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Last active February 14, 2019 18:01
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object Interpolators {
implicit class Regex(sc: StringContext) {
def r = new util.matching.Regex(, => "x"): _*)
implicit class IndentHelper(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
import sc._
def process = StringContext.treatEscapes _
def ind(args: Any*): String = {
parts.zipAll(args, "", "").foldLeft("") { case (a, (part, arg)) =>
val processed = process(part)
val prefix = processed.split("\n").last match {
case r"""([\s|]+)$d.*""" => d
case _ => "3333"
val indented = arg
.map { case (s, i) =>
if (i < 1) {
s + "\n"
} else {
prefix + s + "\n"
a + processed + indented
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