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Created April 1, 2020 13:05
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* Big thanks to @dfreeman (Dan Freeman) for this!
* @see
* Retrieves the type of a type guard function.
* Like `ReturnType<T>`, but for type guard functions.
* @example
* ```ts
* type Foo = TypeOfGuard<(subject: unknown) => is { foo: string }>;
* // => { foo: string }
* ```
export type TypeOfGuard<T extends (subject: unknown) => unknown> = T extends (
subject: unknown
) => subject is infer Type
? Type
: never;
* Create a tuple of type guard functions from the specified types.
* @example
* ```ts
* type StringNumber = Predicates<[string, number]>;
* // => [
* // (v: unknown) => v is string,
* // (v: unknown) => v is number
* // ]
* ```
type Predicates<T extends unknown[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: (subject: unknown) => subject is T[K];
} &
* Converts a union type (`A | B`) to an intersection type (`A & B`).
type UnionToIntersection<T> = (T extends T
? (p: T) => void
: never) extends (p: infer U) => void
? U
: never;
* Gets all values of a tuple as a union type (`A | B`).
* @example
* ```ts
* type StringOrNumber = UnionOf<[string, number]>; // => string | number
* ```
type UnionOf<T extends unknown[]> = T[keyof T & number];
* Gets all values of a tuple as an intersection type (`A & B`).
* @example
* ```
* type FooAndBar = IntersectionOf<[{ foo: string }, { bar: string }]>;
* ```
type IntersectionOf<T extends unknown[]> = UnionToIntersection<UnionOf<T>>;
* Combines a list of type guard functions into a union type guard.
* @example
* ```ts
* type Foo = { foo: boolean; baz: number };
* type Bar = { bar: symbol; baz: string };
* declare function isFoo(v: unknown): v is Foo;
* declare function isBar(v: unknown): v is Bar;
* const isFooOrBar = isSome(isFoo, isBar);
* // => (subject: unknown) => subject is Foo | Bar
* ```
export const isSome = <Types extends unknown[]>(
...predicates: Predicates<Types>
) => (subject: unknown): subject is UnionOf<Types> =>
predicates.some(is => is(subject));
* Combines a list of type guard functions into an intersection type guard.
* @example
* ```ts
* type Foo = { foo: boolean; baz: number };
* type Bar = { bar: symbol; baz: string };
* declare function isFoo(v: unknown): v is Foo;
* declare function isBar(v: unknown): v is Bar;
* const isFooAndBar = isEvery(isFoo, isBar);
* // => (subject: unknown) => subject is Foo & Bar
* ```
export const isEvery = <Types extends unknown[]>(
...predicates: Predicates<Types>
) => (subject: unknown): subject is IntersectionOf<Types> =>
predicates.every(is => is(subject));
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