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Created May 29, 2011 20:27
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Simple Haskell web server
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import Network
import Data.Time.LocalTime
data RequestType = GET | POST deriving (Show)
data Request = Request { rtype :: RequestType, path :: String, options :: [(String,String)] }
data Response = Response { version :: String, statuscode :: Int }
instance Show Request where
show r = "Request { " ++ show((rtype r)) ++ " " ++ (path r) ++ (foldl (\acc (k,v) -> acc ++ "\n " ++ k ++ ": " ++ v) "" (options r)) ++ "\n}"
instance Show Response where
show r = version(r) ++ " " ++ show(statuscode(r)) ++ " " ++ (case statuscode(r) of
100 -> "Continue"
200 -> "OK"
404 -> "Not Found") ++ "\r\n\r\n"
fromString :: String -> RequestType
fromString t = case t of
"GET" -> GET
respond :: Request -> Handle -> IO ()
respond request handle = do
putStrLn $ show request
let response = Response {version = "HTTP/1.1", statuscode = 200}
hPutStr handle $ show(response)
time <- getZonedTime
hPutStr handle $ "Haskell says HELLO.\nThe time is currently " ++ show(time) ++ "\n\n\nHere is some info from your session:\n" ++ show(request)
--- This should really validate input or something. Separate validator? Or as-we-go?
parseRequestHelper :: ([String], [(String,String)]) -> [(String,String)]
parseRequestHelper ([], accum) = accum
parseRequestHelper ((l:rest), accum)
| (length (words l)) < 2 = accum
| otherwise = parseRequestHelper(rest, accum ++ [(reverse . tail . reverse . head . words $ l, unwords . tail . words $ l)] )
parseRequest :: [String] -> Request
parseRequest lns = case (words (head lns)) of
[t,p,_] -> Request {rtype=(fromString t), path=p, options=parseRequestHelper((tail lns),[])}
handleAccept :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
handleAccept handle hostname = do
putStrLn $ "Handling request from " ++ hostname
request <- fmap (parseRequest . lines) (hGetContents handle)
respond request handle
return ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- listenOn (PortNumber 9000)
putStrLn "Listening on port 9000"
forever $ do
(handle, hostname, port) <- accept sock
handleAccept handle hostname
hClose handle
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gnvenky commented Jan 10, 2020

Beauty and brevity
No one is going to ask about code coverage on this one :)

The only thing is whether this scales multi-core, if that is solved
PS: +RTS -Nx exists but is not applicable for all kinds of problems

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