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Last active December 14, 2016 15:35
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  • Save busbyjon/ac5367149e0123e101ab62b397da5728 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save busbyjon/ac5367149e0123e101ab62b397da5728 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var alexa = require('alexa-app');
// Allow this module to be reloaded by hotswap when changed
module.change_code = 1;
// Define an alexa-app
var app = new'catcheckup');
app.launch(function(req,res) {
// lets see if the user has any pets setup?
var cats = new Array();
res.session('cats', cats)
if (cats.length < 1) {
var prompt = "You don't appear to have a cat setup, would you like to set a cat up now?";
var reprompt = "I didn't understand, would you like to setup a cat now?"
res.session('promptData', { yesAction: 'setupCat'});
} else if (cats.length == 1) {
var prompt = "Would you like to know your cats health now?";
res.session('promptData', { yesAction: 'catHealth'});
} else {
var prompt = "Which cat would you like to know the health of?";
app.intent('ListPetsIntent', {
"utterances":["{ List my cats | what cats do I have configured }"]
},function(req,res) {
var cats = req.session('cats');
if (cats.length < 1) {
res.say('You have no cats setup.').shouldEndSession(false);
} else if (cats.length == 1) {
res.say('You have one cat, '+cats[0]+ ' setup').shouldEndSession(false);
} else {
var s = cats.slice(0, cats.length - 1).join(', ') + ", and " + cats.slice(-1);
res.say('You have a few cats setup,' + s).shouldEndSession(false);
app.intent('NamePetIntent', {
,"utterances":["{My cats name is|my pets name} {bob|missy|waffles|NAME}"]
},function(req,res) {
var promptData = req.session('promptData');
if (!promptData) {
console.log('Got a AMAZON.YesIntent but no promptData. Ending session.');
} else if (promptData.yesAction = "setupCat") {
res.say('Great, your cats name is '+req.slot('NAME') + ". Would you like to tell us more about him now?");
var cat = req.slot('NAME');
var cats = req.session('cats');
req.session('cats', cats);
// clear the prompt - and set it for the next action
req.session('promptData', { yesAction: 'setupMedication' });
app.intent("LogPetMedication", {
"utterances":["{NAME} has just had his {MEDICATION} {medication|pill|injection|food|drop}"]
}, function(req,res) {
res.say('Understood, '+req.slot("NAME") + " has just had his " + req.slot("MEDICATION"));
app.intent('AMAZON.NoIntent', function(req,res){
var promptData = req.session('promptData');
if (!promptData) {
console.log('Got a AMAZON.YesIntent but no promptData. Ending session.');
} else if (promptData.yesAction = "setupCat") {
res.say("Ok, you can setup a cat later just by asking").shouldEndSession(true);
} else if (promptData.yesAction = "catsHealth") {
res.say("Ok, I'll be here if you need me");
} else if (promptData.yesAction = "setupMedication") {
res.say("Ok, I'll be here if you need me");
} else {
console.log('Got a AMAZON.NoIntent but invalid promptData. Ending session.');
app.intent('AMAZON.YesIntent', function(req,res){
var promptData = req.session('promptData');
if (!promptData) {
console.log('Got a AMAZON.YesIntent but no promptData. Ending session.');
} else if (promptData.yesAction = "setupCat") {
res.say("Ok, what is your pets name?").shouldEndSession(false);
} else if (promptData.yesAction = "catsHealth") {
res.say("Your current cats health is..");
} else if (promptData.yesAction = "setupMedication") {
res.say("Great, what have you just given your cat?");
} else {
console.log('Got a AMAZON.YesIntent but invalid promptData. Ending session.');
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