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Created January 12, 2012 18:13
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Save burtonator/1602152 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Main peregrine configuration file. All values here can be overridden on the
# command line by running --param=value. For example to change the default
# basedir you can run with --basedir=/d0/peregrine-fs
# The controller which will send and receive RPC messages and handle job
# execution. This should be the machine you execute your jobs from and the
# controller should be up and online for the full completion of the job.
# Control port for normal node operations (PFS, job scheduling, etc).
# Base directory for all filesystem operations. The root directory is built
# from the basedir by using the /host/port as a suffix. This is done so that
# you can run two daemons per box and for testing.
# For multi-tenancy configuration it would be best to place a dedicated basedir
# for each disk that you intend to use in production.
# Host concurrency in order to determine how many jobs can run on hosts at a
# given time. If you are on a multicore machine it is better to have have a
# daemon use the right mix of hardware and keep concurrency per disk low.
# Ideally, per one HDD the concurrency would be about 1 but not everyone can run
# with this configuration.
# Number of replicas to maintain per partition. For smaller clusters it may be
# cost effective to use on replica and just-reschedule the job if it fails. For
# larger clusters, using 2-3 replicas will mean that you can complete a job
# without it failing as the more hosts you add the higher the probability that
# the entire job will fail due to one machine crashing.
# It is generally better to have more hosts in your cluster as this will allow
# greater parallel recovery. The maximum parallel recovery can be provided
# until the number of failed hosts is > nr_hosts - nr_replicas at which point we
# won't be able to evenly distribute partitions among new hosts and performance
# will fall during recovery.
# The size of the buffer used for receiving shuffle data. Larger is better as
# this will allow enable more contiguous data together on disk. You do not want
# to over allocate this as Peregrine will run out of memory and need to
# reschedule jobs. We commit to disk at 1/2 this amount so the individual
# shuffle files will be batched and written as units. This allows us to group
# partition data together which enables faster sequential reads during the
# reduce phase.
# The max number of files we attempt to merge from at a time during the reduce
# phase when merging shuffle segments. At the first phase of shuffling, we read
# all the shuffle group files off disk, and then sort them and then write them
# back to disk. If the total number of sorted files/segments is less than
# shuffleSegmentMergeParallelism then we merge them directly. If not we create
# another file, merge the first `shuffleSegmentMergeParallelism` files, and then
# do it on the next batch of files. Then we do one more stage where we merge
# those children and then the reduce is complete.
# When > 0 we enable fallocate and allocate files in extents to enable
# contiguous reads and avoid problems with ext3, ext4 (and to some extent XFS)
# writing fragmented files when writing to multiple locations.
# Set the sorting buffer size. Used when performing a reduce to minimize disk
# IOs. The larger the better as this will reduce disk IO. This memory is
# allocated outside the JVM via mmap, mlock and usually read implicitly or
# expliclty via fadvise WILLNEED and DONTNEED.
# When true we run posix_fadvise POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED to evict pages from the
# page cache which we know will not be needed again. This includes map chunks
# which have already been mapped and shuffle files that have been reduced. If
# your job can fit into memory and is iterative with many iterations, it may be
# better to keep this disabled. The rationale behind fadvising away pages is
# that some Linux kernels get confused with the VFS cache pressure and start
# swapping. In production environments you may also consider compiling your
# kernel without swap (which is what we do with production jobs) which would
# also fix this problem.
# For larger jobs that are much greater than memory (2-10x) a better strategy is
# to use all available memory for the combiner and sort buffer. There may be
# situations where you see slight speedups due to IO being read directly from
# cache but a more effective strategy is to allocate all memory to
# sortBufferSize and shuffleBufferSize to minimize data written over the network
# and to sort more efficiently.
# Specify the chunk size used for storing files in PFS. The default of 128MB is
# almost certainly acceptable.
# When true, purge shuffle data sent to nodes during computation. For all
# production jobs this should be set to true. This is almost always a debug
# option for developers to analyze intermediate data, usually to optimize
# performance.
# Set the key partitioner implementation. The default is probably acceptable
# but if you have a custom partitioner you can set the implementation here.
# This is a classname with the standard Java classname syntax (com.example.Name)
# but if you set it to a short name the peregrine internal package is used.
# Sync page writing. When we write IO to disk we periodically sync it so that
# we don't end up filling the VFS page cache with dirty buffers only for them to
# be evicted later. Most of our jobs are LONG running jobs where the IO needs
# to be written ANYWAY so having these in the page cache is not helpful. If we
# were to let this happen the kernel would write pages in the background (even
# after an algorithm is finished) and a future algorithm would have to compete
# for IOs with background writes which would yield poor performance. We sync
# every syncWriteSize bytes so that the write IO is balanced out during the full
# write of the file. This also means that when we close() the file that only a
# small amount of IO has to be written (not hundreds of megs to gigs) which
# means that we have a smooth IO pattern which makes things easier to debug and
# understand as well as take advantage of periods of low IO activity.
# Set to zero to disable.
# Attempt to set the maximum file handles that we can use. This is only
# supported on Linux at the moment. If this fails due to either permissions or
# any other reason you will probably need to explicitly change it via ulimit or
# changing the global system limits.
# Set to zero to disable.
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