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Created November 4, 2022 19:29
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Scott's loop/recur impl
const Loop = (fn, ... init) => {
let r = fn (... init)
while (r instanceof Recur) r = fn (... r)
return r
const Recur = ( ...v) => Object .create (
Recur .prototype,
{[Symbol .iterator]: {value: _ => v .values ()}}
const count = (n) =>
Loop ((i, n) => i < n ? Recur (i + 1, n) : i, 0, n)
console .log (count (1e6)) //=> 1000000, no recursion depth limits
const fib = (n = 0) =>
Loop ((a, b, n) => n < 1 ? a : Recur (b, a + b, n - 1), 1, 1, n)
console .log (fib (15)) //=> 987
const nFibs = (n) =>
Loop ((a, b, n, r) => n < 1 ? r : Recur (b, a + b, n - 1, r .concat (a)), 1, 1, n, [])
console .log (nFibs (10)) //=> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]
// As in a mergesort
const _merge = (xs, ys) => Loop (
(as, bs, i, j, rs) => i < as .length
? j < bs .length
? as [i] < bs [j]
? Recur (as, bs, i + 1, j, rs .concat (as [i]))
: Recur (as, bs, i, j + 1, rs .concat (bs [j]))
: rs .concat (as)
: rs .concat (bs),
xs, ys, 0, 0, []
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