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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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An extension of Backbone.PageableCollection to parse server responses created by Django Rest Framework.
define [
], ($, _, Backbone) ->
An extension of Backbone.PageableCollection to parse server responses created by Django Rest Framework.
The response structure is expected to match that provided by django-rest-framework's Pagination mechanism
Example response:
'count': 4,
'next': '?page=2',
'previous': null,
'results': ['john', 'paul']
class Backbone.DjangoPageableCollection extends Backbone.PageableCollection
# Name of the attribute containing the array of records
resultsField: 'results'
totalRecordsField: 'count'
nextField: 'next'
previousField: 'previous'
parseRecords: (resp, options) ->
if resp and _.has(resp, @resultsField) and _.isArray(resp[@resultsField])
Backbone.PageableCollection.prototype.parseRecords.apply(this, arguments)
parseState: (resp, queryParams, state, options) ->
state =
totalRecords: resp[@totalRecordsField]
parseLinks: (resp, options) ->
links =
prev: resp[@previousField]
next: resp[@nextField]
first: null
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