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Custom magic commands for Jupyter notebooks
# Created by Zachary Burchill, 2019-2021
# Feel free to use/modify however you want, but be nice and
# please give me credit/attribution.
# Put this file in your jupyter directory and load it in the first cell with:
# %load_ext zachmagic
# After that, you can use %beep, %%beep, %hook, %%hook, %time_beep, %%time_beep, %% %hide_all,
# %show_all, %keep_input and %%keep_input in the cells.
from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic, cell_magic, line_cell_magic
from IPython.utils.capture import capture_output
from IPython.display import Audio, Code
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
from IPython.core.magic_arguments import argument, magic_arguments, parse_argstring
# Set this to whatever webhook you want (or get rid of it). I'm using Macrodroid's webhook system, but Slack is also easy
ZMAGIC_WEBHOOK_URL = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?webhooktype=jupyter&message="
# This is the time to wait for the webhook popup to load before closing it. I picked 5
ZMAGIC_WEBHOOK_WAIT_TIME = 5000 # 5 seconds
class MyMagics(Magics):
# `@line_cell_magic` means that you can either use `%beep` for a single line
# (which would be a little weird, tbh) or `%%beep` for a whole cell
def beep(self, line, cell=None):
Will play a sound when the code of a cell is done running.
To use, you must have a file called `beep.wav` in your Jupyter directory to play.
# If there isn't any `cell` (ie its a single line), execute the line
exec_val = line if cell is None else cell
# Run this code like it was coming from the cell, which will add an audio HTML element"""from IPython.display import Audio; Audio("beep.wav", autoplay=True)""")
# But hide the HTML audio player so all you notice is the beep
display(HTML('''<style> audio { display: none; } </style>'''))
def time_beep(self, line, cell):
Literally just combines %%time and %%beep
exec_val = line if cell is None else cell
# Just add some magic to the cell and run it again!"%%time\n%%beep\n{}".format(exec_val))
def hook(self, line, cell=None):
Will open a pop up to a webhook (ZMAGIC_WEBHOOK_URL) and close it after N seconds (ZMAGIC_WEBHOOK_WAIT_TIME)
I use this to notify me when a particularly long job has completed, and maybe I'm away from my computer.
This is a bit of bad form, because if the output of the cell is saved and you reload the page,
it will send the message again.
If you include text on the same line as the magic call, it will use that as the message parameter.
message = "Notebook cell completed!" if line is None else line
html_code = '''<script>
wref ="''' + str(ZMAGIC_WEBHOOK_URL) + message + '''", "huh", "popup");
setTimeout(function() { wref.close();},''' + str(ZMAGIC_WEBHOOK_WAIT_TIME) + ''');
exec_val = line if cell is None else cell
def hide_all(self, line, cell=None):
Hides all code inputs except for those cells with %%keep_input
# Hide all the cell inputs (i.e., `<div class='input'>`) with CSS,
# but make divs with the custom class `zach_show` visible
# (See `keep_input()`)
display(HTML('''<style> div.input { display: none; } div.zach_show { display: block; }</style>'''))
# Add this line so you know which cell to delete to stop hiding the inputs
print("Jupyter inputs set to hide via this cell")
# Technically this function probably will never be used, but it
# was so easy to write, why not?
def show_all(self, line, cell=None):
Makes the input to all cells visible with `display: flex`.
display(HTML('''<style> div.input { display: flex; }; div.zach_show { display: none; }</style>'''))
print("Jupyter inputs set to display via this cell")
# This is my equivalent of `echo = TRUE`
def keep_input(self, line, cell=None):
Keeps the input to the cell visible even when %hide_all is used.
from random import choice
from string import ascii_uppercase, digits
exec_val = line if cell is None else cell
# By default the syntax highlighting we want to use is for Python
lang = "python3"
# However, if this chunk is R code, we can highlight it according to R's syntax
if exec_val[0:3] == "%%R" or exec_val[0:2] == "%R":
lang = "rconsole"
# Hack #1: force the HTML source code we'd display if we were using `Code` normally
code_to_display = Code(exec_val, language=lang)._repr_html_()
# Hack #2: edit the `Code` HTML, adding a custom class 'zach_show' to the <div>
# element that will display the code, and generate a random unique class name
# so the styles we add only apply to the output of this cell
rclass = ''.join(choice(ascii_uppercase + digits) for _ in range(10))
code_to_display = code_to_display.replace('<div class="highlight',
'<div class="zach_show {} highlight'.format(rclass))
# Now make the custom stylings from `Code` point to the unique div class rather than being general
code_to_display = code_to_display.replace('.output_html',
with capture_output(True, False, True) as io:
# Display the code (it will be hidden if div.zach_show has `display:none`)
# This is something to prevent ANY printing of output
'-a', '--all', action='store_true',
help='Optional. If included, hides stderr output as well.'
def noprint(self, line, cell=None):
args = parse_argstring(self.noprint, line)
exec_val = line if cell is None else cell
with capture_output(True, args.all, True) as io:
# This needs to be in the file so Jupyter registers the magics when it's loaded
def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
# This will essentially set the default for our custom class as hidden.
# When we hide the rest of the inputs, we make the fake input visible.
display(HTML("<style>div.zach_show { display: none; }</style>"))
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