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Last active August 21, 2017 19:42
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= fa_icon('arrow-circle-o-down', text: 'Получатель')
// юридическое лицо
= radio_button_tag :'order[recipient_attributes][individual]', '0', false, :'ng-model' => 'order.recipient.individual', :'ng-click'=> 'choose_recipient_in_address =false'
| Юридическое лицо
// физическое лицо
= radio_button_tag :'order[recipient_attributes][individual]', '1', false, :'ng-model' => 'order.recipient.individual', :'ng-click'=> 'choose_recipient_in_address =false'
| Физическое лицо
// использовать контакты
- if user_have?(:recipients)
= check_box :'settings[recipient][type]', 'contact', :'ng-click'=>'choose_recipient()', :'ng-model'=>'choose_recipient_in_address'
| Выбрать из своих контактов
// список контактов
- if user_have?(:recipients)
.row[style="margin-left:0;" ng-show="choose_recipient_in_address" ]
= f.hidden_field_tag :'order[recipient_attributes][individual]', "{{order.recipient.individual}}"
= f.collection_select :recipient_id, current_user.recipients, :id, :name, {include_blank: 'Выбрать из адресной книги'}, :class => 'form-control'
// создание нового контакта
= render 'orders/form/step-2/contact_fields', :f => f, :contact => :recipient, :order => order
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