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Last active February 27, 2019 18:13
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Generate O365 Tenante Secure Score
# This script needs to be run by an admin account in your Office 365 tenant
# This script will create an Azure AD app in your organisation with permission
# to access resources in yours and your customers' tenants.
$externalCSS = "<link rel=`"stylesheet`" href=`"`">"
$yourLogo = ""
$TableHeaderColour = "#00a1f1"
$applicationName = "GCITS Secure Score Exporter"
# Change this to true if you would like to overwrite any existing applications with matching names.
$removeExistingAppWithSameName = $false
# Modify the homePage and logoutURI values to any valid URI that you like.
# They don't need to be actual addresses, so feel free to make something up.
# Set the $appIDUri variable to a use a valid domain in your tenant. eg.$((New-Guid).ToString())
$homePage = ""
$appIdURI = "$((New-Guid).ToString())"
$logoutURI = ""
$ApplicationPermissions = "SecurityEvents.Read.All Directory.Read.All"
function Confirm-FolderPath($Path) {
$folder = Test-Path -Path $Path
if ($folder) {
Write-Host "Path exists"
else {
Write-Host "Creating Temp folder"
New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType directory
function New-GCITSITGTableFromArray($Array, $HeaderColour) {
# Remove any empty properties from table
$properties = $Array | get-member -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.memberType -contains "NoteProperty"}
foreach ($property in $properties) {
try {
$members = $Array.$($ | Get-Member -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
$Array = $Array | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty $
$Table = $Array | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
if ($Table[2] -match "<tr>") {
$Table[2] = $Table[2] -replace "<tr>", "<tr style=`"background-color:$HeaderColour`">"
return $Table
Function Add-ResourcePermission($requiredAccess, $exposedPermissions, $requiredAccesses, $permissionType) {
foreach ($permission in $requiredAccesses.Trim().Split(" ")) {
$reqPermission = $null
$reqPermission = $exposedPermissions | Where-Object {$_.Value -contains $permission}
Write-Host "Collected information for $($reqPermission.Value) of type $permissionType" -ForegroundColor Green
$resourceAccess = New-Object Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess
$resourceAccess.Type = $permissionType
$resourceAccess.Id = $reqPermission.Id
Function Get-RequiredPermissions($requiredDelegatedPermissions, $requiredApplicationPermissions, $reqsp) {
$sp = $reqsp
$appid = $sp.AppId
$requiredAccess = New-Object Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess
$requiredAccess.ResourceAppId = $appid
$requiredAccess.ResourceAccess = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess]
if ($requiredDelegatedPermissions) {
Add-ResourcePermission $requiredAccess -exposedPermissions $sp.Oauth2Permissions -requiredAccesses $requiredDelegatedPermissions -permissionType "Scope"
if ($requiredApplicationPermissions) {
Add-ResourcePermission $requiredAccess -exposedPermissions $sp.AppRoles -requiredAccesses $requiredApplicationPermissions -permissionType "Role"
return $requiredAccess
Function New-AppKey ($fromDate, $durationInYears, $pw) {
$endDate = $fromDate.AddYears($durationInYears)
$keyId = (New-Guid).ToString()
$key = New-Object Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordCredential($null, $endDate, $keyId, $fromDate, $pw)
return $key
Function Test-AppKey($fromDate, $durationInYears, $pw) {
$testKey = New-AppKey -fromDate $fromDate -durationInYears $durationInYears -pw $pw
while ($testKey.Value -match "\+" -or $testKey.Value -match "/") {
Write-Host "Secret contains + or / and may not authenticate correctly. Regenerating..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$pw = Initialize-AppKey
$testKey = New-AppKey -fromDate $fromDate -durationInYears $durationInYears -pw $pw
Write-Host "Secret doesn't contain + or /. Continuing..." -ForegroundColor Green
$key = $testKey
return $key
Function Initialize-AppKey {
$aesManaged = New-Object "System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged"
$aesManaged.Mode = [System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode]::CBC
$aesManaged.Padding = [System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode]::Zeros
$aesManaged.BlockSize = 128
$aesManaged.KeySize = 256
return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($aesManaged.Key)
function Confirm-MicrosoftGraphServicePrincipal {
$graphsp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString "Microsoft Graph"
if (!$graphsp) {
$graphsp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString "Microsoft.Azure.AgregatorService"
if (!$graphsp) {
Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $credentials
New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"
$graphsp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString "Microsoft Graph"
return $graphsp
function Get-GCITSMSGraphResource($Resource) {
$graphBaseUri = ""
$values = @()
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$graphBaseUri/$resource" -Headers $headers
if ($result.value) {
$values += $result.value
if ($result."@odata.nextLink") {
do {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $result."@odata.nextLink" -Headers $headers
$values += $result.value
} while ($result."@odata.nextLink")
else {
$values = $result
return $values
function Get-GCITSAccessToken($appCredential, $tenantId) {
$client_id = $appCredential.appID
$client_secret = $appCredential.secret
$tenant_id = $tenantid
$resource = ""
$authority = "$tenant_id"
$tokenEndpointUri = "$authority/oauth2/token"
$content = "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$client_id&client_secret=$client_secret&resource=$resource"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $tokenEndpointUri -Body $content -Method Post -UseBasicParsing
$access_token = $response.access_token
return $access_token
Confirm-FolderPath -Path C:\temp
Confirm-FolderPath -Path C:\temp\SecureScoreReports
Write-Host "Connecting to Azure AD. The login window may appear behind Visual Studio Code."
Write-Host "Creating partner application in tenant: $((Get-AzureADTenantDetail).displayName)"
# Check for the Microsoft Graph Service Principal. If it doesn't exist already, create it.
$graphsp = Confirm-MicrosoftGraphServicePrincipal
$existingapp = $null
$existingapp = get-azureadapplication -SearchString $applicationName
if ($existingapp -and $removeExistingAppWithSameName) {
Remove-Azureadapplication -ObjectId $existingApp.objectId
$rsps = @()
if ($graphsp) {
$rsps += $graphsp
$tenantInfo = Get-AzureADTenantDetail
$tenant_id = $tenantInfo.ObjectId
$tenantName = $tenantInfo.DisplayName
$initialDomain = ($tenantInfo.verifiedDomains | Where-Object {$_.Initial}).name
# Add Required Resources Access (Microsoft Graph)
$requiredResourcesAccess = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess]
$microsoftGraphRequiredPermissions = Get-RequiredPermissions -reqsp $graphsp -requiredApplicationPermissions $ApplicationPermissions -requiredDelegatedPermissions $DelegatedPermissions
# Get an application key
$pw = Initialize-AppKey
$fromDate = [System.DateTime]::Now
$appKey = Test-AppKey -fromDate $fromDate -durationInYears 99 -pw $pw
Write-Host "Creating the AAD application $applicationName" -ForegroundColor Blue
$aadApplication = New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName $applicationName `
-HomePage $homePage `
-ReplyUrls $homePage `
-IdentifierUris $appIdURI `
-LogoutUrl $logoutURI `
-RequiredResourceAccess $requiredResourcesAccess `
-PasswordCredentials $appKey `
-AvailableToOtherTenants $true
# Creating the Service Principal for the application
$servicePrincipal = New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $aadApplication.AppId
Write-Host "Assigning Permissions" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Assign application permissions to the application
foreach ($app in $requiredResourcesAccess) {
$reqAppSP = $rsps | Where-Object {$_.appid -contains $app.ResourceAppId}
Write-Host "Assigning Application permissions for $($reqAppSP.displayName)" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
foreach ($resource in $app.ResourceAccess) {
if ($resource.Type -match "Role") {
New-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $serviceprincipal.ObjectId `
-PrincipalId $serviceprincipal.ObjectId -ResourceId $reqAppSP.ObjectId -Id $resource.Id
# This provides the application with access to your customer tenants.
# If you are running this for a single tenant, comment out the following two lines:
$group = Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "displayName eq 'Adminagents'"
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group.ObjectId -RefObjectId $servicePrincipal.ObjectId
Write-Host "App Created" -ForegroundColor Green
[array]$contracts = @{
DisplayName = $tenantName
CustomerContextID = $tenant_id
DefaultDomainName = $initialDomain
$contracts += Get-AzureADContract -All $true
Write-host "Couldn't retrieve customer tenants. Generating report for a single tenant."
$appCredential = @{
AppId = $aadApplication.AppId
Secret = $appkey.value
foreach ($contract in $contracts) {
Write-Host "Retrieving Secure Score for $($contract.DisplayName)"
$tenant_id = $contract.customercontextid
# Try to execute the API call 6 times
$Stoploop = $false
[int]$Retrycount = "0"
do {
try {
$access_token = Get-GCITSAccessToken -appCredential $appCredential -tenantId $tenant_id
$headers = @{
Authorization = "Bearer $access_token"
Write-Host "Retrieved Access Token" -ForegroundColor Green
$scores = $null
$scores = Get-GCITSMSGraphResource -Resource security/securescores
$profiles = Get-GCITSMSGraphResource -Resource "security/secureScoreControlProfiles"
if ($scores) {
$latestScore = $scores[0]
$HTMLCollection = @()
foreach ($control in $latestScore.controlScores) {
$controlReport = $null
$launchButton = $null
$controlProfile = $profiles | Where-Object {$ -contains $control.controlname}
$controlTitle = "<h3>$($controlProfile.title)</h3>"
[int]$controlScoreInt = $control.score
[int]$maxScoreInt = $controlProfile.maxScore
[string]$controlScore = "<h4>Score: $controlScoreInt/$maxScoreInt</h4>"
$assessment = "<strong>Assessment</strong><br>$($control.description)<br>"
$remediation = "<strong>Remediation</strong><br>$($controlprofile.remediation)<br>"
$remediationImpact = "<strong>Remediation Impact</strong><br>$($controlprofile.remediationImpact)<br>"
if ($controlProfile.actionUrl) {
$launchButton = "<a class=`"button`" href=`"$($controlProfile.actionUrl)`">Launch</a><br>"
$userImpact = "<strong>User Impact:</strong> $($controlprofile.userImpact)"
$implementationCost = "<strong>Implementation Cost:</strong> $($controlprofile.implementationCost)"
$threats = "<strong>Threats:</strong> $($controlprofile.threats -join ", ")"
$tier = "<strong>Tier:</strong> $($controlprofile.tier)"
$hr = "<hr>"
[array]$controlElements = $assessment, $remediation, $remediationImpact
if ($launchButton) {
$controlElements += $launchButton
$controlReport = "<div>$($controlElements -join "</div><div><br></div><div>")</div><div><br></div>$($userImpact,$implementationCost,$threats,$tier,$hr -join "</div><div>")</div>"
$controlReport = "$($controlTitle)$($controlScore)<div><br></div>$($controlReport)"
$HTMLCollection += [pscustomobject]@{
category = $controlProfile.controlCategory
controlReport = [string]$controlReport
rank = $controlProfile.rank
deprecated = $controlProfile.deprecated
score = $control.score
$HTMLCollection = $HTMLCollection | Where-Object {!$_.deprecated} | Sort-Object rank
$identityControls = $HTMLCollection | Where-Object {$_.category -contains "Identity"}
$DataControls = $HTMLCollection | Where-Object {$_.category -contains "Data"}
$DeviceControls = $HTMLCollection | Where-Object {$_.category -contains "Device"}
$AppsControls = $HTMLCollection | Where-Object {$_.category -contains "Apps"}
$InfrastructureControls = $HTMLCollection | Where-Object {$_.category -contains "Infrastructure"}
$identityScore = 0
$dataScore = 0
$deviceScore = 0
$appsScore = 0
$infrastructureScore = 0
$identityControls | ForEach-Object {$identityScore += $_.score}
$DataControls | ForEach-Object {$dataScore += $_.score}
$DeviceControls | ForEach-Object {$deviceScore += $_.score}
$AppsControls | ForEach-Object {$appsScore += $_.score}
$InfrastructureControls | ForEach-Object {$infrastructureScore += $_.score}
[int]$identityScore = $identityScore
[int]$dataScore = $dataScore
[int]$deviceScore = $deviceScore
[int]$appsScore = $appsScore
[int]$infrastructureScore = $infrastructureScore
$categoryScores = @()
$allTenantScores = $latestScore.averageComparativeScores | Where-Object {$_.basis -contains "AllTenants"}
$similarCompanyScores = $latestScore.averageComparativeScores | Where-Object {$_.basis -contains "TotalSeats"}
[int]$maxScore = $latestScore.maxScore
[int]$similarCompanyAverage = $similarCompanyScores.averageScore
[int]$globalAverage = $allTenantScores.averageScore
$minSeat = $similarCompanyScores.seatSizeRangeLowerValue
$maxSeat = $similarCompanyScores.seatSizeRangeUpperValue
$categoryScores += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
Identity = "Tenant score: $($identityScore)"
Data = "Tenant score: $($dataScore)"
Device = "Tenant score: $($deviceScore)"
$categoryScores += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
Identity = "Global average: $($allTenantScores.identityScore)"
Data = "Global average: $($allTenantScores.dataScore)"
Device = "Global average: $($allTenantScores.deviceScore)"
$categoryScores += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
Identity = "Similar sized company average: $($similarCompanyScores.identityScore)"
Data = "Similar sized company average: $($similarCompanyScores.dataScore)"
Device = "Similar sized company average: $($similarCompanyScores.deviceScore)"
# Add Apps and Infrastructure scores to the overview table if they exist.
if ($allTenantScores) {
if (($allTenantScores | get-member).name -contains "appsScore") {
$categoryScores[0] | Add-Member Apps "Tenant score: $appsScore"
$categoryScores[1] | Add-Member Apps "Global average: $($allTenantScores.appsScore)"
$categoryScores[2] | Add-Member Apps "Similar sized company average: $($similarCompanyScores.appsScore)"
if (($allTenantScores | get-member).name -contains "infrastructureScore") {
$categoryScores[0] | Add-Member Infrastructure "Tenant score: $infrastructureScore"
$categoryScores[1] | Add-Member Infrastructure "Global average: $($allTenantScores.infrastructureScore)"
$categoryScores[2] | Add-Member Infrastructure "Similar sized company average: $($similarCompanyScores.infrastructureScore)"
$reportByLine = "<div>Secure Score report compiled by <strong>$tenantName</strong> on $((Get-Date).ToLongDateString())</div>"
[int]$currentScore = $($latestScore.currentScore)
$customerHeading = "<h1>$($contract.displayname)</h1>$reportByLine<br>"
$scoreheading = "<h2>Microsoft Secure Score: $currentScore</h2>"
$maxScoreTitle = "<strong>Maximum attainable score:</strong> $maxScore"
$similarCompanyTitle = "<strong>Similar sized company average ($minSeat - $maxSeat users):</strong> $similarCompanyAverage"
$globalAverageTitle = "<strong>Global average:</strong> $globalAverage"
$scoreBreakDownTitle = "<strong>Score Breakdown:</strong>"
$scoreBreakdownTable = New-GCITSITGTableFromArray -Array $categoryScores -HeaderColour $TableHeaderColour
$subHeadings = "<div>$($maxScoreTitle,$similarCompanyTitle,$globalAverageTitle -join "</div><div>")</div>"
$overviewHTML = "$($customerHeading,$scoreheading,$subHeadings,$scoreBreakDownTitle -join "<div><br></div>")$scoreBreakdownTable<br><br>"
$identityHTML = "<h2>Identity Controls</h2>$($identityControls.controlReport -join "<div><br></div>")"
$dataHTML = "<h2>Data Controls</h2>$($dataControls.controlReport -join "<div><br></div>")"
$deviceHTML = "<h2>Device Controls</h2>$($deviceControls.controlReport -join "<div><br></div>")"
$appsHTML = "<h2>Apps Controls</h2>$($appsControls.controlReport -join "<div><br></div>")"
$infrastructureHTML = "<h2>Infrastructure Controls</h2>$($infrastructureControls.controlReport -join "<div><br></div>")"
[array]$completeReport = $overviewHTML
if ($identityControls) {
$completeReport += $identityHTML
if ($dataControls) {
$completeReport += $dataHTML
if ($deviceControls) {
$completeReport += $deviceHTML
if ($AppsControls) {
$completeReport += $appsHTML
if ($InfrastructureControls) {
$completeReport += $infrastructureHTML
"$externalCSS <img class=`"float-right`" src=$yourLogo> $($completeReport -join "<p></p>")<img class=`"float-right`" src=$yourLogo><br><br><div>Report compiled by <strong>$tenantName</strong> on $((Get-Date).ToLongDateString())</div>" | Out-file C:\temp\securescorereports\$($contract.DefaultDomainName).html
CustomerName = $contract.DisplayName
TenantId = $contract.CustomerContextId
CreatedDateTime = $latestScore.createdDateTime
SecureScore = $currentScore
MaxScore = $latestScore.maxScore
LicensedUserCount = $latestScore.licensedUserCount
SimilarCompanyAverage = $similarCompanyAverage
IdentityScore = $identityScore
DataScore = $dataScore
DeviceScore = $deviceScore
AppsScore = $appsScore
InfrastructureScore = $infrastructureScore
} | Export-csv C:\temp\SecureScoreReports\AllTenantOverview.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
Write-Host "Exported Secure Score Report" -ForegroundColor Green
$Stoploop = $true
catch {
if ($Retrycount -gt 5) {
Write-Host "Could not get secure score, or complete report after 6 retries." -ForegroundColor Red
$Stoploop = $true
else {
Write-Host "Could not get secure score, or complete report. Retrying in 5 seconds..." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$Retrycount ++
While ($Stoploop -eq $false)
Remove-AzureADApplication -ObjectId $aadApplication.ObjectId
else {
Write-Host "Microsoft Graph Service Principal could not be found or created" -ForegroundColor Red
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