})
func (c Camera) GetRay(u, v float64) Ray {
return Ray{c.Origin, c.lowerLeftCorner.Add(c.Horizontal.Scaled(u)).Add(c.Vertical.Scaled(v)).Subtract(c.Origin)}
const maximum = 1.0/1.0 + 1.0/2.0 + 1.0/3.0 + 1.0/4.0 + 1.0/5.0 + 1.0/6.0 + 1.0/7.0 + 1.0/8.0
func cloud(x, y, z float64) float64 {
sum := 0.0
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
f := (float64(i) + 1.0) * 4
sum += simplexnoise.Noise3(-5*f+x*f, y*f, z*f) / f * 4
return sum/maximum/2.0 + 0.5
// Return gradient from white to blue, depending on Y coordinate of ray
func RayColor(ray Ray, world Hittable, depth int) Vec3 {
if depth <= 0 {
return Vec3{0, 0, 0}
hit := world.Hit(ray, 0.001, 10000)
unitDirection := ray.Direction.Unit()
if hit != nil {
// target := hit.Point.Add(hit.Normal).Add(RandomOnUnitSphere())
// reflected := target.Subtract(hit.Point)
reflected := reflect(unitDirection, hit.Normal)
return Hadamar(Vec3{0.8, 0.8, 0.8}, RayColor(Ray{hit.Point, reflected}, world, depth-1))
// t := 0.5 * (ray.Direction.Unit().Y + 1.0)
t := cloud(unitDirection.X, unitDirection.Y, unitDirection.Z)
return Vec3{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}.Scaled(1.0 - t).Add(Vec3{0.5, 0.7, 1.0}.Scaled(t))
type Hittable interface {
Hit(r Ray, t_min, t_max float64) *HitRecord
type Material interface {
Scatter(ray Ray, hit HitRecord) float64 // TODO
type HitRecord struct {
Point Vec3
Normal Vec3
t float64
FrontFace bool
Material Material
func (hr *HitRecord) SetFaceNormal(r Ray, outwardNormal Vec3) {
hr.FrontFace = dot(r.Direction, outwardNormal) < 0
if hr.FrontFace {
hr.Normal = outwardNormal
} else {
hr.Normal = outwardNormal.Scaled(-1)
type Sphere struct {
Center Vec3
Radius float64
func (s Sphere) Hit(r Ray, t_min, t_max float64) *HitRecord {
oc := r.Origin.Subtract(s.Center)
a := r.Direction.LenghtSqr()
half_b := dot(oc, r.Direction)
c := oc.LenghtSqr() - s.Radius*s.Radius
discriminant := half_b*half_b - a*c
rec := &HitRecord{}
if discriminant > 0 {
root := math.Sqrt(discriminant)
temp := (-half_b - root) / a
if temp < t_max && temp > t_min {
rec.t = temp
rec.Point = r.At(rec.t)
rec.SetFaceNormal(r, rec.Point.Subtract(s.Center).Scaled(1/s.Radius))
return rec
temp = (-half_b + root) / a
if temp < t_max && temp > t_min {
rec.t = temp
rec.Point = r.At(rec.t)
rec.SetFaceNormal(r, rec.Point.Subtract(s.Center).Scaled(1/s.Radius))
return rec
return nil
type HittableList []Hittable
func (hl HittableList) Hit(r Ray, t_min, t_max float64) *HitRecord {
closest_so_far := t_max
var res *HitRecord
for _, object := range hl {
hit := object.Hit(r, t_min, closest_so_far)
if hit != nil {
closest_so_far = hit.t
res = hit
return res
type Vec3 struct {
X float64
Y float64
Z float64
// WriteAsColor sets value of pixel of NRGBA image in given position
func (v Vec3) WriteAsColor(pixels []uint8, pos int) {
pixels[pos] = uint8(v.X * 255.0)
pixels[pos+1] = uint8(v.Y * 255.0)
pixels[pos+2] = uint8(v.Z * 255.0)
pixels[pos+3] = 255 // Full opacity
func RandomVec() Vec3 {
return Vec3{rand.Float64(), rand.Float64(), rand.Float64()}.Scaled(2.0).Subtract(Vec3{1, 1, 1})
func RandomInUnitSphere() Vec3 {
for {
v := RandomVec()
if v.LenghtSqr() <= 1.0 {
return v
func RandomOnUnitSphere() Vec3 {
return RandomInUnitSphere().Unit()
func (v Vec3) LenghtSqr() float64 {
return v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y + v.Z*v.Z
func (v Vec3) Lenght() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(v.LenghtSqr())
func (v Vec3) Scaled(s float64) Vec3 {
return Vec3{v.X * s, v.Y * s, v.Z * s}
func (v Vec3) Unit() Vec3 {
return v.Scaled(1 / v.Lenght())
func (v Vec3) Add(v2 Vec3) Vec3 {
return Vec3{v.X + v2.X, v.Y + v2.Y, v.Z + v2.Z}
func (v Vec3) Subtract(v2 Vec3) Vec3 {
return Vec3{v.X - v2.X, v.Y - v2.Y, v.Z - v2.Z}
func reflect(v, n Vec3) Vec3 {
return v.Subtract(n.Scaled(-2 * dot(v, n)))
func Hadamar(u, v Vec3) Vec3 {
return Vec3{u.X * v.X, u.Y * v.Y, u.Z * v.Z}
func dot(u, v Vec3) float64 {
return u.X*v.X + u.Y*v.Y + u.Z*v.Z
func (v Vec3) Gamma2() Vec3 {
return Vec3{
type Ray struct {
Origin Vec3
Direction Vec3
// At return point at a distance from ray
func (r Ray) At(d float64) Vec3 {
return r.Origin.Add(r.Direction.Scaled(d))
func Save(img image.Image, filename string) {
f, err := os.Create(filename)
last(jpeg.Encode(f, img, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 90}))
defer f.Close()
func last(err error) {
if err != nil {
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