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Last active December 2, 2022 17:29
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(set-logic AUFLIA)
(declare-sort RPS 0)
(declare-fun rock () RPS)
(declare-fun paper () RPS)
(declare-fun scissors () RPS)
(declare-sort OUTCOME 0)
(declare-fun win () OUTCOME)
(declare-fun lose () OUTCOME)
(declare-fun draw () OUTCOME)
(declare-fun A () RPS)
(declare-fun B () RPS)
(declare-fun C () RPS)
(declare-fun X () OUTCOME)
(declare-fun Y () OUTCOME)
(declare-fun Z () OUTCOME)
(assert (= A rock))
(assert (= B paper))
(assert (= C scissors))
(assert (= X lose))
(assert (= Y draw))
(assert (= Z win))
(declare-fun shape-score (RPS) Int)
(assert (= 1 (shape-score rock)))
(assert (= 2 (shape-score paper)))
(assert (= 3 (shape-score scissors)))
(declare-fun outcome-score (OUTCOME) Int)
(assert (= 0 (outcome-score lose)))
(assert (= 3 (outcome-score draw)))
(assert (= 6 (outcome-score win)))
(define-fun game-outcome ((opponent RPS) (player RPS)) OUTCOME
(ite (= player opponent)
(ite (or (and (= player rock) (= opponent scissors))
(and (= player paper) (= opponent rock))
(and (= player scissors) (= opponent paper)))
(assert (= win (game-outcome scissors rock)))
(assert (= lose (game-outcome paper rock)))
(assert (= draw (game-outcome rock rock)))
; ; I think I could define this using game-outcome and maybe forall, but...
; (define-fun shape-for-outcome ((opponent RPS) (outcome OUTCOME)) RPS
; (ite (= outcome draw)
; opponent
; (ite (or (and (= outcome win) (= opponent rock))
; (and (= outcome lose) (= opponent scissors)))
; paper
; (ite (or (and (= outcome win) (= opponent paper))
; (and (= outcome lose) (= opponent rock)))
; scissors
; rock))))
(declare-fun shape-for-outcome (RPS OUTCOME) RPS)
(assert (forall ((opponent RPS) (player RPS))
(let ((outcome (game-outcome opponent player)))
(= player (shape-for-outcome opponent outcome)))))
(assert (= paper (shape-for-outcome rock win)))
(assert (= scissors (shape-for-outcome rock lose)))
(assert (= rock (shape-for-outcome rock draw)))
(define-fun game-score ((opponent RPS) (outcome OUTCOME)) Int
(+ (shape-score (shape-for-outcome opponent outcome))
(outcome-score outcome)))
(assert (= 4 (game-score A Y)))
(assert (= 1 (game-score B X)))
(assert (= 7 (game-score C Z)))
(declare-const final-score Int)
(assert (= final-score (+
(get-value (final-score))
exprs = File.readlines('input')
.map { |l| "(game-score #{l.chomp})" }
smt2 ='part2-tpl.smt2').sub('%EXPRS%', exprs)
File.write('part2-out.smt2', smt2)
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