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Last active June 1, 2017 07:48
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Custom database for rails branch

Custom database for Rails branch

(Below is an example with MySQL)

Customize config/database.yml to handle multiple databases.

  # How to setup a custom database for a branch
  branch = `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null`.chomp.sub('refs/heads/', '')
  suffix = `git config --bool branch.#{branch}.database`.chomp == 'true' ? "_#{branch}" : "_development"

  db_socket = ENV['DEV_MYSQL_SOCKET'] || "/tmp/mysql.sock" # Check env var for db socket path, defaults to OSX db socket path
  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: false
  database: portal<%= suffix %>
  pool: 5
  username: root
  socket: <%= db_socket %>

Create a new branch

git branch your_new_branch
git checkout your_new_branch

Opt-in for the branch specific database

git config --bool branch.your_new_branch.database true

Create the new database and load schema.rb

rake db:create

Initialize the database without previous database content run

rake db:schema:load

To copy the current development database to the newly created one (example for MySQL)

mysqldump -u root yourapp_development | mysql -u root yourapp_your_new_branch

(Make sure that the database you are copying from is the same branch as your_new_branch was branched form.)

Check: config/database.yml

Verify that the database has successfully been created

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