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Implementing persistent data structures with HashTries
// @flow
// Immutable Data Implementation
// Based on Hash Tries
// (NOTE: The actual implementation is based on hashed mapped tries!)
// But this can be seen as a basis for the actual implementation.
// This is only for learning purposes!
// Hash Trie or Hash Tree is a persistent data structure, commonly used
// to implement immuable maps.
// "In its basic form, a hash tree stores the hashes of its keys,
// regarded as strings of bits, in a trie, with the actual keys and (optional)
// values stored at the trie's "final" nodes."
// (
// To better understand the underlying structure, let's take a look at how
// a possible hash trie might look like.
// We always have a root node, this can be initialy empty. We could define a
// EmptyNode to represent the fact.
// {root: EmpytNode}
// Now how would the structure look like if we used a hash size of 32?
// We use a `keyHashFragment` function to retrieve the sub hash that we're looking
// for depending on the level we're at.
// f.e. keyHashFragment(SHIFT, 101574); // => 6
// Which means we can access {root: {6: {...}}} the node at the given level.
// The other interesting aspect we want to focus on, are nodes.
// We can identify four different node types, to represent the basic structure.
// EmptyNode: to represent an empty trie.
// LeafNode: to represent a node containing the actual value.
// CollisionNode: to represent LeafNode with the same hash but different keys.
// ArrayNode: contains children Nodes, initialized with a fixed length.
// All nodes implement two functions: get and update
// get: requires shift, hash and key (EmptyNode always returns undefined!)
// update: requires shift, a function to call in case the LeafNode is found,
// as well as the hash and key.
// Note: The shift argument is only required by an ArrayNode to calculate the
// keyHashFragment for accessing children nodes.
// Using update covers updating as well as inserting and removing from
// the hash trie. update always returns a new hash trie, by recurrsively going
// through the structure and if it find the LeafNode rebuilds the structure
// to reflect the change.
// To better understand how we can implement an actual hash trie
// in the following we will build a minimal immutable Map.
// Constants
// We need to define a constant shift value
// Next we can calculate the size
// And finally we can derive Mask from the size, by substracting -1
// See also
const SHIFT = 5;
const SIZE = 1 << SHIFT;
const MASK = SIZE - 1;
// Nodes
// We will implement four types: Empty, Leaf, Collision and Array nodes.
type Node = EmptyNode | LeafNode<*> | CollisionNode | ArrayNode;
type NodeT = "Empty" | "Leaf" | "Collision" | "Array";
type Key = number | string;
type Hash = number;
// Node Types
const TYPE = {
// An EmptyNode is needed to shortcut the traversal.
// `get` will always return undefined as we don't have any actual values.
// `update` will either create a new LeafNode, in case the function returns
// a value else we return the existing EmptyNode.
function EmptyNode() {
this.type = TYPE.EMPTY;
this.get = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) {
return undefined;
this.update = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
fn /*:: : Function*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) {
const value = fn();
return value ? new LeafNode(hash, key, value) : this;
// LeafNode contains the hash, key and value.
// `get`: returns the value if the provided key is the actual key.
// `update`: If the provided key is the actual stored key we call
// the function with the node value. In case a value is returned we return a
// new LeafNode with a new value. Otherwise we remove the node by returning
// an EmptyNode.
// If the key doesn't apply, we call the provided function. If no value is
// returned we return the node itself, else we merge the existing the current node
// with a newly created LeafNode containing the new value.
function LeafNode /*:: <T>*/(
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/,
value /*:: : T*/
) {
this.type = TYPE.LEAF;
this.hash = hash;
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.get = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) {
return key === this.key ? this.value : undefined;
this.update = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
fn /*:: : Function*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) {
if (key === this.key) {
const value = fn(this.value);
return value === undefined
? new EmptyNode()
: new LeafNode(hash, key, value);
const value = fn();
return value === undefined
? this
: mergeIntoNode(shift, this, new LeafNode(hash, key, value));
// CollisionNode takes care of situations where two nodes contain the same
// hash but different keys.
// `get`: we check if the provided hash is the same as the node's hash.
// If the hash is the same, we iterate over the children and try to find
// the first node that equals the provided key. If found we return the
// found node's value. If the hashes don't match we return undefined.
// `update`: We check if the hashes match. If they match, we resolve the
// collision and either return a new CollisionNode in case we have more than
// one child node, or return the child node itself.
function CollisionNode(hash /*:: : Hash*/, children /*:: : Array<Node>*/) {
this.type = TYPE.COLLISION;
this.hash = hash;
this.children = children;
this.get = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) {
if (!hash) {
hash = hashKey(key);
if (hash === this.hash) {
let children = this.children;
for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
let child = children[i];
if (key === child.key) {
return child.value;
return undefined;
this.update = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
fn /*:: : Function*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) /*:: : ?Node*/ {
if (hash === this.hash) {
const list = updateCollisions(this.hash, this.children, fn, key);
return list.length > 1 ? new CollisionNode(this.hash, list) : head(list);
const value = fn();
return value === undefined
? this
: mergeIntoNode(shift, this, new LeafNode(hash, key, value));
// ArrayNode contains children nodes
// `get`: we check if we have a child node for provided shift and hahs
// and return the child node if found.
// `update`: We calculate the fragment hash for provided shift and hash.
// In case the child node doesn't exist, we create a new EmptyNode.
// Next, we call the update function of the either the existing node or the
// newly created EmptyNode with the provided function.
// Next we need to check if one of the nodes is empty.
// Depending wether the first or the second node are empty, we either
// insert or remove a new child node.
// Otherwise we create a new ArrayNode with the updated value
// for a given position inside the children array.
function ArrayNode(count /*:: : number*/, children /*:: : Array<Node>*/) {
this.type = TYPE.ARRAY;
this.count = count;
this.children = children;
this.get = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) /*:: : ?Node*/ {
const node = this.children[keyHashFragment(shift, hash)];
if (node) {
return node.get(shift + SHIFT, hash, key);
return undefined;
this.update = function(
shift /*:: : number*/,
fn /*:: : Function*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) /*:: : ?Node*/ {
const fragment = keyHashFragment(shift, hash);
const child = this.children[fragment] || new EmptyNode();
const newChild = child.update(shift + SHIFT, fn, hash, key);
const { EMPTY } = TYPE;
if (child.type === EMPTY && newChild.type !== EMPTY) {
return new ArrayNode(
this.count + 1,
update(fragment, newChild, this.children)
if (child.type !== EMPTY && newChild.type === EMPTY) {
return this.count - 1 <= 0
? new EmptyNode()
: new ArrayNode(
this.count - 1,
update(fragment, undefined, this.children)
return new ArrayNode(this.count, update(fragment, newChild, this.children));
// Functionalities
// Return a hash for given level
// Requires shift and the hashed key
// i.e. we have a hash "1507722911"
// We can keep calling `keyHashFragment` to find the hash for given level
// For example, we might have a hash "602825438" and we shift by 5.
// ```
// keyHashFragment(0, "602825438")) // => 30
// keyHashFragment(5, "602825438")) // => 22
// keyHashFragment(10, "602825438")) // => 24
// ```
// This means we could find our value at data[30][22][24]
// See also
function keyHashFragment(shift /*:: : number*/, keyHash /*:: : Hash*/) {
return (shift === 0 ? keyHash : keyHash >>> shift) & MASK;
// creates a new ArrayNode containing children array with fixed length
// expects a list containing (hash, node) tuples
function createArrayNode(list /*:: : Array<[Hash, Node]>*/) /*:: : ArrayNode*/ {
const children = Array(SIZE);
const len = list.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const [hash, node] = list[i];
children[hash] = node;
return new ArrayNode(len, children);
// Helper function for safely accessing the first element of a given list.
function head /*:: <T>*/(list /*:: : ?Array<T>*/) /*:: : ?T */ {
return list && list.length > 0 ? list[0] : undefined;
// Helper function for merging two nodes into a new node
// This is regulary used in case of two nodes containing the same hash but
// different keys, in that case a new CollisionNode is returned.
function mergeIntoNode(
shift /*:: : number*/,
node1 /*:: : Node*/,
node2 /*:: : Node*/
) /*:: : CollisionNode | ArrayNode */ {
if (node1.hash === node2.hash) {
return new CollisionNode(node1.hash, [node2, node1]);
const idx1 = keyHashFragment(shift, node1.hash);
const idx2 = keyHashFragment(shift, node2.hash);
return idx1 === idx2
? createArrayNode([[idx1, mergeIntoNode(shift + SHIFT, node1, node2)]])
: createArrayNode([[idx1, node1], [idx2, node2]]);
// Helper function for resolving collisions
// Provided function is called with the value of the first node for given key
// If the provided function returns a value we update the list with
// a new LeafNode containing the value. In case value is undefined
// we can remove the node at the found position.
function updateCollisions(
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
list /*:: : Array<Node>*/,
fn /*:: : Function*/,
key /*:: : Key*/
) /*:: : Array<Node>*/ {
let found = undefined,
len = list.length,
idx = 0;
for (let idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
const child = list[idx];
if (child.key === key) {
found = child;
const value = found ? fn(found.value) : fn();
return value === undefined
? spliceOut(idx, list)
: update(idx, new LeafNode(hash, key, value), list);
// Updates a value
// Copies the original array and updates a value for given position
function update(
idx /*:: : number*/,
val /*:: : any*/,
from /*Array<any>*/
) /*:: : Array<any>*/ {
const len = from.length;
const to = Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
to[i] = from[i];
to[idx] = val;
return to;
// Remove a value
// Copies the original array and removes a value for given position
// See also
function spliceIn(
idx /*:: : number*/,
val /*:: : any*/,
from /*:: : Array<any>*/
) /*:: : Array<any>*/ {
const len = from.length + 1;
const to = new Array(len);
let extend = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i === idx) {
to[i] = val;
extend = -1;
} else {
to[i] = from[i + extend];
return to;
// Insert a value
// Copies the original array and adds a new value at given position
// See also
function spliceOut(
idx /*:: : number*/,
from /*:: : Array<any>*/
) /*:: : Array<any>*/ {
const len = from.length - 1;
const to = new Array(len);
let extend = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i === idx) {
extend = 1;
to[i] = from[i + extend];
return to;
// Convenience function: enables to pass in a value, which will get wrapped
// into a function. No need to define a function in user land if we don't
// the previous value.
function wrapValue /*:: <T>*/(fn /*:: : Function | T*/) /*:: : Function*/ {
if (typeof fn === "function") {
return fn;
return function() {
return fn;
function updateMap /*:: <T>*/(
fn /*:: : ?(Function | T)*/,
hash /*:: : Hash*/,
key /*:: : Key*/,
node /*:: : Node*/
) /*:: : Map*/ {
// We initialize the shift with 0
// The value is transformed into a function, if it's not a function.
// This is for convenience, so we can call update with a value if needed.
// i.e. updateMap("new Value",...)
// Furthermore we pass in the needed hash and key.
return new Map(node.update(0, wrapValue(fn), hash, key));
// some hashing functionality
function hashKey(key /*:: : Key*/) /*:: : Hash*/ {
let hash = 0,
str = "" + key,
len = str.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
let char = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << SHIFT) - hash + char) | 0;
return Math.abs(hash);
class Map {
/*:: root : Node */
constructor(root /*:: : Node */) /*:: : void*/ {
this.root = root;
static of(root /*:: : Node*/) /*:: : Map*/ {
return new Map(root);
set(key /*:: : Key*/, value /*:: : any*/) /*:: : Map*/ {
return updateMap(value, hashKey(key), key, this.root);
update(key /*:: : Key*/, value /*:: : any*/) /*:: : Map*/ {
return updateMap(value, hashKey(key), key, this.root);
get(key /*:: : Key*/) /*:: : any*/ {
return this.root.get(0, hashKey(key), key);
has(key /*:: : Key*/) /*:: : bool*/ {
return this.root.get(hashKey(key), key) !== undefined;
remove(key /*:: : Key*/) /*:: : Map*/ {
return updateMap(undefined, hashKey(key), key, this.root);
/*:: isEmpty : Node => bool*/
isEmpty(node /*:: : Node*/) /*:: : bool*/ {
return node && node.type === TYPE.EMPTY;
// Create an initial empty Map
function emptyMap() /*:: : Map */ {
return new Map(new EmptyNode());
exports.emptyMap = emptyMap;
exports.keyHashFragment = keyHashFragment;
const { assert } = require("chai");
const { emptyMap } = require("./HashTrie");
describe("Test HashTrie", function() {
it("should set key 'A' with value 'test'", function() {
const map = emptyMap().set("A", "test");
assert.equal(map.get("A"), "test");
it("should update key 'A' with 1 to value 2", function() {
const inc = function(a) {
return a + 1;
const map = emptyMap().set("A", 1);
const updatedMap = map.update("A", inc);
assert.equal(updatedMap.get("A"), 2);
it("should remove key 'A'", function() {
const map = emptyMap().set("A", 1);
const updatedMap = map.remove("A");
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