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Created August 23, 2018 22:03
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logs for trying to anchor a cred_def through a trust anchor.
INFO:__main__:Getting started -> started
INFO:__main__:Open Pool Ledger: pool1
INFO|command_executor | src/commands/ | Worker thread started
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | PoolCommand command received
INFO|pool_command_executor | src/commands/ | SetProtocolVersion command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::pool | src/commands/ | set_protocol_version >>> version: 2
DEBUG|indy::commands::pool | src/commands/ | set_protocol_version <<<
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | PoolCommand command received
INFO|pool_command_executor | src/commands/ | Create command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::pool | src/commands/ | create >>> name: "pool1", config: Some("{\"genesis_txn\": \"/tmp/indy/pool1.txn\"}")
DEBUG|indy::commands::pool | src/commands/ | create << res: ()
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | PoolCommand command received
INFO|pool_command_executor | src/commands/ | Open command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::pool | src/commands/ | open >>> name: "pool1", config: None
DEBUG|indy::commands::pool | src/commands/ | open <<<
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 0
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 1
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 2
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 3
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | PoolCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::pool | src/commands/ | OpenAck handle 1, pool_id 1, result Ok(())
INFO:__main__:=== Getting Trust Anchor credentials for Faber, Acme, Thrift and Government ==
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Create wallet
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Create command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Open command received
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Create and store in Wallet DID from seed
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_did_info_json: "{\"seed\": \"000000000000000000000000Steward1\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", "FYmoFw55GeQH7SRFa37dkx1d2dZ3zUF8ckg7wmL7ofN4")
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Government Onboarding ==
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Create and store in Wallet "Sovrin Steward Government" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq", "7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j")
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Sovrin Steward Government" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq", verkey: Some("7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq", verkey: Some("7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061482092978900,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061482092978900,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061482092978900,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061482092978900,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061482092978900,\"signature\":\"639B4PzCfowjUrAHukE6QLkF8K6G3qL5xLt7k3rkk8M2xjmz6FAzFKv8s9AMaEaMpjJkQ7nTCPfeLJ46CBgEMsp3\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061482092978900,\"signature\":\"639B4PzCfowjUrAHukE6QLkF8K6G3qL5xLt7k3rkk8M2xjmz6FAzFKv8s9AMaEaMpjJkQ7nTCPfeLJ46CBgEMsp3\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send connection request to Government with "Sovrin Steward Government" DID and nonce
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Create wallet
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Create command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Open command received
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Create and store in Wallet "Government Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 5, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK", "8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6")
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Get key for did from "Sovrin Steward" connection request
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 5, did: "DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq", dest: "DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061484114637700,\"identifier\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061484114637700,\"identifier\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 49D377BFA26538 8F4CDC1F38682D 2EBC2441334980 547CAFE1C43EE3 135B4C99 7235BC008C40D 5311F96FB7038A 8B95A07DC0EA40 C3AD878A547A 1B53D816 FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 9, 160, 209, 218, 156, 15, 251, 60, 141, 31, 69, 33, 183, 218, 142, 9, 160, 58, 35, 72, 109, 50, 174, 39, 150, 120, 56, 242, 11, 142, 170, 50, 3, 18, 144, 185, 12, 227, 18, 90, 249, 205, 84, 136, 145, 192, 77, 170, 183, 35, 175, 180, 110, 168, 182, 253, 40, 2, 224, 65, 137, 244, 77, 162, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [228, 17, 11, 202, 191, 122, 194, 161, 206, 27, 23, 125, 231, 38, 136, 106, 120, 168, 235, 236, 152, 57, 18, 8, 226, 33, 180, 106, 225, 147, 193, 122], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":388,\"txnTime\":1535061482,\"verkey\":\"7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 5, did: "DWbes9zoXZUfWDtTfGeQVq"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j"
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Anoncrypt connection response for "Sovrin Steward" with "Government Sovrin Steward" DID, verkey and nonce
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt >>> their_vk: "7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 69, 121, 83, 86, 100, 98, 55, 68, 120, 111, 55, 66, 106, 118, 102, 106, 56, 106, 99, 49, 100, 75, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 56, 99, 105, 98, 75, 89, 112, 50, 109, 80, 85, 111, 80, 117, 77, 87, 98, 107, 115, 57, 111, 67, 72, 89, 111, 65, 106, 84, 112, 111, 118, 81, 85, 122, 98, 66, 81, 52, 88, 105, 106, 120, 115, 54, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt <<< res: [95, 200, 48, 121, 217, 51, 255, 186, 145, 161, 65, 71, 234, 191, 235, 106, 79, 208, 126, 150, 45, 227, 111, 161, 210, 83, 216, 83, 53, 61, 117, 108, 142, 65, 112, 30, 116, 106, 228, 152, 216, 175, 179, 27, 20, 149, 44, 48, 170, 37, 171, 74, 211, 250, 11, 12, 89, 113, 179, 88, 29, 213, 160, 42, 117, 142, 204, 220, 53, 173, 229, 64, 72, 21, 68, 243, 68, 221, 245, 129, 194, 244, 34, 66, 44, 67, 70, 98, 112, 188, 137, 207, 156, 101, 242, 237, 15, 189, 242, 182, 192, 5, 96, 168, 178, 174, 150, 149, 10, 172, 181, 146, 126, 236, 248, 71, 30, 21, 79, 89, 38, 107, 208, 138, 112, 11, 45, 208, 108, 204, 215, 29, 11, 121, 146, 103, 89, 172, 108, 70, 63, 21, 214, 166, 93, 81, 10, 185, 50, 158, 133, 79, 189, 138, 166, 109, 213, 245, 43]
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Send anoncrypted connection response to "Sovrin Steward"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Anondecrypt connection response from "Government"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j", encrypted_msg: [95, 200, 48, 121, 217, 51, 255, 186, 145, 161, 65, 71, 234, 191, 235, 106, 79, 208, 126, 150, 45, 227, 111, 161, 210, 83, 216, 83, 53, 61, 117, 108, 142, 65, 112, 30, 116, 106, 228, 152, 216, 175, 179, 27, 20, 149, 44, 48, 170, 37, 171, 74, 211, 250, 11, 12, 89, 113, 179, 88, 29, 213, 160, 42, 117, 142, 204, 220, 53, 173, 229, 64, 72, 21, 68, 243, 68, 221, 245, 129, 194, 244, 34, 66, 44, 67, 70, 98, 112, 188, 137, 207, 156, 101, 242, 237, 15, 189, 242, 182, 192, 5, 96, 168, 178, 174, 150, 149, 10, 172, 181, 146, 126, 236, 248, 71, 30, 21, 79, 89, 38, 107, 208, 138, 112, 11, 45, 208, 108, 204, 215, 29, 11, 121, 146, 103, 89, 172, 108, 70, 63, 21, 214, 166, 93, 81, 10, 185, 50, 158, 133, 79, 189, 138, 166, 109, 213, 245, 43]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt <<< res: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 69, 121, 83, 86, 100, 98, 55, 68, 120, 111, 55, 66, 106, 118, 102, 106, 56, 106, 99, 49, 100, 75, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 56, 99, 105, 98, 75, 89, 112, 50, 109, 80, 85, 111, 80, 117, 77, 87, 98, 107, 115, 57, 111, 67, 72, 89, 111, 65, 106, 84, 112, 111, 118, 81, 85, 122, 98, 66, 81, 52, 88, 105, 106, 120, 115, 54, 34, 125]
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticates "Government" by comparision of Nonce
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Government Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK", verkey: Some("8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK", verkey: Some("8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061484580778400,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061484580778400,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061484580778400,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061484580778400,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061484580778400,\"signature\":\"5xy44kuM8NBrycZsaoyLKBZhRpt4X5dq6YnuXaR38NQRiKNEZTC5QUDddDw7k9eutFEK2Keg3sAhFHiJU4UFXucX\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061484580778400,\"signature\":\"5xy44kuM8NBrycZsaoyLKBZhRpt4X5dq6YnuXaR38NQRiKNEZTC5QUDddDw7k9eutFEK2Keg3sAhFHiJU4UFXucX\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Government getting Verinym ==
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Create and store in Wallet "Government" new DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 5, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", "7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s")
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Authcrypt "Government DID info" for "Sovrin Steward"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt >>> wallet_handle: 5, my_vk: "8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6", their_vk: "7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 68, 70, 105, 50, 110, 120, 104, 102, 67, 120, 53, 90, 107, 68, 77, 106, 77, 70, 98, 68, 111, 103, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 55, 103, 77, 115, 51, 115, 78, 87, 55, 86, 76, 106, 90, 111, 65, 100, 66, 104, 57, 70, 88, 68, 83, 117, 98, 70, 68, 82, 86, 105, 122, 111, 87, 102, 82, 122, 88, 67, 87, 106, 111, 50, 49, 115, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt <<< res: [251, 157, 245, 149, 51, 31, 213, 18, 91, 155, 131, 31, 244, 39, 181, 111, 77, 114, 153, 231, 90, 71, 99, 246, 113, 210, 71, 79, 91, 112, 234, 114, 31, 251, 118, 224, 121, 142, 35, 37, 116, 116, 151, 33, 75, 219, 37, 94, 220, 223, 61, 204, 177, 155, 236, 151, 182, 185, 227, 62, 1, 60, 240, 71, 134, 55, 254, 81, 176, 129, 208, 0, 55, 188, 106, 99, 188, 122, 152, 86, 49, 93, 136, 62, 14, 102, 18, 55, 85, 183, 199, 108, 27, 12, 70, 79, 46, 167, 54, 102, 2, 53, 40, 99, 56, 205, 143, 175, 119, 125, 222, 174, 225, 55, 12, 51, 20, 26, 124, 221, 64, 36, 214, 181, 250, 233, 188, 93, 43, 110, 6, 140, 51, 134, 221, 187, 22, 178, 255, 245, 149, 249, 227, 146, 159, 70, 202, 41, 208, 221, 82, 230, 90, 31, 211, 192, 233, 209, 210, 118, 181, 33, 217, 167, 103, 138, 80, 14, 63, 22, 22, 201, 250, 6, 142, 226, 13, 239, 13, 179, 39, 64, 228, 186, 153, 144, 166, 165, 18, 103, 63, 231, 138, 228, 223, 92, 167, 246, 91, 133, 13, 248, 102, 188, 14, 2, 215, 169, 79, 137, 141, 187, 203, 240, 53, 252, 53, 73, 113, 74, 115, 18, 255, 80, 186, 87, 238, 142, 200, 160, 184, 142, 90, 29, 110, 154, 57, 236, 1, 198, 135, 46, 216, 98, 107, 89, 167, 122, 27, 92, 13, 186, 92, 90, 190, 85, 200, 77, 76, 65, 91, 53, 141, 40, 95, 122, 88, 45, 99, 13, 220, 174, 51, 185, 35, 87, 206, 251, 163, 168, 196, 171, 159, 51, 88, 223, 177, 31, 33, 59, 247, 107]
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Send authcrypted "Government DID info" to Sovrin Steward
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authdecrypted "Government DID info" from Government
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "7pUZqoVEe5VF4X1Yr4i9rmyeUtsZZe4zc4G2P3SaFt5j", msg: [251, 157, 245, 149, 51, 31, 213, 18, 91, 155, 131, 31, 244, 39, 181, 111, 77, 114, 153, 231, 90, 71, 99, 246, 113, 210, 71, 79, 91, 112, 234, 114, 31, 251, 118, 224, 121, 142, 35, 37, 116, 116, 151, 33, 75, 219, 37, 94, 220, 223, 61, 204, 177, 155, 236, 151, 182, 185, 227, 62, 1, 60, 240, 71, 134, 55, 254, 81, 176, 129, 208, 0, 55, 188, 106, 99, 188, 122, 152, 86, 49, 93, 136, 62, 14, 102, 18, 55, 85, 183, 199, 108, 27, 12, 70, 79, 46, 167, 54, 102, 2, 53, 40, 99, 56, 205, 143, 175, 119, 125, 222, 174, 225, 55, 12, 51, 20, 26, 124, 221, 64, 36, 214, 181, 250, 233, 188, 93, 43, 110, 6, 140, 51, 134, 221, 187, 22, 178, 255, 245, 149, 249, 227, 146, 159, 70, 202, 41, 208, 221, 82, 230, 90, 31, 211, 192, 233, 209, 210, 118, 181, 33, 217, 167, 103, 138, 80, 14, 63, 22, 22, 201, 250, 6, 142, 226, 13, 239, 13, 179, 39, 64, 228, 186, 153, 144, 166, 165, 18, 103, 63, 231, 138, 228, 223, 92, 167, 246, 91, 133, 13, 248, 102, 188, 14, 2, 215, 169, 79, 137, 141, 187, 203, 240, 53, 252, 53, 73, 113, 74, 115, 18, 255, 80, 186, 87, 238, 142, 200, 160, 184, 142, 90, 29, 110, 154, 57, 236, 1, 198, 135, 46, 216, 98, 107, 89, 167, 122, 27, 92, 13, 186, 92, 90, 190, 85, 200, 77, 76, 65, 91, 53, 141, 40, 95, 122, 88, 45, 99, 13, 220, 174, 51, 185, 35, 87, 206, 251, 163, 168, 196, 171, 159, 51, 88, 223, 177, 31, 33, 59, 247, 107]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt <<< res: ("8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6", [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 68, 70, 105, 50, 110, 120, 104, 102, 67, 120, 53, 90, 107, 68, 77, 106, 77, 70, 98, 68, 111, 103, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 55, 103, 77, 115, 51, 115, 78, 87, 55, 86, 76, 106, 90, 111, 65, 100, 66, 104, 57, 70, 88, 68, 83, 117, 98, 70, 68, 82, 86, 105, 122, 111, 87, 102, 82, 122, 88, 67, 87, 106, 111, 50, 49, 115, 34, 125])
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticate Government by comparision of Verkeys
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK", dest: "EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061484716538400,\"identifier\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061484716538400,\"identifier\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false DE8986D4E39D7D 1B45E623A347C 9999915DE385C3 24190BF4CF30FA 9014F8A F943410D84EB95 F43667C5E2B2E4 D69E18011D7D26 926C7E37F9C96C 4F5EDBA FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 26, 231, 203, 34, 158, 76, 207, 218, 60, 160, 157, 247, 212, 8, 39, 181, 101, 249, 7, 142, 29, 152, 151, 102, 65, 119, 251, 36, 53, 38, 41, 19, 34, 208, 179, 38, 171, 87, 61, 83, 215, 43, 127, 237, 98, 44, 161, 207, 228, 61, 232, 136, 211, 211, 153, 238, 43, 45, 207, 4, 150, 81, 241, 220, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [118, 121, 170, 72, 244, 227, 107, 84, 163, 78, 9, 84, 133, 11, 5, 58, 143, 161, 140, 124, 28, 195, 13, 237, 109, 170, 135, 65, 110, 24, 182, 61], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":389,\"txnTime\":1535061484,\"verkey\":\"8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6\"}")
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | context dropped
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "EySVdb7Dxo7Bjvfj8jc1dK"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "8cibKYp2mPUoPuMWbks9oCHYoAjTpovQUzbBQ4Xijxs6"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Government DID" with TRUST_ANCHOR Role
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", verkey: Some("7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", verkey: Some("7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061485170188100,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061485170188100,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061485170188100,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061485170188100,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061485170188100,\"signature\":\"4aVKtN2mw3ztoFjPQ6KUkHp6JurbKHKHmk6yVqy3mUh2R5A2wHYMA5jnATvtvoaYsPu7dRTcgnCFqo5fhpPYD5hN\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"7gMs3sNW7VLjZoAdBh9FXDSubFDRVizoWfRzXCWjo21s\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061485170188100,\"signature\":\"4aVKtN2mw3ztoFjPQ6KUkHp6JurbKHKHmk6yVqy3mUh2R5A2wHYMA5jnATvtvoaYsPu7dRTcgnCFqo5fhpPYD5hN\"}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 0
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 1
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 2
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 3
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Faber Onboarding ==
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Create and store in Wallet "Sovrin Steward Faber" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA", "Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc")
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Sovrin Steward Faber" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA", verkey: Some("Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA", verkey: Some("Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061485738980300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061485738980300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061485738980300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061485738980300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061485738980300,\"signature\":\"3tHrAVuHYFZvXc29tNpi8eVF8C4xgH9BqDBTkFmsAdJ4G3iGQfDycZLTaZn9YCui1N28A899hd62P1ozBsbGuCjf\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061485738980300,\"signature\":\"3tHrAVuHYFZvXc29tNpi8eVF8C4xgH9BqDBTkFmsAdJ4G3iGQfDycZLTaZn9YCui1N28A899hd62P1ozBsbGuCjf\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send connection request to Faber with "Sovrin Steward Faber" DID and nonce
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Create wallet
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Create command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Open command received
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Create and store in Wallet "Faber Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 14, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq", "8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu")
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Get key for did from "Sovrin Steward" connection request
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 14, did: "Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA", dest: "Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061488602971700,\"identifier\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061488602971700,\"identifier\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 861BC943B08A87 781C4F77FEAAEC AEC741C08F0532 3B58FA0836CA26 784212B 67265D16F1084A 1E013FE84C8E5E D28FBACEC07092 675D5DA4679869 EBA541B FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 32, 156, 2, 13, 68, 121, 80, 200, 252, 23, 169, 80, 57, 71, 224, 153, 137, 115, 135, 249, 244, 82, 149, 100, 163, 175, 26, 57, 188, 253, 167, 154, 19, 241, 227, 197, 123, 190, 16, 107, 39, 42, 221, 214, 99, 44, 62, 27, 38, 54, 153, 227, 196, 231, 16, 246, 202, 197, 136, 66, 198, 165, 232, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [218, 252, 11, 220, 144, 205, 27, 12, 197, 219, 13, 166, 99, 166, 191, 87, 138, 13, 100, 184, 62, 125, 72, 9, 177, 221, 20, 108, 172, 184, 164, 36], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":391,\"txnTime\":1535061486,\"verkey\":\"Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 14, did: "Xp7GYGW4Bu1Sk2ULyySmUA"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc"
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Anoncrypt connection response for "Sovrin Steward" with "Faber Sovrin Steward" DID, verkey and nonce
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt >>> their_vk: "Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 69, 69, 88, 116, 82, 65, 105, 77, 49, 74, 118, 57, 56, 71, 98, 103, 110, 84, 71, 114, 106, 113, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 56, 68, 76, 68, 89, 83, 97, 49, 120, 122, 71, 119, 66, 107, 82, 118, 106, 110, 98, 103, 49, 76, 111, 122, 84, 120, 120, 121, 71, 51, 88, 56, 82, 87, 76, 115, 88, 85, 98, 97, 109, 103, 104, 117, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt <<< res: [251, 90, 229, 185, 33, 242, 105, 252, 47, 73, 212, 213, 138, 221, 76, 226, 98, 110, 24, 237, 225, 175, 67, 213, 142, 198, 53, 222, 225, 40, 141, 103, 19, 216, 193, 181, 58, 73, 218, 139, 214, 89, 37, 249, 92, 131, 106, 23, 216, 110, 16, 44, 167, 92, 230, 247, 63, 192, 131, 242, 48, 202, 192, 15, 122, 73, 21, 217, 54, 107, 126, 62, 118, 36, 66, 30, 88, 97, 231, 48, 219, 128, 104, 211, 103, 218, 195, 79, 91, 89, 124, 198, 69, 55, 45, 117, 112, 131, 54, 45, 91, 141, 104, 224, 96, 64, 246, 154, 163, 225, 74, 118, 129, 36, 48, 55, 160, 30, 137, 143, 209, 195, 64, 223, 196, 82, 203, 34, 64, 67, 6, 127, 105, 65, 81, 15, 67, 237, 197, 123, 162, 133, 140, 59, 170, 41, 145, 30, 137, 200, 196, 207, 37, 139, 163, 107, 6, 69, 143]
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Send anoncrypted connection response to "Sovrin Steward"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Anondecrypt connection response from "Faber"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc", encrypted_msg: [251, 90, 229, 185, 33, 242, 105, 252, 47, 73, 212, 213, 138, 221, 76, 226, 98, 110, 24, 237, 225, 175, 67, 213, 142, 198, 53, 222, 225, 40, 141, 103, 19, 216, 193, 181, 58, 73, 218, 139, 214, 89, 37, 249, 92, 131, 106, 23, 216, 110, 16, 44, 167, 92, 230, 247, 63, 192, 131, 242, 48, 202, 192, 15, 122, 73, 21, 217, 54, 107, 126, 62, 118, 36, 66, 30, 88, 97, 231, 48, 219, 128, 104, 211, 103, 218, 195, 79, 91, 89, 124, 198, 69, 55, 45, 117, 112, 131, 54, 45, 91, 141, 104, 224, 96, 64, 246, 154, 163, 225, 74, 118, 129, 36, 48, 55, 160, 30, 137, 143, 209, 195, 64, 223, 196, 82, 203, 34, 64, 67, 6, 127, 105, 65, 81, 15, 67, 237, 197, 123, 162, 133, 140, 59, 170, 41, 145, 30, 137, 200, 196, 207, 37, 139, 163, 107, 6, 69, 143]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt <<< res: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 69, 69, 88, 116, 82, 65, 105, 77, 49, 74, 118, 57, 56, 71, 98, 103, 110, 84, 71, 114, 106, 113, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 56, 68, 76, 68, 89, 83, 97, 49, 120, 122, 71, 119, 66, 107, 82, 118, 106, 110, 98, 103, 49, 76, 111, 122, 84, 120, 120, 121, 71, 51, 88, 56, 82, 87, 76, 115, 88, 85, 98, 97, 109, 103, 104, 117, 34, 125]
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticates "Faber" by comparision of Nonce
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Faber Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq", verkey: Some("8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq", verkey: Some("8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061489064910300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061489064910300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061489064910300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061489064910300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061489064910300,\"signature\":\"wLtz3ZNVkRbRcZLNmTsmBCJUbCq495NBvzd5Hxaj6zZRcSJHjGTE9hpC97y5jKwQuKXcbPhPm3o4aPfNhFg6NRn\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061489064910300,\"signature\":\"wLtz3ZNVkRbRcZLNmTsmBCJUbCq495NBvzd5Hxaj6zZRcSJHjGTE9hpC97y5jKwQuKXcbPhPm3o4aPfNhFg6NRn\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Faber getting Verinym ==
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Create and store in Wallet "Faber" new DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 14, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", "GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR")
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Authcrypt "Faber DID info" for "Sovrin Steward"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt >>> wallet_handle: 14, my_vk: "8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu", their_vk: "Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 86, 86, 71, 102, 74, 88, 55, 90, 72, 80, 109, 89, 51, 90, 87, 106, 86, 89, 118, 51, 122, 116, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 71, 88, 89, 87, 104, 119, 89, 100, 55, 88, 114, 84, 116, 67, 49, 65, 49, 49, 117, 100, 68, 110, 82, 51, 85, 83, 105, 116, 117, 100, 77, 115, 115, 81, 75, 122, 76, 66, 89, 49, 119, 76, 86, 82, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt <<< res: [204, 228, 237, 136, 226, 168, 159, 91, 31, 198, 78, 41, 202, 108, 19, 61, 52, 100, 206, 46, 13, 199, 26, 31, 166, 215, 153, 89, 230, 232, 129, 73, 72, 195, 165, 20, 39, 11, 168, 200, 166, 28, 230, 54, 166, 79, 214, 226, 223, 77, 247, 86, 98, 115, 94, 246, 186, 101, 59, 188, 76, 108, 112, 27, 69, 241, 210, 225, 114, 200, 155, 56, 38, 108, 204, 215, 66, 170, 7, 139, 16, 55, 65, 5, 213, 214, 250, 30, 199, 77, 183, 120, 1, 42, 153, 149, 206, 60, 102, 101, 168, 97, 19, 77, 106, 31, 103, 197, 56, 183, 207, 226, 53, 169, 89, 102, 94, 239, 190, 202, 4, 7, 110, 83, 191, 80, 255, 208, 169, 95, 173, 223, 238, 21, 254, 19, 45, 75, 68, 62, 61, 242, 190, 23, 169, 2, 78, 215, 143, 184, 198, 114, 38, 232, 213, 207, 170, 23, 31, 212, 247, 222, 17, 56, 98, 120, 135, 171, 241, 200, 17, 14, 93, 151, 143, 96, 13, 27, 255, 21, 244, 25, 159, 71, 228, 218, 251, 169, 205, 198, 4, 38, 196, 189, 55, 151, 194, 101, 71, 51, 166, 25, 246, 11, 131, 87, 171, 146, 109, 146, 165, 71, 253, 30, 207, 45, 200, 237, 28, 68, 129, 53, 44, 196, 61, 111, 68, 7, 217, 30, 137, 207, 38, 17, 197, 249, 154, 16, 92, 165, 244, 168, 43, 29, 85, 210, 91, 207, 162, 30, 114, 23, 193, 140, 190, 118, 233, 44, 203, 77, 68, 241, 217, 219, 113, 154, 159, 110, 53, 121, 91, 11, 105, 219, 212, 18, 223, 72, 73, 160, 0, 178, 105, 43, 218, 84, 34, 186, 254, 41, 109, 99]
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Send authcrypted "Faber DID info" to Sovrin Steward
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authdecrypted "Faber DID info" from Faber
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "Ho31XbVZP1z9iA8CVZXMYiYPj3aAVbBoY5xtYTN5AeTc", msg: [204, 228, 237, 136, 226, 168, 159, 91, 31, 198, 78, 41, 202, 108, 19, 61, 52, 100, 206, 46, 13, 199, 26, 31, 166, 215, 153, 89, 230, 232, 129, 73, 72, 195, 165, 20, 39, 11, 168, 200, 166, 28, 230, 54, 166, 79, 214, 226, 223, 77, 247, 86, 98, 115, 94, 246, 186, 101, 59, 188, 76, 108, 112, 27, 69, 241, 210, 225, 114, 200, 155, 56, 38, 108, 204, 215, 66, 170, 7, 139, 16, 55, 65, 5, 213, 214, 250, 30, 199, 77, 183, 120, 1, 42, 153, 149, 206, 60, 102, 101, 168, 97, 19, 77, 106, 31, 103, 197, 56, 183, 207, 226, 53, 169, 89, 102, 94, 239, 190, 202, 4, 7, 110, 83, 191, 80, 255, 208, 169, 95, 173, 223, 238, 21, 254, 19, 45, 75, 68, 62, 61, 242, 190, 23, 169, 2, 78, 215, 143, 184, 198, 114, 38, 232, 213, 207, 170, 23, 31, 212, 247, 222, 17, 56, 98, 120, 135, 171, 241, 200, 17, 14, 93, 151, 143, 96, 13, 27, 255, 21, 244, 25, 159, 71, 228, 218, 251, 169, 205, 198, 4, 38, 196, 189, 55, 151, 194, 101, 71, 51, 166, 25, 246, 11, 131, 87, 171, 146, 109, 146, 165, 71, 253, 30, 207, 45, 200, 237, 28, 68, 129, 53, 44, 196, 61, 111, 68, 7, 217, 30, 137, 207, 38, 17, 197, 249, 154, 16, 92, 165, 244, 168, 43, 29, 85, 210, 91, 207, 162, 30, 114, 23, 193, 140, 190, 118, 233, 44, 203, 77, 68, 241, 217, 219, 113, 154, 159, 110, 53, 121, 91, 11, 105, 219, 212, 18, 223, 72, 73, 160, 0, 178, 105, 43, 218, 84, 34, 186, 254, 41, 109, 99]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt <<< res: ("8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu", [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 86, 86, 71, 102, 74, 88, 55, 90, 72, 80, 109, 89, 51, 90, 87, 106, 86, 89, 118, 51, 122, 116, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 71, 88, 89, 87, 104, 119, 89, 100, 55, 88, 114, 84, 116, 67, 49, 65, 49, 49, 117, 100, 68, 110, 82, 51, 85, 83, 105, 116, 117, 100, 77, 115, 115, 81, 75, 122, 76, 66, 89, 49, 119, 76, 86, 82, 34, 125])
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticate Faber by comparision of Verkeys
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq", dest: "EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061489214921200,\"identifier\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061489214921200,\"identifier\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 6FB956054E9E7B 439CD9C1357DAF 5E7C971514CC94 90072F84F26082 C5E5C7C F771782F6C4D87 656FB17E83C69F 345C822C42F706 E57B8A6EEF95C4 1718F165 FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 7, 109, 129, 23, 120, 253, 73, 101, 89, 209, 113, 156, 89, 14, 193, 163, 116, 30, 173, 95, 17, 137, 191, 135, 130, 37, 191, 146, 67, 47, 100, 115, 34, 55, 22, 223, 108, 208, 243, 66, 11, 100, 54, 103, 201, 155, 30, 10, 162, 188, 212, 88, 203, 51, 130, 36, 146, 105, 216, 77, 175, 29, 141, 181, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [96, 140, 32, 143, 27, 109, 214, 7, 80, 152, 213, 48, 114, 49, 149, 43, 16, 234, 46, 156, 124, 238, 55, 115, 156, 253, 47, 10, 122, 194, 123, 18], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":392,\"txnTime\":1535061489,\"verkey\":\"8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "EEXtRAiM1Jv98GbgnTGrjq"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "8DLDYSa1xzGwBkRvjnbg1LozTxxyG3X8RWLsXUbamghu"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Faber DID" with TRUST_ANCHOR Role
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", verkey: Some("GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", verkey: Some("GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061489660869300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061489660869300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061489660869300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061489660869300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061489660869300,\"signature\":\"5V7H7oCGWHiF2FtVfw5scJdDixdi4uqP8E63JViE7jzHhwezPhu9Qdd6hCwy77Qohu4DscPPfLfy8fyRxyQD8Ndq\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"GXYWhwYd7XrTtC1A11udDnR3USitudMssQKzLBY1wLVR\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061489660869300,\"signature\":\"5V7H7oCGWHiF2FtVfw5scJdDixdi4uqP8E63JViE7jzHhwezPhu9Qdd6hCwy77Qohu4DscPPfLfy8fyRxyQD8Ndq\"}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 0
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 1
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 2
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 3
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | context dropped
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Acme Onboarding ==
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Create and store in Wallet "Sovrin Steward Acme" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf", "DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe")
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Sovrin Steward Acme" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf", verkey: Some("DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf", verkey: Some("DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061490236059300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061490236059300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061490236059300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061490236059300,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061490236059300,\"signature\":\"481ukd96umoJoYezWJWhkq6PDGXQEatTYqWcdgFpzL7Sp89CSjMuJ9ysCeioq8iFkvim7nxWkAd1PgwpQ2oBxfgX\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061490236059300,\"signature\":\"481ukd96umoJoYezWJWhkq6PDGXQEatTYqWcdgFpzL7Sp89CSjMuJ9ysCeioq8iFkvim7nxWkAd1PgwpQ2oBxfgX\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send connection request to Acme with "Sovrin Steward Acme" DID and nonce
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Create wallet
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Create command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Open command received
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Create and store in Wallet "Acme Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 23, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV", "CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx")
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Get key for did from "Sovrin Steward" connection request
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 23, did: "QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf", dest: "QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061493085881500,\"identifier\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061493085881500,\"identifier\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false DAF3EDEA36629F 8EB6485788BB11 AA7EB71B2F2DA2 F9E080016B25D3 22F57136 FE271CC3D84FF9 F1F76924B6BF4D 35642FE16B66A8 D33A94564D2601 1418A52F FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 31, 201, 109, 139, 173, 228, 212, 168, 11, 21, 244, 131, 86, 248, 60, 231, 240, 185, 64, 205, 47, 131, 26, 201, 32, 43, 31, 52, 122, 173, 106, 8, 23, 67, 1, 72, 107, 123, 224, 32, 193, 168, 83, 255, 198, 220, 115, 154, 254, 160, 59, 173, 171, 85, 20, 64, 16, 53, 128, 214, 64, 247, 81, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [138, 108, 135, 68, 216, 167, 11, 23, 16, 184, 52, 112, 80, 58, 165, 215, 17, 130, 160, 8, 178, 251, 135, 93, 101, 26, 200, 130, 238, 98, 114, 43], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":394,\"txnTime\":1535061491,\"verkey\":\"DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 23, did: "QYnqfgHdcYLsP2VtZx9Ppf"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe"
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Anoncrypt connection response for "Sovrin Steward" with "Acme Sovrin Steward" DID, verkey and nonce
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt >>> their_vk: "DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 77, 100, 103, 71, 117, 115, 52, 112, 66, 70, 55, 67, 86, 69, 101, 75, 80, 78, 110, 72, 76, 86, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 67, 70, 69, 75, 109, 103, 74, 50, 67, 85, 77, 106, 83, 102, 88, 72, 90, 120, 78, 122, 116, 52, 49, 83, 103, 75, 65, 106, 111, 65, 84, 83, 117, 114, 103, 75, 78, 119, 112, 103, 53, 80, 83, 120, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt <<< res: [210, 104, 15, 252, 161, 203, 69, 208, 146, 42, 4, 97, 141, 77, 183, 104, 87, 198, 30, 170, 77, 120, 95, 31, 174, 52, 230, 149, 140, 209, 6, 24, 43, 104, 149, 35, 117, 164, 41, 255, 223, 90, 156, 19, 107, 128, 22, 16, 28, 133, 138, 232, 229, 169, 188, 85, 3, 217, 20, 130, 7, 141, 188, 88, 207, 62, 162, 64, 246, 217, 132, 160, 94, 254, 116, 121, 0, 118, 223, 104, 78, 232, 251, 29, 217, 9, 8, 174, 69, 140, 18, 141, 174, 167, 182, 209, 6, 143, 239, 125, 192, 37, 138, 181, 53, 242, 15, 2, 216, 71, 173, 12, 146, 215, 17, 58, 27, 157, 58, 231, 92, 31, 237, 151, 155, 240, 53, 138, 127, 195, 232, 88, 163, 220, 83, 133, 176, 28, 148, 171, 255, 247, 220, 156, 1, 224, 118, 251, 12, 62, 74, 38, 33, 156, 72, 254, 54, 152, 76]
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Send anoncrypted connection response to "Sovrin Steward"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Anondecrypt connection response from "Acme"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe", encrypted_msg: [210, 104, 15, 252, 161, 203, 69, 208, 146, 42, 4, 97, 141, 77, 183, 104, 87, 198, 30, 170, 77, 120, 95, 31, 174, 52, 230, 149, 140, 209, 6, 24, 43, 104, 149, 35, 117, 164, 41, 255, 223, 90, 156, 19, 107, 128, 22, 16, 28, 133, 138, 232, 229, 169, 188, 85, 3, 217, 20, 130, 7, 141, 188, 88, 207, 62, 162, 64, 246, 217, 132, 160, 94, 254, 116, 121, 0, 118, 223, 104, 78, 232, 251, 29, 217, 9, 8, 174, 69, 140, 18, 141, 174, 167, 182, 209, 6, 143, 239, 125, 192, 37, 138, 181, 53, 242, 15, 2, 216, 71, 173, 12, 146, 215, 17, 58, 27, 157, 58, 231, 92, 31, 237, 151, 155, 240, 53, 138, 127, 195, 232, 88, 163, 220, 83, 133, 176, 28, 148, 171, 255, 247, 220, 156, 1, 224, 118, 251, 12, 62, 74, 38, 33, 156, 72, 254, 54, 152, 76]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt <<< res: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 77, 100, 103, 71, 117, 115, 52, 112, 66, 70, 55, 67, 86, 69, 101, 75, 80, 78, 110, 72, 76, 86, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 67, 70, 69, 75, 109, 103, 74, 50, 67, 85, 77, 106, 83, 102, 88, 72, 90, 120, 78, 122, 116, 52, 49, 83, 103, 75, 65, 106, 111, 65, 84, 83, 117, 114, 103, 75, 78, 119, 112, 103, 53, 80, 83, 120, 34, 125]
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticates "Acme" by comparision of Nonce
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Acme Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV", verkey: Some("CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV", verkey: Some("CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061493540487800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061493540487800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061493540487800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061493540487800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061493540487800,\"signature\":\"3ogu38otaXyoo8C9jcvDUyzjTDEaVect2nhqjqXZ3zoUuRcg6x5vAwwd7teyEw2uUEXjSRhK3rsU43jryhGxarYX\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061493540487800,\"signature\":\"3ogu38otaXyoo8C9jcvDUyzjTDEaVect2nhqjqXZ3zoUuRcg6x5vAwwd7teyEw2uUEXjSRhK3rsU43jryhGxarYX\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Acme getting Verinym ==
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Create and store in Wallet "Acme" new DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 23, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp", "SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr")
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Authcrypt "Acme DID info" for "Sovrin Steward"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt >>> wallet_handle: 23, my_vk: "CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx", their_vk: "DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 111, 121, 53, 86, 54, 122, 122, 104, 115, 112, 57, 122, 75, 104, 121, 68, 83, 107, 52, 107, 112, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 83, 98, 105, 84, 77, 68, 84, 53, 82, 57, 97, 67, 120, 80, 71, 57, 117, 121, 84, 105, 90, 103, 119, 88, 84, 57, 75, 116, 65, 99, 51, 102, 98, 78, 52, 65, 67, 110, 75, 52, 105, 70, 114, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt <<< res: [118, 46, 173, 67, 190, 192, 182, 17, 103, 22, 50, 5, 20, 247, 216, 240, 181, 219, 250, 153, 71, 230, 57, 228, 40, 155, 112, 59, 248, 171, 120, 58, 83, 51, 44, 88, 64, 87, 228, 167, 66, 0, 195, 140, 105, 250, 85, 156, 148, 1, 239, 155, 171, 109, 250, 8, 186, 40, 193, 164, 162, 210, 125, 60, 87, 154, 184, 185, 217, 200, 185, 242, 104, 80, 116, 54, 243, 145, 202, 250, 146, 14, 73, 142, 98, 139, 206, 97, 68, 157, 165, 80, 216, 152, 117, 161, 13, 242, 26, 254, 206, 227, 185, 43, 12, 19, 60, 25, 128, 118, 244, 108, 43, 206, 145, 161, 167, 16, 82, 190, 67, 204, 63, 8, 10, 187, 144, 105, 51, 9, 171, 214, 245, 253, 37, 236, 5, 10, 67, 97, 181, 213, 205, 39, 179, 118, 150, 235, 231, 228, 74, 234, 120, 56, 238, 99, 69, 142, 161, 63, 19, 189, 164, 146, 103, 59, 177, 102, 197, 97, 53, 26, 9, 193, 35, 80, 47, 92, 16, 70, 47, 17, 156, 26, 244, 228, 249, 196, 63, 143, 228, 89, 29, 210, 70, 208, 162, 47, 114, 75, 248, 64, 4, 115, 148, 183, 49, 85, 18, 9, 23, 165, 235, 222, 92, 2, 153, 127, 26, 139, 23, 131, 160, 97, 243, 237, 80, 67, 118, 171, 35, 45, 156, 147, 38, 232, 110, 130, 28, 62, 128, 161, 223, 240, 205, 22, 211, 222, 167, 173, 16, 106, 229, 44, 17, 254, 92, 125, 204, 186, 94, 180, 183, 240, 187, 239, 78, 118, 155, 72, 198, 104, 100, 237, 31, 98, 181, 177, 213, 233, 197, 245, 122, 9, 10, 214, 46, 113]
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Send authcrypted "Acme DID info" to Sovrin Steward
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authdecrypted "Acme DID info" from Acme
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "DqQKqddmVagruNUqDx8vXrAQX7rHtNjWResQvgv1U5qe", msg: [118, 46, 173, 67, 190, 192, 182, 17, 103, 22, 50, 5, 20, 247, 216, 240, 181, 219, 250, 153, 71, 230, 57, 228, 40, 155, 112, 59, 248, 171, 120, 58, 83, 51, 44, 88, 64, 87, 228, 167, 66, 0, 195, 140, 105, 250, 85, 156, 148, 1, 239, 155, 171, 109, 250, 8, 186, 40, 193, 164, 162, 210, 125, 60, 87, 154, 184, 185, 217, 200, 185, 242, 104, 80, 116, 54, 243, 145, 202, 250, 146, 14, 73, 142, 98, 139, 206, 97, 68, 157, 165, 80, 216, 152, 117, 161, 13, 242, 26, 254, 206, 227, 185, 43, 12, 19, 60, 25, 128, 118, 244, 108, 43, 206, 145, 161, 167, 16, 82, 190, 67, 204, 63, 8, 10, 187, 144, 105, 51, 9, 171, 214, 245, 253, 37, 236, 5, 10, 67, 97, 181, 213, 205, 39, 179, 118, 150, 235, 231, 228, 74, 234, 120, 56, 238, 99, 69, 142, 161, 63, 19, 189, 164, 146, 103, 59, 177, 102, 197, 97, 53, 26, 9, 193, 35, 80, 47, 92, 16, 70, 47, 17, 156, 26, 244, 228, 249, 196, 63, 143, 228, 89, 29, 210, 70, 208, 162, 47, 114, 75, 248, 64, 4, 115, 148, 183, 49, 85, 18, 9, 23, 165, 235, 222, 92, 2, 153, 127, 26, 139, 23, 131, 160, 97, 243, 237, 80, 67, 118, 171, 35, 45, 156, 147, 38, 232, 110, 130, 28, 62, 128, 161, 223, 240, 205, 22, 211, 222, 167, 173, 16, 106, 229, 44, 17, 254, 92, 125, 204, 186, 94, 180, 183, 240, 187, 239, 78, 118, 155, 72, 198, 104, 100, 237, 31, 98, 181, 177, 213, 233, 197, 245, 122, 9, 10, 214, 46, 113]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt <<< res: ("CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx", [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 111, 121, 53, 86, 54, 122, 122, 104, 115, 112, 57, 122, 75, 104, 121, 68, 83, 107, 52, 107, 112, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 83, 98, 105, 84, 77, 68, 84, 53, 82, 57, 97, 67, 120, 80, 71, 57, 117, 121, 84, 105, 90, 103, 119, 88, 84, 57, 75, 116, 65, 99, 51, 102, 98, 78, 52, 65, 67, 110, 75, 52, 105, 70, 114, 34, 125])
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticate Acme by comparision of Verkeys
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV", dest: "MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061493664348800,\"identifier\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061493664348800,\"identifier\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 56D415782DC664 CC97A944EDE33D F8368ABFE2978E 203251735445F4 1DD7AFDB CF44E46E1B2B67 D142A8492BD4F8 8A6B349A7FC7B7 82F6AB07BECFF2 125EDA5B FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 5, 212, 163, 219, 142, 167, 160, 1, 131, 190, 184, 98, 248, 49, 167, 12, 231, 145, 85, 18, 176, 50, 133, 237, 56, 151, 128, 86, 178, 145, 116, 180, 23, 3, 171, 17, 240, 97, 210, 155, 115, 198, 219, 9, 168, 121, 159, 86, 129, 102, 231, 24, 202, 20, 11, 243, 22, 126, 221, 196, 212, 227, 8, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [110, 12, 27, 114, 41, 245, 90, 16, 60, 23, 223, 92, 38, 222, 195, 81, 75, 240, 251, 82, 0, 126, 183, 134, 40, 249, 91, 39, 135, 188, 136, 67], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":395,\"txnTime\":1535061493,\"verkey\":\"CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "MdgGus4pBF7CVEeKPNnHLV"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "CFEKmgJ2CUMjSfXHZxNzt41SgKAjoATSurgKNwpg5PSx"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Acme DID" with TRUST_ANCHOR Role
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp", verkey: Some("SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp", verkey: Some("SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061494122794700,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061494122794700,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061494122794700,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061494122794700,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061494122794700,\"signature\":\"36dH3VfLyh1jVAPmuZmyDheXnX9yhRKYiToAm159wXtPoxuynHvYwQ6iPQmTsSPuNpLxy8BQs5WB7qhQCH6EmCPu\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SbiTMDT5R9aCxPG9uyTiZgwXT9KtAc3fbN4ACnK4iFr\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061494122794700,\"signature\":\"36dH3VfLyh1jVAPmuZmyDheXnX9yhRKYiToAm159wXtPoxuynHvYwQ6iPQmTsSPuNpLxy8BQs5WB7qhQCH6EmCPu\"}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 0
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 1
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 2
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 3
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Thrift Onboarding ==
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Create and store in Wallet "Sovrin Steward Thrift" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v", "6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7")
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Sovrin Steward Thrift" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v", verkey: Some("6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v", verkey: Some("6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061494649210800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061494649210800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061494649210800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061494649210800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061494649210800,\"signature\":\"2kXh3Au8g4eFykAnDDXtyYonkvfRQ2Zkpg45ATjdP4TfV5g8eMpozVVmKU12b3Re34wxcTQ9Kkkhbt1mv6vVeH2j\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061494649210800,\"signature\":\"2kXh3Au8g4eFykAnDDXtyYonkvfRQ2Zkpg45ATjdP4TfV5g8eMpozVVmKU12b3Re34wxcTQ9Kkkhbt1mv6vVeH2j\"}"
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | context dropped
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send connection request to Thrift with "Sovrin Steward Thrift" DID and nonce
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Create wallet
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Create command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Open command received
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Create and store in Wallet "Thrift Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 32, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF", "6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf")
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Get key for did from "Sovrin Steward" connection request
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 32, did: "BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v", dest: "BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061497530464800,\"identifier\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061497530464800,\"identifier\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false E63D3DE2B55918 B7E86575A500E5 9D22B8B78D79F7 861CEB51A9F178 CE4547A A359CB61C71E1B C74B0D644CF640 254095110C5AAA 6DAF102AC5C72C 106E9CB4 FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 32, 209, 219, 213, 137, 220, 75, 13, 46, 114, 120, 8, 252, 125, 236, 202, 229, 176, 235, 250, 196, 253, 10, 12, 106, 80, 185, 198, 194, 211, 232, 240, 21, 65, 53, 148, 97, 220, 202, 170, 171, 52, 52, 63, 78, 226, 229, 178, 185, 15, 53, 38, 224, 215, 237, 205, 111, 22, 89, 94, 100, 173, 76, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [131, 150, 151, 233, 0, 107, 87, 210, 176, 194, 241, 228, 254, 49, 87, 137, 105, 41, 75, 228, 192, 7, 160, 6, 187, 67, 48, 144, 28, 133, 46, 6], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":397,\"txnTime\":1535061495,\"verkey\":\"6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 32, did: "BZveqWhuo3ymG1676U2c4v"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7"
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Anoncrypt connection response for "Sovrin Steward" with "Thrift Sovrin Steward" DID, verkey and nonce
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt >>> their_vk: "6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 66, 87, 99, 52, 115, 119, 111, 105, 121, 86, 122, 101, 66, 90, 87, 68, 103, 72, 53, 51, 76, 70, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 54, 106, 70, 111, 97, 122, 112, 102, 52, 81, 49, 106, 52, 68, 117, 102, 109, 110, 120, 121, 118, 115, 83, 122, 52, 67, 76, 121, 55, 119, 80, 99, 107, 98, 75, 103, 68, 76, 68, 52, 86, 66, 70, 102, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt <<< res: [238, 109, 129, 93, 232, 242, 6, 180, 93, 8, 213, 6, 2, 151, 6, 119, 35, 79, 115, 95, 85, 60, 117, 99, 136, 162, 17, 147, 191, 100, 249, 48, 228, 23, 181, 141, 154, 177, 223, 240, 64, 206, 69, 116, 188, 102, 255, 56, 173, 225, 228, 48, 53, 25, 13, 173, 149, 248, 13, 68, 252, 97, 71, 109, 58, 162, 44, 142, 212, 160, 158, 242, 218, 125, 115, 145, 230, 215, 51, 185, 200, 18, 111, 228, 150, 127, 14, 35, 73, 101, 184, 181, 251, 36, 115, 108, 241, 101, 192, 47, 185, 169, 188, 51, 101, 248, 226, 84, 81, 137, 237, 179, 134, 84, 157, 104, 8, 93, 77, 230, 208, 222, 99, 230, 207, 108, 42, 148, 137, 63, 5, 106, 225, 66, 176, 74, 166, 71, 90, 24, 57, 251, 130, 200, 33, 57, 224, 220, 184, 82, 145, 241, 171, 208, 56, 45, 153, 149, 206]
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Send anoncrypted connection response to "Sovrin Steward"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Anondecrypt connection response from "Thrift"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7", encrypted_msg: [238, 109, 129, 93, 232, 242, 6, 180, 93, 8, 213, 6, 2, 151, 6, 119, 35, 79, 115, 95, 85, 60, 117, 99, 136, 162, 17, 147, 191, 100, 249, 48, 228, 23, 181, 141, 154, 177, 223, 240, 64, 206, 69, 116, 188, 102, 255, 56, 173, 225, 228, 48, 53, 25, 13, 173, 149, 248, 13, 68, 252, 97, 71, 109, 58, 162, 44, 142, 212, 160, 158, 242, 218, 125, 115, 145, 230, 215, 51, 185, 200, 18, 111, 228, 150, 127, 14, 35, 73, 101, 184, 181, 251, 36, 115, 108, 241, 101, 192, 47, 185, 169, 188, 51, 101, 248, 226, 84, 81, 137, 237, 179, 134, 84, 157, 104, 8, 93, 77, 230, 208, 222, 99, 230, 207, 108, 42, 148, 137, 63, 5, 106, 225, 66, 176, 74, 166, 71, 90, 24, 57, 251, 130, 200, 33, 57, 224, 220, 184, 82, 145, 241, 171, 208, 56, 45, 153, 149, 206]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt <<< res: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 66, 87, 99, 52, 115, 119, 111, 105, 121, 86, 122, 101, 66, 90, 87, 68, 103, 72, 53, 51, 76, 70, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 54, 106, 70, 111, 97, 122, 112, 102, 52, 81, 49, 106, 52, 68, 117, 102, 109, 110, 120, 121, 118, 115, 83, 122, 52, 67, 76, 121, 55, 119, 80, 99, 107, 98, 75, 103, 68, 76, 68, 52, 86, 66, 70, 102, 34, 125]
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticates "Thrift" by comparision of Nonce
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Thrift Sovrin Steward" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF", verkey: Some("6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF", verkey: Some("6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061497986379800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061497986379800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061497986379800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061497986379800,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061497986379800,\"signature\":\"2So1SLGHcDwbkgYDHEiEWPsnqggRaxyhJeji3gkFQqA71kofrHooeZejrwcQ3aePKP7eDVELUp2gf2bRjMahquYP\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061497986379800,\"signature\":\"2So1SLGHcDwbkgYDHEiEWPsnqggRaxyhJeji3gkFQqA71kofrHooeZejrwcQ3aePKP7eDVELUp2gf2bRjMahquYP\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Trust Anchor credentials - Thrift getting Verinym ==
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Create and store in Wallet "Thrift" new DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 32, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff", "hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y")
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Authcrypt "Thrift DID info" for "Sovrin Steward"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt >>> wallet_handle: 32, my_vk: "6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf", their_vk: "6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 50, 71, 115, 65, 122, 88, 65, 70, 114, 49, 105, 53, 87, 56, 82, 117, 102, 114, 101, 90, 102, 102, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 104, 71, 50, 56, 99, 88, 75, 85, 101, 90, 54, 102, 105, 119, 53, 54, 104, 71, 57, 83, 99, 85, 57, 84, 89, 55, 105, 49, 118, 57, 78, 53, 75, 118, 55, 50, 82, 70, 88, 122, 85, 53, 121, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt <<< res: [241, 188, 225, 140, 157, 52, 238, 18, 56, 112, 139, 172, 39, 81, 78, 117, 17, 198, 101, 31, 7, 93, 114, 157, 188, 178, 111, 200, 13, 140, 105, 32, 70, 180, 234, 38, 109, 61, 57, 230, 65, 236, 22, 136, 168, 134, 204, 157, 135, 215, 35, 121, 253, 224, 146, 250, 154, 66, 60, 136, 48, 100, 118, 156, 186, 191, 253, 41, 221, 130, 219, 77, 245, 58, 48, 13, 240, 154, 218, 235, 94, 195, 45, 32, 33, 108, 6, 24, 156, 247, 250, 191, 249, 92, 219, 194, 22, 150, 31, 178, 159, 54, 18, 28, 195, 32, 113, 44, 150, 77, 216, 27, 11, 90, 173, 211, 44, 74, 109, 193, 9, 41, 103, 167, 118, 137, 173, 163, 65, 242, 184, 246, 101, 94, 253, 103, 184, 61, 12, 15, 11, 98, 39, 174, 118, 103, 240, 77, 192, 213, 60, 226, 159, 61, 70, 80, 238, 154, 40, 74, 175, 89, 14, 173, 243, 29, 198, 175, 149, 162, 210, 104, 66, 102, 85, 44, 189, 136, 27, 50, 153, 242, 113, 131, 74, 39, 132, 221, 198, 174, 64, 168, 95, 195, 121, 245, 254, 144, 173, 214, 180, 56, 198, 201, 248, 125, 29, 178, 145, 238, 204, 130, 97, 254, 165, 249, 173, 191, 15, 45, 61, 17, 79, 107, 235, 56, 39, 157, 34, 232, 252, 122, 35, 40, 17, 176, 136, 74, 187, 38, 213, 92, 197, 172, 96, 190, 122, 48, 207, 180, 240, 160, 223, 1, 49, 177, 173, 159, 35, 80, 164, 17, 218, 225, 98, 146, 208, 177, 147, 144, 80, 145, 81, 233, 121, 137, 243, 136, 28, 197, 160, 5, 190, 2, 111, 4, 25, 210, 165, 41, 31, 2]
INFO:__main__:"Thrift" -> Send authcrypted "Thrift DID info" to Sovrin Steward
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authdecrypted "Thrift DID info" from Thrift
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 3, my_vk: "6m4mbPhaxHH2HEoSBr6TcPLY4jecRj8voUDiBFe6cEp7", msg: [241, 188, 225, 140, 157, 52, 238, 18, 56, 112, 139, 172, 39, 81, 78, 117, 17, 198, 101, 31, 7, 93, 114, 157, 188, 178, 111, 200, 13, 140, 105, 32, 70, 180, 234, 38, 109, 61, 57, 230, 65, 236, 22, 136, 168, 134, 204, 157, 135, 215, 35, 121, 253, 224, 146, 250, 154, 66, 60, 136, 48, 100, 118, 156, 186, 191, 253, 41, 221, 130, 219, 77, 245, 58, 48, 13, 240, 154, 218, 235, 94, 195, 45, 32, 33, 108, 6, 24, 156, 247, 250, 191, 249, 92, 219, 194, 22, 150, 31, 178, 159, 54, 18, 28, 195, 32, 113, 44, 150, 77, 216, 27, 11, 90, 173, 211, 44, 74, 109, 193, 9, 41, 103, 167, 118, 137, 173, 163, 65, 242, 184, 246, 101, 94, 253, 103, 184, 61, 12, 15, 11, 98, 39, 174, 118, 103, 240, 77, 192, 213, 60, 226, 159, 61, 70, 80, 238, 154, 40, 74, 175, 89, 14, 173, 243, 29, 198, 175, 149, 162, 210, 104, 66, 102, 85, 44, 189, 136, 27, 50, 153, 242, 113, 131, 74, 39, 132, 221, 198, 174, 64, 168, 95, 195, 121, 245, 254, 144, 173, 214, 180, 56, 198, 201, 248, 125, 29, 178, 145, 238, 204, 130, 97, 254, 165, 249, 173, 191, 15, 45, 61, 17, 79, 107, 235, 56, 39, 157, 34, 232, 252, 122, 35, 40, 17, 176, 136, 74, 187, 38, 213, 92, 197, 172, 96, 190, 122, 48, 207, 180, 240, 160, 223, 1, 49, 177, 173, 159, 35, 80, 164, 17, 218, 225, 98, 146, 208, 177, 147, 144, 80, 145, 81, 233, 121, 137, 243, 136, 28, 197, 160, 5, 190, 2, 111, 4, 25, 210, 165, 41, 31, 2]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt <<< res: ("6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf", [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 50, 71, 115, 65, 122, 88, 65, 70, 114, 49, 105, 53, 87, 56, 82, 117, 102, 114, 101, 90, 102, 102, 34, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 104, 71, 50, 56, 99, 88, 75, 85, 101, 90, 54, 102, 105, 119, 53, 54, 104, 71, 57, 83, 99, 85, 57, 84, 89, 55, 105, 49, 118, 57, 78, 53, 75, 118, 55, 50, 82, 70, 88, 122, 85, 53, 121, 34, 125])
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Authenticate Thrift by comparision of Verkeys
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF", dest: "BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061498136165900,\"identifier\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061498136165900,\"identifier\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 7A35DEB676084F 58E2F1B98F8F0 A96374B2B02B74 3A8916798483DE 223DCEE1 3BFD39C6D72C88 F05C3D309B38C3 DA85EF6BD56542 2CDEF8572CA08F 155001EC FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 5, 64, 162, 89, 209, 202, 128, 211, 116, 90, 205, 72, 202, 92, 65, 22, 110, 95, 145, 54, 181, 208, 64, 19, 19, 10, 61, 67, 47, 187, 33, 250, 35, 105, 236, 154, 117, 113, 58, 73, 73, 232, 255, 82, 253, 4, 218, 226, 54, 156, 252, 70, 23, 226, 158, 10, 178, 53, 194, 12, 67, 60, 156, 137, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [124, 145, 1, 212, 44, 62, 99, 11, 186, 20, 24, 0, 214, 223, 190, 236, 205, 126, 174, 253, 190, 137, 92, 228, 192, 134, 183, 60, 4, 228, 52, 163], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":398,\"txnTime\":1535061498,\"verkey\":\"6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, did: "BWc4swoiyVzeBZWDgH53LF"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "6jFoazpf4Q1j4DufmnxyvsSz4CLy7wPckbKgDLD4VBFf"
INFO:__main__:"Sovrin Steward" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Thrift DID" with TRUST_ANCHOR Role
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", target_did: "2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff", verkey: Some("hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", dest: "2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff", verkey: Some("hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y"), alias: None, role: Some("TRUST_ANCHOR")
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061498588089000,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061498588089000,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061498588089000,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 3, submitter_did: "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061498588089000,\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061498588089000,\"signature\":\"5PufsyPUjarju8ZwvXn4gFkuk872eXkpDfy9oHbPVPsr2PXzgUWSGeLQKY1DGZsHo5v67qW37AUzQGmbkfpAneDc\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"2GsAzXAFr1i5W8RufreZff\",\"role\":\"101\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"hG28cXKUeZ6fiw56hG9ScU9TY7i1v9N5Kv72RFXzU5y\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061498588089000,\"signature\":\"5PufsyPUjarju8ZwvXn4gFkuk872eXkpDfy9oHbPVPsr2PXzgUWSGeLQKY1DGZsHo5v67qW37AUzQGmbkfpAneDc\"}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 0
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 1
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 2
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 3
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:=== Credential Schemas Setup ==
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Create "Job-Certificate" Schema
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | AnoncredsCommand command received
INFO|anoncreds_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | Issuer command received
INFO|issuer_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | CreateSchema command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_schema >>> issuer_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", name: "Job-Certificate", version: "0.2", attrs: "[\"first_name\", \"last_name\", \"salary\", \"employee_status\", \"experience\"]"
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_schema <<< schema_id: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2", schema_json: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2\",\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"first_name\",\"salary\",\"last_name\",\"employee_status\",\"experience\"],\"seqNo\":null}"
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Send "Job-Certificate" Schema to Ledger
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildSchemaRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_schema_request >>> submitter_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", data: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2\",\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"first_name\",\"salary\",\"last_name\",\"employee_status\",\"experience\"],\"seqNo\":null}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_schema_request >>> identifier: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", data: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2\",\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"first_name\",\"salary\",\"last_name\",\"employee_status\",\"experience\"],\"seqNo\":null}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_schema_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061499101942300,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_schema_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061499101942300,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 5, submitter_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061499101942300,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 5, submitter_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061499101942300,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"data\":{\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"],\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\"},\"type\":\"101\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061499101942300,\"signature\":\"5CyhrmuLq6Vc8LmWNRaQpNyxHhXhnGR37dMGukrHTTaKh3foaYD5eMLYUM18ofNYPB4VNBG96hKH63X5VEkfc5xG\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"data\":{\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"],\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\"},\"type\":\"101\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061499101942300,\"signature\":\"5CyhrmuLq6Vc8LmWNRaQpNyxHhXhnGR37dMGukrHTTaKh3foaYD5eMLYUM18ofNYPB4VNBG96hKH63X5VEkfc5xG\"}"
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | context dropped
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Create "Transcript" Schema
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | AnoncredsCommand command received
INFO|anoncreds_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | Issuer command received
INFO|issuer_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | CreateSchema command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_schema >>> issuer_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", name: "Transcript", version: "1.2", attrs: "[\"first_name\", \"last_name\", \"degree\", \"status\", \"year\", \"average\", \"ssn\"]"
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_schema <<< schema_id: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Transcript:1.2", schema_json: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Transcript:1.2\",\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"status\",\"ssn\",\"degree\",\"year\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"average\"],\"seqNo\":null}"
INFO:__main__:"Government" -> Send "Transcript" Schema to Ledger
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildSchemaRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_schema_request >>> submitter_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", data: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Transcript:1.2\",\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"status\",\"ssn\",\"degree\",\"year\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"average\"],\"seqNo\":null}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_schema_request >>> identifier: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", data: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Transcript:1.2\",\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"status\",\"ssn\",\"degree\",\"year\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"average\"],\"seqNo\":null}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_schema_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061500125843100,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_schema_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061500125843100,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 5, submitter_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061500125843100,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 5, submitter_did: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061500125843100,\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"101\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"]}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"data\":{\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"],\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\"},\"type\":\"101\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061500125843100,\"signature\":\"ovAiuXwh5osyqkMSg1nGTnYiuFcRuCb9md1GxRW8KCvx9AXcuivqDX4wchLCFcGc4CzyqyzRiRR39ngiHSUfEGE\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"operation\":{\"data\":{\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"],\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\"},\"type\":\"101\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061500125843100,\"signature\":\"ovAiuXwh5osyqkMSg1nGTnYiuFcRuCb9md1GxRW8KCvx9AXcuivqDX4wchLCFcGc4CzyqyzRiRR39ngiHSUfEGE\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:=== Faber Credential Definition Setup ==
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Get "Transcript" Schema from Ledger
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildGetSchemaRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_get_schema_request >>> submitter_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", id: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Transcript:1.2"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_schema_request >>> identifier: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", id: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Transcript:1.2"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_schema_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061501136966300,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"107\",\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_get_schema_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061501136966300,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"107\",\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061501136966300,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"107\",\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Transcript\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false E6D497AD688B79 73E8F3D62542A2 E05BEBF5C8F813 F59EF82E208C54 40137D8 4A30985B50070A B3A7438B11F0FE C3A5EC7FB664A4 A4C48C1752A4C4 8721C97 FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 22, 43, 109, 22, 134, 178, 92, 49, 156, 198, 21, 54, 127, 115, 239, 163, 62, 82, 236, 47, 180, 198, 26, 127, 189, 170, 126, 207, 240, 190, 78, 139, 24, 91, 164, 93, 10, 9, 203, 81, 210, 18, 153, 55, 77, 14, 237, 247, 239, 203, 13, 98, 245, 249, 122, 64, 246, 178, 223, 254, 82, 207, 254, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [68, 70, 105, 50, 110, 120, 104, 102, 67, 120, 53, 90, 107, 68, 77, 106, 77, 70, 98, 68, 111, 103, 58, 2, 58, 84, 114, 97, 110, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 58, 49, 46, 50], expected_value Some("{\"lsn\":401,\"lut\":1535061501,\"val\":{\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"]}}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | ParseGetSchemaResponse command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | parse_get_schema_response >>> get_schema_response: "{\"op\":\"REPLY\",\"result\":{\"type\":\"107\",\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"reqId\":1535061501136966300,\"seqNo\":401,\"data\":{\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"],\"version\":\"1.2\",\"name\":\"Transcript\"},\"state_proof\":{\"multi_signature\":{\"value\":{\"ledger_id\":1,\"state_root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"txn_root_hash\":\"FuvWPtDhYJXCCAD8BQVciv9EfvAL6KRvRcbXdi34DcaG\",\"pool_state_root_hash\":\"n6VPkuHJYFPk6Lnzk6wFKE8HQkwiXvPXfWPb1Xw5zp4\",\"timestamp\":1535061501},\"signature\":\"R4dMBZBmdXTgkke6XcCyref16eMspyNTis8Ux5GtL1uFf3WDQCG3UqD7WybwjhHouspzJoozuHVWjFeBsrWgadsc5WpTf9CMqaBKT5XA3tSKm88cVvSg3iUoHpsRhArZneRdUhCmrcovewBMuSEgy6NiNM2RnM6BJXKHeV7J8fzweX\",\"participants\":[\"Node2\",\"Node3\",\"Node4\"]},\"root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"proof_nodes\":\"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\"},\"txnTime\":1535061501,\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\"}}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | parse_get_schema_response >>> get_schema_response: "{\"op\":\"REPLY\",\"result\":{\"type\":\"107\",\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"reqId\":1535061501136966300,\"seqNo\":401,\"data\":{\"attr_names\":[\"degree\",\"status\",\"first_name\",\"average\",\"last_name\",\"ssn\",\"year\"],\"version\":\"1.2\",\"name\":\"Transcript\"},\"state_proof\":{\"multi_signature\":{\"value\":{\"ledger_id\":1,\"state_root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"txn_root_hash\":\"FuvWPtDhYJXCCAD8BQVciv9EfvAL6KRvRcbXdi34DcaG\",\"pool_state_root_hash\":\"n6VPkuHJYFPk6Lnzk6wFKE8HQkwiXvPXfWPb1Xw5zp4\",\"timestamp\":1535061501},\"signature\":\"R4dMBZBmdXTgkke6XcCyref16eMspyNTis8Ux5GtL1uFf3WDQCG3UqD7WybwjhHouspzJoozuHVWjFeBsrWgadsc5WpTf9CMqaBKT5XA3tSKm88cVvSg3iUoHpsRhArZneRdUhCmrcovewBMuSEgy6NiNM2RnM6BJXKHeV7J8fzweX\",\"participants\":[\"Node2\",\"Node3\",\"Node4\"]},\"root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"proof_nodes\":\"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\"},\"txnTime\":1535061501,\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\"}}"
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INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Create and store in Wallet "Faber Transcript" Credential Definition
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INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Send "Faber Transcript" Credential Definition to Ledger
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildCredDefRequest command received
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INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:=== Acme Credential Definition Setup ==
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Get from Ledger "Job-Certificate" Schema
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildGetSchemaRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_get_schema_request >>> submitter_did: "oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp", id: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_schema_request >>> identifier: "oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp", id: "DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_schema_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061504746095300,\"identifier\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"107\",\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\"}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
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INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061504746095300,\"identifier\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"107\",\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\"}},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
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DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 7EC87EA7997066 88DE4C0EEBF9FA 629EADCDE1E8F4 A0C363279F06AB 21BE607D 681E1143E80E E3422007314733 A226A8ABB23E83 526C714DC955AB C0C8AB FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 13, 226, 32, 208, 201, 190, 78, 210, 77, 193, 177, 254, 83, 62, 133, 170, 177, 161, 167, 180, 144, 126, 15, 244, 67, 114, 182, 223, 239, 184, 186, 252, 29, 204, 58, 110, 52, 28, 193, 200, 127, 139, 23, 114, 164, 227, 120, 137, 59, 241, 19, 213, 56, 207, 45, 28, 7, 16, 100, 123, 72, 162, 22, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [68, 70, 105, 50, 110, 120, 104, 102, 67, 120, 53, 90, 107, 68, 77, 106, 77, 70, 98, 68, 111, 103, 58, 2, 58, 74, 111, 98, 45, 67, 101, 114, 116, 105, 102, 105, 99, 97, 116, 101, 58, 48, 46, 50], expected_value Some("{\"lsn\":400,\"lut\":1535061500,\"val\":{\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"]}}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | ParseGetSchemaResponse command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | parse_get_schema_response >>> get_schema_response: "{\"result\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"type\":\"107\",\"reqId\":1535061504746095300,\"txnTime\":1535061500,\"state_proof\":{\"multi_signature\":{\"signature\":\"RFmcY1LudtwYnTjvErRsT2rN7v1x2tkb1MfKCs3eWn9CT9eLEMEoevAsQPxjirFNzBb9WywrcJj1Vsxp4VKhscY3Meki5Yxr2seugdnV3oPiytV81fGCdy4u7Bu2FPvVSNoMs4fH6jyMwTMcEFARisRTWSXqgqu19VNZah5CRp4X8B\",\"participants\":[\"Node3\",\"Node1\",\"Node4\"],\"value\":{\"state_root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"txn_root_hash\":\"FuvWPtDhYJXCCAD8BQVciv9EfvAL6KRvRcbXdi34DcaG\",\"ledger_id\":1,\"pool_state_root_hash\":\"n6VPkuHJYFPk6Lnzk6wFKE8HQkwiXvPXfWPb1Xw5zp4\",\"timestamp\":1535061501}},\"root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"proof_nodes\":\"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\"},\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"]},\"seqNo\":400,\"identifier\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\"},\"op\":\"REPLY\"}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | parse_get_schema_response >>> get_schema_response: "{\"result\":{\"dest\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog\",\"type\":\"107\",\"reqId\":1535061504746095300,\"txnTime\":1535061500,\"state_proof\":{\"multi_signature\":{\"signature\":\"RFmcY1LudtwYnTjvErRsT2rN7v1x2tkb1MfKCs3eWn9CT9eLEMEoevAsQPxjirFNzBb9WywrcJj1Vsxp4VKhscY3Meki5Yxr2seugdnV3oPiytV81fGCdy4u7Bu2FPvVSNoMs4fH6jyMwTMcEFARisRTWSXqgqu19VNZah5CRp4X8B\",\"participants\":[\"Node3\",\"Node1\",\"Node4\"],\"value\":{\"state_root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"txn_root_hash\":\"FuvWPtDhYJXCCAD8BQVciv9EfvAL6KRvRcbXdi34DcaG\",\"ledger_id\":1,\"pool_state_root_hash\":\"n6VPkuHJYFPk6Lnzk6wFKE8HQkwiXvPXfWPb1Xw5zp4\",\"timestamp\":1535061501}},\"root_hash\":\"7eNjBd5CBXK4BhxzuMEQwiYPB9HFMg3SxuueJZcY368A\",\"proof_nodes\":\"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\"},\"data\":{\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attr_names\":[\"employee_status\",\"last_name\",\"first_name\",\"experience\",\"salary\"]},\"seqNo\":400,\"identifier\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp\"},\"op\":\"REPLY\"}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | parse_get_schema_response <<< res: ("DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2", "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2\",\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"employee_status\",\"experience\",\"last_name\",\"salary\",\"first_name\"],\"seqNo\":400}")
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | parse_get_schema_response <<< res: ("DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2", "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2\",\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"employee_status\",\"experience\",\"last_name\",\"salary\",\"first_name\"],\"seqNo\":400}")
INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Create and store in Wallet "Acme Job-Certificate" Credential Definition
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | AnoncredsCommand command received
INFO|anoncreds_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | Issuer command received
INFO|issuer_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | CreateAndStoreCredentialDefinition command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_and_store_credential_definition >>> wallet_handle: 23, issuer_did: "oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp", schema_json: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Job-Certificate:0.2\",\"name\":\"Job-Certificate\",\"version\":\"0.2\",\"attrNames\":[\"employee_status\",\"experience\",\"last_name\",\"salary\",\"first_name\"],\"seqNo\":400}", tag: "TAG1", type_: Some("CL"), config_json: Some("{\"support_revocation\": false}")
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | context dropped
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_and_store_credential_definition <<< cred_def_id: "oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp:3:CL:400:TAG1", cred_def_json: "{\"ver\":\"1.0\",\"id\":\"oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp:3:CL:400:TAG1\",\"schemaId\":\"400\",\"type\":\"CL\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\",\"value\":{\"primary\":{\"n\":\"83833671780906070993670821280951903464995280736783643895206624941638372141200649562011568996359267568771761992294458215493481874565319248629945201845443982260673085856756401383346863735593432812980004726360042740757278504681220514461103012082031346878928222441406438455626684621714339013213754947158149004201484217939747765846973709993891723099355677427776887563289064264127267767810264017291871674956237984665805116450503080089652569618245250780591305271428396156061613104578099220944929463647392100115567300844520530104384898131555271822270231581490101277106147547253759981063347022900791827494168414137997032573141\",\"s\":\"9499704567837418813613060891773851343952141177874986559216323311275847410500207100070266065416083389492915313841791352874212254970978690955405419444034304532517956511484550917974003149826730869698509718990264124615543878686857753310220442829882864160298634408116777320082242561984435751523628365229229086745785787241279462664810325977822258930540941638646510212948580846489357941025057968426562851495421547826195332330495666947542300271440577347157991334830408990036950151843484710497488554695426476583280169267933440456043953772265821646568935124931365705832745804735735077634859451260807148085870377295138227377096\",\"r\":{\"last_name\":\"11922975379367815801538588089049268268584889836458425969100056747927658102557711767688778199669119932012762665896933292091421381160342874315354605151372862771525447486242550009718659473777377741314970936135258435870875024345094839887313304544858659827187649647079432300096103653594937910465071703284813881767972815947465836679829543327542090063151468370891412365195310124954091159564094252611590435755712109139891106041650517587123617085334547463370796160195061076374233914025144035560273128214942370052606787591818842320293536160075340396823824385051586298176183471221380715404157967005996846324033798363627803768241\",\"master_secret\":\"80281666217139790784782508525644876931364891864447326166418201187660545256122704170767927115201989824230638244961545010807535622529390417059823031035296019397832867162606310973041670665909934338555156556765256315125025367059949139122540325005764930905648861542260053983255566358886101221344653379582137074737616019099090204083591998277916489621241959268977047146101889607479387101455433978593651210595534060112952278492765839639795485150849516368715077901341180865467475182280854879656507622609810343032809426103721461200183464329735250602293187464971163886460737837947478625150360174244553469331652662202410974373639\",\"first_name\":\"61231902299236940714609008082252582880424315459858717162762337074250911843072979525811539858086033567752544630882752070342431704223998913025274692616777594038456199897747475255953168151192380592622901461472301911252661228381597044727364912782737952144465431602218607330837128168238365978138952819011028535781978557427262770294963487022525333109897100372643949990022877970136294525709665906253532372135504383812647168469369833382925926841652486320568634533245244425310261614022312166699104047245821942635418757733489899117391666648736235309597293367259354282753679511858783775358951873712165180175430826467092098415498\",\"experience\":\"72535563135958524790795671492524528324183206991069280634366621874851748001502768620578479990303469443750283011932600884407269364946819882629761634474070796518525997759194309582461888403558252113839769480940198387621841375223570731622818191860236872899082362715142608785867988821717638988363209979455703660278557920090085675178110717642883630568462346192667748640545673059091954457973158738782060514591603860456332752019920137557082224097529337623823223864266619370729496373819123502445757615511888923076758124352066320331402130716680561833972667609090455726733957284870142271987023542784312090277009555307420598664035\",\"employee_status\":\"49604087975007915956347764258367047641479790403738958978885720138785747239770424752884257892967924504821699608935246017615970314838478341177710327913243102729846440441079770989707619560085449998441879050706033016753752005068692277540799536483358037665859665296274639201126128966270344349734319349708146711833372960993747340297684974009113301161592791823024303828254864494235181046623821291448663125433140217329091419461729556282418626913363106987006778422487138243172826918568868910094318565456065082182340321591386738625528360907553871413261223326992369915844823621499264778684454709243751500349645756913927112711717\",\"salary\":\"525778267001842288794184200610223361923228415151227266597462356616924841261825129814775362758228048447913965505375540384848646358580376481346784724604972330530197237025414112688536964294262608441461008801357461301339017891803424830256955483736627089244317399500351730983207713059028300168555229852598260354306652087459208841292867741208696886411910061535645332950740856486734444915512866285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INFO:__main__:"Acme" -> Send "Acme Job-Certificate" Credential Definition to Ledger
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildCredDefRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_cred_def_request >>> submitter_did: "oy5V6zzhsp9zKhyDSk4kp", data: 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INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:=== Getting Transcript with Faber ==
INFO:__main__:== Getting Transcript with Faber - Onboarding ==
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Create and store in Wallet "Faber Alice" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 14, my_did_info_json: "{}"
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INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Faber Alice" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", target_did: "osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K", verkey: Some("SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", dest: "osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K", verkey: Some("SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061511871718000,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061511871718000,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 14, submitter_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061511871718000,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 14, submitter_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061511871718000,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061511871718000,\"signature\":\"2AJdKPSgaqjGCyJbc7C218jVUyBySJu2Ft4gB3b9jENbx4bbLpFc6j6vUTYXFeovspE1bV7zsoqyuRbMxnkTMoKM\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061511871718000,\"signature\":\"2AJdKPSgaqjGCyJbc7C218jVUyBySJu2Ft4gB3b9jENbx4bbLpFc6j6vUTYXFeovspE1bV7zsoqyuRbMxnkTMoKM\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Send connection request to Alice with "Faber Alice" DID and nonce
INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Create wallet
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Create command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | WalletCommand command received
DEBUG|wallet_command_executor | src/commands/ | Open command received
INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Create and store in Wallet "Alice Faber" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | CreateAndStoreMyDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did >>> wallet_handle: 49, my_did_info_json: "{}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | create_and_store_my_did <<< res: ("NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX", "CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q")
INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Get key for did from "Faber" connection request
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 49, did: "osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K", dest: "osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061515349810300,\"identifier\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061515349810300,\"identifier\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 670991720B4AF9 DDAF922FD32483 82316E17852E2A EE5A92CD7DD808 21DAF0D3 55ACA3B5CD15A1 E932E0DBD55DF5 B186CB88418098 CF1C49F907F583 18F91B2C FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 7, 124, 159, 225, 226, 216, 64, 187, 245, 232, 99, 76, 195, 86, 156, 208, 140, 212, 172, 25, 75, 32, 10, 43, 237, 56, 114, 176, 186, 159, 200, 79, 27, 36, 136, 109, 165, 243, 69, 213, 113, 244, 106, 72, 150, 210, 245, 44, 189, 9, 37, 142, 70, 178, 155, 189, 226, 120, 156, 231, 175, 162, 3, 185, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [168, 60, 145, 9, 15, 221, 58, 243, 90, 212, 17, 150, 167, 235, 132, 178, 137, 16, 54, 208, 7, 103, 88, 83, 134, 189, 87, 3, 57, 251, 77, 41], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":403,\"txnTime\":1535061512,\"verkey\":\"SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 49, did: "osShk4j4YAdgt8pVVnP3K"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo"
INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Anoncrypt connection response for "Faber" with "Alice Faber" DID, verkey and nonce
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt >>> their_vk: "SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo", msg: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 78, 110, 88, 105, 74, 65, 98, 107, 67, 110, 53, 53, 70, 75, 70, 118, 109, 49, 100, 84, 78, 88, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 67, 115, 102, 102, 68, 104, 50, 83, 106, 66, 86, 112, 118, 102, 53, 81, 113, 76, 121, 70, 57, 68, 113, 114, 106, 82, 104, 53, 83, 88, 67, 115, 82, 116, 66, 120, 119, 89, 49, 111, 97, 111, 53, 81, 34, 125]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_encrypt <<< res: [142, 19, 231, 17, 205, 42, 236, 170, 73, 93, 250, 141, 179, 148, 66, 184, 190, 164, 202, 168, 20, 101, 167, 118, 215, 250, 84, 160, 126, 222, 185, 0, 224, 225, 211, 61, 12, 200, 115, 158, 205, 197, 90, 40, 73, 84, 201, 238, 141, 138, 54, 18, 220, 248, 79, 76, 213, 213, 177, 96, 174, 168, 211, 242, 226, 99, 209, 161, 102, 184, 207, 156, 16, 247, 131, 134, 195, 113, 52, 163, 76, 138, 185, 84, 103, 154, 10, 101, 59, 71, 149, 135, 95, 133, 0, 252, 14, 21, 87, 171, 213, 139, 95, 112, 111, 57, 34, 184, 188, 175, 64, 168, 7, 141, 43, 47, 58, 159, 206, 127, 64, 239, 52, 210, 36, 22, 11, 203, 68, 52, 91, 23, 22, 121, 228, 88, 254, 237, 48, 65, 129, 166, 135, 58, 47, 53, 15, 157, 170, 206, 29, 214, 255, 35, 222, 134, 224, 46, 36]
INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Send anoncrypted connection response to "Faber"
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Anondecrypt connection response from "Alice"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AnonymousDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 14, my_vk: "SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo", encrypted_msg: [142, 19, 231, 17, 205, 42, 236, 170, 73, 93, 250, 141, 179, 148, 66, 184, 190, 164, 202, 168, 20, 101, 167, 118, 215, 250, 84, 160, 126, 222, 185, 0, 224, 225, 211, 61, 12, 200, 115, 158, 205, 197, 90, 40, 73, 84, 201, 238, 141, 138, 54, 18, 220, 248, 79, 76, 213, 213, 177, 96, 174, 168, 211, 242, 226, 99, 209, 161, 102, 184, 207, 156, 16, 247, 131, 134, 195, 113, 52, 163, 76, 138, 185, 84, 103, 154, 10, 101, 59, 71, 149, 135, 95, 133, 0, 252, 14, 21, 87, 171, 213, 139, 95, 112, 111, 57, 34, 184, 188, 175, 64, 168, 7, 141, 43, 47, 58, 159, 206, 127, 64, 239, 52, 210, 36, 22, 11, 203, 68, 52, 91, 23, 22, 121, 228, 88, 254, 237, 48, 65, 129, 166, 135, 58, 47, 53, 15, 157, 170, 206, 29, 214, 255, 35, 222, 134, 224, 46, 36]
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | anonymous_decrypt <<< res: [123, 34, 100, 105, 100, 34, 58, 32, 34, 78, 110, 88, 105, 74, 65, 98, 107, 67, 110, 53, 53, 70, 75, 70, 118, 109, 49, 100, 84, 78, 88, 34, 44, 32, 34, 110, 111, 110, 99, 101, 34, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 44, 32, 34, 118, 101, 114, 107, 101, 121, 34, 58, 32, 34, 67, 115, 102, 102, 68, 104, 50, 83, 106, 66, 86, 112, 118, 102, 53, 81, 113, 76, 121, 70, 57, 68, 113, 114, 106, 82, 104, 53, 83, 88, 67, 115, 82, 116, 66, 120, 119, 89, 49, 111, 97, 111, 53, 81, 34, 125]
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Authenticates "Alice" by comparision of Nonce
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Send Nym to Ledger for "Alice Faber" DID
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildNymRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request >>> submitter_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", target_did: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX", verkey: Some("CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request >>> identifier: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", dest: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX", verkey: Some("CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q"), alias: None, role: None
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061515882490800,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_nym_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061515882490800,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SignAndSubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | sign_and_submit_request >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 14, submitter_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061515882490800,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request >>> wallet_handle: 14, submitter_did: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt", request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061515882490800,\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | _sign_request <<< res: "{\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061515882490800,\"signature\":\"8Rk5j3uNCQJJEoZggP2WPia22NfYTLUqUQfvtXYbg8Vtjxtckdq87bLxBEiCmXvPipV8W6MDKVZD3d1zfnq1rXq\"}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"operation\":{\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"type\":\"1\",\"verkey\":\"CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q\"},\"protocolVersion\":2,\"reqId\":1535061515882490800,\"signature\":\"8Rk5j3uNCQJJEoZggP2WPia22NfYTLUqUQfvtXYbg8Vtjxtckdq87bLxBEiCmXvPipV8W6MDKVZD3d1zfnq1rXq\"}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO:__main__:== Getting Transcript with Faber - Getting Transcript Credential ==
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Create "Transcript" Credential Offer for Alice
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | AnoncredsCommand command received
INFO|anoncreds_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | Issuer command received
INFO|issuer_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | CreateCredentialOffer command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_credential_offer >>> wallet_handle: 14, cred_def_id: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt:3:CL:401:TAG1"
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::issuer| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_credential_offer <<< credential_offer_json: "{\"schema_id\":\"DFi2nxhfCx5ZkDMjMFbDog:2:Transcript:1.2\",\"cred_def_id\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt:3:CL:401:TAG1\",\"key_correctness_proof\":{\"c\":\"58758761856436215776575865004850320000050364918079716608069491663403678244090\",\"xz_cap\":\"1287317238802813849906225531039231201280420061536922447684022059385835411961552124071163649827028172366111534055049987125884581134705677254254911192441878196273540543641856196309440029536841566325233612187554864612685149030334715388174823185085910722514182877117866687120732234758265470693693555304386791852622563440368584479087070550076836202982626896283505750071527985883351837678340927087735710188269846123293680978238523501510412217574631184131420863859334075979992952931112149283720659235490986972305654630738059394747062851593912350532387949487406273329423727859341559468919836550116371523264383978600869660186770188247632089996755896392736385170496127583577365583993567445200697865075606\",\"xr_cap\":[[\"average\",\"1129891342876036292408164592746001431124410959426733267023011343497179510237983204906674711639793487380018780554593011784643215158821582334782893876366071418648105012337457279977847731091854535688175174562996267262543781990479710608127619617681744863753294548912566151818132015096465823223018107563089316597781889653163734712282825517053886142265828249917427954933886706589682069515292451566867464903437724964624572255914019273260916877826406355362245181258518333011844172804685688475006278899644429950957565659061941771858003164982776259232435148742370266435054516076457288898384644888695311938817553383287084473862469925669130283403981012703573888173715364741955624556832972601954125172210415\"],[\"degree\",\"1437200361723288979532878381316882073868855227353099537235947379906510355283430762596330922624903912840714684791049401223840376468659749017265009216507265666650986193131494955602484678846898129604328231026841794803015954393245393973185364384256376751883639003116938509248892810971405441970587078901929082469594704100565090756147402471016662626132668231414524989574545518340138361642031515104131771832434940069612611947862448693372094986014795040156563880882941380406499157010184856031745468625849307357631950298373346861543279274095959169448510126111774380622968086875810119312982291459026059899900626401085886216403414821113212867218372594432379031895244165520395596727930678690524407605810853\"],[\"first_name\",\"1772693837058097746265356252154162326243219327483177705225450372960973388328926770340077850863935595643801934674449797580059640117323022002201195303128039597295520031208061892470891338385902382037301602495500598356390089124197462076132941289104956789885758326997538392615559011392207216922001608483167487996131495473048960899058554803176836660578869644514520088791589758155587311615863226462204028260495336560010495585108705584532846348315531373796409041752585802898878146162587705122202452813426411603598825746025483590667329597049582374583279675920173160177189088446536938578367303104245188896306078740404958669542857439328922193413446801681752416146171152333887482793931203384521594686630836\"],[\"master_secret\",\"82737646444617300179201398428931119353820840350723882158429255149521729447505225074233927193702783519957362372790211807347744962669951714348815375346476738711551465849588409054796759851426011669100956465328937230326174883148214213070165782970104290376103290946613820922571689911923934437491368631070322960901130700323346474308681079356539676154624092997178124238004717704297505234014238898971309985795823628976630459897134539305224728248883043387724853045883699442421190670134919880429819458094732714791976957697392551856058931273458356111211623680276539356457513318874850226341391839934022775362696935523659157327569638169702781742310053183076391941490351314261085654822539530649195951083162\"],[\"last_name\",\"953477488144385095082251013398039075951450934002785675775013670781961218630496482217095914331385183338784211034097003259249349226475106107422289371827594095347131586455523771195700884292406918230816046569664825001204342675804578797571746803202336461694893847041404000434863197586027643125484128236264113891760805554380175204808982460674994285485490383598149667332141210980492047492042591524039993425778248150889272690506835868722426272712424938961147718936685924588503069488922451069101545154683946686104500030397413055930814070821020970253583375853831274373041525223316980080788302065789935915966530124140905098712161052561980987919865874745739937543177631904330290984924952257314952427244676\"],[\"ssn\",\"1337173758731415281707764607084264127659867827274648545178446277510237459317277422197410186137881961081764817355199497937097950761290729189537146167851427696037309367122938760886007079108441200420982529431056103128852506201926322867400196561455011743700461988414945863392758937649873125626744272300094502430632478820080031606613970604230734217294487978803113583894548892791839760412998006082040882944577773125417610785241727013619344612392385679137423040305052053838754484295824941210645518414213848681838940215080722716322893243614365521105592962734449547234826117767385286915024682363817095644137220311982551838253460976686179674197936755314356495859814240042148838495035046126130162625674478\"],[\"status\",\"894620193721070033069018442416584695147713111653701792801938829784696859509741001201678783700026423511615476367147233339774290446221474903743048709681018452809200280225440147278299412259219048970519241973536220115210053355183165358110180333879821221765716276354251315920615434120233673957919623899260937677621491681899669125647982663957672340903397847110891674580005551511015221086509800033937138557689466734653975419745283636132255622922507192748169394221491431049710344593051829298626820086265058256062922116637806898171319091921189781740347169652826078748554354529740836693219729979650012251223698550024658452779328493276283902656557166800884649380825495040438977083549722235218076018862447\"],[\"year\",\"209416438376535978340801797419845334483054167476128470565511701105924475728512427125212525421098713564448974269633982758450979074349816013272166520615076529974048106649395513984500894820826265092763130802090388936468444528575319701044259577617130461401913795320250568321709320240795802960546588749024405780671922988761717323984572899300417201400774294514261926303919357313407883221707753663308610180757231891322321719001392704238586857580353324937762748021213585933293275649852157301438233375513716410769400333798574672668530900784284825223983359393858629689346239756679109211160857990757732290816004561650631918878721802604412617403095312054102877385398464788303901757837291918678316666672992\"]]},\"nonce\":\"432218023991127665234224\"}"
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Get key for Alice did
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 23, did: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request >>> identifier: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX", dest: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_nym_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061516018082900,\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061516018082900,\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"105\",\"dest\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 8FBC59CDF588D4 6C9339F409BDC9 D939F28A984160 747694EFDD413E 1CA988B4 C9E950BB1924D8 1D2C1C5AE3DF44 10E049447A77 2FE5A61FB8A62 185B633A FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 34, 160, 42, 88, 54, 184, 91, 245, 195, 164, 114, 223, 68, 68, 209, 171, 25, 205, 163, 53, 54, 38, 68, 39, 239, 230, 124, 175, 95, 161, 70, 226, 33, 91, 61, 211, 53, 90, 68, 151, 206, 185, 180, 255, 219, 214, 49, 48, 30, 62, 197, 122, 161, 152, 75, 25, 28, 126, 0, 206, 188, 85, 76, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [186, 56, 205, 207, 225, 230, 223, 253, 25, 67, 104, 83, 85, 109, 135, 118, 246, 225, 189, 103, 238, 113, 158, 148, 128, 85, 186, 154, 75, 43, 68, 206], expected_value Some("{\"identifier\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"role\":null,\"seqNo\":404,\"txnTime\":1535061515,\"verkey\":\"CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q\"}")
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | DidCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | GetNymAck command received
INFO|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | KeyForDid command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did >>> pool_handle: 1, wallet_handle: 23, did: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX"
DEBUG|indy::commands::did | src/commands/ | key_for_did <<< res: "CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q"
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Authcrypt "Transcript" Credential Offer for Alice
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedEncrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_encrypt >>> wallet_handle: 14, my_vk: "SYeM87Q3XdLbSiFMy2Uubedryvofhe9hoTZvdmeS7Xo", their_vk: "CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q", msg: [123, 34, 115, 99, 104, 101, 109, 97, 95, 105, 100, 34, 58, 34, 68, 70, 105, 50, 110, 120, 104, 102, 67, 120, 53, 90, 107, 68, 77, 106, 77, 70, 98, 68, 111, 103, 58, 50, 58, 84, 114, 97, 110, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 58, 49, 46, 50, 34, 44, 34, 99, 114, 101, 100, 95, 100, 101, 102, 95, 105, 100, 34, 58, 34, 86, 86, 71, 102, 74, 88, 55, 90, 72, 80, 109, 89, 51, 90, 87, 106, 86, 89, 118, 51, 122, 116, 58, 51, 58, 67, 76, 58, 52, 48, 49, 58, 84, 65, 71, 49, 34, 44, 34, 107, 101, 121, 95, 99, 111, 114, 114, 101, 99, 116, 110, 101, 115, 115, 95, 112, 114, 111, 111, 102, 34, 58, 123, 34, 99, 34, 58, 34, 53, 56, 55, 53, 56, 55, 54, 49, 56, 53, 54, 52, 51, 54, 50, 49, 53, 55, 55, 54, 53, 55, 53, 56, 54, 53, 48, 48, 52, 56, 53, 48, 51, 50, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 53, 48, 51, 54, 52, 57, 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202, 104, 28, 103, 33, 44, 195, 183, 80, 2, 27, 13, 187, 118, 34, 221, 17, 141, 67, 177, 74, 147, 134, 153, 101, 111, 255, 205, 136, 240, 233, 181, 89, 219, 171, 193, 3, 81, 92, 217, 0, 191, 163, 200, 115, 22, 171, 246, 135, 179, 170, 207, 20, 107, 102, 241, 193, 96, 55, 236, 235, 67, 189, 103, 41, 119, 200, 159, 215, 66, 12, 107, 28, 75, 16, 59, 37, 81, 223, 56, 17, 182, 8, 31, 158, 145, 95, 188, 64, 47, 249, 162, 167, 141, 159, 60, 120, 48, 114, 125, 83, 131, 49, 3, 143, 240, 15, 93, 212, 105, 240, 8, 106, 130, 96, 171, 140, 248, 238, 145, 47, 199, 191, 105, 91, 41, 118, 210, 208, 47, 143, 116, 244, 99, 110, 104, 12, 166, 8, 207, 29, 226, 33, 238, 123, 25, 137, 91, 26, 96, 205, 64, 12, 192, 190, 176, 202, 198, 86, 219, 105, 128, 85, 240, 131, 90, 81, 188, 80, 172, 107, 198, 205, 204, 133, 139, 137, 188, 115, 15, 230, 188, 55, 119, 250, 111, 247, 61, 18, 6, 147, 82, 231, 148, 17, 53, 146, 153, 211, 125, 136, 206, 104, 28, 77, 7, 198, 71, 249, 208, 73, 61, 254, 204, 81, 215, 2, 112, 229, 95, 36, 34, 233, 129, 4, 83, 201, 66, 214, 38, 187, 14, 41, 215, 174, 125, 115, 222, 33, 179, 140, 134, 13, 109, 24, 218, 1, 78, 235, 152, 79, 201, 3, 108, 66, 134, 170, 52, 235, 164, 197, 84, 25, 191, 55, 168, 156, 99, 75, 240, 113, 140, 197, 24, 127, 181, 249, 199, 2, 196, 188, 46, 197, 157, 134, 165, 99, 51, 124, 161, 253, 12, 127, 181, 99, 145, 91, 101, 253, 216, 164, 18, 7, 195, 56, 195, 8, 13, 111, 12, 26, 222, 80, 143, 51, 158, 113, 146, 119, 229, 8, 235, 97, 255, 24, 215, 107, 145, 190, 83, 114, 227, 106, 39, 124, 175, 163, 205, 94, 211, 242, 249, 16, 206, 180, 131, 147, 158, 38, 230, 195, 81, 20, 19, 107, 110, 178, 62, 150, 175, 244, 3, 152, 126, 182, 105, 121, 134, 26, 166, 15, 31, 245, 156, 202, 22, 49, 113, 219, 9, 61, 95, 228, 239, 217, 112, 99, 59, 122, 69, 89, 186, 51, 57, 18, 183, 146, 190, 77, 133, 128, 1, 166, 174, 251, 77, 89, 249, 145, 228, 73, 125, 201, 6, 53, 197, 228, 238, 39, 88, 218, 44, 41, 41, 243, 251, 99, 10, 124, 39, 169, 236, 169, 102, 131, 22, 102, 210, 35, 124, 9, 221, 77, 113, 110, 5, 139, 186, 106, 99, 92, 24, 93, 89, 51, 16, 57, 76, 221, 74, 198, 49, 98, 243, 19, 191, 72, 67, 4, 9, 40, 202, 120, 61, 3, 49, 181, 107, 162, 161, 18, 126, 52, 104, 195, 75, 177, 153, 23, 89, 107, 128, 162, 194, 91, 83, 91, 158, 46, 155, 100, 228, 49, 104, 83, 11, 157, 29, 68, 44, 173, 206, 191, 5, 9, 197, 106, 70, 252, 237, 154, 121, 226, 5, 71, 120, 205, 163, 91, 151, 32, 181, 225, 115, 29, 255, 36, 155, 78, 107, 244, 6, 239, 57, 149, 196, 225, 83, 111, 168, 231, 1, 121, 160, 181, 234, 2, 45, 232, 237, 103, 10, 65, 178, 56, 57, 24, 64, 61, 60, 212, 45, 217, 86, 69, 165, 144, 150, 233, 61, 136, 145, 239, 216, 97, 187, 163, 33, 33, 132, 49, 92, 99, 246, 145, 175, 73, 246, 188, 196, 37, 39, 101, 81, 124, 85, 247, 152, 35, 251, 123, 86, 200, 151, 100, 5, 242, 89, 6, 106, 187, 5, 28, 223, 172, 177, 229, 232, 106, 236, 47, 49, 113, 189, 179, 4, 34, 65, 164, 158, 19, 117, 198, 158, 83, 39, 230, 208, 163, 154, 113, 211, 128, 62, 129, 219, 195, 177, 196, 252, 62, 231, 15, 199, 210, 100, 204, 73, 235, 123, 138, 158, 29, 83, 95, 110, 146, 45, 2, 99, 54, 96, 2, 123, 40, 80, 173, 238, 76, 75, 89, 127, 0, 191, 90, 207, 191, 168, 144, 103, 255, 55, 247, 99, 210, 142, 227, 14, 99, 211, 159, 162, 63, 199, 188, 84, 93, 246, 116, 6, 159, 103, 94, 11, 108, 194, 239, 164, 146, 133, 241, 200, 193, 252, 202, 177, 140, 151, 248, 46, 114, 80, 36, 116, 4, 227, 59, 134, 142, 153, 115, 99, 52, 204, 6, 238, 142, 244, 234, 78, 81, 46, 154, 133, 48, 47, 28, 87, 235, 254, 44, 142, 107, 192, 55, 165, 51, 211, 127, 98, 111, 219, 44, 134, 162, 153, 93, 138, 89, 37, 125, 7, 127, 51, 168, 36, 38, 81, 137, 123, 70, 98, 185, 58, 228, 119, 110, 137, 35, 213, 178, 176, 94, 162, 144, 130, 237, 135, 10, 201, 83, 203, 91, 215, 218, 242, 12, 250, 26, 123, 227, 241, 156, 51, 55, 244, 205, 53, 31, 80, 63, 65, 28, 27, 154, 186, 196, 21, 185, 255, 133, 80, 243, 64, 193, 252, 229, 55, 2, 226, 1, 43, 38, 31, 34, 96, 29, 200, 169, 105, 183, 213, 207, 161, 118, 100, 246, 210, 130, 40, 109, 46, 159, 1, 221, 227, 254, 185, 147, 13, 109, 65, 234, 170, 160, 62, 194, 22, 227, 126, 81, 92, 44, 232, 187, 155, 137, 70, 246, 177, 161, 163, 77, 85, 110, 255, 6, 196, 78, 102, 103, 134, 246, 122, 14, 28, 119, 24, 135, 124, 194, 226, 165, 131, 105, 99, 171, 116, 88, 50, 140, 118, 29, 181, 112, 198, 60, 38, 129, 104, 64, 194, 120, 196, 71, 50, 47, 222, 111, 114, 183, 17, 99, 229, 214, 192, 212, 11, 244, 67, 193, 144, 55, 227, 198, 107, 173, 3, 201, 149, 95, 40, 109, 89, 161, 1, 23, 96, 113, 86, 93, 0, 65, 78, 68, 57, 164, 211, 179, 105, 18, 215, 62, 122, 86, 111, 68, 253, 203, 179, 16, 229, 1, 91, 204, 178, 238, 217, 141, 85, 243, 74, 227, 188, 212, 248, 222, 146, 19, 229, 122, 10, 221, 110, 182, 18, 176, 136, 228, 4, 235, 0, 52, 178, 223, 74, 45, 31, 85, 33, 52, 229, 154, 232, 195, 129, 125, 229, 114, 173, 77, 116, 80, 168, 168, 116, 143, 69, 22, 209, 80, 117, 41, 5, 169, 245, 27, 91, 37, 0, 103, 41, 217, 3, 9, 72, 216, 50, 131, 232, 37, 249, 88, 36, 121, 113, 8, 164, 197, 61, 93, 59, 112, 40, 162, 254, 91, 28, 138, 79, 116, 48, 159, 161, 126, 84, 225, 116, 32, 159, 243, 245, 146, 181, 26, 6, 160, 212, 3, 21, 62, 23, 247, 61, 152, 168, 4, 75, 237, 51, 117, 65, 65, 171, 3, 246, 163, 236, 59, 167, 75, 117, 84, 127, 112, 22, 123, 42, 85, 104, 77, 136, 7, 210, 106, 210, 46, 52, 169, 172, 14, 250, 52, 32, 152, 8, 160, 69, 167, 108, 61, 135, 85, 211, 200, 246, 180, 240, 24, 92, 171, 8, 183, 255, 23, 121, 181, 102, 76, 244, 142, 147, 145, 11, 110, 15, 239, 210, 231, 114, 197, 24, 193, 73, 90, 162, 137, 59, 109, 114, 161, 160, 213, 85, 202, 82, 124, 161, 81, 83, 54, 144, 104, 133, 8, 117, 150, 28, 67, 183, 38, 213, 174, 205, 168, 146, 28, 3, 227, 230, 80, 244, 181, 231, 194, 165, 56, 90, 142, 54, 47, 197, 32, 254, 93, 117, 100, 167, 14, 34, 255, 223, 48, 132, 150, 22, 70, 66, 6, 84, 18, 24, 98, 19, 193, 239, 141, 191, 167, 69, 189, 80, 230, 240, 10, 74, 10, 252, 220, 52, 179, 226, 27, 67, 106, 113, 11, 7, 78, 207, 108, 111, 4, 108, 41, 92, 68, 86, 219, 90, 52, 36, 232, 97, 166, 48, 16, 32, 146, 199, 173, 218, 12, 159, 97, 115, 58, 156, 49, 115, 150, 213, 175, 217, 167, 16, 61, 167, 180, 212, 144, 233, 177, 53, 226, 71, 81, 134, 154, 63, 160, 121, 194, 85, 36, 159, 236, 0, 50, 179, 155, 181, 73, 152, 113, 56, 4, 201, 189, 104, 156, 216, 139, 167, 62, 66, 37, 56, 3, 7, 90, 244, 36, 45, 120, 214, 36, 12, 255, 99, 97, 118, 137, 174, 150, 171, 141, 146, 200, 212, 37, 165, 148, 170, 16, 155, 137, 66, 247, 88, 119, 9, 196, 183, 74, 132, 143, 250, 225, 219, 9, 190, 64, 248, 69, 205, 249, 54, 122, 110, 245, 50, 163, 177, 166, 148, 159, 58, 178, 164, 123, 74, 142, 71, 193, 118, 47, 51, 172, 49, 109, 138, 202, 189, 145, 49, 130, 248, 194, 167, 172, 245, 105, 15, 146, 178, 127, 91, 99, 206, 122, 20, 139, 220, 151, 53, 87, 181, 205, 54, 183, 61, 119, 165, 16, 92, 112, 1, 221, 245, 118, 249, 193, 183, 149, 253, 246, 62, 185, 158, 10, 122, 106, 219, 47, 27, 217, 124, 34, 127, 25, 254, 166, 11, 3, 123, 126, 17, 77, 40, 233, 178, 30, 1, 202, 120, 141, 145, 37, 190, 253, 200, 102, 212, 223, 197, 26, 114, 244, 231, 224, 92, 34, 67, 79, 180, 7, 9, 50, 33, 211, 89, 154, 236, 148, 182, 146, 189, 136, 49, 25, 84, 115, 72, 109, 104, 230, 54, 2, 106, 172, 38, 7, 119, 64, 11, 89, 95, 187, 224, 213, 28, 76, 26, 75, 46, 106, 244, 227, 236, 146, 159, 207, 156, 171, 151, 229, 83, 113, 113, 172, 206, 69, 58, 191, 243, 73, 59, 152, 77, 129, 189, 248, 246, 186, 131, 16, 135, 95, 20, 141, 63, 125, 3, 168, 204, 68, 213, 139, 77, 90, 54, 141, 254, 111, 173, 137, 210, 229, 97, 46, 237, 144, 223, 138, 123, 202, 190, 101, 155, 109, 69, 198, 246, 221, 189, 32, 21, 104, 153, 189, 137, 2, 139, 156, 99, 248, 184, 243, 125, 180, 223, 39, 222, 47, 212, 153, 235, 138, 240, 105, 231, 69, 44, 79, 239, 158, 241, 119, 184, 196, 12, 128, 44, 208, 139, 33, 136, 193, 15, 185, 181, 240, 221, 249, 220, 48, 27, 129, 200, 224, 99, 143, 221, 228, 77, 156, 48, 252, 123, 135, 48, 204, 197, 18, 252, 86, 53, 54, 245, 162, 109, 152, 138, 156, 72, 220, 158, 23, 229, 244, 215, 10, 167, 147, 9, 40, 103, 227, 157, 40, 161, 119, 185, 192, 50, 153, 77, 96, 218, 61, 114, 131, 254, 52, 67, 210, 165, 115, 124, 36, 53, 226, 216, 26, 53, 206, 97, 98, 112, 85, 21, 168, 230, 144, 215, 98, 163, 215, 13, 133, 54, 151, 67, 75, 159, 54, 81, 185, 212, 183, 184, 155, 152, 48, 187, 241, 123, 216, 185, 92, 82, 232, 52, 162, 32, 223, 131, 186, 200, 158, 91, 12, 226, 35, 61, 214, 136, 86, 64, 192, 102, 174, 123, 231, 241, 24, 59, 184, 58, 172, 135, 225, 138, 102, 68, 33, 210, 76, 177, 246, 136, 210, 216, 147, 177, 171, 73, 244, 41, 109, 184, 8, 151, 191, 114, 72, 82, 149, 249, 20, 154, 103, 21, 104, 175, 208, 210, 138, 48, 122, 37, 191, 166, 251, 248, 57, 167, 140, 118, 222, 170, 96, 56, 185, 142, 96, 45, 83, 133, 131, 147, 16, 215, 31, 50, 157, 217, 251, 252, 34, 15, 235, 79, 204, 214, 163, 48, 11, 98, 232, 199, 186, 125, 48, 43, 165, 55, 73, 107, 21, 133, 202, 74, 232, 93, 172, 147, 87, 214, 15, 178, 51, 40, 96, 103, 206, 138, 153, 244, 170, 189, 74, 241, 154, 1, 112, 202, 153, 164, 35, 236, 22, 13, 123, 157, 209, 7, 24, 193, 238, 1, 84, 156, 230, 77, 84, 132, 60, 36, 234, 53, 106, 163, 59, 157, 23, 106, 7, 227, 110, 29, 81, 33, 121, 177, 243, 142, 252, 119, 181, 64, 191, 102, 187, 42, 93, 107, 200, 146, 244, 200, 194, 194, 25, 150, 126, 120, 108, 132, 215, 23, 110, 218, 51, 47, 128, 34, 68, 72, 120, 217, 114, 157, 90, 218, 42, 193, 219, 128, 60, 11, 163, 195, 114, 28, 55, 108, 139, 213, 235, 228, 105, 2, 239, 223, 255, 184, 124, 134, 153, 103, 20, 17, 150, 74, 29, 132, 214, 63, 235, 175, 12, 189, 220, 205, 160, 252, 52, 229, 89, 236, 145, 230, 4, 205, 119, 93, 165, 212, 185, 92, 44, 81, 133, 222, 168, 229, 86, 87, 146, 47, 123, 30, 15, 209, 129, 50, 61, 240, 241, 43, 184, 254, 71, 77, 144, 143, 137, 237, 255, 184, 192, 172, 154, 252, 212, 96, 40, 154, 207, 128, 239, 12, 169, 33, 199, 179, 71, 94, 42, 83, 51, 56, 97, 54, 225, 237, 11, 49, 52, 192, 158, 4, 66, 235, 153, 22, 53, 75, 65, 55, 88, 53, 1, 63, 19, 96, 217, 177, 200, 234, 63, 106, 90, 2, 187, 56, 219, 81, 50, 253, 195, 189, 221, 199, 209, 243, 19, 114, 111, 152, 129, 235, 41, 159, 243, 246, 188, 224, 19, 100, 53, 111, 183, 249, 16, 91, 76, 165, 102, 8, 142, 15, 75, 93, 229, 237, 66, 237, 222, 251, 230, 162, 124, 161, 211, 125, 1, 90, 145, 105, 157, 87, 139, 131, 118, 81, 224, 142, 105, 83, 240, 205, 69, 159, 142, 17, 66, 54, 89, 111, 235, 123, 52, 98, 207, 246, 163, 94, 17, 194, 33, 31, 139, 186, 168, 200, 152, 73, 25, 234, 110, 206, 30, 8, 118, 217, 250, 119, 69, 18, 208, 49, 122, 130, 222, 35, 227, 136, 171, 77, 204, 173, 194, 83, 51, 219, 210, 60, 230, 187, 5, 119, 49, 35, 231, 9, 34, 132, 108, 244, 157, 29, 139, 23, 34, 244, 134, 121, 5, 64, 212, 126, 43, 244, 53, 145, 90, 9, 51, 48, 100, 15, 81, 232, 148, 123, 106, 172, 153, 27, 1, 185, 184, 69, 188, 20, 34, 118, 189, 88, 235, 181, 65, 16, 10, 84, 186, 65, 79, 153, 175, 33, 190, 138, 214, 192, 94, 57, 229, 103, 121, 88, 148, 183, 248, 133, 163, 171, 15, 71, 245, 2, 112, 54, 93, 234, 125, 6, 119, 152, 230, 92, 128, 66, 246, 227, 139, 151, 157, 84, 250, 212, 10, 170, 249, 113, 195, 213, 214, 246, 37, 93, 211, 177, 224, 51, 195, 211, 61, 156, 249, 134, 73, 30, 42, 12, 209, 74, 80, 228, 12, 54, 79, 183, 40, 149, 13, 254, 103, 69, 235, 146, 246, 159, 17, 157, 39, 128, 26, 64, 242, 99, 45, 111, 34, 216, 124, 2, 227, 86, 217, 40, 192, 189, 151, 104, 183, 172, 129, 124, 100, 169, 89, 51, 45, 185, 70, 252, 185, 206, 54, 114, 61, 226, 184, 19, 78, 230, 196, 238, 254, 177, 213, 199, 18, 60, 182, 14, 38, 245, 53, 184, 218, 26, 176, 180, 62, 242, 151, 207, 29, 56, 229, 184, 11, 20, 117, 56, 79, 68, 10, 102, 100, 136, 111, 127, 179, 5, 182, 91, 243, 183, 223, 89, 195, 217, 105, 131, 98, 13, 128, 62, 38, 54, 132, 124, 46, 190, 107, 230, 148, 174, 188, 239, 91, 101, 101, 133, 194, 182, 204, 195, 115, 67, 105, 142, 44, 222, 58, 127, 159, 61, 56, 165, 107, 80, 141, 57, 250, 75, 95, 191, 204, 190, 64, 63, 64, 200, 152, 91, 212, 201, 196, 27, 99, 228, 35, 78, 232, 193, 38, 195, 62, 188, 230, 204, 90, 31, 40, 61, 44, 173, 115, 188, 186, 249, 101, 15, 160, 30, 68, 162, 70, 88, 118, 79, 49, 147, 112, 232, 45, 179, 35, 93, 182, 144, 241, 107, 215, 82, 123, 148, 56, 177, 168, 150, 241, 118, 157, 135, 42, 106, 51, 248, 25, 53, 180, 66, 62, 136, 51, 93, 155, 66, 135, 9, 125, 240, 158, 121, 125, 236, 68, 74, 170, 120, 151, 53, 37, 55, 225, 70, 100, 139, 44, 166, 229, 125, 21, 149, 40, 113, 245, 233, 66, 183, 85, 229, 101, 126, 231, 24, 50, 93, 202, 166, 135, 112, 76, 16, 166, 122, 166, 42, 170, 38, 235, 219, 127, 246, 224, 200, 197, 12, 10, 199, 241, 245, 115, 228, 46, 244, 146, 37, 186, 131, 117, 20, 47, 196, 114, 136, 238, 191, 88, 23, 131, 123, 32, 254, 193, 3, 68, 76, 205, 180, 148, 63, 21, 64, 112, 44, 216, 27, 212, 75, 141, 172, 194, 110, 75, 145, 106, 20, 211, 56, 114, 14, 237, 13, 155, 45, 127, 24, 74, 31, 182, 23, 7, 209, 158, 135, 209, 205, 26, 83, 93, 183, 235, 165, 158, 143, 134, 215, 7, 203, 151, 160, 44, 99, 16, 163, 199, 49, 254, 170, 179, 189, 7, 109, 240, 182, 246, 190, 241, 100, 202, 96, 90, 131, 108, 42, 210, 125, 219, 122, 9, 63, 106, 224, 35, 40, 117, 214, 194, 195, 235, 129, 188, 108, 138, 19, 114, 226, 79, 181, 196, 137, 191, 224, 72, 199, 223, 98, 17, 195, 14, 67, 180, 94, 190, 189, 138, 66, 147, 114, 48, 249, 144, 158, 94, 108, 123, 10, 226, 46, 66, 151, 117, 86, 117, 203, 146, 159, 62, 59, 108, 211, 193, 203, 187, 32, 54, 224, 87, 97, 43, 244, 82, 129, 232, 251, 73, 86, 94, 245, 247, 215, 111, 122, 156, 82, 89, 62, 245, 1, 54, 131, 169, 39, 106, 221, 16, 248, 146, 89, 184, 66, 133, 115, 234, 74, 240, 235, 13, 221, 195, 99, 51, 80, 3, 95, 253, 232, 183, 49, 202, 41, 97, 231, 4, 32, 255, 210, 13, 205, 122, 96, 220, 176, 165, 169, 8, 67, 21, 208, 81, 1, 142, 131, 172, 35, 241, 159, 75, 52, 176, 42, 4, 70, 59, 161, 133, 108, 38, 97, 142, 223, 178, 244, 214, 148, 73, 197, 228, 77, 135, 120, 156, 212, 245, 228, 181, 17, 157, 35, 132, 110, 55, 178, 143, 157, 246, 238, 51, 189, 23, 14, 215, 118, 77, 128, 238, 198, 226, 48, 165, 235, 72, 153, 129, 201, 165, 51, 57, 68, 192, 142, 115, 155, 177, 122, 114, 126, 81, 206, 35, 38, 253, 190, 38, 14, 10, 10, 21, 26, 148, 1, 140, 181, 166, 43, 71, 97, 33, 95, 63, 139, 42, 110, 4, 233, 90, 182, 144, 11, 169, 175, 2, 26, 138, 253, 46, 105, 97, 40, 221, 232, 133, 38, 181, 182, 225, 45, 156, 163, 152, 78, 65, 78, 129, 211, 240, 11, 38, 150, 60, 15, 80, 142, 70, 7, 142, 77, 145, 194, 242, 30, 204, 49, 210, 131, 1, 211, 240, 72, 21, 103, 97, 25, 105, 18, 42, 236, 60, 216, 111, 24, 221, 50, 72, 207, 159, 115, 71, 30, 72, 216, 75, 132, 171, 146, 115, 162, 243, 50, 116, 110, 223, 134, 30, 16, 207, 190, 179, 172, 35, 88, 195, 53, 222, 83, 171, 124, 104, 105, 220, 125, 216, 101, 125, 41, 214, 71, 16, 35, 203, 215, 110, 244, 116, 100, 192, 8, 19, 156, 146, 252, 78, 219, 153, 57, 226, 67, 254, 95, 38, 184, 67, 102, 92, 210, 19, 175, 165, 218, 87, 29, 210, 42, 213, 176, 228, 77, 203, 175, 48, 221, 128, 162, 215, 212, 69, 202, 86, 84, 114, 8, 11, 210, 64, 144, 242, 69, 57, 142, 171, 138, 91, 154, 71, 180, 249, 180, 82, 16, 221, 59, 26, 195, 2, 34, 35, 97, 61, 196, 72, 144, 44, 247, 113, 141, 211, 228, 167, 206, 177, 170, 165, 57, 139, 200, 125, 13, 94, 39, 11, 2, 219, 128, 110, 213, 61, 16, 165, 216, 45, 194, 197, 235, 228, 102, 35, 26, 26, 172, 136, 170, 85, 156, 243, 128, 7, 244, 83, 246, 72, 22, 141, 163, 227, 20, 33, 132, 234, 60, 189, 130, 165, 97, 26, 214, 129, 141, 170, 30, 49, 199, 111, 79, 160, 32, 75, 172, 198, 253, 38, 9, 68, 107, 38, 135, 11, 102, 148, 18, 61, 43, 71, 134, 137, 162, 40, 147, 1, 251, 84, 181, 159, 222, 132, 235, 229, 195, 151, 129, 239, 163, 42, 252, 161, 38, 202, 36, 160, 241, 99, 59, 105, 185, 151, 92, 100, 139, 180, 68, 223, 226, 38, 24, 122, 99, 109, 28, 106, 233, 117, 111, 121, 2, 118, 150, 175, 144, 29, 230, 63, 177, 21, 174, 50, 73, 108, 85, 151, 153, 4, 168, 166, 29, 246, 123, 180, 15, 220, 159, 240, 236, 111, 98, 148, 52, 60, 48, 236, 7, 109, 53, 150, 180, 208, 82, 205, 245, 4, 55, 241, 2, 38, 192, 9, 224, 249, 215, 133, 41, 234, 255, 92, 23, 149, 30, 163, 182, 128, 118, 154, 94, 84, 115, 184, 75, 33, 219, 147, 2, 37, 74, 153, 150, 206, 224, 125, 55, 11, 157, 141, 94, 168, 125, 107, 172, 112, 178, 222, 93, 133, 86, 220, 148, 30, 193, 154, 152, 22, 77, 139, 210, 175, 96, 145, 202, 136, 56, 99, 250, 202, 23, 242, 195, 58, 83, 48, 55, 34, 49, 3, 245, 144, 138, 81, 93, 31, 7, 11, 135, 151, 131, 220, 231, 245, 89, 115, 126, 192, 73, 45, 228, 8, 197, 246, 199, 61, 44, 92, 66, 125, 198, 40, 245, 62, 52, 83, 150, 199, 37, 70, 151, 153, 136, 0, 203, 97, 104, 145, 181, 40, 51, 199, 11, 133, 5, 73, 41, 126, 78, 228, 26, 105, 136, 101, 65, 205, 224, 220, 46, 193, 201, 50, 56, 89, 111, 145, 157, 19, 40, 1, 250, 81, 90, 138, 14, 136, 50, 81, 138, 94, 245, 35, 49, 6, 29, 5, 0, 200, 160, 159, 203, 248, 159, 27, 253, 150, 21, 170, 92, 165, 40, 159, 163, 189, 239, 232, 203, 170, 212, 89, 208, 70, 246, 20, 170, 49, 85, 77, 18, 166, 191, 142, 148, 206, 225, 171, 185, 157, 57, 179, 141, 22, 213, 147, 226, 153, 55, 41, 149, 208, 182, 148, 205, 138, 134, 24, 219, 254, 17, 34, 8, 84, 56, 164, 96, 104, 176, 236, 182, 134, 15, 9, 202, 52, 146, 106, 74, 193, 218, 49, 152, 157, 220, 42, 176, 53, 19, 166, 15, 224, 99, 78, 149, 239, 91, 113, 183, 140, 234, 14, 76, 197, 205, 15, 108, 40, 144, 139, 231, 129, 230, 39, 193, 229, 165, 78, 92, 48, 87, 46, 254, 147, 236, 72, 0, 189, 22, 111, 40, 147, 98, 251, 87, 136, 92, 182, 165, 103, 254, 171, 230, 186, 236, 197, 50, 226, 166, 9, 162, 228, 71, 87, 116, 86, 146, 85, 39, 216, 199, 46, 91, 237, 162, 18, 213, 51, 145, 141, 248, 145, 195, 156, 112, 195, 68, 223, 227, 211, 146, 187, 31, 61, 200, 157, 20, 237, 37, 18, 93, 23, 74, 100, 172, 58, 98, 45, 68, 211, 200, 174, 70, 12, 149, 136, 235, 1, 102, 116, 77, 90, 52, 164, 222, 107, 238, 38, 206, 68, 53, 13, 197, 8, 75, 115, 149, 178, 236, 2, 109, 19, 57, 170, 5, 131, 221, 36, 22, 71, 247, 220, 2, 212, 188, 120, 234, 118, 190, 156, 55, 114, 110, 212, 186, 26, 225, 81, 248, 96, 102, 186, 181, 170, 11, 251, 57, 151, 252, 185, 127, 155, 145, 203, 15, 112, 108, 14, 73, 175, 90, 218, 236, 134, 189, 4, 227, 255, 240, 163, 3, 254, 204, 70, 249, 69, 198, 117, 16, 208, 229, 167, 220, 159, 11, 197, 58, 63, 0, 19, 186, 183, 122, 2, 126, 108, 191, 80, 170, 234, 231, 26, 22, 217, 203, 194, 58, 181, 43, 191, 78, 78, 127, 166, 127, 1, 17, 161, 128, 237, 106, 214, 13, 2, 24, 102, 95, 68, 34, 78, 217, 42, 67, 203, 130, 158, 170, 82, 211, 166, 235, 213, 184, 208, 236, 231, 90, 63, 248, 79, 24, 103, 158, 70, 83, 183, 17, 48, 65, 148, 14, 144, 65, 83, 203, 54, 41, 9, 25, 100, 15, 235, 19, 244, 127, 99, 76, 154, 144, 126, 98, 131, 67, 25, 119, 183, 95, 82, 4, 97, 24, 35, 239, 164, 216, 243, 83, 198, 73, 16, 44, 59, 10, 212, 16, 255, 181, 109, 115, 184, 8, 30, 250, 62, 185, 202, 176, 239, 147, 216, 11, 130, 56, 140, 82, 164, 65, 0, 129, 139, 221, 23, 32, 150, 171, 176, 69, 100, 71, 93, 230, 160, 78, 20, 58, 227, 136, 75, 103, 65, 45, 148, 117, 45, 184, 123, 110, 166, 229, 234, 215, 137, 249, 243, 237, 125, 169, 233, 34, 165, 185, 209, 134, 205, 199, 115, 195, 188, 28, 11, 54, 51, 129, 60, 87, 175, 186, 44, 58, 86, 237, 137, 180, 165, 42, 254, 64, 119, 214, 136, 230, 88, 21, 236, 6, 198, 146, 159, 48, 173, 130, 177, 211, 95, 193, 8, 122, 221, 113, 78, 165, 10, 189, 167, 72, 33, 44, 77, 60, 106, 32, 118, 85, 13, 47, 219, 105, 142, 51, 210, 200, 255, 96, 185, 49, 243, 215, 217, 254, 246, 182, 216, 183, 175, 80, 169, 133, 163, 174, 102, 113, 226, 217, 167, 0, 11, 198, 247, 122, 54, 169, 118, 47, 64, 201, 95, 135, 222, 12, 234, 104, 57, 59, 105, 198, 8, 65, 251, 107, 36, 181, 140, 113, 114, 228, 176, 52, 52, 67, 231, 112, 127, 219, 102, 149, 101, 212, 22, 213, 238, 209, 253, 8, 146, 94, 133, 144, 12, 199, 50, 156, 232, 0, 187, 152, 51, 39, 25, 232, 3, 201, 172, 8, 77, 125, 199, 79, 46, 106, 0, 112, 58, 60, 255, 202, 165, 248, 75, 244, 181, 60, 108, 207, 119, 56, 2, 66, 51, 186, 240, 215, 162, 253, 32, 108, 19, 102, 34, 1, 142, 164, 68, 85, 112, 194, 150, 164, 29, 232, 76, 54, 209, 115, 150, 181, 190, 176, 8, 143, 121, 101, 45, 100, 216, 57, 40, 120, 216, 57, 173, 171, 148, 38, 212, 74, 16, 92, 210, 196, 29, 88, 226, 188, 52, 41, 184, 20, 3, 146, 77, 113, 141, 28, 9, 4, 136, 86, 133, 186, 174, 161, 121, 64, 115, 166, 111, 229, 72, 222, 88, 30, 134, 147, 91, 67, 80, 215, 72, 34, 49, 200, 45, 140, 157, 245, 234, 244, 229, 179, 183, 45, 88, 245, 97, 168, 27, 167, 102, 216, 253, 233, 219, 172, 51, 76, 10, 77, 142, 46, 134, 149, 141, 109, 232, 2, 29, 33, 42, 218, 125, 168, 254, 78, 26, 120, 79, 0, 124, 214, 32, 47, 18, 180, 165, 228, 187, 175, 176, 137, 105, 136, 147, 40, 181, 11, 22, 159, 61, 170, 222, 240, 197, 74, 199, 227, 102, 144, 106, 212, 243, 65, 237, 5, 178, 49, 128, 17, 138, 239, 185, 236, 203, 106, 166, 21, 200, 159, 244, 213, 54, 128, 129, 55, 32, 24, 91, 91, 88, 237, 125, 149, 107, 71, 160, 132, 56, 233, 66, 62, 114, 202, 98, 47, 51, 82, 133, 198, 203, 51, 122, 48, 203, 3, 215, 109, 27, 146, 49, 76, 1, 64, 143, 241, 57, 54, 83, 233, 91, 10, 53, 75, 190, 141, 54, 9, 25, 222, 249, 70, 57, 223, 5, 223, 2, 37, 155, 154, 221, 92, 58, 108, 105, 121, 153, 246, 10, 192, 180, 68, 239, 190, 28, 158, 102, 87, 244, 136, 176, 58, 24, 10, 246, 106, 128, 171, 20, 36, 93, 212, 41, 108, 128, 201, 56, 204, 230, 79, 61, 132, 45, 78, 231, 202, 40, 125, 192, 18, 18, 13, 25, 15, 75, 68, 159, 126, 7, 183, 7, 46, 103, 38, 44, 211, 158, 200, 157, 174, 155, 64, 103, 59, 141, 18, 79, 11, 92, 97, 60, 81, 154, 13, 203, 199, 155, 192, 206, 138, 113, 122, 29, 117, 186, 64, 121, 151, 163, 103, 248, 132, 58, 153, 147, 181, 175, 5, 158, 29, 195, 41, 242, 22, 97, 88, 201, 170, 23, 38, 149, 244, 174, 220, 2, 231, 144, 24, 247, 180, 135, 39, 125, 129, 57, 62, 11, 105, 198, 196, 158, 235, 155, 121, 232, 222, 222, 159, 104, 43, 111, 86, 161, 230, 157, 64, 238, 32, 60, 242, 121, 120, 77, 12, 105, 254, 138, 235, 51, 196, 80, 190, 244, 193, 227, 21, 231, 83, 60, 172, 84, 169, 89, 12, 195, 201, 6, 69, 92, 134, 229, 227, 190, 160, 220, 178, 28, 181, 121, 164, 245, 242, 251, 54, 94, 3, 87, 149, 229, 200, 101, 39, 223, 120, 61, 107, 29, 175, 194, 155, 36, 170, 214, 244, 9, 83, 12, 14, 249, 234, 208, 199, 253, 107, 181, 84, 17, 252, 33, 21, 113, 50, 228, 35, 37, 198, 33, 94, 179, 195, 126, 237, 227, 99, 160, 16, 22, 14, 48, 101, 191, 20, 137, 221, 78, 111, 171, 82, 209, 213, 31, 225, 45, 176, 35, 14, 167, 51, 33, 117, 45, 12, 232, 3, 108, 209, 245, 54, 0, 34, 100, 42, 22, 186, 245, 46, 162, 83, 152, 183, 241, 202, 183, 85, 215, 197, 60, 107, 56, 12, 218, 134, 81, 116, 169, 50, 232, 106, 151, 148, 241, 129, 39, 15, 83, 248, 254, 176, 83, 52, 190, 130, 86, 89, 13, 95, 219, 76, 230, 88, 221, 66, 140, 25, 131, 18, 196, 63, 14, 188, 49, 4, 17, 206, 173, 134, 8, 253, 147, 151, 165, 55, 50, 205, 124, 147, 13, 1, 115, 59, 104, 153, 144, 164, 243, 140, 198, 72, 42, 196, 129, 170, 182, 78, 80, 67, 129, 9, 237, 251, 111, 201, 188, 68, 232, 182, 77, 247, 194, 153, 19, 208, 145, 131, 2, 226, 18, 250, 6, 243, 6, 83, 53, 163, 44, 47, 135, 100, 233, 48, 30, 140, 250, 104, 92, 234, 96, 86, 175, 121, 205, 71, 83, 26, 130, 65, 105, 239, 143, 79, 138, 191, 244, 155, 90, 135, 241, 7, 175, 192, 17, 190, 137, 223, 199, 153, 33, 134, 174, 33, 178, 41, 85, 6, 115, 115, 90, 194, 197, 197, 66, 55, 222, 14, 154, 239, 82, 24, 62, 87, 36, 107, 34, 177, 133, 242, 36, 214, 221, 125, 222, 165, 187, 81, 42, 150, 11, 44, 54, 103, 47, 35, 58, 154, 253, 215, 28, 109, 95, 173, 209, 105, 138, 128, 30, 96, 80, 212, 122, 218, 0, 49, 49, 215, 242, 89, 81, 53, 14, 177, 194, 170, 62, 3, 84, 202, 34, 52, 225, 184, 27, 246, 96, 211, 22, 19, 155, 114, 91, 111, 57, 56, 145, 252, 57, 72, 196, 7, 173, 215, 145, 130, 249, 229, 31, 34, 139, 71, 240, 210, 135, 37, 1, 37, 220, 167, 158, 137, 143, 159, 67, 133, 219, 246, 131, 139, 110, 118, 248, 136, 20, 10, 59, 65, 126, 105, 70, 206, 117, 85, 67, 34, 226, 22, 105, 242, 89, 178, 144, 123, 206, 200, 4, 83, 91, 35, 189, 11, 161, 110, 126, 251, 114, 22, 166, 81, 178, 53, 185, 150, 50, 107, 116, 41, 66, 146, 55, 14, 139, 211, 145, 60, 115, 119, 89, 198, 97, 203, 198, 76, 22, 135, 189, 171, 228, 234, 131, 87, 26, 139, 110, 82, 57, 67, 202, 217, 117, 55, 119, 197, 23, 37, 64, 120, 214, 30, 155, 161, 167, 195, 197, 66, 199, 160, 112, 129, 198, 247, 253, 119, 84, 18, 52, 116, 108, 84, 83, 52, 1, 248, 16, 182, 195, 52, 181, 125, 172, 193, 236, 208, 199, 227, 44, 250, 229, 92, 163, 113, 108, 142, 234, 22, 113, 127, 87, 43, 118, 229, 149, 166, 212, 98, 190, 254, 68, 9, 218, 33, 42, 42, 225, 113, 174, 117, 99, 14, 172, 18, 36, 123, 146, 253, 103, 168, 88, 191, 154, 134, 48, 0, 7, 101, 242, 9, 31, 190, 182, 18, 231, 183, 215, 142, 241, 185, 121, 127, 23, 213, 61, 178, 112, 238, 151, 214, 122, 6, 60, 180, 229, 187, 249, 14, 133, 118, 53, 5, 114, 206, 136, 42, 224, 68, 49, 35, 219, 94, 130, 81, 178, 210, 73, 112, 87, 50, 95, 203, 30, 56, 68, 171, 214, 17, 101, 187, 86, 135, 93, 200, 52, 222, 48, 65, 26, 170, 1, 165, 185, 138, 230, 221, 3, 192, 147, 93, 29, 105, 41, 136, 117, 107, 172, 225, 207, 144, 9, 170, 46, 117, 16, 187, 63, 58, 70, 138, 155, 162, 251, 150, 113, 157, 96, 82, 20, 65, 228, 43, 33, 71, 209, 152, 0, 44, 225, 181, 82, 19, 67, 55, 95, 135, 19, 199, 136, 227, 83, 229, 111, 142, 33, 165, 129, 234, 98, 17, 148, 78, 142, 217, 123, 137, 68, 209, 127, 0, 128, 234, 131, 8, 94, 238, 60, 134, 215, 180, 155, 171, 41, 112, 34, 80, 149, 3, 99, 84, 144, 44, 52, 245, 104, 56, 154, 170, 88, 183, 212, 230, 107, 87, 254, 212, 23, 232, 86, 85, 130, 92, 203, 137, 239, 163, 252, 201, 118, 55, 49, 150, 182, 60, 130, 5, 147, 26, 103, 199, 149, 91, 239, 186, 69, 11, 197, 110, 229, 42, 167, 166, 32, 129, 197, 48, 204, 134, 126, 77, 73, 134, 39, 251, 60, 210, 179, 35, 225, 51, 250, 18, 236, 133, 50, 58, 173, 28, 53, 44, 83, 123, 79, 215, 16, 133, 35, 252, 20, 8, 49, 163, 237, 34, 221, 212, 60, 101, 99, 12, 38, 204, 172, 238, 140, 156, 82, 2, 10, 198, 197, 38, 24, 248, 59, 214, 6, 238, 8, 68, 29, 102, 5, 236, 60, 165, 80, 131, 109, 215, 252, 91, 79, 169, 128, 248, 225, 55, 144, 160, 100, 43, 11, 225, 4, 108, 200, 252, 111, 220, 161, 125, 147, 40, 133, 179, 159, 223, 172, 223, 88, 104, 30, 99, 50, 171, 254, 165, 95, 208, 10, 135, 170, 50, 203, 177, 35, 113, 47, 191, 205, 210, 216, 65, 16, 243, 117, 242, 74, 82, 122, 171, 48, 94, 156, 28, 183, 205, 64, 235, 242, 106, 147, 136, 240, 56, 93, 81, 169, 68, 57, 111, 126, 115, 208, 149, 122, 21, 86, 78, 23, 162, 6, 212, 97, 205, 253, 93, 13, 162, 207, 237, 86, 86, 253, 149, 149, 241, 22, 187, 225, 167, 207, 32, 94, 26, 136, 134, 90, 183, 202, 86, 221, 46, 140, 131, 194, 215, 65, 166, 141, 28, 22, 80, 85, 151, 89, 40, 127, 5, 136, 116, 47, 147, 4, 249, 28, 50, 239, 120, 20, 204, 139, 96, 254, 29, 242, 179, 83, 141, 240, 217, 62, 61, 159, 182, 171, 151, 234, 208, 77, 115, 151, 118, 160, 136, 136, 202, 191, 12, 67, 75, 105, 166, 140, 105, 65, 204, 255, 67, 15, 137, 154, 255, 62, 2, 193, 191, 137, 235, 59, 124, 209, 143, 131, 160, 47, 134, 90, 207, 230, 77, 157, 120, 209, 71, 156, 231, 135, 13, 239, 141, 227, 243, 9, 255, 231, 255, 10, 193, 3, 132, 127, 7, 83, 190, 253, 56, 54, 184, 234, 82, 205, 52, 76, 222, 12, 161, 4, 212, 219, 255, 10, 240, 42, 0, 127, 4, 165, 112, 52, 5, 70, 87, 192, 143, 11, 20, 153, 33, 216, 3, 41, 225, 65, 1, 15, 10, 191, 191, 57, 26, 243, 19, 158, 113, 120, 4, 133, 246, 134, 127, 171, 176, 54, 119, 57, 124, 185, 36, 107, 182, 120, 73, 160, 148, 158, 24, 226, 60, 169, 89, 239, 114, 250, 91, 247, 236, 214, 22, 90, 102, 118, 206, 91, 110, 8, 117, 121, 44, 85, 252, 68, 84, 201, 57, 104, 163, 74, 185, 61, 3, 120, 200, 3, 174, 126, 238, 35, 117, 44, 188, 160, 131, 169, 31, 119, 71, 208, 13, 20, 154, 80, 41, 243, 39, 25, 103, 181, 174, 47, 86, 233, 9, 157, 174, 182, 193, 151, 46, 124, 86, 172, 162, 168, 218, 215, 222, 88, 190, 75, 149, 120, 216, 247, 122, 9, 27, 76, 252, 157, 56, 252, 151, 218, 136, 71, 244, 212, 94, 231, 136, 188, 253, 146, 157, 30, 133, 98, 66, 116, 40, 60, 172, 247, 248, 4, 98, 162, 20, 169, 20, 114, 169, 181, 212, 158, 118, 233, 134, 141, 15, 163, 153, 250, 149, 149, 92, 194, 184, 119, 142, 73, 234, 102, 242, 1, 127, 39, 83, 176, 67, 88, 241, 234, 175, 27, 118, 253, 9, 62, 37, 42, 144, 60, 203, 84, 149, 16, 201, 87, 170, 114, 1, 74, 62, 140, 80, 57, 132, 188, 25, 251, 146, 92, 40, 51, 171, 250, 151, 176, 148, 237, 72, 206, 205, 184, 27, 19, 159, 168, 187, 160, 213, 49, 213, 48, 169, 102, 61, 70, 224, 9, 198, 10, 201, 46, 226, 211, 105, 175, 156, 245, 119, 199, 135, 101, 226, 31, 173, 79, 131, 75, 154, 127, 93, 155, 206, 56, 148, 106, 136, 168, 130, 239, 66, 192, 13, 196, 215, 190, 138, 25, 70, 54, 173, 57, 139, 155, 161, 208, 180, 175, 97, 45, 210, 211, 84, 134, 17, 39, 143, 151, 196, 34, 10, 142, 34, 24, 183, 125, 182, 115, 169, 55, 44, 136, 175, 212, 25, 226, 143, 100, 74, 148, 155, 203, 32, 82, 1, 22, 15, 13, 73, 0, 68, 113, 31, 174, 147, 179, 221, 57, 31, 63, 154, 216, 191, 76, 55, 186, 160, 165, 48, 238, 159, 106, 198, 114, 159, 135, 191, 31, 58, 180, 241, 219, 89, 82, 153, 156, 125, 92, 44, 90, 201, 93, 73, 136, 189, 82, 91, 168, 82, 35, 22, 161, 30, 206, 211, 46, 90, 131, 136, 50, 235, 44, 207, 39, 40, 133, 88, 42, 196, 238, 150, 99, 79, 186, 177, 104, 89, 25, 39, 19, 187, 249, 233, 46, 34, 0, 187, 22, 165, 76, 148, 184, 13, 67, 19, 139, 49, 206, 241, 31, 230, 31, 104, 237, 194, 149, 251, 137, 108, 162, 254, 202, 136, 222, 173, 239, 220, 100, 4, 162, 34, 174, 189, 129, 204, 146, 100, 1, 176, 78, 14, 2, 205, 98, 239, 229, 177, 102, 110, 34, 122, 139, 0, 96, 105, 57, 84, 48, 168, 84, 138, 221, 53, 50, 77, 97, 226, 173, 101, 155, 66, 104, 135, 46, 191, 138, 52, 51, 212, 89, 195, 67, 139, 82, 8, 176, 37, 88, 171, 95, 79, 201, 13, 183, 244, 94, 200, 81, 52, 75, 246, 143, 66, 60, 79, 130, 31, 126, 34, 7, 238, 31, 200, 209, 214, 96, 21, 138, 33, 231, 56, 127, 122, 253, 62, 45, 55, 60, 5, 89, 3, 74, 10, 154, 236, 97, 169, 107, 133, 251, 111, 166, 12, 127, 50, 90, 57, 135, 154, 159, 95, 85, 28, 136, 143, 134, 49, 54, 122, 66, 152, 143, 211, 48, 10, 107, 48, 130, 219, 147, 102, 86, 192, 118, 249, 68, 48, 191, 177, 182, 229, 143, 116, 16, 159, 184, 232, 44, 23, 30, 245, 106, 116, 140, 60, 194, 97, 177, 7, 8, 245, 31, 250, 14, 109, 10, 247, 159, 198, 114, 5, 193, 2, 234, 62, 30, 121, 30, 44, 185, 147, 120, 87, 74, 34, 108, 246, 103, 32, 158, 26, 156, 12, 155, 159, 184, 220, 4, 13, 36, 144, 220, 141, 2, 76, 167, 42, 205, 229, 187, 108, 71, 67, 210, 70, 135, 190, 196, 241, 31, 198, 7, 36, 46, 156, 103, 162, 7, 130, 52, 142, 18, 48, 10, 113, 105, 252, 150, 194, 4, 172, 36, 104, 215, 187, 24, 129, 60, 44, 1, 136, 197, 233, 92, 91, 161, 254, 50, 41, 65, 208, 237, 33, 215, 251, 83, 83, 45, 203, 250, 3, 89, 202, 8, 98, 23, 196, 38, 1, 81, 78, 64, 181, 163, 97, 203, 156, 72, 35, 241, 3, 145, 17, 173, 6, 148, 131, 56, 99, 133, 235, 186, 49, 70, 0, 51, 124, 141, 237, 8, 224, 225, 103, 50, 126, 69, 71, 122, 223, 166, 220, 147, 21, 10, 175, 178, 241, 76, 237, 111, 20, 187, 147, 244, 115, 21, 36, 60, 220, 17, 210, 148, 196, 153, 141, 129, 94, 170, 11, 238, 187, 239, 195, 220, 148, 116, 141, 228, 130, 104, 133, 110, 159, 24, 134, 118, 157, 75, 18, 240, 49, 220, 242, 142, 141, 222, 7, 112, 82, 101, 103, 53, 217, 110, 62, 191, 248, 67, 100, 2, 88, 52, 182, 56, 218, 67, 3, 222, 201, 216, 66, 94, 166, 134, 106, 172, 105, 78, 237, 93, 40, 240, 14, 210, 18, 190, 173, 197, 113, 61, 68, 181, 40, 234, 155, 160, 219, 209, 38, 58, 191, 2, 22, 87, 13, 234, 66, 143, 95, 100, 156, 216, 137, 22, 78, 169, 147, 123, 198, 19, 132, 75, 212, 232, 196, 131, 70, 65, 150, 154, 27, 208, 49, 89, 230, 238, 45, 73, 254, 4, 151, 84, 120, 156, 19, 113, 210, 248, 41, 105, 49, 147, 95, 130, 145, 80, 246, 184, 176, 58, 213, 34, 28, 249, 227, 163, 143, 29, 30, 191, 228, 101, 130, 16, 224, 205, 140, 144, 44, 213, 170, 112, 243, 178, 164, 104, 161, 97, 41, 96, 223, 18, 130, 78, 65, 112, 22, 190, 3, 111, 190, 155, 134, 73, 19, 6, 187, 136, 117, 183, 229, 177, 190, 5, 184, 204, 39, 128, 246, 74, 92, 1, 84, 202, 202, 237, 18, 219, 35, 246, 226, 103, 52, 154, 4, 66, 195, 241, 23, 57, 126, 209, 226, 134, 71, 162, 103, 102, 138, 75, 59, 206, 253, 93, 19, 232, 4, 54, 130, 153, 127, 38, 58, 102, 25, 253, 1, 232, 38, 60, 133, 113, 193, 67, 9, 72, 33, 52, 166, 4, 182, 53, 202, 53, 194, 186, 252, 244, 201, 231, 115, 94, 129, 24, 79, 20, 132, 118, 205, 24, 12, 206, 1, 89, 203, 228, 59, 128, 90, 93, 58, 159, 69, 145, 143, 30, 255, 171, 106, 124, 68, 102, 253, 169, 103, 39, 225, 82, 8, 122, 211, 197, 196, 152, 0, 117, 141, 211, 156, 190, 238, 135, 248, 101, 226, 117, 99, 251, 223, 174, 175, 38, 75, 109, 189, 86, 174, 246, 167, 107, 0, 209, 108, 224, 229, 128, 2, 210, 109, 102, 119, 82, 71, 25, 235, 78, 59, 195, 106, 67, 186, 71, 11, 0, 232, 81, 196, 46, 6, 52, 206, 118, 122, 158, 244, 79, 51, 66, 185, 193, 155, 52, 218, 90, 175, 114, 13, 138, 190, 113, 57, 22, 134, 200, 159, 250, 199, 203, 175, 52, 145, 172, 99, 98, 182, 253, 157, 67, 27, 10, 254, 135, 72, 151, 121, 115, 158, 143, 195, 207, 172, 115, 6, 1, 149, 216, 150, 30, 157, 230, 109, 216, 49, 214, 140, 124, 34, 87, 221, 33, 214, 207, 209, 195, 166, 155, 240, 157, 37, 170, 143, 121, 223, 100, 160, 212, 65, 85, 170, 207, 72, 232, 22, 169, 18, 9, 118, 142, 180, 49, 180, 71, 30, 238, 95, 177, 238, 84, 233, 85, 168, 197, 68, 181, 62, 195, 72, 199, 211, 51, 51, 190, 236, 6, 104, 209, 130, 231, 70, 83, 172, 147, 53, 230, 189, 11, 14, 6, 246, 13, 137, 7, 45, 60, 76, 125, 6, 58, 27, 225, 221, 71, 163, 101, 68, 202, 129, 235, 253, 252, 98, 158, 137, 147, 4, 177, 218, 151, 198, 224, 9, 149, 5, 77, 194, 9, 27, 222, 16, 28, 22, 167, 64, 47, 236, 192, 144, 89, 213, 30, 182, 34, 19, 255, 111, 252, 212, 145, 169, 238, 206, 167, 250, 53, 133, 61, 145, 211, 183, 37, 203, 250, 10, 207, 139, 83, 216, 22, 9, 58, 155, 208, 102, 74, 162, 60, 27, 179, 217, 13, 188, 13, 172, 103, 144, 15, 221, 54, 237, 183, 163, 167, 197, 230, 21, 239, 80, 102, 185, 91, 155, 159, 174, 246, 157, 120, 198, 153, 167, 130, 13, 126, 244, 167, 71, 37, 1, 154, 222, 206, 187, 39, 159, 229, 45, 246, 177, 197, 64, 95, 229, 185, 125, 66, 179, 60, 237, 234, 137, 55, 236, 251, 171, 83, 101, 140, 236, 108, 92, 12, 129, 236, 234, 45, 63, 176, 192, 192, 77, 34, 124, 140, 195, 176, 5, 231, 89, 81, 135, 235, 9, 201, 135, 242, 140, 161, 217, 213, 121, 130, 22, 50, 121, 176, 196, 25, 35, 57, 252, 78, 10, 198, 86, 141, 245, 226, 205, 56, 117, 240, 103, 16, 110, 1, 108, 228, 188, 240, 182, 148, 99, 216, 162, 103, 4, 223, 247, 171, 149, 115, 124, 208, 155, 179, 29, 253, 43, 128, 44, 122, 162, 21, 8, 246, 27, 239, 42, 238, 118, 203, 140, 132, 51, 124, 236, 185, 201, 125, 104, 73, 58, 27, 228, 184, 16, 1, 249, 184, 179, 209, 207, 140, 134, 129, 184, 18, 220, 141, 129, 190, 253, 114, 198, 155, 70, 202, 137, 108, 3, 41, 90, 15, 62, 58, 174, 174, 83, 222, 60, 19, 107, 53, 241, 56, 215, 21, 150, 166, 167, 211, 255, 214, 170, 195, 234, 129, 187, 165, 167, 186, 27, 47, 108, 222, 174, 227, 168, 67, 187, 45, 240, 28, 222, 47, 242, 150, 214, 231, 54, 35, 217, 192, 173, 23, 131, 43, 74, 144, 190, 91, 248, 11, 219, 151, 76, 155, 14, 199, 16, 138, 27, 246, 182, 226, 182, 56, 128, 4, 19, 57, 140, 196, 201, 69, 211, 142, 163, 221, 125, 233, 111, 235, 197, 33, 15, 23, 211, 240, 58, 205, 38, 144, 75, 24, 222, 170, 184, 235, 201, 76, 17, 76, 226, 248, 21, 10, 236, 246, 151, 247, 191, 150, 241, 104, 11, 247, 167, 157, 134, 12, 136, 29, 180, 40, 246, 129, 122, 131, 162, 97, 31, 60, 103, 40, 4, 187, 24, 49, 8, 35, 41, 197, 214, 25, 95, 139, 216, 132, 142, 103, 0, 15, 160, 186, 205, 242, 236, 53, 239, 78, 54, 23, 146, 214, 232, 100, 117, 174, 125, 109, 16, 203, 37, 54, 75, 160, 149, 247, 36, 34, 73, 59, 45, 28, 176, 117, 217, 114, 214, 224, 234, 226, 95, 127, 153, 4, 254, 153, 189, 55, 157, 86, 193, 61, 172, 48, 185, 118, 68, 172, 67, 199, 77, 230, 207, 128, 19, 122, 123, 127, 181, 100, 162, 119, 200, 35, 146, 135, 91, 208, 235, 178, 171, 181, 92, 102, 182, 3, 116, 214, 113, 78, 19, 53, 173, 46, 159, 2, 160, 203, 136, 136, 212, 243, 114, 172, 31, 215, 62, 251, 207, 79, 33, 209, 105, 9, 218, 50, 95, 68, 24, 150, 174, 102, 201, 121, 85, 15, 25, 139, 17, 21, 136, 165, 225, 95, 116, 22, 222, 249, 171, 62, 155, 182, 21, 204, 227, 237, 68, 239, 144, 222, 72, 103, 185, 126, 129, 71, 250, 39, 139, 45, 193, 142, 137, 141, 36, 90, 189, 197, 8, 240, 81, 0, 232, 32, 15, 48, 34, 167, 173, 56, 235, 154, 86, 232, 91, 96, 234, 210, 148, 126, 108, 239, 81, 97, 82, 244, 204, 242, 43, 197, 185, 54, 161, 227, 240, 71, 94, 93, 154, 165, 39, 35, 101, 13, 177, 119, 170, 69, 141, 39, 64, 17, 32, 167, 107, 66, 230, 96, 168, 186, 151]
INFO:__main__:"Faber" -> Send authcrypted "Transcript" Credential Offer to Alice
INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Authdecrypted "Transcript" Credential Offer from Faber
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | CryptoCommand command received
INFO|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | AuthenticatedDecrypt command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::crypto | src/commands/ | authenticated_decrypt >>> wallet_handle: 49, my_vk: "CsffDh2SjBVpvf5QqLyF9DqrjRh5SXCsRtBxwY1oao5Q", msg: [166, 127, 182, 164, 228, 66, 157, 139, 49, 49, 79, 159, 136, 248, 109, 128, 95, 133, 69, 152, 236, 18, 133, 208, 73, 153, 146, 245, 198, 200, 54, 39, 132, 161, 157, 193, 107, 51, 113, 9, 249, 87, 170, 142, 58, 161, 13, 56, 6, 85, 168, 146, 143, 178, 167, 11, 49, 193, 74, 227, 216, 80, 135, 33, 239, 2, 38, 187, 44, 109, 18, 70, 77, 71, 57, 240, 185, 100, 55, 227, 110, 36, 78, 173, 196, 215, 77, 169, 216, 168, 219, 11, 78, 161, 84, 52, 212, 229, 165, 148, 216, 73, 12, 81, 57, 100, 63, 171, 221, 24, 194, 88, 62, 86, 97, 85, 56, 48, 140, 222, 174, 242, 49, 175, 10, 185, 91, 127, 198, 160, 58, 22, 44, 112, 22, 193, 230, 26, 128, 60, 150, 148, 32, 225, 31, 28, 224, 126, 232, 214, 98, 55, 139, 238, 70, 41, 212, 79, 205, 229, 127, 101, 133, 186, 5, 132, 97, 78, 148, 233, 76, 252, 27, 107, 66, 198, 158, 250, 141, 33, 190, 185, 75, 171, 150, 103, 196, 231, 131, 173, 62, 198, 117, 232, 13, 107, 50, 118, 197, 206, 50, 161, 172, 151, 212, 18, 195, 211, 134, 203, 73, 38, 126, 192, 122, 111, 45, 31, 48, 147, 181, 202, 22, 186, 12, 137, 148, 183, 169, 165, 187, 53, 132, 232, 149, 151, 202, 186, 136, 11, 176, 88, 96, 35, 168, 191, 67, 72, 85, 126, 96, 139, 119, 43, 187, 205, 116, 255, 174, 89, 241, 136, 106, 61, 75, 41, 3, 135, 99, 114, 201, 75, 239, 19, 232, 9, 104, 63, 65, 38, 125, 171, 165, 41, 6, 155, 59, 183, 196, 241, 131, 193, 36, 132, 240, 238, 181, 115, 189, 198, 242, 183, 221, 230, 108, 113, 6, 80, 89, 90, 246, 249, 33, 11, 176, 181, 228, 62, 76, 58, 149, 179, 89, 199, 59, 67, 222, 163, 72, 99, 248, 49, 233, 4, 28, 51, 74, 237, 210, 154, 222, 145, 124, 82, 77, 13, 145, 133, 150, 223, 38, 204, 39, 141, 217, 227, 91, 88, 186, 165, 209, 219, 58, 43, 38, 242, 186, 91, 121, 157, 154, 192, 170, 155, 18, 173, 213, 193, 127, 167, 184, 42, 228, 172, 71, 69, 165, 192, 176, 62, 59, 246, 212, 129, 8, 210, 38, 4, 217, 22, 81, 123, 42, 28, 238, 62, 45, 203, 201, 166, 8, 48, 58, 5, 141, 239, 223, 144, 24, 224, 49, 90, 84, 42, 195, 213, 153, 3, 207, 250, 35, 63, 121, 233, 71, 226, 172, 2, 49, 16, 149, 92, 24, 111, 98, 34, 233, 198, 16, 208, 168, 182, 14, 96, 9, 132, 109, 231, 0, 179, 147, 76, 21, 23, 142, 109, 143, 30, 142, 86, 204, 157, 171, 197, 43, 165, 123, 0, 185, 199, 59, 62, 55, 182, 184, 21, 164, 105, 141, 45, 128, 106, 9, 38, 75, 202, 35, 180, 107, 18, 175, 227, 195, 172, 248, 202, 236, 252, 23, 217, 149, 239, 229, 239, 238, 37, 121, 239, 121, 78, 202, 172, 161, 61, 156, 169, 147, 246, 192, 206, 19, 209, 195, 222, 204, 57, 132, 148, 248, 45, 242, 242, 97, 27, 45, 140, 101, 29, 122, 170, 188, 73, 205, 46, 69, 128, 197, 48, 55, 250, 251, 20, 253, 119, 175, 212, 140, 61, 232, 122, 218, 165, 166, 25, 88, 9, 133, 201, 118, 185, 30, 40, 163, 254, 79, 131, 135, 57, 70, 245, 224, 57, 32, 232, 150, 190, 2, 231, 209, 76, 87, 28, 56, 7, 54, 103, 89, 141, 45, 154, 220, 28, 2, 130, 185, 103, 57, 42, 78, 0, 222, 144, 185, 117, 34, 34, 201, 14, 49, 171, 24, 22, 201, 154, 22, 8, 95, 229, 48, 209, 184, 56, 16, 121, 30, 17, 251, 76, 147, 27, 146, 42, 149, 71, 28, 165, 231, 150, 126, 16, 243, 253, 182, 229, 29, 44, 193, 87, 197, 233, 240, 168, 81, 217, 75, 136, 219, 161, 106, 40, 6, 119, 11, 181, 219, 43, 74, 243, 145, 180, 70, 200, 61, 80, 2, 212, 193, 187, 236, 30, 140, 216, 223, 195, 202, 38, 31, 48, 216, 171, 206, 21, 14, 19, 48, 50, 141, 225, 129, 143, 152, 249, 237, 147, 120, 51, 40, 184, 218, 138, 33, 84, 60, 2, 7, 176, 232, 50, 150, 25, 177, 124, 102, 89, 206, 150, 52, 175, 132, 245, 193, 208, 234, 216, 34, 40, 151, 235, 220, 190, 112, 239, 227, 61, 70, 64, 211, 150, 208, 52, 91, 138, 129, 157, 68, 57, 20, 161, 244, 27, 34, 170, 172, 185, 210, 68, 110, 140, 151, 54, 162, 68, 143, 255, 56, 65, 16, 12, 124, 184, 162, 204, 146, 87, 231, 133, 123, 65, 109, 114, 98, 16, 30, 23, 249, 13, 72, 152, 183, 57, 234, 100, 49, 117, 185, 188, 199, 91, 125, 64, 48, 158, 218, 12, 46, 226, 203, 137, 161, 30, 148, 136, 141, 254, 82, 159, 38, 143, 228, 236, 47, 106, 85, 242, 228, 160, 85, 249, 50, 128, 46, 246, 190, 148, 154, 238, 122, 248, 140, 171, 199, 107, 222, 9, 41, 218, 98, 56, 149, 41, 179, 123, 22, 217, 39, 84, 24, 71, 129, 44, 50, 99, 244, 124, 185, 32, 214, 180, 11, 124, 149, 206, 100, 54, 69, 109, 3, 108, 52, 93, 58, 232, 11, 17, 211, 67, 56, 76, 59, 209, 242, 16, 83, 12, 202, 244, 66, 75, 189, 145, 191, 230, 182, 130, 125, 40, 192, 72, 48, 156, 66, 72, 125, 154, 186, 151, 193, 13, 65, 232, 94, 6, 0, 186, 62, 193, 108, 143, 79, 208, 70, 216, 53, 113, 254, 90, 143, 246, 98, 185, 214, 179, 184, 153, 188, 11, 192, 42, 78, 17, 69, 75, 162, 250, 153, 174, 248, 107, 70, 95, 153, 145, 127, 40, 11, 206, 72, 100, 105, 39, 36, 231, 44, 73, 248, 123, 61, 80, 64, 25, 252, 77, 97, 89, 52, 30, 1, 150, 22, 220, 228, 180, 63, 204, 11, 209, 120, 222, 121, 7, 145, 237, 153, 152, 129, 219, 12, 32, 8, 134, 109, 211, 38, 41, 94, 211, 100, 249, 62, 217, 52, 72, 136, 179, 78, 72, 168, 22, 36, 170, 161, 11, 138, 2, 147, 68, 101, 250, 219, 63, 85, 122, 124, 209, 74, 116, 77, 89, 202, 104, 28, 103, 33, 44, 195, 183, 80, 2, 27, 13, 187, 118, 34, 221, 17, 141, 67, 177, 74, 147, 134, 153, 101, 111, 255, 205, 136, 240, 233, 181, 89, 219, 171, 193, 3, 81, 92, 217, 0, 191, 163, 200, 115, 22, 171, 246, 135, 179, 170, 207, 20, 107, 102, 241, 193, 96, 55, 236, 235, 67, 189, 103, 41, 119, 200, 159, 215, 66, 12, 107, 28, 75, 16, 59, 37, 81, 223, 56, 17, 182, 8, 31, 158, 145, 95, 188, 64, 47, 249, 162, 167, 141, 159, 60, 120, 48, 114, 125, 83, 131, 49, 3, 143, 240, 15, 93, 212, 105, 240, 8, 106, 130, 96, 171, 140, 248, 238, 145, 47, 199, 191, 105, 91, 41, 118, 210, 208, 47, 143, 116, 244, 99, 110, 104, 12, 166, 8, 207, 29, 226, 33, 238, 123, 25, 137, 91, 26, 96, 205, 64, 12, 192, 190, 176, 202, 198, 86, 219, 105, 128, 85, 240, 131, 90, 81, 188, 80, 172, 107, 198, 205, 204, 133, 139, 137, 188, 115, 15, 230, 188, 55, 119, 250, 111, 247, 61, 18, 6, 147, 82, 231, 148, 17, 53, 146, 153, 211, 125, 136, 206, 104, 28, 77, 7, 198, 71, 249, 208, 73, 61, 254, 204, 81, 215, 2, 112, 229, 95, 36, 34, 233, 129, 4, 83, 201, 66, 214, 38, 187, 14, 41, 215, 174, 125, 115, 222, 33, 179, 140, 134, 13, 109, 24, 218, 1, 78, 235, 152, 79, 201, 3, 108, 66, 134, 170, 52, 235, 164, 197, 84, 25, 191, 55, 168, 156, 99, 75, 240, 113, 140, 197, 24, 127, 181, 249, 199, 2, 196, 188, 46, 197, 157, 134, 165, 99, 51, 124, 161, 253, 12, 127, 181, 99, 145, 91, 101, 253, 216, 164, 18, 7, 195, 56, 195, 8, 13, 111, 12, 26, 222, 80, 143, 51, 158, 113, 146, 119, 229, 8, 235, 97, 255, 24, 215, 107, 145, 190, 83, 114, 227, 106, 39, 124, 175, 163, 205, 94, 211, 242, 249, 16, 206, 180, 131, 147, 158, 38, 230, 195, 81, 20, 19, 107, 110, 178, 62, 150, 175, 244, 3, 152, 126, 182, 105, 121, 134, 26, 166, 15, 31, 245, 156, 202, 22, 49, 113, 219, 9, 61, 95, 228, 239, 217, 112, 99, 59, 122, 69, 89, 186, 51, 57, 18, 183, 146, 190, 77, 133, 128, 1, 166, 174, 251, 77, 89, 249, 145, 228, 73, 125, 201, 6, 53, 197, 228, 238, 39, 88, 218, 44, 41, 41, 243, 251, 99, 10, 124, 39, 169, 236, 169, 102, 131, 22, 102, 210, 35, 124, 9, 221, 77, 113, 110, 5, 139, 186, 106, 99, 92, 24, 93, 89, 51, 16, 57, 76, 221, 74, 198, 49, 98, 243, 19, 191, 72, 67, 4, 9, 40, 202, 120, 61, 3, 49, 181, 107, 162, 161, 18, 126, 52, 104, 195, 75, 177, 153, 23, 89, 107, 128, 162, 194, 91, 83, 91, 158, 46, 155, 100, 228, 49, 104, 83, 11, 157, 29, 68, 44, 173, 206, 191, 5, 9, 197, 106, 70, 252, 237, 154, 121, 226, 5, 71, 120, 205, 163, 91, 151, 32, 181, 225, 115, 29, 255, 36, 155, 78, 107, 244, 6, 239, 57, 149, 196, 225, 83, 111, 168, 231, 1, 121, 160, 181, 234, 2, 45, 232, 237, 103, 10, 65, 178, 56, 57, 24, 64, 61, 60, 212, 45, 217, 86, 69, 165, 144, 150, 233, 61, 136, 145, 239, 216, 97, 187, 163, 33, 33, 132, 49, 92, 99, 246, 145, 175, 73, 246, 188, 196, 37, 39, 101, 81, 124, 85, 247, 152, 35, 251, 123, 86, 200, 151, 100, 5, 242, 89, 6, 106, 187, 5, 28, 223, 172, 177, 229, 232, 106, 236, 47, 49, 113, 189, 179, 4, 34, 65, 164, 158, 19, 117, 198, 158, 83, 39, 230, 208, 163, 154, 113, 211, 128, 62, 129, 219, 195, 177, 196, 252, 62, 231, 15, 199, 210, 100, 204, 73, 235, 123, 138, 158, 29, 83, 95, 110, 146, 45, 2, 99, 54, 96, 2, 123, 40, 80, 173, 238, 76, 75, 89, 127, 0, 191, 90, 207, 191, 168, 144, 103, 255, 55, 247, 99, 210, 142, 227, 14, 99, 211, 159, 162, 63, 199, 188, 84, 93, 246, 116, 6, 159, 103, 94, 11, 108, 194, 239, 164, 146, 133, 241, 200, 193, 252, 202, 177, 140, 151, 248, 46, 114, 80, 36, 116, 4, 227, 59, 134, 142, 153, 115, 99, 52, 204, 6, 238, 142, 244, 234, 78, 81, 46, 154, 133, 48, 47, 28, 87, 235, 254, 44, 142, 107, 192, 55, 165, 51, 211, 127, 98, 111, 219, 44, 134, 162, 153, 93, 138, 89, 37, 125, 7, 127, 51, 168, 36, 38, 81, 137, 123, 70, 98, 185, 58, 228, 119, 110, 137, 35, 213, 178, 176, 94, 162, 144, 130, 237, 135, 10, 201, 83, 203, 91, 215, 218, 242, 12, 250, 26, 123, 227, 241, 156, 51, 55, 244, 205, 53, 31, 80, 63, 65, 28, 27, 154, 186, 196, 21, 185, 255, 133, 80, 243, 64, 193, 252, 229, 55, 2, 226, 1, 43, 38, 31, 34, 96, 29, 200, 169, 105, 183, 213, 207, 161, 118, 100, 246, 210, 130, 40, 109, 46, 159, 1, 221, 227, 254, 185, 147, 13, 109, 65, 234, 170, 160, 62, 194, 22, 227, 126, 81, 92, 44, 232, 187, 155, 137, 70, 246, 177, 161, 163, 77, 85, 110, 255, 6, 196, 78, 102, 103, 134, 246, 122, 14, 28, 119, 24, 135, 124, 194, 226, 165, 131, 105, 99, 171, 116, 88, 50, 140, 118, 29, 181, 112, 198, 60, 38, 129, 104, 64, 194, 120, 196, 71, 50, 47, 222, 111, 114, 183, 17, 99, 229, 214, 192, 212, 11, 244, 67, 193, 144, 55, 227, 198, 107, 173, 3, 201, 149, 95, 40, 109, 89, 161, 1, 23, 96, 113, 86, 93, 0, 65, 78, 68, 57, 164, 211, 179, 105, 18, 215, 62, 122, 86, 111, 68, 253, 203, 179, 16, 229, 1, 91, 204, 178, 238, 217, 141, 85, 243, 74, 227, 188, 212, 248, 222, 146, 19, 229, 122, 10, 221, 110, 182, 18, 176, 136, 228, 4, 235, 0, 52, 178, 223, 74, 45, 31, 85, 33, 52, 229, 154, 232, 195, 129, 125, 229, 114, 173, 77, 116, 80, 168, 168, 116, 143, 69, 22, 209, 80, 117, 41, 5, 169, 245, 27, 91, 37, 0, 103, 41, 217, 3, 9, 72, 216, 50, 131, 232, 37, 249, 88, 36, 121, 113, 8, 164, 197, 61, 93, 59, 112, 40, 162, 254, 91, 28, 138, 79, 116, 48, 159, 161, 126, 84, 225, 116, 32, 159, 243, 245, 146, 181, 26, 6, 160, 212, 3, 21, 62, 23, 247, 61, 152, 168, 4, 75, 237, 51, 117, 65, 65, 171, 3, 246, 163, 236, 59, 167, 75, 117, 84, 127, 112, 22, 123, 42, 85, 104, 77, 136, 7, 210, 106, 210, 46, 52, 169, 172, 14, 250, 52, 32, 152, 8, 160, 69, 167, 108, 61, 135, 85, 211, 200, 246, 180, 240, 24, 92, 171, 8, 183, 255, 23, 121, 181, 102, 76, 244, 142, 147, 145, 11, 110, 15, 239, 210, 231, 114, 197, 24, 193, 73, 90, 162, 137, 59, 109, 114, 161, 160, 213, 85, 202, 82, 124, 161, 81, 83, 54, 144, 104, 133, 8, 117, 150, 28, 67, 183, 38, 213, 174, 205, 168, 146, 28, 3, 227, 230, 80, 244, 181, 231, 194, 165, 56, 90, 142, 54, 47, 197, 32, 254, 93, 117, 100, 167, 14, 34, 255, 223, 48, 132, 150, 22, 70, 66, 6, 84, 18, 24, 98, 19, 193, 239, 141, 191, 167, 69, 189, 80, 230, 240, 10, 74, 10, 252, 220, 52, 179, 226, 27, 67, 106, 113, 11, 7, 78, 207, 108, 111, 4, 108, 41, 92, 68, 86, 219, 90, 52, 36, 232, 97, 166, 48, 16, 32, 146, 199, 173, 218, 12, 159, 97, 115, 58, 156, 49, 115, 150, 213, 175, 217, 167, 16, 61, 167, 180, 212, 144, 233, 177, 53, 226, 71, 81, 134, 154, 63, 160, 121, 194, 85, 36, 159, 236, 0, 50, 179, 155, 181, 73, 152, 113, 56, 4, 201, 189, 104, 156, 216, 139, 167, 62, 66, 37, 56, 3, 7, 90, 244, 36, 45, 120, 214, 36, 12, 255, 99, 97, 118, 137, 174, 150, 171, 141, 146, 200, 212, 37, 165, 148, 170, 16, 155, 137, 66, 247, 88, 119, 9, 196, 183, 74, 132, 143, 250, 225, 219, 9, 190, 64, 248, 69, 205, 249, 54, 122, 110, 245, 50, 163, 177, 166, 148, 159, 58, 178, 164, 123, 74, 142, 71, 193, 118, 47, 51, 172, 49, 109, 138, 202, 189, 145, 49, 130, 248, 194, 167, 172, 245, 105, 15, 146, 178, 127, 91, 99, 206, 122, 20, 139, 220, 151, 53, 87, 181, 205, 54, 183, 61, 119, 165, 16, 92, 112, 1, 221, 245, 118, 249, 193, 183, 149, 253, 246, 62, 185, 158, 10, 122, 106, 219, 47, 27, 217, 124, 34, 127, 25, 254, 166, 11, 3, 123, 126, 17, 77, 40, 233, 178, 30, 1, 202, 120, 141, 145, 37, 190, 253, 200, 102, 212, 223, 197, 26, 114, 244, 231, 224, 92, 34, 67, 79, 180, 7, 9, 50, 33, 211, 89, 154, 236, 148, 182, 146, 189, 136, 49, 25, 84, 115, 72, 109, 104, 230, 54, 2, 106, 172, 38, 7, 119, 64, 11, 89, 95, 187, 224, 213, 28, 76, 26, 75, 46, 106, 244, 227, 236, 146, 159, 207, 156, 171, 151, 229, 83, 113, 113, 172, 206, 69, 58, 191, 243, 73, 59, 152, 77, 129, 189, 248, 246, 186, 131, 16, 135, 95, 20, 141, 63, 125, 3, 168, 204, 68, 213, 139, 77, 90, 54, 141, 254, 111, 173, 137, 210, 229, 97, 46, 237, 144, 223, 138, 123, 202, 190, 101, 155, 109, 69, 198, 246, 221, 189, 32, 21, 104, 153, 189, 137, 2, 139, 156, 99, 248, 184, 243, 125, 180, 223, 39, 222, 47, 212, 153, 235, 138, 240, 105, 231, 69, 44, 79, 239, 158, 241, 119, 184, 196, 12, 128, 44, 208, 139, 33, 136, 193, 15, 185, 181, 240, 221, 249, 220, 48, 27, 129, 200, 224, 99, 143, 221, 228, 77, 156, 48, 252, 123, 135, 48, 204, 197, 18, 252, 86, 53, 54, 245, 162, 109, 152, 138, 156, 72, 220, 158, 23, 229, 244, 215, 10, 167, 147, 9, 40, 103, 227, 157, 40, 161, 119, 185, 192, 50, 153, 77, 96, 218, 61, 114, 131, 254, 52, 67, 210, 165, 115, 124, 36, 53, 226, 216, 26, 53, 206, 97, 98, 112, 85, 21, 168, 230, 144, 215, 98, 163, 215, 13, 133, 54, 151, 67, 75, 159, 54, 81, 185, 212, 183, 184, 155, 152, 48, 187, 241, 123, 216, 185, 92, 82, 232, 52, 162, 32, 223, 131, 186, 200, 158, 91, 12, 226, 35, 61, 214, 136, 86, 64, 192, 102, 174, 123, 231, 241, 24, 59, 184, 58, 172, 135, 225, 138, 102, 68, 33, 210, 76, 177, 246, 136, 210, 216, 147, 177, 171, 73, 244, 41, 109, 184, 8, 151, 191, 114, 72, 82, 149, 249, 20, 154, 103, 21, 104, 175, 208, 210, 138, 48, 122, 37, 191, 166, 251, 248, 57, 167, 140, 118, 222, 170, 96, 56, 185, 142, 96, 45, 83, 133, 131, 147, 16, 215, 31, 50, 157, 217, 251, 252, 34, 15, 235, 79, 204, 214, 163, 48, 11, 98, 232, 199, 186, 125, 48, 43, 165, 55, 73, 107, 21, 133, 202, 74, 232, 93, 172, 147, 87, 214, 15, 178, 51, 40, 96, 103, 206, 138, 153, 244, 170, 189, 74, 241, 154, 1, 112, 202, 153, 164, 35, 236, 22, 13, 123, 157, 209, 7, 24, 193, 238, 1, 84, 156, 230, 77, 84, 132, 60, 36, 234, 53, 106, 163, 59, 157, 23, 106, 7, 227, 110, 29, 81, 33, 121, 177, 243, 142, 252, 119, 181, 64, 191, 102, 187, 42, 93, 107, 200, 146, 244, 200, 194, 194, 25, 150, 126, 120, 108, 132, 215, 23, 110, 218, 51, 47, 128, 34, 68, 72, 120, 217, 114, 157, 90, 218, 42, 193, 219, 128, 60, 11, 163, 195, 114, 28, 55, 108, 139, 213, 235, 228, 105, 2, 239, 223, 255, 184, 124, 134, 153, 103, 20, 17, 150, 74, 29, 132, 214, 63, 235, 175, 12, 189, 220, 205, 160, 252, 52, 229, 89, 236, 145, 230, 4, 205, 119, 93, 165, 212, 185, 92, 44, 81, 133, 222, 168, 229, 86, 87, 146, 47, 123, 30, 15, 209, 129, 50, 61, 240, 241, 43, 184, 254, 71, 77, 144, 143, 137, 237, 255, 184, 192, 172, 154, 252, 212, 96, 40, 154, 207, 128, 239, 12, 169, 33, 199, 179, 71, 94, 42, 83, 51, 56, 97, 54, 225, 237, 11, 49, 52, 192, 158, 4, 66, 235, 153, 22, 53, 75, 65, 55, 88, 53, 1, 63, 19, 96, 217, 177, 200, 234, 63, 106, 90, 2, 187, 56, 219, 81, 50, 253, 195, 189, 221, 199, 209, 243, 19, 114, 111, 152, 129, 235, 41, 159, 243, 246, 188, 224, 19, 100, 53, 111, 183, 249, 16, 91, 76, 165, 102, 8, 142, 15, 75, 93, 229, 237, 66, 237, 222, 251, 230, 162, 124, 161, 211, 125, 1, 90, 145, 105, 157, 87, 139, 131, 118, 81, 224, 142, 105, 83, 240, 205, 69, 159, 142, 17, 66, 54, 89, 111, 235, 123, 52, 98, 207, 246, 163, 94, 17, 194, 33, 31, 139, 186, 168, 200, 152, 73, 25, 234, 110, 206, 30, 8, 118, 217, 250, 119, 69, 18, 208, 49, 122, 130, 222, 35, 227, 136, 171, 77, 204, 173, 194, 83, 51, 219, 210, 60, 230, 187, 5, 119, 49, 35, 231, 9, 34, 132, 108, 244, 157, 29, 139, 23, 34, 244, 134, 121, 5, 64, 212, 126, 43, 244, 53, 145, 90, 9, 51, 48, 100, 15, 81, 232, 148, 123, 106, 172, 153, 27, 1, 185, 184, 69, 188, 20, 34, 118, 189, 88, 235, 181, 65, 16, 10, 84, 186, 65, 79, 153, 175, 33, 190, 138, 214, 192, 94, 57, 229, 103, 121, 88, 148, 183, 248, 133, 163, 171, 15, 71, 245, 2, 112, 54, 93, 234, 125, 6, 119, 152, 230, 92, 128, 66, 246, 227, 139, 151, 157, 84, 250, 212, 10, 170, 249, 113, 195, 213, 214, 246, 37, 93, 211, 177, 224, 51, 195, 211, 61, 156, 249, 134, 73, 30, 42, 12, 209, 74, 80, 228, 12, 54, 79, 183, 40, 149, 13, 254, 103, 69, 235, 146, 246, 159, 17, 157, 39, 128, 26, 64, 242, 99, 45, 111, 34, 216, 124, 2, 227, 86, 217, 40, 192, 189, 151, 104, 183, 172, 129, 124, 100, 169, 89, 51, 45, 185, 70, 252, 185, 206, 54, 114, 61, 226, 184, 19, 78, 230, 196, 238, 254, 177, 213, 199, 18, 60, 182, 14, 38, 245, 53, 184, 218, 26, 176, 180, 62, 242, 151, 207, 29, 56, 229, 184, 11, 20, 117, 56, 79, 68, 10, 102, 100, 136, 111, 127, 179, 5, 182, 91, 243, 183, 223, 89, 195, 217, 105, 131, 98, 13, 128, 62, 38, 54, 132, 124, 46, 190, 107, 230, 148, 174, 188, 239, 91, 101, 101, 133, 194, 182, 204, 195, 115, 67, 105, 142, 44, 222, 58, 127, 159, 61, 56, 165, 107, 80, 141, 57, 250, 75, 95, 191, 204, 190, 64, 63, 64, 200, 152, 91, 212, 201, 196, 27, 99, 228, 35, 78, 232, 193, 38, 195, 62, 188, 230, 204, 90, 31, 40, 61, 44, 173, 115, 188, 186, 249, 101, 15, 160, 30, 68, 162, 70, 88, 118, 79, 49, 147, 112, 232, 45, 179, 35, 93, 182, 144, 241, 107, 215, 82, 123, 148, 56, 177, 168, 150, 241, 118, 157, 135, 42, 106, 51, 248, 25, 53, 180, 66, 62, 136, 51, 93, 155, 66, 135, 9, 125, 240, 158, 121, 125, 236, 68, 74, 170, 120, 151, 53, 37, 55, 225, 70, 100, 139, 44, 166, 229, 125, 21, 149, 40, 113, 245, 233, 66, 183, 85, 229, 101, 126, 231, 24, 50, 93, 202, 166, 135, 112, 76, 16, 166, 122, 166, 42, 170, 38, 235, 219, 127, 246, 224, 200, 197, 12, 10, 199, 241, 245, 115, 228, 46, 244, 146, 37, 186, 131, 117, 20, 47, 196, 114, 136, 238, 191, 88, 23, 131, 123, 32, 254, 193, 3, 68, 76, 205, 180, 148, 63, 21, 64, 112, 44, 216, 27, 212, 75, 141, 172, 194, 110, 75, 145, 106, 20, 211, 56, 114, 14, 237, 13, 155, 45, 127, 24, 74, 31, 182, 23, 7, 209, 158, 135, 209, 205, 26, 83, 93, 183, 235, 165, 158, 143, 134, 215, 7, 203, 151, 160, 44, 99, 16, 163, 199, 49, 254, 170, 179, 189, 7, 109, 240, 182, 246, 190, 241, 100, 202, 96, 90, 131, 108, 42, 210, 125, 219, 122, 9, 63, 106, 224, 35, 40, 117, 214, 194, 195, 235, 129, 188, 108, 138, 19, 114, 226, 79, 181, 196, 137, 191, 224, 72, 199, 223, 98, 17, 195, 14, 67, 180, 94, 190, 189, 138, 66, 147, 114, 48, 249, 144, 158, 94, 108, 123, 10, 226, 46, 66, 151, 117, 86, 117, 203, 146, 159, 62, 59, 108, 211, 193, 203, 187, 32, 54, 224, 87, 97, 43, 244, 82, 129, 232, 251, 73, 86, 94, 245, 247, 215, 111, 122, 156, 82, 89, 62, 245, 1, 54, 131, 169, 39, 106, 221, 16, 248, 146, 89, 184, 66, 133, 115, 234, 74, 240, 235, 13, 221, 195, 99, 51, 80, 3, 95, 253, 232, 183, 49, 202, 41, 97, 231, 4, 32, 255, 210, 13, 205, 122, 96, 220, 176, 165, 169, 8, 67, 21, 208, 81, 1, 142, 131, 172, 35, 241, 159, 75, 52, 176, 42, 4, 70, 59, 161, 133, 108, 38, 97, 142, 223, 178, 244, 214, 148, 73, 197, 228, 77, 135, 120, 156, 212, 245, 228, 181, 17, 157, 35, 132, 110, 55, 178, 143, 157, 246, 238, 51, 189, 23, 14, 215, 118, 77, 128, 238, 198, 226, 48, 165, 235, 72, 153, 129, 201, 165, 51, 57, 68, 192, 142, 115, 155, 177, 122, 114, 126, 81, 206, 35, 38, 253, 190, 38, 14, 10, 10, 21, 26, 148, 1, 140, 181, 166, 43, 71, 97, 33, 95, 63, 139, 42, 110, 4, 233, 90, 182, 144, 11, 169, 175, 2, 26, 138, 253, 46, 105, 97, 40, 221, 232, 133, 38, 181, 182, 225, 45, 156, 163, 152, 78, 65, 78, 129, 211, 240, 11, 38, 150, 60, 15, 80, 142, 70, 7, 142, 77, 145, 194, 242, 30, 204, 49, 210, 131, 1, 211, 240, 72, 21, 103, 97, 25, 105, 18, 42, 236, 60, 216, 111, 24, 221, 50, 72, 207, 159, 115, 71, 30, 72, 216, 75, 132, 171, 146, 115, 162, 243, 50, 116, 110, 223, 134, 30, 16, 207, 190, 179, 172, 35, 88, 195, 53, 222, 83, 171, 124, 104, 105, 220, 125, 216, 101, 125, 41, 214, 71, 16, 35, 203, 215, 110, 244, 116, 100, 192, 8, 19, 156, 146, 252, 78, 219, 153, 57, 226, 67, 254, 95, 38, 184, 67, 102, 92, 210, 19, 175, 165, 218, 87, 29, 210, 42, 213, 176, 228, 77, 203, 175, 48, 221, 128, 162, 215, 212, 69, 202, 86, 84, 114, 8, 11, 210, 64, 144, 242, 69, 57, 142, 171, 138, 91, 154, 71, 180, 249, 180, 82, 16, 221, 59, 26, 195, 2, 34, 35, 97, 61, 196, 72, 144, 44, 247, 113, 141, 211, 228, 167, 206, 177, 170, 165, 57, 139, 200, 125, 13, 94, 39, 11, 2, 219, 128, 110, 213, 61, 16, 165, 216, 45, 194, 197, 235, 228, 102, 35, 26, 26, 172, 136, 170, 85, 156, 243, 128, 7, 244, 83, 246, 72, 22, 141, 163, 227, 20, 33, 132, 234, 60, 189, 130, 165, 97, 26, 214, 129, 141, 170, 30, 49, 199, 111, 79, 160, 32, 75, 172, 198, 253, 38, 9, 68, 107, 38, 135, 11, 102, 148, 18, 61, 43, 71, 134, 137, 162, 40, 147, 1, 251, 84, 181, 159, 222, 132, 235, 229, 195, 151, 129, 239, 163, 42, 252, 161, 38, 202, 36, 160, 241, 99, 59, 105, 185, 151, 92, 100, 139, 180, 68, 223, 226, 38, 24, 122, 99, 109, 28, 106, 233, 117, 111, 121, 2, 118, 150, 175, 144, 29, 230, 63, 177, 21, 174, 50, 73, 108, 85, 151, 153, 4, 168, 166, 29, 246, 123, 180, 15, 220, 159, 240, 236, 111, 98, 148, 52, 60, 48, 236, 7, 109, 53, 150, 180, 208, 82, 205, 245, 4, 55, 241, 2, 38, 192, 9, 224, 249, 215, 133, 41, 234, 255, 92, 23, 149, 30, 163, 182, 128, 118, 154, 94, 84, 115, 184, 75, 33, 219, 147, 2, 37, 74, 153, 150, 206, 224, 125, 55, 11, 157, 141, 94, 168, 125, 107, 172, 112, 178, 222, 93, 133, 86, 220, 148, 30, 193, 154, 152, 22, 77, 139, 210, 175, 96, 145, 202, 136, 56, 99, 250, 202, 23, 242, 195, 58, 83, 48, 55, 34, 49, 3, 245, 144, 138, 81, 93, 31, 7, 11, 135, 151, 131, 220, 231, 245, 89, 115, 126, 192, 73, 45, 228, 8, 197, 246, 199, 61, 44, 92, 66, 125, 198, 40, 245, 62, 52, 83, 150, 199, 37, 70, 151, 153, 136, 0, 203, 97, 104, 145, 181, 40, 51, 199, 11, 133, 5, 73, 41, 126, 78, 228, 26, 105, 136, 101, 65, 205, 224, 220, 46, 193, 201, 50, 56, 89, 111, 145, 157, 19, 40, 1, 250, 81, 90, 138, 14, 136, 50, 81, 138, 94, 245, 35, 49, 6, 29, 5, 0, 200, 160, 159, 203, 248, 159, 27, 253, 150, 21, 170, 92, 165, 40, 159, 163, 189, 239, 232, 203, 170, 212, 89, 208, 70, 246, 20, 170, 49, 85, 77, 18, 166, 191, 142, 148, 206, 225, 171, 185, 157, 57, 179, 141, 22, 213, 147, 226, 153, 55, 41, 149, 208, 182, 148, 205, 138, 134, 24, 219, 254, 17, 34, 8, 84, 56, 164, 96, 104, 176, 236, 182, 134, 15, 9, 202, 52, 146, 106, 74, 193, 218, 49, 152, 157, 220, 42, 176, 53, 19, 166, 15, 224, 99, 78, 149, 239, 91, 113, 183, 140, 234, 14, 76, 197, 205, 15, 108, 40, 144, 139, 231, 129, 230, 39, 193, 229, 165, 78, 92, 48, 87, 46, 254, 147, 236, 72, 0, 189, 22, 111, 40, 147, 98, 251, 87, 136, 92, 182, 165, 103, 254, 171, 230, 186, 236, 197, 50, 226, 166, 9, 162, 228, 71, 87, 116, 86, 146, 85, 39, 216, 199, 46, 91, 237, 162, 18, 213, 51, 145, 141, 248, 145, 195, 156, 112, 195, 68, 223, 227, 211, 146, 187, 31, 61, 200, 157, 20, 237, 37, 18, 93, 23, 74, 100, 172, 58, 98, 45, 68, 211, 200, 174, 70, 12, 149, 136, 235, 1, 102, 116, 77, 90, 52, 164, 222, 107, 238, 38, 206, 68, 53, 13, 197, 8, 75, 115, 149, 178, 236, 2, 109, 19, 57, 170, 5, 131, 221, 36, 22, 71, 247, 220, 2, 212, 188, 120, 234, 118, 190, 156, 55, 114, 110, 212, 186, 26, 225, 81, 248, 96, 102, 186, 181, 170, 11, 251, 57, 151, 252, 185, 127, 155, 145, 203, 15, 112, 108, 14, 73, 175, 90, 218, 236, 134, 189, 4, 227, 255, 240, 163, 3, 254, 204, 70, 249, 69, 198, 117, 16, 208, 229, 167, 220, 159, 11, 197, 58, 63, 0, 19, 186, 183, 122, 2, 126, 108, 191, 80, 170, 234, 231, 26, 22, 217, 203, 194, 58, 181, 43, 191, 78, 78, 127, 166, 127, 1, 17, 161, 128, 237, 106, 214, 13, 2, 24, 102, 95, 68, 34, 78, 217, 42, 67, 203, 130, 158, 170, 82, 211, 166, 235, 213, 184, 208, 236, 231, 90, 63, 248, 79, 24, 103, 158, 70, 83, 183, 17, 48, 65, 148, 14, 144, 65, 83, 203, 54, 41, 9, 25, 100, 15, 235, 19, 244, 127, 99, 76, 154, 144, 126, 98, 131, 67, 25, 119, 183, 95, 82, 4, 97, 24, 35, 239, 164, 216, 243, 83, 198, 73, 16, 44, 59, 10, 212, 16, 255, 181, 109, 115, 184, 8, 30, 250, 62, 185, 202, 176, 239, 147, 216, 11, 130, 56, 140, 82, 164, 65, 0, 129, 139, 221, 23, 32, 150, 171, 176, 69, 100, 71, 93, 230, 160, 78, 20, 58, 227, 136, 75, 103, 65, 45, 148, 117, 45, 184, 123, 110, 166, 229, 234, 215, 137, 249, 243, 237, 125, 169, 233, 34, 165, 185, 209, 134, 205, 199, 115, 195, 188, 28, 11, 54, 51, 129, 60, 87, 175, 186, 44, 58, 86, 237, 137, 180, 165, 42, 254, 64, 119, 214, 136, 230, 88, 21, 236, 6, 198, 146, 159, 48, 173, 130, 177, 211, 95, 193, 8, 122, 221, 113, 78, 165, 10, 189, 167, 72, 33, 44, 77, 60, 106, 32, 118, 85, 13, 47, 219, 105, 142, 51, 210, 200, 255, 96, 185, 49, 243, 215, 217, 254, 246, 182, 216, 183, 175, 80, 169, 133, 163, 174, 102, 113, 226, 217, 167, 0, 11, 198, 247, 122, 54, 169, 118, 47, 64, 201, 95, 135, 222, 12, 234, 104, 57, 59, 105, 198, 8, 65, 251, 107, 36, 181, 140, 113, 114, 228, 176, 52, 52, 67, 231, 112, 127, 219, 102, 149, 101, 212, 22, 213, 238, 209, 253, 8, 146, 94, 133, 144, 12, 199, 50, 156, 232, 0, 187, 152, 51, 39, 25, 232, 3, 201, 172, 8, 77, 125, 199, 79, 46, 106, 0, 112, 58, 60, 255, 202, 165, 248, 75, 244, 181, 60, 108, 207, 119, 56, 2, 66, 51, 186, 240, 215, 162, 253, 32, 108, 19, 102, 34, 1, 142, 164, 68, 85, 112, 194, 150, 164, 29, 232, 76, 54, 209, 115, 150, 181, 190, 176, 8, 143, 121, 101, 45, 100, 216, 57, 40, 120, 216, 57, 173, 171, 148, 38, 212, 74, 16, 92, 210, 196, 29, 88, 226, 188, 52, 41, 184, 20, 3, 146, 77, 113, 141, 28, 9, 4, 136, 86, 133, 186, 174, 161, 121, 64, 115, 166, 111, 229, 72, 222, 88, 30, 134, 147, 91, 67, 80, 215, 72, 34, 49, 200, 45, 140, 157, 245, 234, 244, 229, 179, 183, 45, 88, 245, 97, 168, 27, 167, 102, 216, 253, 233, 219, 172, 51, 76, 10, 77, 142, 46, 134, 149, 141, 109, 232, 2, 29, 33, 42, 218, 125, 168, 254, 78, 26, 120, 79, 0, 124, 214, 32, 47, 18, 180, 165, 228, 187, 175, 176, 137, 105, 136, 147, 40, 181, 11, 22, 159, 61, 170, 222, 240, 197, 74, 199, 227, 102, 144, 106, 212, 243, 65, 237, 5, 178, 49, 128, 17, 138, 239, 185, 236, 203, 106, 166, 21, 200, 159, 244, 213, 54, 128, 129, 55, 32, 24, 91, 91, 88, 237, 125, 149, 107, 71, 160, 132, 56, 233, 66, 62, 114, 202, 98, 47, 51, 82, 133, 198, 203, 51, 122, 48, 203, 3, 215, 109, 27, 146, 49, 76, 1, 64, 143, 241, 57, 54, 83, 233, 91, 10, 53, 75, 190, 141, 54, 9, 25, 222, 249, 70, 57, 223, 5, 223, 2, 37, 155, 154, 221, 92, 58, 108, 105, 121, 153, 246, 10, 192, 180, 68, 239, 190, 28, 158, 102, 87, 244, 136, 176, 58, 24, 10, 246, 106, 128, 171, 20, 36, 93, 212, 41, 108, 128, 201, 56, 204, 230, 79, 61, 132, 45, 78, 231, 202, 40, 125, 192, 18, 18, 13, 25, 15, 75, 68, 159, 126, 7, 183, 7, 46, 103, 38, 44, 211, 158, 200, 157, 174, 155, 64, 103, 59, 141, 18, 79, 11, 92, 97, 60, 81, 154, 13, 203, 199, 155, 192, 206, 138, 113, 122, 29, 117, 186, 64, 121, 151, 163, 103, 248, 132, 58, 153, 147, 181, 175, 5, 158, 29, 195, 41, 242, 22, 97, 88, 201, 170, 23, 38, 149, 244, 174, 220, 2, 231, 144, 24, 247, 180, 135, 39, 125, 129, 57, 62, 11, 105, 198, 196, 158, 235, 155, 121, 232, 222, 222, 159, 104, 43, 111, 86, 161, 230, 157, 64, 238, 32, 60, 242, 121, 120, 77, 12, 105, 254, 138, 235, 51, 196, 80, 190, 244, 193, 227, 21, 231, 83, 60, 172, 84, 169, 89, 12, 195, 201, 6, 69, 92, 134, 229, 227, 190, 160, 220, 178, 28, 181, 121, 164, 245, 242, 251, 54, 94, 3, 87, 149, 229, 200, 101, 39, 223, 120, 61, 107, 29, 175, 194, 155, 36, 170, 214, 244, 9, 83, 12, 14, 249, 234, 208, 199, 253, 107, 181, 84, 17, 252, 33, 21, 113, 50, 228, 35, 37, 198, 33, 94, 179, 195, 126, 237, 227, 99, 160, 16, 22, 14, 48, 101, 191, 20, 137, 221, 78, 111, 171, 82, 209, 213, 31, 225, 45, 176, 35, 14, 167, 51, 33, 117, 45, 12, 232, 3, 108, 209, 245, 54, 0, 34, 100, 42, 22, 186, 245, 46, 162, 83, 152, 183, 241, 202, 183, 85, 215, 197, 60, 107, 56, 12, 218, 134, 81, 116, 169, 50, 232, 106, 151, 148, 241, 129, 39, 15, 83, 248, 254, 176, 83, 52, 190, 130, 86, 89, 13, 95, 219, 76, 230, 88, 221, 66, 140, 25, 131, 18, 196, 63, 14, 188, 49, 4, 17, 206, 173, 134, 8, 253, 147, 151, 165, 55, 50, 205, 124, 147, 13, 1, 115, 59, 104, 153, 144, 164, 243, 140, 198, 72, 42, 196, 129, 170, 182, 78, 80, 67, 129, 9, 237, 251, 111, 201, 188, 68, 232, 182, 77, 247, 194, 153, 19, 208, 145, 131, 2, 226, 18, 250, 6, 243, 6, 83, 53, 163, 44, 47, 135, 100, 233, 48, 30, 140, 250, 104, 92, 234, 96, 86, 175, 121, 205, 71, 83, 26, 130, 65, 105, 239, 143, 79, 138, 191, 244, 155, 90, 135, 241, 7, 175, 192, 17, 190, 137, 223, 199, 153, 33, 134, 174, 33, 178, 41, 85, 6, 115, 115, 90, 194, 197, 197, 66, 55, 222, 14, 154, 239, 82, 24, 62, 87, 36, 107, 34, 177, 133, 242, 36, 214, 221, 125, 222, 165, 187, 81, 42, 150, 11, 44, 54, 103, 47, 35, 58, 154, 253, 215, 28, 109, 95, 173, 209, 105, 138, 128, 30, 96, 80, 212, 122, 218, 0, 49, 49, 215, 242, 89, 81, 53, 14, 177, 194, 170, 62, 3, 84, 202, 34, 52, 225, 184, 27, 246, 96, 211, 22, 19, 155, 114, 91, 111, 57, 56, 145, 252, 57, 72, 196, 7, 173, 215, 145, 130, 249, 229, 31, 34, 139, 71, 240, 210, 135, 37, 1, 37, 220, 167, 158, 137, 143, 159, 67, 133, 219, 246, 131, 139, 110, 118, 248, 136, 20, 10, 59, 65, 126, 105, 70, 206, 117, 85, 67, 34, 226, 22, 105, 242, 89, 178, 144, 123, 206, 200, 4, 83, 91, 35, 189, 11, 161, 110, 126, 251, 114, 22, 166, 81, 178, 53, 185, 150, 50, 107, 116, 41, 66, 146, 55, 14, 139, 211, 145, 60, 115, 119, 89, 198, 97, 203, 198, 76, 22, 135, 189, 171, 228, 234, 131, 87, 26, 139, 110, 82, 57, 67, 202, 217, 117, 55, 119, 197, 23, 37, 64, 120, 214, 30, 155, 161, 167, 195, 197, 66, 199, 160, 112, 129, 198, 247, 253, 119, 84, 18, 52, 116, 108, 84, 83, 52, 1, 248, 16, 182, 195, 52, 181, 125, 172, 193, 236, 208, 199, 227, 44, 250, 229, 92, 163, 113, 108, 142, 234, 22, 113, 127, 87, 43, 118, 229, 149, 166, 212, 98, 190, 254, 68, 9, 218, 33, 42, 42, 225, 113, 174, 117, 99, 14, 172, 18, 36, 123, 146, 253, 103, 168, 88, 191, 154, 134, 48, 0, 7, 101, 242, 9, 31, 190, 182, 18, 231, 183, 215, 142, 241, 185, 121, 127, 23, 213, 61, 178, 112, 238, 151, 214, 122, 6, 60, 180, 229, 187, 249, 14, 133, 118, 53, 5, 114, 206, 136, 42, 224, 68, 49, 35, 219, 94, 130, 81, 178, 210, 73, 112, 87, 50, 95, 203, 30, 56, 68, 171, 214, 17, 101, 187, 86, 135, 93, 200, 52, 222, 48, 65, 26, 170, 1, 165, 185, 138, 230, 221, 3, 192, 147, 93, 29, 105, 41, 136, 117, 107, 172, 225, 207, 144, 9, 170, 46, 117, 16, 187, 63, 58, 70, 138, 155, 162, 251, 150, 113, 157, 96, 82, 20, 65, 228, 43, 33, 71, 209, 152, 0, 44, 225, 181, 82, 19, 67, 55, 95, 135, 19, 199, 136, 227, 83, 229, 111, 142, 33, 165, 129, 234, 98, 17, 148, 78, 142, 217, 123, 137, 68, 209, 127, 0, 128, 234, 131, 8, 94, 238, 60, 134, 215, 180, 155, 171, 41, 112, 34, 80, 149, 3, 99, 84, 144, 44, 52, 245, 104, 56, 154, 170, 88, 183, 212, 230, 107, 87, 254, 212, 23, 232, 86, 85, 130, 92, 203, 137, 239, 163, 252, 201, 118, 55, 49, 150, 182, 60, 130, 5, 147, 26, 103, 199, 149, 91, 239, 186, 69, 11, 197, 110, 229, 42, 167, 166, 32, 129, 197, 48, 204, 134, 126, 77, 73, 134, 39, 251, 60, 210, 179, 35, 225, 51, 250, 18, 236, 133, 50, 58, 173, 28, 53, 44, 83, 123, 79, 215, 16, 133, 35, 252, 20, 8, 49, 163, 237, 34, 221, 212, 60, 101, 99, 12, 38, 204, 172, 238, 140, 156, 82, 2, 10, 198, 197, 38, 24, 248, 59, 214, 6, 238, 8, 68, 29, 102, 5, 236, 60, 165, 80, 131, 109, 215, 252, 91, 79, 169, 128, 248, 225, 55, 144, 160, 100, 43, 11, 225, 4, 108, 200, 252, 111, 220, 161, 125, 147, 40, 133, 179, 159, 223, 172, 223, 88, 104, 30, 99, 50, 171, 254, 165, 95, 208, 10, 135, 170, 50, 203, 177, 35, 113, 47, 191, 205, 210, 216, 65, 16, 243, 117, 242, 74, 82, 122, 171, 48, 94, 156, 28, 183, 205, 64, 235, 242, 106, 147, 136, 240, 56, 93, 81, 169, 68, 57, 111, 126, 115, 208, 149, 122, 21, 86, 78, 23, 162, 6, 212, 97, 205, 253, 93, 13, 162, 207, 237, 86, 86, 253, 149, 149, 241, 22, 187, 225, 167, 207, 32, 94, 26, 136, 134, 90, 183, 202, 86, 221, 46, 140, 131, 194, 215, 65, 166, 141, 28, 22, 80, 85, 151, 89, 40, 127, 5, 136, 116, 47, 147, 4, 249, 28, 50, 239, 120, 20, 204, 139, 96, 254, 29, 242, 179, 83, 141, 240, 217, 62, 61, 159, 182, 171, 151, 234, 208, 77, 115, 151, 118, 160, 136, 136, 202, 191, 12, 67, 75, 105, 166, 140, 105, 65, 204, 255, 67, 15, 137, 154, 255, 62, 2, 193, 191, 137, 235, 59, 124, 209, 143, 131, 160, 47, 134, 90, 207, 230, 77, 157, 120, 209, 71, 156, 231, 135, 13, 239, 141, 227, 243, 9, 255, 231, 255, 10, 193, 3, 132, 127, 7, 83, 190, 253, 56, 54, 184, 234, 82, 205, 52, 76, 222, 12, 161, 4, 212, 219, 255, 10, 240, 42, 0, 127, 4, 165, 112, 52, 5, 70, 87, 192, 143, 11, 20, 153, 33, 216, 3, 41, 225, 65, 1, 15, 10, 191, 191, 57, 26, 243, 19, 158, 113, 120, 4, 133, 246, 134, 127, 171, 176, 54, 119, 57, 124, 185, 36, 107, 182, 120, 73, 160, 148, 158, 24, 226, 60, 169, 89, 239, 114, 250, 91, 247, 236, 214, 22, 90, 102, 118, 206, 91, 110, 8, 117, 121, 44, 85, 252, 68, 84, 201, 57, 104, 163, 74, 185, 61, 3, 120, 200, 3, 174, 126, 238, 35, 117, 44, 188, 160, 131, 169, 31, 119, 71, 208, 13, 20, 154, 80, 41, 243, 39, 25, 103, 181, 174, 47, 86, 233, 9, 157, 174, 182, 193, 151, 46, 124, 86, 172, 162, 168, 218, 215, 222, 88, 190, 75, 149, 120, 216, 247, 122, 9, 27, 76, 252, 157, 56, 252, 151, 218, 136, 71, 244, 212, 94, 231, 136, 188, 253, 146, 157, 30, 133, 98, 66, 116, 40, 60, 172, 247, 248, 4, 98, 162, 20, 169, 20, 114, 169, 181, 212, 158, 118, 233, 134, 141, 15, 163, 153, 250, 149, 149, 92, 194, 184, 119, 142, 73, 234, 102, 242, 1, 127, 39, 83, 176, 67, 88, 241, 234, 175, 27, 118, 253, 9, 62, 37, 42, 144, 60, 203, 84, 149, 16, 201, 87, 170, 114, 1, 74, 62, 140, 80, 57, 132, 188, 25, 251, 146, 92, 40, 51, 171, 250, 151, 176, 148, 237, 72, 206, 205, 184, 27, 19, 159, 168, 187, 160, 213, 49, 213, 48, 169, 102, 61, 70, 224, 9, 198, 10, 201, 46, 226, 211, 105, 175, 156, 245, 119, 199, 135, 101, 226, 31, 173, 79, 131, 75, 154, 127, 93, 155, 206, 56, 148, 106, 136, 168, 130, 239, 66, 192, 13, 196, 215, 190, 138, 25, 70, 54, 173, 57, 139, 155, 161, 208, 180, 175, 97, 45, 210, 211, 84, 134, 17, 39, 143, 151, 196, 34, 10, 142, 34, 24, 183, 125, 182, 115, 169, 55, 44, 136, 175, 212, 25, 226, 143, 100, 74, 148, 155, 203, 32, 82, 1, 22, 15, 13, 73, 0, 68, 113, 31, 174, 147, 179, 221, 57, 31, 63, 154, 216, 191, 76, 55, 186, 160, 165, 48, 238, 159, 106, 198, 114, 159, 135, 191, 31, 58, 180, 241, 219, 89, 82, 153, 156, 125, 92, 44, 90, 201, 93, 73, 136, 189, 82, 91, 168, 82, 35, 22, 161, 30, 206, 211, 46, 90, 131, 136, 50, 235, 44, 207, 39, 40, 133, 88, 42, 196, 238, 150, 99, 79, 186, 177, 104, 89, 25, 39, 19, 187, 249, 233, 46, 34, 0, 187, 22, 165, 76, 148, 184, 13, 67, 19, 139, 49, 206, 241, 31, 230, 31, 104, 237, 194, 149, 251, 137, 108, 162, 254, 202, 136, 222, 173, 239, 220, 100, 4, 162, 34, 174, 189, 129, 204, 146, 100, 1, 176, 78, 14, 2, 205, 98, 239, 229, 177, 102, 110, 34, 122, 139, 0, 96, 105, 57, 84, 48, 168, 84, 138, 221, 53, 50, 77, 97, 226, 173, 101, 155, 66, 104, 135, 46, 191, 138, 52, 51, 212, 89, 195, 67, 139, 82, 8, 176, 37, 88, 171, 95, 79, 201, 13, 183, 244, 94, 200, 81, 52, 75, 246, 143, 66, 60, 79, 130, 31, 126, 34, 7, 238, 31, 200, 209, 214, 96, 21, 138, 33, 231, 56, 127, 122, 253, 62, 45, 55, 60, 5, 89, 3, 74, 10, 154, 236, 97, 169, 107, 133, 251, 111, 166, 12, 127, 50, 90, 57, 135, 154, 159, 95, 85, 28, 136, 143, 134, 49, 54, 122, 66, 152, 143, 211, 48, 10, 107, 48, 130, 219, 147, 102, 86, 192, 118, 249, 68, 48, 191, 177, 182, 229, 143, 116, 16, 159, 184, 232, 44, 23, 30, 245, 106, 116, 140, 60, 194, 97, 177, 7, 8, 245, 31, 250, 14, 109, 10, 247, 159, 198, 114, 5, 193, 2, 234, 62, 30, 121, 30, 44, 185, 147, 120, 87, 74, 34, 108, 246, 103, 32, 158, 26, 156, 12, 155, 159, 184, 220, 4, 13, 36, 144, 220, 141, 2, 76, 167, 42, 205, 229, 187, 108, 71, 67, 210, 70, 135, 190, 196, 241, 31, 198, 7, 36, 46, 156, 103, 162, 7, 130, 52, 142, 18, 48, 10, 113, 105, 252, 150, 194, 4, 172, 36, 104, 215, 187, 24, 129, 60, 44, 1, 136, 197, 233, 92, 91, 161, 254, 50, 41, 65, 208, 237, 33, 215, 251, 83, 83, 45, 203, 250, 3, 89, 202, 8, 98, 23, 196, 38, 1, 81, 78, 64, 181, 163, 97, 203, 156, 72, 35, 241, 3, 145, 17, 173, 6, 148, 131, 56, 99, 133, 235, 186, 49, 70, 0, 51, 124, 141, 237, 8, 224, 225, 103, 50, 126, 69, 71, 122, 223, 166, 220, 147, 21, 10, 175, 178, 241, 76, 237, 111, 20, 187, 147, 244, 115, 21, 36, 60, 220, 17, 210, 148, 196, 153, 141, 129, 94, 170, 11, 238, 187, 239, 195, 220, 148, 116, 141, 228, 130, 104, 133, 110, 159, 24, 134, 118, 157, 75, 18, 240, 49, 220, 242, 142, 141, 222, 7, 112, 82, 101, 103, 53, 217, 110, 62, 191, 248, 67, 100, 2, 88, 52, 182, 56, 218, 67, 3, 222, 201, 216, 66, 94, 166, 134, 106, 172, 105, 78, 237, 93, 40, 240, 14, 210, 18, 190, 173, 197, 113, 61, 68, 181, 40, 234, 155, 160, 219, 209, 38, 58, 191, 2, 22, 87, 13, 234, 66, 143, 95, 100, 156, 216, 137, 22, 78, 169, 147, 123, 198, 19, 132, 75, 212, 232, 196, 131, 70, 65, 150, 154, 27, 208, 49, 89, 230, 238, 45, 73, 254, 4, 151, 84, 120, 156, 19, 113, 210, 248, 41, 105, 49, 147, 95, 130, 145, 80, 246, 184, 176, 58, 213, 34, 28, 249, 227, 163, 143, 29, 30, 191, 228, 101, 130, 16, 224, 205, 140, 144, 44, 213, 170, 112, 243, 178, 164, 104, 161, 97, 41, 96, 223, 18, 130, 78, 65, 112, 22, 190, 3, 111, 190, 155, 134, 73, 19, 6, 187, 136, 117, 183, 229, 177, 190, 5, 184, 204, 39, 128, 246, 74, 92, 1, 84, 202, 202, 237, 18, 219, 35, 246, 226, 103, 52, 154, 4, 66, 195, 241, 23, 57, 126, 209, 226, 134, 71, 162, 103, 102, 138, 75, 59, 206, 253, 93, 19, 232, 4, 54, 130, 153, 127, 38, 58, 102, 25, 253, 1, 232, 38, 60, 133, 113, 193, 67, 9, 72, 33, 52, 166, 4, 182, 53, 202, 53, 194, 186, 252, 244, 201, 231, 115, 94, 129, 24, 79, 20, 132, 118, 205, 24, 12, 206, 1, 89, 203, 228, 59, 128, 90, 93, 58, 159, 69, 145, 143, 30, 255, 171, 106, 124, 68, 102, 253, 169, 103, 39, 225, 82, 8, 122, 211, 197, 196, 152, 0, 117, 141, 211, 156, 190, 238, 135, 248, 101, 226, 117, 99, 251, 223, 174, 175, 38, 75, 109, 189, 86, 174, 246, 167, 107, 0, 209, 108, 224, 229, 128, 2, 210, 109, 102, 119, 82, 71, 25, 235, 78, 59, 195, 106, 67, 186, 71, 11, 0, 232, 81, 196, 46, 6, 52, 206, 118, 122, 158, 244, 79, 51, 66, 185, 193, 155, 52, 218, 90, 175, 114, 13, 138, 190, 113, 57, 22, 134, 200, 159, 250, 199, 203, 175, 52, 145, 172, 99, 98, 182, 253, 157, 67, 27, 10, 254, 135, 72, 151, 121, 115, 158, 143, 195, 207, 172, 115, 6, 1, 149, 216, 150, 30, 157, 230, 109, 216, 49, 214, 140, 124, 34, 87, 221, 33, 214, 207, 209, 195, 166, 155, 240, 157, 37, 170, 143, 121, 223, 100, 160, 212, 65, 85, 170, 207, 72, 232, 22, 169, 18, 9, 118, 142, 180, 49, 180, 71, 30, 238, 95, 177, 238, 84, 233, 85, 168, 197, 68, 181, 62, 195, 72, 199, 211, 51, 51, 190, 236, 6, 104, 209, 130, 231, 70, 83, 172, 147, 53, 230, 189, 11, 14, 6, 246, 13, 137, 7, 45, 60, 76, 125, 6, 58, 27, 225, 221, 71, 163, 101, 68, 202, 129, 235, 253, 252, 98, 158, 137, 147, 4, 177, 218, 151, 198, 224, 9, 149, 5, 77, 194, 9, 27, 222, 16, 28, 22, 167, 64, 47, 236, 192, 144, 89, 213, 30, 182, 34, 19, 255, 111, 252, 212, 145, 169, 238, 206, 167, 250, 53, 133, 61, 145, 211, 183, 37, 203, 250, 10, 207, 139, 83, 216, 22, 9, 58, 155, 208, 102, 74, 162, 60, 27, 179, 217, 13, 188, 13, 172, 103, 144, 15, 221, 54, 237, 183, 163, 167, 197, 230, 21, 239, 80, 102, 185, 91, 155, 159, 174, 246, 157, 120, 198, 153, 167, 130, 13, 126, 244, 167, 71, 37, 1, 154, 222, 206, 187, 39, 159, 229, 45, 246, 177, 197, 64, 95, 229, 185, 125, 66, 179, 60, 237, 234, 137, 55, 236, 251, 171, 83, 101, 140, 236, 108, 92, 12, 129, 236, 234, 45, 63, 176, 192, 192, 77, 34, 124, 140, 195, 176, 5, 231, 89, 81, 135, 235, 9, 201, 135, 242, 140, 161, 217, 213, 121, 130, 22, 50, 121, 176, 196, 25, 35, 57, 252, 78, 10, 198, 86, 141, 245, 226, 205, 56, 117, 240, 103, 16, 110, 1, 108, 228, 188, 240, 182, 148, 99, 216, 162, 103, 4, 223, 247, 171, 149, 115, 124, 208, 155, 179, 29, 253, 43, 128, 44, 122, 162, 21, 8, 246, 27, 239, 42, 238, 118, 203, 140, 132, 51, 124, 236, 185, 201, 125, 104, 73, 58, 27, 228, 184, 16, 1, 249, 184, 179, 209, 207, 140, 134, 129, 184, 18, 220, 141, 129, 190, 253, 114, 198, 155, 70, 202, 137, 108, 3, 41, 90, 15, 62, 58, 174, 174, 83, 222, 60, 19, 107, 53, 241, 56, 215, 21, 150, 166, 167, 211, 255, 214, 170, 195, 234, 129, 187, 165, 167, 186, 27, 47, 108, 222, 174, 227, 168, 67, 187, 45, 240, 28, 222, 47, 242, 150, 214, 231, 54, 35, 217, 192, 173, 23, 131, 43, 74, 144, 190, 91, 248, 11, 219, 151, 76, 155, 14, 199, 16, 138, 27, 246, 182, 226, 182, 56, 128, 4, 19, 57, 140, 196, 201, 69, 211, 142, 163, 221, 125, 233, 111, 235, 197, 33, 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INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Create and store "Alice" Master Secret in Wallet
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | AnoncredsCommand command received
INFO|anoncreds_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | Prover command received
INFO|prover_command_executor | src/commands/anoncreds/ | CreateMasterSecret command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::prover| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_master_secret >>> wallet_handle: 49, master_secret_id: None
DEBUG|indy::commands::anoncreds::prover| src/commands/anoncreds/ | create_master_secret <<< master_secret_id: "6c691a47-89b9-49c7-8bef-97d53c8543c2"
INFO:__main__:"Alice" -> Get "Faber Transcript" Credential Definition from Ledger
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | BuildGetCredDefRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_get_cred_def_request >>> submitter_did: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX", id: "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt:3:CL:401:TAG1"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_cred_def_request >>> identifier: "NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX", id "VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt:3:CL:401:TAG1"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | build_get_cred_def_request <<< request: "{\"reqId\":1535061516566999300,\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"108\",\"ref\":401,\"signature_type\":\"CL\",\"origin\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | build_get_cred_def_request <<< res: "{\"reqId\":1535061516566999300,\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"108\",\"ref\":401,\"signature_type\":\"CL\",\"origin\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO:__main__:cred request"{\"reqId\":1535061516566999300,\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"108\",\"ref\":401,\"signature_type\":\"CL\",\"origin\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitRequest command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | submit_request >>> handle: 1, request_json: "{\"reqId\":1535061516566999300,\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"operation\":{\"type\":\"108\",\"ref\":401,\"signature_type\":\"CL\",\"origin\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\"},\"protocolVersion\":2}"
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::networker| src/services/pool/ | _get_socket: open new socket for node 0
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Try to verify proof and signature
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::request_handler|src/services/pool/ | TransactionHandler::process_reply: Proof and signature are present
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: ver_keys.len(): 3
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: signature: MultiSignature { point: PointG1 { point: false 8FBC59CDF588D4 6C9339F409BDC9 D939F28A984160 747694EFDD413E 1CA988B4 C9E950BB1924D8 1D2C1C5AE3DF44 10E049447A77 2FE5A61FB8A62 185B633A FFFFFF7D07A8A8 FFFF7888802F07 FFC63D474548B7 F417D05FB10933 95E45DD }, bytes: [4, 34, 160, 42, 88, 54, 184, 91, 245, 195, 164, 114, 223, 68, 68, 209, 171, 25, 205, 163, 53, 54, 38, 68, 39, 239, 230, 124, 175, 95, 161, 70, 226, 33, 91, 61, 211, 53, 90, 68, 151, 206, 185, 180, 255, 219, 214, 49, 48, 30, 62, 197, 122, 161, 152, 75, 25, 28, 126, 0, 206, 188, 85, 76, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof_signature: <<< res: true
DEBUG|indy::services::pool::state_proof|src/services/pool/state_proof/ | verify_proof >> key [86, 86, 71, 102, 74, 88, 55, 90, 72, 80, 109, 89, 51, 90, 87, 106, 86, 89, 118, 51, 122, 116, 58, 3, 58, 67, 76, 58, 52, 48, 49], expected_value None
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | SubmitAck command received
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | socket dropped
DEBUG|zmq |/home/tedrub/.cargo/registry/src/ | context dropped
INFO:__main__:cred request response"{\"op\":\"REPLY\",\"result\":{\"signature_type\":\"CL\",\"ref\":401,\"type\":\"108\",\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"reqId\":1535061516566999300,\"seqNo\":null,\"data\":null,\"state_proof\":{\"multi_signature\":{\"value\":{\"ledger_id\":1,\"state_root_hash\":\"CEsH8srf4iCy411YKZqaBxoQ1cwQewCqo3d43WgEWJGK\",\"txn_root_hash\":\"HUVcSkzWc3jdb4WWMx5fdWUH4d4qR3saFJ4SR3bUxGi6\",\"pool_state_root_hash\":\"n6VPkuHJYFPk6Lnzk6wFKE8HQkwiXvPXfWPb1Xw5zp4\",\"timestamp\":1535061515},\"signature\":\"RYX5avJmx1MBMFtXS5G4jTxAwvA1MfNiRfcNGmwyfm9SFjoenLctWVnLMeXKyT28okeMKNPXjXMEkbbGyrfFDn6N5jFtRmRKx6wE6vCNTWYiVVY5kk7hTNTra8rBDNEeKD264yjgwnfuA3QMWnqfNCsSwzRjxj3Mtt12PTNJhn8mhR\",\"participants\":[\"Node2\",\"Node3\",\"Node4\"]},\"root_hash\":\"CEsH8srf4iCy411YKZqaBxoQ1cwQewCqo3d43WgEWJGK\",\"proof_nodes\":\"+QQb+FGAgICAgICgSg9kNc8ctKE+mqXqqUtpaNGAlzPCqIBprAURw8kHQGigJ\\/y6g1QMUj\\/+iI4Df6nKMrbLAC2QqAq+6ACzPu227y2AgICAgICAgID5AbGgM4+7jCxM\\/r5+htoIpetwZ5aQWxUE42BnIXcHwAvSI0ig2DQxRTCloIqO9lypNcLioPYja1vJtfdn4m0kUKX0tISgC4ModggeywbHQo0U6f+QYBDdhNNin\\/sKsr4uQGx6djWgQm8BFowsj\\/HaqK5vDED6Ruk9noHYNUOOKDv0HOMrpYSgp6PDfNY9jfuzgqg1wvHqMylIV0+1rrW9JJhSjhMDiU+gP3gmSGREcWkZNpupnR8NgEG9frShlQv1pJm63KDih4Sgo9FPTOP73EuvD\\/Qwicgf78CqyyWgDkAb6yXlSesuUJegQTQyVOqDxoXCOGan6HM68+RWg\\/W9yBE38vWjsZR8Wa6gWZ\\/iuQpqrWM\\/BwqmInScKhm6cB2it6dePNLlZIdJa1igzRh4hb\\/n3TsMeDO8Nrr\\/qTREubkA7b9W\\/TCQKRmQqmCg44lJzlbrQl58IRY5m4CKbhkmuL5Y\\/FKteADQ60+Bj+WAoFGHMNpnBYitEu\\/jG0rQOOzOWQ1xa13pv7Jq+txLqvjFgICgnEiMF4zWAHhC2zfRiJt2WWRN3OJ24Hu3sL3tJ4D8BA+A+QIRoLUPGXb7fRH44h6ZjUoPhMtUUXP0pTsPkRrR9UnrvJHqoNLw8Kas7J2YxY0OJKyqQaELaAwF9aIhK71fpV12lvGkoEQ7eF9oWMxYcnzC6STzg4ThoVQ0fTm9qrJxOC6eQ4Q7oC6zZbQfV5SB9AtGw26RcyDd+jKinu6rsvIt\\/dWOGa5soNOwRhBTRCk2X7iH9rWZ4nmPlKFcwQOL58W2zxkhRFBvoFZgLu8puflSHF1TAPfez7vkGCYsw4\\/7P60s+9jJisBcoLBkn1y9PnGwD+lCM3ZaqlHEPJUTloe6S95zen62I8fnoEIeyLnTYRYxQGD0+4mX3Pc4DSvXF1jKWOZw1sHxWakwoFUK9fT9+nSfBFihZXxybj+nFBIofHOgwX\\/I1dHHsaIkoCyvSNza578xDVWuhiraZzdC5tVl\\/ppAt7F3LTBL50zloBSbVGLlrVfpISLDk0CaIcVwVhl\\/ab3o8HcCcZUcCs0foA4cQWAMf9pAqGdoDpY7p\\/y+TJZ9JorvkpCXcI8Z1CugoMEtugBA0XtEiKF5ApSjZzpxZbfVJAIldhyBhq1b39s6oAoKTszPBkTwjLlHJzSSnR9LZODN0xsBepNtlHLJBs1MoBq+Hz4HHIfWLBOYeR+JM1xTC0KUw\\/+jduC93prc\\/Y99oPz5AjHS7JBVkd3bZZkzKF9kNso1\\/97X6P9yZHHP3WNYgA==\"},\"origin\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\",\"txnTime\":null}}"
INFO|indy::commands | src/commands/ | LedgerCommand command received
INFO|ledger_command_executor | src/commands/ | ParseGetCredDefResponse command received
DEBUG|indy::commands::ledger | src/commands/ | parse_get_cred_def_response >>> get_cred_def_response: "{\"op\":\"REPLY\",\"result\":{\"signature_type\":\"CL\",\"ref\":401,\"type\":\"108\",\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"reqId\":1535061516566999300,\"seqNo\":null,\"data\":null,\"state_proof\":{\"multi_signature\":{\"value\":{\"ledger_id\":1,\"state_root_hash\":\"CEsH8srf4iCy411YKZqaBxoQ1cwQewCqo3d43WgEWJGK\",\"txn_root_hash\":\"HUVcSkzWc3jdb4WWMx5fdWUH4d4qR3saFJ4SR3bUxGi6\",\"pool_state_root_hash\":\"n6VPkuHJYFPk6Lnzk6wFKE8HQkwiXvPXfWPb1Xw5zp4\",\"timestamp\":1535061515},\"signature\":\"RYX5avJmx1MBMFtXS5G4jTxAwvA1MfNiRfcNGmwyfm9SFjoenLctWVnLMeXKyT28okeMKNPXjXMEkbbGyrfFDn6N5jFtRmRKx6wE6vCNTWYiVVY5kk7hTNTra8rBDNEeKD264yjgwnfuA3QMWnqfNCsSwzRjxj3Mtt12PTNJhn8mhR\",\"participants\":[\"Node2\",\"Node3\",\"Node4\"]},\"root_hash\":\"CEsH8srf4iCy411YKZqaBxoQ1cwQewCqo3d43WgEWJGK\",\"proof_nodes\":\"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\"},\"origin\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\",\"txnTime\":null}}"
INFO|indy::services::ledger | src/services/ledger/ | parse_get_cred_def_response >>> get_cred_def_response: "{\"op\":\"REPLY\",\"result\":{\"signature_type\":\"CL\",\"ref\":401,\"type\":\"108\",\"identifier\":\"NnXiJAbkCn55FKFvm1dTNX\",\"reqId\":1535061516566999300,\"seqNo\":null,\"data\":null,\"state_proof\":{\"multi_signature\":{\"value\":{\"ledger_id\":1,\"state_root_hash\":\"CEsH8srf4iCy411YKZqaBxoQ1cwQewCqo3d43WgEWJGK\",\"txn_root_hash\":\"HUVcSkzWc3jdb4WWMx5fdWUH4d4qR3saFJ4SR3bUxGi6\",\"pool_state_root_hash\":\"n6VPkuHJYFPk6Lnzk6wFKE8HQkwiXvPXfWPb1Xw5zp4\",\"timestamp\":1535061515},\"signature\":\"RYX5avJmx1MBMFtXS5G4jTxAwvA1MfNiRfcNGmwyfm9SFjoenLctWVnLMeXKyT28okeMKNPXjXMEkbbGyrfFDn6N5jFtRmRKx6wE6vCNTWYiVVY5kk7hTNTra8rBDNEeKD264yjgwnfuA3QMWnqfNCsSwzRjxj3Mtt12PTNJhn8mhR\",\"participants\":[\"Node2\",\"Node3\",\"Node4\"]},\"root_hash\":\"CEsH8srf4iCy411YKZqaBxoQ1cwQewCqo3d43WgEWJGK\",\"proof_nodes\":\"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\"},\"origin\":\"VVGfJX7ZHPmY3ZWjVYv3zt\",\"tag\":\"TAG1\",\"txnTime\":null}}"
ERROR|indy::errors::indy | src/errors/ | Casting error to ErrorCode: Invalid transaction: Cannot deserialize transaction Response: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Reply", line: 0, column: 0)
WARNING:indy.libindy:_indy_loop_callback: Function returned error 304
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 907, in <module>
File "/c/Users/burdettadam/Documents/GitHub/indy-sdk/samples/python/src/", line 47, in run_coroutine
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 387, in run_until_complete
return future.result()
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 274, in result
raise self._exception
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 241, in _step
result = coro.throw(exc)
File "", line 230, in run
await ledger.parse_get_cred_def_response(get_cred_def_response)
File "/c/Users/burdettadam/Documents/GitHub/AdamSDK2/samples/python/src/env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/indy/", line 638, in parse_get_cred_def_response
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 361, in __iter__
yield self # This tells Task to wait for completion.
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 296, in _wakeup
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 274, in result
raise self._exception
indy.error.IndyError: ErrorCode.LedgerInvalidTransaction
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