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Last active December 3, 2021 16:38
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CycleORM news digest

Hello everybody!

We know, that you are looking forward to a CycleORM updates and this fact motivates us working faster and more efficiently.

Here they are!

1. Added support for Entity typecast handlers.

CycleORM is used to allow otping a column type among the primitive types such as int, string, float, datetime and callable, but now you can create typecast handler class, that implements Cycle\ORM\Parser\TypecastInterface and define it (or array of handlers) as an Entity columns typecast handler.


use Cycle\ORM\Parser\TypecastInterface;

class UuidTypecast implements TypecastInterface
    private array $rules = [];

    public function setRules(array $rules): array
        foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) {
            if ($rule === 'uuid') {
                $this->rules[$key] = $rule;

        return $rules;

    public function cast(array $values): array
        foreach ($this->rules as $key => $rule) {
            if (!isset($values[$key])) {

            $values[$key] = Uuid::fromString($values[$key]);

        return $values;
use Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast as PrimitiveTypecast;

    typecast: [
class User {
    private UuidInterface $id;

By default all etities use \Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast::class typecast handler, but you can change default behavior globally in the next release of spiral/app or you can do it right now in your app via \Cycle\Schema\Compiler.


use Cycle\Schema\Compiler;
use Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast as PrimitiveTypecast;

(new Compiler)->compile($r, [/* Generators[] */], [
    SchemaInterface::TYPECAST_HANDLER = [

2. We improved cycle/annotated package. It's now more flexible and suppors all the new features.

2.1 Custom collections for HasMany, ManyToMany and, MorphedHasMany relations


class User
    // ...

        target: Tag::class, 
        collection: \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection::class, 
        // or
        collection: 'doctrine'
    protected \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection $tags;

        target: Post::class, 
        collection: \Illuminate\Support\Collection::class,
        // or
        collection: 'illuminate'
    protected \Illuminate\Support\Collection $tags;

        target: Post::class, 
        collection: 'array'
    protected array $comments;


CycleORM has support Single Table Inheritance and Joined Table Inheritance, but now you can configure JTI/STI via attributes (annotations) also.


use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\DiscriminatorColumn;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\SingleTable as InheritanceSingleTable;

#[DiscriminatorColumn(name: 'type')] // Discriminator column (required)
class Person
    #[Column(type: 'primary', primary: true)]
    protected int $id;

    #[Column(type: 'string')]
    protected string $name;

class Employee extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $salary;

#[InheritanceSingleTable(value: 'foo_customer')]
class Customer extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'json')]
    protected array $preferences;


use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\JoinedTable as InheritanceJoinedTable;

class Person
    #[Column(primary: true)]
    protected int $id;
    protected int $fooId;

    #[Column(type: 'string')]
    protected string $name;

#[InheritanceJoinedTable(outerKey: 'fooId')]
class Employee extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $salary;

#[InheritanceJoinedTable(outerKey: 'id')]
class Customer extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'json')]
    protected array $preferences;

You can combine STI and JTI

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\DiscriminatorColumn;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\SingleTable as InheritanceSingleTable;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\JoinedTable as InheritanceJoinedTable;

#[DiscriminatorColumn(name: 'type')]
class Person
    #[Column(type: 'primary', primary: true)]
    protected int $id;

    #[Column(type: 'string')]
    protected string $name;

class Employee extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $salary;

#[InheritanceSingleTable(value: 'foo_customer')]
class Customer extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'json')]
    protected array $preferences;

#[InheritanceJoinedTable(outerKey: 'foo_id')]
class Executive extends Employee
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $bonus;

Custom TypecastHandler

As I mentioned above, you can configure Typecast handlers via attributes (annotatios).

use Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast as PrimitiveTypecast;

    typecast: [
class User {
    private UuidInterface $id;

3. A new CycleORM package - cycle/schema-renderer

The package allows to render CycleORM schema in a terminal or to prepare schemas to save into a php file. The package will be a part of spiral/app in the next release and there can be used a console command php app.php cycle:render for rendering entity schemas in a terminal.


use Cycle\Schema\Compiler;
use ycle\Schema\Renderer\OutputSchemaRenderer;
use ycle\Schema\Renderer\SchemaToArrayConverter;

// Create schema from generators
$schema = (new Compiler)->compile(...);

// Or getting schema form object \Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface
$schema = (new SchemaToArrayConverter())->convert($schema);

$renderer = new OutputSchemaRenderer();

// Render to a terminal

Output example

4. Another one new package for CycleORM - cycle/entity-macros

The package is in progress yet, but you can try it right now. The package allows you to use macros for changing default entity columns behavior.

Macros replace


use Cycle\ORM\Entity\Macros\Timestamped;

#[Timestamped\CreatedAtMacro(field: 'createdAt')]
#[Timestamped\UpdatedAtMacro(field: 'updatedAt')]
#[Timestamped\DeletedAtMacro(field: 'deletedAt')]
class Post {

    #[Column(type: 'datetime')]
    private \DateTimeImmutable $createdAt;

    #[Column(type: 'datetime')]
    private \DateTimeImmutable $updatedAt;

    #[Column(type: 'datetime')]
    private \DateTimeImmutable $deletedAt;

In addition to use macros including in this package, there is an ability easily to create your own macros!

!!! Some features can be changed in the final release.

5. Database drivers via DTO

Enough! Now there are no more arrays and attempts to understand what settings a driver supports.


use Cycle\Database\Driver;

'drivers'   => [
    'mysql'     => [
        'driver'     => Driver\MySQL\MySQLDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=' . env('DB_NAME'),
            'username'   => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password'   => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
    'postgres'  => [
        'driver'     => Driver\Postgres\PostgresDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'pgsql:host=;dbname=' . env('DB_NAME'),
            'username'   => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password'   => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
    'runtime'   => [
        'driver'     => Driver\SQLite\SQLiteDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'sqlite:' . directory('runtime') . 'runtime.db',
            'username'   => 'sqlite',
            'password'   => '',
    'sqlServer' => [
        'driver'     => Driver\SQLServer\SQLServerDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'sqlsrv:Server=MY-PC;Database=' . env('DB_NAME'),
            'username'   => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password'   => env('DB_PASSWORD'),


use Cycle\Database\Config;

'drivers' => [
    'sqlite_memory' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
        connection: new SQLite\MemoryConnectionConfig(),
        queryCache: true,

    'sqlite_file' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
        connection: new Config\SQLite\FileConnectionConfig(
            database: env('DB_DATABASE', __DIR__.'./../../runtime/database.sqlite')
        queryCache: true,

    'mysql' => new Config\MySQLDriverConfig(
        connection: new Config\MySQL\TcpConnectionConfig(
            database: env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
            host: env('DB_HOST', ''),
            port: (int)env('DB_PORT', 3306),
            user: env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
            password: env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
        queryCache: true
    'postgres' => new \Config\PostgresDriverConfig(
        connection: new Config\Postgres\TcpConnectionConfig(
            database: env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
            host: env('DB_HOST', ''),
            port: (int)env('DB_PORT', 5432),
            user: env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
            password: env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
        schema: 'public',
        queryCache: true,

We will provide more information about driver DTOs after CycleORM v2.0 release.

6. Demo app spiral/app with CycleORM v2 support

We prepared a demo app of spiral/app where you can try CycleORM v2 with all new features

CycleORM is one of the most high performance by speed ORM, and soon by functionality!

Всем привет!

Знаем, что вы долго ждали очередной порции обновлений и именно этот факт мотивирует нас работать быстрее и эффективнее.

Итак, ловите обновления!

1. Добавлена поддержка обработчиков для типизации полей Entity.

Раньше CycleORM позволяла выбрать только среди стандартных типов int, string, float, datetime и callable, но теперь вы можете создать класс, который реализует интерфейс Cycle\ORM\Parser\TypecastInterface и указать его или несколько таких классов в качестве обработчиков полей сущности.


use Cycle\ORM\Parser\TypecastInterface;

class UuidTypecast implements TypecastInterface
    private array $rules = [];

    public function setRules(array $rules): array
        foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) {
            if ($rule === 'uuid') {
                $this->rules[$key] = $rule;

        return $rules;

    public function cast(array $values): array
        foreach ($this->rules as $key => $rule) {
            if (!isset($values[$key])) {

            $values[$key] = Uuid::fromString($values[$key]);

        return $values;
use Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast as PrimitiveTypecast;

    typecast: [
class User {
    private UuidInterface $id;

По умолчанию все сущности используют \Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast::class, но это поведение может быть изменено глобально в следующей версии spiral\app либо через \Cycle\Schema\Compiler.


use Cycle\Schema\Compiler;
use Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface;
use Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast as PrimitiveTypecast;

(new Compiler)->compile($r, [/* Generators[] */], [
    SchemaInterface::TYPECAST_HANDLER = [

2. Прокачали пакет аннотаций/атрибутов. Теперь он стал более гибким

2.1 Пользовательские коллекции в HasMany, ManyToMany, MorphedHasMany связях


class User
    // ...

        target: Tag::class, 
        collection: \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection::class, 
        // or
        collection: 'doctrine'
    protected \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection $tags;

        target: Post::class, 
        collection: \Illuminate\Support\Collection::class,
        // or
        collection: 'illuminate'
    protected \Illuminate\Support\Collection $tags;

        target: Post::class, 
        collection: 'array'
    protected array $comments;

2.2 Наследование STI/JTI

CycleORM уже умеет работать с Single Table Inheritance и Joined Table Inheritance, а теперь и через атрибуты (аннотации тоже).


use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\DiscriminatorColumn;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\SingleTable as InheritanceSingleTable;

#[DiscriminatorColumn(name: 'type')] // Discriminator column (required)
class Person
    #[Column(type: 'primary', primary: true)]
    protected int $id;

    #[Column(type: 'string')]
    protected string $name;

class Employee extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $salary;

#[InheritanceSingleTable(value: 'foo_customer')]
class Customer extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'json')]
    protected array $preferences;


use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\JoinedTable as InheritanceJoinedTable;

class Person
    #[Column(primary: true)]
    protected int $id;
    protected int $fooId;

    #[Column(type: 'string')]
    protected string $name;

#[InheritanceJoinedTable(outerKey: 'fooId')]
class Employee extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $salary;

#[InheritanceJoinedTable(outerKey: 'id')]
class Customer extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'json')]
    protected array $preferences;

Их можно и кобинировать

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Column;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\DiscriminatorColumn;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\SingleTable as InheritanceSingleTable;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Inheritance\JoinedTable as InheritanceJoinedTable;

#[DiscriminatorColumn(name: 'type')]
class Person
    #[Column(type: 'primary', primary: true)]
    protected int $id;

    #[Column(type: 'string')]
    protected string $name;

class Employee extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $salary;

#[InheritanceSingleTable(value: 'foo_customer')]
class Customer extends Person
    #[Column(type: 'json')]
    protected array $preferences;

#[InheritanceJoinedTable(outerKey: 'foo_id')]
class Executive extends Employee
    #[Column(type: 'int')]
    protected int $bonus;

Пользовательский TypecastHandler

Как упоминалось выше, через атрибуты (аннотации) для сущностей можно указаывать обработчики полей.

use Cycle\ORM\Parser\Typecast as PrimitiveTypecast;

    typecast: [
class User {
    private UuidInterface $id;

3. Новый пакет для CycleORM - cycle/schema-renderer

Данный пакет будет полезен для вывода схемы в консоль или сохранения в файл. Данный пакет будет включен в spiral/app в виде консольной команды cycle:render для дебага схем сущностей приложения.


use Cycle\Schema\Compiler;
use ycle\Schema\Renderer\OutputSchemaRenderer;
use ycle\Schema\Renderer\SchemaToArrayConverter;

// Create schema from generators
$schema = (new Compiler)->compile(...);

// Or getting schema form object \Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface
$schema = (new SchemaToArrayConverter())->convert($schema);

$renderer = new OutputSchemaRenderer();

// Render to a terminal

Пример вывода

4. Новый пакет для CycleORM - cycle/entity-macros

Добавили пакет находится сейчас в горячей разработке и позволит изпользовать "макросы" для изменения поведения полей сущности.

Решает задачу


use Cycle\ORM\Entity\Macros\Timestamped;

#[Timestamped\CreatedAtMacro(field: 'createdAt')]
#[Timestamped\UpdatedAtMacro(field: 'updatedAt')]
#[Timestamped\DeletedAtMacro(field: 'deletedAt')]
class Post {

    #[Column(type: 'datetime')]
    private \DateTimeImmutable $createdAt;

    #[Column(type: 'datetime')]
    private \DateTimeImmutable $updatedAt;

    #[Column(type: 'datetime')]
    private \DateTimeImmutable $deletedAt;

Помимо возможности использования существующих макросов вы сможете создавать свои собственные макросы!

!!! Некоторые вещи в окончательном релизе все еще могут быть изменены

5. Подключение к БД конфигурируется с помощью DTO

Все! Теперь больше никаких массивов и попыток понять, а какие настройки поддерживает тот или иной драйвер.


use Cycle\Database\Driver;

'drivers'   => [
    'mysql'     => [
        'driver'     => Driver\MySQL\MySQLDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=' . env('DB_NAME'),
            'username'   => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password'   => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
    'postgres'  => [
        'driver'     => Driver\Postgres\PostgresDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'pgsql:host=;dbname=' . env('DB_NAME'),
            'username'   => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password'   => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
    'runtime'   => [
        'driver'     => Driver\SQLite\SQLiteDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'sqlite:' . directory('runtime') . 'runtime.db',
            'username'   => 'sqlite',
            'password'   => '',
    'sqlServer' => [
        'driver'     => Driver\SQLServer\SQLServerDriver::class,
        'options'    => [
            'connection' => 'sqlsrv:Server=MY-PC;Database=' . env('DB_NAME'),
            'username'   => env('DB_USERNAME'),
            'password'   => env('DB_PASSWORD'),


use Cycle\Database\Config;

'drivers' => [
    'sqlite_memory' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
        connection: new SQLite\MemoryConnectionConfig(),
        queryCache: true,

    'sqlite_file' => new Config\SQLiteDriverConfig(
        connection: new Config\SQLite\FileConnectionConfig(
            database: env('DB_DATABASE', __DIR__.'./../../runtime/database.sqlite')
        queryCache: true,

    'mysql' => new Config\MySQLDriverConfig(
        connection: new Config\MySQL\TcpConnectionConfig(
            database: env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
            host: env('DB_HOST', ''),
            port: (int)env('DB_PORT', 3306),
            user: env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
            password: env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
        queryCache: true
    'postgres' => new \Config\PostgresDriverConfig(
        connection: new Config\Postgres\TcpConnectionConfig(
            database: env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
            host: env('DB_HOST', ''),
            port: (int)env('DB_PORT', 5432),
            user: env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
            password: env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
        schema: 'public',
        queryCache: true,

Подробную информацию по драйверам мы предоставим в момент релиза CycleORM v2.0

6. Тестовая сборка spiral/app с CycleORM v2

Для всех желающих попробовать beta версию со всеми последними нововведениями CycleORM v2 мы подготовили тестовую сборку spiral/app

CycleORM один из самых производительных и оптимизированных по скорости ORM, и совсем скоро не уступающий по возможностям!

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