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Created July 17, 2024 17:03
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Comprehensive TypeScript Cheatsheet

TypeScript Cheatsheet

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Types
  2. Interfaces
  3. Classes
  4. Functions
  5. Generics
  6. Enums
  7. Type Assertions
  8. Advanced Types
  9. Modules
  10. Decorators

Basic Types

Primitive Types

let isDone: boolean = false;
let decimal: number = 6;
let color: string = "blue";
let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
let x: [string, number] = ["hello", 10]; // Tuple

Any and Unknown

let notSure: any = 4;
notSure = "maybe a string instead";
notSure = false; // okay, definitely a boolean

let uncertain: unknown = 4;
uncertain = "maybe a string";
uncertain = false;

Void, Null, and Undefined

function warnUser(): void {
    console.log("This is my warning message");

let u: undefined = undefined;
let n: null = null;


function error(message: string): never {
    throw new Error(message);


Basic Interface

interface LabelledValue {
    label: string;

function printLabel(labelledObj: LabelledValue) {

let myObj = {size: 10, label: "Size 10 Object"};

Optional Properties

interface SquareConfig {
    color?: string;
    width?: number;

function createSquare(config: SquareConfig): {color: string; area: number} {
    let newSquare = {color: "white", area: 100};
    if (config.color) {
        newSquare.color = config.color;
    if (config.width) {
        newSquare.area = config.width * config.width;
    return newSquare;

let mySquare = createSquare({color: "black"});

Readonly Properties

interface Point {
    readonly x: number;
    readonly y: number;

let p1: Point = { x: 10, y: 20 };
// p1.x = 5; // error!


Basic Class

class Greeter {
    greeting: string;
    constructor(message: string) {
        this.greeting = message;
    greet() {
        return "Hello, " + this.greeting;

let greeter = new Greeter("world");


class Animal {
    move(distanceInMeters: number = 0) {
        console.log(`Animal moved \${distanceInMeters}m.`);

class Dog extends Animal {
    bark() {
        console.log('Woof! Woof!');

const dog = new Dog();

Access Modifiers

class Animal {
    private name: string;
    protected age: number;
    public color: string;

    constructor(name: string, age: number, color: string) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.color = color;


Function Types

function add(x: number, y: number): number {
    return x + y;

let myAdd: (x: number, y: number) => number =
    function(x: number, y: number): number { return x + y; };

Optional and Default Parameters

function buildName(firstName: string, lastName?: string) {
    if (lastName)
        return firstName + " " + lastName;
        return firstName;

function buildName2(firstName: string, lastName = "Smith") {
    return firstName + " " + lastName;

Rest Parameters

function buildName(firstName: string, ...restOfName: string[]) {
    return firstName + " " + restOfName.join(" ");

let employeeName = buildName("Joseph", "Samuel", "Lucas", "MacKinzie");


Generic Functions

function identity<T>(arg: T): T {
    return arg;

let output = identity<string>("myString");
let output2 = identity("myString"); // type inference

Generic Interfaces

interface GenericIdentityFn<T> {
    (arg: T): T;

let myIdentity: GenericIdentityFn<number> = identity;

Generic Classes

class GenericNumber<T> {
    zeroValue: T;
    add: (x: T, y: T) => T;

let myGenericNumber = new GenericNumber<number>();
myGenericNumber.zeroValue = 0;
myGenericNumber.add = function(x, y) { return x + y; };


Numeric Enums

enum Direction {
    Up = 1,

String Enums

enum Direction {
    Up = "UP",
    Down = "DOWN",
    Left = "LEFT",
    Right = "RIGHT",

Type Assertions

"angle-bracket" syntax

let someValue: any = "this is a string";
let strLength: number = (<string>someValue).length;


let someValue: any = "this is a string";
let strLength: number = (someValue as string).length;

Advanced Types

Union Types

function padLeft(value: string, padding: string | number) {
    // ...

Intersection Types

interface ErrorHandling {
    success: boolean;
    error?: { message: string };

interface ArtworksData {
    artworks: { title: string }[];

type ArtworksResponse = ArtworksData & ErrorHandling;

Type Aliases

type Name = string;
type NameResolver = () => string;
type NameOrResolver = Name | NameResolver;



export interface StringValidator {
    isAcceptable(s: string): boolean;

export const numberRegexp = /^[0-9]+$/;

export class ZipCodeValidator implements StringValidator {
    isAcceptable(s: string) {
        return s.length === 5 && numberRegexp.test(s);


import { ZipCodeValidator } from "./ZipCodeValidator";

let myValidator = new ZipCodeValidator();


Class Decorators

function sealed(constructor: Function) {

class Greeter {
    greeting: string;
    constructor(message: string) {
        this.greeting = message;
    greet() {
        return "Hello, " + this.greeting;

Method Decorators

function enumerable(value: boolean) {
    return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
        descriptor.enumerable = value;

class Greeter {
    greeting: string;
    constructor(message: string) {
        this.greeting = message;

    greet() {
        return "Hello, " + this.greeting;
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