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Last active September 5, 2016 14:15
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import { Children, createElement } from 'react';
export function replaceRenderedComponents(mappings) {
let componentMap;
if (mappings instanceof Map) {
componentMap = mappings
} else if (Array.isArray(mappings)) {
componentMap = new Map(mappings);
} else {
throw new Error('Expected Map or array of pairs');
const replace = getReplacer(componentMap);
return component => {
let wrapper;
if (component.prototype.isReactComponent) {
wrapper = class Wrapper extends component {
render() {
const output = super.render();
return replace(output);
} else if (typeof component === 'function') {
wrapper = (props) => {
const output = component(props);
return replace(output);
} else {
throw new Error('Expected React component');
wrapper.displayName = `replaceRenderedComponents(${component.displayName ||})`;
return wrapper;
function getReplacer(componentMap) {
const replace = element => {
if (!element) {
return null;
let type;
if (componentMap.has(element.type)) {
type = componentMap.get(element.type);
} else {
type = element.type;
const children =, replace);
return createElement(type, element.props, children);
return replace;
* This is probably a bad idea, but it was interesting to write.
* Usage:
* ```
* import ParentComponent from 'components/parent';
* import ChildComponent from 'components/child';
* import ChildContainer from 'containers/child';
* const replace = replaceRenderedComponents([
* [ChildComponent, ChildContainer],
* ]);
* export default connect(mapState, mapDispatch)(replace(ParentComponent));
* ```
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