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Created January 16, 2017 21:09
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AWS Check reserved instances usage
import boto3
import logging
import argparse
from pprint import pformat,pprint
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cross reference existing ec2 reservations to current instances.')
parser.add_argument('--log', default="WARN", help='Change log level (default: WARN)')
parser.add_argument('--region', default='us-east-1', help='AWS Region to connect to')
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.log))
logger = logging.getLogger('ec2-check')
# Dump some environment details
logger.debug("boto version = %s", boto3.__version__)
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2',
ec2_instances = ec2_client.describe_instances()
running_ec2_instances = {}
for reservation in ec2_instances['Reservations']:
for instance in reservation['Instances']:
if instance['State']['Name'] != "running":
logger.debug("Disqualifying instance %s: not running\n" % ( instance['InstanceId'] ) )
elif "InstanceLifecycle" in instance:
if instance['InstanceLifecycle'] == "spot":
logger.debug("Disqualifying instance %s: spot\n" % ( instance['InstanceId'] ) )
az = instance['Placement']['AvailabilityZone']
instance_type = instance['InstanceType']
logger.debug("Running instance: %s"% (instance))
if "VpcId" in instance:
location = 'vpc'
location = 'ec2'
if "Platform" in instance:
platform = instance['Platform']
platform = 'linux'
running_ec2_instances[ (instance_type, az, platform, location ) ] = running_ec2_instances.get( (instance_type, az, platform, location ) , 0 ) + 1
logger.debug("FOO -- Running instances: %s"% pformat(running_ec2_instances))
ec2_reservations = ec2_client.describe_reserved_instances()
ec2_reserved_instances = {}
ec2_reserved_instances_ids = {}
for ri in ec2_reservations['ReservedInstances']:
if ri['State'] != "active":
logger.debug("Excluding reserved instances %s: no longer active\n" % (ri['ReservedInstancesId']))
if ri['Scope'] != "Region":
az = ri['AvailabilityZone']
az = 'Region'
instance_type = ri['InstanceType']
logger.debug("Reserved instance: %s" % (ri))
description = ri['ProductDescription']
if "Windows" in description:
platform = 'windows'
platform = 'linux'
if "VPC" in description:
location = 'vpc'
location = 'ec2'
instance_signature = (instance_type, az, platform, location)
ec2_reserved_instances[instance_signature] = ec2_reserved_instances.get(instance_signature,
0) + ri['InstanceCount']
if instance_signature not in ec2_reserved_instances_ids:
# print "Resetting instance_signature: (%s)" % (instance_signature)
ec2_reserved_instances_ids[instance_signature] = []
logger.debug("inserting reserved_instance_id (%s) into list (%s)" % (
instance_signature, ec2_reserved_instances_ids[instance_signature]))
logger.debug("Reserved instances: %s" % pformat(ec2_reserved_instances))
for running_instance in running_ec2_instances:
for _ in range(running_ec2_instances[running_instance]):
if running_instance in ec2_reserved_instances:
if ec2_reserved_instances[running_instance] >= 2:
ec2_reserved_instances[running_instance] -= 1
logger.debug("Instance is not reserved")
regional_running_reservation = list(running_instance)
regional_running_reservation[1] = 'Region'
regional_running_reservation_tuple = tuple(regional_running_reservation)
if regional_running_reservation_tuple in ec2_reserved_instances:
if ec2_reserved_instances[regional_running_reservation_tuple] >= 2:
ec2_reserved_instances[regional_running_reservation_tuple] -= 1
logger.debug("Instance is not reserved")
print ("Unused reserved instances: %s" % pformat(ec2_reserved_instances))
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