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Created January 6, 2017 18:56
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// ZeroInboxToolbar.m
// GMailinator
// Created by Vitaly Baum on 1/5/17.
// Copyright © 2017 nompute. All rights reserved.
#import "ZeroInboxToolbar.h"
#import "ZeroInboxMessageViewer.h"
#import "Swizzler.h"
#import "AlertHelper.h"
#import "SnoozeDatePickerController.h"
#import "NSObjectInspect.h"
#import "PrivateHeaders/MFAccount.h"
#import "PrivateHeaders/Message.h"
#import "PrivateHeaders/MessageViewer.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation ZeroInboxToolbar
+(void)load {
Class clazz = NSClassFromString(@"NSToolbar");
if (clazz) {
[Swizzler extendClass:@"NSToolbar"
MessageViewer* viewer;
SnoozeDatePickerController *controllerWindow;
-(void)_setDelegate:(id) delegate {
if ([delegate isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"MessageViewer")] && !viewer) {
[self initSnoozeMenu:@selector(snoozeEmail:)];
//Avoid having to do this more than once!
viewer = delegate;
[self _setDelegate:delegate]; //call swizzled method
- (NSMenuItem *) newMenuItemWithTitle:(NSString *)title action:(SEL)action andKeyEquivalent:(NSString *)keyEquivalent inMenu:(NSMenu *)menu relativeToItemWithSelector:(SEL)selector offset:(int)offset
// Taken from /System/Developer/Examples/EnterpriseObjects/AppKit/ModelerBundle/EOUtil.m
// Simple utility category which adds a new menu item with title, action
// and keyEquivalent to menu (or one of its submenus) under that item with
// selector as its action. Returns the new addition or nil if no such
// item could be found.
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSArray *items = menu.itemArray;
int iI;
keyEquivalent = @"";
for(iI = 0; iI < items.count; iI++){
menuItem = items[iI];
if(menuItem.action == selector)
return ([menu insertItemWithTitle:title action:action keyEquivalent:keyEquivalent atIndex:iI + offset]);
else if([ isKindOfClass:[NSMenu class]]){
menuItem = [self newMenuItemWithTitle:title action:action andKeyEquivalent:keyEquivalent relativeToItemWithSelector:selector offset:offset];
return menuItem;
return nil;
- (BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)theItem
//do we need to show this button
return YES;
- (IBAction) snoozeEmail: sender {
NSArray *messages = [viewer selectedMessages];
for (Message* msg in messages)
MFMailAccount *account = [msg account];
NSArray *mailboxes = [account allMailboxes];
for (MFMailbox *mailbox in mailboxes) {
if ([ isEqualToString:@"Scheduled"]) {
int unsigned numMethods;
NSMutableString *res = [NSMutableString new];
Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(objc_getMetaClass("MessageViewer"), &numMethods);
for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; i++) {
[res appendString:NSStringFromSelector(method_getName(methods[i]))];
[res appendString:@"\r\n"];
[res copy];
// [viewer _transferMessages:[NSArray arrayWithObject:msg] toMailbox:mailbox deleteOriginals:YES allowUndo:YES isDeleteOperation:NO];
// if (mailbox != nil && [msg mailbox] != mailbox)
// {
// }
// controllerWindow = [[SnoozeDatePickerController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"SnoozeDatePickerController"];
// [controllerWindow showWindow:self];
- (void) initSnoozeMenu:(SEL)sel{
NSMenu* mainMenu = [NSApplication sharedApplication].mainMenu;
NSMenuItem* firstMenuItem =
[self newMenuItemWithTitle:@"Snooze"
if(!firstMenuItem) {
[AlertHelper show:@" unable to add submenu <Snooze>"];
else { = self;
firstMenuItem.keyEquivalentModifierMask = NSCommandKeyMask;
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