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Last active December 22, 2023 21:58
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  • Save buttercookie42/7b094da45c698a6228046cb69278df60 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save buttercookie42/7b094da45c698a6228046cb69278df60 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
To enable the crash reporter on local builds:
export MOZ_CRASHREPORTER=1 and re-run mach config to pick up the change
adb logcat -s "GeckoMemoryMonitor"
adb shell am broadcast -a org.mozilla.gecko.FORCE_MEMORY_PRESSURE
adb shell am force-stop org.mozilla.fennec_jan
adb shell am kill org.mozilla.fennec_jan
adb shell am start -n org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/.App -a android.intent.action.VIEW --es args '-profile /sdcard/tests/tmpwuju6s.mozrunner'
function dump(a) {
Busy sleep in JS:
log("sleeping 20 s");
log("returned from sleep");
_sleep: function sleepFor(sleepDuration) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
while(new Date().getTime() < now + sleepDuration){ /* do nothing */ }
/* import-globals-from head.js */
Fuzzy hg import
hg import --config ui.patch="patch --merge" fuzzy.patch
./mach build && ./mach package && ./mach gradle clean app:assembleWithGeckoBinariesDebug
./mach build && ./mach package && ./mach gradle app:assembleWithGeckoBinariesDebug
./mach gradle app:assembleWithGeckoBinariesDebug
./mach gradle app:installWithGeckoBinariesDebug
Rebuild Robocop:
./mach gradle app:assembleWithGeckoBinariesDebugAndroidTest
./mach gradle app:installWithGeckoBinariesDebugAndroidTest
Geckoview Test:
./mach gradle geckoview:installWithGeckoBinariesDebugAndroidTest
./mach geckoview-junit org.mozilla.geckoview.test.ContentDelegateTest#saveAndRestoreState
API Lint:
./mach gradle apiLintWithGeckoBinariesDebug
./mach gradle apiUpdateFileWithGeckoBinariesDebug
./mach gradle apiChangelogCheckWithGeckoBinariesDebug
General lint (now including Android):
./mach lint --outgoing
Fix package errors in dist/bin:
rm -rf dist/bin && ./mach build && ./mach package
Strg + Alt + Shift + I: bring up inspections in Android Studio (e.g. unused resources)
Profiling startup:
adb shell am start -n org.mozilla.fennec_aurora/.App --es env0 MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP=1 --es env1 MOZ_PROFILER_SHUTDOWN=/storage/emulated/0/profile.json
If it looks like the buffer is not large enough, you can tweak the buffer size with the env var MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP_ENTRIES.
This defaults to 1000000, which is 9MB. If you want 90MB use 10000000, and 20000000 for 180MB, which are good values to debug long startups.
extern JS_FRIEND_API bool DumpPC(JSContext* cx);
extern JS_FRIEND_API bool DumpScript(JSContext* cx, JSScript* scriptArg);
$someFrame->PresContext()->GetPresShell()->GetRootFrame()->List(stderr, 0, 0)
Layout Debugger: ./mach run -layoutdebug
#define BLABLA_LOG(...) printf_stderr("BLABLA: " __VA_ARGS__)
user_pref("browser.tabs.remote.force-disable", false);
export MOZ_FORCE_DISABLE_E10S=92.0a1 (= current version)
launch custom tab:
--esn -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d
export MOZ_LOG=MediaDemuxer:5,MediaResourceIndex:5,MediaCache:5
export MOZ_LOG_FILE="D:\Users\Jan\Documents\Mozilla\skip\MP3.log"
alternatively redirect output from stderr to file, e.g.
mach run > run.log 2>&1
Ctrl + C = break
continue / c
step / s = single step
next / = step over
break <file:line or functionname> = set breakpoint
bt = backtrace calling stack
print <variable name>
pro hand -p true -s false SIGBUS = ignore signal
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
HG alias for empty commit
[alias] empty = !touch tmp ; $HG add tmp ; $HG commit tmp -m "<enter commit message>" ; $HG rm tmp ; $HG commit tmp --amend "$@"
on Windows:
empty = !touch tmp && hg add tmp && hg commit tmp -m "<enter commit message>" && hg rm tmp && hg commit tmp --amend "$@"
Change commit author
hg ci --amend --user "My Name <>" -X "**"
hg ci --amend --user "André Bargull <>" -X "**"
Import from Phabricator:
hg phabread <last revision in stack> --stack | hg import -
Redirect output for faster builds
./mach build > build.log 2>&1
Set alternative mozconfig
export MOZCONFIG=/absolute/path/to/mozconfig
Update rust:
rustup update
cargo install --force sccache
cargo install --force cbindgen
Update Mozilla clang:
./mach artifact toolchain --from-build linux64-clang && rm -rf ~/.mozbuild/clang && mv clang ~/.mozbuild/clang
./mach artifact toolchain --from-build linux64-clang-tidy && rm -rf ~/.mozbuild/clang-tools/clang-tidy && mv clang ~/.mozbuild/clang-tools/clang-tidy
./mach artifact toolchain --from-build win64-clang && rm -rf ~/.mozbuild/clang && mv clang ~/.mozbuild/clang
Screenshot via adb:
adb shell screencap -p | sed 's/\r$//' > screen.png
adb shell screencap -p | perl -pe 's/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g' > screen.png
adb exec-out screencap -p > screen.png
adb shell dumpsys meminfo <your proc name>
Enable Desktop remote debugging:
Shift + F2 for developer console, then "listen <port>"
./mach mochitest-browser --jsdebugger <my-test(s)>
root shell:
sudo -s
disk space:
df -h
sudo -i; baobab
Reclaim empty virtual disk space:
e4defrag /dev/sda1
dd if=/dev/zero of=wipefile bs=1024x1024; rm wipefile
Compact disk in VMWare
After expanding the VMWare disk, resizing the partition works via gparted
first swapoff, then move swap partition, then expand main partition in a separate step, otherwise gparted will force 1 MB of unallocated space between the two partitions
Desktop UI missing:
"kill -9 -1" to get back to login screen
either clear ~/.cache/compizconfig-1, or copy it from a fresh user
curl -s --compressed -G -d "format=text" --url "" | base64 -d > support-v4-24.0.0-sources.jar
Block PWA button with uBlock:
*$csp=manifest-src 'none'
Google Safebrowsing/Mozilla Geolocation API keys are hidden in resource://gre/components/nsURLFormatter.js
(later Firefox versions might have the keys in AppConstants.jsm?)
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